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    Leaning On Grace
          Walking in Christ for 35+ years and realizing I have to keep pace with the rest of the world without becoming a part of the world. Musings is what I will ramble on about but always proclaiming the name of Christ. You might learn something; you might teach me.

    Mon, Oct 31st - 5:24AM

    Trick Or Treat

    "You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob.  Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes.  I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame.  In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever."  Psalm 44:4-8
    I would be amiss if I did not address Halloween. I observed it for many years as a Christian before I thought, "What's wrong with this picture?"
    Many of you might think our holidays even within a church setting are pagan based. And you know what? You would be right. But today we are talking about the festival of Halloween and our participation in it. Fun? Harmless? Activity for our children? A chance happening to over-indulge in candies?  A costume where we wear our masks and can be our favorite, and sometimes hidden, character? What in the world can be wrong with wasting a pumpkin on carving rather than cooking?
    Well, the answer is nothing if you are not stirring up the kingdom of satan in your walk with Christ. He, simply put, will not attack you on this day, and the weeks that goes into the preparation of this demonic activity. Halloween will come and go and you will be no wiser for it. But I see, I know, and I pray myself up for this day in advance. I know longer straddle the fence, I know longer apologize, I know longer accept the alternative, all saints day, and I pray this prayer for you that know of the satanic activity that accompanies this "holiday". 
    Almighty God, in the name of Your Son, the sinless One, I renounce the devil and all his works and especially during this demonic active season which we call Halloween. We desire to go into the enemy's camp and take back what was stolen from us--our heritage and blessings in the name of the Lord.
    Perhaps when growing up we were taught this was a fun holiday for children. Schools, neighbors, clubs and even churches celebrated in some specific manner. But now that we are spiritually equipped we see the increase in demonic activity that this holiday has and we have no desire to contribute to it with careless actions or placing ourselves in the path of ungodly influence.
    By the power of Christ within us we rebuke the forces of evil and its design to entrap us in idol worship and denial of Your name. What we saw as harmless we have experience the ill effects of evil intentions against us, our church and our society.
    Forgive those who are called by Your name who have somehow participated in elevating the works of the devil in any manner. Forgive us who have not thwarted his plans and by not coming up with an alternative activity that is safe for our children, for those that have bought the ungodly symbols to denote this season and for those of us that have not watched and prayed as Jesus exhorted us to do.
    Draw those to You who have not yet declared holy war against participation in this satanic holiday. May we find You pleased with our desire to not bow our knee to the evil one.
    Bless and protect all that take a stand for Your Kingdom.
    Send your ministering angels to provide a hedge of protection around each believer throughout the increase of this evil activity. We proclaim the blood of Christ which defeated satan at Calvary.
    We choose this day to serve You. Protect and provide, Almighty God and equip us to stand strong in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Posted at 02:33 am by editor

    Comment (4)

    Fri, Oct 28th - 11:12AM

    Porn---the forbidden subject

    At last, I received a devotional this day that deals with this subject. I don't ever recall my pastor preaching on it, but I do know members on my site have queried about it and now Bill Keller who captures my attention said this, in part:
    "Porn is coming to your cell phone.  While you were sleeping last night, satan has been busy....  Porn sites generate more daily traffic than any other type of site on the Internet ....It is virtually impossible to conduct business today with a large corporation that doesn't have some connection to the pornography industry. Your credit card companies, who you get your Internet access from, your phone company, your cable or satellite TV company, all have links to and profit in some way from the porn industry."
    When are we as Christians going to stand against porn? When can we ever even begin to address it as a sermon in church? When can we begin to tell our spouse, our friend, our TV station we don't want to see, hear or view it.
    I am reminded that in the last days, evil shall even be called good. If we don't speak out, shall we still be called good by this world's standards?
    I am speaking out today and have included a prayer against pornography. I haven't done more than taken a stand before the throne of God, but isn't that where our stance should begin?
    Lord God, there is so much in today"s world that is wrong, but this is a problem I bring to You because I know that You desire cleanliness within us.
    Lord God, it almost seems like our television sets display pornography on a daily basis. It does not always, yet I keep it on all day and myself have witnessed things I should have not.
    Lord God, it almost seems like our magazines delivered to our homes display, pornography. It does not every column, but I keep subscribing to it.
    Lord God, it almost seems like my searches on the Internet leads me to pornographic sites sometimes. It does not always yet I haven't bought safe guards against it on my computer.
    Lord God, I find I am uncomfortable with the format of someone that chooses this form and filthiness of addiction, and yet I am not a living example of the purity of Christ that He displayed.
    For this reason I bring this one in bondage to this addiction and I ask You to set them free. To deliver them from this filth. To give them a heart for You.
    I ask that You make me an example of purity, compassion and love. Help me to make a good example of a clean heart as they are set free from this bondage. Teach me to be wise in presenting them with Christian materials that will convict them and help me to say as Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more" (John 8:11)
    Lord God, who sets the captives free, make me instrumental in bringing and releasing this one I know that has been bound too long. Help me to remember that it is only through the grace of God that I myself have not been bound. Set them free through Christ Jesus. Amen


