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          This blog is a forum about the Kingdom of God, the Church and any items of relevance pertaining thereto. We encourage and invite all Christians, or anyone interested in genuine Christianity, to read, respond and become a part, however, anyone using any language or attitudes not in keeping with Biblical standards, or anyone seeking to cause division and strife will be deleted at the discretion of the blog moderator. Profanity, vulgarity, improper or inappropriate language will not be tolerated. We want to keep a clean blog and feel that mature, civilized human beings can communicate properly about any subject without the use of such language.

          So, with that said, lets talk about the Kingdom!

    Mon, Jul 4th - 2:51PM

    Is America Already Past the Point of No Return?

    Is America Already Past the Point of No Return?


     This was part of a Scripture passage in my devotional time this morning. It comes from the book of Jeremiah. To point out the relevance of the principles of God and where we are as a nation, the words in brackets are mine, just to bring it into perspective:


     "5 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 6 “O house of Israel [America], can I not do with you as this potter?” says the Lord. “Look, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel [America]! 7 The instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, 8 if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. 9 And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, 10 if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it." (The New King James Version. Jeremiah 18:5-10)


     I read a liberal, so-called "progressive" blog yesterday that, as liberals always do, tried to point out that this nation wasn't founded upon Christian principles, once again with a twisting of history and knit-picking of words and phraseology. However, there are certainly way too many historical documents that say otherwise, including the Constitution, which they make a foolish attempt to utilize as a proof text (that they actually take out of context), as well as the Declaration of Independence.


     Truth always prevails, whether you are talking true history or true science, because all truth lines up with the Word of God, the Word made flesh, who is the personification of Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ, who can never lie!


     This country has arrived at the most crucial crossroad it has ever been faced with, and if we are to see a revival and restoration back to what made this nation great originally, it will certainly not be any of the political candidates that we are woefully left with during this election cycle; we must get back to our founding concepts! As the quality of the clay limits what the potter can do with it, so the quality of a people limits what God will do with them. The Lord limits His sovereign action on the basis of the response of the people. 


     Look at what God says in Jeremiah 4:28 for a moment: "28 For this shall the earth mourn, And the heavens above be black, Because I have spoken. I have purposed and will not relent, Nor will I turn back from it." "Will not relent": Repentance brings mercy, but judgment is sure unless His people repent.


     Of particular note is Jeremiah 18:12 - "12 And they said [in reference to God's call for repentance], “That is hopeless! So we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one obey the dictates of his evil heart.”  The people reject God’s invitation to repent as being “hopeless.” “Hopeless” (ya’ash, Heb.) shows a sense of desperation. They decide that it would be an act of desperation to repent, and so they choose to follow the “dictates” (sherirut, Heb., “stubbornness”) of their evil hearts.


     Then notice verse 18: " Then they said, “Come and let us devise plans against Jeremiah; for the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come and let us attack him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words.” Another plot (among several), is devised against the prophet. This plot attacks his character and the content of his prophetic message. The people argue that the means of receiving God’s revelation will always be with them even though Jeremiah has predicted it will cease.


     Most of the political leaders in our day no longer seek the council of God. There was a time when the White House often sought out and consulted with Biblical spiritual leaders, one of the most sought after being, Rev. Billy Graham. However, the advice of the spiritually influential now, is certainly no longer sought after, in fact, more likely to be spurned. And the men and women of God who will have the boldness to stand and actually prophecy to this nation according to the Word of God, even have plots devised against them, much like what happened to Jeremiah, to attack them with false statements regarding their character in order to encourage others to disregard their prophetic message. Their pride and stubbornness will not only take them down, but multitudes of those who follow them.


     We, who have been called to advance the Truth of the Word of God, may be ridiculed, scorned, laughed at, derided and ignored, but that does not relieve us of our duty to sound the alarm to this nation and say: WAKE UP AMERICA! We continue to declare that the ONLY hope for America is Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God! 

     Michael Parnell, B.Th. 
    Pastor, Call To Life Family Worship - www.Call2Life.org
    N.E. Coordinator, The Alliance - www.BuildingTheAlliance.com

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    Sun, Oct 11th - 12:42AM




    Do you believe that social problems are derived from the schemes of multinational corporations, class warfare, capitalist exploitation, or rampant racism? Everybody else does. That’s why we have such a proliferation of all the summit meetings that are in vogue today.

