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    Fri, Nov 10th - 4:06AM

    Have mercy



    Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness;
    in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense.
    Thoroughly wash me from my guilt
    and of my sin cleanse me.
    A clean heart create for me,
    O God,
    and a steadfast spirit renew within me.
    Cast me not out from your presence,
    and your holy spirit take not from me.
    Cleanse me of sin with hyssop,
    that I may be purified;
    wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
    Let me hear the sounds of joy and gladness;
    the bones you have crushed shall rejoice. Psalm 51


    Never let evil talk pass your lips; say only the good things people need to hear, things that will really help them. do nothing that will sadden the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed against the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, all passion and anger, harsh words, slander, and malice of every kind. In place of these, be kind to one another, compassionate, and mutually forgiving, just as God has forgiven you in Christ. Ephesians 4:29-32


    We give you thanks, Lord, for you are rich in mercy,
    --for the great love with which you have loved us.
    You are acting always in the world by the power of your Spirit,
    --making all things new.
    Open our eyes today, and those of our brothers and sisters
    --that we may see your wonders

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    Wed, Mar 8th - 6:27AM

    Dancing Birds

    Read: 1 Chronicles 16:23-33

    Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; and let them say among the nations, "The Lord reigns." —1 Chronicles 16:31


    Straight ahead of me, against a clear blue sky on a warm fall day, a small gray cloud was hanging above a busy intersection. I wondered, What was that lonely cloud doing there on such a perfect afternoon?

    As if hearing my thoughts, the cloud suddenly shimmered like silver and disappeared. Then, just as suddenly, it reappeared, darker this time and in a new shape—a smile. Then I realized the "cloud" was a flock of birds. They stretched across the road like a wavy banner announcing the song that I was hearing on my radio. As the music of "This Is My Father's World" filled my car, the flock of dancing birds seemed to soar with each majestic phrase—dipping with each downbeat and swelling with each crescendo.

    I wondered if the other drivers realized that they were in the audience of the Almighty. It seemed to me that all creation was rejoicing in His goodness (1 Chronicles 16:23-33).

    With my eyes open, I prayed, "Thank You, heavenly Father, for allowing me to watch You conduct this remarkable ballet of birds. Thank You for reminding me that all creation, myself included, is part of Your song and that You are conducting every verse. May my praise and worship be as beautiful to You as Your creation is to me. Amen." —JAL

    This is my Father's world—
    The birds their carols raise;
    The morning light, the lily white,
    Declare their Maker's praise. —Babcock

    All of nature is a grand symphony conducted by the Creator.

    Comment (3)

    Tue, Mar 7th - 3:48AM




    Neil Anderson's Daily in Christ


    Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave
    room for the wrath of
    God, for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I
    will repay," says the
    Lord (Romans 12:19).

    Forgiveness does not mean that you must tolerate
    sin. Isabel, a young
    wife and mother attending one of my conferences,
    told me of her
    decision to forgive her mother for continually
    manipulating her for
    attention. But Isabel tearfully continued, "She
    is no different. Am I
    supposed to let her keep ruining my life?"

    No, forgiving someone doesn't mean that you must
    be a doormat to their
    continual sin. I encouraged Isabel to confront
    her mother lovingly but
    firmly, and tell her that she would no longer
    tolerate destructive
    manipulation. It's okay to forgive another's past
    sins and, at the same
    time, take a stand against future sins. Forgiving
    is not a co-dependent

    Forgiveness does not demand revenge or repayment
    for offenses suffered.
    "You mean I'm just supposed to let them off the
    hook?" you may argue.
    Yes, you let them off your hook, realizing that
    they are not off God's
    hook. You may feel like exacting justice, but you
    are not an impartial
    judge. God is the just Judge who will make
    everything right (Romans
    12:19). Your job is to extend the mercy of
    forgiveness and leave
    judgment up to God.

    Forgiveness is agreeing to live with the
    consequences of another
    person's sin. Suppose that someone in your church
    says, "I have
    gossiped about you. Will you forgiven me?" You
    can't retract gossip any
    easier than you can put toothpaste back into the
    tube. You're going to
    live with the gossip this person spread about you
    no matter how you
    respond to the gossiper.

    We are all living with the consequences of
    another person's sin:
    Adam's. The only real choice we have in the
    matter is to live in the
    bondage of bitterness or in the freedom of

    Heavenly Father, I give up my right to seek
    revenge or harbor
    resentment. I want to enjoy the freedom which
    comes from forgiving

    This daily devotional is published and
    distributed by Crosswalk.com. It
    is written by Neil Anderson at


    Comment (1)

    Sun, Mar 5th - 8:19AM

    Exercise Your Right


    Exercise Your Right

    Read: Luke 10:30-37

    Let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs. —Titus 3:14

    Thomas Jefferson, who in 1776 wrote the first draft of the US Declaration of Independence, took it for granted that all of us possess certain God-given, "unalienable rights." Yet, even in a democracy, there is fierce discussion about who is entitled to what rights.

    Christians can look at rights from another perspective. Instead of being concerned about ourselves, we can think about what others need. In that sense, we have the "right" to help others, just as the Good Samaritan did (Luke 10:30-37). This parable is an illustration of our Savior's own example, for we read in Acts 10:38 that He "went about doing good."

    Believers ought to follow Jesus' example and be "do-gooders." Even though that term is often used negatively, we who are grateful for God's redemptive grace want to share with others the good things He gives to us.

    We know that the gospel is far more than a humanitarian message of doing good and being good. It's the message that God has provided forgiveness of sins through the death and resurrection of His Son. As we exercise our "right" to help people around us, let's also prayerfully share with them that good news. —VCG

    To weary souls along life's road,
    Help me, O Lord, to share their load;
    To fallen souls enslaved in sin,
    Help me, O Lord, their souls to win. —Jarvis

    A heart that is open to Christ will be open to those He loves.



    Do you know Him?


    God is the Light that shines in our hearts and lives, let's live and speak for Him whom is our refuge and shelter.


    Comment (1)

    Wed, Mar 1st - 7:37AM

    A silent wave

    A silent wave rushing inside my heart
    Your hand leading me so far we won't depart
    Your voice I heard in away that's taking me far
    Into a silent wave rushing inside my heart.
    Oh the thrill it was to hear
    your voice so silent as I opened up to you
    so wonderful this silent wave rushing inside my heart
    I was searching for a answer to a question for so long
    there it was a silent wave rushing inside my heart
    Your voice Lord, in ways I never found
    a silent whisper so very loud
    inside my heart the silent wave replied
    to me your love is so divine..
    So when the shattered dreams are filling your mind
    please please listen to the silent wave rushing inside your heart.
    Written by:©Betty Bolden
    All poems are copyright!©

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    About Me

    Name: Betty Bolden
    ChristiansUnite ID: jesusismyjoy
    Member Since: 2006-02-21
    Location: Galion, Ohio, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I am married with three children, I love to read, I have one grandson and he's so special..I love nature and love to walk in the sunshine smelling the tree's and hearing the sounds the Lord has given our ears..I write poetry and love to study the bib... more

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