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    Sun, Oct 21st - 8:52PM

    Not even six churches

    Why the churches in Revelation were in sin, (except Philadelphia):

    Here is what most people think the knowledge of good and evil is: there can't be good if there isn't evil.  And on this belief, hangs nearly every theology concerning the fall.  And in these theologies, there is the belief that the fall happened, just so that there would be 'freewill.'  As if God let Adam and Eve sin if they wanted to, and the same with Lucifer and the fallen angels.  But the first way this is wrong, is that being able to choose, shows having the age of accountability, meaning having the accountability to discern good and evil.  But Adam and Eve only had the knowledge of good, just like children.  Without the knowledge of good and evil, how could they discern good and evil?  And if they already had the knowledge of good and evil, then why did God tell them not to eat of the tree?  And when did God tell them to eat of the tree of life?  And if they had the knowledge of good and evil, but did not yet have the knowledge of life, then why weren't they fallen, since the beginning?  It is vanity, and thus evil, to have life that is conscious of the good and evil, concerning incorruptible life; without having the incorruptible life.  Do you see what people do?  They make void the word of God, for the traditions of man.  Which are the seeds of Satan.  Because the Jews seek the Law, and the Greeks seek a wisdom, that has proof, but is false, as a white lie, like Satan told Eve.  Because Gentiles are in the depths of Satan (We are sinners and that is the way it is) having graceful condemnation.  And the Jews pride themselves in having received the law from God.  Is it Adam and Eve had a type of life?  And that is the 'freewill' people say was the purpose of God letting Adam and Eve fall?  Obviously they were alive.  But the kind of life they did not have, was incorruption.  As they were corruptible, but not yet corrupted.  And they surely did not have the knowledge of good and evil, concerning incorruption.  If they did, they would have fallen away, and not be able to be renewed to repentance.  This is how they still answered the serpent.  But they did not have any kind of 'judgment' concerning good and evil, that was conscious of 'future things.'  Until they fell, and God came to them, and they told Him what happened, and exhibited bad judgment.  Because they had fallen.  The basis for thinking "there can't be good, if there isn't evil" is like the saying that if people know something before it happens, they can't then truly fulfill what should be done.  But this goes against Isaiah 65's "Before they call I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear."  What happens now, is that theology says that God's foreknowledge in Jesus clears this up.  Another way of showing the basis for 'there can't be good if there isn't evil,' is that people think that they can't be 'up' because then they'll only be looking into not being 'down.'  For example: euphoria, or drugs.  And here is where they place worshiping Jesus, as in not wanting anything.  But do you see what happened?  The definition for the knowledge of good and evil wasn't even right.  And therefore the solution wasn't right either.  This reminds me of the movie "The Italian job."  Mark Wahlberg was talking to the villain and said "That's why you'll always be second best, because you are always thinking defensively, you have no imagination."  Defensive thinking is the sorrow that leads to death.  People try to make Jesus their offensive thinking.  But this is in the double souled belief that 'we have to worship God' and 'we are sinners, and that is the way it is.'  And this is even in hypocrisy, with saying that the fall happened so that there would be freewill!  This is due to false evangelism, which is through people not walking according to the Spirit.  False evangelism being that God needs us to evangelize.  And people who say that there are no more prophets and apostles- their main complaint is in saying that prophets say that they are needed.  When people say 'we have to worship God' they have the sorrow that leads to death.  Kind of like telling people they are going to go to Hell and that they are sinners.  And this even is in hypocrisy with the even saved thinking: 'we are sinners and that is the way it is.'  This is also like how most of the church is dealing with the poor and needy.  As it is in Amos.  James spoke of pure and undefiled religion, and most churches want to reach out, to help the problem of poverty, and crime.  But what they are doing in heart, is becoming more righteous, through their actions [works].  So this is what James 5 is about.  The rich are getting richer, off of the poor; while the poor are the ones, who are the cornerstone in this.  The knowledge of good and evil, is not evil.  Just as the tree was in the Garden, and Eden means 'heart of God.'  And beyond this, God said that everything He created was good.  Most people just don't understand how God could tell Adam and Eve not to eat of it; and then also see Adam and Eve as not having the power to obey.  But that is what happened, and is what it means, when in Romans 8 it says that creation was subjected to futility.  And also how Paul said that he had the will to do good, but did not know how to perform it.  This was because he had incorruptible insides, but not an incorruptible body.  Most people thought creation being subjected to futility meant that the physical elements were subjected to sin through Adam and Eve's falling.  This is the belief, because of graceful condemnation.  And therefore James' words on works perfecting faith got elevated to a point they are not supposed to be in.  Because it is not that whatever we believe we will do.  People use that, to look at works, and then distinguish what people believe.  And say that Jesus said we will know people by their fruit.  But where is fruit?  In the Spirit!  And people miss, that to repent, we have to have the knowledge of good and evil.  But this is sustained by the knowledge of life.  And Adam and Eve couldn't yet eat of the knowledge of life, because it takes being able to freely choose it.  And that takes being able to esteem it, and that takes the knowledge of good and evil.  Just as also in Song of Songs it says, "Do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases."  And this is how creation was subjected to futility, even Adam and Eve sinning, not willingly.  The fallen angels had the knowledge of good and evil BEFORE they fell, and that is why they can not be renewed to repentance.  But false doctrine comes in, and says that we therefore have to choose without wanting anything, for there to be real sincerity.  But what is that?  That is faith in nothingness.  And this is where people came to believe that faith was us not seeing the spiritual, and faith being evidenced through our works.  But faith is having the spiritual knowledge of God, that is not seen physically, and this is evidence of what we do not see physically.  And that knowledge is substance, and is tangible spiritually, and even also seen, as eyes represent spirits.  But what is true sincerity?  It isn't that there has to be nothingness before true sincerity.  That is why mysticism came in, for the Jews and the Gentiles.  Because people thought that it was incomprehensible for man to be able to first have substance, and then know God.  Because of the distance between man and God.  This is the basis for false humility.  And again, is worshiping nothingness.  But, firstly this denies that in the beginning (Gen 1:1-2) there was the deep, and the waters, and THEN physical creation, THROUGH Jesus.  I too, started off believing, that creation was created, something from nothing.  But this was because I was trying to prove wrong, the stances against creation.  And in this, I was looking to sin.  Which is also a style of essay writing called "Slaying the dragon."  The style is useful, but in the context of first having the substance, and the truth.  Secondly, I also read the Bible this way.  But this is a style of philosophy, and not the wisdom of God.  And it is also hypocritical to hold onto thinking that the knowledge of good and evil is 'for there to be good, evil has to exist;' if people are going to base their philosophy on believing that they look to what is wrong, to find out what is right.  And this became the definition for repentance!  Along with Gen 1:1-2, a false spiritual belief, was given, saying that creation existed in form before Genesis 1:1-2, and then was destroyed.  And then God created again.  And that this is the setting of Genesis 1:1-2.  And people look to the Hebrew words for 'formless' and 'void' to back this up.  But this is not accurate.  This spiritual belief was given, because people swallowed up that the fall was also an example of how God created something high, like Lucifer; and then made something humble, like Adam and Eve.  And that the other angels who fell, were those under Lucifer, showing the example of what pride does; and that Adam and Eve fell, giving the example that even creation that is made humble, still didn't compare to God.  But this foundation, is in vanity!  Just as also it is false humility!  As if God created, only to prove, that His creation was no good.  And this also is the stance that most of the occult use.  And then people don't want to believe, that Adam and Eve did not have the ability to obey.  First there is the substance, which is true, and eternal; and then there is the timely glory, and hope comes giving everlasting gifts when all has been prepared.  And this is the true definition for esteem.  People loved to hear about how we couldn't be high, because then we would just be trying to not be low; because the solution is lukewarmness.  And even in this, people still cling to the deception.  As they are attesting to God, and walking by sight, and the flesh.  So they believe they are condemned, even gracefully; but have the given commissioning to give others to make up for this through positioning Jesus alone.  But what this does, is through nothingness, make oneness mean being alone.  And call that singleness and wisdom.  And they make up for this, through exalting brotherly love; when really they are only making up for their lack of love, by again pointing to positioning Jesus alone.  And this is what Eastern religion, false divinity, is based on.  And the necklace of it, is not having accountability, though accountability in THESE beliefs is claimed.  Eastern religion makes oneness out to be Sodom and Gomorrah, spiritually.  As no one has anything, that is only for themselves.  Except for their own uniqueness.  And these two beliefs counter each other, as pride and false humility do.  As pride calls false humility, real humility, and false humility calls pride love.  Many people in the church are very ready to accuse false divinity, and to make mention of angels of light.  But these very beliefs, are these very sins!  Here is the thing: if man is so low, that his words should be few, as God is in heaven, and he is on earth; then he shouldn't even believe these things.  And so in opposition, are these things, the salvation from these very beliefs?  Bear with me for a second.  So God saved us from these circumstances, by giving us these circumstances?  Angels of light, use lies, which attest to goodness, to all point to one place; but the place that is pointed to is nothingness.  Because the attested truths, supposedly leading to goodness, have their root in not entertaining the latter end of things.  And what is this?  It is the fake of our words being few, and knowing that we are on earth, and that God is in heaven.  Simplicity is the doctrine of Baal, as Baal means 'lord' and Jezebel means 'Baal exalts.'  And Jezebel's fornication, as the false prophet, is in not entertaining the latter end of things.  False divinity is Jezebel's offspring, as Jezebel is the whore, not getting paid, not entertaining the latter end of things.  And the harlot is false divinity, who does get paid.  As white witchcraft.  And Jezebel fornicates with her offspring.  Therefore this is the fake of, (it's the harlot, as it is with payment, giving a substance; while Jezebel herself fornicates everything, not even having payment) letting our words be few.  And this is just as the prophets of Baal, being as the harlot, and false divinity, and Jezebel's offspring.  What do you think the outcome is of these things?  As Egypt represents Satan, in the world, and Babylon is Satan in the Holy Land.  And as Egypt fell before Adam and Eve, and came to Eve with a white lie.  Her eating of the fruit, thinking she was doing good.  Now people won't question things so much.  And in Revelation, it says that the Holy City is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt.  This is the conception of pride and false humility.  As there is a circle of sin: pride, lust, fear, witchcraft, rebellion, false divinity, false humility.  And the extent of that conception, is falling away, completely disregarding God, being unable to be renewed to repentance.  Sodom means 'burning' and Egypt means 'entrenchment.'  Sodom is exemplified in rape, and Gomorrah, in desiring to be raped.  That is the relationship between Egypt and Gomorrah.  False divinity likes to be raped; and the graceful condemnation and nothingness, and false prophecy, Jezebel, does the raping.  This is also how Babylon is represented by offense, and Egypt by simplicity.  These two being the horns of the false prophet beast.  Offense is how Jezebel rules, and she is the virgin daughter of Babylon.  Offense essentially is "I don't rule?"  And this is so, because Jezebel, as she is a seducer, and a usurper, needs to first be accepted, to reign over someone or somewhere.  Just as Ahab was needed, for her to be over Israel.  This firstly, is the lesser evil example.  As she came in stealthily, and the lesser evil became greater because it was submitted to.  Secondly, Jezebel fornicates having to have someone else to first allow her reign, through not entertaining the latter end of things.  And this is the fake of God having to be chosen freely, and in estimation, through the knowledge of good and evil, sustained by life.  Though Jezebel fornicates away being fake too.  Egypt represents simplicity as to Egyptians, shepherds were an abomination.  This showing how everyone had their own way to a god.  And this is simple, because it doesn't actually deal with anything, and there is no actual unity.  And this is simplicity being rooted in nothingness.  And Egypt exalts Babylon, as simplicity, the doctrine of Baal, exalts Jezebel- because Jezebel was evil before she was allowed.  Just as Satan was, before deceiving Adam and Eve.  And that is the strength of falsehood, because the lie clings to having told the truth.  Until someone falls away, and then the liar attempts to have the one who fell away, follow them, and be like them.  Genesis 1:1-2 was God's imagination.  Formless being wisdom.  Wisdom being how to be righteous.  And it being formless because it was not yet physical, though that was it's hope.  The void being understanding, as understanding is how Jesus fits in, and is possessing the reward of wisdom, through doing; also being void because creation had not taken physical form, as also the spoken word had not come yet, which is Christ; though He was with the Father, even before the Word was spoken.  Therefore again, the substance was present, and in the oneness of not being individually alone, before the honor came.  And children are in Jesus before they are married.  And those in puberty, and balancing male and female.  And those who are married are both, as Jesus, and the new thing in Jeremiah is -a woman fully encompassing- therefore both are both, God is not sterile.  And in this, is Satan's fake exposed, as he attempts to have the truth present, and then lead, though lying, by calling something truth, until someone falls away, and then leads to have that person follow him, and be like him.  Darkness represents knowledge not yet revealed.  As in Psalm 19 (night unto night...).  And this is how God gets us through the knowledge of good and evil, His life sustaining us, even though we haven't received yet, through hope- which is in the future and unseen, and His love assures us along the way, as the knowledge that is revealed is partial, unto wholeness.  Therefore the truth concerning our words being few, and us being on earth, and God in heaven, is that we must have childlike faith.  Of which, Jesus also said, to not quench, as the angels watch the children's faces, and are always before the Father.  The childlike faith, is fully faithful, knowing that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  And so true humility is in knowing it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom.  And therefore we can not worship Him, as if oneness, was in worshiping Him 'alone.'  For that is the example of the unprofitable servant, and that in Lucifer, the one cherub of God, while now there are two- thus proving marriage in heaven.  And also showing that the devotion to Jesus, as Him being the Supreme, is met in how children do not yet have to choose, in discerning evil and good.  For there shall be children after the new heavens and new earth, but the knowledge of life shall sustain all knowledge of good and evil, encompassing it, before, behind-  and before they call, answering; and while they are still speaking, hearing.  The fall happened to gives us the SUBSTANCE, as truth is ACTUAL, of the knowledge of good and evil, and the full salvation of all that was lost, except the examples of wrath who are evil and go down into perdition. Children, in the LORD, are not one, as in being individually alone, but are one, as in being united, having life sustain them, as they learn good and evil, sustained by life, even from the beginning.  And thus only what was to go down into perdition is lost.  As also this perfection of the saved, and their future generations, was in God's foreknowledge, as He was imagining Genesis 1:1-2 eternally, and shall be giving us that eternally.  Thus Jesus, who was always with the Father, and God, being our light.  And thus we shall be God's children, though we shall also continue to learn, and be marred to the one person under God who completes us and shares our name that no one else knows, and have children.  And we are going to still grow.  And this is light coming out of light, and not light coming out of darkness, as the false knowledge of good and evil is: there has to be evil for there to be good; just as God gives the foreknowledge, which is the light, the sustaining everlasting life in the present, and the incorruptible life sustaining for all of eternity.  There has never been any darkness in God.  God knew evil would happen, and subjected it to happen.  But His incorruptible life was also with Him encompassing the knowledge of good and evil.  He did not sin in subjecting creation to futility, as judging or destroying any evil thing is not evil either, and is the same example.  This present distress being the example of good and evil, and God's righteous judgment, and His salvation.  True estimation, is in knowing that we were always in Him, and in perfection; and receive this even now, unto the perfect day, when we shall eternally and continually receive it.  And we were in Him in foreknowledge in substance, just not yet in form.  As an alphabet can exist, without there being words made yet.  

    Comment (0)

    Sun, Oct 21st - 5:45PM

    I think I got it (revised)

    Bear with me:

    Revelation 11:15-18
    Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” 16 And the twenty-four elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying:

    “ We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty,
    The One who is and who was and who is to come,
    Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.
    18 The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,
    And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
    And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
    And those who fear Your name, small and great

    Revelation 19:11-16
    a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:


    1 Thessalonians 4:17
    we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air

    Revelation 16:17
    Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air

    Zechariah 14:6-7
    It shall come to pass in that day
    That there will be no light;
    The lights will diminish.
    7 It shall be one day
    Which is known to the LORD—
    Neither day nor night.

    Zechariah 14:12-15
    this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem:

    Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet,
    Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets,
    And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.
    13 It shall come to pass in that day
    That a great panic from the LORD will be among them.
    Everyone will seize the hand of his neighbor,
    And raise his hand against his neighbor’s hand;
    14 Judah also will fight at Jerusalem.
    And the wealth of all the surrounding nations
    Shall be gathered together:
    Gold, silver, and apparel in great abundance.
    15 Such also shall be the plague
    On the horse and the mule,
    On the camel and the donkey,
    And on all the cattle that will be in those camps.
    So shall this plague be.

    Revelation 20:1-6
    1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3 and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.

    4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.

    Zechariah 14:16-21
    16 And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, on them there will be no rain. 18 If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the LORD strikes the nations who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.
    20 In that day “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” shall be engraved on the bells of the horses. The pots in the LORD’s house shall be like the bowls before the altar. 21 Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the LORD of hosts. Everyone who sacrifices shall come and take them and cook in them. In that day there shall no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.

    Revelation 20:7-9
    7 Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea. 9 They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city.

    -Ezekiel 37- (Army of the resurrected dead, and raptured living)

    Revelation 11:18-19
    Your servants the prophets and the saints,
    And those who fear Your name, small and great,
    And SHOULD destroy those who destroy the earth.”

    19 Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple.

    Revelation 20:9
    They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city.

    Psalm 50:5
    “Gather My saints together to Me,
    Those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.”

    Revelation 20:9-10
    And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. 10 The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

    Revelation 16:17
    a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, “It is done!”

    Zechariah 14:7
    at evening time it shall happen
    That it will be light

    Psalm 46:6
    He uttered His voice, the earth melted

    Revelation 11:19
    And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake

    2 Peter 3:10
    the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up

    Revelation 16:20
    every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

    *At this point the earth and heaven are destroyed, but:

    Revelation 20:11-15
    Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. 13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

    Revelation 11:19
    great hail

    *Hail falling on people's souls [they exist spiritually, after everything is destroyed].

    Matthew 25: 31-33, 41, 46
    When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. … Then he will say to those on his left, Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. … Then they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life

    Matthew 13:47-50
    "the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind, 48 which, when it was full, they drew to shore; and they sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but threw the bad away. 49 So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, 50 and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

    Revelation 21:1-4
    Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away

    Isaiah 25:6-8
    On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine – the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. The Lord has spoken

    *The first resurrection is before Christ comes on the white horse, the second one is after the length of the day, in which the luminaries did not give light.

    Comment (3)

    Sun, Oct 21st - 5:31PM


    Jesus is special.  Even to the point of fully believing in Him, and then to the point of dying for Him.  Just as is martyrdom.  Can the weakness of the flesh lead into not being able to go through with it, and yet someone still be saved and love God?  Yes.  And everyone who wants to consider this topic needs to carefuly examine themselves, God, and this.  First off, if it was impossible for the weakness of the flesh to come between being a martyr for Jesus, and yet still be saved and love Him; then no one would ever sin again, even outwardly.  As born again believers are perfect inwardly.  Just as also, Paul talks about how through the death of Jesus we have died to sin.  Some people are able to walk without having sins of the flesh that give 'bad showings.'  But judgment is not in the flesh, it is in the Spirit.  We are not justified by the flesh, but by the Spirit.  And if anyone wants to say that whatever we believe, we do; then they are going to have to account for what it means to commit things to God; and also not receive physically what we believe, though it is in His name, and we do believe it.  Just as also Jesus spoke about believing we have the things we pray for, and receiving them.  And just as also in Hebrews Paul speaks about people who obtained promises though they never received them, in this corrupted world.  Too many people believe 'what we believe we do' and then judge what people do, as to judge what they believe.  And this is false witness.  And it is the law, though some might claim grace.  And know, that even in the Old Testament they had grace.  Here is the main part of the law, and it's weakness: no one can 'do' a 'don't.'  It is impossible.  And thereby also, as Paul explains in Romans 7, the flesh is given opporunity to manifest, by the law, because it manifests all the more, against the commandment.  This is why under the new covenant, we walk by the Spirit.  And the Spirit says "yes" and "amen" to the promises of God.  The commandments that are spoken of in the New Testament as to following, are not the ten commandments, nor the law.  And it is not that we are to follow the law, because now we can fulfill it through Jesus and the Spirit.  Jesus and the Spirit have fulfilled the law, and now it is no longer given by God to follow.  And therefore when we walk in the Spirit, then we keep ourselves from needing the law.  And we don't follow the law, after having fallen into sin, because we have the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus to awaken to God.  Just as no one was saved through the law, even in the OT.  The law came in to condemn sin.  And through folllowing it, and learning it's testimonies, then people awakened to God, and thus were reconciled to Him, and thus the law was a tutor.  The commandments we are to follow under the new covenant are to love Jesus, and all of God, and each other, and lay down our lives for each other, walking as He did.  And the commandments we follow under that, the commandments of God that we are to keep, are the words spoken by Christ, received through the Holy Spirit.  Just as that is walking in the Spirit.  And commandments are different that His Words.  In the Navy when they call parade rest, no one moves until 'rest.'  That is the command word.  Therefore also this is the distinction of the two things in Hebrews, in which God can not lie.  First of all, it is His Word, which contains His promises, and that is the substance.  And on top of this, though we should believe the word firstly also, for that is loving God; He gave His oath.  And therefore from His oath, we also receive His perfect love.  And this is what casts out fear.  What is fear?  It is the knowledge of having done something wrong, and therefore knowing that punishment will be received.  Fear therefore comes both from sin, and from sin's expectation, after falling.  And this is the administration of the law.  Just as Paul said that the law came in that the offense might abound.  What this means exactly, is that sin resists the law, knowing that it itself, just as sin is also in our flesh, and the flesh is weak by it; though Adam and Eve were not sinful before they fall; sin knows, and the sinful flesh knows, it can not meet the requirements of being like God, and having His life and love.  And it finds this out every time it sins.  Therefore if someone, living under the law, can not follow the law, and awaken to God, and come out of sin; then they bear the punmishment of the law.  And so we are to walk by the Spirit, meaning that we receive the Spirit, and have fellowship and communion with Him, and then also in agreeing with Him, which is believing, and becoming one with Him; with every seed; we go on to receiving the empowering to continue to walk in Him, which is abiding, and after we have not only received the seed, but have gone on into preparing for the reception of what the promise is, it is as through His commands.  But many follow even spiritual things, and keep themselves from things they are either offended of, or are puffed up, in saying they are better than people who do a certain sin, or that they themselves are too good to do a certain sin.  This is still law, when someone isn't becoming one with God, and regarding that they are inwardly perfect.  Because if there is only the commandment, there is not His life and love.  Our abiding, and preparing for receiving what the promise is, is our becoming one with meeting to receive the promise.  And that is faith: having been created, and being at rest, no longer being alone; and then coming together in love, as in a love song.  People can say they are walking in grace and freedom, when really they are being legalistic.  It is not God's will for anyone to be 'one' being alone.  The words in the Hebrew for 'one' are echad and yachid.  Echad is 'one' singularly, and yachid is 'one' pluraly.  The echad, when it is love, and in God, is still not someone being alone.  It means that someone came together, with another, was being the same person.  Just as is in God.  And plural oneness is the meeting, and being one, after coming together in faith.  This plural oneness being the knowledge then, of being one, and yet still in love, not being alone, knowing that individuals are the same person, and yet are individuals, and uniting.  Faithfulness and martyrdom is judged by what is inward.  And this is also, how Samson committed suicide, and yet was saved.  Why did Smyrna have to be told that they wouldn't be killed by the second death?  It is obvious and nearly 'common' sense, that if someone is faithful, even to the point of death, that they will not be punished, going into the lake of fire.  Here is also what Paul was saying about those who destroy their temple, being destroyed by God.  First off, most who honor God with the lips, and in works, but not in the heart, trade away perfection inwardly, for corrupted good showings ourwardly.  David said that if he regarded sin inwardly, God would not hear him.  Zechariah means 'Jehovah remembers' and he was martyred between the altar and the temple, signifying the porch area of the temple.  Which represents the will, also having the two pillars Jachin and Boaz; meaning 'in His counsel' and 'by His strength.'  Destroying the temple, also represented by Jesus' anger in turning over the market in the temple; is that someone chooses rather to trade away inward perfection, for what is outward and corrupted, though it looks good by sight.  This is graceful condemnation.  Just as also, the first part of leaving God, and entering into idolatry is in no longer regarding being one with Him, as seen in the letter to Ephesus.  Suicide is not just people being the unprofitable servant, and even being said to be like Saul.  Suicide is grief and grieving, and one in which, someone chooses rather not to leave the temple, of which they obviously love, even to have grief to the point of death; but to rather choose to stay, even to the point of death.  For when Jesus said "Not My will be done but Yours" it didn't mean that He worshiped God not wanting anything, also sacrificing Himself; it meant that He didn't just choose to go and do something else.  That is also what they were ridiculing Him of, when He was being beaten and dying.  Jesus sacrificed Himself, in the Father's will, for something, His bride.  It is the unprofitable servant that bows, not receiving anything.  And repentance is not about us coming to God, trying to not receiving anything.  That is not what humility is either.  Humility is knowing that it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom.  We can not repent to God, as to not receiving anything, even to the point of 'nothing else but Him' because the foundation for that, is not in Christ, nor His example.  Pretty soon what happens is that oneness becomes being single, alone, and therefore worshiping God that way.  And this is the extent of what happened to Lucifer, though he is an example of God's prepared for wrath.  God is a trinity, and therefore is always in relationship.  And the trinity represents marriage.  The hope of God, is His promises, and those also given through prophecy.  Therefore those who attempt to say they are honoring God, and putting Him first, and yet are not being one with Him, and perfect inwardly, and also are trying to be alone in being 'one,' are the parable of the unclean spirit departing.  The unprofitable servant in the parables of the talent and minas, essentially told Jesus "You haven't perfected works yet, and me the heart, so we are even."  Just as Jesus gave the Spirit, and the testimony of salvation, though that which was outward, was not yet perfect.  Peter denied the Lord 3 times.  The unprofitable servant will not regard being perfect inwardly, nor walk like that.  When people walk, as to being perfect inwardly, then they have the knowledge of life, at least tasting it; and are awake to loving, even through corruption.  And it may sound like this is what is martyrdom, but anyone who also knows that the flesh is not made perfect yet, knows it is still possible to mess up.  Though the mess ups, in not dying for Jesus, usually still lead to being able to suffer for Him and be faithful, even through corruption, and love Him that way.  All sin, at the core, is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  And those who are born again, are perfect inwardly.  And this is what Paul spoke of in Romans 7, about how it was no longer him who willingly sinned, but was sin in him.  Beyond this, according to the flesh, through 1 John 1 we are to repent, knowing we are perfect inwardly, as to our flesh having the will to sin, even after having knowledge of the truth; which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, to sin after that.  Graceful condemnation makes it so that the depths of Satan are present, though people are attesting to God.  And so they only see the blasphemy of the Spirit as the things that are agreeably really bad.  Because they regard sin inwardly, and say that the ones who aren't being faithful, are the ones not walking like that.  Which also leads into 'let go and let God' which is new age faith.  Graceful condemnation being new age grace, as the depths of Satan are: 'we are sinners, and that is the way it is.'  Conviction is about who we were, and is unto perfection through His promises.  And if it is not unto perfection, what is the point?  For conviction unto perfection is sowing to the Spirit, and building treasures in heaven.  And that is the kingdom of God, and it inside of us, and it being our continuing city. 

    Jesus took upon Himself every sin, even blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, because that is what the sinful nature is.  The unforgiveable sin, is blasphemy of the Spirit in the perfect infinitive, which is 'forever' and in every context.  And those who love God and are born again, in their insides never blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  And the race that Paul talks about, and the entering in, he spoke about; and the rest, which was not only about the Israelites entering into the Promised land, coming out of Egypt, with Moses; is the rest of having the soul established on earth, as it is in heaven.  For the born again spirits and hearts are seated with Christ, and in Him in the third heaven.  And the soul therefore- of those who have sincere faith- as God is eternal, and all encompassing, is there in Him.  Therefore when we enter into His rest, the soul is established on earth, as it is in heaven, and someone can't fall away, no matter what. 

    The problem with evangelism, the extent of the problem, and also with the common day view of martyrdom, is that need is regarded.  God doesn't need us to do anything.  He wants us to.  And that is also how we should be.  Though it is obvious that without Him, we can not live.  But we can not come to Him, only to escape evil; we have to come to Him, to receive what is truly good.  Trying to escape evil, is trying to just not have bad consequences, and that is the sorrow that leads to death. 

    Elijah ran from Jezebel, Joseph lived as an Egyptian, David dwelt and fought with the Philistines, and even wanted to fight against the Israelites, though the Philistines did not let him, probably because they didn't even want the opportunity for him to switch sides.

    The main motive in the wrong view of martyrdom, is in hypocrisy.  It is the accepting of consequences, so that sin may abound, though as evil is clever, it seems as if sin is being taken care of, or that there is accountability.  But accountability is not in accepting the consequences, but in finding a way to have His Promises.  We also are not to learn from sin, that is false discipline.  Usually sin ploys so that people are trapped, and their offenses lead them into accepting some sin, to alleviate other sins.  And this is actually the grounds of which people say they are being faithful in not doing.  But sin is hypocritical, and even sometimes flaunts it, though the deceived walk in darkness.  An example of this is how Satan can make attacks through complication, and then offer the way of simplicity.  Giving answers, when darkness and him also created the problem.  But in God, neither complication nor simplicity are good, wisdom is.  People do this a lot in warfare, because they aren't fully coming to the light, because they are regarding sin inwardly.  Regarding sin inwardly may sound like it is harder than regarding perfection inwardly.  But it actually allows less accountability, and therefore there is false grace.  And John 3 shows this example, as people loved darkness, and did not come to the light, that their deeds may be exposed.  So when people are looking to sin, usually they are in sin; and always are, not regarding perfect insides, in being born again. 

    Daniel and the three who were thrown into the fire by Nebuchadnezzar were faithful.  But remember that what happened was spiritual testimony.  As gold represents holiness, and therefore the idol was false holiness.  And therefore is the type of the mark of the beast.  Therefore we shouldn't walk according to sight and the flesh and war against the flesh, as if even humility is found in the flesh, or righteousness through our 'good acts,' 'good fruit,' or 'good showings,' even martyrdom.  An example of false holiness is: being clean shaven is more acceptable than having a beard.  And in Spirit and truth, the sinful flesh in every sin, blasphemes the Holy Spirit, and manifests Antichrist.  Also being in enmity to God, and loving the world.  Why would God offer Himself, and continually, to save those who were worshiping idols, and not Him; but then not save any who receive the mark of the beast?  Because the Antichrist, is the symbol of blasphemy of the Hoy Spirit UNTO THE PERFECT INFINITIVE.  And this is what the Tribulation is, as the attack is against being one with God, and being born again, and having perfect insides.  And every evil spirit is antichrist, just as every sin is, at it's core.  Therefore, what is in the Spirit is what matters, just as Paul also said that we don't even know people by the flesh anymore, also not even Jesus.  Though Jesus was known by the flesh, and even was perfect in the flesh; and none of us were.     

    In this likeness, remember what happened to the people who were trying to cast out demons in Acts, and the demons said "Jesus I know of, and Paul I know of, but concerning you...."

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    Sat, Oct 20th - 3:05PM


    What did Jesus tell those who were saying corban?  You make void the word of God.  Is that possible?  Yes, for someone to make void the word of God, for themselves.  What is corban?  "What I don't do is what I do for God, because I am imperfect, and He wouldn't want it."  And this leads into: "What we have, we have; and what we don't, we don't."  Do this with prophecy, and pretty soon->Pharisees.  And how could that be true?  Everyone is leading 'holy' lives, and has 'good fruit' and are 'saving' people, and are sure they are teaching the 'truth.' 

    What did Jesus say about Jezebel in Revelation?  "That woman who calls herself a prophetess."  What is the difference, in someone calling themselves a Pastor?  Paul called himself an apostle, and more.  Is it wrong to be called or call one's self a prophet?  It is not someone calling themselves a prophet that is the worst evil.  It is someone needing other people to call them one.  Who called John the Baptist a prophet?  He grew up under the law, keeping the law, and was under his dad, a priest.  And then he goes and lives out in the wilderness.  Was this forsaking meeting together, as spoken of in Hebrews 10?  Well when the Holy City is called "Sodom and Egypt" spiritually, what do you think?  Jesus did not enforce the law when He was preaching.  Though He did tell people to still follow it (but not to DO as the Pharisees did).  But He did not enforce the Law, rather He fulfilled it.  And we presently have the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.  Therefore what should we be doing?  Should we be enforcing the law of the Spirit of life?  No we should be fulfilling it.  In what way?  Through practicality and simplicity?  Through the great commission?  What good is it to enforce the great commission, if we ourselves do not have the power of God, which is His kingdom, and the perfection of being born again incorruptibly and walking that way?  Is that not being a white washed wall and tomb?  Is that not the hypocrisy and leaven of the Pharisees?  Is this not the same blindness that Israel was and is under concerning Jesus being the Messiah?

    How is it that the modern day church doesn't believe in new things, but cling to evangelism, as being giving people new starts?  Is it that people's lives are only illuminated? 

    The kingdom of God is in the power of saving what was lost.  And this not just being, not previously calling Jesus "Savior." 

    This is why and how, anyone who is sent (Apostle means 'sent one') should have manifestations of the Spirit, and truth, and mircales, wonders, and power.  And anyone who is saying they are speaking the word of God, or has a vision (Prophet means 'one who sees,' and prophets speak the spoken word of Christ, and give new things) should be enlightening the eyes (Eyes represent spirits) of people's volition (dianoia is the word in the Greek in Ephesians 1) and understanding, through wisdom and revelation.  What revelation and necessity does the world need to receive regarding simplicity, practicality, and graceful condemnation?  That is what the world already has.  So how are any FULFILLING the great commission? 

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    Sat, Oct 20th - 2:35PM

    Practically godly

    The modern day church mostly doesn't believe that there are still prophets.  And some believe there are apostles, but heighten the requirement to doing things like raising the dead, or cast out spirits at the first command, and also be able to heal at first command.  (sometimes it takes cultivating) 

    The church is in hypocrisy.  Believing in evangelism, but at the same time, denoting prophetic words, as someone meddling.  The 'world class Christians' according to Rick Warren's statements, try lead people to Christ through good showings.  Modern day prophecy therefore is said to be either end times watching, or people who illuminate God's Word, that is already present. 

    How is prophecy stopped?  By not believing in it.  How is this backed up?  By people saying that people who try to prohpesy are only 'right' because people believe them.  When the whole church was in bed with Jezebel, believing in simplicity. 

    Therefore the gift of prophecy and apostle, which are the highest gifts, aren't cultivated, even though Paul said they should be desired the most.  And people say that the verse saying that prophets and apostles are the foundation of the church, shows how there are not modern day prophets, because the church is already set up.  While they themselves prophesied that falsely, and established that falsely, and interpreted it falsely.  So how can a prophet cultivate the gift of prophecy, which still does exist, even as those who say it doesn't, are interpreting the Scriptures falsely?  What happens is that since the gifts are not for ourselves, but for the whole, concerning the gifts we have to give in meeting, as we all receive every gift, but only have some gifts to give in meeting; that if there are no people to prophesy to, the prophet can't prophesy.  Or so the first stronghold of sin begins. 

    However, the gift of prophet, has more along with it, then receiving the present spoken word of Christ.  It includes bringing things which are new.  Even though people who don't believe in modern day prohpecy don't believe there can be new things from God.  Are our days illuminated only, and not new?  God knows every day, even when they haven't happened yet, and this also even in the early church days. 

    Samuel the prophet, told Saul that he would tell Saul his whole heart.  Elisha was told by God, what people said in their inner rooms.  And also knew spiritually, that someone was after him.  And also knew the actions of his servant. 

    Also, spiritual understanding, is not something that is only for gurus or mystics.  And in this, neither is revelation, or knowing the future.  Jesus said the Spirit would tell us things to come.  Did this change since the early church?  On what grounds?  Meditation is also spiritual, and not just an emptying or filling of the mind.  As in Revelation when John said he was in the Spirit, he was meditating.  The Holy Spirit is the only way to receive Jesus.  To not be exclusively in God through the Spirit, is to try to enter in through another door.  And the end, is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, in the perfect infinitive.  And it is completely godly to worship the Holy Spirit.  He is an equal member of the Godhead.  Though some say that the Holy Spirit never makes mention of Himself, but only of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit gives us Jesus, but also Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is a Person.  How else is it possible to grieve the Holy Spirit?  Or to have communion with Him? 

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    Sat, Oct 20th - 1:30PM


    Type one: we are types of Christ, He gives us to have marital love monogamously wtih our spouse, and a name that no one else knows
    Type two: we have brotherly love as a type of marital love
    Type three: Jesus is in our marital love too
    Type four: being married to Jesus collectively with our brothers and sisters is a type of our marital love with Him

    *Think of the word 'type' as 'defining.' 

