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    Ella B's Blog
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    Tue, Apr 5th - 5:57PM

    Short of being a miracle

    This blog is my way of thanking the Lord for the many favor(s) He has done for me and that bordered on being miracle(s).  The blog below is the most recent.

    Last year around this time of the year, my husband went in for a covid vaccine.  After the second dose, two weeks later, he started complaining of pain in his knee joints. One night as he was heading for bed, he turned and fell.  After laying on the floor for nearly two hours, hardly being able to move, he managed to struggle up on the coach.  The next day he was taken to the ER by the paramedics.  He was found to have a torn patella tendon.  From then on he developed complications from the vaccine and was in and out of the ER and nursing home for six long months with one complication or another.  At one point while he was in the hospital, it looked like he wasn't going to make it, but I held steadfast in my prayers to the Lord and miraculously, my husband started to make a comeback, till he finally got better and was able to leave the nursing home.  I honestly thought that he wasn't going to come home, but he did and to this day he is doing very well.  He is still in a wheelchair, but about 95% much better. This blog is my way of thanking God my Lord,  for this huge favor, bordering on being a miracle and to let everyone know,  not to lose faith and hold steadfast in your prayers, because miracles still do happen!   -Ella

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    About Me

    Name: Ella B
    ChristiansUnite ID: ella
    Member Since: 2022-04-04
    Location: Prescott, Arizona, United States
    Denomination: Roman Catholic
    About Me: I believe in an infinite, all-powerful, all-merciful and all-loving God and not necessarily in religion. I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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