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    Babs Blogs take 2
          Grab a cup of coffee and sit a spell.

    Sat, Feb 10th - 8:06PM

    Spring is coming!

    Hello Hello!

    The end is near!!!! No I am not a prophet or anything :)  I mean the end is near for the completion of our house. YEAH!  The boys and I worked only a half day today and then  hit the hot springs. Nice :)  Tomorrow we are off to visit my brother and his family for the day. Being with my little brother is as relaxing as going to the springs. We seem to trade of being an encourager for each other. I love to spend time with him. Our trip was prompted by the need my sons have developed for guitars. We dont have any music stores per se here. So, my brother being the musician he is, we head to the Boz.

    The boys and I are reading the bible in a year. Its amazing how much there is in the bible that I didnt know about. Or, if I did know it, is being seen with new eyes. God is good!

    How many saw the movie "A Night With The King"? Did you like it? I was disappointed. Here FoxFamily has the chance to reach millions and I thought they portrayed the movie as a cheap romance. The book on the other hand was incredible.  I am not saying that christian films need to be preachy, how about just clean? Maybe moral. And... if they are going to make films from the bible try for accuracy. Okay enough soap box! :0

    Pray for me as I shoot for a new venture. I am a great coward as well as a procrastinator. I will share with you bits of my venture as they come along. I am looking to others for inspiration and honesty. Curious yet??? :D

    May God Bless you and use you!


    Comment (1)

    Sat, Dec 30th - 7:44PM

    Happy New Year

    It seems that someone objects to the name Bab's blog take 2, so allow me to explain. I started a blog here some time ago and my account would not respond after an absence. So I just added take 2 so that people who had read my blog would know that it was me :)

    Almost 2007 already, whew where does the time go. We had expected to be in our new home this year but it looks like it will be sometime after March or there abouts. Its all good, at least we dont have to move in the winter.

    I am praising God for blessings received this last year. I am praying for patience and wisdom in the new year, (something I am in desperate need of! )  The boys and I are planning on reading the bible in a year. It was a pledge my son made at ATF and his brother thought it would be a good idea and pulled me into it too. Nice to have something we can do together (besides building a house I mean)

    I plan on staying home and watching movies with the boys this weekend. No wild partying for me :) One of the boys is babysitting so the other is going to hang with mom. I am going to sleep in the new year! :)

    Blessing to you all. Our prayers are with you.



    Comment (4)

    Mon, Dec 18th - 10:53AM

    Merry Christmas

    I wanted to post a longer blog, but ran out of time this morning. So instead, I am wishing all a merry christmas! Must scoot to work. God Bless

    Comment (3)

    Thu, Nov 30th - 3:24PM


    I have been so anxious to write down my impressions of Aquire the Fire. I was a chaperone to about 60 kids almost 2 weeks ago. We went to Billings for a youth rally called Aquire the Fire. I have mixed feelings about the program but by and large I believe they serve a good purpose. My sons enjoyed it immensely (sp) which is the most important thing. We were able to find out more about over seas ministries and things of that sort. After we got home I asked the boys about going someplace easier for our first missions trip, maybe mexico or something. Understand that I have felt called to Africa for the last 16 years. Both boys feel the same way, that we should go to Africa.

    More about ATF later.

    I have decided to step down as puppet director for our church. After spending a weekend with thousands of teens, I know that I am cheating my youth group by hanging on to the puppet ministry. My reasons for getting involved were directed in the right way, but I have known in my heart that it was not the ministry for me. I am not a youth leader. Dont get me wrong, I love our youth but my place is elsewhere. I know where it is that I want to be, but time will tell if that is where God wants me as well. For now I am content to wait upon the Lord. Keep our puppet team in prayer, and myself as well.

    I have a couple of other prayer requests, things with our house have slowed to a crawl. We are supposed to be moved in soon, but things are not looking good. I am having problems getting the plumbers and electricians in to do the work that needs to be done. Everything else is on hold until they do their job. There is so much left to be done. My current landlords are getting antsy to have the house I am in back. They want to remodel and put it on the market. What was supposed to be a stay of 3 or 4 months is turning into 9,10,11 months. Pray for these kind people as well, I understand their frustration but we would prefer not to move again until the house is done.

    Back to ATF, we were able to see Bethany Dillon in concert. What a delightful lady! Her music was incredible. Skillet was also there, my sons were wild! :) Myself? I listened for a bit before hunkering down into my seat and dozing until they were done. WHAT???? Sleep during a hard rock concert????? Hey, I am discovering that I am turning into my parents :( It just was not music I was into) I have traveled a lot, I can sleep during anything! ha ha

    One funny realization during this program and my sons caught on to it as well.... part of the focus of this rally was how the media owns us. They market based on what we buy, so in essence they own us! The speaker told of how we drink what they tell us to, we listen to what they tell us to, we wear what they tell us to. etc etc...

    It hit a nerve, but and here is the clincher.... there we were out in the lobby during the breaks, buying what they were telling us to buy!!! :) I have the sweatshirt to prove it!

    I have to run, need to get ready for work. Bless you all. Praise God!

    and again, Merry CHRISTmas


    Comment (1)

    Mon, Nov 13th - 3:36PM

    Just a note

    God is good, all the time! Its been a crazy fall. In July, the boys and I moved to a small one bedroom house until our own house was finished. I sleep in the diningroom, one of the boys is on the couch and the other is in the one bedroom. It has made for cramped quarters but oh the praises we will sing when we get into the new house!!! It will seem like a palace. :)

    Our original move in date was this month but as it goes it looks like January or February now. Hey, thats ok! My first house payment wont land at Christmas. We are having fun building, if we get in next month or in the next three months its all the same. I told my sons, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We will never again build a house together as a family. I would not give up this time for anything.

    I do miss being online however. I didnt hook up the phone and the internet when we moved. We are wiring the new house for wireless (is that an oxymoron?) I cant wait to be able to blog and read blogs here again.

    This weekend we head out for Aquire the Fire. This is a teen rally. I am so excited. Last year or last spring, dont remember when exactly, the boys went with our youth group. I didnt get to go. This time around I am going as a chaperone. I am thrilled to be able to experience this with the boys!! I keep telling them they have to behave or they will have to room with me at the hotel!! (they are 16, no way would they room with mom)

    God is awesome and blessing us every day. I sincerely hope he is blessing you too!!

    Thanks for not booting me from the site for not posting. I am still here :)

    Merry CHRISTmas and happy holidays!



    Comment (2)

    About Me

    Name: Barb C
    ChristiansUnite ID: godsservant2
    Member Since: 2006-02-06
    Location: , Montana, United States
    Denomination: Anglican
    About Me: Mom of 2 wonderful boys (young men). Busy with a youth ministry.

    Feb. 2007
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