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    Debbie's Blog
          I thought this would be a fun way to write about what's happening in our family and share our spiritual growth.

    Sun, Feb 26th - 7:30AM

    a little scare...

    Sorry if you're out there waiting for an update. I guess I'm not as prompt as I'd like to be.

    Ian passed his final - ended up with a C for the class (an AP class, so it wn't hurt his GPA much). At the semester, he switched to a regular history class, and he's breezing through it. How do you convince your childred to go after a challenge when they can "get by" without any effort?

    about the little scare...  I probably won't be posting any identifying information here. I had an eBay transaction and upon a little research, the buyer has a sex abuse conviction. I haven't listed on eBay since January because I'm a little nervous about who might get my contact information. But I'm also having eBay withdrawal. I enjoy putting items up and of course, having $$ on my PayPal card to go out for hamburgers at lunch nearly every day! (Yes, I know that's not really a GOOD thing. :)

    Civil war reenacting season is coming. Mark and Amy will be going to 2 in April - one is close enough that I will take Grandma Cox to the camp for the day. She's like me - she enjoys visiting, but appreciates that we aren't required to dress out and maintain appearances. It's so much easier to carry a water bottle and shoulder bag! :)  I'll try to report on these AFTER the fact for safety reasons.

    The ABGIRLS did a 48x48 quilt top for one of our annual fundraisers at church. I baseted it last night, and I"ll be tying it this week. I hope to have ti finished so that I can show it at my Saturday morning quilt class on the 4th. If it's not ready, they won't get to see it. (Although I do plan to bid on it.)

    Our county is participating in a study on Polyheme(R), a blood replacement product. I talked with the EMS director a few weeks ago. He knew that I have a bracelet to opt out of the study. (The subjects will only be those who are in shock from severe blood loss - the best way to opt out is to wear this "hospital" bracelet so they won't start you on that IV.)  Anyway, I see now that the commissioners are having the study people come back and explain the WallStreet Journal report that a high nubmer of people died of heart attack within a week of having this put in them. The EMS director was probably aware of this before I was, but I guess that's what prompted him to ask me why I was personally against it.

    I told him it's two-fold. First of all, the Bible tells us that life is in the blood - I just don't think I'd be comfortable taking something foreign into my body, although I don't have trouble with getting real blood from another person if that becomes necessary. The 2nd reason is that it seems you hear every year or so about another man-made drug (nexium, tylenol) that can harm your liver. I just don't even want to mess with that. If it was not for the spiritual issue, I probably would not opt out. If I were going to die anyway, it wouldn't matter about my liver, now would it?!

    Well,  time to get moving this morning. May God bless you all!

    Comment (5)

    Tue, Dec 20th - 6:27AM

    Good Morning!!

    Well, this is my latest attempt at keeping family and friends current on what's happening in our lives.  For those of you who are new and don't know us, here's a little 411:

    I'm 39, married with 2 children.  I have worked for Leavenworth County for just over 5 years. I teach 5/6th Sunday School at First Baptist Church in Leavenworth and plan to continue at least until my youngest gets to have me for a teacher. (Kind of selfish, I know, but I really miss my adult class-more each Sunday.)

    My husband is the custodian at our church - also just over 5 years. I don't know if it's his faith that has grown, or just his actions, but he has really gotten involved over the last several years. He is the AWANA Commander and a substitute Sunday School teacher as well.

    Our older child is Ian. He is a really bright kid and only this year began to attend youth activities. Priori to that, he helped me with Cubbies and also helped my replacement settle in by continuing a year past my servce.

    Amy is a bright one, too. She's carpooling to another school in our district so that she can be challenged at an appropriate level and not subjected to "Direct Instruction." 

    We have a pound-puppy named Rufus who has grown up to be a LOUD addition to the family. He's very protective of all of us, but I think he's really Mark and Ian's dog.

    I hope to update with God's work in our lives, and prayer requests. Ian has finals today and tomorrow (12/20 & 12/21) and one of the classes is very difficult for him. I appreciate your prayers.



    Comment (7)

    Tue, Dec 20th - 6:12AM

    Welcome to your Blog!

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    Thank you and have fun blogging!

    Comment (6)

    About Me

    Name: Debbie Cox
    ChristiansUnite ID: debbiec
    Member Since: 2005-12-20
    Location: Leavenworth, Kansas, United States
    Denomination: Baptist
    About Me: I'm a wife and mother of 2 with a full-time job outside the home. I teach Sunday School, AB GIRLS, and on occasion sing in public.

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