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I know that sometimes we tend to focus on what we don't have(hmmm...just like our kids do), rather than on what we do have, but, if we stop to count our many blessings, what we find there is often very encouraging.
The Lord bless you today,
2006-07-22 07:42:02 Posted by Jeanette ()
Surely, in my life I have served many gods and I will declare likewise, There is none like our God! Full of mercy, compassion, grace and love, He treats me as though I am His favorite! Blessed be His Name!!!!
In His Service,
2006-07-22 10:26:24 Posted by Teri ()
Very well said amen
2006-07-22 22:49:15 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Amen! Bro.Bob, Great Post! As you have stated, God has a plan and a purpose in our lives....As for me and my house we will serve the Lord......
Praise His Holy Name.....
God bless you with Love,Joy and Peace in HIM...
With God's Love.....
2006-07-22 23:45:54 Posted by Lois ()
The same King David soon got bored with all he had & staarted looking elsewhere for his excitement!
God forgave him, but the child David fathered with Bathsheba did not please the Lord.
2 Sam:11:26
David then underwent a major act of contrite confessions before a loving merciful God. Then Davis was forgiven & went on to be stronger.
The same forgiveness was given to me & is offerd to everyone who truly repents.
What an Awesome God we have thanks for the post, reminds me that I too must have a contrite heart & desire mercy walking humbly.
Love in His Name Stuart
2006-07-23 04:15:37 Posted by Stuart (
Stuart... Amen... adn this is something that needs to be thought about... we are often very critical of people who make mistakes... Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker... and pastors and deacons and SS teachers... for doing things that they shold not do... but somehow God is even able to use those horrible things to make us all stronger... or some people... I am not condoning what people do but just saying the final chapters have not been written in our lives until we breath our last breath. I know I can look back at my life and the mistakes I made and think... how on earth could God have looked beyond all that... all I know is that He did and I am so glad He did!
2006-07-23 08:41:53 Posted by Bob ()
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