    Comment (5)

    Thu, Oct 27th - 9:39AM

    Avoiding The Root Of Bitterness

    There are so many Scriptures to guide us. There are so many distractions to lead us away. Being faithful, day by day, means showing up at the Throne of Grace for our daily marching orders. Sometimes we march without consulting Him as did David, who was a man after God's own heart!

    2Sa 24:10 "And David's heart smote him after that he had numbered the people. And David said unto Jehovah, I have sinned greatly in that which I have done: but now, O Jehovah, put away, I beseech thee, the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done very foolishly."

    I have to admit in my walk with Christ I have done foolish things. I could name them but then this space would be about me and not Christ. I never struggle with giving forgiveness, but in receivIng it. Perhaps you struggle with both? I could never create from my heart a prayer for forgiveness more beautiful than this one I found today:

    Forgiveness Prayer


    Let us pray...

    The following prayer covers most significant areas
    of forgiveness. Often, such a prayer will bring to
    mind other areas that need forgiveness. Let the Holy
    Spirit move freely and guide your mind to persons or
    groups that you need to forgive.

    Lord Jesus Christ,
    I ask today to forgive EVERYONE in my life.
    I know that You will give me the strength to
    forgive and I thank You that You love me more
    than I love myself and want my happiness more than
    I desire it for myself. Father, I forgive YOU for
    the times death has come into the family, hard times,
    financial difficulties, or what I thought were punishments
    sent by You and people said, "It?s God?s will," and I
    become bitter and resentful toward You.

    Purify my heart and mind today.
    Lord, I forgive MYSELF for my sins, faults and failings,
    for all that is bad in myself or that I think is bad,
    I forgive myself; and I accept Your forgiveness. I further
    forgive MYSELF for taking Your name in vain, not worshipping
    You by attending church, for hurting my parents, getting drunk,
    for sins against purity, bad books, bad movies, fornication,
    adultery, homosexuality. Also, for abortion, stealing, lying,
    defrauding, hurting peoples? reputation.
    You have forgiven me today, and I forgive myself.

    Thank You, Lord,
    for your grace at this moment. I also forgive MYSELF
    for any delvings in superstition, using ouija boards,
    horoscopes, going to sî ces, using fortune telling or
    wearing lucky charms. I reject all that superstition and
    choose You alone as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

    Lord, I truly forgive my MOTHER.
    I forgive her for all the times she hurt me, she resented
    me, she was angry with me and for all the times she punished
    me. I forgive her for the times she preferred my brothers and
    sisters to me. I forgive her for the times she told me I was
    dumb, ugly, stupid, the worst of the children or that I cost
    the family a lot of money. For the times she told me I was
    unwanted, an accident, a mistake or not what she expected, I forgive her.

    Lord, I truly forgive my FATHER.
    I forgive him for any non-support, any lack of love, affection
    or attention. I forgive him for any lack of time, for not giving
    me his companionship, for his drinking, arguing and fighting with
    my mother or the other children. For his severe punishments, for
    desertion, for being away from home, for divorcing my mother or for
    any running around, I do forgive him.

