All About james
Date Joined:
Sun, May 18th - 10:16PM
About Me:
I am 49 years old and have one terrific son who is now 22. Ihave been a Christian since the age of 16. I di not really pursue any kind of pios lifestyle and didn't really try to grow much though I read Proverbs Ecclesiastes and the New Testament alot. I have been hammered and beaten(figuratively) and killed quite literally. I feel like Isreal itself aand I thank God for every stripe. Yet I'm still a fine sinner and without the help and wisdom of Paul I would have given up trying to be "better" a long time ago. Through Pauls suffering I finally learned that I should have gave up sooner. Now the Spirit does the work.
I am not dogmatic in my belief in the usual sense of the word. Being Gods' Word I seem to find more Love and Balance than Fire and Brimstone in my interpitation. I Guees you could best descibe me as a "Chistian Solomite. Seems Solomen gets a bad rapp from alot of Christians. I find he brings the wisdom and balance to the entire Bible that could keep alot of people from going over the"edge.
I look forward to sharing and learning from anyone intereted. I am also a kinda' angry person especially when things don't work as they should like this snag with the username thing I'm having now.
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