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    All About marsha

    Username: marsha
    Date Joined: Mon, Aug 8th - 5:11PM
    About Me: Photo is "Letters from Heaven".. "Jesus" is the "Bridge to Heaven"... I know something..And.. Its all in the Book!.I have (3) birds, a Cockatiel, White Dove, Blue and white parakeet. I love them all.Photo is letters from Heaven.. Wishing You a Happy and Blessed New Year 2008 Everyone! Follow Jesus into 2008............................ This is my husband and my wedding photo on December 14,1968. We just celebrated our 39th anniversary.... My husband set my computer up for me in here before his massive heart June 22, 2007.. Family photo from when my son's were ... I'm married to the same man since December 14, 1968. We have two grown sons. We are all born again. And serve the Lord. When my husband and me bought our home it was not a gang infested area. But over the years that is what it has become. I pray that Jesus will solve the problem. I have handed it to Him...
    Denomination: Christian
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