    Lord, I extend forgiveness
    to my SISTERS AND BROTHERS. I forgive those who rejected me,
    lied about me, hated me, resented me, competed for my parents?
    love, those who hurt me, who physically harmed me. For those
    who were too severe on me, punished me or made my life unpleasant
    in any way, I do forgive them.

    Lord, I forgive my SPOUSE
    for lack of love, affection, consideration, support, attention,
    communication; for faults, failings, weaknesses and those other
    acts or words that hurt or disturb me.

    Jesus, I forgive my CHILDREN
    for their lack of respect, obedience, love, attention, support,
    warmth, understanding; for their bad habits, falling away from the
    church, any bad actions which disturb me.

    Lord God, I forgive my IN-LAWS,
    OTHER RELATIVES by marriage, who treat my family with a lack
    of love. For all their words, thoughts, actions or omissions
    which injure and cause pain, I forgive them.

    Please help to forgive my RELATIVES,
    my grandmother and grandfather, aunts, uncles, cousins, who
    may have interfered in our family, been possessive of my parents,
    who may have caused confusion or turned one parent against the other.

    Jesus, help me to forgive my CO-WORKERS
    who are disagreeable or make life miserable for me. For
    those who push their work off on me, gossip about me, won?t
    cooperate with me, try to take my job, I do forgive them.

    need to be forgiven, Lord. For all their noise, letting
    their property run down, not tying up their dogs who run
    through my yard, not taking in their trash barrels, being
    prejudiced and running down the neighborhood, I do forgive them.

    I do forgive my CLERGYMAN,
    my CONGREGATION and my CHURCH for their lack of support,
    affirmation, bad sermons, pettiness, lack of friendliness, not
    providing me or my family with the inspiration we needed, for
    any hurts they have inflicted on me or my family, even in
    the distant past, I forgive them today.

    Lord, I forgive all
    those who are of different PERSUASIONS, those of opposite
    political views who have attacked me, ridiculed me, discriminated
    against me, made fun of me, economically hurt me.

    I forgive those
    of different religious DENOMINATIONS AND BELIEFS
    who have harassed me, attacked me, argued with me,
    forced their view on me or my family.

    Those who have harmed me
    ETHNICALLY, have discriminated against me, mocked me,
    made jokes about my race or nationality, hurt my family
    physically, emotionally or economically, I do forgive them today.

    Lord, I forgive
    all PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE who have hurt me in any way:
    doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, politicians and civil servants.

    I forgive all service people:
    policemen, firemen, bus drivers, hospital workers and
    especially repairmen who have taken advantage of me in their work.

    Lord, I forgive my EMPLOYER
    for not paying me enough money, for not appreciating my work,
    for being unkind and unreasonable with me, for being angry or
    unfriendly, for not promoting me, and for not complimenting me on my work.

    Lord, I forgive my SCHOOLTEACHERS
    AND INSTRUCTORS of the past as well as the present. For those
    who punished me, humiliated me, insulted me, treated me unjustly,
    made fun of me, called me dumb or stupid, made me stay after
    school, I truly forgive them today.

    Lord, I forgive my FRIENDS
    who have let me down, lost contact with me, do not support me,
    were not available when I needed help, borrowed money and did not
    return it, gossiped about me.

    Lord Jesus,
    I especially pray for the grace of forgiveness for the ONE
    PERSON in life who has HURT ME THE MOST.

    I ask to forgive
    anyone who I consider my greatest enemy, the one who is the
    hardest to forgive or the one who I said I will never forgive.

    I beg pardon of all these people for the hurt I have inflicted
    on them, especially my mother and father, and my marriage partner.

    I am especially sorry
    for the three greatest hurts I have inflicted on each of these.

    Thank You, Jesus,
    that I am being freed of the evil of unforgiveness.
    Let Your Holy Spirit fill me with light and
    let every dark area of my mind be enlightened.