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    Fri, Oct 19th - 11:28PM

    Answers to the Jews, Gentiles, and Christians

    If God can dwell within a human body that is corruptible, why is it too much for God Himself to dwell within a body that is corruptible, but not corrupted?  Did the flesh of Jesus corrupt?  Paul says it became sin.  How did that happen?  Isaiah says that His visage was marred, more than any man's.  Did God really dwell in a flesh that corrupted?  Does God dwell in the corrupted flesh of anyone?  Or is it that He dwells spiritually, and gives the flesh of man to prosper under Him?  So is the belief of deism.  How can any one's flesh be in God, if He isn't in the flesh?  The earth was good before the fall, and God wasn't a tree.  Was He?  That is what some believe.  That everything is God.  Or is everything only a type of Him? If God isn't in human flesh, why would He be everything that creation is?   How can God dwell in anything that is corruptible?  For He Himself is incorruptible.  Is it too much to believe that a God that made which is corruptible, could make Himself corruptible?  On what grounds?  If God dwelt inwardly in man before the fall, didn't He not then dwell in that which was corruptible, but not corrupted?  What is oneness?  Because if God Himself never dwelt in what was corruptible, then what of Him did?  His breath?  Why then in the OT is His Spirit in men?  Is this in the type of His breath?  Just as the Spirit of Repentance is called the Spirit of Elijah?  Was Elijah then a type of God, but God Himself not dwelling in Him?  And therefore is this the grounds for God being in men?  And is this therefore the grounds for the Kabbalah's ten seferot?  Just as the seferot are reflections of God, but not He Himself?  As His life through light is reflected?  And therefore is it impossible for the Messiah to be the very Son of God?  Is this what happened in Jesus' and Paul's day?  Therefore is knowing God, only possible through Him first beholding man from His position, but then also not considering man from His position, as if to learn from Him?  And therefore is relationship with God only possible as He beholds man?  Is this not written, even by David?  If it is impossible for God to corrupt, and God is the One in Genesis 15 passing through establishing covenant with Abram, was Jesus blaspheming calling Himself the Son of God, and making Himself equal to Him?  What if, at the end of all of this, if Jesus Himself is the representation of God's type dwelling in what is corruptible?  And then if, God through the testament of Jesus' death, and through the offering of His sinless self, though it was through being 'a type of God' was full covering for all sin, of all who are His?  And therefore making it possible for God to actually dwell in men.  And therefore men also themselves be a type of God?  This also established through Jesus being the testator who died.  Therefore then establishing that the resurrection of those who are His is possible.  What is reincarnation?  Is it not a type of resurrection?  Is not God the true desire of the nations?  For what person doesn't love their flesh?  Even to the point of knowing emotions such as grief, and that to the point of death.  And what if, this Jesus is so important, that one would die, to be faithful to Him?  And what if doing otherwise was unforgiveable, in it's fullest extent?  What about the weakness of man to do so?  Therefore is the unforgiveable sin not that someone doesn't love Him?  What is God's love, if He would create, and allow such things as come from sin?  And what is salvation, if those who sin continually show they don't love Him?  And what sin is being dead without Him?  As Adam and Eve died, and God said that after that man's spiritual self was evil.  Is it not the unforgiveable sin, of purposely not loving Him?  Therefore is not God's love, giving His Son, 'God in creation's type,' to become that sin, and bestow every good thing?  Why didn't He do that to start with?  Is not anything that is actually substance, and real, and true, then to manifest actually, and not just in 'thought?'  And is it not the love of God to then ACTUALLY do this, and through His Son?  And now therefore has it not been made possible, to be good, and to have His type of life, which is incorruptible?  And to know what is good and what is evil, and to be given to choose what is good?  How can man himself be incorruptible?  Is it that God is going to recreate everything over and over and over again?  Is that reincarnation?  Is it not then the ACTUAL substance, to make a display eternally of what is good and what is evil?  And what of that which was lost?  Is it not the love of God, to make the display, and the judgment of what is evil, start at when what was evil fell?  And to create what should have been, just as in the New Testament's parable of the talents and minas?  This spoken by Jesus, the Son of God, and the talents and minas of what should have been, being craeted through those who are good, and saved; also there being eternal marriage.  Eternal marriage made possible, even though some who are good and who are saved, were married to more than one person on earth; whether through before being good (Gentile) or because of death, as Jews are born in Abraham's bloodline, who was good?  By giving everyone what was not yet revealed?  Just as the incorruptible, and eternal life, and new heavens and new earth, which will not corrupt again, was not revealed at first?  And is this not what God spoke in Isaiah concerning new things?  And is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit then, the decision, to not love God and know Him; the measuring line in someone being evil from the start?  The beginning being when the Holy Spirit offers God?  And are not even the Jews, who are in the bloodline of Abraham, who was good, dwelling dead spiritually, where God doesn't exist?  And therefore are not the Jews also then, not good, though they are in Abraham's bloodline, who was good?  What is good?  Is it not to love God?  What is love?  Is it not to know Him, and to live to Him?  Therefore also just as when the Holy Spirit offers God, and He is not loved, to the extent of not wanting to know Him; is this not the unforgiveable sin, worthy of everlasting punishment?  And is this not also the same as being born a sinner, even though being in thet bloodline of Abraham?  Is God offering Himself, even from the womb?  David said so.  What is it then to blaspheme the Holy Spirit?  Because isn't every sin, and being a sinner, choosing not to love God, and know Him?  Is it that the unforgiveable sin is to choose not to ever know Him?  Therefore is it also that love is inward, and not completely found in works?  Because even the patriarchs died being sinners.  Can people's sins have them do things that are against God, but they themselves still love Him?  Did not Adam and Eve love God before they fell?  If love is not found in works, how can love come through works?  Is not the law given to point out sin, and not to show love for God?  How could Adam and Eve sinned, without blaspheming the Holy Spirit, if they loved God, and then chose to not love Him, and became spiritually sinful, and therefore subjected to choosing not to love Him in every sin they did?  Did Adam and Eve choose not to love God when they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?  Isn't loving God, living to Him?  And didn't He say to not eat of it?  And is it not that they were sinful their whole lives after they fell, no matter how great a work they did?  And is it not therefore that they never again came to be spiritually alive, and love and know God?  And therefore is it not the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to not accept salvation?  Why would God save some people from being sinful their whole lives, but not others?  Is this not the example He is making, having some be for good, and some for evil?  Did God make anyone sin then?  And is it evil to create something as an example of evil?  And what basis are those who are saved, saved; if not everyone can be, and if even those who are saved, still die?  It is God's incorruptible nature to know good and evil, and still be just and right, and loving, to be able to always do what is good, and even have perfect judgment, in making an example of what is evil.  Is it not good that is being created then, as God is showing those who are good and saved, His power, in making examples through those who are evil, and not saved?  And therefore isn't this exactly the same as judging anything, and destroying any evil thing?  How is there eternal marriage, even if everything wasn't revealed at first?  Aren't the feelings in marriage strong?  And aren't they jealous, and for monogamy?  Even when people are married to more than one person at the same time, is not coming together with one of them, example of this?  Because coming together is an example of loving someone monogamously.  And it is impossible, to have sex with more than one person at a time, naturally.  And the representation of the body this way, even if it is not liked, and or followed, is still present.  Therefore is it too hard for God to give, in saving those who are made good, to receive something deeper than they had previously known and thought?  And therefore also is this not what Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, also portrayed throughout the Bible concerning letting our words be few with God, for He is in heaven and we on earth?  And is this not also the same basis for saying that Jesus can't be the Son of God, and equal to Him?  And therefore is it not too hard to believe that during the Old Testament that the Spirit was only upon them, even when they said it was in them, as David did; that it was in them, as it was upon them; them being in the Spirit, as it was upon them?  And having who they were internally be stirred by that knowledge?  Is this not the same basis for believing that God can not Himself exist in man?  How can what is fully sinful be stirred unto God?  Is it too hard for God to already know what He will create and give, beauty for ashes, through Jesus' death and life, though it was not done yet in time; as God is eternal?  Therefore giving men to have Him inside of them even bodily, of those who loved Him, at Pentecost, after Jesus ascended.  How could they still die?  Is it not too hard for God to put incorruptible life inwardly, but still have the body be corruptible and corrupted?  And this be the works also showing who are saved, as this is how Jesus suffered and died, His flesh not being corrupted before this, though it was corruptible?  Do works save then?  And can't people still love God, though they aren't martyred as He was?  This is what the cross means.  Because His offering was for every sin.  Therefore for those who love God, every sin is atoned for, whether they die or live.  And therefore blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not loving God, never coming to love Him, and know Him; even after the Holy Spirit offering Him.  What are the works of having the body still corruptible, and corrupted; though the inward is completely saved?  Would God again give what is inward to not be completely saved?  So that it would again not be saved if it sinned?  The works of having the body corruptible and corrupted, is the example that works are not evil, if they are in love; though works themselves are not the basis for good, just as what is spiritual can be evil the whole time, not being alive in Him.  Just as after the fall, all were sinners.  And how can any exist, if they don't spiritually exist?  For even animals are said to have spirits, in the Old Testament.  Therefore also, this proves that marriage in heaven, is not just unto Jesus, and symbolic, but is also for the saved and the angels; for those who also do believe in Jesus, and the new covenant.  Do we then have sex with Jesus?  How can we still sin if our insides are perfect?  Because the light of the life of what is inwardly perfect shines into the body, which is not yet INCORRUPTIBLE.  And darkness doesn't always represent sin, just as there was darkness before the fall, and God called it good.  It represents something not yet revealed (Psalm 19's night unto night...).  And therefore it is still possible to sin, after having perfect insides, because the body sins after what is not yet revealed comes to light, and displays the knowledge of good and evil, even in reality; and it is the body walking as Jesus did, suffering and dying.  And so we are inwardly convicted, but we outwardly repent.  And we inwardly prepare the way, as is the Spirit of Repentance (Isaiah 40), but we outwardly corrupt, as a seed does when it goes into the ground and dies.  Once what is inward and outward is perfect and incorruptible, there will be no more sinning, or the possibility of it, for those who are saved.  And just as we are married to God, even this shown in the Old Testament, God is in each marriage of His people, and monogamously.  Just as He knows us, and we are all different, and know each other differently.  Why don't we know each other the same?  Or even be able to be in many marriages as God is, and yet still be monogamous, knowing people differently?  Because we are finite.  And we are vessels of God.  And we carry the infinity that He gives into us, through His Spirit, and through Jesus.  Just as the sky is infinite to us, but still has limits.  Therefore do we have sex with Jesus?  God is in the things of which He gives His people.  Even marriage, and not just symbolically; as He is the life, and personally.  We are the types.  And Jesus still remains the type of God in the flesh, which in it's extent is fully God.  Therefore we are types of Christ.  And Jesus was always fully God, just as the root has to be holy, if the tree is.  And this is possible, for God to dwell finitely, and still be infinite, and fully God, but with boundaries, though we are only types of Him; as for example: if we move to a different city, we don't become someone different, though we have different things going on, and we can choose what we do, and bring our past into light; and still not change who we are.  And therefore as TYPES OF CHRIST, Christ also being fully God, this is the proof of how we don't have sex with Him, as we do with our spouse in monogamy.  And this therefore is the balance, as to how we have marriage in monogamy in heaven, and even consummate it, just as God can spiritually consummate with people, just as also the spiritual heart is still called a heart of flesh to God (There are different kinds of flesh); but there not be the fleshly consummation of marriage with God, beyond Him spiritually being in it, and being the source of life, even in everything else.  Therefore what is flesh is not evil, but at the same time, there is a difference between what is only spiritual, and what is both spirit and flesh.  And therefore what is spiritual does happen in the flesh.  And is not just symbolic, not happening in the flesh.  For what is spirit, fills what is flesh; but what is of the flesh, does not have to physically consummate, when what is spiritual does.  Because the spiritual is what is the life of the flesh, and is present as the flesh consummates.  And this is also how what is flesh, is a type of what is spirit.  Though also, again, it is not that there are things that are only spiritual, and don't happen in the flesh.  For that is vanity.  It is that there are two types of what is spiritual, and so two types of what is physical.  This is the relationship again, of how the earth is limitless to us, but still has limits.  And this is how we will have new names in heaven, that no one else knows.  As it is in marriage, and monogamy, just as also the name better than sons and daughters in Isaiah, is to be married.  And in this way, there is brotherly love in heaven, as a type of what is the name a married couple have that no one else knows.  And it is a type, because the Spirit is still dwelling in us, as we are married to God; but we aren't sharing marital love in brotherly love.  What is this type?  It is the name of Jesus in Revelation that only He knows.  And therefore we are all parts of His body, even in brotherly love; but do not share the same name with everyone else, apart from being one with Him.  Just as an eye is different than an ear.  But there is something that the ear and eye both give to the body, and share together.  And that is His mind, which is infinite, and definite (finite).  Pertaining to only one thing, but also using everything to together share some things.  Jesus is fully God, because that is what He is, even from the start.  He is the chosen seed of God, coming into time.  Therefore Jesus is fully God inwardly, but a type of God ouwardly.  And we are a type of God inwardly, and fully us as from Him, outwardly.  As snow flakes are unique, and make up a snow bank.  Therefore God is only spiritual, but fully dwells in the flesh in type.  And therefore we and the angels may fully be of Him spiritually, and dwell both in flesh and spirit, as who we are, in type.  God doesn't consummate His covenant of being Spirit, Son, and Father in the flesh, and this is a type of how a married couple don't naturally consummate in the flesh with other people.  Though they can share relationship.  Do we then spiritually consummate with everyone?  Only in type.  Just as God can be fully spiritual, and dwell physically in type.  Therefore He can also spiritually, as we, have both types in the spirit.  And therefore what is in the spirit still comes true physically, as the spiritual life present in brotherly love, is not to consummate maritally.  And so the marital love we have with Jesus, is not the type that physically consummates; this not being too hard for God.  And this is how there are three types of what is spiritual, and three types of what is physical.  Because He is in marital love, though only physically in type.         

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    Thu, Oct 18th - 11:18PM


    This is basically just an overview of a point I would like to make:

    (Taken from Jay Michealson)
    "There's a cute, and false, urban legend that Eskimos have over twenty words for snow. While, as it happens, many of the words describe other forms of precipitation (for which we, too, have other words), the idea behind the legend is still useful: the more familiar we are with something, the closer we get to it, and the finer the distinctions we are able to perceive. What's more, if we suppose a hypothetical Inuit who really does have twenty words for snow, the experience she has of "snow" is actually quite different from ours. She perceives changes in kind where we only note gradations of intensity. She experiences several phenomena where we might only experience one or two.
    Language shapes our experience of reality. Imagine an emotional life without concepts such as despair, elation, and ambivalence — similar to, but notably different from mere sadness, joy, and uncertainty. As our emotional vocabulary grows — to include, say, ennui, schadenfreude, "processing" — so too does our attentiveness to the detail of our emotional lives. This, indeed, is one of the fruits of theosophical Kabbalah: that its intricate emotional and intellectual symbolism provides a rich texture for introspection.

    The Sefer Yetzirah, the ancient Book of Formation which provides the foundation-text for prophetic Kabbalah, takes this idea to an ontological extreme. For the Sefer Yetzirah, language is the very stuff of creation, and grammar the way in which it is formed. As I wrote on the last page, a rose by any other name would not be a rose — because the essence of rose is R-O-S-E. (Of course, the Sefer Yetzirah works with Hebrew, but you get the idea.)

    In a way, all the Sefer Yetzirah is doing is reading the book of Genesis very closely. Usually, when we read the creation account at the beginning of the Torah, we take it somewhat for granted. God says "Let there be light," and there's light. The Sefer Yetzirah, however, hones in on the "says." It observes that God's "speaking" is the way in which God creates. We are not completely sure, but many scholars believe the magic word "Abracadabra" derives from the Aramaic Avrah KaDabra, meaning "I create as I speak." If this etymology is correct, Abracadabra really is a magic word; it is a performative speech act, just like the ten utterances of creation in the Genesis account.

    Finally, for the Sefer Yetzirah, all of the letters and the ten sefirot — probably not having the same meanings as in later theosophical Kabbalah, but rather meaning something closer to numbers — have properties that correspond to elements, aspects of the universe, astrological signs, parts of the body, times and seasons. For example,

    He made the letter Bet king over wisdom, bound a crown to it, permuted one with another, and with them He formed Saturn in the universe, the Sabbath in the year, and the mouth in the Soul, male and female.

    (Sefer Yetzirah 4:5, Aryeh Kaplan trans.)

    The Sefer Yetzirah is a map of all of creation — or better yet, a chart. There are no coincidences, but rather correspondences. Aleph, mem, and shin — the three "mother letters" — correspond to "breath, water, and fire," which together with Earth, out of which Genesis says human beings (human: adam, earth: adamah) are created, form life. The seven Hebrew letters which have different sounds depending on context parallel the six ribs plus the heart.

    We could spend many hours probing the mysteries of this ancient book — not least, who wrote it and when; we know it dates back to the third century C.E., making it one of the oldest books of its type in the world; then again, we're not really even sure what type of book it is. Hopefully, pages will be added to this site in the future which will do exactly that. For our purposes, though, the Sefer Yetzirah is most important as a foundation text. It shows that language creates, and that God works by permuting letters one with another. Implicitly, so can we.

    In the prophetic Kabbalah, the permuting of letters according to the Sefer Yetzirah and other texts is one of the core meditative practices.

    How did He permute them? Two stones build two houses, three stones build six houses,
    four stones build 24 houses, five stones build 120 houses, six stones build 720 houses,
    seven stones build 5040 houses. From there on go out and calculate that which the mouth cannot speak and the ear cannot hear.

    (Sefer Yetzirah 4:4, Aryeh Kaplan trans.)

    What is this text talking about? It looks opaque at first, but take a moment to see if you can puzzle it out. Mathematicians will see it instantly: it's the calculation of permutations, just like in ordinary math, with factorials. 2 factorial (2!) = 2 x 1 = 2. 3! = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6. 4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24. And so on. If you have three letters, let's use A, M, and S (really it should be Sh, for the shin sound, but I'll keep it simple for here), they can form six permutations: AMS, ASM, MAS, MSA, SAM, and SMA. So, with the seemingly small set of twenty two letters, you get a very large number of permutations: 1.12400073 × 1021 of them in fact. ("The mouth cannot speak and the ear cannot hear.")

    I sometimes analogize the letters, in this form of Kabbalah, to the elements of the periodic table — another very small set of core elements from which the entire universe is created by combination and permutation. That is exactly how they function in the Kabbalah, except for the fact that language, unlike hydrogen and carbon, can be observed directly, manipulated, and used in fascinating meditation practices to boggle the mind and open ourselves up to our deepest Selves."

    Jesus is the end of the law according to Romans 10:4.  According to the Kabbalah information here (Kabbalah means 'receive) it is possible to create, also as words are spoken in divine understanding.  Divnity is in God and Christ, and the Spirit.  And the above example concerning 'abra cadabra' is a fake, just as all darkness is a fake of God; manipulating grace.  And God's grace still goes out, without His plans and promises being foiled.  Just as His Word accomplishes what it is sent for.  In this, the wicked and the righteous are both rained on.  However, the wicked, even though they steal, kill, and destroy, and God knows about it; are prepared by God, as vessels of wrath.  While the righteous are vessels of mercy, and also learn from seeing His power, and from partaking in His sufferings, just as also they did in the OT.  The belief shown here, regarding the Hebrew letterings, stems into a belief regarding creating life.  But the details are beyond human ability.  Just also, to speak the whole word of God, as shown above, in each jot and tittle, and Jesus and the Spirit fulfilled every jot and tittle, would have to be spoken perfectly, and done in perfect timing.  The race for perfection, which is in Christ, is for His grace and knowledge, in the gift by which we are given.  However, Jesus Himself, and the Spirit, also coming forth from the Father, fulfilled the law, and THEREBY now the law is obsolete.  It is not that they just took away the law, it was fulfilled in them.  Therefore the perfection that is God, of which is infinite, even beyond man's given infinite and eternal nature in Him (just as the sky is 'infinite' but has limits); is impossible for man to achieve.  Though God does.  In Kabbalah, "Ein Sof" is the name for God as in this infinity. 

    Jesus is the seed of God.  And therefore He is the chosen infinity of God, coming to pass in time.  Jesus is as infinite as God, He is God.  Just because He is flesh (And He is flesh, just as Paul explains there are different types of flesh; and our spiritual heart is still flesh), doesn't mean He isn't this.  Jesus did everything He did, so that we can.  He even learned.  And an analogy of how this is possible, though He is sill 'infinite' is how we can choose what to do, persay, if we were to move to a different city.  We are still the same person, but we may choose to remember and do certain things that are types of what we did before we moved. 

    In all of these things, it is possible to be like God, in every way, though we won't be limitless, as we are vessels for Him.  And this is also the proof of marriage in heaven.  Just as also John spoke about how they didn't know yet what we would be like in heaven; though they did know that they would be like Him.  Some things in the Kabbalah are accurate, though without Jesus, the substance, all is vanity. 

    Regarding marriage in heaven: 

    Jesus is THE apostle and High Priest.  The gift of apostle is giving equity.  When we eat of His body, we have equity. But that equity being carried out, to also have perfect equity, is contingent upon life, which is not found in idolatry, which is what happens when physical things are made out to be the way, instead of Jesus. This can happen in the spirit, just as His Word is manipulated, by not being one with Him, which takes regarding perfect insides.

    The Spirit of the LORD, is the Spirit as the trinity, together as One. And the Spirit of the LORD was upon Jesus, just as Him coming in the flesh, shows Him as an individual. Just as the Holy Spirit and Jesus are His TWO WITNESSES. Therefore man may have the trinity inside of Him, but none of God's angels or saved, or even God Himself is ever complete apart from the trinity. Showing that the trinity is how to be complete. This also meaning that no one themselves is the trinity without the trinity, not even the Father, the Spirit, or the Son. Therefore God doesn't dwell without marriage. And therefore this is what it means to be complete in Christ. Therefore marriage is the way into love, for without the Father, the Spirit, or the Son, there is no love. And they do not dwell apart from each other. When Jesus' body was made sacrifice, it was His life leaving His body, which did not corrupt, nor get left in the grave, that was full sacrifice. Along with Him pouring out His insides, as that was coming into wholly happening.

    Therefore His blood is the life that is needed, just as we eat of His body, and have equity, to then have the substance in which perfection is outworked. And not only that, but be one with it. We need the substance of the individual, and then the substance that carries the individual to the other individual, and then we need the substance that makes both individuals, and the carrier one. Blood carries DNA. Therefore the Holy Spirit is the member joining the Son and the Father. And the Spirit is the member joining us with Jesus, and Jesus is the member joining us with the Father. His body, the equity needs His life, to be administered, or outworked. The member is always the carrier of the 'DNA,' the substance, the knowledge. How can we be one with His body and blood? Jesus came by water and blood. Meaning that He was baptized with the Spirit of the LORD. Water symbolizing the Spirit. And waters functions in our body, is to baptize, or immerse. Therefore also showing the example of the Spirit of the LORD, and that being the trinity all together, also having love outworked (When it is not being outworked, it is at rest). Therefore it was the Spirit of the LORD, the Godhead together as the trinity, that baptized Jesus. All of the trinity is present in each part of the Godhead. But if you draw three circles, and then a circle around that, there is the example of unity, and not just trinity. Unity is love that is mutual, being met; therefore also being in agreement. The way that the Godhead can be present in each part, but not in unity, just as the Holy Spirit and Jesus are His two witnesses, is that they are present in each other bodily, but the love is not being outworked (like how faith is a rest, and coming together- the rest being not being alone anymore- therefore this shows how Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father can be indivinduals). The Spirit of the LORD is each member of the Godhead being present bodily, and being outworked. This was possible back then, with Jesus being on earth, just as it is possible, for our hearts and spirits and souls to be inside of us, and also in heaven and Jesus, and God. Jesus coming by blood means both that His blood was perfect and sinless, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and Mary's blood not mixing with His; and that He poured out His blood and soul, suffering unto death. The Spirit is the third that bears witness on earth. That is how to be one with Jesus having His body, and His blood. In this same way then, just as the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jesus, so does the Spirit of Jesus Christ come upon us. And so just as obviously that Jesus' blood is living in Him, so we also through partaking of His body and blood (we need that blood, He was 'born' with that blood), through His Spirit, may receive both the equity, and the life in that to outwork love. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is what is needed, having both the equity, and the substance of which it is carried, to make those one, and stay one, as they are outworked. Therefore just as we need these things to have love outworked, in that same way, we also need to be triune, because just as God does not dwell without the trinity, and no man can; knowing also that each part of the Godhead dwells in each one, though not being able to have the full outworking apart from the trinity being completely together; so can no created being himself be the vessel for the trinity, unless he himself at some point becomes married, in the same likeness that God is married in each part of the trinity. Because no created being can be the full outworking of the trinity dwelling together all at once, as it is with the Spirit of the LORD. Because any created being who is not married, would then not have a vessel to be able to hold the trinity all together, and be outworking love, not having another vessel to love. Thus the example of Lucifer. And thus Jesus, when He came to the earth, was away from His Father. And thus Jesus in heaven, does not partake of being together with all of the trinity, having love outworking, as it is in the Spirit of the LORD, as He said He wouldn't. And thus when He ascended, He sent the Spirit. And so now we have the Holy Spirit, as a part of the trinity, away from the trinity of each part of the Godhead being together and having love outworked. And thus also, shall the saved, the body of Christ, ascend to heaven, and dwell in the new heavens and new earth, they still could not be the vessel, as if being 'one' themselves, for the trinity to be outworked. Because then marriage would be without the covenant, and immorality and 'free love' would exist. As people are knowing each other without having the specifics be in monogamy. And God doesn't dwell without marriage. For each part of the trinity is married to each other. Thus knowing each other. How is marriage 3-way? Because one is also the member by which the other two are exchanging. And this will be true in heaven for His angels and saved, with the Spirit of the LORD as the member, as His angels and saved, will also be married, having spouses, angels with angels, and the saved with the saved. Did the Spirit of the LORD dwell without any one part of the Godhead? It didn't, the Holy Spirit was the vessel, when Jesus was baptized. Married beings together then, having consummated their marriage intimately between them in union, share a type of this love in brotherly love. Just as when they are not consummating their marriage covenant, they are both as brother and sister. Brotherly love is a type of marital love. Hence also the 'as' in the married being 'as' brothers and sisters. But there is still the consummation of marriage, even though someone could say that isn't always happening, and therefore isn't eternal, and therefore isn't in God. Because everything that a married couple share together, is on the way to coming together. And this for eternity. Otherwise no one would meet together or have a different room than another brother or sister either. And creation couldn't exist, because only God can exist in eternity, and still be One, that is, having eternity happen both in concept, and specifically, all at once, and drawn out. But creation gets to be a type of God. Just as brotherly love is a type of marriage. From our deep we get God's eternity. And into our specifics we get God's oneness. No created thing can be both one with God specifically and conceptually, except through time. Time will still exist in the new heavens and new earth. Time is that chosen seed of God into creation [and or created beings]. Therefore God is fully in the marriage of His created beings, and brotherly love is a type of that. As ALL of His created beings may still have love and fellowship. This is God's continuance, and infinite nature. So that married beings aren't specifically always consummating marriage. Because then that would mean being one without time. What is eternity with time in the new heavens and earth? Love, faith, and hope; and without having to overcome pain.

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    Thu, Oct 18th - 7:32PM

    Overcoming grief

    My mentor has made the point about Psalm 119, that it is like David essentially saying: "You do this, and I can do this; I'll do this, and then You'll do this." 

    I like to read the OT, like in the Psalms, and insert the Holy Spirit, where it says 'law,' like in Psalm 119.  And the Holy Spirit has many names, just as in Romans 8, it says that now we have the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. 

    In reading Psalm 119, in the context my mentor said, and connecting it with promises and the Holy Spirit; I think that essentially, we are creating, and forming.  Just as gold and silver represent.  And so also we can grow in His grace and knowledge.  For example "Your Promise is this, and so I can have this, and do this; and because of You I am going to have this, and so You are going to do this." 

    Also my mentor spoke to me about Daniel's prayer, and mentioned Daniel twisting the arm of the LORD.  And wrestling with God is okay, it is Him giving us the desires of our heart, and them being His will, just as Jacob's name was changed to Israel.  And he also told me about Joshua in Zechariah, and what God did for him. 

    God says He won't strive with us FOREVER.  What does that mean?  He is going to give us the Promises. 

    The law says 'if' but the promise to Abraham was sure and steadfast.  And under Abraham we have all of his and Christ's blessings and promises.   

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    Thu, Oct 18th - 6:59PM

    God is not mocked

    It is almost a saying in the church, that when Jesus told the rich man to sell all of his possessions, that it really wasn't a direct thing, as if we should all just go do that.  But that He meant that we shouldn't let anything take place in front of God.  And I have heard even that the things in the world, really aren't anything.  That they are a grey area, and we should just not do them too much, as far as the things which aren't abusive.  But then I also see how people think that we are supposed to worship God, as in not wanting anything. 

    What does this mean?:

    Matthew 18:11
    the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost

    This right here, proves marriage in heaven, and beyond that, with what is above, the church should really wonder.  And even on top of this, if what we are supposed to have, is the riches of Christ, why does the church move away from knowledge?  And on top of this, if what we are supposed to have, is the Person of Jesus, and the Godhead, why does the church move away from being one with Him, and having perfect insides?  This kind of thinking is an example of circular reasoning.  One of the main components of circular reasoning is this: "You are wrong [or that is wrong], so I am right [or this is right]."  One of the biggest things in being like the Pharisees, is that position triumphs over new things. 

    Why didn't Paul write a book, and then look into having it set up around the world?  Because Paul knew the Spirit.  And this is why he also spoke like he did in 2 Corinthians.  The problem with putting evangelism over endowing the kingdom of God, is that emphasis is refuged and put on things which perish.  The world doesn't need another book on the shelf.  And the Bible isn't even everything about God.  That's why He didn't just give Paul and Peter and the other apostles another book, He gave them His Spirit.  The Scriptures aren't the end of God, and shouldn't be.  That is what Jesus rebuked the religious for, telling them that they search the Scriptures, but don't come to Him.  I see the circular reasoning in all of this.  If anyone tries to say that the church is doing this right now, regarding new things, and so on; they just claim they are worshiping the Person of God. 

    However, it is good to have the things of the Spirit written down so that they can be with us.  Just as Paul spoke to Timothy about the 'parchments.'  And David wrote down God's plans for the temple.  What happens in organizing, as I have said, that people organize what they lack in the Spirit; is that life turns into a process.  And so the 'keys' and the 'steps' are given, but people forget to be one with God.  That is the what happens with organizing.  We should have discernment and knowledge, and forming things, and creating things, and crafting things in God, is good.  But if there isn't oneness, it is vain.  And even here the church could complain: "There is no perfect church."  What grieves the Spirit, is not believing.  And this is what happens, when new things are given.  And also when there isn't oneness.  Or when someone isn't believed.  And it's almost common doctrine in the church, to just see what happens.  But we are to believe first, and then see.  And that is what Jesus was talking about, regarding having more righteousness than the Pharisees. 

    We aren't using Jesus, if we know that it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom, concerning this land of the living, and heaven.  And this love and humility is the equity, balancing what we believe, and what we presently see. 

    It can be hard to balance things, when we are trying to believe promises, and then also the physical manifests as if we are really unholy.  But first, this is what it is talking about in Hebrews, about bearing His reproach.  And Paul was accused of doing evil that good may come.  And Jesus told us to rejoice, when we are accused of these things, even saying that that is what happened to the prophets.  There is kind of an understanding regarding the unprofitable servant, and the unforgiveable sin.  And it is this: "One more time...."  Regarding sinning.  And I see the church sinning so that grace may abound, just in their doctrine, in being in the depths of Satan (We are sinners and that is the way it is).  The 'one more time' is kind of what was going on in Amos:

    Amos 1:3
    for three transgressions of Damascus, and for four

    But this is explained in Amos 7:

    Amos 7:1-9
     1 Thus the Lord GOD showed me: Behold, He formed locust swarms at the beginning of the late crop; indeed it was the late crop after the king’s mowings. 2 And so it was, when they had finished eating the grass of the land, that I said:

          “ O Lord GOD, forgive, I pray!
          Oh, that Jacob may stand,
          For he is small!”
           3 So the LORD relented concerning this.

          “ It shall not be,” said the LORD.
    4 Thus the Lord GOD showed me: Behold, the Lord GOD called for conflict by fire, and it consumed the great deep and devoured the territory. 5 Then I said:

          “ O Lord GOD, cease, I pray!
          Oh, that Jacob may stand,
          For he is small!”
           6 So the LORD relented concerning this.

          “ This also shall not be,” said the Lord GOD.
    7 Thus He showed me: Behold, the Lord stood on a wall made with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand. 8 And the LORD said to me, “Amos, what do you see?”
       And I said, “A plumb line.”
    Then the Lord said:

          “ Behold, I am setting a plumb line
          In the midst of My people Israel;
          I will not pass by them anymore.
           9 The high places of Isaac shall be desolate,
          And the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste.
          I will rise with the sword against the house of Jeroboam.”

    What do the locusts stand for?  They are the punishment for using the LORD's gifts for gain.  What does the fire stand for?  This is the punishment for worshiping the LORD, while the depths of a person are looking to extend their inheritance.  Amos called Jacob small.  What does this mean?  It means that just as Jacob represents the strife because of the sinful nature (Strife being having only a little fruit, though a lot of work), that when Jacob went out to inherit from the LORD, that sin tried to stop him.  This is the relationship with what James said about self-seeking and envy.  And what was James' book about?  First of all, it was explaining against the people who said they had works, but were not loving, and being one with God, but were resorting to good showings of the flesh (also in James 5), what works are in God.  Just as also, Jesus said that the works of God are to believe in Him.  Second of all, James letter was about God's people receiving their inheritance, and it also not just being worshiping God wanting nothing.  Even with the guise of saying the Person of Jesus is what is being received.  And people claim this, though they didn't even believe in being one with Him!  What happens when people are worshiping God, and claiming they are doing it only wanting Him; is that they are the parable of the unclean spirit departing.  James also spoke about why people weren't receiving from God, and that actually, that that belief could lead them into being double souled, which leads into false humility, which leads into the sinful flesh coming up with reasons why it shouldn't want anything, and that it's not in error, not receiving.  Because this still looks like God is being worshiped.  James was battling religion, not exactly just false doctrine, just as he wrote to the twelve tribes.  This is why he spoke about quareling, not because worshiping Him not wanting anything is what we should do.  Jesus took on every evil thing.  And also, just for the sake of this: was His flesh, which was becoming sin, not confused when He said "Why have You forsaken Me?" though His insides remained perfect, and were being poured out?  Jesus was sacrificing Himself, to gain His bride, and He wasn't worshiping God, as if not wanting anything.  The plumb line represents this: "Are you regarding God on the insides, and do you really want His Promises?  Or are you just doing what Israel did in Psalm 78?":

    Psalm 78:34
    When He slew them, then they sought Him;
             And they returned and sought earnestly for God

    And the people who say we should worship not wanting anything say that the people who want things do this (Psalm 78:34).  But that is what happened to Jesus also.  Did He look like He was walking in God, when He was suffering, and being mocked, and beaten, and dying?  If the Messiah was the very Son of God, would God let that happen? (Example)

    That is what the plumb line means.  What happened when Jacob went out for his inheritance?  Which was by election, and in the Spirit.  He spent fourteen years, and then some.  What happened with Paul?  He spent three years ministering, and then fourteen years before the right hand of fellowship.  Jacob was promised to dwell in the land of Canaan, and under Abraham, to have a family.  Paul was promised to preach the gospel, and to suffer for His name.  And I find it puffed up, that people try to walk as Paul, claiming they are only serving God, and do this with doctrine, as if worshiping Him wanting things is wrong, and as if new things are wrong; when people obviously aren't doing the other things Paul did.  People may have numbers, but Paul had conviction through prophecy, manifestations of the Spirit and truth, and miracles and wonders.  What does the plumb line mean, in love, if Jacob was small?  Justice.  And what is justice?  Is it judgment, and recompense?  Yes.  And is judgment always against evil?  Not if we have His life, just as it sustains through good and evil.  What is justice?  It is the appropriation of all that Jesus has made available to us through His life, death, and resurrection. 

    What do the righteous do, when the LORD does not pass by them anymore?  (Amos 7:8)

    Well, there is Joseph, the Israelites, David, and Elijah.  In the OT, the Spirit could be taken from them, just as David prayed it wouldn't from him in Psalm 51.  This is because the Spirit was not yet inside of them bodily.  But it was inside of them, as it was upon them.  And it was upon them before the Law as well.  But as Paul said, before the Law sin was not imputed.  This meaning that they either loved God through His wisdom and knowledge taught to them, or they were lawless.  Under the Law, they had the testimonies of Jesus Christ, through the Law, as a tutor to them.  And in the NT, after Pentecost, there was the infilling of the Holy Spirit, giving every good and every perfect gift.  Having the Holy Spirit taken away, is another thing, of which Paul's words in Acts, concerning being saved from things through Jesus, that the Law could not save from.  Now we can have oneness with God.  And Jesus came to save all that was lost.  Therefore if we think that we can have prosperity now and today, even as most of the church believed it was with temporal things, also thinking that the kingdom of God was found in the 'life of the church;' how much more can we have His great and precious promises as the kingdom of God is inside of us, and we can be one with Him, and He came to save all that was lost? 

