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    brother philip's pc pulpit
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    Mon, Apr 7th - 12:02PM

    Signs and Symbols

       There are many people today that wear what is termed, “Religious Jewelry”. They are made of silver or gold and adorned with many different types of stones, either precious or semi-precious. The faith of those that wear this kind of jewelry can either be great, small and quite possibly none at all. I wear a necklace at times with a cross on it to represent my faith in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and all of mankind as well. There have been times when other Christians would have something negative to say about wearing these things. They placed all on the actions of the Christian, which I must say is wholeheartedly true, but for my self, my cross is very special to me and I am a “Most Fortunate Son”. Most of the time though I wear the symbol of the Messianic Jew, this is a menorah at the top, a Star of David in the center and an Ichthys or “Christian Fish” at the bottom.

       The word Ichthys is Greek. When these five letters are used as initials for five words, these form a Christian Declaration: Iesous CHristos THeou Yios Soter. This is an acrostic for, “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior”. There are times when I am out and about that people will see this symbol and ask if I am a Messianic Jew or they will ask what it represents because they have not seen a symbol like this before. This gives me great enjoyment when I am asked questions relating to it because it gives me the opportunity to expound on the greatest of all known to man, and that is God. I tell them that you cannot have fruit without the vine. Just as the vine must produce its flower for fruit to grow, it was the same for Christianity. Judaism was the seed that produced the vine that was the House of David, which in turn bore the fruit of Christ Jesus, by whom Christianity was founded. There are many examples linked to the number three in the Bible, the greatest and most important of these is the Trinitarian nature of God and in this Messianic symbol lays another example of the number three. It is not as important as the first but never the less it holds substantial meaning to the lineage of Jesus and speaks greatly to what the Prophets testified to in the Old Testament. I will never tire of wearing my necklace with this sign upon it or of the questions that are directed toward it, for this is for me to do as a Christian in spreading all that encompasses God and His Majesty. May God bless all. Love, Brother philip <><

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    Sun, Aug 26th - 9:02PM

    The Church and Homosexuality

    The time has come for me to weigh in on the troubling issue of homosexuality and the church. This is a subject that is unlikely to ever go away and there will always be an opposing factor toward it in Christianity. The religious community will always see this as the Bible explains it; as an abomination to God. I will not touch on the side of this issue as to whether homosexuality is a choice or a condition that someone is born with; I will leave this for another time. As Christians many forget what they have been taught when it comes to judging others and that we are all sinners of one type or another. We as Christians cannot slam the door of faith on another’s face because of our own judgment concerning their sins. Sins are sins regardless of how one weighs them out; all sin is evil according to God. Jesus never backed away from a sinner regardless of what that sin entailed without making them aware of it and always gave guidance regarding repentance. I am well aware of Paul’s teachings concerning sinners within the church and I am in complete agreement with it. As the body of the church we must address the issues regarding sinners within our midst and help them see the errors of their ways; and that they must repent and change their lives according to God’s commands for them. If one cannot do so they are then told to leave the church, and after they have mended their ways; only then will they be accepted back into the fold. There is far too much preaching by clergy and lay people alike and not enough teaching. We must all have compassion for those suffering from sin just as Jesus had for them, this is the example that He laid out for us in His life and His Gospels. The most single important thing that the two Testaments teach is Love. The greatest and most important thing that one human being can have for another is love. This was Jesus’ most important message to us. All anyone has to do is look at the world about us and see how the lack of love has affected civilization. The homosexual regardless of gender must understand that their love for a partner of the same gender is a beautiful thing and there is also nothing wrong with them living together in a lifelong relationship. This relationship though must be completely platonic. When any kind of sexual activity becomes involved; this is when the evil of sin enters and it is no longer a relationship purely of love alone. If a man or a woman can love another of the same gender in a celibate relationship; than this is no sin or abomination as the Bible refers to it toward God. There are many homosexuals in the world that truly love Christ but suffer a debilitating dilemma. If this urge that they have to love another of the same gender cannot be helped due to a tendency of nature and they consider them self a Christian, then they must truly call on Christ for help in overcoming it and seek help through the church, but many churches have closed their doors to them. Where is one to seek Christian guidance if not the community of the church? As a Christian Counsellor I can only give so much help regarding any problem that faces the believer in Christ. It is up to the whole of the Christian Community to help all of the flock of Jesus in overcoming the great difficulties that they may face in their lives. This is what we have all been called on to do as Christians and not to point fingers and place our judgment upon others, this Christ will ultimately do to all when His time arrives. This is a problem that concerns us all as Christ’s followers and we must begin to understand it with compassion, patience and the grace that is bestowed upon us from God. May you always be filled with the Fathers grace that forever flows and Jesus remain the greatest name that we know. Love, brother philip <><