    Forgiveness is an act of the will, not a feeling.
    If we pray for a person, we can be assured that we have
    forgiven that person. To help accept an individual and
    open ourselves to a particular person more, picture
    him with the Lord Jesus and say to the Lord,
    "I love him because You love him. I forgive him because You forgive him."

    Forgiveness is a life-long obligation.
    Daily we need to forgive those who hurt or injure us.

    From the book by Father Robert DeGrandis S.S.J. and Betty Tapscott:
    Forgiveness & Inner Healing; Twenty-fourth Printing September 2001.
    Permission to copy is granted by Father DeGrandis.
    (copyright info must remain in tact.)

    This includes forgiveness for myself and I embrace it  as I realized I need it today.  We are to forgive others as we ask to be forgiven. Think about and start afresh as His mercies are anew each day.




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    Wed, Oct 26th - 9:35AM

    Life Happens

    There is a saying that says, " The best laid plans of man is often mislaid." I remember my Mom had a plaque in her kitchen that said, "The hurried I go, the farther behind I get." That is where I am coming from today as I broach the desire to post weekday on this blog. Can't say it was a desire, but something I had planned to do.  NOT! God says, Pro 16:1 "The plans of the heart belong to man; But the answer of the tongue is from Jehovah." My plans were set aside by God. I couldn't show up to post as I desired. It was a desire of the heart, but I had no tongue of wisdom to share with you.

    Not 100% positive today, but may I say I have been busy in the Kingdom of God and I hope you have been also. Sometimes our desire to communicate with others is often usurped by busyness, other priorities and plain old poor listening skills. I chose the hurried approach for yesterday, but have no volatile excuse for today.

    I want to encourage you if you are having a busy day and it is apart from returning to the warmth of God's embrace, take the time--disappoint others if need be--become renewed and re-filled in the Holy Spirit.

    As life happens, unexpectedly or planned, spend a few moments in prayer with God, and He shall establish you and renew you to handle what the day has to offer if your mindset is on Christ.

    Despite our busy schedules, may our priority, no setbacks permitted, be in serving Him in His Kingdom. Our prayer for today:

    Lord God, I am at a crossroads in my life. How is that new? It isn't, but this time it is about quality of how I serve you.
    Father God, serving You is what I desire in my heart. The flesh wants to serve others or congratulate my good works and deeds. It has become too familiar for me to revert to good works which I suspect is not the same as ministering in power.  I know You have plans for me and I must discern how I can worship and praise You and present You to others.
    So Lord, I ask today that You begin to clarify my priorities that I might be in Your highest will and reaching those that You desire I not only be an influence on, but can draw them to You.
    As You have drawn me to You, Songs 1:4 "Draw me; we will run after Thee", I so desire to be led by You in drawing others to You. I pray in the name of Jesus who gathers us, and in by the Holy Spirit who equips us. Amen


    Comment (0)

    Mon, Oct 24th - 4:25AM

    Moot Point? Angered Or Angry

    Who has the right to become angered? God does! 1Ki 11:9 And Jehovah was angered with Solomon, because his heart was turned away from Jehovah, the God of Israel, who had appeared unto him twice.

    Man does not! Ecc 7:9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angered; for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

    My first marriage was taken out of my hands when my angry husband committed a murder. He became a fugitive for 8 years before he attempted a second murder, was profiled on America's Most Wanted and finally captured. The ex was just an angry man. God became angered with him.

    If your anger or the anger of a loved one is out of control, I urge that counseling be sought. If you are on the receiving end of anger, I urge that counseling be sought also. We don't have the right to treat people the way they treat us lest we stoop to their level.

    I wrote this prayer silently dedicating it to an angry second husband I now live with. I haven't the courage yet to give it to him but we are to warn and exhort others in love.

    Prayer For Anger Management

    I am greatly convicted by these two Scriptures in Your Word, Lord. Jam 1:20 "For the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God." And, Pro 19:19 "A man of great wrath shall bear the penalty."

    I am given to anger and often feel out of control. Others have not only pointed this out to me, but I have sorrowed on occasion for my behavior. I am not working Your righteousness and there is a penalty that will come upon me.

