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Great Post! Yes, one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.....
God Bless you, Bro.Bob, with Love,Joy and peace in HIM...
With God's Love......
2006-07-28 00:27:12 Posted by Lois ()
Really enjoy your devotions! How does one get this point across though? How can you convince the self-satisfied, self-indulgent, self-oriented rebels of their need for a true worship of the King?
In His Service,
2006-07-28 05:27:53 Posted by Teri ()
Thanks for all of your comments on my site!
Teri... in my experience we acnt convince them of anything! God has do do that. What we are to do is be obedient ourselves and as they see God in us He is able to speak to their hearts and touch their lives.
Sometimes He touches their hearts and changes their lives to get us out of our self righteous states into a personal walk with Him as well!!!!
uh... i meant some of us as in me and not you!!!
2006-07-28 08:06:25 Posted by Bob ()
Every message must call for self examination or we are in danger of self righteousness. Thanks Bob.
In His Service,
2006-07-28 18:14:25 Posted by Teri ()
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