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    All About writefromgod

    Username: writefromgod
    Date Joined: Sun, Jan 29th - 9:01PM
    About Me: Writer and mouth artist, Mary Cox-Bilz, author of six books and numerous articles, has a birth defect that left her a quadriplegic. She went to college, managed her own business, and did evaluation and counseling at the Maryland Rehabilitation Center to help other physically challenged people learn to manage their disabilities. Though Mary is confined to a motorized wheelchair, she has taught weekly memoirs classes for a local college and online, traveled to speaking engagements, given telephone and radio/television interviews, and attended writer’s conferences sponsored by the International Women’s Writing Guild. Mary uses a mouth stick to type manuscripts on her computer (she types 29 correct words per minute) or surf the Internet, and does pen and ink drawings by holding the pen in her mouth.
    Denomination: Methodist
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    City: Murfreesboro
    State: Tennessee
    Country: United States

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