    God, forgive me for I have hurt others.

    God, forgive me for I do not honor You when this occurs.

    God, forgive me for justifying myself when this happens.

    God, forgive me for often I do not even recall what I have done or said.

    Gracious God, it is time for the Holy Spirit to come to me and cleanse me, convict me, and grant me the fruit of self-control. I can't even imagine what my life will be like without having the constant companion of anger ruling me. This has indeed been my lifestyle. I know I need help and I know that this behavior must cease. I have been destructive to self, verbally and emotionally downgrading to others, and I have even foolishly disregarded belongings. I have not come to You before this to reason together with You, but I come now, Lord. I need help, Lord and I don't know where to begin but at the foot of the cross. I place myself at the throne of mercy and I ask You to counsel me and to send me help. I know I need deliverance. I am not sure where to begin, but I will seek help now that I have made confession to You. Cleanse me, Lord Almighty and help me to start this journey of self-awareness and self-control so that I might be a witness of Your power and grace, through Christ Jesus. Set me free, and I will be free indeed. Amen

    Comment (0)

    Fri, Oct 21st - 5:25AM

    Caesar Was Power Drunk

    As we approach the Advent season we hopefully pay great detail to the Scriptures and how we can defend and honor the faith. I have been preparing my heart to honor Christ during this season and was contemplating in advance all the bad press about Caesar. He deserved it. He was at Jesus' trial unwittingly. Joh 19:12 "Upon this Pilate sought to release him (Jesus): but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou release this man, thou art not Caesar's friend: every one that maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar."
    You are probably wondering why I don't save this commentary for the Lenten season. It would probably be more appropriate, but what I am doing in preparation for Advent is to prepare my heart to reject man's elevated thoughts of oneself so that I might receive and honor Christ Jesus and not be a part of wordily value like the many bondage-laden Israelites of Jesus' times were.

    I will not be lighting candles for four weeks in celebration of this season, but much like Lent I will be examining myself and motivation this year in my daily walk. Am I power drunk? Am I talking to hear myself talk and am I reaching out in different avenues in my life to REALLY promote the name of Jesus and spread the good news, or have I become the one of many who talks too much about self and not enough about Christ Jesus? When you do have an authoritative position and a following like Caesar had, you do begin to wonder.

    I will explore this issue this season and I will ask you to also. Are we power drunk by self, or are we Holy Spirit drunk on His power? May we move into Holy Spirit power and honor Christ alone. May we give up good works that only honor us. May we truly take the Good News into all the world. May we heed Christ's words in Joh 12:26 "If any man serve me, let him follow me." After all Jesus is the reason for any season!

    Almighty God, what a holy period we enter into on the occasion of Advent. You prepared the hearts of many for the coming of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, and we ask that You prepare our hearts during the Advent season to worship, glorify and obey Him.

    The church has passed down rich customs and traditions for preparation and contemplation during this season. If we do them by rote, we do nothing. For this reason we ask that You make us living examples of being prepared to honor Your Son and to proclaim His name to the world.

    We ask that during this season, we might realize that commercialism is not what we are to give witness to. We are to give witness to a living and loving Savior who is the Lord of our life.

    We are to give witness by our devotion to Him as well as our obedience.

    We are to give witness as Jesus did that You are a loving Father and merciful God who offers forgiveness of sins and eternal life through His sacrifice.

    We are to give witness to Him by the power of the Holy Spirit who now dwells within us. Renew us.

    Makes us honorable vessels as we prepare for the occasion of the celebration of His birth.

    As Your prophets of old prepared for His glorious birth with hope and expectation, we come to You as ask You to prepare our hearts to receive Him.

    Keep us focused on our Lord Jesus during this season. Help us to do works worthy of His name. Help us to spread the Good News and keep us mindful that He shall indeed return.

    O, come let us adore Him. We praise Your glorious name for the gift of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, in whom we pray for our sanctification. May our worship this Advent season please You. Amen

    Comment (0)

    Thu, Oct 20th - 8:52AM

    What Would Jesus Do?