    However, those things are not the cause of this country's problems. We buy the lie because we think that the Bible talks only about the blood of Jesus, salvation, and freedom from sin. However, the Kingdom encompasses far more than three basic truths. No doubt, these things are vitally important, indeed the crux and foundation on which Christianity rest. All of our preaching, teaching, singing, shouting, ministry, etc., must ultimately point right back to the Cross! However, we must live by the whole counsel of God which mushrooms out of those basic fundamentals of the faith. Every problem we face as the people of God and as representatives of the Kingdom primarily arises from broken covenant and a failure to promote the Kingdom. 

    One of the primary reasons that America is in trouble is because the Church is in trouble! The Church has set the example for the country and the world of having no commitment! The Church has set the example of not having a commitment to Christ and His Church! I.e. - We have broken our covenant relationship with God! In so doing, we are opening the door to God's judgment and we have told the world (as in world system) that commitment to something is unimportant. Once we repent, turn around and again renew and re-establish our covenant with God, lift up Jesus the King and His Kingdom, then the world may see that commitment is, indeed, a vital part of life.

    Why does the Church by and large, and pastors in particular, not have a stronger revelation of "covenant relationship"? I am convinced it is because of the lack of this kind of revelation and understanding in the Church and it's leadership is, at least, one of the primary reasons that this nation is in the terrible condition it finds itself!

    Read this carefully: To implement a divine principle is to reap a divine result! Since the "Law of Sowing and Reaping" works both ways, we can also say that to implement a non-divine, or a demonic, hellish principle is to reap those kinds of results!

    This world is in a mess primarily because we have broken our covenants with Almighty God. The Church has a serious problem: The devil is beating up its members as if the supernatural event at the cross never took place!

    The problem is that the Church has been taught another gospel that is based on man’s wants instead of upon God’s covenant. Ignorance of God’s covenant sets you up for a rough time with the enemy. 

    God has always been ready to renew covenants and fulfill His promises to man. He has never broken a covenant or failed to meet His obligations. Man has always been the offender. When man fulfills his part, God can always be counted on to do His part.  His gifts and callings are unchangeable (Romans 11:29).

    Everything God says and does is based on covenant!

    When God says something or takes some kind of action, it is never contrary to His Covenant Word. God will never contradict the promises outlined in His Word. God does not bend and certainly will not break His covenant.


    The institution of marriage is a covenant relationship which represents the relationship between Christ and the Church. When a man and a woman come together under the covenant of marriage, is it okay for either one to "visit" around or "sleep" around with other people, as long as they come back home? No!

    When a believer joins a local body of believers, a church, assembly, fellowship or any other terms that describe it, that believer is entering into a covenant relationship with that local body. That local body is part of the Church universal, also called the BRIDE of Christ. Entering covenant agreement with a local church, symbolizes your relationship with Christ, through that local body, to the universal Church. 

    When you take vows in marriage, you promise to love, cherish, protect, obey and be faithful to that person for better or worse, in sickness and in health.

    When you join that local church, you make a covenant agreement that you will love, support and be faithful to that church, through thick and thin, good, bad, pretty or ugly - as long as that particular church is preaching and teaching the unadulterated Word of God! Again, that's one reason it is called the bride of Christ!

    There are sometimes, extenuating Biblical circumstances that leave no other choice, but for a spouse to leave their husband or wife. Likewise, there are sometimes Biblical reasons for a member/supporter of a local body to leave that local body. However, I am convinced that these circumstances are the exception in the Western Church here in the U.S.

    In this country, people have a "consumer mentality" when it comes to church attendance. They develop a spirit of familiarity, and when they haven't gotten the goose-bumps at the church they made covenant with in a few services that they were used to getting, they find somewhere else where they can get some new goose-bumps. 

    Some move from a smaller church to a bigger, or mega-church so they can hide in the crowd and develop a cloak to hide from accountability. There is no need for commitment because someone else is handling all of that.

    On the other hand, some may even leave a large church and go to a smaller church to make themselves "available" to help, when sometimes that just serves as a cloak for them to feel their importance or feed their power-hunger. Now, there is nothing innately wrong with large or small churches, I just mention some of the scenarios regarding the reasons that sometimes people leave their church to find something new.

    Still others start finding fault with the pastor and leadership, the people, the music, etc., etc. And then some are just plain old, regular "church-hoppers". Some people have a record of changing churches an average of every two years, some more frequent than that, and some change at the shift of the wind that may be blowing at the time.

