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    Leaning On Grace
          Walking in Christ for 35+ years and realizing I have to keep pace with the rest of the world without becoming a part of the world. Musings is what I will ramble on about but always proclaiming the name of Christ. You might learn something; you might teach me.

    Tue, Nov 29th - 3:00PM

    World AIDS Day

    "Welcome to World AIDS Day - the international day of action on HIV and AIDS which takes place every year on 1 December."~news brief 
    Welcome to a great day of grief and recognition of society problems.
    "More than 15 million children around the world have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. Each one of these children has a name. Each one needs hope."
    Like it or not it is all about the legacy we pass on to our children---or fail to do. We have all heard of young Ryan White who was an innocent victim and spokesperson of AIDS who gave up his young life crusading for others to understand this was not "God's wrath for homosexuality" as Christians first labeled and condemned this disease. (Luk 13:4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and killed them, think ye that they were offenders above all the men that dwell in Jerusalem?)
    The secular society has made it into a national day of testing for HIV/AIDS. I won't get tested. I won't wear a red ribbon, but I will pray for these victims as I recall a young man I unwittingly ministered to in his final days of this disease. His mother was so ashamed and in denial that she told me her son, Carlos had cancer. At his funeral she asked me if I knew he had AIDS? I said I didn't as I wept and groaned and prayed with her, but it would have made no difference to me. How about you? No matter how we leave our body to return to dust and meet our Maker, our prayers and compassion while living is a must. Join with me in this prayer.
    Prayer For AIDS Victim
    Lord God, I can not think offhand of a worse death and stigma attached to it. I have AIDS and I have been labeled as unrighteous. All I know is that I am afraid, I am lonely, and I have been ostracized from many. Now I must suffer before dying despite medical progress connected with this diagnosis.
    You alone, Lord God Almighty know me at this moment. We are told, Psa 14:3 "They are all gone aside; they are together become filthy; There is none that doeth good, no, not one." So my feeling of filth is universal and that is why I plead for Your grace and for Your mercy. You alone Lord God will be my Judge and my Comforter as I face my disease and inevitable death.
    Father God, I know of those that have gone before me in this life and death. I know of those that have gotten this disease without the accusations attached to it. You and I alone know what my history is. I know You are merciful. I know that Your Son has so loved the world that He gave Himself for me; for those that believe that His shed blood cleanses us from all sin.
    I believe that Jesus is preparing a room for me in heaven, because I have not only confessed all my sins and repented, but I have accepted Him as my personal Savior.
    Father God, as I race toward the end of my life, I ask, no I beg, Your mercy to be with me and displayed as Your love and acceptance. I ask that although my life on earth may not have been lived in dignity that my death might be noted as such.
    Father God, I ask for medical research to ease the suffering of those in this condition and offer hope that we might be relieved of our pain and suffering in a Godly fashion.
    Father God, until the end, I ask that I might know You, proclaim Your name and give witness that You still love and accept us through Christ Jesus, Your Son in whom I pray. Amen

    Comment (2)

    Sat, Nov 26th - 4:40AM

    O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

    History of Advent

    It cannot be determined with any degree of certainty when the celebration of Advent was first introduced into the Church. The preparation for the feast of the Nativity of Our Lord was not held before the feast itself existed.

    One of the earliest references to Christmas being celebrated on December 25 appeared in Antioch in the middle of the second century. At that time, Christians were still persecuted. An official determination was made in the fourth century, when the Roman emperor Constantine embraced Christianity, thereby ensuring the legality of Christmas celebrations. The Council of Tours in 567 established the period of Advent as a time of fasting before Christmas. They also proclaimed the twelve days from Christmas to Epiphany a sacred, festive season.

    According to present usage [1910], Advent is a period beginning with the Sunday nearest to the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (30 November) and embracing four Sundays. The first Sunday may be as early as November 27th, and then Advent has twenty-eight days, or as late as December 3rd, giving the season only twenty-one days.