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    Thu, Oct 18th - 2:56PM

    Satan's authority

    Modern day health is primarily based on psychology.  Psychologists work on personal behavior, while psychiatrists prescribe medicine.  The word 'psych' comes from the Greek word 'psuche' which means soul.  The suffix 'ology' means 'study of.'  Most psychology studies the mind, as far as health, though the word psuche means soul.  But also, most in psychology, understand that psychology concerns the complete health and well being of someone.  However, psychology's necklace, and pride, is in, just as most of the modern day church, believing that as far as health, there are many things which are unknown.  This, biblically, is the depths of Satan, in believing that 'we are sinners, and that that is the way it is.'  With psychology's stance, partly founded in this, most advances, only come in treating symtoms, rather than being able to actually give real changes.  And the hypocrisy in this, just as much of the modern day church, is that science claims to be based on facts, and not be based on unseen beliefs, as spirituality.  Psychology does include spirituality, in it's beliefs, however, it is included, under the category of people reaching out to what is unseen, to fill voids in their lives.  The way that the world, and most of the church is set up, actually leads into a pool of lack.  This being the middle ground between looking to facts, and not entertaining the unseen seriously; and looking to the future, as if presently the lack of being able to offer substancial, and stable answers is due to not yet knowing enough, or believing that there is too much to know, because of the complexities of the body.  Here also is evolution's hypocrisy.  This hypocrisy is reveled in, by evolutionary zealots.  Most of which take pride in the inability of people who believe in what is unseen, to answer the physical's displays.  And also, evolutionary zealots are very much puffed up in their own abilities, to answer much of the displays of the physical world.  However, even in this, most of science is only able to offer theories, concerning the makeup of the physical world.  And much of scientific theories are called facts, though they are based on circular reasoning.  Much of evolution's facts are fraudulent, and or assumptions based on the gathering of data, in which scientists provide their own theories, also connecting data with data.  The foundation of the circular reasoning comes from their insolence regarding the unseen, and also being puffed up, with the the scientific improvements which really have been made.  Science in itself, even in it's definition, claims to not be able to actually offer full proof facts.  As it is merely the gathering of data, and the production of theories, which also lead into 'inventions.'  And all of this is hypocritical regarding the claims of scientists.  As even science's own philosophy claims to be unable to prove fully anything, and also disprove fully anything.  Just as also is the philosophical belief of the 'universal negative.'  Which means that if someone can't be everywhere at once, they can't prove something does or doesn't exist entirely.  Under OT Law, much of science's endeavors are illegal.  However, through Christ, this is not applicable.  But still, according to faith, science is not the answer, though it can offer some help.  The main thing here, is in knowing where one's commitment lies.  As putting off faith, for the spoil of science, is not edifying in Christ, and we should not be brought under the power of any.  And the end here, is that people only have temporal material fruit, rather than the power and kingdom of God.  This occurs because people no longer seek being one with God.  And this is usually the first step of falling away, just as also the church of Ephesus left their first love.  Christian science is deemed very illegal, by the Laodicean church, and modern church, just as also the Laodicean church casts of knowledge.  And also cling to the verse in which Paul said that knowledge puffs up.  But the knowledge that puffs up, is the vain and idle knowledge of religion.  Though the Laodicean church claims to be rich in freedom in God.  But this richness is based on graceful condemnation.  Examples of rejecting and casting off knowledge is clinging to things such as "God is good all the time, all the time God is good."  And other sayings of man.  While the knowledge of God is the substance of faith, and how we possess His great and precious promises.  The Laodicean church is poor, miserable, blind, and naked regarding spirituality.  Which is the spiritual knowledge of God, just as He is spiritual, and just as we don't see Him yet physically either.  And that is how faith is the evidence of things not seen, though darkness tried to make faith into being how we lack spirituality.  Rejecting knowledge, in Hosea, was very bad.  Christian science in itself, is actually very close to faith.  And much of the church doesn't understand that if they think it is okay to go to a doctor, and still be a Christian, that taking scientific data and aligning it to the Word and the Spirit, is not evil.  Christian Science's shortcomings, are the same as the modern day chruches, as they do not believe in being one God, and also that being born again means having perfect insides.  An example of Christian Science, and it in it's shortcomings, is looking to the cross, instead of Jesus.  Just as the modern day church, most of it, thinks that the wood Moses threw into the water at Marah symbolizes the cross.  But it symbolizes Jesus, as the wood was alive, but then was dead, and was cut off, just as Jesus was, and also suffered outside of the camp.  And there are more ways in which people look to the cross instead of Jesus.  Just as they look to the cross to find His testimonies.  Some of which are in the Spirit, but some of which propagate not continually looking to Jesus.  And this is also found, in having movies and such, where someone is 'playing' Jesus.  Most things, such as movies, and plays, are actually in defilement of God's position.  Just as the person in the movie, isn't actually Jesus.  And just as the Spirit doesn't lead into seeing someone 'play' Jesus.  And just as the Spirit doesn't lead into using our time, to make up orchestrated examples of Jesus.  The beliefs in doing these things, is to reach out to people.  But they also had plays in the times of the early church, and that is not how the church was operating.  Paul said for us to pursue love, and to earnestly desire to prophesy.  Hypocritically, it is actually that the modern day church fears prophecy, that people will look to people, and see them as Jesus.  But their way out of this, is clinging to how plays are obviously not real.  But in their hypocrisy again, this is disconcerning the truth that is in God.  And we must have His faith, grace, and love in truth, and worship Him in Spirit and truth, also being one with Him.  All of this is also the ends of leaving God, the first love, and coming unto rejecting knowledge.  Just as also knowledge is the seventh pillar of wisdom, and Laodicea the seventh church.  However, Paul said that Jesus saves us from things that we could not be saved from under the OT.  And the blood of Christ saves us from any kind of 'legal contract' with darkness.  Even so, regarding the fullness of God, and His promises, love, and kingdom, which is in power, and not 'word,' to find God, we must earnestly seek Him in the Spirit.  As poorness of spirit, and being spiritual, is that we only cultivate and believe what is the spiritual knowledge of Him, dying to the world.  And this again, is where the Laodicean church was in the depths of Satan, as one of their sayings is "Live in the world, but don't be of it."  The maturity in God, is not in claiming to have practical 'order' and material fruit.  The maturity in God, is having His knowledge, and wisdom, and spiritual understanding.  And this is why Paul encouraged love, and prophecy.  As prophecy is giving eternal things to come to pass in time, which was not present before.  And this actually is the strength of what gives evangelism.  As evangelism is being a light on a hill.  The apostolic gift is bringing that eternal thing that is to come to pass, fully; as prophetically, things are given partially, unto the whole; also as we are being preserved, coming through the darkness, symbolizing something not yet revealed.  Just as we gain the knowledge of life sustaining us through the knowledge of good and evil.  And this is learning how to discern good and evil, which is overcoming the world, and walking in faith, and in the Spirit, unto maturity.  Crosses themselves, do not hold the kindgom of God, just as fruit, is in the Spirit.  And that is also where our cultivating should be, just as Job 29.  Prophecy leads to real evangelism, as it brings conviction in truth.  And conviction shouldn't be in graceful condemnation, but in telling us who we were, as then God offers His Promises of being born again, having perfect insides.  Prophecy also leads into real evanglism, as the emphasis on 'numbers of people,' buildings, and organizations is not present.  But the kingdom of God, in power, and inward fruit is given, just as also the signs of apostles are manifestations of the Spirit, miracles, and wonders.  This is because people are having conviction which is about goodness, and not the admission of the depths of Satan, as described above.  And that conviction offers promises, instead of graceful condemnation.  And the promises give restoration, regeneration, reconciliation, revival, reward, and renewal.  For it is the unprofitable servant that bows the knee, not receiving anything.  And true humility in God, is in knowing that it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom.  Which means us also having inheritances, and that is the riches of His inheritance, as He is a God of love; and therefore this is us being His praise and glory; also as we are like Him.  Therefore, in this evangelism has real equity, and offers true discipleship.  The word discipleship, also is connected with discipline.  And false discipeline is used, as graceful condemnation is present.  Real discipline is in turning unto God, in His Promises.  Just as David spoke of how he would have lost heart if he did not believe he would see the goodness of God, in his land of the living.  And just as Jesus came to give abundant life, and to destroy the works of the devil.  And also, this is partly seen, in Phillip's ministry, as he was an evangelist, and wasn't just giving practicality and simplicity.  And therefore discipleship can remain in Spirit and truth, as it is about growing in the grace and knowledge of God.  And therefore also, discipleship doesn't have to be everyone following the pastor's 'vision,' 'mission,' and 'purpose.'  Just as also the gifts of pastor and evangelist have been elevated above apostle and prophet.  This came in, as believing that no new things are given any longer, after the early church.  But this is false doctrine, and also not found in the Word, of which people who believe this, claim to cling to.  Prophecy is the spoken word of Christ, which anyone in Christ may speak.  As all can prophesy, though not everyone has every gift to give, in meeting together.  Modern day evangelism falls short of the great commission, though that is their necklace.  For it says to make disciples.  And those who have evangelism as their banner, deal more with saving other people, than actually endowing people with the kingdom of God.  And this is because most believe that we are still on earth, just so that we can save other people.  And in this also, most believe that the kingdom of God, is the things we do being a lamp on a hill, while the things in our lives, apart from 'the life of the church' are what is temporary.  And so we are to make the temprary things also look good, so that this 'lamp' continually shines.  And this is the legalism of freedom.  And the hook of graceful condemnation.  And this is sacrificing in the clefts.  Just as man's sayings such as "God first, family second, job third" come in.  Which, if anyone wants to know, is the knowledge of good and evil, without His life.  These things are the pride of men, as they claim to be putting God first, and doing His work.  But they fail to be one with Him, and regard being perfect inwardly, as is what it means to be born again.  Just as David also said "If I regard iniquity in my heart the LORD will not hear."  And these things are also along the lines of what Jesus spoke about the unprofitable servant.  Because without being one with Him, someone doesn't know Him, and He them.  These things, are the definition of being a friend to the world.  Just as God is honored with the lips, as men claim to be putting Him first; though they also claim also that their lives in which they possess what they call 'temporary things' is them 'living in the world, but not being on it.'  This is friendship to the world, exposed in hearing what Jesus said about needing more righteousness then the Pharisees to enter the kingdom of heaven.  And being like the Pharisees doesn't mean that we have to go up to Jesus and try to outsmart Him, which many think they aren't doing, as they claim to be under the NT covenant. 

    There are three characteristic things that are mainly involved in psychological teaching.  Firstly, I am going to explain the foundation of psychological teaching.  It is founded on believing that people's choices guide their lives.  And so when these things add up, there comes a point in which someone is either profitable, or not.  And for those who do not have psychological health, it is said, that their bodies makeup has been effected, by the additions of their choices.  This also leading into behavioral habits.  And these things, if so inclined, lead unto the inability to be able to operate, also having the decisions be under the 'cloud' of the effecting sum of the person's promptings, and psychological processes.  Here, again, it can be seen, how psychology can not offer much beyond treating symptoms.  But there are benefits still in treating symptoms, though according to faith, if the totality of commitment lies in science, there will be no reconciliation of what was lost. 

    Firstly, the behavioral characteristic mentioned, is agressive behavior.  The teaching of pyschology, is to be able to not completely rid one's self of being agressive, but also be able to control it. 

    Secondly, there is passive aggresive behavior.  Which is said to be probelm causing if used as an offense, but profitable if used in defense. 

    Thirdly, there is assertive behavior.  Which is kind of like the Messiah of psychology.  Assertive behavior is being able to be organized, thorough, and straight forward, without having, at least, the consequences of negative attitudes. 

    However, the teaching of these behaviors, leads into actually teaching people pride, and the cover up of false humility.  And these things are the snare of the devil.  The snare of the devil, is not firstly that people are caught in abusive and addicitive behaviors.  That comes after trying to get loose of the snare.  The snare of the devil is the devil's veil, just as Jezebel has a veil, hers being in nothingness.  The devil's veil is found in the things of which he tempted Jesus with.  And in those temptations, it should be understood, that their hook, was in what is spiritually discerned.  Just as in Christ, we are kings and priests, and in context are given heaven and earth, also having an inheritance, and are given to rule with Him.  And in Christ, we also eat manna, which means 'what is it,' this being the spiritual food that we eat, as we seek Him, and know His hidden things.  This hidden food, being the spoken word of Christ, and spiritual knowledge of Him.  And casting ourselves down, thinking that the angels will save us, is actually what happens when people worship the angel of the church, and trade being one with God, and knowing the perfect insides, that are in being born again.  And so beginning to ask for meat, which is the sightly material evidences of God.  Just as also faith is the spiritual knowledge of God, that being the substance, by which we have His great and precious promises, His promises being hope.  And that this is the evidence, of what we do not see in the physical.  It is not that faith is what we don't see spiritually, but what is evidenced by material fruit.  That belief also leads into wanting good showings of the flesh, saying that works perfect faith, when also; people don't even believe they are inwardly perfect, being born again.  So Satan's snare is in offering us to be like the rich of the world.  And also to say that our hearts of stone are really us being new in God.  And that we won't be hurt if we trade having perfect insides, for material fruit and works.  

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    Wed, Oct 17th - 6:57PM


    Matthew 17:14-21
    And when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him and saying, 15 “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. 16 So I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him.”
    17 Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.” 18 And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour.
    19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”
    20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting

    What is the kind of spirit Jesus is talking about here?  It is a religious spirit.  A religious spirit, is one that personifies God.  It does what God does.  And it says what He says.  But more in the context, concerning what is little.  And this actually fits into every religion quite easily.  From those who try to follow laws, to those who have graceful condemnation, and are legalistically free.  Because what happens in religion, is that people think, the least they do, is God, and that is because they recognize themselves as sinners.  And this is the core of corban, which is like saying "What I don't do is what I do for God, because I am imperfect, and He wouldn't want it anyways."  Most religious people do think they themselves are sinners.  Though they also try to achieve a righteousness, which is their own.  Whether they say they are earning goodness, or are simply receiving because they work, and or have the strength of their hand.  The graceful condemnation is a way to not have accountability to the perfection in God, which is possible, and what it means to be born again.  And so after that, then men can come up with their own requirements, and claim it is God's will, purpose, and or pleasure.  The Law of Moses came in, at just the right time, concerning sin abounding.  The Law came in to condemn sin, but also through following it, and awakening to God, people were more free, then if there was no law, and lawlessness continued to abound.  Because if sin abounded any more, there would have nearly been no conscience to God, just as it was when God brought the flood.  The strength of sin is the law, because sin and enmity can abound, as it is impossible for any law to give salvation or righteousness.  As life is only in God.  However, the flesh is able, through the law, to manifest abounding in it's pride, through the law, and therefore prosper.  Though the Law of Moses was only a tutor, and prosperity was in the Spirit, for those who loved God. 

    Religious spirits are hard to overcome, as is religion, because it is nearly the same as God, as simplicity is nearly the same as wisdom by sight.  But the root of laws are not in the life or righteousness of God.  The Law of Moses was spiritual, because it was a tutor concerning the testimonies of Jesus Christ. 

    An example of a religious spirit could be a spirit telling someone to do the dishes, when that is what they are supposed to be doing.  And this is kind of a small example.  Once a person is enlightened to know, that it is a religious spirit prompting also, in doing the dishes, the battle is much more sever, and with much more pressure.  Because the word of truth must be divided in a much more accurate way.  And this is why fasting and praying helps, because through that a person can stay concentrating and meditation, and in communication with the Lord longer.  And there shouldn't be the desire to stay asleep or in darkness, because we are to awake, believing Christ will give us light, and are to walk in the day.  Also not trying to say things like "I shall not sit in adversity" (Psalm 10), and also resort to the rest of the sayings of man; which aren't one with God. 

    This is what I have found concerning religious spirits, and or religion: 

    That there is a context of us being in the Lord.  And this is where we are being sanctified, and consecrated unto Him, and therefore prepared for His fullness.  And then there is a context, of the Lord in us.  And this is why we need to be prepared for His fullness.  Because when it becomes time to move, if we are not ready, it is as we are the unprofitable servant.  Though there is a difference between the heart and the flesh with the unforgiveable sin.  And there is the ability for those who have sincere faith to be restored completely no matter what.  Just as Peter was called the stone the chruch is built on, and was restored completely by Jesus at the end of the gospel of John. 

    Therefore prudence is very much the focus regarding overcoming religion.  And this is also how simplicity and nothingness and Jezebellic things, are religous, and wicked, and against God, though by sight, they seem to be holy.  Because simplicity makes prudence out to be beyond vague and general.  And this is where eastern religion also thrives.  And sayings come up like "If you let something go and it comes back to you it was meant to be."  Which is kind of like the Beatles' "Tomorrow never knows."  It is a ploy of Jezebel's to offer peace and safety, which really isn't in the Lord.  And wisdom is what offers security, as shown in Proverbs 1.  The way Jezebel does this, is to have people simply 'let go' of their sins.  And the danger in this, though new creations are perfect inwardly, is that if a person can't remember their sins, they can't fully repent.  And therefore there isn't the fullness of completing all obedience.  And there isn't the holy beauty for ashes, commanding light out of darkness, and creating things which do not exist as though they did.  However, in Christ, we may be forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness.  And forget our old sins.  But the fruits of repentance come, just as we are to walk as He did, and carry our cross, as we also carry our past, and work out our salvation, by giving beauty, commanding light, and creating.  This is the power of the kingdom of God.  And this is where regeneration, renewal, restoration, and reconciliation is; just as the ministry of grace is a ministry of reconciliation.  And being a lamp on hill, and having the kingdom of God, which is power, righteousness, peace, and joy; is in people having these things.  These are the signs, wonders, and miracles also of an apostle.  And the gift of apostle doesn't have to be commanding the Shekinah glory in someone's room all the time, or everywhere someone goes.  Apostle means 'sent one.'  And all who are sent, are apostles, just as we all have every gift, but only some gifts to give in meeting with others.  And this can be seen in Romans 1:5.  As we all have apostleship. 

    Working out our savlation, through not just 'letting go' is what James is talking about when he said:

    James 4:9
    Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom

    And also:

    Psalm 126:5-6
    Those who sow in tears
             Shall reap in joy.
     6 He who continually goes forth weeping,
             Bearing seed for sowing,
             Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
             Bringing his sheaves with him.

    So we have to balance between not living by law, and also not using our freedom in Christ to just get away with sin.  And balance is in what the prophet gives, just as the prophet's gift is to bring out of eternity, what is to come to pass in time, which also wasn't present before.  Therefore also, the importance of prophecy, and the ploys of Jezebel to stop God's prophecies. 

    So in battling religion, I try to be as thorough as possible, and not cast His words behind me.  As the Israelites did, casting off His love, faith, and hope.  And sometimes it seems as if there is no hope, love, or faith.  And this is also the important of what Jesus said about unbelief.  Because unbelief attacks hope, undoing it.  And pretty soon, if love, and faith, along with hope are cast off, it is the unprofitable servant.  Even though also, by sight things can seem to be prosperous.  And this is also why James and the writer of Hebrews, whom I believe to be Paul, spoke of the example of the saints before them.

    Prudence is being in the right place at the right time, and involves also having the right thing.  And prudence is with wisdom.  Therefore we should pursue love, and desire earnestly that we may prophesy.  For simplicity is of the devil, being the doctrine of Baal.  As Baal means 'lord' and Jezebel means 'Baal exalts.'  Therefore simplicity actually leads into the depths of Satan, though some people run away from prophecy because they fear the depths of Satan.  The depths of Satan being 'we are sinners and that is the way it is.'  Prophesying is speaking the spoken word of Christ.  And therefore all can prophesy, though only some have the gift to give in meeting.  Prudence is striving to be on the straight and narrow path and enter that gate.  The more prudence we have, the more self-control we have.  And sel-control is the ninth fruit of the Spirit.  And I believe the tenth fruit of the Spirit to be everlasting life.  Just as also nine can represent incompletion, and there is the parable of the woman who had ten coins and lost one.  And there also is the parable of the good shepherd who left the ninety nine sheep.  We can also follow that in our own lives, so that we remain in wisdom, understanding, knowledge, prudence, self-control, and continual everlasting life, as we can have that in us, just as the kingdom of God is inside of us, and continuing, and incorruptible.  And therefore we can stay out of legalism, both in rules, and in freedom.  And therefore not have Jezebellic things, the doctrine of Baal, Jezebel's veil, and the depth of Satan.  The thing about rules, is that we can even have spiritual rules, which seem to be 'what God is doing in our lives.'  And the way to tell the difference between the Spirit of life, and rules, is knowing that we are to be one with the Spirit of life.  Therefore if we follow anything we are not one with, obviously we aren't worshiping Him in Spirit and truth.  And obviously that is the sand, and the foundation for dead faith.  And we should be finding ways to be one with Him and stay one with Him. 

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    Wed, Oct 17th - 12:49AM


    What is the opposite of the pearl? As the opposite of victory is Hades, and the opposite of Death is life. It is nothing. The bride is as wisdom.

    Job 29:10-11
    He cuts out channels in the rocks,
    And his eye sees every precious thing.

    11 He dams up the streams from trickling;
    What is hidden he brings forth to light.

    God is eternal, having always existed. But there was no creation before Genesis 1:3. It had been a thought of mine, that God created something from nothing. But through further wisdom, this is not so. For creation came from God. But we, after the fall, start in sin. And therefore, how can we hope to be new creations? After believing and confessing Christ, we must cultivate, but not from nothing, from inside of us, and from God. Simplicity is the opposite of wisdom, and simplicity is rooted in nothingness, also making nothing the word of God. However, in cultivating, we are asking, seeking, and knocking. And we are searching. Therefore we are also brooding, as the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching the inner depths of the heart. The depths, are love, which is also God's power. The waters are energy, and are the substance of the depths, and just as knowledge is substance, so is knowledge energy. Knowledge gives strength, which is power in motion, thus being energy. The lie of simplicity is found in the conception of false humility and pride. As pride calls false humility, real humility, and false humility calls pride love. Thus making nothing the word of God. This is the fake equity, and how simplicity is exactly the same as wisdom, by sight. But does not contain the power of wisdom, and understanding being together, giving knowledge. And this is why there is the sacrificing in the clefts.

    What is trust? According to Biblical measures trust is either a feely good feeling, or impossible to exist fully human to human, through most biblical theologies. For trust to exist human to human, there has to be surety. As one person is entrusting their entire life, just as a little leaven leavens the whole lump, into another. However, surety, as I have shown, is in the one who is submitting, and laying down their own life, walking as He did, and loving. Trust also brings up the topic of acountability. Because no one wants to entrust anything to someone who isn't accountable. And this even kind of overlaps into what accountability really is, not being holding other people accountable, but someone holding themselves accountable.

    God exists as a trinity. Therefore, the two witnesses alone, can not have continualy relationship. Because without the third part, or member, things only go back and forth two dimensionally, as one receives, and then both are alone, and then one gives, and both are alone. But through being triune, there is continual relationship. And this in the context of marriage or brotherly love. And this is the foundation of covenant. Because the person who is holding themselves accountable, is the person who is submitting, and entrusting, though they themselves are also the ones walking as He did, and laying down their life, and loving. Only through being triune, can covenant exist. And in covenant, each member may submit, and entrust themselves. And therefore there be continual love and relationship.

    In my life, in discipleship, it has been my experience, that a part of my laying my life down, and entrusting myself, and submitting; comes as I do this, even though I am being wronged, or seem to be, or don't know fully what is happening, or have the hope of possibly thinking that the one above me has my best interests planned, and or also having something for me. However, these things being, there is not always the full revealing of my protection. But here also is where Christ being the third cord, comes in. And therefore the definition of exhortation. As it means that someone submits, and does the work that another should be doing, and then gives it to them. And this is the power of love, and the 'art of love' fully outworked, also being strength perfected in weakness. And this is the fullness of gaining His kingdom, and casting our crowns, though we also inherit our crowns as well. This is the substance of trust. And here is the wisdom: God subjected creation to futility. Here is the understanding: if we really care, and claim to have truth, we will search for love through wisdom. And those that diligently seek Him, will find Him. And diligence is man's precious possession, leading unto wisdom, and his pearl. And what is the knowledge? Everlasting life, love, and the river of His pleasures.

    This symbiosis is found in how diamonds are created. And yes, wisdom is even more precious than any precious stone, as the true riches of wisdom, is the person.

    Part of balancing, and dividing the word of truth, includes the curses of which Adam and Eve were cursed with after falling. And they also are the curses against covenant. Which are overcome through the outworking, as far as preparing the way, in the representation of marriage through Ephraim and Manasseh.

    Genesis 3:16-17
    To the woman He said:
    “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception;
    In pain you shall bring forth children;
    Your desire shall be for your husband,
    And he shall rule over you.”
    17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’:
    “ Cursed is the ground for your sake;
    In toil you shall eat of it
    All the days of your life.

    What Eve gave Adam, was the root of false wisdom, simplicity, which is nothingness. Just as the knowledge of good and evil without incorruptible life. But they both did not willfully sin. And through Adam falling, along with Eve falling, false understanding came. False wisdom is in making the word of God nothing. False understanding is in making nothing the word of God. Here also is the relationship of Jezebel being in rule. As false wisdom is making the pearl nothing, and false understanding is making that nothingness reign. But all curses are taken away in Christ.

    Balancing is what the prophet does, as it is the word of God coming from eternity, partially, unto wholeness. And equity is what the apostle gives. And this is also why Jezebel discourages prophecy. And gives her own false equity.

    As wisdom is being sought, part of the balancing is by Job 28:10-11, through Genesis 3:16-17, unto foreknowledge.

    This may seem as seeking the past, without knowing the future, which is hope. And this may seem impossible, but this is the definition of futility. It is not impossible, but it is only possible in God. And therefore, just as in Genesis 15's example of covenant, so is it impossible, for sin to enter in. And so we should run our race all the more eagerly, heeding Hebrews. This is the context of Jesus dwelling in unapproachable light. And that light may only be approached through the mercy seat. Mercy being God's ability to obey and love, which He gives, though He doesn't have to, because He is love. And this is also the relationship between the circle of heaven, and the 7 pillars of wisdom. And also in this, as we are searching inwardly, and searching for wisdom, and God, it is as though we are in reverse. But this is not witchcraft, it is just as breathing in; as we do breath out (Is driving a car in reverse sin?) But, sin does all the more afford the opporunity it has, in manifesting, as we do this, because this is the context in which we can not use freedom as a cloak for vice. And this is so, because obviously, people are sincere, in what they bring out. This also being their fruit, and substance of sincerity, therefore showing people for who they are, as we will know by the fruit. But the discernment is in the Spirit. And this is because without having the knowledge of the truth in breathing inwardly, and having the light in us, not be darkness; sin has much more a place through the insincere veil of nothingness. And this is also how blasphemy of the Spirit can be with knowledge of the truth in the sinful flesh, but not in the incorruptible insides. And this is how darkness blinds, though common sense, says that light blinds. Here also, are the times, in which Romans 7:15-20 exists. And this is also why God said to not say 'conspiracy' because Jezebel is a mutineer. And this is also the grounds, of which in Psalms it says to not fret, nor worry. And Jezebellic spirits were around in David's day, though Jezebel did not live until after that. Here also is the grounds for James' words:

    James 5:7-8
    See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. 8 You also be patient.

    And Jesus' words here:

    Luke 16:10
    He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.

    How can we tell though, whether all is vanity?

    Isaiah 64:1
    1 Oh, that You would rend the heavens!
    That You would come down!
    That the mountains might shake at Your presence

    2 Timothy 2:11-13
    11 This is a faithful saying:

    For if we died with Him,
    We shall also live with Him.
    12 If we endure,
    We shall also reign with Him.
    If we deny Him,
    He also will deny us.
    13 If we are faithless,
    He remains faithful;
    He cannot deny Himself.

    Matthew 27:50-51
    Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.
    51 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split

    The veil was between the Holy Place and the inner court, and the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Therefore between the soul, and heart; and heart and spirit. Our focus, has to remain, to be the person. What happens is that sin tries to get us to look at the offense, and offense will panic feelings, and lead into what is actually lawlessness. And that is rejoicing in sin, though also, the veil may offer false proceeds. And this is the grounds of false divnity, the offspring of false prophecy. The feelings are in the soul, and so this is where the false veil is given. And the false veil, plays on the desires of the heart, and this is why it states in Isaiah 47, what it does about the wisdom and knowledge that warps.

    Micah 2:6-13
    6 “ Do not prattle,” you say to those who prophesy.
    So they shall not prophesy to you;
    They shall not return insult for insult.
    7 You who are named the house of Jacob:

    “ Is the Spirit of the LORD restricted?
    Are these His doings?
    Do not My words do good
    To him who walks uprightly?
    8 “ Lately My people have risen up as an enemy—
    You pull off the robe with the garment
    From those who trust you, as they pass by,
    Like men returned from war.
    9 The women of My people you cast out
    From their pleasant houses;
    From their children
    You have taken away My glory forever.
    10 “ Arise and depart,
    For this is not your rest;
    Because it is defiled, it shall destroy,
    Yes, with utter destruction.
    11 If a man should walk in a false spirit
    And speak a lie, saying,

    ‘ I will prophesy to you of wine and drink,’
    Even he would be the prattler of this people.

    12 “ I will surely assemble all of you, O Jacob,
    I will surely gather the remnant of Israel;
    I will put them together like sheep of the fold,
    Like a flock in the midst of their pasture;
    They shall make a loud noise because of so many people.
    13 The one who breaks open will come up before them;
    They will break out,
    Pass through the gate,
    And go out by it;
    Their king will pass before them,
    With the LORD at their head.”

    This is what the striving to enter the narrow gate is all about. Striving against these sinful things, and trying to reach these good things, including the breakthrough in God, in His substance. Which is what satisfies, as opposed to nothingness, and the proceeds of false divinity. Therefore also the water at Marah was bitter, and only through the laying down of one's life, is the water made sweet, even as we submit to others, and make ourselves accountable. And therefore the rock was to be struck, still hallowing God, at Meribah, where the water flowed from the rock.

    Satan is the Father of lies, and lied from the beginning, these manifesting outwardly. But the seven ruling spirits under him, who show his character, the seven heads, are the lies which are as breathing inward. Therefore also the ruling spirits ruling under him, and him gaining the proceeds, as he is in authority over every evil spirit, and work. And this is the 'knotting' of the truth.

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    Tue, Oct 16th - 8:35PM


    1 Corinthians 7:29-31
    those who have wives should be as though they had none, 30 those who weep as though they did not weep, those who rejoice as though they did not rejoice, those who buy as though they did not possess, 31 and those who use this world as not misusing it. For the form of this world is passing away

    Obviously, if anyone is going to live like this, they have to understand concept, metaphor, analogy, and personification.  Because those who are married, shouldn't pretend they aren't.  And those who weep shouldn't pretend they don't.  And those who are happy shouldn't pretend they aren't.  What Paul is talking about here, is being sober minded.  And being sober minded, isn't just in the context of not drinking.  Because people can be 'drunk' on sin.  Being sober minded, means to be awake, and walking in the day and light.

    Romans 13:11, 12
    it is high time to awake out of sleep

    The night is far spent, the day is at hand

    1 Corinthians 15:34
    Awake to righteousness

    2 Corinthians 6:1-2
    We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. 2 For He says:

          “ In an acceptable time I have heard you,
          And in the day of salvation I have helped you.”

       Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation

    Ephesians 5:8
    you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

    Ephesians 5:14-21
    Awake, you who sleep,
          Arise from the dead,
          And Christ will give you light.”
    Walk in Wisdom
    15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
    17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another in the fear of God.

    1 Thessalonians 5:5-9
    You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. 8 But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. 9 For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ

    1 John 1:7-8, 10
    if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
    8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

    He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him

    And of falsely living in the day:

    Isaiah 56:12
    Tomorrow will be as today,
          And much more abundant

    1 Corinthians 15:32
    “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!"

    2 Peter 2:13
    those who count it pleasure to carouse in the daytime

    To be able to be "AS" or "LIKE" we are not married, or weeping, or happy, we have to undertake repentance, and His death, to the fullest extent.  Just as conviction is hearing what we were, and believing and confessing unto His promises; repenting and walking as He did to the fullest extent, is to treat the things we have not attained, as if we haven't yet, at our core.  In coming to Christ at first, we presently agree, and believe, and confess our past, unto the new future; repentance being preparing the way out of the past, into the present and new future.  And when we have new sinless, incorruptible, perfect insides, we have through the foreknowledge, present spiritual knowledge of God, and great and precious promises; the focus of concerning ourselves with what has been, is, and always is to be perfect, is present.  Therefore, as according to 1 John 1, in turning from sin, we still concern ourselves with sin, AS if at our core, we sinned, and willingly.  And this is undertaking repentance, and His death to the fullest extent.  This again is the difference between conviction and repentance.  And this also is the fullness of being new in Him, and still having a sinful flesh.  This is also where blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is explained.  Because every sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as it is willful, and with knowledge, and against God.  All sin, that is in the flesh, even for those who are saved, at it's CORE, is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, according to the flesh.  But we are saved through sin, as truly our spirit, heart, and soul does not blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  And this is also the understanding, concerning the unforgiveable sin being in the perfect infinitive, and concerning the heart.  The perfect infinitive, being always, in every context.  Paul and James show how breaking any part of the law, breaks the entire law.  Therefore showing how the law led into the heart of things, and that is also how God judges.  Those who are born again have sinless insides, but their flesh still has sin, so this distinction, in being AS if we are not married, and do not weep, or are not happy; is concerning us, repenting.  And therefore it isn't just that we pretend, or don't concern ourselves, or enjoy ourselves.  What is spoken of by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, is the concession, NOT commandment, that Paul gave of fasting and praying.  And this is not about NOT coming together, but ABOUT coming together.  Just as also faith is coming together.  And in God, we come together with spouses, and family.  For first there is the consent, which is coming together, and then there is the fasting and praying, which is not about being apart, or believing that human relationships really aren't fulfilled in God.  Just as Isaiah 58 is not about being alone, or having the strength of one's hand.  And just as we are not to sacrifice in the clefts.  But are to look to Him, and our loved ones.  Just as God said "Look to Me and all is saved," and Solomon asked the Shulamite to look to him from the clefts.  And so the fasting and praying is a love song.  As faith is.  For even Hebrew weddings are a type of being together forever, and that incorruption.  As love is having been created; and faith is having been created, and resting, no longer being alone, and coming together; and hope is having rest and joy, according to one's pleasure.  Concerning the commandments which are from men, and also any commandment, which isn't the commandment in Christ, which is to love one another, and walk as He did, also laying down our lives, and carrying each other's burdens:

    Colossians 2:20-23
    why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations— 21 “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” 22 which all concern things which perish with the using—according to the commandments and doctrines of men? 23 These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh

    Titus 1:14-15
    not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth. 15 To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.

    In this passage from Titus, it should be known, that just because this mentions having the conscience defiled, does not mean that just because someone's conscience isn't totally defiled, that they aren't acting like this.  Just as we don't have to have every symptom mentioned in Biblical passages, to be wrong, as things are mentioned.  And this also is another way we can be both the good and bad people in Biblical stories. 

    Romans 13:13-14
    Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. 14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts

    What is walking properly?  We aren't supposed to follow the Law anymore, and Paul does still say to not do certain things.  What is the answer?  The answer is that the apostolic gift gives equity, and the prophetic gift gives promises.  The evangelist shining as a lamp, the pastor leading and guiding, and the teacher teaching and instilling.

    1 Corinthians 15:56
    the strength of sin is the law

    Romans 7:8
    sin, taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desire

    If we try to live by rules and commandments we are going to die, because sin is going to manifest in resistance, and if the law is the only strength we have, we are going to sin, and the sting of sin is death.  This is also what Paul mentioned in Colossians 2, about how rules and regulations do nothing against the sinful flesh.  So how can we still live properly?  Being spiritual, is not just about having morals, and so then not having immorality, and 'great' sins of the flesh and spirit.  Because morals, are just rules that are focused, and still are man's strivings unto God, without the fullness.  Being spiritual, is to walk and believe, and work only unto the spiritual knowledge of God.  And these works are believing in Him, and are what perfects faith.  This is walking acording to the Spirit and in faith.  As the substance of faith is the knowledge of God, which is the evidence for what we do not see in the physical.  And the knowledge of God is His great and precious promises.  Therefore:

    2 Corinthians 1:15-20
    I intended to come to you before, that you might have a second benefit— 16 to pass by way of you to Macedonia, to come again from Macedonia to you, and be helped by you on my way to Judea. 17 Therefore, when I was planning this, did I do it lightly? Or the things I plan, do I plan according to the flesh, that with me there should be Yes, Yes, and No, No? 18 But as God is faithful, our word to you was not Yes and No. 19 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us—by me, Silvanus, and Timothy—was not Yes and No, but in Him was Yes. 20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us

    Being spiritual is being mature, and it is walking in His grace in truth, walking in the light.  The hope, of the knowledge of God, is His Promises, and them fully coming to pass.  And this hope we do not see, just as we believe in Christ, though we do not yet see Him.  But we know Him, as we are spiritual, having the spiritual knowledge of God, walking by faith and in the Spirit; as He is spiritual.  So, is it being sober, to only concern ourselves with what presently abides? 