    Comment (2)

    Fri, Feb 23rd - 9:56AM

    The Davidian Blood of Jesus

    There are many mysteries written in the words of the Bible. For many who read it those subjects that are spoken to will always remain this way for a great deal of its readers. I for one had always pondered how Jesus could be the Son of Man as related in the Bible with regard to Him being the son of Joseph. If Joseph was a step-father then how could Jesus succeed the throne of David? All lineages require one to be of a given bloodline that follows down through the ages. This had always been something that gave me difficulty when trying to understand how Jesus was actually linked to the house of David. In the accounts of Matthew and Luke, two distinctly different genealogies are explained. In Matthew it discusses the lineage through Joseph, while Luke addresses Mary’s blood line. There would seem to be an opposing or contradictory explanation of scripture regarding these two gospel accounts. Lineage in the Bible always follows that of the paternal bloodline. If this is the case then why would Luke in his account of this follow an opposing view? Since the Bible decrees the rule of lineage how could the bloodline of Joseph be taken seriously when Jesus was not of Joseph’s seed? I am sure that this has puzzled many other readers beside me in regard to this topic. There is also the fact that if we trace the lineage of Joseph back to his forefathers we will find that his line was excluded from the house of David due to a curse since the time of Jaconiah. Due to this curse upon Joseph’s ancestors, Jesus could not attain the right to be from David’s ancestral line. This seems to cause quite a dilemma, especially if lineage is discounted on the mother’s side. As is always the case if these seemingly contradictory statements are studied we will find the Bible always provides an answer. In the time of Moses there was a man named Zelophehad who had no sons, only daughters. After the death of this man his daughters approached Moses with a predicament that the law concerning lineage caused in their case. Since all rights to inheritance falls to the sons, the daughters could not be considered as a result of the law. The daughters approached Moses with this problem and pleaded that this law was unfair in the regard to a man with daughters only. Moses took this into consideration and when in prayer to God he inquired about this with God. God told Moses that in the case of a man that has no sons, then the inheritance should follow the lineage of the daughters. For this judgment to be lawful, the surviving daughters had to marry into the Davidic line. This is what happened in the case of Jesus and His inheritance to the line of David through the lineage of His mother Mary, and her marriage to Joseph. Isn’t it awesome that God would put into place a decree that would have an astounding effect over 1000 years later? The explanation given here can be found in the book of Numbers. God bless, and remember that He always provides answers. “Seek and ye shall find”. brother philip <><

    Comment (6)

    Thu, Feb 15th - 11:58AM

    The Coming Storm

    Lately I have taken to a different subject of reading. Generally my days of study and reading comprise related books on theology and the Bible, in particular the New Testament. I was contacted by the author of a recently published book and asked to read it and give him my opinion on what he had written. I purchased the book and read it and when I came to the end I found myself with a feeling of bewilderment and also alarm for the very future of Christianity. This was not my first experience with a movement that is known by the name of Progressive Christianity. To be completely honest, this movement scares the living hell out of me and truly I have never felt myself to be an alarmist. If one is to study the history of Christianity you will find many changes that have taken place down through the ages since the time it was spread to the world by Christ’s apostles. The greatest of those was the Reformation which brought about a great split from the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in many segregated sects that now make up the whole of Christianity as we now know it. For me personally speaking; I feel that this has done more harm than good due to the separation of its people with regard to the many different particular doctrines of each individual sect, although they have at best remained on the “same page” so to speak. This new movement of Progressive Christianity is in my estimation the most alarming of human based dogmas ever to threaten the very foundation of God. It is based on the rationale of psychology, science and sociology. Its main assertion is that God is no more than a creation of mythology and folklore, and is completely outdated for the 21st century and beyond. I could continue to give you more examples of this movement but this is not what needs to be done concerning this great problem that all Christians and God fearing peoples will face in the near future. I will say that this movement is gaining converts to it everyday. Most of these are the people that have left their churches in recent years due to a feeling of being unfulfilled in those congregations they were once a part of. They have a longing to be fed and when one is hungry enough they will not refuse what is offered. The fault lies directly with the leadership of the churches for the direct need of its people; rather than to the amount of attention given the organizational demands of the church. What is of utmost urgency to address this very ominous plight to the future of all religion is for the teachers and clergy to become educated themselves in those worldly issues that will bring to bear a result of calamity upon it. This being understood the leaders of all Christian based churches must bring this issue to the forefront of it’s teaching for benefit of its adherents if it is to survive. I would also suggest that every Christian take a small amount of time out of their schedule and purchase a book on this subject or use the Internet to familiarize them with something that will change the face of their faith and convictions as they now know them. I would say to all of my brethren of the clergy that it has always been their greatest task to save souls, for the present time Christianity itself must be given their undivided attention, if not there may be no souls left in the future to save. I am only a humble servant of my Master and very unimportant as men go; but this I believe will be the most important message in the name of Jesus Christ that I will ever deliver in my lifetime. If the Christian people and the Churches of Christianity do not come together and to a greater understanding of what is in store with regard to the Body of Christ; and all that they have ever believed in and do not make preparation for it, it will come to be the saddest day since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. With all sincerity and love for my brothers and sisters in Christ, brother philip <><