    I can't tell you how many people over the years have come to our church and told me time after time, "I believe this is where God has planted me, this is where I am supposed to serve, God has led me here...," only to have them just disappear; sometimes in just a matter of days after saying these things.

    I didn't ask them or put them on the spot. In every case, they came to me and said this. I did not twist their arm, put a gun to their head, or anything. For whatever reason, they just felt that they needed to tell me that. Then, poof - their gone. No explanation as to why "God changed His mind". Then later I hear all kinds of excuses such as, "the services are too long" or "the church doesn't have this particular ministry, or that particular ministry" or "I have to drive a little piece and I don't think I'll have the gas to go" or "my kids don't get to sing like other people's kids", or "so-and-so offended me", etc., etc., blah, blah, blah..." The fact is: None of those are Scriptural reasons!

    As a result we have a virus of non-committed, selfish, spiritual adulterers that just keeps multiplying with each generation. The vaccine for that virus is a good dose of faithfulness and commitment to the cause of Christ!

    I want to pose a question to you: Do you think that God didn't take any of that into consideration when, or if He planted you in that local body? Do you think God told you "I want you here, but if the services are a bit longer than you like, you're free to go." Do you think maybe God wasn't quite up on the gas prices? Do you think that God possibly planted you in that body to be the one to start the ministry that you complain about that church not having? Perhaps God may want you to get delivered from the "consumerism" mentality and let Him build spiritual fidelity within.

    It's time to get real! Either God placed you there, or He didn't! But, I've got news for you: Someone missed it, and it wasn't God!

    This world is in a mess primarily because we broke our covenants with Almighty God. Every problem we face as the people of God and as representatives of the Kingdom can, for the most part, be traced back to broken covenant.

    Do not think it is so easy to leave and join a church. You should never join a church and submit to its "headship" or leadership unless God sends you there!

    You need to find out what church body it is that God wants you to yoke up with, or covenant with, and then let Him plant you deep in the soil of that congregation so that you can help produce a fruitful harvest year after year. Don't let the wind and water of these other fleshly things blow you away or wash you away. God sent you there to be part of the long-term solution instead of contributing to the problem.

    The Theme of Hebrews: To present Jesus Christ as deity, and as better than all human beings and angels; to prove that Judaism and the law have come to an end; to confirm Jewish Christians in the faith; and to set forth new covenant doctrines for all people. A better covenant.

    The Book of Hebrews was written to the Church. In it we find the New Covenant in Christ not simply mentioned, but the writer breaks that covenant down in a number of different aspects and we see the multifaceted characteristics of this New Covenant.

    God Will Not Commit Himself To Those Who Will Not Commit Themselves To Him!

    John 2: 23-24 - "Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs [miracles] which He did. 24 But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men,..." 

    Too many today have the notion that God is such a good, caring and loving God, that He is willing to just do anything, anytime in any way. They feel they do not have to commit their lives to Christ, but Christ is still going to be committed to them. But, it does not work that way!

    In these verses it says that "many believed in His name when they saw the signs [miracles] which He did."  A great number of people believed in His name. Now, that sounds great, religious, super-spiritual even. However, these people, like many people today, used the name of Jesus as some sort of incantation to conjure up things for their own selfish desires. These people, like many today, believed in Him for the wrong motivations, for what it would do for them. They saw all of these miracles being performed and thought to themselves, "wow, if I just believe in this guy, I can have anything I want."

    Also, notice, they "believed IN His name" but, they did not believe ON Him; there is a difference. Some may think I am splitting hairs here, but hang with me for a little bit. In John 2:23 the phrase, "believed in His name..." means that they identified themselves with His party. 

    Now, please understand, you can "identify" all you want with Christ, but if He does not identify with you, you have a problem! These are the kind to which He says, "depart from Me, I never knew you."

    However, in Acts 16, when the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas what he must do to be saved, they answered him in verse 31, "Believe on (emphasis mine) the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house [that is, this applies to your house doing the same thing]." Now that phrase, "Believe ON the Lord Jesus Christ,..." means to give yourself up to Him, take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping. Now, that is the kind of person that Christ commits Himself to.

    Sadly, the Church in America does not understand this type of commitment.


    Judges 2:1 “And an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim, and said, I made you to go up out of Egypt, and have brought you unto the land which I sware unto your fathers; and I said, I will never break my covenant with you.”

