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    Ransomedsoul's blog blurps
          My thoughts and happenings. God's really been moving in my life, whether I feel it or not. He's always by my side.

    Sat, Jun 10th - 7:29AM

    What's up with me!

    Ok, I'm started a new yahoo group! It's called ransomedsouls. I've been typing a lot in there, so I'm posting the latest post I've put on there. ....

    Hey ya'll! (Yes, I know it's still me, but someday other people are going to join, and I'd like to seem active!!!)

    This week I've started reading a really good book I'm hoping will give me some good references. It's called "Branded" I forget the name of the author. Anyways, it's about advertising in today's society, and how it is kind of attacking our youth. what companies are doing to target young people. It's fascinating. I've heard a little of this over the years, but some of the statements kind of shocked me. It's also very fascinating on how they really go after young people. It's scary! It makes me want to rebel and not where name brand clothes, or items! It's a new book, I'll get the author's name next week, but if you find it, read it!! It's an eye-opener! After reading just a few chapters, I've noticed more commercials that are specifically targeted towards teenagers.

    There was also a lot of references to a specific magazine that I had received through the mail as a teen. Actually, I still get this magazine. The models are so skinny! There was one girl a few months ago, I thought about writing to the company and telling them, she definately doesn't need to be in the mag! She was pretty, but you could tell she was WAY to slim! She looked like she was 90 pounds if not 80!!!! As a preteen, I did a lot of reports on World War 2 and the Holocaust. Many of these models look like the people from Auchswitz!

    My mom and I were comparing her magazines with mine. The models in her's were a lot more filled out. They were beautiful and healthy looking! Women who should be our role models. I made the huge mistake of telling myself when I was younger I wasn't perfect unless I looked like the girls from the teen clothes magalogs I was getting. I was never bulimic, I love food too much!!! But it has done some damage. It took my husband telling me to get rid of the magazines that I finally let a little of that go! I had saved those magazines since I was 15 (I'm 22, so I had roughly 6 years of magazines.)! I used to go through them, one by one, and put a star on the page of the girls I wanted to look like. there's no way my body shape would ever look like that!!!!


    Anyways, if anyone comes in, I'd like to hear what ya'll think, this is gonna be a subject brought up continually.


    A ransomed soul,

    Jessa <t><

    To check out my new group, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ransomedsouls

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    Mon, May 15th - 7:04AM

    Good morning!

    here I am, once again, at the radio station again. I worked on this same southern gospel AM radio station when I was in my late teens. I love it! It's such an interesting ministry! Not just to everyone who listens, but for me as well! We play a lot of programs, so I get a lot of food for thought! For instance today my food for thought is: A lot of times while trying to witness and win people to Jesus, it's so frustrating! trying to convince these people that Jesus loves them, and there's a free gift of salvation! Ugh! I get frustrated just thinking about it! LOL However, what was it like for Jesus? Here He is, come down to earth when He could have stayed up in Heaven. The King of Kings is being tested and tried every way He turned. By the political leaders, Satan, and everyone around. He goes from a high position, to a carpenter's son. And here He is trying to tell people not only can they get to Heaven (same message we share) but also that's He's God's Son! The Chosen One the children of Israel have been waiting for!!!! Talk about frustrating! If anyone should be frustrated, it'd be Him! :)

    So, I guess what I'm thinking is... He just loved the people! What dedication and love that He displays! and patience! WOW! LOL I'm going to go think a little bit more on it!

    Talk to ya'lls later!

    A ransomed soul,


    <t>< Psalm 91 <t><

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    Sat, May 13th - 8:20AM

    Hey ya'll!

    Hey ya'll, hopefully this'll go through. I've tried for the last few weeks to get a message blog going! :) Bear with me a bit!

    I am so excited about having a blog! I love writing, and sometimes just need a place to vent out... (which is why I have like 20 journals! One for my quiet time, one for my prayers, one for my weight loss, one for what I eat.... blah blah blah.. you get the picture!) but I also want this to be a place (besides my sharing what God's doing in my life...) for a place for my friends to check up on me and I can maybe hear from them.

    I don't have time to go into it now, hopefully later today, but the past few years of my life have been AMAZING! I have always loved to pray that God has such a hand in my life that when I look back I can see His fingerprints. I've been so blessed to be able to see those fingerprints so far. The last few years, I've had a lot of times I didn't feel Him, but He is still there, and looking back I can see a light trace of His handprints. Hopefully in a couple of years I'll look back on this time, and stand amazed at His work. He's awesome....

    I'll also be talking about little things... any kind of thoughts or sayings I find funny! Who knows what I'm going to write about! I sure don't! LOL




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    Sat, Apr 29th - 8:13AM

    Welcome to your Blog!

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    About Me

    Name: Jessyca Lee
    ChristiansUnite ID: ransomedsoul
    Member Since: 2006-04-29
    Location: , Virginia
    Denomination: Baptist
    About Me: I'm 22, a homeschool graduate, part time home maker, part time radio dj, and I sale beauty products from my home. I've been married since September '03. I've traveled to several countries as a teen missionary throughout my teen years. Which was an aw... more

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