    The popular idea that the four weeks of Advent symbolize the four thousand years of darkness in which the world was enveloped before the coming of Christ finds no confirmation in the Liturgy.

    The familiar carol "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" belongs to the Advent season since it celebrates the expectation of Christ's coming rather than His actual birth. ~www.christmas.com

    I love the Advent season, the Lenten season and the Pentecost season. My discipline goes back to my early introduction the the Lutheran Church. It was at that time a Missouri Synod and although I couldn't seem to find any Jesus lovers there as a new convert, I was taught Luther's Catechism, Common Prayer, and Church calendar events. These have been invaluable in laying a good foundation for someone who now labels oneself as a Non-denominational Apologetic. At the very least, I can hold my own in conversation with the traditionalist.

    I can relate strongly to St. Paul going into the desert side, learned as this master was in Judaism, to absorb Jesus before he preached the Gospel. I just did things a little opposite as him.

    I pray that you love the Advent season also. It prepares us for Christmas and celebrating the birth of Christ into this sinful world for our redemption. And it reminds us of His Second Coming. His return. Come, Lord Jesus

    Advent Season Prayer

    Almighty God, what a holy period we enter into on the occasion of Advent. You prepared the hearts of many for the coming of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, and we ask that You prepare our hearts during the Advent season to worship, glorify and obey Him.
    The church has passed down rich customs and traditions for preparation and contemplation during this season. If we do them by rote, we do nothing. For this reason we ask that You make us living examples of being prepared to honor Your Son and to proclaim His name to the world.
    We ask that during this season, we might realize that commercialism is not what we are to give witness to. We are to give witness to a living and loving Savior who is the Lord of our life.
    We are to give witness by our devotion to Him as well as our obedience.
    We are to give witness as Jesus did that You are a loving Father and merciful God who offers forgiveness of sins and eternal life through His sacrifice.
    We are to give witness to Him by the power of the Holy Spirit who now dwells within us. Renew us.
    Makes us honorable vessels as we prepare for the occasion of the celebration of His birth.
    As Your prophets of old prepared for His glorious birth with hope and expectation, we come to You as ask You to prepare our hearts to receive Him.
    Keep us focused on our Lord Jesus during this season. Help us to do works worthy of His name. Help us to spread the Good News and keep us mindful that He shall indeed return.
    O, come let us adore Him. We praise Your glorious name for the gift of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, in whom we pray for our sanctification. May our worship this Advent season please You. Amen

    Posted at 02:54 am by editor



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    Fri, Nov 25th - 8:17AM

    Buy Nothing Day Counters Black Friday

    Buy Nothing Day is here!

    action pyramisFor 24 hours, millions of people around the world do not participate -- in the doomsday economy, the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that's become our culture. We pause. We make a small choice not to shop. We shrink our footprint and gain some calm. Together we say: enough is enough. And we help build this movement to rethink our unsustainable course.

    This is a new movement that I can support. Albeit, Friday is our grocery shopping day so I am not really a bonafide member.

    As Christians we are to be peculiar people. BND is peculiar, but if this catches on Christians might actually refuse to kick off the holiday shopping season AKA Black Friday.

    I always get prayer requests from people asking for financial blessings. Cars, houses, lottery winnings even. I have lived through poverty in my life, and I say there is nothing more rewarding than to lean on Jesus for your daily bread. I remember the prosperity gospel that should bring shame to all Christians that bought into it. I recall the Son of man had no where to lay His head. I recall the Son of God was born in a manger.

    I don't do prayers for prosperity miracles. I do a prayer for debt reduction finances or a tithing prayer which is even more superior. If you need a copy, I will post it or you can find it at www.4pray.com

    Hag 1:6 "Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes." holes

    This is the kick off of the "I am in debt buying gifts season." I offer the same solution BND offers. Refuse to shop and celebrate the Christmas season with thoughts of Christ and exchanges of goodwill toward men in celebration of Christmas instead.