    God never breaks covenant, but unfortunately people do. God has kept and always will keep His part of any covenant with any people. Israel was not cursed with defeat, captivity, dispersion, and judgment because God broke the covenant; they were to blame. He told them plainly what He would do if they broke the covenant, so He could not do otherwise (Leviticus 26; Deut. 28). Even yet, God promises that when they repent and keep His covenant, He will restore them as in days of old (Deut. 4:25-31; Deut. 30:1-10; Isaiah 11:10-16; Jeremiah 23:1-8; Jeremiah 30:1-31:40; Jeremiah 32:37-44; Jeremiah 33:3-26; Ezekiel 34:11-31; Ezekiel 36:1-38; Ezekiel 37:1-28; Amos 9:9-15; Zeph. 3:8-20; Zech. 8:3-8,20-23; Zech. 12:10-13:9; Zech. 14:14-21; Matthew 24:31; Romans 11:25-29).

    We must understand, God honors covenant. Most of the promises, i.e. covenants of God are conditional. They are almost always unconditional. God always says that we must do something to receive the benefits of the covenant. Now, let me be clear here: I am not teaching or preaching a "works-salvation", in other words obtaining our salvation by works or working for our salvation. Neither am I a hyper-grace believer. I am simply pointing out what is plainly in the Word. God always says "if" you'll do thus and so, then I will do what I have promised. 

    For example, 2 Chronicles 7:14, which we have heard quoted, taught, preached and even sung multiple millions of times over the last several years, illustrates such a conditional promise: "If [denoting the condition] my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then [denoting God's reciprocation regarding meeting the conditions] will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

    Even salvation is conditional. We're told that we must do something - believe - in order to receive salvation from the Lord.

    Please understand, I am not saying this is the only problem the Church has, but I feel it is one of the major problems that is causing it to lose effect and impact on our society.

    The Church in America must get back to a firm understanding of covenant relationship! Covenant relationship with God and the Church. I believe a return to walking in covenant, especially the New Covenant established by the blood of Jesus, will begin to have an effect on the direction of this country and possibly be used by the Lord as a catalyst for national revival!

    Pastor Mike

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    Fri, Sep 4th - 11:13PM



    Passive Christians are the equivalent of lukewarm Christians.

    Passive Christians sit back and say things like, "well, we just have to pray about it" or, "you know, God is in control, so it doesn't matter what we do, if it's in His will it is going to happen anyway" or, "well, we are to just preach the Gospel, and let God take care of the rest", and one of my personal favorites, "You know, we have to love people like Jesus loved people, we can’t be offensive, so we'll just have to pray for them". To which I say, all of these statements are correct in their proper contexts and depending on the situation at hand. We certainly must love people like Jesus loved people; and He loved them enough to be brutally honest with them!

    That's why I do not believe that God has called Christians to be passive; on the contrary, there is overwhelming evidence that God calls us to be just the opposite; fearless and courageous, action-taking, radical, warrior-like, dogmatic, and a host of other descriptions that would characterize the true child of God!

    Imagine if Moses would have said, "well guys, we're just going to pray about this and believe that God will make a way". God did, but there was some action required on Moses', and the children of Israel's part. For example, God said, "when I see the blood, I will pass over you". He did not say, "I am going to go get the lamb and slay it for you and put the blood on the doorpost for you." They had to do that!

    Or what if Joshua had told Israel that "we are going to just pray and believe that the walls of Jericho are going to come down, and wait for it to happen." Jericho might still be standing! No, they had to get out and march for 6 days around the city, then 7 times on the 7th day. But, that's not all. God told them that on the 7th time around they were to blow the trumpets and "shout with a great shout", then the walls "fell down flat"!

    Jesus was anything but, passive! Not only Hollywood, but even worse, the modern day church has soft-peddled an emasculated, soft-spoken, effeminate Jesus. However, a close examination of the Scripture reveals that Christ was anything, but that! Oh, he was gentle at times, but please don't ever mistake "meekness" for "weakness". But, I digress.



    The point I want to get back to and focus on is the fact that, yes, we absolutely should pray and need to pray. However, there is an old cliche' that says, "you have to put legs under your prayers." It's not Scripture, but there is a lot of truth to the saying, and probably a number of verses of Scripture that probably support that idea.