    Comment (8)

    Fri, Sep 29th - 10:47AM

    Transcendence of the Soul




              In times of deep emotional conflict we should pay visitation to God. 


    The death of a relative should turn us to Christ, who is our very life; it is


    well when anything does this.  When we are affected by the affliction of


    death upon our families we must not lapse into astonishment, but like Job in


    his time of great misery, fall down and worship Christ.  Those that wish the


    mercy of Christ must always give honor to Him.  As Christians we must all


    be of great faith in times of sadness and woe.  There is virtue in everything


    that belongs to Christ.  A great fullness of grace which be in Christ, (as


    spoken in John 1:16) that, from it we may all receive.  It is always Christ’s


    will that His lambs be comforted, and it is His prerogative to command


    comfort to those of troubled spirit.  Isaiah 58:19 states; He creates the fruit


    of the lips; peace to him that is near and to him that is far off.  It is through


    faith that we are consoled.  Temporal mercies become comforts indeed to all


    of us, when they are received through faith.  If we desire these things for the


    sake of God’s glory, and resign ourselves to His will in faith, love and


    obedience we may then say that it was received by faith. 


              When death visits our door it brings hurry to our house at a time


    when a loved one needs to be buried.  The demands on all of us in these


    times can be a diversion to our grief which is apt to prevail and become a


    merciless tyrant upon us.  During these times we are all heavy of heart, for


    we shall sorely miss those that have passed beyond our grasp.  For


    Christians this is an odd way, because there is no death to the Christian soul. 


    This is the reason we should give praise, we know that Christ has relieved us


    from the finality of death.  Those loved ones that have left us have been


    freed from the bondage of the flesh, and their souls are now free from the


    clutches of sin and the influence of Satan.    


              As faithful Christians we must not become as the heathens who mourn


    with great lamentations, for them death is truly the final end.  We must


    present ourselves as Christ has taught us, and that is to carry ourselves in this


    life as examples of Him by His abundant grace upon us, and to leave it with


    humility and honor.  The transcendence of the soul is another example


    of the magnificence, power and glory of God just as was the creation of


    man.  As God first expelled His breath of life into man, in death that very


    breath of which is the soul of man, is released for its return to Him. 


    The soul is that form and very image of God that all men were created in. 


    After death it is joined in heaven with the countless other souls from the


    beginning of creation and bound to God for all of eternity.  The human soul


    is only a part of mankind during the span of life, God is the owner of all


    souls and can either treat it with great mercy or misery.  He can reward it


    with the glory of heaven or punish it with the pains of hell, it is His to do


    with as is fitting for it.


              The death of the flesh is its completion and final destination, it has


    returned to dust as it began never to rise from it.  Flesh is that which rots and


    thus so cannot enter into the spiritual realm.  The human body is in nature to


    that of earth and not of heaven.  This is a confusing issue for many to grasp,


    for many feel that when Jesus Christ returns one final time that all will be


    raised from the grave.  It is a well known fact that He will come to raise the


    living and the dead, but this is not to be taken literally in the sense of the


    actual flesh.  The living as spoken of in this context, is those souls that live


    for Christ, and the dead are those that have chosen not to follow Him.  It is


    then that the great judgment shall take place.  It is as it was destined to be


    from the very instant of creation, it is the closing of a gate and entering


    through another.  It is to be transformed from the human unto the ethereal,


    the celestial and the heavenly.  


                                                                                    brother philip             





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    About Me

    Name: Rev. Philip Badolato
    ChristiansUnite ID: brotherphilip
    Member Since: 2006-05-17
    Location: Manchester, Maryland, United States
    Denomination: none, one body one church, one Christianity
    About Me: I am 61 yrs. old married, with 4 children and a grandson. I am presently taking classes at Trinity College and Seminary in Indiana. I am presently doing Christian Counseling. I have no plans to become a pastor or to preach in a church. I leave my p... more

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