    Happy anticipation of Advent which starts on November 27. Now that is something I can rejoice in and participate in.

    Comment (0)

    Thu, Nov 24th - 5:33AM

    'Cause I Eat My Spinach

    Which of the following does not belong in the group?


    I won't post the answer. I will let you do that in the comment section, but I gave you a clue by the title of today's commentary.
    I can not see a riddle without thinking of Samson. Jdg 14:12 And Samson said unto them, Let me now put forth a riddle unto you: if ye can declare it unto me within the seven days of the feast, and find it out, then I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty changes of raiment;

    Jdg 14:13 but if ye cannot declare it unto me, then shall ye give me thirty linen garments and thirty changes of raiment. And they said unto him, Put forth thy riddle, that we may hear it.

    Jdg 14:14 And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth food, And out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days declare the riddle.  

    We all know how the story twists and turns and ultimately displays Delilah's betrayal and Samson's downfall. Ah, for the love of a good woman. The real message is, however: see how little confidence is to be put in man. Whatever pretense of friendship may be made, a real Philistine will soon be weary of a true Israelite.

    My closest friend these past 4 years now is Jewish. I love her dearly. I have had the hardiest laughs in my entire life with her. She traveled from Denmark to the States to stay with me for five days. There is nothing we would not do for each other. EXCEPT: She can not pray to Him who lives to intercede for us, Jesus Christ. She knows all about the Christian religion but has rejected it and Him. She does admit, "Your God is nicer than mine."

    I pray, I witness, I love, I laugh, I am always there for her. I haven't made a poor judgment as Samson did. But I know one day that we must part ways, either in this world or the next.

    Please keep people that you love that are far from Christ, in your prayers without ceasing. I know that prayer prevails.

    Comment (2)

    Wed, Nov 23rd - 3:55AM


    A Thanksgiving Day two hundred years ago was a day set aside for prayer and fasting, not a day marked by plentiful food and drink as is today's custom. And who ever heard of football games?
    As we do mark this day as a National observance, keep in mind that there are the least, the last and the lost that have no thankfulness upon their breath today. Despite the flurry of the start of the Christmas retail season, in 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the holiday to the third Thursday of November (to extend the Christmas shopping season and boost the economy). After a storm of protest, Roosevelt changed the holiday again in 1941 to the fourth Thursday in November, where it stands today.~~from www.earlyamerica.com
    Pause today to remember, suicide attempts and domestic violence increase during the holidays. Some can only give Painsgiving while we pray Thanksgiving.
    Our nation has set aside of day of prayer and thanksgiving to You, our Father God. Today we celebrate all the blessings You have poured out upon us individually and as a whole.
    Lord God, foremost we thank You for the gift of eternal life given through Your Son Jesus Christ. We thank You for His sacrifice and the plan You have that we might dwell with You in eternity we depart this earthy body.
    Lord God, we thank You for the freedoms we have while others go enslaved. Our nation is wealthy in freedom of worship and freedom of speech to name a few. We have so many freedoms that we take for granted. We take this time to thank You for these privileges.
    Lord God, we thank You for the abundance of food we have and can share with others. We thank You that You have blessed our crops and for the ease we have in providing food for our families. We thank You that we do not go to bed hungry each night.
    Lord God, we thank You that this is a rich nation. We may be tempted to complain of our wealth or social standing, but Lord we have abundance and we recognize your financial blessings upon us.
    Lord God, we thank You for our health and the richness of available doctors, hospitals and medications. We thank You for these marvels that enhance our life expectancy. We thank You for the strides made in medicine that can provide quality of life.
    Lord God, we thank You for our modern conveniences and our advances in technology which eases our lifestyles and makes us more productive. We thank You for the blessings You have bestowed in these areas.
    Lord God, we thank You for our homeland security and for our military which protects our great land. We thank You that You watch over us. Keep us grateful that we are under the shadow of Your wings.
    Lord God, we thank You for our churches, our neighbors, our families and our friends who keep our lives stable and enrich us. We pray that You might continue to shower blessings upon them all.
    Lord God, there is so much to be thankful for. Help us to have a gratitude attitude 365 days a year. Help us to continue to proclaim Your name to all. Thank You, Lord God for all You are to us, through Your blessed Son, Christ Jesus. Amen