    As Christians we are at a place in this country now where we must get past this passive praying, and start being militant about our prayer life. Where at all possible, we have to pray then engage the culture.

    Yes, we pray against the horror of abortion and the atrocities of Planned Parenthood; but then, we have to get engaged from calling, writing, emailing or visiting our legislators to protesting, peacefully and prayerfully, at the abortuaries.

    Yes, we pray that God will convict those involved in the homosexual agenda; but then again, we call, write, email and visit our legislators and attend or hold rallies speaking out against the Supreme Court ruling on sodomy-based marriage.

    Yes, we pray that God will once again be welcomed back into our public school system and that students and faculty alike, have their freedom to exercise their Constitutional First Amendment right to freedom of religion and speech once again recognized without fear of reprisal! Yes, pray about it, but then pick up your phone, your pen and paper, go to your computer, or better yet, if possible, go to your state capital and get an audience with your legislators and work on getting this thing done!

    Yes pray, but do not remain silent once you've said, "Amen". Get to work! Form or join groups and organizations and peacefully, but forcefully, fight for what is right!

    Prayer - real prayer - genuine prayer - has never been and never will be passive.  Again, our most powerful example is Jesus. 

    The reason most real prayer meetings have the least attendance is because of several reasons, but just to name a few:

    1. Professing Christians don't really believe prayer works.

    2. We have our priorities out of whack.

    3. Christians are lazy. Real prayer is W-O-R-K!

    There are probably several more reasons, but these are among the first that come to mind.

    · Christ did not shed His blood and die for us, then come back from the grave on the third day because He was passive! 

    · A passive Christ doesn't go into a temple with a whip and turn over tables and chairs and wreck the place when He sees the desecration that is taking place in His Father's House! (John 2:13-17)

    · A passive Christ doesn't deliver a message and eight times in the message, call the religious rulers and leaders hypocrites at least 8 times, then call them a bunch of snakes, then asks them they are! (Matthew 23:13-33)

    Numerous other passages give us example after example that the Lord Jesus was anything but passive. Passionate - not passive. Compassionate - not passive. 

    We need for God's people to get out of the pews and tap into the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit and get involved, active, passionate, fired up and engage the culture!  That's what prayer warriors do! God has called us to be salt and light. And He hasn't done so based upon the contingency of our comfort zone and convenience!

    Let's do more than be passive prayers; let's be Prayer Warriors! Our nation, the world and ultimately the Kingdom of God needs you - NOW!

    Pastor Mike


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    Mon, Jul 6th - 11:36PM

    Is It A Winnable War? (Part 2)

     Is It A Winnable War? (Part 2)


