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    Servant Anew Blog
          Doing the Work of Righteousness(see Isaiah 32:17)

    Sat, Apr 29th - 7:41AM

    The Blessing of Grace

    Oh! How Blessed it is!  To know that more abundant Grace awaits us at every turn, in every nook and cranny of our lives, under all circumstances.   I am awe struck by the knowledge that such Grace is supplied to me for providing me with strength, with wisdom, and with whatever is needed in the moment of time-at-hand.  The simple act of turning towards the Saviour, Jesus Christ, of coming around to "stand in His Light" delightfully fills my soul with His Grace.  It is sufficient for me.  It is enough.  I am truly blessed and called of God to do whatever He places before me.  Nothing is too hard for me.  I am able through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.  What a Wonder is my Jesus!  Oh! that I could be, in my meek and lowly state, so worthy of such a marvelous gift!  Thank you, Lord, for your Blessing of Grace upon me.

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    Fri, Apr 14th - 11:44AM

    The Blessing of this Present Day

    There are many who seek after a new day.  Are they so sure that they messed up this day so badly, that a new day will wipe their slates clean?  How many times do we need to remind ourselves and others to simply enjoy the sufficiency of this day for what it is?

    It always amazes me how some think that there is no real work to be done as Jesus is coming soon and then everything will be right and good, just and fair.   Some people just can't wait for Jesus to come.  They are the ones rushing to and fro, hardly if ever, seeing nor seeking any joy in what they are doing.  However, they deemed themselves to be busy at the Lord's work.  Who am I to judge?

    It is only my insight, perception, or whatever one desires to call it, but it does seem to me, that this day is the one to be focused on.   Here I am.  In this place, here and now.  Is there a mission field within my viewpoint?   Is this a crossroads day?  Does someone need uplifting?  Can I be of assist to others in this moment of time?   If I, myself, be in the midst of chaos and crisis, what would Jesus have me to do?

    Sometimes when things are troubled and troubling, it is best to just allow the time to pass, as painful and agonizing as that task often is.   The truth is that time does not always take away the sting of sorrows or great loss but that slow plodding of placing one step in front of another gets us to that place where we can and do survive to resume our life purpose(s).   And at such times, let us all let go of our pride and seek out the helps and assists that will provide comfort dispite our circumstances.

    Prayer may change things but I have found that good people often can help us to see a differing direction in which to present such prayers so that they can be more effective.  And that awesome Holy Word of God,  what a wonder! to turn its pages and find just the right answer to a momentary sadness!   It is so true that we neglect far too often the very things that will help us the most.

    Yes!  This present day is quite the challenge.   We are bombarded with media hysteria, hype, and massive mispreceptions of both good and evil.  It is easy in all of that not to feel good about ourselves and the world around us.   It is past high time to begin in such circumstances to count our blessings and consider that our journey has some greater advantages than others whose pilgrimages are wrought with intense need.   We have access to the Greatest Provider, our All-in-All, Christ Jesus.  Let us learn well and be ever-willing to find joy in loving the simple presence of our Being in the Now presence of Jesus Christ.  If you are feeling like you just cannot love yourself, then by all means possible, love who you are...unique and wonderfully made... in the eyes of our Saviour (He has said we are "His peculiar treasure" and the "apple of His eye").

    Be Bless, dear friends, in the sufficiency of this day.  Find the joy wrapped in each passing moment.  Dwell in this day with abundant Love.  Seek in your heart those calm assurances that are available to each life given over to Christ Jesus.  Draw near to that Fountain of Living Waters ever-present today, tomorrow, and for ever.  Live as if your life depends on the Love you give away.  Breathe deep every moment of this day capturing alive the Blessings of the Most High Hope Everlasting.                 Shalom.

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    Sun, Apr 9th - 10:10AM

    The Blessing of Joy

    On this glorious day the Lord has made, I am most thankful for the Blessings of joy.  No matter the circumstances of my life, when it mattered most, the Lord helped me to find special joy in the smallest of things, a flower opened face-up towards the sun, a mare giving birth in a sun-parched field, an elderly lady whose grateful smile lit up an entire room; a dog racing up behind me, stopping directly beside me, peering up with pleading eyes that say "I, too, need love"; and, especially, I am ever indebted to that stranger's smile used of the Lord on an overcast and cloudy day of sorrow who just happen then and there to pass me by, leaving in their passing-by a new awakening to a bright blue, cloudless sky and absolute beauty of a day where hope flourished like some grand finale in a fine opera.