    Comment (2)

    Sat, Nov 19th - 5:03AM

    Infidel Mel Mel

    Can't escape it when God lays an intercessory burden upon our heart. This past week I was trying to locate Infidel Mel Mel a.k.a. Infidel Sapient. He was a good guy, although misled.

    He faithfully came to my GraceToday message board for well over a year. He stretched me. Many of our members threatened to leave if I would not ban him. Their faith claimed that they were being shaken. One such member said she was driven to her pastor for counseling. She stayed on after her minister reiterated, "For God so loved the world", and "Go ye into all the world". I had to lock threads for the first time in my experience, not because of him, but because of the inflamed tempers of "mild mannered, meek" Christians. When he finally exhausted turned to me for relief from my otherwise sweet members, I could not defend him. He left and it was a sad day for us both.

    He was POLITE, intelligent and funny, on top of being young, single and easily influenced. He had his own board and had gotten involved with major atheist movements. He was active and passionate, and I question those that are called by the name of Christ if they measure up in their beliefs.

    Long story short, his inbox is disabled. His board is defunct, and search and post as I may, all I could discover is no one has heard from him since March. I even dared to tread on a very hostile new board whose members didn't like a Christian editor posting there. They were suspicious of my search, and I understand the tension more fully now that Mel was under.

    I sought him down two Christmases ago and posted in his turf atheist Christmas hymns, which was a hit for him and his members. If we can't laugh at ourselves, then we are the laughing stock.

    If God is laying on your heart to reach out to another non-believer, please do it. We don't know why we are nudged, but we know it is the Holy Spirit. I will keep you updated, on my friend, Mel.

    Prayer For The Atheist

    Almighty God, we are told that we are without excuse for not believing in Your existence. Rom 1:20 "For the invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even His everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse." We bring to You in prayer the atheist.
    Lord God, they can not see Your splendor as we do. They can not feel Your sweet Presence. They have no knowledge of You. They do not believe in eternal life through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. We pray for them that before they put off their earthly bodies they might come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. We ask that members of the Body might be able to persuade them. We pray for a mighty witness and testimony. We pray that within the depths of their soul they might seek salvation and eternal life even if the desire is buried deep within them..
    Lord God, help them to set aside pride and rebellion. Help them to open their minds. Help them to see You clearly. Help them to set aside the poor choices they have made in their lives all to dispute You. 
    Lord God, it is such a heartbreak to see them live a life of ignorance and denial. We pray for their conversion, as we ourselves were found by Christ. We pray the Holy Spirit to keep on convicting them, to keep on calling them, to keep on placing evidence in their pathway. We pray for mercy upon their soul.
    Lord God, we pray as believers in Christ that You grant us patience in witnessing, Light as examples, and unending testimony addressed to them. Help us to hold on to the very end. Help us to feel compassion and help us to never tire of prayer and intercession for their soul. We ask this through Christ Jesus, our Savior. Amense




    Comment (8)