    Well, suffice it to say that a lot has transpired since part 1 of this particular blog article!  Whew!  It seems like almost every hour the Church, Christianity and our nation is being relentlessly bombarded!  It seems like a good time to bring back the old song, "I Need Thee Every Hour".
    Of course, by now we all are very acutely aware of the decision that the Supreme Court handed down regarding same-sex marriage.  An issue that the SC had no business even deliberating over, since it is not a constitutional matter, but a moral and Biblical one.  The "ruling" they handed down is also, unconstitutional and UN-Biblical.  And, since God is the One who designed, established, instituted and indeed, DEFINED it, the Supreme Court has shown it's ignorance indeed in attempting to redefine it.  To reiterate what many others have said, the Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being!
    Some may ask, "do you still think it is a winnable war?"  To which I answer with a resounding, "YES"!  In fact, I know it is ultimately, because once again, I read the back of THE BOOK, and we win!  Am I disappointed that the United States of America has now been officially declared (by the SC) to no longer be a democracy or actually a republic, but now a tyrannical government?  Yes, as millions of others, but I am not discouraged.  I have a fire in my bones as many other pastors and leaders in the Body of Christ, and we will not stop!
    However, I don't believe that we have to wait until the end to win.  I believe if the Church will rise up and be the Church, in other words; if we can get the troops to show up and follow the real Commander and Chief (Christ the Lord) we can turn the tide of this and other battles and have victory in this day!
    As we continue to engage in this battle of spiritual warfare, we must stay focused on the target and the prize, and mostly on our Leader, the Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ!  With that foundation laid, let us continue to look at this war that I believe is indeed, winnable!
    We just need to regain a firm understanding of some fundamental items of importance.  First, understand that: 
    While living in this world, this world is not our true home. I am a citizen of the kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of this world. He has defeated this evil world in my behalf and brought me into His kingdom. Never in the world will I find true peace, but only in Him. In Him I can, daily, win the war with the world.
    The World Is Passing Away
    In part one of this article, I made several references to that remarkable little epistle of 1 John.  I want to pick up again from chapter 2 and verse 17 as we continue to look further at this "winnable war".  
    John affirms that “the things in the world” are transitory. He writes, “And the world is passing away, and also its lusts” (v. 17a). If the world itself is passing away it is obvious that the things in the world will go the way of the world. Again he sums up the world and all it has to offer in one word, “lusts.”
    We know the world is “passing away” because we see its values destroying goodness, freedom, and even life itself.  The basic principles founded upon the Word of God, on which this nation was established. 
    Well-known Christian writer, Michael Novak, uses a term for some of this present day world view pragmatism that he calls “vulgar relativism”. Novak asserts that this world view “undermines the culture of liberty. If it triumphs, free institutions may not survive the twenty-first century.” His reasoning?  “An age wrong about God is almost certain to be wrong about man.”  Ours is an age which is certainly wrong about God. It is increasingly and painfully obvious that it is an age which is clearly wrong about man.
    The late General Omar Bradley, one of the great heroes of World War II, said it like this: “We have grasped the mystery of the atom, but we have rejected the Sermon on the Mount. The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants, but we are ethical infants. We know more about war than we do about peace, [more about] killing than living.”
    The lie about both God and man that saturates Western society—and the entire world for that matter—must be challenged by truth.  Truth is not simply facts and statements, but truth is a Person:  Jesus Himself is the truth personified (John 14:6). He came to bear witness to the truth. His Word is truth. It is this truth that sets man-kind free. But to bear witness to the truth in a world which has strayed from the path of truth, indeed, is even hostile to it, the Church must overcome the world as Jesus overcame the world. Too many of us have become so much like the world we have lost the right to speak of truth.  Author John White states, “the world at present influences the Church more than the Church influences the world.”
    For a Christian to be overcome by “the world and the things in the world” is one of the saddest of all tragedies. He will wake up one day to discover he has lived for that which is only temporary. In the best scenario, when his life's work is tried by fire, as the apostle Paul affirms it will be, he will find that his work will “be burned up.” True, “he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire” (1 Cor. 3:13–15). However, I can't help but wonder, who wants to be saved that way?
    The world system with which we are at war with, is our enemy just as it is God’s enemy. We must choose to be obedient to God and reject the deceptions of the world.  We must also never forget that the world’s god is the devil (2 Cor. 4:4). This is a thoroughly demonized world.
    But, there is good news!  Jesus says in John 16:33 - " These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
    Notice the phrase "in me … peace." They had peace in Christ, but in the world they would have "tribulation".  Be of good cheer (be courageous). Even though we will be opposed by the world, we should remember that Christ has overcome the world.
     Even in the midst of persecution there is joyful peace in the certainty of Christ’s victory!
    When Jesus spoke this to them, it would be in the next few hours that followed, that the disciples would watch their world fall apart; and yet Jesus assured them that He was the winner. “I have overcome the world” is a fact, not a promise, and it applies to us today. We are over-comers through Him according to 1 John 5:1–5 -   "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"
    The world represents the earthly system that is opposed to Jesus. John describes the world and Christ as direct opposites. Through Jesus’ life, death, and Resurrection, He overcame the world. In His life, He overcame the temptation to sin directed at Him by the devil. In His death, He became sin for each of us and thus overcame the power of sin. In His Resurrection, He overcame death and arose victoriously from its stronghold. Jesus told the disciples and, I believe it applies to all believers, that the world would bring them tribulation but that He would bring us peace.
    The same John who penned the Book of Revelation as Jesus dictated it to him by the Holy Spirit, gives us another powerfully encouraging word! 
    Revelation 12:11 - " And they overcame him [the accuser of our brethren, verse 10] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Believers can and will overcome him through the blood of Christ and their witness (testimony) about Christ.  And I want to emphasize again, I do not believe that this is only a yet-to-come, future victory, but I believe it is also a here-and-now victory!
    Several promises in the book focus on those who overcome. The method of “overcoming” is the atonement of Christ and the testimony concerning His sacrifice. Only He is sufficient to expel Satan.  And as one of the great song writers of the 20th century, Andrea Crouch, penned it, "the blood will never lose it's power"!
    They overcame him by appropriating the victory of the finished work of Christ, by the public confession of their faith and patient endurance, even in the face of martyrdom.
    The method of the victory of the godly over Satan, unlike the victory of Michael and his angels, will be threefold: 1) The blood of the Lamb (their justification before God on that basis), the word of their testimony (faithful witness) to the work and grace of God, and their willingness to be martyred (loved not their lives) for their faith. No wonder heaven is called upon to rejoice.
    One of the key components in winning a war is perseverance!  Most of the time it takes several, sometimes many, battles to win a war. 
    In the war to have First Amendment rights restored to public school students, teachers and faculty, we already have and will continue to confront opposing forces, sometimes from some very surprising sources. 
    Some of the opposition even comes from pastors and churches.  Although, some give what sounds like sensible and legitimate "reasons", and I strongly disagree with them, I am not painting them up to be wicked people or churches in all cases, just misguided and misinformed.  And some are just cowards.
    Just this afternoon before sitting down at the computer to begin completing part 2 of this blog, I had a pastor, who I greatly respect who took issue with the PPB Initiative and gave the reasons why he opposed it.  I respect him, but I also respectfully disagree with him, and explained to him the reasons why.
    In any event, whether it is the Put Prayer Back Initiative, the same-sex marriage issues, the abortion travesty, or any other Biblical and moral issues, rest assured I will not stop! We will not go away!  Some of the parting words I had recently for one of our state representatives, who was giving excuses as to why we couldn't succeed and started with the "incremental-ism" theory was, "We will not quit; this isn't going away."
    I mean no disrespect to anyone, but I told this representative and others as well, we have been doing political incremental-ism since 1962, and yet prayer and the Bible are still outlawed in school!  We have been doing political incremental-ism since 1973, and yet Roe v Wade is still in full force, taking the lives of millions of helpless babies!
    Someone said to me that doing things incrementally can be a good thing and that the civil rights movement was successful because of people working on it in increments.  My answer to that is: 1) Very rarely is incremental-ism successful in the spiritual or political realm and, 2) the civil rights movement was successful, not because of working it in increments, but because of perseverance!  There is a vast difference in the two!
    Yes, we will stay in the fight!  Yes, we will keep trying to win the battles until we win the war!  However, we will not do it incrementally, but we will persevere until we overcome by the "blood of the Lamb" and by "the word of [our] testimony! 