    2 Kings 13:14-19
    Joash the king of Israel came down to him, and wept over his face, and said, “O my father, my father, the chariots of Israel and their horsemen!”
    15 And Elisha said to him, “Take a bow and some arrows.” So he took himself a bow and some arrows. 16 Then he said to the king of Israel, “Put your hand on the bow.” So he put his hand on it, and Elisha put his hands on the king’s hands. 17 And he said, “Open the east window”; and he opened it. Then Elisha said, “Shoot”; and he shot. And he said, “The arrow of the LORD’s deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from Syria; for you must strike the Syrians at Aphek till you have destroyed them.” 18 Then he said, “Take the arrows”; so he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground”; so he struck three times, and stopped. 19 And the man of God was angry with him, and said, “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times.”

    As shown in the Scriptures above regarding walking in the day, people can be wrong, both walking in the night, and falsely walking in the day.  Therefore there must be a balance.  And this balance is how marriages are very much in God, and also how He brings those who weep, into joy, and gives those who rejoice in Him the desires of their heart. 

    Genesis 15
    the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”
    2 But Abram said, “Lord GOD, what will You give me, seeing I go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” 3 Then Abram said, “Look, You have given me no offspring; indeed one born in my house is my heir!”
    4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” 5 Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.”
    6 And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.
    7 Then He said to him, “I am the LORD, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.”
    8 And he said, “Lord GOD, how shall I know that I will inherit it?”
    9 So He said to him, “Bring Me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.” 10 Then he brought all these to Him and cut them in two, down the middle, and placed each piece opposite the other; but he did not cut the birds in two. 11 And when the vultures came down on the carcasses, Abram drove them away.
    12 Now when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and behold, horror and great darkness fell upon him. 13 Then He said to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. 14 And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions. 15 Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried at a good old age. 16 But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”
    17 And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between those pieces. 18 On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying:
    “To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates— 19 the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, 20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, 21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.”

    The passing through of the oven and the torch resembles God's wrath on sin, and the satisfaction in His worship being reconciled.  And the offerings that were cut in two symbolize the promised gift.  The cutting in two symbolizes the grafting in, and the dividing that is present in the conception of an egg, and in the word of truth.  Three is the number for being plurarly one.  The passing through happening after the sun went down, is the culmination of the difference between conviction and repentance.  Notice in all of these things, there is a balance, between the innocence in humility, knowing it is God's good pleasure to give us the kingdom; the knowledge of good and evil; and everything new: having never sinned, not presently sinning, and not to sin in the future, and still having joy and rest, and coming together at one's pleasure.  The balance of the good and evil, between the innocence and the all things good and perfect forever, is the balancing necessary to have relationship, and not have the to and fro Job prayed against, being as a leaf blown about, which is painful, and also with enmity.  The birds not being cut in two, resembles how the Angel of the LORD lead Israel, though Moses also desired to have the tabernacle, for the LORD to abide in.  This is the full proof of God's promises coming to pass, having the earthly lot and inheritance and promise now and today, and also the heavenly one reserved in heaven for forevermore.  What happens is that 'counting the cost' and endurance seem to lead into not cultivating His Promises.  Both in the context of having God wholly in everything, and not walking according to the coarse of this world; and in also not cultivating to have His wholeness in this land of the living.  The coarse of this world, is in the testimony of Nebuchadnezzar's idol of gold.  As gold symbolizes holiness, and here, false holiness.  This false holiness is the false expectations of religion, and the world.  For example: being clean shaven is more acceptable.  And this is the same testimony there is in the mark of the beast.  Not cultivating to have God's wholeness now and today, and in this land of the living, is found in sacrificing in the clefts.  Both of these things honor God, with the lips, but do not honor Him in the heart.  AFTER knowing these things, there is the testimony of God passing through, representing, how the fulfillment of His Promises can not come without Him.  But this context must be without pride, and false humility.  Because some people say "God is first" when He really isn't.  And some people claim works, when they are exhcanging the heart for them, and only having good showings of the flesh.  In marriage, and even in brotherly love, if one falls, the other can pick them up.  And if both fall, Christ picks them up.  And Christ is in each one, though each one, is also coming together in a human relationship. 

    From these things, it is possible to see the spirit in which Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 7.  Paul is speaking about the problems that can take place, in the place between conviction and repentance.  Because enmity, pain, and going to and fo as a leaf being blown may become present.  However, these things in no way are guidelines, as if it is more holy to be alone, and have the strength of one's own hand, and in individualism.  For that is sacrificing in the clefts.  And God's rest, was about no longer being alone, from His creation.  And so we also in that rest, are to no longer be alone from Him, AND our beloved.  Genesis 15 is an example of covenant.  Covenant is holy and in God, and does not break Jesus' words spoken about not taking oaths, or swearing.  Because Jesus fulfilled the law, and now, we abide in Him, and walk properly, and do not make provision for the flesh, through His Promises.  And we have equity, in having His life sustain us, as we come through the knowledge of good and evil.  Covenant emphasizes communication, which is the emphasis also of the trinity, as there is always relationship, and that in being plularly one.  It is sin that strives against this, at it's core, through pride.  Which is loving one's self only.  And false humility calls pride love, and pride calls false humility, real humility.  Therefore in relationship, though we also are in the cleft, we should look to each other, and to God, and know that He has passed through before us, and that He also has given the Angel of the LORD to lead us; though we also have the fire and cloud representing His Spirit, and Jesus- the staff, the Spirit, and the rod the Word.  And we also have this corruptible body, represented by the tabernacle, symbolically as a temporary tent- of which we can have His mortal life in, and be FULL of light.  And also we have incorruptible insides, and the hope of an incorruptible body.  Therefore, we also in these things, may pass through together, in marriage, brotherly love, and unto God.  And God passing before us is our assurance that we will receive.  Just as love assures of hope (Romans 5), and God foreknew us.  This giving us strength to presently follow and believe, also unto the reception. 

    And so as we give our bodies to become sin, and die; and as we test ourselves, we have His sure and steadfast foundation, which is the Rock, and our anchor, knowing that He can not lie, and that He has given His Word, Promise, and Oath.  And as David prayed, God may be our surety, and we may be surety in Him, as we also pass through, and are grafted into Him,a nd can walk as He did.  Through the kingdom of God inside of us, and having it's type now and today, in this land of the living; and unto the new heavens and the new earth.  And so in our enmity, pain, vain to and fro, commincative problems, disagreements, and shortcomings, we may have His surety, even ourselves walking as Him, and we may overcome all that is by sight, the flesh, and of darkness.  Thessinful things also being as a non existent thing.  And this is why we should only believe what is love and promises.  The problem in relationship, is in missing the truth, and in each other, and between one another, and in having mis-communications, also not being able to fully grasp the truth; and this is overcome through the spirit of wisdom, and revelation, and having the volition and understanding of our spirits enlightened; and therefore also running our race, and as if to win, and fighting the good fight, and keeping the faith.  For we have a crown, now and today, regarding entering in, but we also have a crown in heaven, where we shall have our inheritance, and rest and enjoy no longer having the corruption that is in our sinful flesh. 

    And also, in these things, we may have even more grace, asand if we are manifesting sinfully, knowing that Jacob represents the strife due to sin (strife being having a lot of work with only a little fruit), and Israel represents having the desires of our heart also be God's will.  This is also the good word, of what Paul said, in 1 Corinthians 7.  Because if we understand, that the CORRUPTION that we see presently, isn't really the truth, then even the enmity, and sinful things in relationship, may be taken care of along these things, not esteeming them as truth.  And therefore we may not be in the night, nor falsely in the day, as we thus walk. 

    Genesis 48:22
    I have given to you one portion above your brothers, which I took from the hand of the Amorite with my sword and my bow

    According to Genesis 15 the fullness of the iniquities of the Amorites was not going to be completed until after the Israelites were coming up out of Egypt, well after Abraham, and Israel had died.  "Amorite" means 'a sayer.'  And it is testimony, of how, the things that are only honoring God with the lips, these are going to be taken out of the way, after all obedience is fulfilled.  This speaking about filling the room with riches, and not just having it be clean and swept.  But according to Israel, something did happen regarding the killing of an Amorite before the Isaelites were coming out of Egypt.  The gift of having one portion above, as was given to Joseph, is the gift a bride has from her husband.  Just as the husband's authority is for the bride, and not to lord authority.  And this also was after speaking about how Manasseh and Ephraim would be blessed, and they also representing marriage.  The Amorite Israel may have been talking about, may be, as in the Book of Jasher, Jacob and his sons, warred with other countries, after Shechem, after Dinah was defiled.  And Dinah means 'judgment.'  According to the Hebrew, Dinah had not done anything to stop the man from laying with her, but she was not given anything which was honoring her, nor her family.  This doesn't mean she was in sin, because also, she could have been in fear.  Therefore there also is the symbolism here, of what can happen in relationship, as the sinful flesh is uncircumcised, and can still effect relationships, though we are to walk by the Spirit, and in faith, and not by sight or the flesh.  Darkness also as a non existent thing.  But what Jacob said, concerning having one portion above, is the promise of a woman submitting to her husband, and people submitting to each other, in place of the law of it.  Joseph represents being a bride, just as Jesus is as a bride of the Father, by the Holy Spirit.  And Joseph was a king also.  And also used his authority, not lording it. 

    Therefore now there are the promises and equity of walking in faith and in the Spirit, and in every relationship, without walking in the night, or falsely in the day.  And in full scope, we are coming up out of Egypt, as we choose to follow Him, after having been called, and having known coming to Him in His good pleasure, therefore having knowledge of the truth; and are therefore ready to take out the Amorite(s), their iniquities being complete.  And so also receive His promises, and Him fully in everything, now and today, in this land of the living, and in heaven, and unto our reserved inheritance there, and new body at His coming.   

    And so:
    Romans 8:1-2
    There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death

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    Tue, Oct 16th - 6:03PM

    Kindness and goodness

    Romans 2:4
    the goodness of God leads you to repentance

    The word for goodness here is 'chrestos' in the Greek. It has this meaning:

    1. fit, fit for use, useful
    virtuous, good
    2. manageable
    mild, pleasant (as opp. to harsh, hard sharp, bitter)
    of things: more pleasant, of people, kind, benevolent

    And is translated also in other passages as: better; easy; good; goodness; gracious; kind; kindness. This word is very close to the Greek word for Christ, which is 'Christos.'

    From the Greek Lexicon concerning the Greek language:
    "Before Alexander the Great, the Greek language was an assortment of localized dialects. Alexander wanted a Greek language common to all peoples. It was called 'koine' or common. By the time the New Testament was written (mid to late 1st century A.D.) koine Greek had become the common language in Israel.

    Koine Greek become more popular in Rome than Latin. One reason was Rome acceptance of all cult religions as long as the Emperor was worshipped as well. One of the titles of the Emperor was the koine word, "kurios," ( kuriov ) which means "Lord." It was a divine title of the emperor! It was the main word used by the LXX (Septuagint) translators of the Old Testament when they translated the Hebrew word, YHVH."

    The word 'koinos' translates into the Enlgish as 'common.' And this is also where the slang for 'coin the phrase' comes from. Therefore it is not too far off to think that the word for kindness and goodness comes from the word 'Christos.' And therefore is nearly an offspring of it.

    Proverbs 19:22
    What is desired in a man is kindness

    And of the virtuous wife in Proverbs 31:
    Proverbs 31:26
    She opens her mouth with wisdom,
    And on her tongue is the law of kindness

    One of the main benefits of kindness, is that in having it, even the hint of pride, and false humility may be resisted, and exposed. Spirits of pride, and darkness, know when to manifest best, so that darkness may not be exposed, or fully exposed by the light. And it is also a ploy of darkness, to be exposed, but have someone not fully see it exposed, and therefore be even more accountable to having sinned. This is just like the analogy of the 'lesser evil' where someone is in more sin, for having submitted to it. And this is also a technique of darkness, evil, sin, and wickedness, unto trying to conform anyone to it's will. This also including torture, seriously, or through tribulation. Pride is called love by false humility, and false humility is called real humility by pride. Having kindness, is having the sure and steadfast face, over pride and false humility, and the confidence over everything in between. Though also, in seduction, kindness is used as bait. But true kindness also has along with it, the benefits of the fruit of the Spirit, which are in goodness, righteousness, and truth. The commandment given presently is to lay down our lives, and love each other. And kindness, gives this opportunity. Paul in Acts spoke about how through Jesus, we may be saved from things, which we weren't able to be saved through under the law. This also being the difference of having grace and faith in both the NT and OT. As Moses prayed for grace, and Habukkuk speaks about the just living by faith. And also the law never saved, but in following it, people were to awaken to God, through it's testimonies, and then follow the Spirit. The law came down on sin, and condemned it, and therefore through the law, people were able to turn away from being given over to sin, and again be able to follow God. This is also why it says that the law came in that the offense might abound. Because sin yearns against the law, as Paul wrote in Romans 7. And therefore, until the full turning, and return unto the LORD, through the law, the sinful flesh would grow even into more enmity, through trying to follow it. This is evidenced in the OT, with David's Psalms. And this is also fulfilled in the NT, as we are to not only believe in Christ's death and resurrection, but walk as He did. Therefore the offense abounding under the law, is a type of walking as Christ did, carrying our own cross. And this is not doing evil that good may come. This is doing good, and evil manifesting in resistance. Through kindness, we may position ourselves to love. Discernment is in the Spirit, just as also false kindness is in seduction. And for this, is what Paul spoke about having the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and love, which is the bond of perfection. This along with John's words in 1 John, also about walking as He did, show how to love, and come to life. In the OT, surety, and oaths, and covenants, were serious. Solomon said it would be better to not take an oath, than to not fulfill one. Oaths were taken, as the connection between false kindness and real kindness, unto love; whereas yet, starting off, discerning the difference could be nearly impossible. This also concerning God's word coming to pass. Which under the law was to be established by two or three witnesses, every word. Paul also gives this command, still in the NT. Jesus and the Spirit did fulfill the law, and we are not to walk, as if fulfilling it still, even through God. However, there are testimonies in the law, which are still valid, and spoken of in the NT, even from Paul who was an avid preacher of not following the law. Here also is the meaning of what Paul said in Galatians: "Through the law, I died to the law." What this means is that he found out, that even through Christ, he could not follow the law. Just as the law did not come in to save anyone, but to come down on sin. In Hebrews, it speaks about Jesus being surety for us, through His death. And we are to walk just as He did. Surety being spoken of as evil, even in the OT, was using the same word, for good surety, but in contrast, concerning evil surety. Evil surety, is having a pledge that is an agreement to be complacent. Also, like having 'accountability partners.' Because people shouldn't be holding other people accountable, people should be holding themselves accountable. Therefore in relationship, people hold themselves accountable to other people. It is the kingdom of darkness, that holds other people accountable. We may have good surety though, which is in us laying down our lives, and also carrying burdens. This surety, is not legalistic, nor a pledge of complacency. And it is not us trying to do what only Jesus can do. We are to wash each other's feet, lay down our lives for each other, and carry each other's burdens. Therefore we are standing in the gap, and being intercessors, and watchpeople. Also, what Paul spoke about in Galantians about testing ourselves before carrying others' burdens, is in the context that 'counting the cost' is. It doesn't mean that if we come up short, we are to give up. Because we also have to count the cost in coming to Christ for salvation, also being led by the Spirit unto Him. And nearly everytime we count the cost, we are going to come up short. But we are to find a way, to have full and complete victory, which is also what the word 'sozo' means, the Greek word for salvation, meaning salvation unto perfection; also used in the context of being healed and delivered. Endurance is not about taking the pain, or ensuring we have a reserve, and therefore not giving our all. In working out physically, the more we give, the more we get. And it is the same spiritually. Endurance is about finding a way. Just as accountability is. Accountability is not accepting consequences, it is finding a way to still fully have His promises. The Hebrew word for consequences 'avon' was placed on Jesus. Through Jesus we may be delivered from every outworking of sin, and work of the devil.

    Therefore also, kindness leads unto repentance, and unto life, as John also spoke of us walking as He did, loving, and having true life.

    The Hebrew word for goodness, mentioned in Psalm 27:13 holds both an abstract, and concrete meaning. The word is 'tuwb,' and is used as a noun, also literally. It's root is in the word 'towb' in which there is more abstract meaning, as the word is used transitively. Transitive, means that the word is being used, in the setting of having a pronoun, a word that is pertaining to, or pointing to a noun. A noun being an object. The very fact that the word is used transitively, though intransitive would mean pointing to a noun, that is not present; shows abstract usage. As the goodness is yet to come also into full manifestation.

    When David wrote about having the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living, he was speaking, of the land in which he currently did reside. Therefore this is in the same context of Abraham and Sarah still receiving Isaac, the promise, though they did not continue to live seeing all of their seed, as of yet. Therefore, with this, the LORD's goodness is referred to, in the context, of His Promises also including the earthly inheritance, and promises, and gift, which are a type of the heavenly inheritance. As the earthly gift is a type of the heavenly gift. The earthly gift not continuing forever, apart from the kingdom of God living inside of us; as the new heavens and earth have not yet come.

    Therefore also the Greek word 'chrestos' contains both having goodness and kindness. And so in this, repetance is also proven to not be coming to God, as if not wanting anything. For that also is the testimony of the unprofitable servants, who shall bow, but not have any good reward.

    Repentance differs somewhat from conviction. Conviction tells us who we were, and God also offers His Promises, of the new creation. And through agreeing, which is believing, in our hearts, and confessing, we love Him, have, faith, and the works that perfect faith; and have now the substance, and knowledge of God, for what our promises are. Spiritually knowing God in the present, though the fullness is still hope, in the future. Repentance is preparing the way unto that future. Therefore in conviction we agree of having sinned in the past, and we agree and confess the promises of God, obtaining also the new creation. In repentace, we are preparing, and working through the past, into the present, and into the future. In first believing in Christ, our insides are only regarded as sinful, as being in the past. Through preparing the way, we are to run from the past, and sin's pouting and yearning, into a new present, through believing and confessing Him, unto a new future. Just as the Spirit of Elijah is the Spirit of Repentance, and Elijah ran ahead of Ahab, into Jezreel, "God sows," where also Nabath's vineyard was, at the mouth, Nabath meaning 'fruit.' For we are not to regard sin inwardly, being a new creation. Conviction is regarding having been inwardly sinful in the past. And this is the context of Romans 7. The context of 1 John 1, is regarding our flesh to have sin, also presently, though conviction is about the past, and unto the new, sinless future. When we first come to Christ, in the present, we are turning from having been sinful, even our insides. Conviction is unto perfection, otherwise we are not changing, nor really being accountable. It is the accuser, Satan who tells us we are currently sinful, and can not be sinless in the present. And this is where the depths of Satan come from. Believing, even the saved, that 'we are sinners, and that that is the way it is.' Therefore, in being saved, and born again, having incorruptible, sinless, perfect insides, we are clean; and only dirty our feet as we walk. But also in this, God gives more grace, for in being born again, and having our whole body full of light, having a good eye, and knowing that an eye represents a spirit; when our feet are clean, we are without sin, even in the present, having His mortal life in our flesh. Though we can not yet continue, in walking like that, until we have the new body; though we can presently have that hope in us, but we can not continually walk in that sinlessness. And this is the cross, as Jesus' body also became sin, and was given to death, His insides remaining perfect also. Just as the flower fades and blows away, as the light searches the places in our flesh, that are called for the purpose of God, in His upward call. And so this is His light shining, and showing riches, and knowledge, and love that is not yet revealed, and this is where the rotting and dying of the seed is. Where the outward person perishes, and the inward person gives new life. Unto the full goal of Christ being wrought in us now and today, and unto the perfect day. Paul's struggle in Romans 7 is the battle we have against sin, as sin wants to condemn us, and give us guilt, as to having the willingness to sin, come from our core. When it does not. And this is also the importance of entering in, as in entering in our soul is established on earth as it is in heaven. Along with our earthly promises, as they are in heaven. And this is also the battle that is against the soul, spoken of in the Bible.

    Ephesians 4:25-27
    Therefore, putting away lying, “ Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. 26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil

    Colossians 3:8-10
    put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him

    In these verses also, is shown, how 'lying' is much more than just trying to get something past someone. But is actually anything that is not the truth being spoken through love. Kindness is also the fifth fruit of the Spirit, and five is the number for creativity. Goodness is the sixth fruit of the Spirit, and six is the number for creation.

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    Mon, Oct 15th - 11:24PM

    Receiving the promise

    To stay in meditation, sometimes, can be very ensuffering.  Here is where fasting and praying come in. 

    Psalm 35:13
    I humbled myself with fasting

    Psalm 69:10
    I wept and chastened my soul with fasting

    Psalm 109:24
    My knees are weak through fasting,
             And my flesh is feeble from lack of fatness

    Isaiah 48:10
    I have refined you, but not as silver;
          I have tested you in the furnace of affliction

    Matthew 17:20-21
    So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting

    Granted, things aren't always through demonic possession, at least completely (in regards to the power of the air).  But unbelief is a sin, and the outworking can be the same. 

    Jesus' death and sufferings, is affliction.  I know that many people talk about how through grace and faith God doesn't afflict us anymore, and there is no more wrath, and He doesn't get angry anymore.  But this isn't true, completely.  We have to walk just as Jesus walked.  When Jesus was made sin, sin was placed on Him, from it's very beginning to end.  Therefore, even now and today, as we walk, our sins are being placed on Him back then, through God's eternal eye.  In this way, if we do not walk as He did, we can still get caught up in curses, wrath, and affliction, which are under God.  And we have to walk just as He did, to have our sins taken away, AND receive life.  Because every sin was placed on Him, but only those who love Him receive the life.  We through loving Him and walking also as He did, were on the cross with Him, are on the cross with Him, and also were raised with Him, and are raised with Him.  This is us also partaking in His afflictions, as we are looking to Him from the clefts.  Just as Moses saw the back of God, from the cleft.  And this is also why God came down on people for sacrificing in the clefts.  Solomon asked the Shulamite to look to him from the clefts. 

    God subjected creation to futility.  Therefore our flesh is subjected to futility, even now.  And only through the afflictions of Christ, and filling up our flesh in them, do we abide in God, and come unto life.  Therefore only having good showings of the flesh does not reap the real life.  And things are like this, because the kind of body we are going to have, is incorruptible.  As Adam and Eve's bodies were not corrupted, but were corruptible.  When we are born again, we receive new spirits, hearts, and souls.  And this is as through circumcision, symbolically.  The reason we don't go through any affliction in receiving the new spirits, hearts, and souls, is because they are incorruptible.  We walk, just as Jesus did, when our flesh is filled up with afflictions.  And this is not doing evil so that good may come.  This is doing good, and evil comes, as in resistance.  And the testimony of this, is also in Isaiah 8, when God said "Do not say, a conspiracy."  Evil obviously conspires, but the 'mutiny' or paranoia comes from saying that it is conspiracy to say that when we do good, evil comes.  As if we aren't really following God, because evil manifests.  Evil manifests because the light shines and exposes it.  We are to awaken to Christ, and know that He will continue to give us light as we continually follow Him.  Therefore we shouldn't be 'folding our hands' or having a righteousness of our own through works.  And in His light, we see light, incorruptible.   

    God knew every sin that would take place, though He Himself did not create it.  Psalms say that 'destructions are finished forever' showing that God already knew every evil that would happen, and in that, evil's destruction is also known.  As it shall pass away.  There is no darkness in God, and the darkness from Genesis 1:1-2 was not in Him.  Genesis 1:1-2 was His imagination.  And the darkness that existed, was only in regards to darkness representing knowledge not yet revealed, just as it shows in Psalm 19.  Darkness is how God gets us through the knowledge of good and evil.  In the new heavens and new earth, there will no longer be any darkness, but we still are not going to be all knowing as God.  This is why it says in Isaiah that we will be answered before we call, and heard while we are still speaking. 

    With us being tried through the furnace of affliction, the futifility that creation was subjected to, is 'cross canceled.'  This being in reference, to our sins being taken away through His death, but until we receive new bodies, and are walking in Him, there is this cross canceling. 

    Fasting is a way to be humbled.  It is a way to pour one's self out.  It is a way to continue concentrating and meditating on God.  Because the alternative is to go and do something else, also in the world.  And this is why "Live in the world, but don't be of it" isn't accurate.  When Jesus said "Not My will be done but Yours" it meant that He didn't just go do something else.  He freely laid down His own life, chossing to, in love.  That verse doesn't mean "It's all about God, and not me [us]."  Because we are the apple of God's eye.  And He sacrificed His body, for His bride.  It was the Father's will, but it was not, as if, in wanting nothing.  When we humble and chasten ourselves through fasting, we position ourselves to stay concentrating and meditating on God.  This is also similar to Psalm 42.  As David said "All of Your waves and billows have gone over me."  And the reading of Psalm 42, kind of has the opposite feeling, rather than chastening one's self, but being juvinated.  This is because David probably understood what Isaiah 58 means, though it was not yet written.  In staying concentrating and meditating on God, it is true "Deep calls unto deep."  And this is the spirit of what James said:

    James 4:9-10
    Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

    The verse previous to this, in the Greek, speaks about being double souled.  This is the attitude of going and doing something else, though it also may look good in the flesh, and feel alright by sight, when it isn't really one with God.  Though someone also might claim to be walking in Him. 

    Matthew 5:3
    Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven

    The point of fasting and praying is to be poor in spirit.  Being poor in spirit, does not mean that we are poor spiritually, or towards God, as if it means to admit, we don't know anything.  Yes, Paul said that if anyone thinks they know anything, they don't know as they ought.  The balance in this, is that we know the promises of God, and that is what faith is.  The substance of faith is the knowledge of God, by which we have His great and precious promises.  The hope, is His promises, and hope is in the future.  The faith is having the knowledge, though the promises have not come to pass yet.  And this is how we believe in Jesus, though we do not yet see Him.  Knowing Him is everlasting life, and therefore our faith, and what believing is, is knowing Him.  And that is the spiritual knowledge of Him which is evidence of what we do not see in the physical.  And therefore we may know Him presently, through the spiritual knowledge of Him, as He is spiritual.   

    Therefore we may make ourselves poor in spirit.  But this doesn't mean casting off the knowledge of God.  It means that we cast off anything that is not the spiritual knowledge of God.  Because the works that perfect faith, are that we believe in Him.  It is not true, that if anyone really has faith, they will have visible good works.  Because the Bible also says that whatever we pray for, if we believe, we will have it.  But that doesn't always happen physically.  And it is not that God saved us through grace, but REALLY saved us through works.  When we make ourselves poor in Spirit, it is for the Promises of God.  And therefore, we find ways, to die to everything that is not the spiritual knowledge of God.  And His way, is repentance, which is preparing the way, according to Isaiah 40.  And the discernment of works is in the Spirit.   

    Love is having been created.  Love itself is a rest.  It is the knowledge of being one.  Genesis 1:1-2 is God's imagination, and Spirit, and is love, as there is the trinity of love, faith, and hope.  Genesis 1:3-'in the garden' is as His Soul, spoken Word, and faith.  And 'in the garden' is as His body, and hope.  God rested on the seventh day, before 'in the garden.'  And creation was made physically before this, also before Adam and Eve being placed in the garden, which was as His body, and hope.  The trinity, is as circles, or 'dimensions' which also overlap, and come into being one, also starting in being one.  Therefore for eternity, God created in His imagination.  But God is eternal, and though we are also eternal, created in Him and like Him; we can not be eternal like He is.  We are eternal, in the understanding, of how infinite the sky is.  The sky does have a limit though.  But God is limitless, according to man's abilities.  Therefore God can be the beginning and the end, and all at the same time.  He can be eternity, happening specifically, and conceptually, and that also, all at the same time.  He also is the Firstborn, meaning that even in His imagination, He knew the conception in it's fullness, of everything that would be created; the specifics and the concept conceiving together.  Therefore, in context, Genesis 1:1-2, was creation being completely created, in His imagination, and also there was the rest, of having been created, and being one, in context of His imagination.  Then when He spoke, creation took form physically, and therefore physical creation dwelt from eternity to time by the chosen Word.  And then on the seventh day of physical creation, there was His rest, as having been created, and being one.  Then on the eighth day creation dwelt having rest and joy, being together, able to come together, and or rest, according to one's pleasure. 

    Poorness in spirit allows us to be able to prepare the way, that the love we have, may be the desires of our heart, and that the desires of our heart, may also be God's gift.  Then after we receive the belief of the Promise, when we agree, it is bel'iev'ing.  And that is as faith, and as we speak His spoken word, which is what Christ is saying through the Spirit in the present; then we have the works of our faith.  However, one seed, though it is the exact will of God, at the exact right time, should also be accompanied with more, as we are also not just one tree 'symbolically' but a whole field, and vine.  Each of us.  And therefore, we also walk, making fit everything that goes along with the desire of our heart, and it's promise that we received.  So we gain more beliefs, and believe, and confess, and perfect our love and faith.  We do this like this, so that we also don't just puff ourselves up with good showings of the flesh, or faith that has not conceived inside of us yet.  Because faith that has not conceived inside of us yet, through believing and confessing, even if there are good showings, is death faith.  And that is being built on sand.  Building like this, enables us also, to have everything committed to God, as we have conceived in Him, so that when sin manifests, as the enemy and darkness will, we do not have to shrink back.  Therefore our harvest is still abundant though the enemy may sow tares.  And therefore we are courageous as God commanded Joshua.  And it happens, that just as Jesus spoke saying "I have food of which you do not know, My food is to do the will of God, and finish what He sent Me for" that we also may abide in Him, and remain, and bear fruit that remains.  And again, God's will, isn't that we worship Him, as if not wanting anything.  For being His praise and glory, is being like Him, and also having inheritances, as He is a God of love.  And so even after darkness manifests in resistance, we continue sowing, preparing, and building, and we reap abundantly above all that we could ask or think.  Even sowing in tears and reaping in joy. 

    This also takes balance.  But equity must not be in simplicity, but wisdom to knowledge, and humility to love.  And what keeps us clean, as we balance things, is the fear of the LORD.  Which leads to life.  The fear of the LORD, is knowing He will not spare us, as is the severity of God.  But the fear of the LORD, if we remain in Him through knowing that waiting on Him, is not waiting, as if being patient means learning how to not want things, and waiting for God to move.  But waiting on the LORD is serving Him, and also we will receive after we have fully poured ourselves out, that we may be filled with Him.  And this is what in means in Hebrews when it says that after we have done the will of God, we will receive the promise.  And enduring isn't learning how to take the pain, but finding a way to having His promises.  Therefore through in the fear of the LORD, if we love Him thus, we actually still are cultivating.  And so from wisdom to knowledge, and humility to love (not giving a method or process) we abide in Him.  Just as also we must, as Jesus spoke in John 15.  And that keeps us clean, so that we may balance unto the equity that is in Him, and endure, doing His will, unto receiving the promise. 

    Just as I have described meditation as a plate with water on it, and a flashlight shining on it, and blowing on the water; and it being balancing between the ripples and the stillness; so is meditation procured through the water remaining clean.  And therefore we may remain, whereas otherwise, due to weakness, we would not conceive. 

    And also, when we come to know the assignments of what the enemy is coming against, and attacking, and judging, and accusing, and rising up against, if we have God's equity, and 'clean water' we can know the right prudent promise, and be able to prepare ourselves, so that our seed is ready to divide just at the right time, so that evil's attack is also divided.  And through their own iniquity, they end up fighting amongst themselves, and by the time they are done, just as also there is hierarchy and pride, lust, fear, and so on, in the kingdom of darkness; we may already have them under our feet, and have His kingdom established.  Though also in the times when evil is attacking as we are balancing, we have them under our feet, as our hope, and fight to fully get there.  And the seed divides the desires of our heart, as we enter in, being grafted in. 

    Circle of heaven: humility, judgment, mercy, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, love
    7 pillars of wisdom: love, wisdom, discernment, the fear of the LORD, discretion, understanding, knowledge

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    Mon, Oct 15th - 8:18PM

    The faith and grace of God

    The stage of maturity is the true light that is already shining.  I do not follow in process or method with the 'trinity's.'  But in creating, they are as landmarks.  And the Bible says to not remove the ancient landmarks.  Therefore when it seems as if we are in the place, right before the light is going to really shine, and life come; if we just say things like "God takes care of all the spiritual stuff" or "His yoke is easy and His burden is light" or "We aren't supposed to have repititions, or 'special' commands" then we are going to cast off the ancient landmark, and say it wasn't God, but only our weakness, and creations.  But we are to have the knowledge of God, and pray specifically, and conceptually.  The LORD's prayer is also either a reptition, or a vain and idle thing if we interpret it, as to not knowing specifics, concepts, knowledge, and commands.  The LORD's prayer is a backbone.  In creating (saving, cleansing, healing, delivering) it is His promises, also being 'yes' and 'amen' which are sown.  Through His prophecies: the testimony of Jesus Christ.  By the knowledge of God, which is the substance of faith. 

    The true light that is already shining, is what we are in when we are walking in the day and the light.  It is here that our root and tree are in direct communication.  Sin is what separates, and causes a lack of knowledge, and enmity and death. 

    Walking in the light shows that we have repented, and are walking as if we can no longer sin.  Just as Romans shows us that if we have died to sin, we can no longer live to it. 

    Therefore also, in the 'trinity' of the way, truth, and life; we also have giving beauty for ashes, commanding light out of darkness, and creating things which do not exist as though they did.  And in this also there is the 'trinity' of repentance, His death, and His life.  And there is also the 'trinity' of asking, seeking, knocking. 

    Asking, the way, beauty for ashes:
    Isaiah 44:26, 28
    I will raise up her waste places

    Saying to Jerusalem, “You shall be built,”
          And to the temple, “Your foundation shall be laid"

    Isaiah 49:19
    your waste and desolate places,
          And the land of your destruction,
          Will even now be too small for the inhabitants;
          And those who swallowed you up will be far away

    Isaiah 51:3
    the LORD will comfort Zion,
          He will comfort all her waste places;
          He will make her wilderness like Eden,
          And her desert like the garden of the LORD;
          Joy and gladness will be found in it,
          Thanksgiving and the voice of melody

    Isaiah 52:9
    Break forth into joy, sing together,
          You waste places of Jerusalem!
          For the LORD has comforted His people,
          He has redeemed Jerusalem.

    Isaiah 54:11
    I will lay your stones with colorful gems,
          And lay your foundations with sapphires

    Isaiah 58:12
    Those from among you
          Shall build the old waste places;
          You shall raise up the foundations of many generations

    Giving beauty for ashes is testimony of 'the way' because without this, there is not the ability to be able to come together.

    Peter was predominantly speaking to people in the context of them 'coming unto Christ'.  As opposed to the maturity Paul spoke in.  Peter speaking in context of the Jews being as His bride, before they turned to accepting Christ.  And then also as 12 is the number for the bride, and 24 for His body.  And Peter was one of the 12 apostles who shall be over those who shall inherit the earth, His bride, those who were under the law.  The bride, in this distinction, is as the relationship of the voice of the bride and bridegroom; as there is a distinction in faith, of having rest, having been created, no longer being alone- and COMING TOGETHER.  Therefore in coming together there is not complete oneness yet.  Though there is with the body, in this distinction, which is the maturity Paul spoke in.

    Seeking, the truth, commanding light out of darkness:   
    2 Peter 1:5-11
    giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. 8 For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins.
    10 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; 11 for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    This is an example of light coming out of darkness.  Much of what is in Peter's letters, is milk.  Though Paul, whom I believe to be the writer of Hebrews, and in writing to the Corinthians, did speak about needing to go beyond milk, to solid food.  As milk is given to those who are not yet spiritual.  And this is symbol, of the young men, or women, that John wrote of in 1 John 2.  And this is 'puberty.'  As coming away from what is carnal, into what is spiritual. 

    1 Peter 2:2
    as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby

    This below, is symbolic of creating things which do not exist as though they did.  This is the light, that isn't coming out of darkness, but is already shining, and is Christ. 

    Philippians 3:12
    I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me

    Ephesians 4:24
    put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness

    Colossians 3:10
    the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him

    Here is the thing, anyone who walks according to Philippians 3:13, must be mature. 

