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          Short Sermons, exortations and words of encouragement.

    Thu, Jan 17th - 8:55AM

    An inclosed Garden

    The Believer, who is indeed the Church; the Bride of Christ has been likened to an inclosed garden. Yes a very special garden, beautiful and perfect. Inside are all the pleasant spices, the precious plants, the most beautiful flowers and the choicest fruits. A Garden with a Spring shut up in it, a sealed Fountain. You are the Well-Spring of life with all the beauty and sweet aroma flowing from within, and being manifested on the outside; but no intruder can enter therein to corrupt, damage or destroy.

    You are a Garden inclosed, filled with life giving and life sustaining properties; living in a world ( the valley of the shadow of death ) to which you don’t belong. But must occupy for a season to show forth His glory and His praise. You are altogether lovely.  He said so, he knows. You are His beloved.


    Solomon’s  Song 4: 12

    Take the time today to encourage or comfort someone.  God bless you always.           

     To view other Articles not posted here visit:   http://www.wycotb.com/Word_of_Truth.html


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    Wed, Jan 16th - 11:27PM

    Using God's Temple

    You:   The redeemed of the LORD are the temple of the living GOD, your body bein the temple of the HOLY GHOST1 Corinthians 3:16--17 & 6: 19) and ( 2 Corinthians 6: 16), which dwells in you.

        How then do you occupy and use GOD’S dwelling place. The next time you are about to do anything at all; just ask yourself if what you are about to do will glorify GOD in his temple or if it will glorify him at all. Pray about it and ask him if it’s ok to use his temple, his Sanctuary to do what you intended or in the manner you intended.

    I do believe that if we should take time out to just engage God before we do most of the things that we do: then we would either not do them or the outcome would be quite different.  God knows best. Learn to trust him to guide you in all things and glorify him in your body. It is his temple.

    To view other Articles not posted here visit:   http://www.wycotb.com/Word_of_Truth.html

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    About Me

    Name: Wilston Bennett
    ChristiansUnite ID: wycotb
    Member Since: 2008-01-16
    Location: Valley Stream, New York, United States
    Denomination: United Methodist
    About Me: I am a son who loves his Father and Savior Jesus Christ. I enjoy sharing the Gospel through Tracts, Emails, word of mouth and on my website at: http://www.wycotb.com. Iam married and a father of three adult children. I am involved in Missi... more

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