    These were just fleeting moments of my life.  Yet, they remain with me as indelible, uneraseable memories that shall linger with me into eternity.  So now do I pass such abundance of Blessings on to you in praying that you will ever seek after and find the joy in the most minute events and that your abilities to do so will become even more empowering in the tragedy(ies) that do happen in this earthy existence.  Go in Peace, dearest of friends. Go and explore the joys of this day that the Lord has made.  Go in Peace.

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    Fri, Apr 7th - 11:14AM

    The Blessing of Time

    How wonderful to pass the time with dear friends, old and new!   Each day, I try to remember to thank God for the awesome gift of time.  Time to enjoy a child's smile, time to smell and view the flowers, time to watch a sunrise and a sunset, time to help and assist my elders whatever their needs may be, time to be alone with God, time to be among fellowship and among strangers, time to love and rejoice, and Yes! even time for sorrow, tragedy, and pain.  May I learn to praise God in all these things and many more!

    How gracious is a God who provides marvelous friendships!  Voices dissenting as well as those who approve.  Advice when it is asked for and sweet counsel of Adjointed One-Accord Spirit when it is not.  How thankful I am!

    Let me first make the time to love Thee, my God and Redeemer;  then to my most intimate friends, a generous portion of time; and finally let me learn to be of service, serving with abundant time and patience those who would seek after Thee were they not so wounded and damaged by worldly brutalities.  Call those whom You will, dear Jesus, and let me come quickly with a happy heart to minister to their most pressing needs.   Thank you, Lord, for the time You have given me to be of service to You and to those whom You call friends and joint heirs.

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    Tue, Apr 4th - 10:51AM

    The Blessing of Breath-First and Original Blessing

    Leave it to me to goof right well and right off, making an alsolute fool of myself in my quest to seek after the Blessings of God.  Oh! to be a Fool for Jesus!

    Wee mortals, so true, Lee.  How could he be so kind, so merciful, so generous to call us His friends, His Brothers and His Sisters, Joint heirs in His Kingdom?!!!

    How could I forget...so naive of me.  The First and Original Blessing given of God was, of course, breath of life.  How joyous to wake of each morning and know by that first conscious effort for air that God is with me!   Oh!  How thankful to know that a new day unfolds before me like a treasured gift hidden beneath the wrappings!  What joy floods over my soul!  Just to know that I have a wonderous Saviour!  One who truly, beyond the sight of all others, overlooks my faults, flaws, and stumbling-bumblings in this life to lift me up and beyond my own strengths, to offer the ready assist, to linger beside me, and, most of all, to acknowledge His Love for me by that awesome, powerful force that no man can attain without His Love Accomplished Towards His Children in the Blessing otherwise known as Breath of Life.  Who, knowing such Truth, ought ever deny their Creator God?   Lo!  such wee mortals who give themselves over to darkness,  Come, Come quickly!  The well is full to the brim with Living Waters.  Be fully Baptized with His Living Water: Come up!  Come up! into the Light of His Love with an abundance of air filling your lungs, and be knowledge that God is good all the time.   All of the time, God is so good.

    This is the good day that the Lord has made.  I rejoice!  I rejoice! I will choose to be glad in it.  Praise God from whom all Blessings flow and continues to flow.  Like a river ever-flowing with joy, He does fill my soul!  May God filled you with the Blessings for the Breath of  Life and for such abundant joy that His Grace and His Glory shall shine forth from your life on this earth!  Peace, I give my gift of God's Peace to you this day as God Himself does give. Shalom.

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    About Me

    Name: DottiAnn Blakemore
    ChristiansUnite ID: servant48
    Member Since: 2006-04-02
    Location: Camas, Washington, United States
    Denomination: Protestant
    About Me: Mother and grandmother who loves Jesus with complete submission (-in that I pray daily for such humbled submission-) and is led by His Holy Spirit to care deeply about Peace and prosperity for all God's children everywhere. "The work of righteousne... more

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