Mon, Nov 24th - 1:45PM
DEALING WITH THE PAST UNDERSTANDING THE EMOTIONS(part thirteen) Children of the living God emotions must not be taken lightly, and unfortunately we too often see within society at large and also on an individual level, of emotions sometimes being the master in the lives of others and ourselves. We see well educated, affluent persons, as well as poor and uneducated ones, engaging in destructive behaviors,** that they themselves sometimes cannot understand. The emotions are merely messengers of the heart and mental processes as I mentioned earlier. How so? Thinking processes go on all the time in various ways, and situations, for a number of reasons. Even so the emotions are sent forth when we are aware and even unaware that we are thinking about some thing, person and/or situation. Dear saints, let me digress a moment to say that in the developmental processes physical and emotional growth take place much more rapidly and get a jump start much earlier than the mental processes, this is one of the reasons why the emotions can gain such a foot hold in some lives. It is much later as the brain increases in maturity of growth and experience that the higher and more complex mental processes become available to use, such as: Persistence-knowledge based, knowing that it pays off incrementally and long term: Routine-is the route to results, and the ability to understand when it needs to be modified, or changed.: Apply knowledge-to choose/select actions in keeping or to obtain desired results; Understand concepts of consequences and what gives rise to them positive or negative; Learn from mistakes and adapting more rewarding behaviors.; Accountablilty/responsibility/-able to identify what and who is to participate in this process. This is well recognized by most, and for this reason, adults who were preyed upon in childhood are allowed to bring forth charges against predators who harmed them in childhood. Because , now they are able to fully understand and recognize that what was done to them was depraved and injurious. Beloved, no one has to be an intellectual, guru, or pundit to understand these things. Anyone who wants to can obtain the understanding of this information.The study will be continued, Lord willing, and I hope to see you again next time. Love Serola
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Sun, Nov 16th - 7:54PM
DEALING WITH THE PAST UNDERSTANDING THE NORM (part twelve) Dear Ones of the Lord Jesus, knowledge of the norm can allow us to be helpful, to ourselves and others, and function more appropriately, on many levels, to avoid being destructive or taking advantage of another persons weaknesses. Yet, despite this helpfulness, it is not the final answer for the saints, and does not deserve a place in the church; but it serves a purpose in understanding its limits, uses, applications, and recognizing when we are dealing with it. Yet, beloveds of our Lord Jesus, it would be a mistake to totally dismiss the natural, as some attempt to do, because there is a natural body that must be dealt with, and yet, not be allowed to interfere with the spiritual.**Some Christians, but not all , who counsel, attempt to make a synthesis, blend, or amalgam of this information with the Holy Bible, knowingly or unknowingly that this extra-biblical information contains fatal flaws and one in particular, that is most damaging to the saints seeking help within this kind of counseling. This particular kind of blended or synthesized counseling focuses mostly on the natural and natural man, and mainly minimizes, or ignores the spiritual. More on this later. We have but touched upon some of the mental processes in the natural that pertain to function in the natural each day, such as the will; self restraint; ability to perceive and operate within the bounds of reality; and to employ logic in decision making. Precious people of our Lord Jesus, we will also touch upon the emotions, their function or uses and how we can employ them as what they are- only messengers of the heart and mental processes, not masters of it. The study will be continued, and I hope to see you next time, dear children of the Lord. love serola
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Sat, Nov 8th - 2:07PM
Again, dear children of the Lord, the norm is present on many levels in the natural. Let us look at another example in the natural, for instance when a person falls ill, and goes to see a physician, that doctor’s goal will be to restore the ill person to the fullest extent that he or she can to the norm of what a healthy person should be, if possible, in that persons particular developmental range. The health or medical field is but one example of where the norm is used in helpful ways. Now, I am not painting with a broad brush here, dear saints, but some who try to spiritualize the natural body, will refuse to get a broken leg treated, but just use prayer. Of course men should pray always, but a broken leg has to be set to heal properly. Some children have died, of commonly treatable conditions, because the parents refused treatment. Some preach against taking any form of medications, yet secretly will pop an aspirin if they have an headache, wear arch supports for bad feet, etc. The plain truth is that no Christian need fear the natural, although some do, but of course NEVER ALL. For there are multitudes of the saints that understand that although we have a natural body, there is no amalgam, blend or mixture of the spiritual and the natural, it never will be, nor can be, for it is entirely impossible. The study will be continued and I hope to see you next time, dear children of the day. Love serola One final word regarding free will, dear children of the Lord, it is constrained within the basic inherent nature of the person. In other words the person can only act out of his or her basic nature, what ever that nature is. This is also a warning to those who endeavor to spiritualize the natural man.
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Sat, Nov 1st - 10:11AM
DEALING WITH THE PAST UNDERSTANDING THE NORM (part ten) Dear saints, it is safe to say that the choices we make are confined within boundaries of the norm. Those who fail, or refuse to recognize this are very likely to experience difficulties on many levels. Further restraints on our ability to make wise decisions and choices are also impacted upon by our level of knowledge or learning, and skill to understand that we can explore reasonable options to sort out and choose among, in order to obtain a good and acceptable outcome. Yet, we cannot and must not spiritualize this information. Brothers and sisters, I hope it can be seen that we are still speaking but naturally. Thus, what is presented here is but a very basic typology of the natural man. Although some do not like the idea of a norm in the natural, it is never the less present on many levels. One instance of the norm is its use in determining the state of physical health or lack of it. For one example, body temperature is thought to be healthful in the range of 98.6, but substantial deviation from this can indicate serious problems in a person’s state of health. The study will be continued, and I hope to see you next time, dear children of the Lord. Love, serola
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