    Philippians 3:13
    forgetting those things which are behind

    And this maturity, was still not in having entered in.  Because when he wrote this, he had not yet.  As he spoke of attaining, and the resurrection of the dead.  The maturity that he is speaking about, is understanding the grace of God in truth, and walking in it.  Which is along these lines:

    1 Corinthians 3:1-3
    I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. 2 I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; you are still carnal

    Hebrews 5:13-14
    everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil

    Paul had not entered in in Acts 20 either when he spoke about the whole counsel of God, and of being ready to die.  It is possible to have maturity, before entering in.  Though there is the testimony in 1 John 2:12-14 concerning the young men entering in, and the difference between verse 13b and 14c.

    Colossians 1:6
    since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth

    Obviously, everyone who has received the grace of God in truth, carries of type of 1 John 2:12-14 in them, even though they have not entered in yet.  But Paul's words in Hebrews 5:13-14 show how someone can be mature, spiritual, and yet to have entered in; as the maturity, and spirituality that Paul is talking about, is concerning walking in the grace of God in truth.  And that is also included in why John wrote 1 John. 

    The grace of God in truth:
    John 1:1-2
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.

    Ephesians 1:3-11
    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
    7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, 9 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him. 11 In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will

    1 John 1:1-4
    1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.

    1 Thessalonians 5:5
    You are all sons of light and sons of the day

    Walking in the grace of God in truth:
    Romans 13:12
    The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light

    Ephesians 5:8
    you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Walk as children of light

    1 John 1:5, 7
    God is light and in Him is no darkness at all

    if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

    Once we are mature, walking in the light, and able to discern between good and evil, then, it is not that we have to stop commanding light out of darkness, or giving beauty for ashes:

    2 Peter 1:19
    a light that shines in a dark place

    In can be difficult to discern the difference between spirit, soul, and body; or in what spiritual understanding the LORD is moving in, but all things are open to His Word, and are lit by the Spirit.  For example, the rest of the verse: 'until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.'  What I was showing, is that, after maturity, we can in our maturity, shine the light into the darkness, and therefore have less weakness, as we come fully into the light again, or more, concerning our specific situation, or life.  Though also, Peter may have been talking, as to children, in this letter.  But the substance, and testimony is there.  Therefore after we are mature, we may have His light to shine into the darkness, and bring more of His light, and still have the morning star, and the dawn of the day; also as we are less weak, then when we first begun, or were less mature.  These things also concerning having His fullness.  Which is His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

    Therefore as being children, and youths, who are walking unto the true light that is already shining, just as Paul did not instruct those in Hebrews 5 to stop, but to go:

    Philippians 2:14-16
    Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

    Colossians 1:12
    the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light

    James 1:17
    Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights

    1 Peter 2:9
    you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light

    1 John 2:8
    the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining

    It is important to be able to discern spiritual things.  Not so that we can follow process or method, or only 'see' things, but not have the word in our hearts, through knowing God; but so that we may more fully be in, and stay in, and love the light.  Because discernment is important, in the same way, as we talk about the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Father.

    Philippians 3:13, is concerning being mature.  And the problem is that if people are only 'letting go,' they aren't working out their salvation in Spirit and truth.  And along with this, having works, is not what entering in is.  Usurping, is to have someone come out of something, lacking knowledge.  And according to Hosea 4, it is lacking knowledge that leads to death.  And along with that, people were rejected by God, because they rejected knowledge.  Knowledge being the substance of faith.  Though also, God's love, which surpasses knowledge, also surpasses our own abilities.  But walking with the knowledge of God is not evil, or being puffed up.  The knowledge that puffs up, is religion.  We are to sow God's promises.  As shown in Romans 7, rules lead into sin.  That is why we have to sow His Promises, which is what the prophet gives.  And what the apostle gives, is equity, therefore, people can understand, why they should change unto God.  As discipline also is changing.  And that, not learning from sin.  It is not being 'hard.'  Or learning how to gain our will, and say the Spirit is working or preparing good fruit.  Discipline is positioning ourselves, through the knowledge of God, to be one with God, knowing Him, which is eternal life, and having His promises.  Thus 'all of Your waves and billows have gone over me' and 'deep calls unto deep.' 

    Therefore in working out our salvation, we have to bring things to the light, and that means that our past is being brought up.  Therefore we can receive beauty for ashes, and command light out of darkness.  It is only in regarding ourselves as being sinners inwardly, that is putting the past off, in God.  Just as also David said that if he regarded iniquity in his heart, the LORD would not hear.  Therefore those who are born again, and new creatures, have perfect insides, and it is the flesh that sins.  And Paul spoke about how the new creation is what matters.  And we must be new to have His kingdom inside of us, and to be able to walk in the light, and to be able to have His promises, both here on earth, today and now, in this land of the living; and in heaven.

    Therefore in 1 John 2:12-14, this is why he says that the children marvel in forgiveness.  And the youths run their race.  And the mature know Him who is the Beginning.  Therefore the childlike are just happy they are forgiven.  While the youthful desire to win their race.  And the mature, know as they are known, that they were always with Him, and in Him there is no darkness or sin, and that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that in Him there is no changing, variance, or shadow of turning.  And this is why John said to walk in the light.  Because when we do, our whole body is full of light.  And with our whole body full of light, though our feet can get dirty, it is as if, we never had sin, don't have any, and aren't going to sin.  And this is our hope, which is our anchor, concerning receiving new bodies.  And we may have this hope, though we can't walk continually with it now.  And though we do not yet see it's fullness.

    Therefore since our hope of full perfection is of the future, our faith, is in having the light that is already shining, and that always was with Him, no longer coming out of darkness.  And this light also shines into where we still are dark.  And therefore we may have beauty for ashes, and light out of darkness, and exist as though we never sinned.  Just as God's foreknowledge is as our past, where we were predestined, and foreordained.  And presently, we are searching, just as the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD searching his inner depths; and this doesn't mean 'letting go of the past' but working it out, and spiritually.  Because it is desiring good showings of the flesh, that is only seeking material works and fruit, though 'relationship' is claimed; and people in this don't even say they have perfect insides!  And we are to also walk, able to discern good and evil, the kingdom of God being established on earth as it is in heaven.  Therefore inheriting our promises now and today, in this land of the living, and them being reserved in heaven for us.  And this also is the trinity of the Greek words for salvation, which are also used for healing, and deliverance.  As Soteria is from past sins, and shown in Luke 1 with Zacharias.  Soterion is salvation from sins after having believed.  And sozo is salvation from unto perfection, even the kingdom of God inside of us, just as also that word is used, regarding the completeness of people's healings, deliverances, and so on.  And soterion and sozo are both used in regards to the helmet of the hope of salvation.  

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    Mon, Oct 15th - 4:36PM

    The perfect day

    Grace and truth, and grace and faith are also more examples of the two witnesses.  Grace is how we receive faith, and then we continue in faith through grace.  These can seem inseparable, but actually do remain individual, as divided rightly.  Romans 5 shows that we need faith to have grace.  This concept is based on needing the 'treasure' or 'seed' to be able to possess the plant or riches.  Grace is both how to receive faith, and how to reap it.  There are false examples of both grace and faith.  False grace being in graceful condemnation, and false faith being in thinking that faith is in what we don't know.  But grace is the free gift of the power of God by which we receive Him, and faith is the possession of the substance of God, which is the knowledge of God, by which we have His great and precious promises.  And it is also the evidence for what we do not see in the physical.  In viewing the two witnesses as in context of the trinity, they alternate.  For example: grace, faith, grace, in regards to it being received.  And faith, grace, faith, in regards to it being given.  Grace and truth is another example of the two witnesses.  Just as all of the fruit of the Spirit are in goodness, righteousness, and truth.  This also is one of the trinity's between the circle of heaven, and the throne.  There is a oneness that the two witnesses have, though it is not the oneness that is in sharing the same name, apart from the same name that everyone has in being in the family of God.  Therefore the two witnesses remain two.  And the Father, Son, and Spirit remain in covenant as the Father, Son, and Spirit, not consummating that covenant through physically going to and fro, more than the spiritual manifesting in the physical.  This being as the cloud in the temple.  Or as the Spirit descending.  This being as the physical manifestations of what is spiritual, where the physical holds the spiritual, and even to the physical realm, the spiritual is still spiritual, and not fully physical.  The trinity where grace and truth are found, is in God giving us a reality in which to live, which is actually the substance of what is divine.  This also being what wisdom is calling about.  Therefore by grace we are created, and are good.  And then we continue being in right standing with Him, and we remain in the truth. 

    The knowledge of good, is being childlike, as Adam and Eve.  And the knowledge of good and evil is as in puberty, not being evil itself, as everything God created was good, and we need to know the difference between good and evil to repent.  The knowledge of incorruptible life is as maturity, and it is this life which goes to and fro between the perfect insides in someone who is born again, and this life being given into the mortal flesh.  Giving beauty for ashes, is as the knowledge of good.  And commanding light out of darkness is as the knowledge of good and evil, and creating things which do not exist as though they did, is as the knowledge of incorruptible life.  Our past, is in the foreknowledge of God, therefore being new creatures, and born again, no longer having sinful insides.  Our present, is in the rest and coming together of God, as we walk with our cross, and have the outward person perish while the inward person gives new life, as we don't regard sin in our insides.  Our future, is the hope of complete perfection, and a continuing city.  The perfection of the new body, and of being in heaven, and the physical continuing city, as the kingdom of God inside of us, is continuing, and incorruptible. 

    The old commandment John is writing about in 1 John 2 is to love God.  The new commandment, which was also new, from Jesus, was to love one another.  The old commandment was the law, and the new was Jesus fulfilling the law, and therefore the old commandment was to love one's neighbor as themselves, and the new commandment was to lay down one's life for his friends.  This is also an example of what Paul wrote about in Acts, about how we are saved now through Jesus, from things that the law could not save from.  And this is also the difference in grace and faith in the NT, then in the OT.  Because no one is saved through the works of the law, as through the law people were to awaken to God, through it's testimonies.  In the OT they still were saved through grace and faith, as Moses prayed for grace, and Habakkuk wrote about the just living by faith.   

    John tells us that the true light is already shining.  This is the maturity that there is in Christ.  This means no longer having light come out of darkness, though that is not evil, but is in regards to 'puberty.'  And so maturity is no longer in that cultivation.  And that cultivation, where light is coming out of darkness, is where enigmas, and dark sayings, and riddles are.  And again, the darkness represents knowledge not yet revealed, as spoken of in Psalm 19.  And topographically darkness represents sin, though just as darkness existed before the fall, it is not always sin, but how God gets us through the knowledge of good and evil, giving us what is partial, unto what is whole.  And therefore the true children of God, are they that seek Him continually, just as it says in the Greek in Romans 8.  And therefore we will find Him when we seek for Him with all of our heart.  And therefore we should call upon Him and pray to Him when He is near, and in a time when He may be found. 

    1 John 2:12-14
    12 I write to you, little children,
    Because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.
           13 I write to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
          I write to you, young men,
    Because you have overcome the wicked one.
          I write to you, little children,
    Because you have known the Father.
           14 I have written to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
          I have written to you, young men,
    Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,
    And you have overcome the wicked one.

    This passage shows the believer, after having been saved.  And from verse 13c to 14, there is the understanding, of having entered in.  Entering in being having the soul established on earth, as it is in heaven, coming through the perfect spirit and heart which are seated in heaven and with Christ.  And also having the promises, and earthly lot, as it is in heaven, established here on earth.  Just as there is an earthly gift, and that is resting and having joy in the promised land.  Just as also, as David wrote about the land of the living.  The land of the living, is the land in which someone resides where they still may partake of His living water.  Paul had not yet entered in when he wrote Philippians, but he had when he wrote 2 Timothy.  And Paul's promises coming up out of "Egypt" were to preach His name, and suffer for Him.  Verse 14c also shows, with the joy of the LORD being strength, and abiding being continually resting in the LORD, and coming unto Him; the relationship between pre and post entering in. 

    Spiritual understanding, and discernment is a good gift.  And everyone should have every gift, though they don't have every gift to give, in coming together with others.  Just as I need the Pastor's gift to lead my family.  And just as I need the rest of my body while I am working.  Also my gift is not for me, but for everyone else.  And so also, I need everyone else's gift to be able to prepare and give mine. 

    The trinity of God, His intracacies, and the broadness of Him (not the bad kind of broad, just as David wrote of Him) are not methods or processes.  But they are His riches, just as also the knowledge of Jesus is riches, and understanding and wisdom.  Therefore in running one's race, they with spiritual understanding and discernment may be able to know what the spoken word and timing of God is concerning the past, present, and future.  And this is imperative in every way.  The spoken word of Christ is prophetic.  And anyone who speaks His spoken word prophesies.  Though not all have the gift of prophecy to give to everyone else.  Prophecy is His concepts, and depths, and power that are chosen to come to pass, in a certain time.  Therefore spiritual understanding and discernment are a light and lamp.  And in His light we see light.  And His light leads us into His life, hope, promises, and prophecies.  And His life also gives us to be able to stand, and therefore continue to stand. 

    Mark 11:24
    whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

    It takes faith in all of the trinity of God, to abide in any part of the trinity.  Therefore there is each part in each part.  And therefore I must believe that I am creating things which do not exist as though they did, when I am commanding light out of darkness.  However, His kingdom being established on earth, specifically, and conceptually has to do with the present time periods.  Therefore, being as a child, young man or woman, or mature.  And also any other trinity, or testimony of Christ.   

    We do have hope while on this earth.  Not concerning ourselves with worldly things, has to do with things that will corrupt.  But His promises will not corrupt, and neither will His kingdom which is inside of us.  Therefore we walk unto the perfect day, and may inherit a type of what is incorruptible in the physical, though we have the incorruptible internally.  This is also shown, in how Abraham and Sarah received Isaac, but did not themselves live seeing each grain of sand that came from them, living and abiding, and remaining. 

    While we walk, we may have as our hope, all of the promises in God, which are for heaven, and not possible physically here on earth, also to continue physically.  Therefore I may have the promise of God that I have a perfect body, though I can not walk continually like that, and do not yet see it.  Therefore also, we may set our hope, having the promise in us, also believing the promise.  And when we set our hope, then we may also cultivate to bring the inheritance of our earthly type of our heavenly inheritance.  Just as the physical is a representation of the spiritual, as shown in Hebrews 11:3.  And this is also the context that Paul wrote of, saying that the ungodly have no inheritance in Him.  But again, deiscernment has to be in the Spirit, for many die before entering the Promised land, also even before leaving Egypt, and are still saved.  As those who are called faithful in His house, are those who have left Egypt.  For God saves all who call upon Him, and believe in Him.  And His words, which perfect faith are to believe in Him.  Not everyone is able to get free from every weight of sin.  And also Jesus said that tax collectors and harlots would enter the kingdom before the religious.  Our hope, is in the kingdom of God, and therefore when we build treasures in heaven, we are building unto the kingdom of God which is inside of us also.  And that is sowing to the Spirit.  Therefore we may receive a type of our heavenly inheritance that is reserved for us in heaven, while we are here on earth.  And our undefiled inheritance, that can not fade away, is reserved in heaven for us.  The incorruptible life that is inside of us goes to and fro between our insides, and the mortal flesh.  And this is also how what is corruptible fades and blows away, and our incorruptible insides are given into our mortal flesh.  Therefore we have a type of what is incorruptible, in the physical, according to the discernment of the Spirit.  And therefore we may have the hope of heaven in us as we sow to the Spirit, and build treasures in heaven, and are establishing His kingdom, and we reap both now, and forevermore.

    There is a point where if we are saying "It's all about God" and are not dying to EVERYTHING that is the coarse of this world, there is hypocrisy.  And just saying "Live in the world, but don't be of it" or "God first, family second, job third" are just sayings of man.  These things don't really come fully into the light, and they lead people to say they are being faithful in God's house, when they themselves are not entering in.  For those who enter in must believe and walk, in having perfect insides. 

    There is also a point, where if we are going to cultivate the promises of God, and be spiritual, and even reap both here on earth, and in heaven; we may get struck down, persecuted, pressed, and seem as if we have no hope.  And these are the reasons we need His spiritual understanding and discernment.  That we may be in the truth, and that the light in us won't be darkness, but be the true light of God. 

    It is possible to receive the whole word of God, here on earth, though even that is partial compared to what we shall have after the new heavens and earth.  The gift of apostle gives equity, and concerns bringing what is eternal, and did not exist before here on earth, to pass.  While the gift of prophecy is to bring from that whole word that is apostolic, the specifics along the way, as there is the partial unto His whole word, which is also what wasn't there before.  And what is eternal is also conceptual, and what is in time is specific.   

    When we believe that the kingdom of God is inside of us, and know that in believing in Him, is our works, that also perfect faith, and when we know that this is building treasures in heaven, and sowing to the Spirit; then we can know that we can't lose.  For we shall receive.  Whether He comes or we die before we finish the battle, race, and faith; or whether we fully walk unto the perfect day.  Therefore also, being spiritual is walking by faith, His Promises, substance, and the knowledge of God, and walking in the Spirit; not by the flesh, or by sight. 

    Comment (0)

    Sat, Oct 13th - 3:01PM

    'It didn't come from me'

    2 Samuel 6:6-8
    And when they came to Nachon’s threshing floor, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. 7 Then the anger of the LORD was aroused against Uzzah, and God struck him there for his error; and he died there by the ark of God. 8 And David became angry because of the LORD’s outbreak against Uzzah; and he called the name of the place Perez Uzzah to this day.

    Isaiah 57:10
    You are wearied in the length of your way;
          Yet you did not say, ‘There is no hope.’
          You have found the life of your hand;
          Therefore you were not grieved.

    Matthew 16:25
    whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it

    Matthew 27:42
    “He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him"

    Mark 8:35
    whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it

    Mark 15:30
    save Yourself, and come down from the cross!

    Mark 15:31
    He saved others; Himself He cannot save

    Luke 9:24
    whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it

    Luke 17:33
    Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it

    Sometimes in seeing evil, someone could think doing the opposite is the truth. 

    Mark 16:17-18
    these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover

    Sometimes in planning things, or going about the day, or even just not fully concentrating on everything can lead into situations, where someone could be involved in something that is hurtful.  Whether minute, or large. 

    Acts 28:2-10
    the natives showed us unusual kindness; for they kindled a fire and made us all welcome, because of the rain that was falling and because of the cold. 3 But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat, and fastened on his hand. 4 So when the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, “No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he has escaped the sea, yet justice does not allow to live.” 5 But he shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm. 6 However, they were expecting that he would swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But after they had looked for a long time and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.
    7 In that region there was an estate of the leading citizen of the island, whose name was Publius, who received us and entertained us courteously for three days. 8 And it happened that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and dysentery. Paul went in to him and prayed, and he laid his hands on him and healed him. 9 So when this was done, the rest of those on the island who had diseases also came and were healed. 10 They also honored us in many ways; and when we departed, they provided such things as were necessary.

    Common sense, and or rational thinking says someone shouldn't just go about on an island picking up wood.  But Paul did.  And what does the fire represent?  Worship.  What does the snake represent?  Getting into things that were not intentional.  Kind of like what happened to Adam and Eve too.  What was Paul doing?  Gathering wood for the fire/worship.  Things like these things can happen anytime or anywhere, symbolically or literally.  Someone could be involved in something that is hurtful, and or receive something from someone that is actually dangerous.  And these things can happen without intent, or foreknowledge.  Meaning that someone could have avoided it, but didn't expect it.  And what should we all do?  Walk around like a bunch of paranoid freaks?  "Just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you."  Does this mean that we should all be minute about things?  Does this mean that being minute is wrong?  Think about kids.  What kind of things do they get into.  From touching things and putting their hands into their mouths, to having scratches and things like that, coming from who knows where.  I've done the same thing, even today.  Touched something after or from someone, and then thought about what happened.  And at the same time, not even think or be sure the person is really anything to worry about.  And even smoking, or eating too.  And I also have done this to myself.  Darkness want's to sear our conscience away from following God.  And Jezebel does this through ambiguity, seduction, ploys, and falsehood.  Just as 'what we don't know doesn't hurt us,' until we actually try to do the right thing.  Or, where do we draw the line?  What is practicality, if it is only the happy median, or lukewarm middle?  What is practicality if God isn't about having a business, or 'ministry?'  Sometimes people can also say things that weren't meant to be what they are interpreted as.  People can think something is going on, when it is not the intent.  At the same time, people can say something is not they're intent, but the act could still be insensitive.  And things can happen, in these ways, where the only way to avoid anything harmful is to be perfect, or minute, or practical.  The way I view practicality, is that it is a way to be lukewarm.  Just as it means "Not quite."  And along with this practicality is a way to not have to deal with things.  It is a way to being faithful in the little, mean that we don't rock the boat.  And that anything questioning what is common, is actually what is problematic.  Practicality is a way to be concerned with things that involve graceful condemnation, which is humanism, and believing that what our flesh allots us is our lot.  And that James' words on works perfecting faith, is this being the right way.  And that God handles the spiritual stuff.  Or the things we deem that are impractical.  (So is God impractical?)  God wants to give us His best.  And the thing that happens, when truth becomes a grey area, is that 'if we don't want fullness, we won't be disappointed if we don't receive it.'  That is what is going on with Laodicea.  Fullness became the temporal things God wants to give us, backed up with saying that "God is first."  Now anything that fights against this, is divisive, and only trying to cause problems.  People can get into situations that can ruin their life.  But what is the answer?  Is it to walk thinking that discipline is learning from sin, or that hardness is discipline?  Or that we should follow the rules?  I'd like to know how rules are godly, when everyone is having grace be salvation, and no longer having the Law of Moses, be a banner.  What rules are we to follow?  Jesus gave us His commandments, it is to love.  And on top of that, John tells us that anyone who practices righteousness is born of God.  What is righteousness?  John tells us that anyone who continues to sin is of the devil.  So is everyone perfect?  No.  What this means, just as 1 John 1 also explains, along with most of that book; is that anyone who says that sin is not wrong, is not born of God.  That's why promises are so important.  Because we aren't saved by grace, and then have our faith evidenced by works, and then follow the rules to prove we are saved.  Promises are sure and steadfast.  The Law of Moses is in 'ifs.'  That is also why it says "Cursed is anyone who does not continue in the things that are written in this book, to do them."  That is why Peter and Paul spoke about not using freedom to just go sin.  Some people also think that since Jesus and the Spirit fulfilled the law, that we walk in the Spirit through now keeping the law.  Promises are what we are supposed to walk in.  Therefore God gives us to overcome through any sin.  And that is what Paul wrote about, when he said God gives us the way of escape from sin.  Because who doesn't still have a sinful flesh?  And how are we born again, if we aren't inwardly perfect, still having a sinful outward person?  And faith is the spiritual knowledge, substance of God, of which we do not see in the physical.  The hope being promises.  Faith being in the present regarding possessing these things, though we do not yet fully see them.  Just as we don't see hope, and it is in the future. 

    Some people also think that technique will save them, though they don't broadcast that.  And some people just try to reverse evil.  But none of these things should be the foundation.  Just as the bronze serpent was destroyed.  But the bronze serpent symbolized our seed dying, which is through the cross, and our outward person rotting and dying.  Bronze symbolizes judgment.  But judgment isn't always bad.  David asked God to judge him in His strength, and His strength is joy. 

    Miracles, wonders, healings, deliverances, these all come through believing, not in following 'the rules' or being practical.  So how do we know whether someone isn't just looking to be able to sin, and say grace?  Because those born of God don't say that sin isn't wrong.  And that is what was going on in 1 Corinthians 5.  And the other people were glorying also.  Glorying that the person had sinned.  Which also gives place for being personally puffed up.  Glorying in shame, is in graceful condemnation. 

    Leprosy was an incurable disease, and this represents the sinful condition.  After we are saved, then we are kings and priests in God.  And then also with that, when we enter in, our souls and earthly inheritance are sealed on earth, as it is in heaven, also coming from our spirit, heart, the Spirit, and Jesus.   

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    Fri, Oct 12th - 5:44PM


    People look at things by sight, and according to the flesh. And so when they see wrong things, they think "this isn't God." And honestly, their whole faith, when God is moving is based on them confessing that they don't know, or understand, and this is even their necklace.

    This is why things happen, where the Spirit moves, and darkness manifests, and there seems to be a mess. This is why it is so easy, and has been, for witchcraft to effect the church.

    Satan has made it, so that fervent love is an infatuation. And then people come up with songs that are supposed to be about passion, when really they are only gracefully condemning themselves, speaking about what they don't have.

    False experientialism is thinking that everything is God, and what is corrupted, is what was godly. This is eastern religion. This is where "It's not God's will to heal" comes from.

    People walk like God is going to take care of the spiritual, and we are supposed to take care of the physical. So after fervent love is made out to be infatuation, 'works of faith' are made out to be responsibility. And everything seems to jive. And what accountability is there? Knowing we are sinners is the gospel right?

    This is where corban comes in: "What I don't do for God, is what I do, because I am imperfect, and He doesn't that anyways." So loving becomes impossible. Except for where we all have fellowship, when we meet, and share what is going on in the 'life of the church.'

    Church right now is a business plan. It is in statements of purpose, belief, and mission. And there doesn't seem to be a lack of love on top of all of these things, because people 'love on people.' And there doesn't seem to be unprofitableness because "Where God guides, He provides."

    What are we supposed to do when darkness manifests, and there is a claim that God is moving? Well when His life means being able to have good works, probably nothing. Just shut it down, save face, and so on. When the cross means our sins are all gone, and that we don't have to fully or completely follow God, do you know what that means? Whatever we see, that we think is evil, we go to the word, and then we believe that the Spirit wants us to shut it down, or look the other way for a while maybe. The 'air' starts to become the temporal physical bountifulness that God has given for us to enjoy before we go to heaven, because God takes delight in prosperity, and we don't follow law anymore. So what happens? We are all judges. But 'it's God' because 'we didn't start anything.'

    God is love. Passion is wanting to love. What we should all do, is want to love, and plan to love. And cultivate to always be loving. What has happened is that 'we have our quarks.' So we act real sorry when we don't love. And then we don't believe that we can perfectly love, so we have a happy median. And what of spiritual gifts? We claim to have the gifts of faith and grace, but what about spiritual gifts? They are the way to continue in the faith and grace. Why don't churches operate in spiritual gifts? Because they don't want anything weird to happen. And why not? It will displease the masses. Then churches claim that their 'small groups' are where they really operate in the atmosphere of the Spirit moving. Apart from being a place where people can come and receive God. Is that what the Bible says? No! "What if people come in and people are speaking in tongues?" What was the answer in the Word of God? Interpret. What did Paul say about speaking in tongues in church? Don't forbid it. What did he say about spiritual gifts? And in meeting together? Pursue love, and ESPECIALLY to prophesy. Then what was his statement? People will be convicted! And churches don't see or do this? Prophecy to them is either end times, or illuminating things. What is prophecy? The Word of God, that is what is to come to pass. That is coming from heaven and eternity, to come to pass in time. The apostles and prophets were persecuted so much because no one wants to see their happy medians change. And that is what apostles and prophets do. They bring in things that weren't there before. And what does most of the church believe? That there are no apostles or prophets anymore. They claim that some gifts of the Spirit went out with the early church. And use the Scripture about apostles and prophets being the foundation of the church, to say that the church was founded with the early church, and now they are not needed. And the saying 'the cannon is full' came out. So there are no new things. But if the root is holy, isn't the whole tree? And how did the gifts of pastor and evangelist make it? So people still get to lead other people, and 'save' people showing they have physical fruit? About the cannon is full: so today is already established, I get the illumination of it? What kind of way to live is that? And what about the verse that God already knows every day? He knew them back in the days of the early church to! People have businesses, and they don't want anything to get out of their control. Spiritual gifts became things like "I'm a greeter," and "I'm funny" and "I organize well." In the days of the early church, they didn't go to the synagogues, to be at the place to meet God. They went there to turn the religious people to God.

    Comment (1)

    Fri, Oct 12th - 5:04PM


    1 Corinthians 10:13
    God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it

    His cross means the suffering and dying of the outward person.  Just as the word for die in John 12, regarding the seed, means 'to rot, to die.'  Therefore that is what is corruptible fading away, and being blown away, while His life comes from inside.  I have found, that in most of the church, that people use this verse, to 'abstain from evil.'  But that the motivation is to have good showings of the flesh.  While at the same time, they don't believe in having perfect insides.  Which is being born again.  Having a new spirit and heart.  And then also having a new soul, which comes from here, and Christ.  This verse means that we are going to overcome.  Not necessarily that we won't stumble, or fall.  And in this, and along with this, we carry our cross, though the outward person has sin, and we continue in Him, and seek Him, the inward person being perfect, and giving us life.  And so what we don't do is sacrifice in the clefts, sacrificing promises.  Just as also the Spirit is the Promise, and Jesus' body was the sacrifice.  And I also think that Paul wrote about what this feels like in 2 Corinthians.  Regarding how we are pressed, persecuted, struck down, and so on.  And I find that some sins are the type of things that are unacceptable for those professing Christ.  But in this also I understand what Jesus said about how tax collectors and harlots will enter the kingdom of God, before the religious.  The religious also, possibly not even entering in themselves.  The 'before' meaning, instead, or right in front of them.  And I also think about how nowadays, people walk, in having good showings of the flesh, and they use the gospel, in this way, and to 'evangelize.'  But mostly they are only after 'numbers' and 'fruit.'  But in the Bible, along with the people who were strong in the LORD and had holiness, they had the manifestations of the Spirit.  In power, miracles, and wonders.  Religious spirits are spirits that lead into doing what is written in the Word of God.  And even is partially what the Spirit is doing.  But the religious spirits, as people are not being spiritual, gain the person's will, and mind.  And as people do not continually seek God, and be spiritual, and know His severity, and also do concern themselves with things of the world; they are falling away from God.  Even though they also may claim grace.  And this ends in insulting the Spirit of grace.  And trampling upon His blood.  As Christianity comes to mean, being a sinner, but okay with God 'through faith.'  Faith then coming to mean, what we don't see about God, but what is evidenced in our works.  This using James' word on works perfecting faith.  When actually faith is possessing the tangible, substance, the knowledge of God, spiritually, and this not being seen in the physical.  Romans 5 shows us, that to receive grace, we have to have faith.  And faith is a gift of God, but it is not in 'what we don't know.'  This is how people come to receive God's grace in vain.  And it isn't because they don't have works, or that they try to follow the Law of Moses.  And it isn't because people have 'really bad sins.'  People use 'not concerning themselves with things in this world' primarily in regards to loving.  As if God is more concerned with how great a ministry someone can have.  Like I have said, apart from Paul's words on marriage in 1 Corinthians 7, where are people exclusively following God, and not concerning themselves with things in the world?  And I am not trying to give law here, but they had sports, and entertainment in the Biblical days too. 

    Comment (0)

    Wed, Oct 10th - 4:24PM


    Proverbs 20:27
    The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD

    Luke 11:34-36
    The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. 35 Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. 36 If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light

    Eyes represent spirits.  How is it possible to have our body full of light?  That would mean being perfect.  There are false beliefs regarding the saved, regarding them being new.  According to the Bible, being born again, means having incorruptible insides. 

    Ezekiel 36:26
    I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh

    This heart is our spiritual heart, and it is still a type of flesh, just as Paul spoke about there being different kinds of flesh.  Where does the new soul come from?  From within the spirit and heart.  Just as how Jesus comes from God.  Therefore when someone enters in, their soul is established on earth, as it is in heaven.  This is why it is so important to enter in, for any who call themselves faithful in God's house.  Though some die along the way, and though some died before leaving Egypt.  Just as Genesis 1:1-2 represents God's imagination and Spirit, and Genesis 1:3-'in the garden' represents God's soul, and spoken Word, which is Christ, so does Jesus come through the Spirit.  Just as also how Mary was with child with Him, through the Spirit.  And the blood of the mother never mixes with the blood of the child, therefore Jesus remained perfect, though He was born through Mary, and sinful human.  And this also is testimony concerning how we may have perfect insides, though our body still has sin.  According to the Bible, the battle is against our soul.  And that is prevalent, concerning entering in.  But the body is what has sin, not the insides of someone who is saved, having sincere faith, and having been born again.  We are born again inccoruptible, concerning our insides.  That is sinless, and perfect, inwardly.  Our outward self has sin, though also through God, and our perfect insides, His life is given into our mortal body.  Therefore as what is outward rots and dies, just as the seed mentioned in John 12, and the word for die in John 12 also means 'to rot,' so does our outward person perish and fade away, that being what is corrupted and corruptible.  But our inward person is replenished, gaining life, and this life also is given into our mortal body.  Therefore as we carry our cross, though we have no continuing city in the physical yet, the kingdom of God from inside of us, remains forever, unto the perfect day.  For what is corruptile is by sight, and as a non existent thing, and what is incorruptible can not corrupt.  The only corruption there is, is the outside of the seed dying, and rotting, and the seed germinating.  The life that is given into our body therefore goes to and fro between being given into our mortal body, and also returning to our insides, as what is corruptible manifests.  But what is incorruptible stays incorruptible.  Just as our blood flows through our body, out from the heart, and back to it, so does the incorruptible life.  Concerning the saved, according to the Word, it is only the sinful flesh that has sin.  Because even though a saved person hasn't yet entered in, they are to walk according to the soul being perfect inside of them, and Christ.  The Bible shows how those who fall away, and are not saved, were never with Him.  Therefore it was only the talent that was God's, and it only was impressed UPON the unsaved person.  Therefore the soul of the unsaved person, and or the person who falls away, was never saved.  And that is also how the unsaved walk, for they deny that perfection has come in Christ, and that it is available for His chosen.  The difference between being chosen and called is that His chosen, after they are called, choose to follow Him BY THE SPIRIT.  Because the works of God are that we believe in Him.  Therefore there is no longer the unsaved soul, for the one who was always with Him, and is born again and saved, though they might not have entered in yet.  How is this possible?  Do those who have not entered in yet therefore not dwell on earth and in the second heaven?  For the born again spirits and hearts and talents are in the third heaven, where God is.  And earth is the first heaven.  To the born again, what has passed away, and is old, and what is corruptible, is all by sight, and as a non existent thing.  This does not mean that everyone who didn't believe they were perfect inwardly have fallen away, because ignorance is different than having never been with Him.  From Ephesus to Laodicea, if all who didn't believe they were inwardly perfect are not saved, then nearly no one since the early church is saved.  This is the difference between someone saying they are faithful in ALL of His house, and someone not doing that.  And for those from Ephesus until Laodicea, overcoming, means firstly to not be overcome by evil, that is, to call themselves faithful in all of His house, and yet never enter in.  But from the early church unto these last days, there is a rainbow, touching down on both ends, while bowing in the middle- the seven churches.  How does God save those who are the sea of glass, not entering in, or being ignorant about what it means to be born again, being perfect?  Sincere faith.  The dividing line, is that those who call themselves faithful in God's house, must not look to sin.  What happens is that being a sinner becomes the way to God, even though people are 'leading.'  And things are kept this way, so that they may prosper in the flesh, while they themselves are not fully in Him, and are leading others away from coming unto Him.  This also being said to be in the name of God.

    Hebrews 10:5
    a body You have prepared for Me

    This is concerning Jesus.  Jesus had a perfect flesh, something no one ever had since the fall, not to mention the incorruption that was in Him.  Adam and Eve were corruptible, though they were not corrupt until they fell.  And none of the angels have incorruption yet.  Jesus had incoruptible insides, just as we may being born again.  Jesus came however, in the likeness of sinful flesh.  This showing also, that His body was able to die, though His insides never sinned, and remained incorruptible.  When we come to Christ, it is through repentance, His death, and His life.  We prepare the way unto our salvation through receiving His conviction which tells us that we WERE sinners.  And then through His death, we confess that He became sin for us.  And then through His life, we confess that we now may be born again, incorruptible inwardly.  Therefore we were always in Him, through foreknowledge, and we were with Him on the cross, and when He rose. 

