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Its true that so many people, especially during trials, have trouble accepting their standing with God. We need to continually remind ourselves, and others.
2007-11-12 14:08:04 Posted by Jon ()
Hi Serola. Good message. I know some now who are having trouble with how they stand with God. We need never to think that God dosen't love us. That message is hard to get across sometimes.
In Gods Love.
2007-11-12 21:42:38 Posted by Bro Larry ()
Hi Jon, thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughtful comments. So true trials try to take our eyes off of Jesus, but dear brother, I agree we must continually remind ourselves and others of who we are in Jesus.
2007-11-12 21:44:03 Posted by serola ()
Hi Bro Larry, thanks for stopping by and leaving your insightful comments. Yes, dear brother, I agree that we need never to think that God Doesn't love us, nevertheless we children of light are lively stones, and a royal priesthood. Lets all of us keep praying for out Lord to open up the eyes of those who have difficulties in this area.
2007-11-12 21:49:37 Posted by serola ()
Hi Serola,
Great Message. Yes, we are lively stone, salt
and light.....
Yes, the Old Testament is under the law...So now in the New Testament, since Jesus came, we
are under grace......Amazing Grace...
God bless you.
In His Love..
2007-11-12 23:24:14 Posted by Lois J. ()
Hi Lois J. Always good to see you have stopped by and left your heartfelt comments. Indeed we are no longer under the law, but Grace, yes dear sister, Amazing Grace!
2007-11-13 13:08:31 Posted by serola ()
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