All About shepherdleader
Date Joined:
Sat, Nov 3rd - 4:42PM
About Me:
I am a blood-washed, born again and baptized child of God. Having grownup in a very conservative reformed household where God was the most important person, it was a tall order when God instructed me to convert to Pentecostal theology after He saved my soul in 1981. [I had a calling to work for God when I was 16 but God had to work on me till I was 30 before I understood that Jesus was my only hope.]
With His grace I have since had a successful lay-ministry for 18 years before going into fulltime ministry for the past 8 years. In the meantime I completed a Masters degree [M.Sc. in Training], as well as a doctorate, [Ph.D. in Systematic Theology].
I am happily married [for 32 years] to Marléne. We have 2 happily married children and a beautiful grandson.
Pentecostal / Charismatic
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