    How can our body be FULL of light?  Doesn't that mean our body will be perfect?  When we are born again, our 'eye' is good, our spirit, heart, and soul being born again incorruptible.  And our old self is gone completely.  If we believe in this perfection, then until the body that is still corruptible which was prepared by God, for us to willfully lay down, to die, just as Jesus did, and for it to become sin is sacrificed; our whole body is full of light.  The only sin then that can be present is through the corruption in the world, air, and second heaven.  Therefore we are a lamp on a hill.  When sin manifests, it is through us laying down our physical body, it being for that purpose.  And here is more grace, given to the humble.  Humility also meaning that it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom, and the kingdom is inside of us, where perfection continues and abides forever.  He gives more grace, in that, even if we did not have this word, or whole word, when we first believed, it was always there in foreknowledge.  Therefore just as we repented, and partook of His death and life to accept Christ, in sincere faith, and be saved; so may we do with all of His Promises.  Therefore having real humility.  And we cultivate in walking in the Spirit, and by faith, first that we may have good soil.  This being us making the field fit before building our house, preparing the way.  And preparing the way is shown in Isaiah 40.  All of the things we have to 'count the cost' in, we find a way, to still inherit all of His Promises that we hope for, His love assuring us of them, by knowing that His commandment is exceedingly broad.  That means we can still prepared to win, by finding the WAY to both presently abide in Him, and be in position for whatever Promise there is, at a later time.  This is just as being a vessel, boat, that is positioned correctly that the wind, the Holy Spirit, may empower it.  I go to and fro between specifics and concepts.  Then having good soil, the seed is ready to enter our heart, through agreeing with the Spirit, which is believing, and obtaining belief.  And a part of making the field fit before building the house, is testing ourselves.  This also including Gideon's testing.  Having saturation and plenishment on our conscience, from God, conerning His Promises, that what we think to be right, really is.  And threshing out the bad things, God saturating and plenishing, confirming in us, that as we meditate on Him in all that we do, WHILE we still walk in a BODY; that what we think to be wrong, really is.  And the substance of the saturation and plenishment is the knowledge of God, just as by it we have His great and precious promises.  Having good soil, and having the seed enter our heart through agreeing and thus believing, and having belief, the seed germinates through His death.  This being laying down our prepared physical body, to die, and to become sin, as we do not sow to what is corruptible in the world.  Just as Jesus could have chosen to go do something else.  But in love, freely He chose God's Promises.  Therefore for the joy set before us, we walk, though the outward man is perishing, according to the hope of God's promises, though they might not be with us yet, as to having what the promise is.  And this is faith- possessing the knowledge of His Promises, and being sure of them, and staying sure of them.  And faith is foolishness to the world, just as His sufferings, death, and cross are.  Faith is being spiritual, just as also, it is the spiritual knowledge that we possess, of God and His Promises, though we do not see them, having what the Promise is.  And this spiritual knowledge is our evidence, for what we do not yet see.  Just as also there was the spoken word of Christ, before God rested on the seventh day.  And His rest, symbolizes no longer being alone.  Just as also, the works of God, are that we believe in Him, and just as also, God did not sin before He rested.  Our hope, is the specifics of love.  Love being our motivation, assurance, and intents.  The Bible says to awake, and that Christ will give us light.  Therefore the more we awaken to Him, through the Spirit of life, knowing we are perfect inwardly, and in Him; the more we gain to be able to stay spiritual, and also inherit bountifully.  Therefore to awaken we know Him as the beginning and the end, unto knowing Him as the Firstborn.  We seek His Promises specifically, those being the end, just as love, faith, hope; and past, present, future.  And we also receive His foreknowledge, this being as the beginning.  The end is as the specifics, and the beginning is as the concepts.  Just as Jesus is as the bride of the Father, through the Holy Spirit, and concepts are feminine, and specifics are masculine.  Therefore faith is the Firstborn, having the desires of our heart, and them also being His desires.  Love is the concept, and His Promises are the specifics.   

    The light that is in us, being darkness, as in Luke 11, is talking about falsehood.  And being deceived, and even unto the point of falling away.  Darkness is a fake of light.  Though 'topographically' when God created the earth, at first, darkness represented knowledge not yet revealed, just as night unto night reveals knowledge.  Darkness is how God gets us through the knowledge of good and evil, giving us incorruptible life to sustain us, as we grow in Him.  Just as we know in part, unto the perfect day.  But all of darkness is a fake, just as also all the powers of darkness, are grace manipulated.  Just as grace is not the ability to sin and be okay with God, but the free gift of His power, by which we receive Him.  Believing that grace is the ability to sin and be okay with God, takes away from having God's Promises.  And that is the light, that is darkness.  And thus true grace is His free gift of His power, by which WE RECEIVE HIM.  Thus we receive Him through His Promises.  For conviction is who we WERE, and we confess His Promises unto salvation. 

    Therefore in all of these things, all correct judgment is in the Spirit.  And therefore just as Peter said

    1 Peter 5:10
    may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

    We may be perfect, we may be established on earth, we may have our earhtly gift, which is established along with our soul, we may have it abide and continue forever, as the kingdom of God is incorruptible and inside of us- therefore strengthening us.  And where shall we be settled, except when He makes ALL THINGS new?  Therefore though we die, we live.  Therefore though our outward man perishes, and unto the world, we are hated, and called fools- we are closer than when we first believed.  And therefore God gives us to prosper in the land of the living- where we currently reside, and may partake of His living water, His life- and also strengthens us unto the perfect day.  And therefore we may be perfect inwardly, and walk according to the Spirit and faith, this also, even though our outward man perishes.  And therefore after our feet are cleaned, because we are clean through being in Him, and born again, our whole body is full of light.  Though our present body is also prepared, that we may lay it down, even again.  It being corruptible, but not always corrupted, even fully.  And just as a mother's blood does not mix with a child's, and Jesus was born through the Holy Spirit, so may our whole body come to perfectly unto the perfect day, gain to be aboslutely completely full of light, and stay that way.  Just as also the life is in the blood, the blood carrying, just as DNA.  And just as the way, truth, life; love, faith, hope; power, being spiritual, Promises; so is it that even our sinful corrupted flesh, may be given to have His life in us, continually.  From the specifics, to the concept.  From the intracacies, to everything.  Because along with the life being in the blood, His life is the light of men.  Love is His power, that being His motivation, and intent, and assurance.  And His word comes form His power, as Hebrews shows; therefore if His Word is magnified above all His name, what is His power and His love?  Incorruptible, Immortal, and full of Promises.  Therefore Jesus encompassing us assures us for all of eternity.  So shall our new bodies be, and so shall our lives be when all things are new.  As woman comes from man, we were always with Him.  As woman encompasses man, we are with Him presently.  As man encompasses woman, we shall be with Him eternally.  As man comes from woman, our inheritances, gifts, and promises are sure, steadfast, reserved, undefiled, and unable to fall away.  This the hope of His calling, the riches of the glory of His inheritance in His saints, and the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe.  That not only shall God have us, and us be for His praise and glory.  But that the fullness of His love and life having come, that we shall also inherit, having the desires of our heart- these also being the desires of His heart- and thus truly be His praise and glory.  As we are like Him, in every way.   

    Comment (1)

    Tue, Oct 9th - 6:32PM


    You know when you are deciding something?  The right and wrong are still both there, and in belief.  That is how prophets prophesy, because only the Word of God can be established in heaven.  Therefore any dross will come into the light, and be taken away.  Because how does the prophet without the whole word know for sure, as the partial is coming forth unto the whole word, whether or not what he speaks is what is to be established?  The prophet has to cultivate, and balance.  And that is why apostles are so important, as they give equity.  But it is wrong both to say that 'we don't know everything' or 'I know everything.'  Because prophecy is the Promises of God.  And there aren't any promises in that.  Only graceful condemnation, and a lack of accountability.  Accountability doesn't mean having consequences.  It means finding a way, whether before sinning, or after (Still after, because this is a ministry of reconciliation).  Prophets have to look at every context, and concept and specific thing.  That is why they have to seek God constantly.  All should desire to prophesy, but those who have the gift, seek Him exclusively.  Think Paul didn't say "WE who are alive and remain?"  This why it is so important to know that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ.  Because if the testimonies are the foundation, the whole word will come, though it is partial until then.  Therefore the root is holy, and so the tree.  Everyone has a sinful flesh.  I find that I have almost every sinful belief in me, AS I am deciding.  This is what the threshing floor is.  And this is how the threshing floor involves the flesh, and the wool the conscience.  The threshing floor is where they threshed the wheat to keep the grain.  The tares are divided out before the threshing if they are gleaning, which involves only harvesting a little.  As opposed to harvesting a lot.   

    Comment (1)

    Mon, Oct 8th - 6:05PM

    Hebrew Lettering

    Aleph: In Ecclesiastes Solomon wrote about the three strand cord.  That is symbolic of marriage, with also Christ as the center.  Many people say "God first, family second, job third."  But if they want to hear it, that is the knowledge of good and evil without incorruptible life.  Real love in God, means that God is in everything.  Therefore I am worshiping God in all that I do.  Whatever we love we worship.  Therefore God is in marriage.  And Revelation 3 and Isaiah also show how humans can worship humans.  This being worshiping, as God is the substance of everything.  Whatever we do, we do unto God.  And we don't physically kneel for eternity before Him, therefore it is not sin to love what He has given to us, and He is in it, and it in Him.  Just as also the kingdom of God is incorruptible, and inside of us.  Therefore in marriage, there doesn't need to be the sacrificing of love in the clefts, as if marriage takes away from worshiping God.  Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 7 are about sin, but those who continually seek God, may overcome.  Paul didn't want people to just slink into the world.  The middle part of the Aleph symbolizes Christ.  The two markings on the right and on the left symbolize male and female.  The right hand represents honor, and the left hand serving.  The woman serves and submits unto man and God.  And man gives woman all he has.  This isn't 'lording' authority, but is how femininity and masculinity operate.  Just as Jesus is as the bride of the Father, being a vessel for Him by the Holy Spirit.  Femininity is the glory of masculinity, therefore balancing the serving and submitting.  What is masculine fully sets it's love on what is feminine.  Woman came from man, showing them having always been together, and how there is one person for His beloved who completes them.  Just as the Son completes the Father, and we complete the Son, in terms of love, as Jesus loves us first, and the Son only does what the Father does, thus the Father loving first.  The woman then encompasses the man, as the she is his glory, just as the moon is also the glory of the sun, this also showing being together presently.  Then the man encompasses the woman, as he sets his love upon her.  These things are also fulfilled in the spiritual.  The physical is also eternal, as all things in coming together, are a part of coming together.  With the sun and moon not giving light after the new heavens and earth, but the light being Jesus, it shows how He is going to fully encompass us.  Which is like what Paul said about us knowing as we are known.  It means that everything we do is going to be Jesus.  But remember that we also have inheritances, just as we aren't going to be on our knees physically for all of eternity.  The virtuous woman shown in Proverbs 31, shows how the woman, not in usurping, but in the beauty of humility is as a foundation for the man and family.  Just as the left marking in the Aleph symbolically shows this.  The left marking being female, and the right male.  Man and woman submit to each other in marriage, as shown in the example of Manasseh and Ephraim.  The left marking also symbolizes a flame, but the flame is founded, as I have shown.  The right marking also symbolizes a flame.  The flame representing the man.  Flames represent worship, and they also represent light, and light represents Promises, as also being the way into life.  Therefore as a woman submits a man gives her everything he has.   

    Bayth: The Bayth firstly represents a lampstand.  The foundation of the lampstand is leaning towards, or symbolically reaching out to the 'tree' of the lamp.  The 'tree' of the lamp is symbolic of the mustard seed and tree, having begun small.  And Jesus said that those who are faithful in what is least, are faithful also in much.  The top of the lampstand does symbolize a flame.  And it also symbolizes the arm of a throne.  The tip of the flame also symbolizes a hook, this symbolizing the knowledge of good and evil.  But the knowledge of good and evil, is not evil.  To not eventually receive the knowledge of incorruptible life, having the knowledge of good and evil, one will fall away.  Willfully sinning, and Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil before they fell.  The knowledge of good and evil here has the flame flowing to it and through it.  The flame then also symbolizing incorruptible life. 

    Giymel: This also firstly represents a lampstand.  And again, the foundation, the wide horizontal bar,  is also reaching out or towards the 'tree' of the lampstand.  The foundation here represents a root.  Without the root, the 'tree' is alone.  But the root is not the base of the tree.  This shows the relationship in Christ being the light in the new heavens and new earth, and not the sun and moon.  The trunk of the tree has it's root in the horizontal bar, though the main trunk of the tree is itself singular.  This showing how there is still marriage in heaven, because in Christ, as spouses are for each other, so is Christ the root, in each spouse; therefore the root for each spouse, through each spouse.    

    Daleth: The Daleth shows the lampstand alone.  The symbol of the arm of the throne is also present in the Daleth.  What is the Father's kingdom without His Son?  In this way, the relationship between the root of the tree, and the base of the tree is shown.  Just as also the woman is foundational in the relationship between a husband and wife.  She is foundational, in that, the man can only also serve and submit to the woman, as much as she is serving and submitted to him.  Love is in giving each other preference, and esteeming each other more than one's self.  And this is where two become one, and where there is the exchange of fluids, that there is in relations. 

    He: The He also represents a lampstand, and is a further extension symbolically of the lampstand being alone.  However, with the additional marking on the left, there is the representation of a mantle.  Just as a door mantle.  And mantles also relate to prophets and prophecy.  The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy.  And along with this, love is to be pursued.  The substance of love is knowledge.  Love being the power and motivation.  Hope being the specific promise, and faith being the surety of it, even AS two are coming together.  The knowledge is God's if it is the testimony of Jesus Christ.  God is love.  Therefore the mantle is Love, and it coming together, and it meeting.  This also signifies the chosen seed.  And Love coming to pass.  The additional marking that turned the 'lampstand' figure into a mantle is not connected though, showing that the prophecy, or love, or chosen word or seed, has not come together yet, and been complete.  In love there is being created; and then faith is both being created and at rest, and then coming together to be one; and hope is being one.  Without hope, someone is only 'one' singularly.  With hope they are one plurally, even in love, and faith.  Knowing that they have always been together, and being on the way to coming together.  Just as also the Hebrew weddings, in which they are married at the beginning, and then have a song, and then come together fully at the end represents waking to having always been together.  Just as being in God's foreknowledge.  And just as hope is present in love and faith, but is not yet attained.  But faith is possessing and having the surety and knowledge of what the hope is, though it hasn't come to pass yet.  Here is also the relationship of the spiritual and the physical.  Along with love, faith, hope; there is awake, abide, and remain.    

    Waw or Vav: In the same way that the Daleth represented the question of what the Father's kingdom would be without Jesus, so does the Daleth represent the male being alone.  In that same likeness, so does the Giymel represent the female being alone.  In that same likeness then, the Bayth represents being both male and female, just as Jesus is, and the angels of God are.  Humans are in the image of God, being female singularly, or male singularly.  Jesus, and the angels of God are singularly both male and female.  And the Holy Spirit and the Father are as well.  Just as the Spirit has authority, but also serves.  And just as the Father has authority, but also in His love, grace, mercy, and passion concerns Himself with creation.  As it says in the Psalms.  Jesus is as the right hand, and the Spirit as the left.  And remember that the goats did not serve.  The Waw or Vav does not have the 'root' that the Giymel has.  Therefore the Waw or Vav showing the female not serving, as in relation to marriage.  The Giymel and Waw representing female through the 'weaker vessel' representation of the letter's makeup.  While the Daleth and the He represent male, through the 'stronger vessel' representation of the letter's makeup.  Jesus is also female, as He is God, and man and woman are in the image of God.  Just as wisdom is feminine, and Jesus is also wisdom.  And just as He is as the bride of the Father through the Holy Spirit.  And the Holy Spirit, again is both female and male.  The Holy Spirit is also a Person.  The Holy Spirit is only shown without masculinity or femininity in the neuter sense of the word in the Hebrew.  And in these cases the Holy Spirit is serving.  This also showing, that as a husband and wife submit to each other, and there is that coming together, and oneness in every context, and exchange; that they are no longer individually male and female, but together in the image of God.  Just as being of the same body, and having the voice of the bride and bridegroom is also triune, as God.  And in being triune, there is always continual relationship.  Therefore love.  Not being male and female anymore as Paul said, meant that IN CHRIST all are still complete, though also they may be completed in marriage with a spouse, and together in marriage, be a vessel for Christ, being His bride.

    Zayin: The zayin represents being like God and the angels, being both male and female singularly.  Whereas humans are male singularly or female singularly, and together are in the image of God.  The top marking represents Christ, just as also the middle marking of the Aleph. 

    Cheth: Back to the Zayin and the He: the additional marking of the He, that turned the lampstand into an incomplete mantle is the same shape as the Zayin's vertical marking.  Therefore the testimony of being both male and female singularly as Jesus and God's angels, is in this marking.  As humans are male singularly or female singularly.  Now in the Cheth we see the mantle fulfilled.  The curving in two directions represents being both male and female.   

    Teyth: This letter symbolizes what is says in the Bible regarding all of the nations being as a drop in a bucket, to the LORD.  The right marking pointing into the bucket represents female.  And the line represents what is female being flat.  Thereby being dry.  Eunuchs are men who can not have sex.  This is symbolic of what is female not being able to have sex.  When male and female come together and are one, the female also is male, through loving what is male, and being one with it.  And the male is also female through loving what is female, and being one with it.  The marking on the right represents male, and it is still aflame, also representing a flame.  The male being left, which symbolizes serving, and the female being right which symbolizes honor, is the testimony of submitting to each other, and giving each other preference, and exchanging 'fluids.'  Part of the understanding of the verse about the nations being as a drop in a bucket to the LORD, is that God is in heaven, and He does whatever He pleases, as the Psalm says.  The foundation of the letter is leaning or reaching out towards what is female, but what is female is dry.  The right 'tree' of the letter also shows being faithful in the little, and that leading to being faithful in much, as the letter Bayth did.  And the left 'tree' of the letter also only curves in one direction.  This differing from the Zayin and He's testimony of being male and female singularly, as Jesus is, through curving in two directions; instead of male singularly OR female singularly as humans are.  The differing of the left marking of the Teyth then, only curving in one direction, showing that the males 'tree' is only male. 

    Yowd: By itself the Yowd is diagonal, though in words it is vertical.  The diagonal shape of the Yodh is like lightning.  The vertical shape is like a flame that is without it's fullness (being small).  This testimony is as the same of Genesis 1:1-2, and Genesis 1:3-'in the garden.'  Just as Genesis 1:1-2 is God's imagination and Spirit, and is in eternity.  And Genesis 1:3='in the garden' is as God's soul, and Spoken Word which is Jesus.  There being Spirit, Soul, body; and Genesis 1:1-2, Genesis 1:3-'in the garden,' and 'in the garden.'  The flame without it's fullness shows that this lettering is before God's rest, as He rested on the seventh day.  The lightning shape of the letter as it is diagonal represents eternity coming into time. 

    Kaph: The Kaph is similar to the Bayth.  But the Bayth's 'stand' or 'tree' represented being faithful in little.  Here in the Kaph there is the representation of being faithful in the much.  This is through profitableness in love, and the Spirit, and Christ.  And "Well done, My good and faithful servant."  Faithfulness is through being spiritual.  The main wrong thing about the flesh, is that the small things get sacrificed in the clefts.  Therefore the flesh is without the small things, and that is why it is so sinful.  There is no sincerity, there is no pearl.   

    Lamed: This letter symbolizes the female body, and everything that is the testimony of Jesus Christ, from the female body. 

    Mem: This letter symbolizes a mountain.  And our heart.  Because the rams, and the calves, and the lambs, and ox skip.  And our heart skips and is ravished, in love and enrapturement.  The likeness of the female flat part of the Teyth here is made up for, through the male part.  The foundation is leaning or reaching towards the female part.  And the 'tree' or 'stem' of the right side represents being faithful in the little.  While the left marking, or leg, from the male marking that still represents a flame still only curves in one direction.  But that direction being towards the foundation.  The foundation is always Christ.  But there is also the testimony and type of Christ in His beloved.  Just as in Revelation and Isaiah it shows humans worshiping humans, because what we love we worship, and we are to do all things unto God, and He is in all things that are love, and in the Spirit, and in Christ.  Therefore Christ is the CHIEF cornerstone.  The middle marking of the Aleph curves in two directions, showing both male and female.  The foundation of the Bayth, Teyth, and Mem slant to the right.  This showing reaching out, as a plant for the sun.  The Bayth's 'tree' of the lamp represents femininity, just as the Giymel and Vav.  Though the Bayth and Daleth, as a whole represent masculinity.  The slanted foundations of the Bayth, Teyth, and Mem are reaching out towards femininity.  The sun represents the bridegroom, and the moon the bride.  Why is femininity likened to the bridegroom?  Because Jesus is as the bride of the Father.  And what is male is also a bride to Christ, being a vessel for Him.  Therefore leaning towards femininity is both asking for what is feminine, just as a bride is asking for femininity to be loved.  And so is love coming to pass, as Christ is the bridegroom.  Therefore what is feminine comes from what is masculine.  Therefore where authority is, there is femininity.  Therefore if there is authority in heaven, there is femininity.  Or else authority would not exist. 

    Nuwn: This is femininity fulfilled. 

    Camek: This is both masculinity and femininity fulfilled.  Also including the knowledge of good and evil being fulfilled by incorruptible life, as the Bayth.  The thinness of the bottom right corner represents not having been yet given to be faithful in what is much. This also being testimony that masculinity and femininity being fulfilled does not take away from being faithful in the little.  The masculinity and femininity are fulfilled through the reaching out and leaning of the directions of the markings. 

    Ayin: The bottom is a root.  And the two branches represents two lampstands.  The left is male, and the right female.  The left stand curves in two directions, showing being both male and female as Jesus and God's angels.  This is symbolic under the left representing male.  Thus showing that men, like Jesus, are not to be 'hard.'  Like 'being a man' is about 'hardness.'  And the right flame leaning towards the left represents what is female loving this. 

    Pe: This is similar to the Kaph.  Here having been faithful in the little from the Bayth, and given to be faithful in the much in the Kaph; in being faithful in the much femininity is given.  Just as the center marking of the Pe is similar to the left marking of the Aleph.  The Bible says that a prudent wife is an inheritance from the LORD, though riches and houses may come from an earthly father. 

    Tsadey: This is as the Ayin.  But the 'tree,' or 'root' of the two lamps is leaning towards the left instead of the right.  In the Ayin, both 'trees' came out of the root.  While with the Tsadey, both lamps are coming out of one branch.  The left is still male, and the right female.  Both the branch and the foundation are leaning or reaching out to the right.  The right flame coming out of the left flame's branch, from the male branch shows that the female lamp is dependant upon the males branch. 

    Qowph: This symbolizes the male body.  Both the Lamed and the Qowph curve in two directions, showing being both male and female as Jesus and God's angels are singularly, instead of just being male singularly or female singularly.  This again is showing how with hope, a husband and wife were always together.  Therefore even though the hope has not fully come yet, this testimony is in love, and faith.  And this is what is being awakened to, in the love song.  Just as also Isaiah 58 is about a love song, if a husband and wife deprive each other for fasting and prayer.  Just as they come together, and consent first, which is coming together; and then pray and fast to come back together.  The love song is as the Hebrew wedding, from going from the beginning where they are wed, unto the coming together completely.  This testimony also shows how the female is for the male, and the male is for the female.  The vertical line also curves in two directions, showing being both male and female, as Jesus and God's angels, just as the left lamp of the Ayin.  Again showing that 'being a man' is not about hardness.   

    Reysh: This letter shows, as the Daleth showed how what is feminine is foundation, (as also now, what is the Father's kingdom without the Son?), how masculinity is foundational.  For what is a kingdom without authority?  Therefore also, even if a woman submits, without the male submitting, there is no oneness.  There is no exchange.  There is no love.  When a man submits he gives his authority, just as Jesus did.  The old wives fable, that a girl has to wait for a guy to approach her, is not the whole word.  Because Jesus is the center.  And the Spirit is always seeking.  God does love first, but He is loving continually.  Therefore His creation may come together, regardless of who liked who first, or who approached who first.  Because in Christ, in love, the truth is present, and was always in Him.  Loving first, has more to do with who gives authority first.  Which is the male.  Females submit first, and receive authority.  And the female also gives unto the male, what she has done with the authority. 

    Siyn: The right branch curves in two places, and represents Christ, and Him being both male and female.  The far left is the male, and the one next to it on the right is the female.  In this, male and female are reaching out towards Christ.  This represents what is male and female together being as the bride of Christ, and vessel for Him.  Just as in marriage.  Here also, the hope of the male and female being completely one, though they are singularly shown.  Just as love, faith, and the love song.  The male is behind the female, showing support, just as also their branches stem out of the same root, foundation and or place.  And their branches are also curving into each other. 

    Tav: This is the fulfillment of the Daleth, He, Kaph, and Pe.  And it is fulfilled with the wife, just as the Pe, and just as the left marking of the Aleph.  In the Siyn, the female flame was flat just as in the Teyth.  Representing dryness.  This is true poorness of spirit.  Poorness of spirit is not to be in false humility.  As if God's will is for us to not want anything.  Or that we are poor in being spiritual.  We are to be poor to the world.  And that means to be rich in the Promises of God.  And His hope does not disappoint, and is assured through love.  Peter remarked about women having inward beauty and also submitting to their husbands.  And to win their husbands through their conduct.  And the male is to love fully the wife, therefore being behind her.  And therefore, in anything that they lack, they will be supported by each other, just as Solomon spoke in Ecclesiastes.  If one falls, the other can hold them up.  If both fall, Christ can hold them up.  The flame on the bottom *left of the Tav differs from the bottom *left of the Aleph.  Therefore the female has been fully met.  And the male has also been met, just as the Daleth and the Pe represented the male.  And the likeness of the Daleth to a throne shows that authority has been met.  And thus all things have been found to be good.  The Tav also has the testimony of a mantle.  And the left vertical line of the Tav is curved, also symbolizing a mantle not being fulfilled without marriage and it's fulfillment, and both male and female being met.  And along with that, authority, and submission being met.  The curving of the left marking of the Tav represents male and female being together, and still not being neuter.  This is the image of God.  For the only neuter tense that there is in Him, is in the exchange itself between male and female.  As a male gives His authority, His authority and life and love go out from Him.  The male therefore is leaning and reaching out to what is feminine.  Both to his wife, and to Christ.  Just as Jesus did, both to His bride, and to His Father.  This is the context of what Paul said, about there being no longer male nor female in Christ.  Because the neuter sense is only in the sense of us giving our glory to Christ.  Which is casting our crowns before Him.  The neuter sense is DURING the submitting to each other, that a husband and wife do in exchanging.  And this is before coming fully together.  The male and female curving and shape of the left marking of the Tav, shows that the hope is not the neuter, but male and female together as the image of God.  Presently right now God's angels, are His servants, and presently they are in the neuter sense.  Not that they can't in the future be married, and not that they do not have genitalia.  The nephalim are the offspring of the demons who took women for wives.  After the marriage of the Lamb, then there will be marriage in heaven.  God wants to give gifts, and rewards, and Promises, even to us.  The be attitudes aren't about not wanting things.  And the end of worshiping God as not wanting anything is to not even want Him anymore, because without His gifts, inheritance, and Promises, and being like Him in all things, there is only vanity, and darkness.  And Jesus is married.  And weddings denote incorruption, hence the marriage of the Lamb after the new heavens and new earth.  And no one will be able to fall away.  Therefore just as Jesus and God's angels are both male and female, so will His people be.  But, in this, there is still marriage in heaven, with His creation, also having spouses, under Him.  Looking to sin, and ungodly sorrow, do not lead to His truth or life.  His angels do not yet have incorruption, and they are learning through what we do that is love, and in the Spirit.  Man may have incorruption, but man also still, living, has a body that has sin.  Jesus is the Angel of the LORD, just as God's angels don't let people worship them.  Our new bodies are going to be like Jesus' and the angels of God's bodies, as we shall be both male and female.  But just as there is one person for everyone, and that is where virginity is, the 'other sex' comes from the other spouse, and them having always been together.  Being the virgin bride of Christ means that we have no other Supreme Creator.  And virginity is eternal.  Just as a daughter's virginity is to have never known a man.  And a wife's virginity is to know no man but her husband.  Male and female together being the image of God fulfills God whereas the neuter sense is in submitting and becoming an open vessel.  The neuter sense is UNTO male and female together being the image of God, and fulfilling Love and His Word.  The neuter sense is not going to be what we are eternally, because then we would not be receiving.  Every time we submit, and or cast our crowns, afterwards, we gain more.  And we don't gain more neuter, because that would mean our vessel would not have been filled.  If there is no femininity in heaven, then there is no authority.  And even His creation is going to have authority, just as the profitable servants.  With Jesus living in me, He is one with me.  Therefore it is Jesus inside of me, and in full context I am everything He is except Him without Him.  As He manifests through me, me being in His testimony and type, and also a unique vessel of His love.  This is how we can be exactly like Jesus, and everything He is except Him without Him.  Therefore I do not count it robbery to be equal with Him, through Him.  Because oneness, is equity.  Therefore with me being one with Him, and me being in Him, in full context He is everything good I am, because it came from Him, and with me living in Him, I have every good thing in Him that He has given, is giving, and will give to me.  And just as I said that a wife gives back what she did with her husband's authority, so do I with Him.  Casting crowns, does not mean that we possess nothing, or that neuter is eternal.  God is still going to create when we are in heaven, and there is a new earth.  We will be fully eternal, but time is still also going to exist, and time denotes creating.  What Paul said about not being male or female anymore, means that our neuter won't be incomplete.  Which means that Christ is filling us, just as in Isaiah it says that before we call He will answer, and while we are still speaking He will hear.  Just like Christ and the Spirit interceding also.  Thus Christ being our light, and not the sun or moon, and though we will know as we are known; meaning that Christ will fully encompass us, and therefore be completely in everything we do.  But this doesn't refute marriage in heaven, because God is in everything that is love, and the Spirit, and in Christ. 

    The 'final' letters of the Kaph, Mem, Nuwn, Pe, and Tsadey represent the neuter tense.  The dots in the letterings represent completion.  One representing being one.  Two representing two witnesses, which a husband and wife are until they come together completely.  And three representing plural oneness.  The "T" stands for the trinity.  And the spoken word of Christ.  The top bar of the letter "T" representing the two witnesses, going out from depths and power of the LORD.  The horizontal lines under the lettering, along with these other figures, represents present tense. 

    Words can also be read prophetically, through meditation, just as single letters may be.  From right to left or left to right, both give the definition and how to possess it.  Just as the Spirit leads to Jesus and Jesus leads to the Spirit.  From the outsides in gives how to stay and or abide in it.  The Spirit leads to Jesus, and Jesus to the Father.  And it is the Father whom gives Jesus as our abiding.  And Jesus gives the Spirit as our abiding.  And the Spirit speaks about Jesus, and Jesus the Spirit, and both of the Father.  Through the Father, as we abide in the Spirit, Son, and Father, we are given to bear fruit.  Which is the gifts, inheritances, and promises.         

    Comment (2)

    Mon, Oct 8th - 2:04PM

    Praise and worship

    The Bible says to praise Him with understanding.  Understanding means possessing.  There is love, faith, hope; and wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  The substance of faith is the knowledge of God, by which we have great and precious promises.  That is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.  Substance denotes tangibility, that is the spiritual knowledge of God.  That is being spiritual.  Therefore we possess His Promises, and that is praising Him with understanding.  The unprofitable are those who bow, not receiving anything.  When He comes, it is to give rewards.  The knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.  Therefore in Him are all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  Therefore we have eternal life in KNOWing Him.  The knowledge that puffs up, is in religion.  It is in not having the love of God, but only do's and don'ts.  As is idleness, and simplicity, and vanity.  Simplicity is of the evil one.  The English translations that use simplicity as being good should say pure, single, genuine, or sincere.  Simplciting was not wrong in the OT, and then good in the NT.  It is the doctrine of Baal.  Baal meaning "lord."  Therefore we have love and edification in the eternal life that is KNOWing God.  Not in the nothingness, idleness, and vanity of simplicity.  Therefore we may speak the truth in love, and have our faith working through love.  Knowing that it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom, and that it is false humility which denies His Promises, and being spiritual; also substituting good showings of the flesh, and works as the basis of righteousness.  Therefore we worship Him, seeking Him in Spirit and truth, walking in the Spirit, and according to faith.  As our deep calls unto His deep.

    Comment (0)

    Mon, Oct 8th - 1:40PM

    The laver

    One great point about the laver, was that no one brought the laver to people, people came to the laver.  In context of not just trying to tell people their sins.  Moses did wash Aaron.  There could be religion both ways.  People trying to take the laver to people or people to the laver, and people saying that no one can tell them they sinned. 

    The difference is in what Paul spoke about this being a ministry of reconciliation.  Also, along with that, is what happened with Jesus and Peter concerning going out.  The first time, they did not bring anything with them.  But Jesus again told them after that, to bring things with them.  And of the things He told them to bring, were swords.  Peter then had two swords, and the Lord said it was enough.  The two swords symbolize the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  Jesus does have His own Spirit, though He is also one with the Holy Spirit.  Jesus said that there was an end concerning Him, this signifying there being an end to His death and sufferings.  Therefore anyone who is in any kind of fighting or warfare or defense, is still accountable to acting in Him. 

    The ministry of reconciliation is shown as Paul said "As if God were pleading through us: be reconciled with Him."  And this also concerning Promises, as that is what is being offered.  Therefore Promises show the ministry of reconciliation.  This being over any kind of zealous courting, as to lead into good showings of the flesh, and works of the flesh.  And any kind of righteousness that is through them.  Just as also God came down on people finding the strength of their own hand in Isaiah 57.  Most people look to following the Bible, as far as it being God's rules, and do not walk according to being new in Him.  The cross kills our sins.  The resurrection gives us perfect, sinless, and incorruptible insides.  Carrying the cross then is the outward person perishing, rotting and dying, as the word for 'die' in John 12 shows.  And also as Jesus' body was made sin, while His insides were perfect, and were poured out.  Therefore we are cleansed, though out feet may become dirty.  The feet being dirty symbolizing our outward man perishing and fading away, and being blown away, while He gives life into our mortal body.  Therefore with the Promises of God, we are faithful, and are carrying our cross as we give our BODY as sacrifice, not sacrificing the Spirit, but our BODY as He did.

    We are also to wash others' feet.  And Jesus did this with His own clothing.  Hereby signifying that we ourselves are submitting to each other, in love, and the fear of the LORD.  And in this submitting we are as in sackcloth.  This signifying that we do not judge by the flesh, only in the Spirit.  And if we are judging in the Spirit, rightly as Jesus said, then we are not imputing people's sins to them.  We are esteeming others more than ourselves, and giving them preference.  And we are also laying our lives down for others.  We are filling up in our flesh, just as Jesus did, others' sins.  And therefore walking as He did.  And when we do this, we are loving others as we love ourselves.  We are doing unto them, as we would want them to do to us.  We are treating them, as we treat ourselves.  We are thinking soberly.  And we are not thinking more of ourselves than we ought.  Just as Paul said.  This is something that is to be done, concerning brothers and sisters.  And to be done unto those who walk in the Spirit.  Meaning that those who are friends of the world, are not going to receive us.  And we should also not marvel at that.  Those who walk according to sowing to the flesh, can not receive the Spirit, nor the things that are of Him.

    Comment (0)

    Mon, Oct 8th - 12:42PM

    The 'paraklete'

    In speaking about the Holy Spirit, the name in the Greek for "Comforter" is 'paraklete.'  It also means "Advocate." 

    Isaiah 59:19
    When the enemy comes in like a flood,
          The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him

    There are also Scriptures with the word 'banner' that speak of the Spirit too. 

    And also consider what Paul said about 'committing' things to the LORD.  And how the Eternal Spirit led Jesus.  And then consider what Paul said about the Spirit interceding for us.  The Holy Spirit is named the Promise.  Therefore when we pour out our soul as Jesus did, and also as Paul did, there is surety in God.  Just as David also prayed, and just as Hebrews explains.  And just as Paul said that the promises of God in Him are "Yes" and "Amen."  Therefore if we continue in Him, being spiritual, we shall reap, though we physically die, or spend our strength (Isaiah).  He who sows in tears shall reap in joy (Psalm 126).  There is nothing too hard for Him, and what can separate us from His love?  Jesus' body became sin, but He poured His insides out, which remained perfect.  David said "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear."  And John spoke about how God is greater than our hearts.  Therefore let God be true and every man a liar.  And if our hearts do not condemn us, we have surety in Him, and faith, in believing that we have what we ask for, even in praying.  That is faith, for hope is in the future, and we do not yet possess our hope, nor see it.  But our faith knows our Promises in God.  That is the substance.  Faith is present tense.  As we walk by faith, and in the Spirit, we know that our insides are perfect, having been born again, incorruptible.  Just as Jesus' insides were sinless, but His body became sin.  Therefore if we continue in Him, and give our BODIES as sacrifice to Him, we are faithful, and have His Promises, though we do not yet see them.  Just as the seed dies, but life comes from within.  That is the outward man perishing, and fading away, and being blown away, but He also gives life into the mortal body.  That is the kingdom of God that is inside of us; we have no continuing city in the physical, but the kingdom of God inside of us is incorruptible, and abides forever.  In John 12, the word for 'die' regarding the seed, also means to rot.  Therefore if we walk as He did, and do not cast off His Promises, we are carrying our cross, no matter what.  And the love of God assures us of our hope.  The Spirit is the Promise, and Jesus was the sacrifice, sacrificing His body, therefore we should never sacrifice the Spirit, the Promise, nor the Promises of God.  And He comforts us in our distress.  Also leading us.  He reveals to us things to come.  He bears witness with our Spirit, as we also love God.  Through laying our body down, and through being spiritual, and not denying the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is the only way to receive Jesus, thus being in Him, having the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  And the Spirit reveals to us Jesus, and all of His glory and riches in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  And thus we worship Christ.  And that is where His power comes from.  It is not wrong to worship the Holy Spirit.  We should worship Him.  And Paul did write concerning having communion with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit gives us Jesus, but Jesus also spoke of giving us the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is a Person, and is equal to Jesus, and the Father, being a part of the Godhead.