    We have to choose:

    Oh, I remember when Christians finally came up with a slogan that our young people could relate to. I was so happy that for once we were not the tail but the head. Deu 28:13 "And Jehovah will make thee the head, and not the tail." We were not only encouraging our children, but taking back the ground that the devil stole from us. We were taking a stand for Jesus. We were considerate of what Jesus would do faced with what we were contemplating to do. Indeed, WWJD?

    So much for fads. They come and go. I recall Jabez's prayer after that, and angels, and prosperity teachings and holy laughter, and not necessarily in that order. I wonder what is the next stimulous we need to set us on fire for God?

    We have been given numerous opportunites to go into all the world. If you are reading this, praise God, you have caught the vision.  With God, all things are possible. The Internet holds such possibility and it always will in our generation. Setting all excuses aside, what are we doing to be the next huge impact on this world? And understanding that a pebble ripples the water, what are we doing to make an impact on the small circle of influence that we hold right now?

    Setting aside all excuses, I challenge you, as well as myself, to come up with a new ministry, no matter what humble beginning. I am reseaching ipods. So far I don't like it because it means speaking as well as expense. But don't doubt for a moment that I don't want to be on the cutting edge with Jesus. He went into all the world and turned it upside down. My prayer is that you have power for ministry because He wills it. You can't have it unless you ask the Holy Spirit to enable you.

    Almighty God, if You have called us to this ministry, You will equip us with Holy Spirit power. You will grant us the gifts that we need to excel.

    Act 1:8 "But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

    Lord, we see others run but without being called. Make our calling sure.

    Lord, we see others serving but without humility. Make us humble.

    Lord we see others doing works but without power. Grant that the Holy Spirit enable us to do the works of Christ Jesus.

    Lord, we see those in the ministry who have no personal time with You. Grant that we set aside the most important share of the day to converse with You and study Your Word.

    Lord, we see others that do not have a prayer life. Grant us faith and expectation each time we ask mighty things in Jesus' name and praise and worship You.

    Lord, we see others in business as the money changers were, yet they never open a generous hand to others. Make us more than generous in all we do. Remind us that we freely received and we should freely give.

    Almighty God, our desire is to serve You and be Your witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth. Enable us for this ministry. May Thy Holy Spirit fall upon us and may we recognize how to stir up the gifts within us.

    Almighty God, we beseech Thee to take not the Holy Spirit from us. Help us to serve You in a manner that You might be glorified and honored by all.

    Fall upon us sweet, gentle Holy Spirit and enable us to do the works that Christ Jesus did, and calls us to do. Through His mighty name we ask these things. Amen







    Comment (0)

    Wed, Oct 19th - 9:41AM

    Jesus Is A Caregiver

    His whole life emphazied His care for others. I often wonder about the ages of 12-30 where there is absense of Scripture telling us about Jesus' life. It is believed that Joseph was older when Jesus was born, and that Joseph had passed away before Jesus began His ministry. Was Jesus a caregiver to an elderly parent as I am?

    Let me clarify. It is an elderly 89 year old MIL to be exact who was thrust upon me a year and a half ago against my wishes. It has taken up my entire life since the day she moved in and took my bed and any private time I ever had to escape the house for only a few moments. I do not write this as a complaint because God knows that if Jesus ever wanted to gripe about servanthood or being held back, it would have been recorded.

    This is to comfort you that are tossed into unpleasant roles in your life and to suggest that it might be a possibility why Jesus did not minister in public for this period of life that there is absence of information about. One thing I can guarantee is that He was drawing closer to God and gathering the power to minister to others.

    I have written this for myself to remind me that God is in total control of my life. It is not a revelation for me today but a reaffirmation of a prayer I recently had to type up to keep my act together and in God's will. May it comfort you to know God knows what plans He has for you and they are for good, not evil. Who knows what role He might ask you to take on tomorrow? Are you ready? I present you with A Caregiver's Prayer.


