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A great Bible Study Serola. As you said, Jesus is surely coming soon, then the things of the world will mean nothing
In His Love
2008-05-31 16:45:27 Posted by Brenda ()
I am truly enjoying the study.And you may use anything that is on my blog or website. It is all for Gods ministry.
In Gods Love.
2008-05-31 17:49:00 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Hi Serola, I enjoyed your post on Idolatry (part 22)..I received your message this morning and yes you may use whatever posts of mine that you need. For your spiritual care packages.
God's Blessings Always
Love Always!
In Jesus Name
2008-05-31 19:55:51 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Serola,
Another great study. Just keep up the good work. Our home here is just a dressing place to get ready for our eternal home with Jesus.
God bless you and yours..
With God's Love,
2008-05-31 21:25:24 Posted by Lois J. ()
I feel the need to interject an obtuse, but pertinent observation here as well.
BTW, Good study!
I have two children. They obey me as loving children, not as ones fearful of my mighty wrath. (which they have seen, and might consider to be quite scary!) Now the oldest does not obey as automatically as her little sister. She is willful and stubborn. Yet I love her just as much, despite this. Her little sister is the one who is the "obedient" one. Now the behaviors that strike deeper meaning to me from them are this: From the older one, it is a pleasure when she obeys despite her defiant nature. From the younger one, it is concerning when she decides to rebel. They are not the same part of my family, but I love them both.
I do not own or disown my children on what they do or do not do. I love them and they love me despite what we do, sometimes. Our Heavenly Father loves us and we are to be obedient out of our Love for Him. My only caution is this: What is the expression of obedience for you may not be the same as for someone else. It is OK to tell someone what they are doing wrong, and in fact, I think we must to have a clear conscience before God. Be careful to teach that the heart is more important than the form. Do not teach them to wash the outside of the cup, or even let them misunderstand you to be saying that.
I do not like being called a "teacher" of any sort to this day. Does that mean I will not teach? No, but I try to be as humble as I can, knowing that my understanding may not be perfect, and that in teaching, I find more I need to learn.
2008-06-01 16:45:12 Posted by Mel ()
Hi Brenca, its always a pleasure to know you have stopped by to fellowship and leave your kind comments, dear sister. May God's peace and love greatly rest upon you and yours.
2008-06-02 10:06:52 Posted by serola ()
Hi Bro Larry, always a pleasure to know you have stopped by to fellowship. Thanks dear brother for permission to use your posts, in my spiritual care packages. God's peace and love to you and yours always.
2008-06-02 10:12:17 Posted by serola ()
Hi Marsha, always a pleasure to know you have come be to fellowship and leave your kind comments. Thanks for permission to use your work in my spiritual care package. God's love and peace to you and yours always, dear sister.
2008-06-02 10:13:51 Posted by serola ()
Hi lois, always a pleasure to know you have come by to fellowhip and leave your kind comments-so true dear sister, this world is just a dressing for our eternal home to come-praise God! God's peace and love to you and yours always.
2008-06-02 10:16:32 Posted by serola ()
thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave your kind comments, dear brother. God's peace, and love to you and yours always.
2008-06-02 10:18:01 Posted by serola ()
oops Brenda, dear sister, forgive my typo of your name, my precious one.
2008-06-02 10:19:01 Posted by serola ()
Thanks for your message Mel. Let us keep in mind that God's standard is inerrant and eternal. Because He has saved us, made us new creatures in Him, and indwells us He has given us every thing we need to obey Him, even love. Those He accepts as His children are those who obey Him out of love. Those who consistently rebel against him, I am sure too he still loves
them but the bible is clear, He does not consider any such as His Children. love, serola
2015-03-21 12:06:15 Posted by serola ()
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