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Hi Serola,
Wonderful post on Idolatry (part 21). I truly enjoy studying with you at your blog, Dear sister..
God's Blessings Always
Love Always!
In Jesus Name
2008-05-24 10:40:46 Posted by Marsha ()
Hi Marsha,dear sister, it is always a pleasure to see you have stopped by to leave your always appreciated comments. God bless you and yours always.
2008-05-24 12:53:41 Posted by serola ()
Great post. I am enjoying the study Keep up the good work.
In Gods Love.
2008-05-24 22:33:35 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Hi Bro Larry, thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave your always welcome comments, dear brother. God bless you and yours always.
2008-05-26 05:23:26 Posted by serola ()
It has been a while. I am overseas and have little time that coincides with my access to the Internet.
I am not one to argue with points I agree upon, and I do agree with you. However, even if people of the "True Church" were hurt, or even killed, I could still praise God, and so, I suspect, would you. If He was ready for them to come to Him, then so be it. However, I would be careful in my expression of this discernment, not lying, but not judging. This oversight might seem to be small, but I think we Idolize even our own mortal lives. We are valuable, yes, but that value is not in our physical self, but our Spirit.
2008-06-01 16:24:23 Posted by Mel ()
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