    Almighty God, I want to thank You for this time in my life that I caregive for others. All my natural instincts tell me to complain and rebel, but I see clearly that Jesus was the ultimate caregiver.  If I have failed to see the servant in Him, then my time in prayer to You would be in vain.
    Lord, keep me patient.
    Lord, keep me humble.
    Lord, keep me from being resentful.
    Lord, help me to remain in love for this one that gave so much to me in a lifetime.
    Lord, give me the grace daily to arise to their needs.
    Lord, help me to stay mentally, spiritually and physically strong so I can maintain the balance of a caregiver.
    This is probably not the hardest task that I have ever encountered in my life, but it is the most unrewarding servitude that I have ever experienced. At times my flesh rears up. Help me Holy Spirit to control it.
    Grant my loved one respite from the illness, and may I be a small part of making them comfortable.
    Almighty God, there is a time that we must all face the end of our lives. May You remember my good works and grant me the very same dignity that I have provided for my loved one.
    Be with this dear one and strengthen me as this journey continues as You strengthened Jesus in the Garden. It is in His name I pray. Amen




    Comment (4)

    Tue, Oct 18th - 4:45AM

    The Greatest Missionary

    Dear Friends,
    I Am the greatest missionary that ever was sent to preach the Good News of salvation throughout the world.
    I set the great example for you.
    I denied Myself and left My familiar surrounding of a heavenly Kingdom where I was worshipped and adored by angelic beings, seraphim and cherubim. The elders and living creatures surrounded Me and continually sang praises to Me.
    God the Father and the Holy Spirit’s love was so strong there---that it illuminated that Great Place. There, I had glory, honor, power, and a Kingdom of peace. I willingly left it all behind so I could be a missionary in a foreign land called the Earth.
    I allowed Myself to be born in a humble stall amidst the domestic beasts of the Earth. I came in such haste, that I was wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger.
    My message was so urgent that God placed a bright and shining star in the East, so that men would see the sign that I had arrived.
    An angel and the great company of the heavenly host praised God and announced this awesome event.
    Shepherds of the field visited Me and rejoiced at My Presence. Wise Magi brought offerings of their
    treasures to present to Me. They were overjoyed as they bowed down to worship.
    And then, almost as suddenly, My earthly parents were fleeing with Me to preserve My life, for My birth had already incurred the wrath of a disturbed earthly king.
    The life I chose to live was by no means an easy one. We lived a simple, humble life making our family living by the trade of carpentry.
    While I was yet a boy, the highlight of My young life was sitting in the Temple amongst the doctors of law, hearing them and asking questions. My greatest desire was always in studying Scripture, for they were like love letters sent to Me personally from God My Father, and the Holy Spirit, and they were preparing Me to accomplish My mission.
    I knew every verse that spoke of Me. I even knew how My mission on Earth would end. It caused Me deep sadness---but I knew I had been sent to harvest souls---and there was no other way.
    When I began preaching, what a mixed reaction My Gospel message to the people evoked! The common people heard Me gladly, but the so-called religious leaders were so filled with malice and wrath that they accused Me of being a demonic possessed liar. On more than one occasion, they sought to bring Me to a premature death.
    Even more sadly, I recall how My own brothers did not believe in Me, at the first, and in My own
    hometown, I was not welcomed. But even in all of this, I had to overcome and conquer the hurts and disappointments of life.
    But I don’t mean to leave you with the impression that I wasn’t full of joy. I developed some close
    friendships, won many souls to the Kingdom, and healed and delivered all who came to Me.
    As My mission became well known, some God-respecting women began to support Me and My disciples financially out of their own substance.
    Had I mentioned to you that I had discipled twelve faithful ones? Well, I should say eleven faithful ones to carry on My mission work when I would return to My heavenly home. They remained always in My prayers, and I carefully cultivated their faith.
    I had no permanent dwelling to lay My head to rest as you, as even the creatures of the Earth do. Many times, I had to slip away in the middle of the night to a lonely place to pray to My Father in heaven who I longed for and would soon return to.
    I did have one triumphal entry into Jerusalem, where I borrowed a donkey to ride upon. The crowds cried out to Me, “Hosanna! Save now, O Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!” And then, just as suddenly as the popularity of the Good News had spread like fire---it seemed to end---just as suddenly in one short evening and day.
    These beautiful feet upon the mountains that brought Good News, who proclaimed peace, glad tidings, and salvation---would no more wander the Earth---for man had it in his heart to nail these feet upon a wooden cross.
    I was despised, rejected, afflicted, stricken, smitten, not held in esteem. I was mocked, hit, spit upon, and stripped of My clothes. The hair upon My face was plucked off. Insults were hurled at Me. My visage was beaten and marred beyond recognition. Blood from the mocking crown of thorns ripped My flesh so that blood and sweat streamed into My eyes, these eyes that only beheld all people with love and compassion.
    The 39 stripes on My back was delivered with such hate and cruelty, that with the raw flesh I staggered with pain under the weight of the cross that I was to be crucified on. I was wounded and bruised for your transgressions. I received those stripes so that you would be healed.
    This, My friends, I did for you. I poured out My blood for you as they pounded the spikes through My hands and feet. I suffered My body to be bruised and broken. It pleased God to have Me bruised and put to grief to make My soul an offering for sin. In this, His wrath was satisfied. I was willing to die so that you might have life; even for everyone that would call upon My Name. I would pay the penalty of sin in full. I would accomplish what I had set out to do. I did this of My own free will.
    One of My last prayers was that these people would be forgiven---oh, that they would not only know what they were doing and who they were doing it to. I carried the full weight of the sin of the world upon Me; even these sins.
    At the last, My thirst became unbearable. Dehydration by blood loss is unimaginable. I could only gasp for a few remaining breaths as the cruelty of crucifixion suffocated My last words. I managed to cry out, “It is finished!” I breathed My last and yielded My spirit to My Father’s will. I gave up the ghost of My earthly body. I conquered death for you.
    After this, I was laid in a borrowed tomb. After three days I was permitted to show Myself again so that those who had believed on Me would not lose heart.
    I left My chosen ones with a Great Commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
    And now dear children, you know that I cannot come back in triumph until the Gospel is preached
    throughout the entire world. I am now preparing a room for you in My Father’s mansion, and now I need faithful ones who will go and proclaim the Good News; and I need faithful ones who will support them with prayers and finance. There is no other way to hasten My return.
    Will you do this for Me? And, oh yes, will you tell My world of a Father’s whose heart’s desire is to teach them love and obedience? Tell My world that I will be returning soon for them. And will they be watching? Will they be ready? Tell My world that My love for them is intense. This is My message to you. These are the things that you are to do in this lifetime. These are your concerns and priorities. These are the things that your mind is to be stayed upon.
    With Love Eternal,