    Michael Parnell, B.Th.
    Pastor, Call To Life Family Worship Center
    Chairman, "Put Prayer Back" Initiative
    Pee Dee Director, S.C. Pastors Alliance

    "It is all about Christ and His Kingdom!"


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    Wed, May 13th - 9:52PM

    Is It A Winnable War? (Part 1)

    Is It A Winnable War? (Part 1)

     I have heard or read several remarks of late that say, "You know you're wasting your time in these efforts to get prayer back in school, because it will never happen." Or, "You will never abolish Roe v Wade. Abortion will never go away."

    So, there are proponents out there, Goliaths if you will, who say that we are just spitting in the wind, so why not use your time for something productive and just go with the flow? "Lay aside those silly convictions, Biblical standards, Judeo-Christian principles," they say. "Just get politically correct and assimilate into what society is becoming." And the one that really grabs me, "Why don't you stop judging and show love, like Jesus did?" Well, that one is another article altogether, so I must digress.

    The Goliaths we face in our day may not be in the form of a nine foot giant like the one that David faced, but the modus operandi of all opponents of the Kingdom and work of God is always the same - fear and intimidation.

    That is the only tactics that the Goliaths of our day know, who stand in opposition to Christian and moral principles. They know that if they can bluff us out with their bullying or terrorization devices and just get the Church to stay within its own four walls and remain as little "bless-me" clubs, instead of coming outside and being the Church, they can continue to indoctrinate this generation, as well as future generations, with their ungodly and soul-damning hogwash.

    But, I am here to declare to you that if the Church will indeed be the Church, then we most certainly are fighting, "a winnable war," to coin a phrase from talk radio host, Bryan Fischer, of AFR's Focal Point, that I have used since listening to his program the last several years.

