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    just cross my mind
          a thought of a man who longs so much for his God and keep trying to understand his God using his own perspective...even with his fantasy...(http://adjieminds.blogspot.com)

    Tue, Nov 6th - 11:40AM

    The Unspoken Thought of Jesus

    Jesus' first miracle is on the wedding at Cana of Galilee. When the mother of Jesus said to him about the wine ran out, Jesus only answered "Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come." Have we ever thought it as Jesus' polite way of rejecting his mother's request? But Mary knew that Jesus was not an ordinary human, so it's normal if Mary asked for help (miracle) to Jesus. Obviously Jesus, who is full of love, would grant her request. It didn't happen only to Mary but to everyone. Even great crowds accompanied Jesus and He said unto them, "Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple."

    We often see Jesus as God, not as human. Isn't Jesus 100% God and 100% human, why don't we respect the human side of Jesus? God's intention to be human is so we can see Him as human, the living God's Words in human. Jesus is our way to be prefect human; unfortunately we often focus on His Miracles. It doesn't mean that I underestimate miracles; I also enjoy miracles. But the most important thing so we could be close to miracles is to be perfect human who is close to God.

    As the rich one surrounded by his friends, however his friends left him after his bankruptcy. See the reality when Jesus did nothing (or so called as bankruptcy of miracles) during His Crucifixion and His disciples confusedly left Him. How stupid they were. Didn't they remember the lessons about Jesus' love they received during the discipleship? This reality may happen to us; we become numb when no miracle happens; we become like ones who don't know God at all. This wastes God's sacrifice by descending to earth to be human.

    This probably made Jesus in an agony more earnestly praying and his sweats became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground of Gethsemane. Yes, Jesus already knew the great plan of Abba Father; Jesus even supported the plan by telling the disciples three times about the crucifixion. But when the time came, why did Jesus suddenly be in an agony? I doubt it. Even if we see Jesus through His human side, Jesus is not an ordinary man, He is the role model of perfect human with no sin, and how could we exclaim Jesus as weak and scared human?

    The combination of 100% God and 100% human in Jesus is one magic phenomenon that would never happen again. God could just overlap the baby-growing process, just like the moment when He created Adam. I mean, it's legal for Jesus to show up as a grown-up human like Adam. I believe no one would protest Him, hehehe. But through the baby birth process and Jesus' condition as 100% human created a certain bond or in other words, this lit Jesus' spirit to make "Plan B" from the great plan! In Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, saying "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." This prayer indicates that there was "Plan B" in the thought of Jesus; Jesus knew that the crucifixion process was too difficult for human although He will release The Holy Spirit later on. Jesus' desire at that time was His Enthusiasms to give direct teaching and impartation for human a bit longer until He feels enough which is when human is able to do all His Words under any condition.

    Eventually God still chose to conduct His Great Plan. God may consider that human would stay the same and only repent because of His Great Plan. And His Great Plan still continues; there will be antichrist, rapture and all kind of tortures as written in the book of Revelation. Enjoy it.

    If only all human deal to earnestly learn from the love of Jesus, we may touch the heart of Abba Father to make "Plan C"!! Hehehe it's just cross my mind.

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