    Sat, Nov 12th - 9:42AM

    Fallen But Not Forsaken

    Autumn is here. We call it Fall. My DH's favorite season of the year. My second least liked--only winter taking the head ship in our Ohio location.
    I see Fall time as leaves that continually need to be raked and bagged or mowed and chopped.
    I see wood constantly being put in the wood burner to provide warmth and anyone with whole house heating system knows this is just a beginning.
    I see lack of sunlight. Oh how I miss that most.
    I see our beautiful tree cover disappear and I know others on the road can now see our normally secluded house.
    I see others that begin the normal SAD season for them who really begin to struggle.
    I see a rush to holiday preparations which spell out, no matter what you do, you are always stressed and behind the list of things to do.
    The things I see are not me. May I say it again? The things I see are not me. I am just saying, in reality, I am a full glass person. I see joy daily, only through Christ. I see the glass full and not empty, only through Christ. I see days that are dim grow bright again, only through Christ. I see death and am only reminded of eternal life through Christ.
    Perhaps you lost your vision for a reason or a season? Don't dismay. Ecc 3:1 "For everything there is a season, and a time for very purpose under heaven."  We know it; we claim it; We live it.
    For those of us who cling to the hem of His garment, we know this too shall pass. He has a season to walk us up again on the sunlit mountaintop.
    This is not Fall. We are fallen by nature but Christ provides a plan of redemption. If today is not a good day give it twenty fours. He will take you through the valley where you can now view the peaks again. Take heart, little one!
    Lord God, I know it is not the best way to approach You with whining and whoa on our lips. I know that we are to come before Your throne of grace with thanksgiving and praise. Forgive me for these circumstances that have me so cast down. Grant me Your grace and mercy despite my downcast spirit.
    I will never forget that Your Word declares, Pro 23:7 "For as he thinks within himself, so is he." Lately I have fallen into the trap where I do not recall my blessings, but dwell on my losses. I not only believe what is said about me by the ungodly, but I have started to recant those negative words to myself.
    Lord God, I have brought these circumstances to You, and with all my heart I do believe You are working them out to my good and to Your glory. I need to ask You to strengthen me and to remove this discouragement from me. I recall King David saying, "Renew a right spirit within me." That is exactly what I need Lord---renewal.
    Forgive me for the injustice I do to Your name when I can not testify of Your goodness and glory. Forgive me for those moments when I doubt myself and choose discouragement. I know that with You, all things are possible. That is not dependent on me. I must recognize that You are indeed in control.
    Help me to worship You and praise Your name again. Don't allow me to become a slave to human nature where we want all things bright and beautiful. Help me to understand their are valleys and mountaintop in our lives, and allow me to see You walking with me through this shadowy period.
    Lift me up, Lord so that I might resist this self defacement in my life and so that I once again my concentrate on the Kingdom of God.
    I humbly beseech You for Your favor and help, through Christ the King and Conqueror. Amen

    Comment (0)

    Thu, Nov 10th - 4:27AM

    Black Pall

    We either see things in black or white, and for some special people they see things in between. We see things in the light of Christ who is portrayed in white as He rides and reigns and will clothe us accordingly.

    Rev 3:5 "He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments; and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels."

    Or we peer in darkness as we watch the third seal in Revelations being opened: On opening the third seal, a black horse appeared; a color denoting mourning and woe, darkness and ignorance.

    We have not began to live through the Tribulation period yet as this subjects depicts, but it is a warning and an exhortation for those of us who dwell in darkness.

    "I don't", you say! I say, "Then where is the joy of the Lord in your life and where is your walk in victory?" People either view us in shades of black or shades of white. Jesus counsels us, Rev 3:18 "I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich; and white garments, that thou mayest clothe thyself, and that the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest; and eyesalve to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see."

    I read a wonderful devotion the other day that said, in part, . . . willfully disobedient to God because we think we can handle our situation and God’s way just seems too hard or not quite appropriate for our “special” circumstances! That’s just like us humans – we always think our circumstances are unique, special, or extraordinary . . . this is a major cause of willful disobedience. How many times have you heard someone say, “Oh, God understands!” or “The Bible isn’t specific about this so it’s not disobedience!” or “I’ll go ahead this once and repent quickly, but it’s the only way to deal with this problem right now!” ~Jan Ross

    If we are clothed in black pall today, we need to repent while it is day. Although this blog is called "Leaning On Grace", I have to watch and pray that it doesn't become "Taking Advantage Of Grace."