    Comment (6)

    Mon, Oct 17th - 11:37AM

    Memories Which Are Faulty

    O.K. We all remember to celebrate our birthday because someone loved by us told us this was our birthdate. We trust that worn out piece of paper that marks our birth and use it to prove many things as we become responsible for enrolling in and I don't what else---someday soon Social Security benefits. Ugh!  Oh yeah, to marry we needed a birth certificate. At least I do remember searching for it.

    I recently had someone tell me they never remembered the date of their anniversary (14 years) and just this past year their spouse forgot it also. It must mean I am running with an older crowd.

    It is not my birthday month, neither anniversary. Both spouse and I totally forgot Sweetest Day this month. I did remind him a day after the fact that I either needed to apologize to him or he to me. We both were too embarrased to speak a word addressing that issue. We just plain forgot. Either the romance has escaped us or our important dates calendar is buried in some rubble somewhere in this house.

    This is just my way of reminding myself, if not you, that Christmas is just 2 months away. I really hope we don't forget the significance of His glorioius birth and what it means to us. Why shouldn't I be the first to bless you this Christmas season? Ads on TV and stores have already displayed and offered snowflakes and reminders that Christmas is on its way.

    I have finished my shopping this season. First time in a long time thanks to the Internet.  But I want to celebate Him and Him alone this year. I hope you join in with me and forgive me if I rush the season. Jesus is the reason for the season.


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