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    Comment List
    May God bless you Stuart!
    God's Blessings Always!
    2006-03-24 16:13:13 Posted by Marsha ()

    And that just reminds me that I'll never fully understand that very painful day!

    God bless

    2006-03-24 19:58:23 Posted by Lee ()

    Stuart, you bring up a couple of points I will go on a tangent from.

    1.) We are told not to pray like the heathens or unbelievers, thinking that many words will get us an answer.

    2.) What we usually refer to as "The Lord's Prayer" is a model. I often, when I am trying to pray for something, make sure, checklist and formula style, to hit every aspect of that prayer.

    The two are actually two sides of the same thing. You say "my words seem so insignificant" and the truth is, the words themselves mean nothing. You can mean everything in "The Lord's Prayer", and say not one word you could recognize along those lines. Or you could say every last word of that same prayer from memory with very little heart behind what the powerful words you say mean.

    Which has more power?

    I will share from recent experience, that some of you will relate to better than others. In recent trials I have been going through, I have had the occasion to read a specific law completely through several times. Time was coming for me to go to court, and I knew (had faith, if you will) that my cause was just and that the law should protect me. However, I could conceive of one point of arguement that could be made by my opposition that I could shoot down, but not reliably so. I needed to look for the logic to close the loophole they would probably try to use to attack me. I studied furiously and studiously, but kept drawing a blank. I knew (that word of many shades of meaning again) that it should be right with me, and that my position should be able to be made unasailable [sp?] in the eyes of the law.

    Long story short: I raised my hands and eyes to heaven and in exasperation and even sarcasm said two words: "Enlighten Me!" It was heartfelt, and my body was tired and weak. What do you think happened?

    Right. I knew suddenly, what I had been looking for all along was right in the words I had read several times through. I was blind, until I asked (not directly) for my eyes to be opened.

    My conceptualization is that it was somewhat like one of those party games, where you sit around and challenge each other with mind benders. As you can imagine, willful child that I am, I do not surrender easy.

    God was doing an Issac with me. The question was put in front of me, and he knew the answer. He waited with a patient smile to see just how stubborn I would be in trying to figure it out without his help.

    So who had the answer, and always does?

    God our father.

    In Hope and Love,

    2006-03-24 21:31:03 Posted by Mel ()

    One of my favorite prayers is Mark 9:24, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" While not a literal prayer, it was talking to Jesus

    2006-03-24 23:31:09 Posted by Jon ()

    Thank you for all your comments, I was trying to bring home the cost of our salvation, as well as having sufficient faith to undertake what God has in store for us. I often pray for power to overcome my unfaith, my unbelief, my doubting.
    Love in His Name Stuart
    2006-03-25 03:10:23 Posted by Stuart (stuart@sadrankin.com)

    Stuart I know this has nothing to do with your post, but I found humor in it and wanted to share with you. The old Scottish preacher started reading Mathew 1 He read Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob, Jacob begat Judah and his bretheren and they kept on begatting one another all the the way down this side of the page and clear onto the otherside. And he picked up reading from there.
    Is that the way it's done?
    Be blessed
    2006-03-28 00:10:23 Posted by Ross ()

    This is one of the pivital points in history because it set the coarse to the cross into action. Jesus could have gotten up from the graden and said.. I am not going to go to the cross and that would have been the end of things for us. He did not and I am so grateful.

    I have long looked at those words and heard preachers make the same statements that you made in your comments about Jesus' words. I never was comfortable with them in that light.

    Why would Jesus who was (and is) the very Son of God wince and going to the cross when from the very foundation of creation He knew that this would be His destiny? His physical death on the cross and the pain and agony could not begin to compare to the agony He experienced as He stood over Jerusalem and wept because He saw people running around like lost chicks and He knew that HE was the answer that they needed and they would not listen to Him... He knew the awful agony of Hell that would be the end for us all if He did not go to the cross... and let me ask you this... is there not anything that you would not do for a child of yours if they needed something from you to save their life?

    OK... so what could have been the meaning and purpose behind Jesus prayer in that garden... Here is another perspective...

    What were the disciples doing while Jesus was praying?

    Remember.. Satan came to Jesus while He was in the wilderness to tempt Him as He began His earthly ministry... and now he is in the garden with Jesus as He is about to end this earthly ministry... when is Satan's attack the most intense.. when God's blessings and purpose is at its heigth right...

    OK back to the garden. The disciples.... Jesus' most trusted three... the three that He counted on the most... were asleep. They only hours before had been arguing among themsevles about who was going to be in what position in Jesus' kingdom.. Jesus knew that they had no idea about what was about to take place... they did not understand that He was going to die at all... they actually thought at that very moment that He was praying that He was going to be king in Israel.

    So why was Jesus' prayer so intense... what was Satan's attack and argument?

    Jesus.... I know You are going to go to the cross... (he knew that he could not stop Jesus from doing what God had sent Him to do as well as what He Himself had come to do.)

    But... what is Satan's greatest tool against you and me.... "Wait.... don't do it NOW"

    Stay with me... "Jesus You are about to go to the cross. If You do it NOW.... look at Your disciples... if You go to the cross today... I will beat You.. the church will never get off the ground and Your death on the cross will be for nothing. The church will never get off the ground. You can't go to the cross now."

    I firmly believe that Jesus' prayer in the garden centered on the submission of His humanity to His Divinity... Satan tryed in futility to appeal to Jesus' pride and sense of importance to get Him to say... "I have to stay"

    But His prayer was.... God I dont see how this is going to work out but "nevertheless not My will be done but Yours."

    This then becomes our motivation and inspiration.... to stand with God even when it does not seem like it is the right thing to do in our minds either... since it is rarely what we want to do anyway!!!!

    Just a thought.

    Sorry I was so long winded.
    2006-04-02 08:36:07 Posted by Bob (bh@sbgm.org)

    Hi you have a nice homepage nokia6630
    2006-07-01 20:47:12 Posted by Anonymous (has34rft@hare.jp)

    Sorry for this midi ringtones
    2006-07-03 16:27:45 Posted by Anonymous (yahoo55@mail.de)

    Your site is great
    2006-07-05 20:47:50 Posted by Anonymous (spanet@spno6.com)

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