    Almighty God, I will sincerely examine my life today as the Holy Spirit examines my heart. May the result be, dear Lord, a vision of white when You have had Your way with me. Amen


    Comment (8)

    Sat, Nov 5th - 5:32AM

    Why Didn't I Think Of That?

    I'll either get booed for this topic, or I'll get yays. I have been a Christian webmaster for 6 years now. I saw the Internet as an Evangelical opportunity. I recall that both my pastor and her husband were at different ends of the spectrum in denying support. She didn't want the hassle of technology and he didn't want playing around with the "devil's tool".
    Well, like they say, "You've come a long way, baby." I stayed with it. I remember when my husband wanted to get an ISP and I specifically said, "What for? I won't use it." We did and number one basic was to learn HTML. Then I learned the keyword search "free" to support my baby steps. Web pages hosting, graphic uploads, secular add-on tools for my sites, message boards, chat rooms tag boards, prayer rooms, blogs, RRS feeds, my own domain name toolbar offering, and now I am working on ipod broadcasting.
    Each and every step of the way was a humbling learning experience. On one hand, I felt inferior. On the other hand because I overcame roadblocks I felt that God was blessing my ministry despite me being a blonde.
    O.K., I regressed from my original topic. Why is it that Christians are always the last to come to leading edge technology? Why are we not the first? Why are we the tail and not the head? Why didn't we think of that and offer it to a secular world, rather than vice versa?
    At least monthly, I do searches for free Christian webmaster tools and monthly I walk away scratching my head that there are not new offerings. Don't get me wrong: Christians Unite offered this blog for free which rocks, but 3 years ago I went with a secular blog site and still blog daily. At first it was rough with the, "I hate Christian" messages I would get, but in my heart I knew I was on the leading edge in going into all the world.
    I want the world to stand up and note that Christians rock! I want the world to note that through the mighty name of Christ we trailblaze! Do you? Do you have any ideas where Christians could be on the leading edge if we applied ourselves?
    I want to be like the Samaritan women at the well who brought back her whole town's people to see the Messiah! She, in reality, was the first female missionary.
    Bless us Lord God and grant the mind of Christ who reached people where they were at. May we also turn the world upside down. Amen

    Comment (3)

