Fri, Sep 29th - 10:47AM
Transcendence of the Soul
In times of deep emotional conflict we should pay visitation to God.
The death of a relative should turn us to Christ, who is our very life; it is
well when anything does this. When we are affected by the affliction of
death upon our families we must not lapse into astonishment, but like Job in
his time of great misery, fall down and worship Christ. Those that wish the
mercy of Christ must always give honor to Him. As Christians we must all
be of great faith in times of sadness and woe. There is virtue in everything
that belongs to Christ. A great fullness of grace which be in Christ, (as
spoken in John 1:16) that, from it we may all receive. It is always Christ’s
will that His lambs be comforted, and it is His prerogative to command
comfort to those of troubled spirit. Isaiah 58:19 states; He creates the fruit
of the lips; peace to him that is near and to him that is far off. It is through
faith that we are consoled. Temporal mercies become comforts indeed to all
of us, when they are received through faith. If we desire these things for the
sake of God’s glory, and resign ourselves to His will in faith, love and
obedience we may then say that it was received by faith.
When death visits our door it brings hurry to our house at a time
when a loved one needs to be buried. The demands on all of us in these
times can be a diversion to our grief which is apt to prevail and become a
merciless tyrant upon us. During these times we are all heavy of heart, for
we shall sorely miss those that have passed beyond our grasp. For
Christians this is an odd way, because there is no death to the Christian soul.
This is the reason we should give praise, we know that Christ has relieved us
from the finality of death. Those loved ones that have left us have been
freed from the bondage of the flesh, and their souls are now free from the
clutches of sin and the influence of Satan.
As faithful Christians we must not become as the heathens who mourn
with great lamentations, for them death is truly the final end. We must
present ourselves as Christ has taught us, and that is to carry ourselves in this
life as examples of Him by His abundant grace upon us, and to leave it with
humility and honor. The transcendence of the soul is another example
of the magnificence, power and glory of God just as was the creation of
man. As God first expelled His breath of life into man, in death that very
breath of which is the soul of man, is released for its return to Him.
The soul is that form and very image of God that all men were created in.
After death it is joined in heaven with the countless other souls from the
beginning of creation and bound to God for all of eternity. The human soul
is only a part of mankind during the span of life, God is the owner of all
souls and can either treat it with great mercy or misery. He can reward it
with the glory of heaven or punish it with the pains of hell, it is His to do
with as is fitting for it.
The death of the flesh is its completion and final destination, it has
returned to dust as it began never to rise from it. Flesh is that which rots and
thus so cannot enter into the spiritual realm. The human body is in nature to
that of earth and not of heaven. This is a confusing issue for many to grasp,
for many feel that when Jesus Christ returns one final time that all will be
raised from the grave. It is a well known fact that He will come to raise the
living and the dead, but this is not to be taken literally in the sense of the
actual flesh. The living as spoken of in this context, is those souls that live
for Christ, and the dead are those that have chosen not to follow Him. It is
then that the great judgment shall take place. It is as it was destined to be
from the very instant of creation, it is the closing of a gate and entering
through another. It is to be transformed from the human unto the ethereal,
the celestial and the heavenly.
brother philip
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