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I always come away from watching the world news with similiar thoughts. What can be done? The best I can do is to remember that, even though it feels like not doing much, prayer is a huge thing to do. And I guess it could be that its all we can do.
2006-08-17 09:38:00 Posted by Jon ()
It is disheartening to see how poorly man treats man. It really would be so easy to get along if everyone would just do things God's way. Sadly, we know that's only going to happen on the other side. Glad to have been delivered from this present evil world though.
God bless,
2006-08-17 15:44:54 Posted by Jeanette ()
This is fortold. Although we can have a distaste for what goes on in the world around us, it is all according to God's plan. I am not offended by any of these views. I commend the call to prayer. I take exception to wishing that our wills be done.
Let me ask this question: If all the world were at peace and everyone treated his neighbor well, how many would lack the motivation to seek God out? I do not say this to suggest that war and strife are good, but even this can be used by God. Remember that!
Genesis 16:12 (Amplified Bible)
12And he [Ishmael] will be as a wild ass among men; his hand will be against every man and every man's hand against him, and he will live to the east and on the borders of all his kinsmen.
Is this not true?
Genesis 25:18 (NIV)
18 His [Ishmael's] descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the border of Egypt, as you go toward Asshur. And they lived in hostility toward (Or lived to the east of) all their brothers.
And where is it that many of them are today?
There is good commentary on many of this in many study bibles. You might find the notes in the Amplified Bible most helpful here.
Calling on God's Name (through his Son),
2006-08-17 19:00:27 Posted by Mel ()
God Bless you Stuart.
Thank God for Jesus........
In Christian Love.......
2006-08-18 00:44:30 Posted by Lois ()
I agree with your comments mel, but did God not change his mind when Abraham asked him to soare peoples lives??? Abraham the intercessor in Gen. 18:23ff
Did Moses not ask for mercy from God as the peole sinned in the wilderness?
That is the reason we should be intercessing for sinners in our world. Because it is biblically right to do so. We can but try, our loveing God cares for the sparrow & numbers the hair on your head., the words of Jesus.
Hope this helps us all to understand
Love in His Name Stuart
2006-08-18 04:06:36 Posted by Stuart (
Hi Stuart. I have nothing of interest to add, just letting you know I stopped by to wish you a wonderful weekend.
God bless
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