    Fri, Nov 4th - 4:27AM

    Bent But Not Broken

    Isaiah 42:3 "A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice."
    Let's be very honest. Jesus never promised us a rose garden. Some come to Christ expecting that a magic wand will now be waved over their life. We are plainly told that some will fall away at the first sign of adversity as Jesus spoke about in the parable of the Sower. M't:13:5: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: M't:13:6: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.
    Some then fell upon stony places which represents the case of hearer’s who receive some good impressions of the Word, but it is not lasting. They do not turn a deaf ear to it; they are quick in hearing and it springs up, but it was “swallowed without being chewed.” They are glad to hear a good sermon, they endure for awhile, but they do not endure to the end. No fruit was brought to perfection. When trials come such as persecution represented by the scorching sun, it withers away. We are told to expects trials and persecutions and not to be alarmed when they come.
    "But we have the mind of Christ." We have adversaries and persecutions and we are told to leap with joy. But as said in my first sentence, "Let us be very honest." Sometimes it just don't feel so very good. Sometimes we can not pray through it, let alone praise through it. Sometimes our trials are so overwhelming we don't even have the hope or faith that we can get through the next 24 hours, let alone this crisis. We are human. We can bruise. We can be dimly burning. It has been foretold.
    I can't begin to tell you enough not to shoulder your burden alone. We are called, as members of the body of Christ to bear one another burdens. Find a trusted one and unload. Make it someone who is a good listener, who is known for their wisdom and compassion, and who will support and pray for you. Don't be a lone wolf now. God is collecting your tears. Find an honorable friend that will also.
    If this is you today, I leave you this prayer written by an online friend of mine:
    Thank You, Lord for Your goodness and Your loving kindness. There is no one like You Lord. You lead us and guide us through difficult storms, when no one else can see the way. When it looks as if there is no hope, You give us hope. And when we feel as if there is no solution to our problems, You come and give us the answer- the answer is You.
    You are the way, the truth and the life. You are the answer to all of our questions and the supplier of all of our needs.
    Thank you, Father that even when we are faithless, You are faithful- You can not deny Yourself.
    Thank you, Lord that you can breathe life into dry bones. Lord, You are a miracle worker, a God who works the impossible, and there is nothing too difficult for You. You are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.
    Your Word is truth. You have never lied to us. You are a God who works all things after the counsel of Your own will.
    Thank you, Lord for working all things together for our good. Help us to trust You more, and cause us to have a greater hunger for You- for Your Word and for Your very Presence.
    We worship You Lord. You are a great and Mighty God and we bow our hearts to You today and say thank You for all You have done- for every trial You delivered us from and carried us through.
    Thank You for all the future trials You will carry us through.
    Thank You that You have made us more than conquerors through Christ.
    Thank You for Your purposes and Your plans because Your ways are perfect, and your will is perfect and holy. We say today and ever more-Your will Lord, not our wills. Your will-nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else.
    Oh the depths of the riches of both the wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are Your judgments and Your ways past finding out. For who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been His counselor? Who has ever given to You that You should repay? For from You and to You and through You is everything. To You be the Glory forever and ever, through Christ Jesus. Amen Author~Vesna


    Comment (2)

    Thu, Nov 3rd - 4:47AM

    God Calling

    "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the taxcollector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him."  Matthew 9:9
    Luke 9:59-60 "And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But he said unto him, Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but go thou and publish abroad the kingdom of God."
    Quite a contrast in following Christ's calling now and putting it off until the proverbial tomorrow which never comes. Have you always felt a calling tugging at you, but have delayed it with other projects and priorities first?
    In my particular age group (husband just retired this September) I find countless others with the mindset of "When I retire...." This is so sad that all of the younger and vital energy is dedicated to the workplace and not to the individual and unique ministry that God has been nudging you on, perhaps for years now.
    As we have witnessed in this very age group some of our friends and acquaintances have never made it to retirement or having only celebrated this occasion for a short period was called home to the Lord.
    Perhaps you are thinking, "But I have influenced people in my walk with Christ." The truth is we are not called to influence; we are called to impact. Jesus' disciples forsook all to follow Him. They turned the world upside down.
    Are you waiting until retirement? Are you waiting to finish home projects first? Are you waiting to raise your kids? We could list a dozen or more excuses for not fulfilling your calling to a more convenient season for you.
    Be willing to pray over this area today, even if you feel you are doing your best. Have you forsaken all to follow Him? Is there somewhere He desires to lead you, no matter the inconvenient timing, that you might make an impact in His Kingdom? An honest appeal. No pretense. No boasting. No posturing. Just prayer. And when you clearing see that God has indeed been calling you, join me in this prayer to thank Him for His insistence after finally having His way!
    Almighty God, You have honored me with the request that I be in service to You. Thank You for gifting me with this request. I know that the responsibility for this work is not mine, but Yours. That my part is to present a fit container for the work You choose to do through me.

    Lord Almighty, we are so privileged to call upon the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to have such intimacy with You. Jesus set forth the most perfect example of serving You!

    Lord Almighty, this opens opportunities for us to be a witness of Your love and a defender of the Truth.

    I know that my own talent is not up to the demands of this work, and that You have not chosen me because of my wisdom or skill; You have chosen me because of my willingness to be surrendered to You and Your plans. This is my qualification, and I ask that I always remember my humble beginnings.