    To sacrifice the Spirit, is to blaspheme Him.  And that is casting His words behind, just as also the only way to receive Jesus, is through the Spirit.

    Comment (1)

    Sat, Oct 6th - 10:35PM

    Loving life, or a life of love?

    And what about the ones who do have physical fruit? The ones who have kept themselves 'unspotted' from the world? What about the ones who do reach out to the poor and needy (James 1:27)

    What does Amos show? It shows people having a beautiful sanctuary, and singing beautiful songs, and using money to make everything beautiful. The fear of the LORD isn't reverance and awe. It is knowing that He won't spare ANYONE. That He will show no partiality, or favortism. That is the severity of God, and that is His whole counsel.

    What did they do in Amos? They sold the poor and needy for one silver piece, and for one pair of sandals. Silver symbolizes redemption. So these churches who claim to be unspotted from the world, and reaching out to the poor and needy- do you know what I have found? I have found that every single 'outreach' takes people in, and they are not allowed to leave from the 'outreach' place. And they have to stay for an allotted time. What do the sandals represent? They represent this poor attempt to reach out. One pair of sandals. What is going on? Most of the poor and needy have problems with drugs, alcohol, or were in prison. These so called 'outreaches' are doing what they are doing, so that their works will evidence their righteousness and right standing with God. Therefore the poor and needy are sold as slaves, and are working to make the rich richer. While they themselves are only brought under graceful condemnation. As if God's love, grace, promises, and discipline is that they should be happy with having what they do have. And they are only given 'so much' in fear of the rich being bad stewards, and the poor and needy being wasteful. And the whole operation coming into judgment. What is the power of God?

    James 5:1-6
    Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days. 4 Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 5 You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. 6 You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.

    Matthew 19:16-26
    16 Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”
    17 So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
    18 He said to Him, “Which ones?”
    Jesus said, “ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ 19 ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”
    20 The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?”
    21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”
    22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
    23 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
    25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”
    26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

    Is perfection then something that is only for those who /really/ want to be /perfect?/

    Matthew 22:1-14
    1 And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, 3 and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come. 4 Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are killed, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding.”’ 5 But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business. 6 And the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them. 7 But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. 8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. 9 Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’ 10 So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.
    11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. 12 So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
    14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

    1 John 2:5-6
    whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

    Revelation 3:1-6
    1 “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write,
    ‘These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. 3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. 4 You have a few names even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. 5 He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
    6 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’

    So what is everyone supposed to do? Become homeless?

    Acts 4:32-37
    Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. 33 And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. 34 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, 35 and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need.
    36 And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, 37 having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.

    Revelation 3:14-22
    14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,
    ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
    22 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’”

    Hebrews 5:12-14
    For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

    Why did Jesus say to buy from Him if grace is free? It means to sell everything to Him. Even one's physical life. Then there will be the reception of being spiritual. And then there will be the kingdom of God, which is in His power.

    Ephesians 1:15-20
    15 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places

    If someone doesn't believe they are inwardly perfect, how can they already have entered in?

    Psalm 42:7
    Deep calls unto deep

    1 Corinthians 12:31
    But earnestly desire the best gifts

    What are the best gifts? There were two commandments which were the greatest, the first and the second. The apostle is the highest gift, and under that the prophet.

    1 Corinthians 12:28
    first apostles, second prophets

    1 Corinthians 14:1, 3
    Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy

    he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men

    Prophets are promisers. The second commandment is how to enter in. It is also the fulfillment of the law. The second commandment was fulfilled by Jesus, abolishing the law. It is to lay down our lives.

    Acts 20:26-27
    I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.

    The whole counsel of God is that anyone claiming to be faithful in God's house can fall away unable to be renewed to repentance if they do not enter in. Having their soul sealed on earth as it is in heaven. As Paul spoke about attaining in Philippians. That being different from receiving the new body. And he had attained in 2 Timothy. Obviously the whole counsel of God is not something that should just be preached to people who have already heard. Think of it. If the whole counsel of God is preached, then what is there to lose, if His Promises are still the gospel that is preached? Because that is what the gospel is, that is the Spirit of life, that is the "Yes" and "Amen." And no one can receive Jesus without the Spirit, the Spirit is the Promise. Therefore it is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, to HOLD BACK the whole counsel of God. Which is also how Ezekiel was treated by the LORD. Sin is what separates from God. And it is sin to hold back His whole counsel. Therefore with this sin out of the way, there may be more love, more passion, and more of His power, which is His kingdom. Then we will have REAL righteousness, peace, and joy, having the kingdom of God inside of us in Spirit and truth. Then people will have sincere faith, from the beginning! Therefore no one will start out on the sand. For the seven letters to the churches in Revelation start with Ephesus who left their first love! And if we with knowledge of the whole counsel of God, cast it behind us, it is willfull sin! As according to Hebrews 6 and 10, to be punished with everlasting punishment. Thus also, not overcoming, and not overcoming evil with good, but trading away faith, as Esau and those who are never to enter His rest.

    1 Corinthians 14:24-25
    if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in, he is convinced by all, he is convicted by all. 25 And thus the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you.

    Comment (0)

    Sat, Oct 6th - 9:36PM

    Straight up

    Hebrews 11:33, 35, 37-38
    obtained promises

    not accepting deliverance

    They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented— of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.

    Judges 16:16-30
    And it came to pass, when she pestered him daily with her words and pressed him, so that his soul was vexed to death, 17 that he told her all his heart, and said to her, “No razor has ever come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother’s womb. If I am shaven, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.”
    18 When Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, “Come up once more, for he has told me all his heart.” So the lords of the Philistines came up to her and brought the money in their hand. 19 Then she lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him. 20 And she said, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” So he awoke from his sleep, and said, “I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself free!” But he did not know that the LORD had departed from him.
    21 Then the Philistines took him and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza. They bound him with bronze fetters, and he became a grinder in the prison. 22 However, the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaven.

    23 Now the lords of the Philistines gathered together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, and to rejoice. And they said:

    “Our god has delivered into our hands
    Samson our enemy!”
    24 When the people saw him, they praised their god; for they said:

    “Our god has delivered into our hands our enemy,
    The destroyer of our land,
    And the one who multiplied our dead.”

    25 So it happened, when their hearts were merry, that they said, “Call for Samson, that he may perform for us.” So they called for Samson from the prison, and he performed for them. And they stationed him between the pillars. 26 Then Samson said to the lad who held him by the hand, “Let me feel the pillars which support the temple, so that I can lean on them.” 27 Now the temple was full of men and women. All the lords of the Philistines were there—about three thousand men and women on the roof watching while Samson performed.
    28 Then Samson called to the LORD, saying, “O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray! Strengthen me, I pray, just this once, O God, that I may with one blow take vengeance on the Philistines for my two eyes!” 29 And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars which supported the temple, and he braced himself against them, one on his right and the other on his left. 30 Then Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” And he pushed with all his might, and the temple fell on the lords and all the people who were in it. So the dead that he killed at his death were more than he had killed in his life.

    The hair, as a priest, and it not being cut, symbolizes having been set apart from the LORD from birth. In this likeness, those who are born again, were always with Him. The god Dagon symbolizes a half man and half fish. Fish usually represent humans, and also in the representation along with that, of them being without purpose. Dagon symbolizes there being a mixture between having purpose and not having it. This is also true in regards to the depths of Satan. And Babylon. As the depths of Satan is believing that 'we are sinners, and that that is the way it is.' Babylon in it's meaning also has to do with 'mixing.' The false doctrine of the church is that the saved are only left on earth for one purpose, and that is to save other people. The mixing that is in the meaning of Babylon also carries into 'believers' not walking by the Spirit, honoring that being born again, means having perfect insides. David also saying that if he regarded iniquity in his heart the LORD would not hear. Just as conviction also is about 'who someone was.' And the talent is who God wants them to become. And people trade away walking according to being inwardly perfect, so that they have physical fruit. It being easier, also not having to work out salvation, as far as HOW sin came. Original sin was taken away in Jesus, also shown in Romans 5. And being born again, means having perfect insides. He doesn't give another corruptible heart. And it isn't that He is inside of us, but we are inwardly sinful. And there isn't a cross in the sky between us and Jesus.

    Psalm 126:5-6
    Those who sow in tears
    Shall reap in joy.
    6 He who continually goes forth weeping,
    Bearing seed for sowing,
    Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
    Bringing his sheaves with him.

    Witchcraft is how to sin. And there is relief for the kingdom of darkness, in making out evil to be nothing. Therefore when the cross is an end, as far as sin, and people do not walk as He did, carrying their cross; by not sacrificing Promises in the clefts, and by not dying for each other; also laying down the physical body as He did, for His Promises- then there is witchcraft. This also happening as people don't die to the coarse of this world. And what is the coarse of this world? It is in man doing what is right in his own eyes. Any good thing, that isn't completely perfect in Christ, is evil. It isn't that what man thinks is really evil, is what is evil in God's eyes. God says to not let good works not enter into heaven, because of them not being perfect in Him. Man's righteousness' are menstrual rags. The Book of Amos shows the religious system that was present then. And just because people aren't following the Law of Moses, but are claiming grace, doesn't mean there isn't religion. When grace is elevated above love, and when love is sacrificed in the clefts, in the name of anything; whether it be the greater good, or saying things like "It's all about God," then there is religion. What do people trade away, when they choose to have physical fruit instead of working out salvation, as in having perfect insides? Faith. Just as Esau did. For one morsel of food.

    Romans 7 shows how it is not the inward person who sins. 1 John 1 shows how we still need to repent of the body's sins. Hebrews 6 shows how any claiming to be faithful in His house must enter in, having the soul sealed on earth, as it is in heaven, along with the earthly inheritance, gift, and promises. Though some may die trying. Paul had not entered in yet, when he wrote Philippians, and spoke about attaining. And that attaining is also different than receiving the perfect body. That attaining is this entering in. And in 2 Timothy he had entered in. Paul's promises from God in leaving Egypt being that he would suffer for Christ, and preach the gospel. Salvation is worked out, not through stopping at the cross, as far as sin goes, and then also going on to having good works, and claiming that that is His life. Salvation is worked out through knowing that everything can be restored and reconciled, as is the ministry of grace. Therefore there should be no 'deletion' of 'the past.' Having our past sins forgiven and forgotten only goes as far as we work out our salvation. To 'delete' the past is to sacrifice in the clefts. People do this, thinking it is God's will. But the cross means that we walk, even though the outward man is perishing, and NOT SACRIFICING HIS PROMISES. The Holy Spirit is the Promise, and Jesus was the sacrifice. Therefore sacrificing promises is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. And there is no other way to accept Jesus accept through the Holy Spirit. Walking as He did carrying our cross, also means that the past is going to rot and die as a part of our outward man. The word die in John 12 speaking about the seed, also means 'to rot.' And that is going to happen until the new life comes. And this shouldn't 'simply' be called 'process.' Because 'process' takes away PASSION. And zeal, and real passion come in knowing what Paul told the Romans about the severity of God. We should be working out our salvation, bringing forward the inward man, and not 'simply' leaving it on the cross. But walking with it, WITHOUT sacrificing His Promises. We work out our salvation, as we give beauty for ashes, command light out of darkness, and create things which do not exist as though they did. This is where the power of God is. That is what His kingdom is. This is delighting in the LORD and receiving the desires of our heart. And that is being a lamp on a hill. That is evangelism.

    When people aren't doing these good things, and are also doing these bad things, they are just as the Philistines. And the Philistines are a testimony of witchcraft. Also being pirates. The pirate's flag was the skull and crossbones. And what are people doing when they say things such as "It's all about God, and it isn't about us." And also saying that the saved are left on earth, so that they may save other people.

    God's Promises are the light. That is the hope. And that is the way to faith. The cross became 'how to not have to be inwardly perfect.' This started as people reached out to people, saying they could be saved still, not having inward perfection before the being saved. But having the cross be 'the saved' not having perfect insides is false doctrine. And the motivation for these things, is that "There is no Law anymore" became the focus to evangelizing. But the focus has to be Christ. And Christ is received through the Spirit. And the Spirit is the Promise, and ALL Promises in Him are "Yes" and "Amen." From the depths of Satan, which is saying that we are sinners and that that is the way it is; comes the motivation of ungodly sorrow. Which is only hating the consequences, and the bad things; but not having, in Spirit and truth, the purity, perfect love, fervent love, zeal, and whole counsel of God (Which is that anyone claiming to be faithful in His house can still fall away, if they do not enter in). And so people glory in their shame, which is graceful condemnation. And stopping at the cross. Instead of creating love. Like setting camp up at Marah, which symbolizes His death, and not walking according to being inwardly perfect, which is complaining at Meribah. And the wood at Marah that Moses threw into the water, symbolizes Christ, not the cross. Christ was living, but died, and was cut off, and suffered outside of the gates. And in this people cast off the knowledge of God, which is how we have His great and precious promises. People say that faith is the spiritual knowledge we don't see, but that is evidenced through our works, and so physical fruit then is how to be a profitable servant. But the substance of faith is the knowledge of God. And that is being spiritual. And that is what we don't see in the physical. And Paul wrote about how those who were not spiritual, were babes in Christ- also in Hebrews, it showing how people shouldn't be babes for very long. What is eternal life? KNOWing Jesus. The unprofitable servant essentially told Jesus "I haven't perfected the heart yet, and you haven't perfected works yet, so we are even." It was the Pharisees who judged by sight and the flesh, and their own understanding and righteousness, though they claimed it to be God's; as far as being right in Him. And that is what was going on in Amos. And when people cast off the knowledge of God, pretty soon, everything is about organizations, and buildings, money, and 'numbers' of peoples. And that is not where faith should lie. And discernment and judgment is to be in the Spirit, and in truth. Which means that any who judge, are wrong, if they are regarding sin in their heart, also not walking in the Spirit, as with perfect insides. And this is what Paul rebuked in Romans 2, and what James and John came against. People organize things, concerning what they lack in the Spirit. Coming up with pastoral visions, and the 'mission' of the church, and it's 'purpose' isn't in the Spirit just because it is short and sweet. And because the words are right. When people cast off the knowledge of God, they cast off Christ, and His riches, and His glory, and His Promises and blessings. Paul wanted people to have the spirit of wisdom, and revelation. And spiritual understanding. When people cast off knowledge, they cast His words behind them. And also His Spirit, as the Spirit is the only way to receive Jesus. And when people cast off the knowledge of God, only profane and idle bablings come in. Just as the Bible speaks about the importance of words, and how they also can direct one's whole life. Therefore the depths of the knowledge and love of God are quenched, and He is grieved. But people still 'claim' grace! Profane and idle bablings don't have to be curse words. The profanity is using His name in vain. And this shouldn't be present in the church. An example would be coming into church, and someone saying "They let you in here?" And church shouldn't be a job! That is what prostitution is. People put their faith in organizations, 'numbers' of people, money, and buildings. And so now whenever anything seems to compromise this, the ninety-nine and their leader's are 'hanging out.' Having fellowship is good. But with these bad things, and without these good things, that is all that there is going to be!

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    Sat, Oct 6th - 2:55AM

    1 Samuel 14:6

    Sometimes in deliverances Jesus named the spirit He cast out.  Sometimes He didn't.  Sometimes He cast them out with a word.  And He also cast them out without a word. 

    Knowing the names of demons, namely their function, and that as their name, we aren't witches who call the demons by the names they want to be called; sometimes it helps, like calling a dog. 

    In the same way, we call God by His name, and He in glory responds. 

    In the same way, without Jesus, calling on God, would be like us being the dog, telling God what to do. 

    In the same way, witches are as the dogs, being used by the demons, though Satan has promised them the kingdoms of the earth. 

    In healings, knowing the 'names' is important.  Just as in commanding, in warfare, and prophesying. 

    I try to find the demon's function before trying to cast it out without knowing it.  This way I am being faithful in the little.  By trying to find the stronghold, and assignments, and fill the room with riches.  Giving promises, and prophesying, and not having unbelief, and casting His word behind me.  Also not insulting the Spirit of grace, and trampling upon His blood.  So that there isn't the parable of the unclean spirit departing.  Just as Proverbs shows that the knowledge of God is the riches in the room.  But if I can't find the demon's function, it is because of something.  It means that I haven't really began to prepare the way.  Not at the root.  Which is also how John the Baptist spoke to the Pharisees.  We can be saved, and still act like them.  Just as we can be both the good guys and the bad guys, for instance, in the story with Jehoshaphat.  Preparing the way is repentance.  These things are true.  Just like the reason people don't get healed, delivered, cleansed, and saved, is because of sin.  No matter what anyone says.  Disease, sickness, and death, is all because of sin, and it's effects, and the works of the devil.  But Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.  Therefore if we die, we are still saved.  Most people don't want to admit this, because they are living in the depths of Satan.  Thinking we are sinners and that that is the way it is.  And they have false grace, thinking grace is being allowed to be okay with God, though being a sinner.  All who are not new creations, also being perfect inwardly, having sincere faith, have grace in vain.  People who say it isn't God's will to heal, deliver, or save, are lying.  The same as saying His power is different nowadays.  Sin separates from God.  Anyone saying that they do have faith to be healed, but aren't healed, are lying.  They may have the hope to be healed in heaven, but not faith to be healed here on earth.  Faith is the present.  Hope is the future.  We don't see hope as Paul said, because it is the future.  And all who don't have faith, aren't saved.  Not believing in Jesus presently.  Just as also there is love, faith, hope; and the past, present, and future.  We have to repent to be healed, and delivered, and cleansed, and saved.  And the words in the Greek for healed and delivered and made well are the same Greek words for saved.  Just as healings, deliverances, and being cleansed of sin, are all parts of being saved.  Soteria is being saved from the sinful condition.  Soterion is being saved from the sins we have after that.  Sozo is being saved unto perfection.  Even now and today, as we are saved presently, if we believe in Him, and have the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  And just as we may have complete healings, and deliverances, and be cleansed from all of our sins. 

    Meekness isn't just being quiet, as I have said.  It is obeying/loving/knowing the voice of God.  And His voice speaks out of the overflow of His heart, we are in His image.  And His voice speaks through His Spirit.  Abraham and Moses pleading with God, are examples of this.  God spoke law, but redemption was in His heart.  Meekness then, in Spirit and truth leads to boldness, and having boldness in Spirit and truth.  God gives grace to the humble.  Humility not being graceful condemnation, but knowing it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom, therefore:

    Luke 5:17-26
    Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them.  18 Then behold, men brought on a bed a man who was paralyzed, whom they sought to bring in and lay before Him. 19 And when they could not find how they might bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the housetop and let him down with his bed through the tiling into the midst before Jesus.
    20 When He saw their faith, He said to him, “Man, your sins are forgiven you.”
    21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”
    22 But when Jesus perceived their thoughts, He answered and said to them, “Why are you reasoning in your hearts? 23 Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Rise up and walk’? 24 But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.”
    25 Immediately he rose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. 26 And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, “We have seen strange things today!”

    If we believe this, and therefore have life in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit.  He will give life into our mortal bodies.

    Soteria is used in the beginning of Luke speaking about having salvation from our sins through Jesus, when Zachariah spoke.  Original sin was taken away by Jesus.  That is how we have the new birth, the new spirit, heart, and soul.  The new creation.  The inward man.  The perfect and sinless insides.  Just as this is what is being talked about in Romans 5.  Our sinful flesh isn't original sin.  The original sins was taken care of with the circumcision of the heart.  Therefore our outward man perishes, and we carry our cross, just as His BODY became sin.  And the seed dies, but life comes from within.  And there are also different words for salvation used as having hope as the helmet of our salvation, in the two verses about that.     

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    Sat, Oct 6th - 2:18AM


    If you think this is Christian Science, then you either are going to have to not call yourself a Christian anymore, or not go to the doctor anymore.  Plus, they cleansed and refined the spoil, and cleansed themselves, and kept the spoil, before they entered the Promised land, when they fought the Midianites.  Balaam was in Midian.  And Balaam was a magician (Book of Jasher).  What does the Bible say about physicians? 

    Schizophrenia is not multiple personality disorder.  Schizophrenia is confusion in the imagination.  Paranoia is fear in the imagination.  The imagination is water, just as the Spirit is.  Gen 1:1-2 being as His Spirit.  Spirit, soul, body; Gen 1:1-2; Gen 1:3-'in the garden;' 'in the garden.'  Water is everyWHERE in us.  And the dew of the LORD saturates and replenishes, giving providence, and also giving youth.  Multiple personality disorder is fractal imagery.  I use the orange peel example again.  The orange peel can be broken up into smaller and smaller pieces, but it's still from the same orange.  And the information, in seeing the orange peel as knowledge (as teh second heaven), still has the same software.  In the disorder the software is being over rided.  His blood is everyTHING.  Life, light, power, and more.  And the blood carries the substance, the knowledge.  What is water without light?  Formless, void, with darkness over the face.  Like an alphabet without the letters making words yet.  There is matter, as there is the alphabet.  But without the light, there is no language yet.  In chemistry elements can exist without making gas, or liquid, or a solid.  In this same way, there is energy, as the water is energy, but it isn't form yet without the brooding.  As eggs are brooded over.  What's the deep in Genesis?  Love, which surpasses knowledge, and is beyond knowledge's extents.  Meaning we need the chosen seed, Jesus, of eternity into time, from His eternal foreknowledge, to possess it, and understand it.  That is the 'unspeakable' (as Paul wrote) into the Word magnified above all His name.  (When He speaks it, it is the name of the deep).   

    In the brain there are mainly three chemicals having to do with mental health.  There is nor-epinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.  Nor-epinephrine causes the heart to increase in it's beating.  Dopamine is the chemical balancing the system in the body that is fight or flight.  Serotonin is the chemical that has to do with overall well being.  These chemicals are balanced in the soul, and the mind is a part of the soul.  The mind contains all of the soul's input, but is the place of the soul that decides what to manifest.  Thereby having to do with hope.  And it is unbelief that fights hope.  Therefore the mind's importance.  Though the life that is in the mind, is contingent upon the heart.  Just as also Adam didn't breath out, until the breath from the LORD gave him life into his heart.  Dopamine is likened to the will.  The will is like an electrical wire, that has power, but is not switched on.  Kind of like potential energy.  Just as also, faith is a rest, as well as coming together, having rest, after having been created, as the LORD rested on the seventh day.  When the will has kinetic energy there is volition.  The nor-epinephrine is likened to the ruwach, which is the breath.  And that is where the power comes from.  The serotonin is as the nephesh which is the personality.  The personality is who we were, who we are, and who we [and will] become.  Kind of like a snow ball rolling down a hill.  Nephesh is translated as both 'life' and 'soul.'  I have translated the nephesh before as our 'total inheritance.'  We get to be unique in Christ.  

    Remember that the three words for mind come to translate as 'reins,' 'kidney,' and 'spirit' from the Hebrew.  Reins are as the past.  Just as a horse goes from destination A to destination B.  The 'kidney' is also the organ of our wellness, and is as the present, also as it is a destination point.  The spirit is likened to the future in this trinity, and the Spirit is as water.  Therefore reins is as blood, kidney as an organ, or the body as a whole, and the spirit is as water.  Which covers everything in our body.  Our skin is an organ, and all of our vessels are part of systems which serve organs.  Making our body's systems the paths we are on.      

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    Sat, Oct 6th - 1:40AM

    It's all in Jacob's hip

    When Paul said "If anyone thinks he knows anything, he doesn't know yet as he ought" it is about His death being going on to perfection.  Just as it says in Hebrews 5 that they were not ready for meat yet.  Also saying in Hebrews 6 that they needed to go on past the foundation of repentance.  Just as repentance, His death, His life.  In His death, no one knows anything.  His sufferings began in the Garden of Gethsemane.  That is why He said first that He wasn't going to ask the Father to save Him from that hour, and then in the Garden He did.  That is why on the cross He said "Why have You forsaken Me?" 

    So I try to make everything true in every context, and go from there.  Thus the divinity, without also sacrificing His Promises, prophecies, hope, and Spirit in the clefts 

    And in giving the flesh over to death, we are doing good.  But evil manifests, as resistance.  It was the will of God, it pleased Him to put Jesus to death.  The mind of Christ led Him to death.  He laid down His own life.  The Spirit led Him to death.  Jesus took up His own life.  The Father raised Him.  And the Spirit did. 

    He died first, making it possible for us to also follow Him, die to sin, and inherit eternal life.  And yes His death is the night.  Repentance being the path of the righteous and just, His death being the night, "You have answered Me" being the morning star, and then coming unto the perfect day.  But we already have the word of faith, just as He had to die first, for us to have it.  The word of faith being that He died and rose again, dying for sins, and rising 3 days later.  Therefore we do have the light in His death.  Just as also the stars and moon govern the night.  Therefore Psalm 92, the parable of the tares, Ai, Him condemning sin in the flesh, and the back and forth from Isaiah 40-66.  And Him condemning sin in the flesh, does not mean our promises can get taken away.  Because contextually what is corrupted fades and blows away, as the outward man perishes.  But the inward man comes forth, just as we work out our salvation.  And this makes sense, just as what we have repented of, we can no longer sin in.  Though until the full death, and resurrection, sin finds other ways (morphing, I think of it) to manifest the same act.  And this is the outside of the seed AS it is dying.  What is in-between His death and life?  Preaching in Hell.  Kind of like the holy version of "I told you so."  And contextually after the full death, we can't do that sin anymore no matter what.  But the new life hasn't come yet.  So we could still feel like the 'nature' of it is there.  But love, faith, and hope should keep us.  And the morning star rises as the wicked are cut down, through the word of faith sprouting His new life.  The stars minister therefore to those who will receive salvation.  Just as they ministered to Him also after He was tempted, in the same way, or type; though sin wasn't placed on Him until the Garden.  But He did everything He did so we could.  Just like how He was poor so we could be rich.  This is kind of like the technicolored coat.  Which is like how we could have the testimony of David one minute, and then be in the testimony of Jacob the next, as they were types of Christ.  We go into another color, as the chosen seed is given.  Which is understanding, possessing.  Which is the importance of the word substance in Hebrews 11:1.  It means we have the Promise now, though we don't see or haven't received what the Promise 'IS' yet.  The going into different testimonies is what is happening as different parts of our soul are being filled.  Kind of like how a diamond sparkles in the light.  And white is every color.  Black is the absence of light and colors.  Our heart and spirit is filled when we hear the belief, but haven't agreed with it yet.  To bel'iev'e and possess is to agree.  The verse in Hebrews that speaks about none of the angels being sons of God, though the angels are called sons of God, is in reference to incorruption.  No one had that inside of them, but Jesus.  The light we see, as we are waiting for the morning, as a watchman, and David wrote about how He waited for the LORD more than those who watch for the morning; is from the stars.  And the moon is also representative of Jesus, as He is as the Bride of the Father.  The moon tells us just as Jesus told Paul, that even in our weaknesses that His grace is sufficient, as His strength is made perfect in weakness.  His grace again isn't that sin is okay with Him.  It is the free gift of the power of God by which we receive Him.  I find the more I am faithful in the little, the less I take advantage of grace.  And this is important, because that is what willfully sinning is.  But God can save even from that,  if it is just the flesh.  And not the heart, and spirit.  Because all sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  Remember that God commanded Adam and Eve to not eat of the fruit.  And Peter knew Jesus was the Christ, and still questioned Him.  And David under the law should have been stoned to death.  And the disciples left Jesus.  This is what Paul is talking about in Romans 7.  When we have sincere faith, the willfull sin is sin, and not us.  And this is how 1 John 1 still makes sense, though it is speaking about the body and sin.  We can repent of willfull sin still, as long as we have sincere faith.  Otherwise there would be no division between soul and body.  And His Word can divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and the thoughts and intents of the heart.  The life and soul is in the blood, the blood being the carrier of it, just as the soul is a vessel for the heart and spirit. 

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    Sat, Oct 6th - 12:56AM

    Warfare, prophecy, and divinity

    Whatever I do in warfare, I first give my flesh over to death. That way if I lop off any heads that weren't supposed to be lopped off, I'll know that there won't be any real damage. Giving the flesh over to death comes from Jesus willingly giving Himself up to die. And that is as the seed dying in John 12. And the word for die in John 12 also means to rot. Which is the outward man perishing. What happens with speaking the word of God in authority, is that some things, can't be taken back. We are supposed to be as specific as possible. Darkness is vague and general. Simplicity is nothingness, which is the doctrine of Baal, exalting Jezebel. Giving the flesh over to death is carrying the cross, and in symbolism is preparing the way unto life. Though preparing the way is repentance, and is before His death. But there is still preparing the way going on before the full death. I find that the more specific I am, the more faith and power there is. Though sometimes it takes some work, and balancing. Just as working out salvation. Finding out what happened when sin manifested. Because born again people have perfect insides. In knowing that, it is so awesome to know that the right thing was always done, and that there can always be reconciliation and restoration of what is corrupted. Just as what it means that the church is built on Peter. As Jesus fully restored him at the end of the gospel of John. So there is always beauty for ashes. We can always command light out of darkness, and create things that do not exist as though they did. Also, there is a difference between His commands and His Word. Like in the Navy when they call Parade rest, no one moves until rest. Rest is the command. And so it is imperative to find out what to command. And this usually leads into finding the strongholds, and the assignments of the enemy. Love is always to be the motivation, and Promises are always to be the sustaining thing. Just as hope sustains us, and hope is His Promises and prophecies. To know what to do, there is wisdom. And the carrying out of what the wisdom is, is always to be the testimonies of Jesus Christ. Which is the spirit of prophecy. Therefore edification always comes. Just as He does everything in His praise, strength, and joy. Believers only get stronger. I find that I can find the truth if I take what is specific, and see if it agrees in every context. And also take what is a concept, and try to take it down to the most specific place it has.

    Prophecy is saying "This is the LORD." Which is why it is to be established by two or three witnesses. And a husband and wife, in regards to their own lives, are two witnesses. Just as they aren't one in every context until they come together. But hope is sure, because of love. But in regards to things that affect other people they should have other witnesses. And also it helps to have other people who understand prophecy. Though anyone who has love is sufficient. And I find it is always best to only try to give what is little. Just as he who is faithful in little, is also faithful in much. That way words are few. Unless someone knows the Spirit is moving in something for sure. What happens sometimes when there are a lot of words, is that something comes out, whether in mood/spirit, or word, that is embarassing.

    Divinity is letting the "yes" be "yes" and the "no" be "no." Sometimes there isn't the whole word yet in divinity. And when the whole word gets established, it is prophecy. Though it is still divine. And also a part of divinity is giving things, and allowing others to decide, while still not compromising what is given. But in this also, it still is wrong to falsely test people. People should test themselves. Though also some people have things going on with other people, in which being tested isn't being usurped. And some people are tested by things, that weren't meant to be a test, or on purpose.

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    Sat, Oct 6th - 12:00AM

    The end of the argument

    Zechariah 14:21
    Everyone who sacrifices

    If the earth and heaven are destroyed, and there is no death in the new heavens and earth, then what is this?

    This is the end of the argument that the Second Coming is the same as the rapture, and the 1,000 years is the same as the Judgment.

    In Psalm 50:5-23 Jesus is talking to the Holy Spirit in "Gather...." Just as He shall reign physically on Mount Zion in Jerusalem after the Second Coming for 1,000 years before everything is destroyed. This also shown in Psalm 2.

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    Fri, Oct 5th - 9:32PM

    What I believe

    Rapture one: Enoch- who taught the wisdom and knowledge of God
    Rapture two: Elijah- symbolic of the body of Christ, Elisha symbolic of the bride
    Rapture three: the church- not destined for wrath, saved from wrath
    Rapture four: the 144,000- Revelation 12 showing the 144,000 with the TESTIMONY of Jesus Christ as the male child, and raptured between Revelation 14 &15.  They are the gift in Isaiah 18. 
    Rapture five: after the 1,000 year reign, Psalm 50:5-23

    Rapture definition: to be caught away
    *Likened to entering in

    Five the number for creativity.  And the Holy Spirit.  (Pharoah hardened his heart five times, blaspheming the Holy Spirit)

    Jesus rose with many saints on firstfruits.  These saints being the saints who were in Salem, with Melchizedek.  Jesus ascended with these, and also took captivity captive.  Taking those who were under the law out of the Paradise where Hell was fixed next to it.  Taking them into heaven, where they still rest as Daniel (Daniel 12).  Christ doing this, fulfilling those He took captive no longer waiting in Paradise, so that they may rest, having in them the knowledge of His sascrifice and resurrection.  Though they have yet to resurrect having new bodies, this not happening until the second resurrection.  The Paradise is where the soul is, and Christ poured out His Soul.  Hell operating in the second heaven, still being close to Paradise.  Christ taking their souls also to the third heaven to rest there.  Just as also Genesis 1:3-'in the garden' is the spoken word, Christ.  This also symbolic of the soul.  As spirit, soul, body; and Gen 1:1-2, Gen 1:3-'in the garden,' and in the garden.  

    Jesus raptures His church before the Tribulation, and OUTPOURING of His wrath in it.  The church meeting Him in the clouds.  Christ's Second Coming according to Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19.  The remnant sees Him coming in the clouds, and mourns, but is not raptured.  Physical bodies go through the 1,000 year reign, along with those in the first resurrection, the latter part of Zechariah 14 here.  The judgment is after the 1,000 years.  This is where heaven and earth is destroyed.  And when the second resurrection is.  And this is where the angels throw the wicked into the lake of fire.  This is where the person without wedding garments on is thrown into the lake of fire, the lake of fire being where outer darkness is.  70 AD was the sign of Matthew 24. 

    Right now Revelation is being fulfilled spiritually, just as all of His Promises and Testimonies are eternal.  The remnant isn't going to turn to Christ, therefore they go through the Tribulation in Revelation physically.  The "Come up here" spoken to the two witnesses likened to the "Come up here" spoken to John, symbolizing the rapture of the church before the Tribulation.  Also just as the dead in Christ rising mentioned in 1 Thessalonians is not the first resurrection, as that is in regards to the Jews.  The Jews being Jews still, though right now in being in Christ, there is no Jew or Gentile; being "IN CHRIST" the necessity for that.  The dead in Christ being the dead of the church.  And His return for His church being according to the sign of Jonah.  Which is that as Jesus rose on firstfruits, and the dead rose with Him, so shall the dead of the church rise in this manner.  Then forty days later, as Christ ascended forty days later, so shall the dead in Christ, and the ones living be raptured.  Having walked just as He did.  While the world goes through the Tribulation.  This including the remnant who doesn't turn to Christ before it, therefore now having Matthew 24 be to the remnant. 

    The dead in Christ rising then is shown symbolically in Genesis 17, those who have entered in also then to receive incorruptible bodies.  The Lord coming to Abraham after this, and eating with Him being symbolic of the church now in heaven, being raptured forty days after the dead in Christ rising.  This being the time in Revelation 4.  Abraham pleading for Sodom and Gomorrah representing the church also pleading for the remnant, just as Abraham also was not in Sodom and Gomorrah, and Revelation showing the spiritual name of the Holy City being Sodom and Egypt.  The time of life unto Abraham and Sarah then symbolizing marriage in heaven, after the new heavens and new earth, and marriage of the Lamb.

    At the resurrection no one is married.  The righteous are going to know their state and be rewarded.  And the wicked are going to know theirs and be punished.  This being the end of the wrath of God.

    Luke 20:34-36 (Interpreted from the Greek)
    And answering them this, Jehovah is salvation, this son this period of time of this one to give in marriage presently and to be given in marriage: this moreover to account worthy pertaining to this period of time, he that attains and that rises from the dead, that from death neither is to give in marriage presently neither be given in marriage presently. Neither to die and be able to die now, like the angels are, and are to be a son of God, this being a son of the resurrection.

