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Hi Steve -
I have 2 children 6 and 5. I started to discipline them from the second I could see that they understood. They were but babies still. A gentle tap on the back of the hand and a stern voice was all that was needed as well as a follow through on any threats. To this day, I have never needed anything more than a light smack on the hand and a sending to the room for 3 minutes followed by a chat and lots of love. No shouting, no sulking. What a pleasure! And how uplifting when adults comment on how well behaved your children are.
I as an adult need direction and boundries from God, children need the same from their parents. We as earthly parents are also preparing our children for when God takes over the leading of their lives.
I have never figured out why in the world in trying to protect the few abused children, discipline was allowed to be thrown out the window and satan allowed to wreck lives and families. Discipline is a fundamental building block that unfortunately most of society now lacks and the consequences thereof follow for the rest of their lives. May God restore balance in this reckless world we live in.
God bless
2007-04-22 07:20:28 Posted by Lee ()
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2007-10-15 21:09:48 Posted by Carey Middleton (
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2007-10-19 13:02:19 Posted by Ernie Mckee (
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