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  • You are here: Blogs Directory / Poetry / Ama Adams's Blog Welcome Guest

          Jesus!! Jesus!! Jesus!!
          Jesus!! jesus!! jesus!!
          Who is this man of Galilea, thou shall call his name Jesus

          The name that moves the heart of the Lord,the name that disperses demons, the name theat disposes satan, the name that disintergrate impossibilities.Yes it is he who has made us. Now let us grade this man correctly according to his deeds on this earth.

          In mathematics, he added 1+1+1=1 meaning God the father, God the son and God the holy spirit are one.

          In butany, he is the lilly of the vallry and the roses of sharon. In history, he is the alpha and omega the beginning and the end.

          In chemistry, he changed water into wine.

          In gaenacology, he healed a woman who was bleeding for twelve years.

          In economics, he fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes and had a large supplus. Who is this man of Galilea? thou shall call his name Jesus!!

          He was born contrary to the law of preganancy
          He lived contrary to the law of life
          he healed contrary to the law of heath
          He died contrary to the law of death
          He resurrected contrary to the law of ressurection
          He ascended into heaven contrary to the law of ascension

          Who is this man of Galilea? thou shall call his name Jesus.

          As a baby, Herod could not kill him
          As a boy, doctors could not understand him
          The levies and the scribes could not restrain him
          The pharasis and the sudasis could not understand him
          Wind and waves of stroms could not refuse to listen to him
          Even all mighty God could not stop him

          Who is this man of Galilea

          He is the same yesterday, the same today and the same forever

    Tue, Jul 17th - 6:38AM

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    Thank you and have fun blogging!

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    About Me

    Name: Ama Adams
    ChristiansUnite ID: phillicity
    Member Since: 2007-07-17
    Location: london, Idaho, United Kingdom
    About Me: I am a comitted christian and always wiling to proclaim the good news of our lord jesus to people who don't know him. U can remember that when our lord Jesus was leaving, he gave us a command to go ye into the world and preach the gospel. So we lover... more

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