    I ask that You touch the hearts and lives of those that come seeking prayer and help. I pray, O Lord that You reach out and touch each heart who is seeking, lonely, suffering, confused or hurting and provide them with Your Presence and peace. I pray that not one will walk away not feeling uplifted by coming to You for a few moments of solace. I ask in Your Name that there be abundant wisdom found in my new ministry. 

    The needs may be small or great, but You alone have promised to hear the cries of Your children when they call out to You regardless of their religious persuasion.

    I ask these things of you this day,
    in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

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    Wed, Nov 2nd - 5:01AM

    Street Wise


    Matthew 10:16
    "I am sending you out like sheep amongst wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.

    When did you come to Christ? I did not until I was 20. Years of listening to testimonies of people coming to Christ when they were 6, or 8, or 10 or 12 often left me with a great void in my life. Why hadn't the Hound of Heaven chased me down before I became such a wretch? It wasn't until a few days before my Dad turned 80 and accepted Christ, did I breathe a sigh of relief and truly began to thank God for my comparatively early salvation.

    One thing that I did gain from my late arrival in the Kingdom was that I was street wise. I ran with a rough crowd, I knew a good con when I saw one, and I learned that a smile is not always from a friend.

    Matthew 26:48-50
    'Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: "The one I kiss is the man; arrest him." Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, "Greetings, Rabbi!" and kissed him. Jesus replied, "Friend, do what you came for."'

    I hear of astounding accounts of singles being swindled, elderliness being conned and more familiar with the Internet, phishing, computer attacks and Trojans, and identity theft. I am not saying that I might not well fall victim one day. What I am seeing and I am well aware of man's nature and propensity to sin. I am now glad that my head is not like the ostrich, buried in the sand.

    We were commanded to go into all the world. Being obedient we surely will fall pray to the unscrupulous.

    My prayer today is Scripture I desire God to grant you. There are still things to say about not learning the hard way as I did early on in life!

    Job 1:10 "Has not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he has, on every side? thou has blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land."



    Comment (2)

    Tue, Nov 1st - 8:32AM

    Have You Hugged A Tree Today?

    Silly, but I once made a slate based sign with that saying, "Have You Hugged A Tree Today (?), picturing a bear grasping a tree for all it was worth. That was years ago and it is pretty weather worn, but I just received a message today--a reminder from my husband--that more than trees are waiting for me to reach out.

    As he read from the book I just purchased for him, "When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer's", these words stood out, "It takes 4 hugs a day to survive; 8 hugs a day to maintain; and 12 hugs a day to thrive." Life's simple pleasures touch me at the moments I need to remember them.

    It has been awhile since I felt the warmth of a hug, or given one. I don't know how I forgot how wonderful human interaction is when we least expect it is. I am pledging to give at least the minimum today--4 hugs to survive, and I hope in giving I will receive and make up the deficit. How about you?  Let your arms do the talking today even if it cannot be with the one you love most. Sometimes speech is not necessary! Give and take a Christian hug today. Just do it!

    Lord God, I am separated from my loved ones and worry so. I fear for their health, their safety, their well-being. It is difficult to be apart from them and I am uncertain of how well they will be taking care of themselves. I am anxious that they are far from my watchful eye.
    I recall in Scripture, when Jacob's father-in-law said, (Gen 31:49) "Jehovah watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another."
    Lord God, I ask You to watch over my loved ones in my absence. I ask You to help me to trust You and lay this burden down at the foot of the cross. I know that You will guide them in all their decisions and keep them under the shelter of Your everlasting arms. I know that You will perfect that which concerns us.
    May my loved ones find peace in Your Presence and comfort in Your Fatherly love.
    May You keep me mindful to pray without ceasing for them.
    May You help me not to use this distance as an excuse to not keep in touch or to do random acts of kindness.
    May it please You Lord to watch over us until we can be re-united again. In Jesus' name I pray and place my trust. Amen

    Posted at 02:31 am by editor



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