Sat, Jan 5th - 9:54AM
Noah's Righteousness
The whole world was wicked. Every inclination of man was evil and God was angry. He was sorry that he had created man and now vowed to destroy the world. One man on the whole earth was Righteous. His name was Noah and God instructed him to build and ark of gopher wood and covered it with pitch(The word for pitch in Hebrew is the same for redemption) Noah did as instructed and loaderd the animals, two by two on the ark Eight people and two of every kind of animal would be saved from the flood Noah was a righteous man and because he was righteous he and his family were saved. THE BIBLE DOESNT SAY HIS FAMILY WAS RIGHTEOUS JUST NOAH WAS RIGHTEOUS. Because of this his family would be saved. Later on after the flood we find out that one of the sons and possibly a grandson were not so righteous in seeing his father naked Ham told his brothers. Instead of covering him he went and told his brothers. What happened between that point isnt clear but Noah cursed his grandson Canaan. Why Canaan was he even there. There are some that say that Canaan may have commited a sexual act on his drunken grandfather and because of that he was cursed. This is still a mystery to ask Noah in heaven i guess. When we are righteous we can carry our family to safety in troubled times Just as Noah did.
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Thu, Jan 3rd - 3:03PM
All the animals were cursed but the serpent more than any. When Adam sinned he gave up his authority over the animals. Satan took over and nothing Satan touches can have a blessing to it. Thats why the animals and especially the serpent were cursed. The Bible says that the serpent was cursed above all the animals. That means that they recieved a curse but the serpent more than any other. It used to have legs now it crawls on its belly We also see a glimpse of Jesus Christ in the woman's seed. That would be the final victory when he crushes the head of the serpent. Man and beasts could no longer coexist a fear(which God doenot give us the spirit of Fear so it had to be of Satan) was put upon both and separation just as God and man are separated by sin
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Wed, Jan 2nd - 2:23PM
Well as I stated. I was going to do some commentaries on what I read in the bilble . I do hope that recieve some feedback from any readers out there. In the first chapter of Genesis is the familiar story of creation. I have read it lots of times but I had questions that get answered everytime I read it. It doesnt take God long to show up and start to work. the fourth Word is God and the fifth word is created. When God created and creates even now He does so just by speaking the words. Let there be light, Divide the water from the dry land and so on. This is why God cannot lie because when he makes a statement it becomes the truth. One thing on this blog I would touch on Please fill free to comment. I used to believe that the days werent 24 hours days but as I read I realize that they probably were. The Bible says after each day it was evening and morning. Therefore I believe in the literal day now What does everyoe think? Some questions I have are when the God create the angels and was the earth created earlier and left formless by Satan and his demons when they fell to earth?
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Mon, Dec 31st - 7:50PM
The New Year
Every year at this time I join with others in making reservations. And like so many others I fail to keep them. This day as I watch the old year pass by and I usher in a new one with anticipation I count it all joy. I have endured some trials and now I count my blessings. I hope that everyone will have a blessed New Year. Remember to pray for our troops and for the upcoming election. Let"s get the right MAN in office. God Bless you and Happy New Year
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Sun, Dec 30th - 8:47AM
Happy New Year every one I am going to start putting down a journal as I read my bible daily through the new year and invited pepoke to comment on what I have written I hope that everyone will help out I have read the bible mostly through and I discern more as I read it Well I am off to church soon God Bless An Oyster can produce a pearl after it has been irritated. We all Have trials in life. Its how we go through them that shows the world who we are. Jesus was beaten,mocked,nade fun of and whipped yet he said nothing because He knew that His trial would change the world and would secure the victory
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