All About soulredeemer2012
Date Joined:
Mon, Oct 19th - 3:45AM
About Me:
I teach Bible from the Old KJV- here and in Cambodia soon when I get there-- I am Independent Baptist in backround , so some label us as Fundamentalists , which we wear proudly !! Usually the so-called-"Mainline Churches"-which the Politicians love- do not love us , but that is ok-- Our main goal is Soul-Winning to lead souls to Jesus Christ--Afterall- That is the Command given to all Christians-Matthew 28:19-20--If YOU were to Die Today-Would YOU be 100 % Sure of having Eternal Life with God ?---Your Excuses Hold NO Weight--I have lived through war and death, I was bought as a White slave at the age of 5 and beaten for years, I am an alcoholic and drug addict during the 70's delivered when I accepted Jesus Christ in 1981-August-I have lived East to West Coast in the Gutter and well-off also--I have been married several times before I was Saved and I lived with the Flashbacks and nightmares for years about the war in Nam--I had a Stroke in November of 2006 which took away my speech and totally disabled me physically for a time,yet now I am witnessing for the Lord and learning to walk again I pray, as I go on a Trip to Cambodia with my Lovely Wife-Ruos of nearly 20 Years--Herself a Survivor of the Killing Fields of Cambodia !!!
Independent Baptist
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