    We are told in 1 John 4:4 - " 4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." I know that in context, John is dealing primarily with false teachers, but aren't those who attempt to shut down the Christian's voice in our country today, also to a large degree, false teachers? Do they not use tactics that primarily involve lies and false-hoods, a twisting of the truth or, at the very least, lies simply sprinkled with a small element of truth? According to what John says in this verse basically, is that which fundamentally distinguishes the people of the world and the people of God is their respective attitudes toward Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ IS Truth; He is the personification of Truth. By the illumination of the Holy Spirit, who is greater than Satan (the spirit of error), true believers may overcome deceiving teachers.  We can overcome the Goliaths of our day! And, in fact, according to this verse, in the mind of God it is already a done deal - "You are of God,... and have overcome... because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."

     Now, understand that God never asks us to put our brains in neutral when it comes to matters of faith. John repeatedly appeals for love (1 John 2:10; 3:3, 10–24; 4:7–12, 16–21), but he also places a premium on truthnot the wishy-washy opinions that pass for “truth” in our society, but the absolute, eternal truths of God’s Word. For example, John challenges us to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1) and learn to discern between truth and error (4:6).  He calls for us to avoid sin, which requires that we discern what is sinful (2:1; 3:4–10). He tells us to distinguish between the things of the world and the will of God (2:15–17), and he appeals for us to identify deceivers and avoid them (2:18–29; 3:7).

    The differences between the false teachers (Goliaths), and genuine believers exemplify the dichotomy between the forces of God and the forces of Satan (“the world”). We all know, as Christians, that it is not "flesh and blood" that we are at war with, but it is literally spiritual powers of darkness in high places. However, we also know that most of these ideas and false-hoods manifest themselves in, through and by people. That is one reason even many Christians are so easily deceived into believing that we aren't walking in love if we have a debate, exchange with, or if we challenge, the proponents of the world system, instead of just remaining meek, timid and quiet for the "sake of love." These demonic spirits and influences do not care one flipping bit about our passive, kumbaya love! Like Goliath of David's day, they only understand one thing:  warfare - spiritual warfare!

    You see, Goliath was perfectly happy and content to intimidate the armies of Israel and keep them all in hiding behind their rocks and wagons, instead of coming out and facing him. He was rather enjoying taunting them, mocking them, making light of them, as he no doubt like the class clown, drew billows of laughter from his on-looking army. As the armies of Israel cowered behind their covers of "we can't", "we aren't able", "he's too big", "he says we can't defeat him", out steps a young, enthused and indignant David. The armies of Israel are crying, "this man is bad to the bone"! David, who at this point is seemingly standing alone,... I said, "seemingly". However, with God we are never alone! David, with confidence that can only come from the Greater One, says in effect, "this giant is nothing"!

    Notice when David steps out with faith in God what happens. Sadly, even his own brothers start hurling insult and accusation at him. I am still amazed at how many Christians and even pastors will bravely yell out from behind their covers of fear at those of us, their brothers and sisters who are involved in the fight and say, "you're inviting trouble for us from the government, from the IRS. We are going to lose our 501(c)3 status because of you upstarts! Why don't you just be happy with what we have and leave it alone? Politics has no place in the pulpit!" They obviously are not very familiar with David or Jesus!

     The Goliaths of our day want the Church to remain behind its covers of excuses and stay within the confines of our facility walls and not engage the culture, because some of these Goliaths, if not all of them, know that when the Church rises up to it's full potential and capacity in the power of the Holy Ghost, that she is a force to be reckoned with!

           Verse after verse in the Word of God tells us that we are most assuredly in a war, but ultimately - WE WIN! Paul says in Romans 8:37, "37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." We are not only conquerors, but MORE than conquerors! Again, to coin another phrase that Sister Pat Gibson-Hye Moore, Vice-Chairperson of the PPB Initiative, started using and is growing more popular in the movement: "WE ALWAYS WIN!"

    (To be continued)

    Michael Parnell, B.Th.

    Pastor, Call To Life Family Worship Center

    Chairman, Put Prayer Back In Our Schools Initiative

    Pee Dee Director, S.C. Pastors Alliance

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    About Me

    Name: Michael Parnell
    ChristiansUnite ID: pastoratctl
    Member Since: 2006-05-08
    Location: Lamar, South Carolina, United States
    Denomination: International Pentecostal Holiness Church
    About Me: Hi! My name is Michael Parnell and I pastor CALL TO LIFE FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER, Lamar, S.C. I also, have a consuming passion for music. I sing, play guitar, bass and enjoy a variety of musical styles, especially Praise & Worship. I have experience... more

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