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    Fri, Oct 5th - 6:20PM

    In His counsel and by His strength

    People treat discipline as if it means to gain the will to obey.  But then they also don't believe they can be inwardly perfect.  Or that that includes their will.  The will is a part of the soul.  It is the porch area of the temple, where the pillars Jachin and Boaz are.  Jachin meaning 'in His counsel' and Boaz meaning 'by His strength.'  In Mark when it speaks about the first commandment and it being the greatest, in the Greek the word that is translated as 'mind' in the English, should be translated 'volition.'  As we should worship God will all of our volition.  To be born again, means that we can have perfect insides.  And that from the beginning of salvation.  Running our race and entering in means that our soul is established on earth, as it is in heaven, just as our earthly promises are.  That means that our will is perfect, if we are born again.  The infilling of the Spirit means having perfect insides.  It is not that God gave us another corruptible heart.  It is not that Christ is in us, but that we don't have perfect insides.  It is not that there is a cross in the sky between us and Jesus.  In the OT they were able to have the Spirit upon them, and in them only as He was upon them.  Which is also why David asked God to not take His Holy Spirit from him.  Because that it was possible for that to happen in the OT.  But after Pentecost, with the infilling of the Holy Spirit, people are perfect inwardly, and the Spirit abides forever.  Sin comes from the body.  Romans 7 shows humility.  1 John 1 judgment.  And Hebrews 6 mercy.  These being the first three parts of the circle of heaven.  The circle of heaven being humility, judgment, mercy, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and love.  Mercy is not just undeserved favor.  It is God's ability to obey Him.  This being in the context, that He doesn't have to give it.  Romans 7 shows how it is not our inward person who sins.  1 John 1 shows us that we still have to repent of the sins of the body.  Therefore we are perfect inwardly.  And working out our salvation means that we bring forth that perfection.  And we account for how sin happened.  This is not returning to our vomit.  Returning to our vomit means glorying in shame.  Which is as the depths of Satan, thinking that we are sinners, and that that is the way it is.  And this is also where the offense of the cross comes.  Because we are supposed to want things, and it is graceful condemnation that doesn't run the race according to faith, but only according to works.  As people trade having perfect insides, to be able to have good physical fruit.  Because if we walk knowing we are perfect inwardly, then we have to work out how sin happened, and not just say it is on the cross with Jesus.  And that now we can go have good works.  Being spiritual means that we walk according to what is in the Spirit, and not what we can see.  This is why people said the early church were doing evil so that good may come.  We have to bring forth reconciliation and restoration.  That is what the ministry of God and grace is.  And that is where the power of God is.  This means that we don't just sweep the past under the rug through the cross.  But we redeem and save what should have, could have, and would have been.  Through giving beauty for ashes, and commanding light out of darkness, and creating things that do not exist as though they did.  Then we will have fulfilled obedience, and punished disobedience.  Not through accepting consequences.  But in bringing forth the Promises and knowledge of God.  Then we will have gone beyond binding and loosing, into establishing His kingdom here on earth, as it is in heaven, through walking as He did. 

    Our focus should be on the Spirit and meditating on Him.  Not on how to have good showings of the flesh, and having physical things, even it we think it is good fruit.  Through walking in the Spirit, our bodies will receive His life, to be able to have our flesh do His will.  As we work out our salvation in doing this, then our insides will be freed away from the filthiness of the flesh and the spirit.  The filthiness of the spirit being the corruption that is over us, though we are inwardly perfect.  That being as the prince of the power of the air.  Thus we shall not have grease and fat, but be clean.  Therefore discipline is more closely that we meditate in the Spirit, and walk according to His Spirit.  Meaning that we meditate on being in Him.  Being perfect in Him, and having our belief be rooted in that.  And then as we walk in Him, our bel'iev'ing will be walking according to His Promises, and not what we see.  Then we will redeem the time, and also bring forth His kingdom here on earth. 

    With humility, judgment, mercy, and righteousness, the first four parts of the circle of heaven, we may do these things.  As humility is knowing that it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom.  Humility is as the pillars in the womb of the earth.  This mentioned in Job 28.  The womb of the earth is judgment, as mentioned in Job 28.  Mercy then are as the earth's thighs.  And repentance it's surface.  Judgment is what brings equity through balance.  It is not always coming down on evil, just as David also asked God to judge him by His strength, and the joy of the LORD is our strength.  Also, God established the mountains by His strength.  And mountains represent rule.  And again the joy of the LORD is strength.  Judgment is incorruptible life flowing through the knowledge of good and evil.  Therefore coming through why things are good and bad, into choosing and being what is good.  Women are represented by wisdom.  Which is also how Satan played Eve.  Wisdom is also Jesus, as Jesus is both male and female, male and female being in the image of God.  There are seven pillars of wisdom: love, wisdom, discernment, the fear of the LORD, discretion, understanding, and knowledge.  These come forth from humility.  Men are represented as understanding.  And undestanding is how Jesus fits in.  Thus Adam was not complete without Eve.  It was not good for him to be without her.  And Adam's words were the first praise in the Bible.  But wisdom does not come through usurping authority.  It comes through the description of love there is in 1 Corinthians 13.  Why is wisdom first, when man was created first?  Because this representation is after Adam and Eve both being created.  Together man and woman are knowledge.  What did Solomon pray for?  Wisdom and knowledge.  And this is where Song of Songs came from.  The works of our hands, are not organizations, or buildings.  They are as Job's works in Job 29.  Judgment is shown, just as also pregnancy is forty weeks.  Cleanness is what is represented by thighs, just as with Jezebel, and Isaiah 47.  These first four parts of the circle of heaven are also the way unto unity.  Four being the number for unity.  

    Jesus is our temple.  The angels do not yet have that, as they do not yet have incorruption.  They are the voices that proceed from His throne.  In Jesus, in marriage, given by Him, men and women may share Psalm 27, as knowing each other.  And they together, as His bride.  There is also a promise to be a pillar in His temple, never leaving.  This is an example given of how a bridegroom also encompasses a bride.  It is in esteeming each other better that there is the exchange, as there is an exchange of fluids between husband and wife.  And this is according to Manasseh and Ephraim.  But as both husband and wife submit to each other.  But in relationship, people can only submit to each other and GO ON to bear fruit TOGETHER, according to how much they have submitted to each other.  Therefore there is balance, and no usurping.  Because the husband can not submit (Jesus submitted to and served His bride) and serve his wife, any more than she submits to him and serves him.  But in love and through giving each other preference this oneness may grow.  The art of war, is that the enemies strengths are counted as weaknesses.  And that one's own weaknesses are counted as strengths.  The 'art of love' is to give each other preference, therefore being together in all things remains.  And therefore woman comes from man, woman encompasses man, and man encompasses woman, and they never leave.  That is love.  Even between married couples, just as together also, they are His bride.  

    Whatever we love we worship.  God's testimonies are how we receive Him.  And it is through testimonies that we have marital love with Him.  Just as also He is in everything that is love, and of the Spirit.  Therefore also being in the marriages of His beloved.  Therefore all things are done unto Him.  Marriage isn't a weakness in serving the LORD.  Not in any means.  Sin is weakness.  How do people abstain from worldly things, apart from the weaknesses in marriage due to sin?  Through the testimonies of Jesus Christ all things are done unto Him, and there is edification.  Saying "God first, family second, and job third" is a saying of man.  And if anyone wants to get real about it, that is the knowledge of good and evil without the incorruptible life moving through it.  God should be in everything.  Therefore we aren't sinful just because we aren't on our knees all day.  Therefore I am worshiping God, though I love my guitar.  And am worshiping God as I play it.  Therefore love in marriage doesn't take away from loving God.  No.  It is a vessel for it.  Beyond this, in the OT people used to bow down to the king.  In Isaiah it shows how people will bow down before people.  In Revelation it shows that people will bow down to people and worship them.  This is God being in the gifts which He has given us.  

    Do any people take advice from their Pastor?  Doesn't the Bible say to not trust in man?  Do any people heed their leaders' rebukes?  Doesn't the Bible say to not fear man?  First we must listen to God, and then as we are in Him, then as He is in the believers around us, we worship Him, through our love.  

    The Spirit of Elijah is the Spirit of repentance.  Elijah was over Elisha as a bridegroom is over a bride.  That relationship is also in discipleship.  Elijah therefore had authority.  And therefore the way to authority is repentance.  Even for the 'bride' as Elisha received a double portion of the Spirit of Elisha.  Just as all brides also receive one portion above, as is the Promise of Joseph.  This being a type of being in Him through Promises.  "AS" Isaac with Ishmael (Ishmael also being blessed, but not a son of promise).  Paul said that his authority was for the good of the church, not for their destruction.  This is how the bride has one portion above.  From Joseph came Manasseh and Ephraim, who symbolize marriage.  Joseph is a type of Christ, as His creations also are like Him, having monogamous marriages.  The joy of marriage, as authority is balanced, is that what is female, is created for the male.  And in this it is the male's gift that all that he has, even his authority, is for the female.  And the female's gift is that she is completely loved by the male.  Benjamin also showing the perseverance of marriage, as he is called little.  And as Jesus said that he who is faithful in what is little, is faithful also in much.  Therefore also showing the blessings of Benjamin, as it was the light bearing tribe.  Therefore the kingdom of God, the riches of the glory of His inheritance is made known, as a lamp on a hill, as family thrives.  Therefore 1 Corinthians 7 may be regarded in the right spirit.  Because what is written about marriage, is written so that no one forgets, we still have to overcome.  In marriage, that is done together.  

    Meekness is not just being quiet.  It is knowing, loving, and obeying the voice of the LORD.  And His voice speaks out of the overflow of His heart.  His voice, speaking through His Spirit.  Therefore when Abraham and Moses pleaded with the LORD, they obeyed Him.  As His heart was for salvation, but His mouth spoke law.  

    Adam and Eve could not eat of the tree of life because they couldn't esteem it, not having the knowledge of good and evil.  The knowledge of good and evil is not evil.  All that God created was good.  And Eden means 'heart of God.'  Without incorruptible life to fulfill the knowledge of good and evil, someone falls away.  Adam and Eve only had the knowledge of good, being like children.  The fallen angels had the knowledge of good, and of good and evil.  Therefore God didn't sin, in anyone falling.  But creation was subjected to futility by Him, that all may come to be like Him.  Knowing what is good and evil, and choosing and being what is good.  That is God as no one has fully seen Him.  Adam and Eve saw God.  And people saw Jesus, and Jesus is God.  This is God as Immortal, Incorruptible, and a Promiser.  And this wasn't deism, because all were with Him, until they fell.  But God subjected creation to futility, and is creating vessels of mercy, and wrath.  Adam and Eve didn't willfully sin, and without the knowledge of good and evil they couldn't have known what to do.  The fallen angels sinned, having willfully sinned, having the knowledge of good and evil, and falling, not having incorruptible life.  Therefore man may be saved, though the fallen angels can't be.  None of the angels yet have incorruptible life.  Though man, who still has sin, may have it.    

    When Jesus said that God is the God of the living, and the God of Abraham, was Abraham's marriage dead?  Marriage isn't an example of His wrath, and it isn't going down into perdition.  God is saving marriage, though some people are saved, having to work out their lives, through sin.  What is temporary is not marriage.  What is temporary are some of the things that happen before the new heavens and new earth.  There will be marriage in heaven after the marriage of the Lamb.  Weddings denote incorruption.  Adam and Eve were married but did not have a wedding.  And in the OT, they had incorruption upon them.     

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    Fri, Oct 5th - 3:54PM


    People don't understand what discipline is.  First of all, people read Psalm 23, and love the funny feeling it gives them.  Second of all, they don't understand what the rod and staff are.  The rod is the Word, and the staff is the Spirit.  Discipline to most people, means that they gain their will to be able to have obedience.  When Satan came to Eve and tempted her, he gave her a white lie.  This is also how the world and religion tests people.  Satan told her that God commanded her not to eat of the fruit, because she would be like Him, if she did it of her own volition, which was what God really wanted. 

    Discipline means to change.  It doesn't mean to force anything.  It doesn't mean to take things away.  It doesn't mean to 'slay people in the Spirit.'  It doesn't mean to give people what is going on that is wrong, so that they can learn from their 'mistakes' or from looking at what is evil. 

    The Bible does say to use the rod.  But what does that mean?  It means to be directed by Jesus.  People also don't understand that the only way to receive Jesus is through the Spirit.  Not doing that, is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  The way to Jesus has been given, it is the Spirit, and it is established by Jesus. 

    How does the Spirit discipline?  Through the Spirit of life.  Which means "Yes" and "Amen."  The Promises of God, are what He gives.  And they are how to change and to grow.  Without the Promises of God, there is only legalism and consequence.  People also think that accepting consequences is discipline.  But it is not.  Being accountable means finding a way to abide in God.  And what is God?  Love.  And people should be making themselves accountable.  People don't make other people accountable, that is how the kingdom of darkness works.  Consequences were put on Jesus.  Just as the word 'avon' in the Hebrew was also put on Him (Isaiah 53).  The Promises of God are what changes people.  Because those who are His are new creations, and according to Paul, and the Spirit, that is what matters.  What does the Law say?  It says "Cursed is anyone who does not continue in the things that are written in this book, to do them."  The law is based on 'ifs.'  The Promises and blessings of Abraham and Christ are sure and steafast, and that is where faith and believing come from.  Yes, God did call Abraham, but what God spoke was not in any 'if.' 

    The main mistake that parents make with disciplining children, is that they don't understand that until the age of accountability, that their children's actions, life, and beliefs are because of, and founded by the parents lives.  That also carrying over still after the age of accountability.  Which is when the body has 'flowered' in puberty.  Most parents look at their children in this way: they want their children to succeed and be happy because THEY (The parents) love them (the children).  And they don't want the children to do anything, that brings shame to the family.  But that is not love.  Because love wants the other, to be able to be who they are.  And love themselves.  And to be happy in what they do, according to what they want.  That is the true meaning of Him loving us first.  And that is what He gives, when people REALLY receive Him.  That is serving.  That is submitting.  That is being a good example.  That is teaching, and disciplining.  And bringing up children.  That is what Jesus does for us.  It is false doctrine, and very vague and general to just say things like "It is all about God, and it isn't about us [or me]."  And God is specific, and His delight is in our joy and happiness.  That is why we are the apple of His eye.  Most people say things like "It is all about God" because they themselves are finding out their own iniquity and hating.  Just like the above example of how parents falsely love their children.  Most people who say "it is all about God" are on the forefront of their OWN ministry.  And are trying to simplify things so that people can follow them, and also bear physical fruit with them.  While the real works of God, are in people, but not in the sense of having a full house.  The real works of God are in knowing Him, that is what eternal life is.  That means that we are supposed to have the knowledge of God, and be giving that.  When that is done in speaking the truth in love, then people are edified.  And that is faith working through love.  The knowledge we are not supposed to have, is religion.  Which can come in various forms, even in 'freedom.'  Just like the kingdom of darkness.  And most persecution that takes place in the world is through complacency and silence.  That is evil surety.  The knowledge of God, is the substance, which is faith.  And it is the evidence for what is not in the physical.  And that is being spiritual.  And the works that come from that, are manifestations of love.  And are not to be in the simplistic and graceful condemnation of the Laodicean church.  Which has no depth. 

    The rod and the staff, is administering the knowledge of God.  And it is through His great and precious Promises.  Which is also how we know Him, and the only way to know Him, just as also the Spirit is the Promise. 

    What then are the applications of the rod and staff, which may be chastening at the time, but good for bringing life, and saving from death, making us legtimate children of God?  It is as David said: "All of your waves and billows have gone over me."  This is submitting, as we deny ourselves from walking away from His Promises.  As we die to the coarse of the world.  As we don't sacrifice in the clefts, but let our bodies be the sacrifice for the Promises of God.  That is the cross.  The offense of the cross, is that we do want things, just as the purpose of Jesus' sacrifice.  The offense is that we undergo the outward person perishing, and it seems as if we are doing evil that good may come.  The offense of the cross, is not that we want things, but the cross tells us not to.  The joy set ahead of Jesus, was the Promises of God.  When we submit in these ways, then we are in discipline.  And the word discipline is where the word disciple comes from.  And nearly every reference where 'disciple' is, there is this understanding.  Not of sacrificing the Promises of God, because that is sacrificing the Promise, the Holy Spirit, and blaspheming Him.  For Jesus was the sacrifice, for God's Promises.  In this also we seek God, and continually.  Which is what is written in Romans 8, about those who worship Him.  That the children of God are continually led by His Spirit.  And this is worshiping in Spirit and truth.  This is knowing who we worship.  Because it is the pride of religion, and false grace to be puffed up in, and proud, glorying in shame, in what we don't know.  Because the cross became how to not have to follow God completely.  And knowledge became evil.  The knowledge that puffs up, is religion.  And the do's and don'ts of it.  God gives His riches, which is knowing Christ, and in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  Thus, if we worship God, and also do this in regards to our relationships with others, we are walking as He did.  When we seek God continually, and do not just beleive what we want to believe, through leaning on our own understanding, through circular reasoning, and believing things before they are proven in the Spirit, then we are as David, as he said "Deep calls unto deep."  That is our spirit seeking His.  And returning His love. 

    How can we not only submit to Him, but seek Him, through the cross, in dying to the coarse and things of this world?  Fasting and praying.  Also knowing Psalm 119, and Daniel's prayer.  Knowing that it is God's good pleasure to give us the kingdom.  As we do this, then we will be meditating on Him, and continually.  Which is the first part of love, and creating, and having works of love.  Thus we will grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Thus we will abide in Him.  Thus the kingdom of God will be opened to us.  Thus we will prophesy and edify.  Thus we will have the spirit of wisdom and revelation.  Thus we will understand mysteries.  Thus the power of God will be in our lives.  Thus we won't be only having a type of godliness, but be denying His power.  Thus conviction, praise, and being commended in the Spirit, and in truth will remain.  And the kingdom of God is in power.  Then we will have righteousness, peace, and joy, and not the leaven of the Pharisees, which is in 'peace and safety.'  Then we will reach the ends of the world.  Then we will be worshiping with a pure and clean and clear conscience IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH.  As the power of God is made known to people, being mighty to save in His mercy, those He has foreknown.  Conviction reigning in Spirit and truth, as people are moved away from their old persons, into being new creations in Christ, in praise.  As people are moved away from the spirit that is in the world, the prince of the power of the air, not through the leaven of the Pharisees, or legalism, in it's many fronts, even false grace, and false freedom.  But people will be moved out of the corruption and lusts of the world by the Promises of God, and thus no longer remain in the depths of Satan, as even the church believes that we are sinners and 'that is the way it is.'  And thus the power and kingdom of God, and His glory will be as a lamp on a hill.  And His will, will be established on earth, as it is in heaven.

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    Thu, Oct 4th - 8:58PM

    Read it and weep

    Eunuchs are men who can't have sex.  What did Jesus say about eunuchs? 

    Matthew 19:10-12
    10 His disciples said to Him, “If such is the case of the man with his wife, it is better not to marry.”
    11 But He said to them, “All cannot accept this saying, but only those to whom it has been given: 12 For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.”

    What is the spirit of 1 Corinthians 7?  It is that in marriages, there are going to be problems.  Therefore Paul wrote what he did, about it being BETTER not to marry.  People can get into a marriage, and find a whole lot of trouble.  Just like the problems Paul talked about.  What did Paul want?  He wanted people not to get caught up in physical things.  Do you know what happens when couples argue?  They are offended at their spouse, because they aren't getting what they want.  So they have to be reconciled with their spouse, to be able to be right towards God.  As Peter spoke about.  First of all, people don't even get totally right with God.  They hear about grace, and they drink it up.  But what does it mean to come boldly to the throne of grace?  The antichrist spirit isn't that someone thinks they can be perfect.  The Bible is very clear, it is the body that sins.  The antichrist spirit says that perfection hasn't come yet, and that it hasn't come into the flesh, and that it wasn't Jesus.  Coming boldly to the throne of grace means to expect that we can be perfect.  That is how we don't have Mount Sinai anymore, which could not be touched.  Grace is not being able to be a sinner and be okay with God.  That is the depths of Satan.  Thinking that we are sinners, and that that is the way it is.  Grace is the free gift of the power of God, by which we receive Him.  Second of all, I would like anyone to come forward who thinks they in any way have followed not caring about the things of the world, outside of speaking about marriage.  I know not one.  Every church, and every Christian I know of, walks as if all physical things are lawful (within reason and godliness), and that they are cleansed by the LORD, and good.  And that God is better, yes, and should receive being Chief.  But beyond this mere understanding, I want to know who walks this way.  And here is the difference: do people say that they are inwardly perfect.  That is the doctrine against walking only for the Spirit.  Because people exchange being inwardly perfect, for having physical fruit.  So they say their hearts are not perfect, while they say they have good fruit, and that God worked the fruit.  According TO THE GOSPEL, those who are born again are inwardly perfect.  ON TOP OF THIS, I want to know who walks like this.  Because in walking like this, what happens, is that it must be reconciled, how sin happens.  And THAT is what working out salvation means.  Simplicity makes things into nothing, and takes nothing and makes it into things.  What is marriage in heaven?  Nothing, the simple say.  What is perfection in God right now?  Nothing the simple say.  What do they make from nothing?  Pretty soon God handles the spiritual, and we do the physical if we are faithful.  And then the spirituality people claim to exhibit still is being 'moral.'  Or thinking about things apart from the 'really' bad things of the world.  Look it up in the Bible about being able to be perfect.  And perfect and blameless are different words, even what God said in Genesis 17.   

    If anyone wants to remain unmarried, I want them to show me them worshiping God only.  Having nothing in the world.  And it being all about God, and not us.  So what is that supposed to make everyone?  Evangelists.  So it's all perfect.  We all go out and save other people.  And then have good fruit.  And our perfection is in not having 'really' bad sins.  And of coarse, God is good, so there is relationship.  But what is relationship with God to most people?  Simplicity.  Christianese.  "God put this on my heart...."  "Where God guides, He provides."  "Cleanliness is next to godliness."  "God told me...."  "God is calling me...."  "God is good all the time, all the time God is good."  What about prophecy, that which EDIFIES?  "Prophets only illuminate the word we already have.  The cannon is full.  There are no new things."  What happens?  "It doesn't matter if we know prophecy or not, that isn't what saves people."  What do most people then think prophecy is?  End times studying.  And "I might get married, but it's only allowed because of sexual immorality."     

    So now everyone dresses like and imitates Christ Tomlin, and Matt Redman.  So now everyone wants to worship 'undone.'  And 'passion' is spoken about.  People hear God isn't condemning anymore, and that now they are so hungry and thirsty for Him.  But what is going on?  What is passion?  People say they want it.  Here is what happens with most people regarding passion: "Thank God I am not accontable."  And then what happens?  "I will be accountable through having good fruit."  And even "Abstaining from evil."  What were the Pharisees doing?

    Anyone want to know the power of God?  Is it that He doesn't move nowadays?  Or that it's more important to save people, then cultivate being healed?  Simplicity waters down God.  Anyone want to know passion? 

    Romans 11:21-22
    if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either. 22 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.

    More Christianese: "There is no perfect church."  People think the unprofitable servants are the ones not having works like them.  Hmmm.  "You should 'plug in' at a church."  "You need to be grounded in the word."  "The authority is in the Scriptures."  "Christian theology...."  "The gospel: "Jesus and Him crucified."  "You have to know doctrine."  

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    Thu, Oct 4th - 5:40PM

    The time of our life

    The Father is spiritual, I say spiritual because He also has a soul. Jesus, His Son, the King, is God in the flesh. And we are the flesh for the Spirit. The bride of Christ, collectively, is everyone after the marriage of the Lamb. In Psalm 2 when the talents go to Jesus, in "Ask of Me" that means that they are going to be born through His bride, which is specifically, those saved, who were under the law, and who will inherit the earth. Because man and woman together, are also His bride. And the church is His body, specifically, inheriting heaven. Just as also, the Jerusalem which shall come down out of heaven, is prepared AS His bride. And then once on earth, the Spirit takes John to see (no 'as') the bride. The body of Christ, is AS His bride.  It is the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, that are bride and groom.  The "AS" in this context just showing that the husband and wife are one presently.  And an unfaithful bride, does not get to be one with Him, hence the captivity and Tribulation. Which comes at the fullness, of those whom are after His name, being unfaithful to Him. With Jerusalem being on earth, it doesn't mean that there isn't going to be any heaven anymore. It is the fullness and extent of what is in heaven, being on earth. And it also isn't that the rest of the earth isn't going to be populated. God isn't wasteful. When there are the new heavens, and the new earth, then there is going to be no more night, nor ocean. The seas represent, just as the waters do, the barriers between the heavens. Just as in the circle of heaven there is humility, judgment, mercy, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and love. The third heaven is love. In-between the second and third heaven is forgiveness. In-between the second and first heaven is repentance. And the first heaven is earth, and righteousness. What is the Second heaven? Just as Genesis 1:1-2 is God's imagination, and Spirit (spirit, soul, body), Genesis 1:3-'in the Garden' is God's soul. And in the Garden is His body. It is kind of like God talking about 'the time of life.' Genesis 1:3-'in the garden' is the 'time of the soul.' The second heaven is the soul of Christ. That which was poured out for us. The new heavens will also be populated. The physical represents the spiritual. Just as Hebrews 11:3 shows. Those who were under the law, and those born from them are going to live ON THE EARTH.  The church wasn't promised to inherit the earth.

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    Thu, Oct 4th - 5:19PM

    My God

    Who has talents? Is it only people who know that God is God? Or is it everyone because of nature (Psalm 119) and wisdom (Proverbs)? The word for 'servant' in the parable of the talents in Matthew, does not distinguish between being a person who knows God is God, and a person who doesn't.

    Romans 1:18-19
    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

    According to Romans here, everyone living is given a talent. Therefore everyone does have a talent, through nature, and wisdom.

    Simplicity is about making things out to be nothing. Usually it comes in, because there is futility. But what is God’s answer? Wisdom! Baal means ‘lord.’ And simplicity is the doctrine of Baal, which exalts Jezebel. Simplicity is making nothing the word of God. And there are two parts to that. Taking His word, and making it vain. Or taking nothing, and making it into God. Taking nothing, and making it into being God, is how to create falsehood. What was in the beginning? God. Taking God’s Word, even His spoken word, and making it nothing, is how to stop prophets!

    There is a concept that is not directly spoken of in the Bible. It is called 'the age of accountability.' This can be seen, where Paul talks about marriage. He mentions a husband being able to take his virgin, in sexual relations, after the flowering of her youth. This flowering, is speaking about the body once it has changed from being in childhood, into beginning to be mature. But this does not negate that someone may still be attracted to the opposite sex, before the body FLOWERS. Because in the growth, there is still 'maturing' up until the full FLOWERING. There are verses that speak about how people who walk with God, that their children are saved in Him. This is showing salvation before the age of accountability. And there are also verses that speak about the wickeds' children, not being saved. And this is within the same concept regarding the age of accountability. One verse is how God cursed into the third and fourth generation, of those who do not love Him.

    God is a God of mercy. He is a loving God. All of His works are done in truth. And He is fair, and just in everything He does. Also balancing unto perfection, having perfect equity. In regards to the circle of heaven, humility comes first. And then judgment. And then mercy. Judgment triumphing over humility, and mercy over judgment. One way to look at the triumphing, is to see that to get to the next part of the circle, the first needs to be perfected. Another way to look at it, is to see how those who are already perfected in a further part of the circle, are above any who are in the preceding parts of the circle, in God's authority, which does not 'lord authority.' And having God's authority, which does not lord authority, is balanced through these means. Not as a form of rules, but as a form of outworking.

    In noticing the talents going to him who has, and that being someone being born through a saved person after the marriage of the Lamb, whom God wanted to create, but never came to pass, through the example of the vessels of wrath, which He also prepared in longsuffering; it may be noticed that the remnant who comes out of Tribulation and captivity, is a type of this. The distinction, is that when God is offering Himself before the Tribulation and captivity, if a person falls away, then the talent is the remnant, while the vessel of dishonor goes into perdition. During the Tribulation, this is done in symbol. As the vessels of honor and dishonor, are symbolized by the whole group of people as a whole. And the symbol of the talent, as the remnant, are those who turned to God, and repented, as shown in Ezekiel:

    Ezekiel 18:21-24
    if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. 22 None of the offenses he has committed will be remembered against him. Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live. 23 Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?

    24 "But if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked man does, will he live? None of the righteous things he has done will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness he is guilty of and because of the sins he has committed, he will die.

    One way of looking at the story of Esau and Jacob, is to attribute Jacob and Esau being the one lump. And then the vessels of honor and dishonor being them separately. This is true, but God's word divides even deeper than that. Just as Lucifer was a whole lump, and Satan was the vessel of dishonor. Trying to turn the talent into gifts, looks into making Jacob's inheritance the talent, and there not being any soul that God wanted to create to love Him, of which Esau did fall away from. But the talent can not be gifts, because then salvation is by works, and not faith. Remember that no one is saved or not saved by works. The works of God are believing in Him, and are the manifestations of our love, not the displays or proofs of our faith and righteousness. To have works as the proof and displays of our faith and righteousness, is to fall away from grace. The trap in this, is saying things like "Whatever you believe you do." But this falls short, as the Bible also says that whatever we pray, if we believe, we will receive it. And I know many people who believe, but don't get what they pray for, because the belief isn't the exact will of God, that He wants at the exact time. Prudence is being in the right place at the right time. And prudence dwells with wisdom. James, John, and Paul were all coming against looking to works, to know the proof of faith. But this isn't true. Because all judgment is by the Spirit, and not by the flesh, or by sight. And sight doesn't just mean "What /I/ think." It means anything that is in the physical realm, and known by the physical senses.

    Understand that in the story of Jacob and Esau, that Jacob supplanted Esau, while in the parables of the talents and minas, there was supplanting and judgment. What supplanting means, is to let the harvest grow, even though there are tares, and then divide the tares and the wheat afterwards. Jacob did supplant Esau, but, not in judgment. And the threshing floor, where the wheat is threshed, symbolizes judgment. And the tares are thrown into the fire before the threshing floor. The threshing floor is where the grain is extracted. What Esau did, was 'give away' his inheritance. And it was also traded, and for something well less in worth. The example of Esau and Jacob, verses the unprofitable servant, is that the story of Esau and Jacob is what happens in the spiritual realm, concerning why and how the unprofitable servant buries, and hides away his talent or mina. While the parable of the unprofitable servant, shows the physical things happening, as when the master returns, and there being judgment then. For even in the story of Esau and Jacob, Jacob went to his father Isaac, without Isaac knowing it was Jacob. Because Isaac thought he was giving the inheritance to Esau.

    The Bible is very specific about the tongue, the mouth, and words. Words guide what takes place in our lives. Studying these things, can be very enlightening. Jesus also said that people will be judged for every idle word they speak. This means that anything spoken that does not MANIFEST love, is going to be judged. But the righteous pass out of death into life, through love, and are foreknown in God, being perfect. And so when the righteous are judged it is rewards, and only goodness is brought up. Because of the death and life of Jesus Christ. There is not going to be a big TV screen in heaven, where even the people who are saved are going to have to go over every sin.

    Esau was hasty and foolish in his words to Jacob, in giving him his inheritance. And Esau was angry with Jacob, after Jacob took Esau's inheritance from Isaac. Showing that Esau didn't really believe that Jacob was going to get his inheritance.

    But what about Jacob's actions? Were they righteous? In looking at the story further, the truth may be known. First of all, with Jacob pretending to be Esau, spiritually, there is testimony concerning the seed in John 12. Just as Christ took upon Himself, our sinful selves. But what about the new creation? For Jacob to take Esau's 'gift' he had to 'become' Esau. This shows how the talent is not about gifts, even beyond what I have already shown. In looking again at the parable of the talents and minas, the talent is distributed to servants. And those servants are not perfect. This seen in how the master still distributed the money, to the one who fell away. There is a distinction in the story of Jacob, and Esau, between knowing Jacob as a type of Christ, and knowing him as a man who had sin. This is very important, and is the main reason that there are false prophecies. The fables that Paul spoke against, is reading things wrongly, in this way. The fables are looking into man as a sinner, being a type of the Messiah. And this is evidenced in how Egypt thought that all shepherds were an abomination. Meaning that everyone has their own way to 'divinity.' The word of God must be rightly divided, for the testimony of Jesus Christ, to come forth, which is the spirit of prophecy. And dividing the word of God is done as we are being grafted into Him.

    Jacob was hated by Esau, and also afflicted, because he took Esau's inheritance, when he still himself had sin. That is different than the master returning in the parable of the talents, and minas. In this regard, it may be seen how Jacob, was not the vessel of honor that Esau was supposed to be. Every living soul has a talent, even though those who go into perdition, and are prepared that way, as vessels of wrath by God. Which is done for an example, that the saved, and God's angels might learn. And the learning takes place through understanding His power. And that leads to having incorruption, and the knowledge of life. To be able to childlike. And still grow, evidenced by puberty. And do this without sinning. Knowing what is good and evil, and being able to perform it perfectly, in Christ. This is what it means to be known as we are known. To have knowledge, and know ourselves, to know we are everything God is, except Him with Him, and yet still be completely encompassed by Him in everything we do. This present distress, is God bringing forth that glory. And once that glory is established in the new heavens and new earth, then the glory will continue, as procreation continues, through incorruptible beings, God's angels, and the men and women and children who were saved.

    As I have already said, if this is not possible, how is it possible, to still learn things in heaven? Or what happens to babies who are saved, and go to heaven? The knowledge of good and evil, fulfilled by Christ, gives these great and precious promises.

    In going from Esau and Jacob being one lump, Jacob and Esau were also one lump themselves separately.

    According to the Book of Jasher, which is Scripture, and entirely accurate, and established in the Bible, Leah and Rachel were twins, as Jacob and Esau. And Leah the oldest. Remember that Rachel was the one whom Jacob wanted. And according to the Book of Jasher, Laban gave Jacob Leah, saying it was not his custom to give the younger daughter away, before the first.

    Consider the parables of the talents and minas again. The profitable were given to be over cities. Then the talent or mina from the unprofitable servant was given them. In this, the 'inheritance' or 'gift' is much more than being in charge of more money. That is the definition for lording authority, being in charge, but only as in the means of ruling. That is the lie, that is present in seeing the talent or mina only as a 'gift' and not as salvation. Also consider that the Proverb says that 'houses and riches are an inheritance from a father, but a prudent wife comes from the LORD.' With the talent or mina from the unprofitable servant given to the profitable, and knowing that when God likens an inheritance to a wife, He isn't doing it just to 'rule,' then it can be seen how what God would have been pleased to create, and what would have been His good pleasure, comes forth through the one who has.

    I believe that Leah, should have been married to who Esau would have been, in God's good pleasure. Now, in dealing with should have's, it should be known, that the saying 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' isn't God's will. Because the whole story of Jacob, is about restoration, not about calling things even and then 'moving on.' The lie is that anyone who doesn't want to let go of things, has the sorrow that leads to death. But in Spirit and truth, it is the sorrow that leads to death, that doesn't wrestle with God; but simply 'lets go.' And what happened after God wrestled with Jacob? He called him Israel. Israel means God prevails. God naming him that, shows how it was God's will to fully restore what should have been, could have been, and would have been. It is impossible to enter in, without the past being given beauty for ashes, and having light commanded out of darkness, and the creation of things which did not exist, as though they did. Here is the enigma: for this not to be done with the past, that makes creation being subjected to futility vanity. Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil, to be able to refute Satan. And Satan fell, as a vessel of dishonor, while the vessel of honor is in God. It wasn't just that they messed up one day, and were rebellious. That is impossible. Because of the reconciliation of freewill and predestination. If Adam and Eve fell, willingly sinning, then they and all of humanity could not be saved. They had freewill as far as their childlikeness and knowledge of good went. But God predestined the incorruptible with His great and precious promises, giving the freewill which includes us being encompassed by God in everything we do. And He has been doing this, ‘THROUGH’ the knowledge of good and evil. God’s angels who have not fallen get to learn from us, without having known sin. And we, though being saved ‘through’ sin, get to have His incorruption, though it was only upon the body, after the fall.

    But also we have and will have the joy of us encompassing Him, in the wonderful Promises of being like Him! Being elohims. Being like God. Being everything He is except Him without Him. And elohim is the name in which God creates, and is plural. Who falls away? Elohims who aren’t totally like God.

    In the story of Rachel, Leah, and Jacob, Rachel did something very much like Esau. When she gave Leah to sleep with Jacob, for some cakes. Rachel also stole from Laban, as Jacob 'stole' from Esau. And according to the Book of Jasher, Rachel stole the things from Laban, which were some of his idols, or what made them up, because they were a way for him to find out where they had gone. But Laban still found out. False humility, is the end of having the sorrow that leads to death. And false humility even proclaims worshiping God, through corruption. But real humility receives full restoration. Just as real humility is knowing that it is God's good pleasure to give us the kingdom.

    Leah bore Judah, after feeling less loved than Rachel, though Rachel was at the time barren. Leah first bore Reuben saying “The LORD has surely looked on my affliction. Now therefore, my husband will love me.” Then she bore Simeon saying “Because the LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has therefore given me this son also.” Then she bore Levi saying “Now this time my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” Reuben means 'behold a son,' Simeon means 'heard,' and Levi means 'joined to.' When Judah was born she said “Now I will praise the LORD.” Judah means 'praised.' And it is also where the word Jew comes from. Judah had the most people able to go to war, according to the first census of Israel. Remember that when Simeon and Levi went to war over Dinah, that Jacob was troubled by it. Testimonially, Judah was not with them. When Joseph was put in the pit it was Reuben who tried to persuade everyone to not kill him. Without the focus being on the 'offspring' with Reuben meaning 'behold a son' the sons of Jacob messed up. And without fighting in praise, they messed up. And how are we to praise? With understanding. That means it is for something, and never for nothing (also as the meaning of understanding holds owning). When Israel went into the Promised land, it was half of the tribe of Manasseh which went before the other tribes. The Gadites and the Reubenites were the ones who were to be with half of the tribe of Manasseh. Gad means 'a troop comes.' And Jacob's blessing over Gad was "a troop shall tramp upon him, but he shall triumph at last.” Jacob's blessing to Reuben was "Unstable as water, you shall not excel, because you went up to your father’s bed; then you defiled it— he went up to my couch.” Reuben was the one who brought his mother Leah the cakes, when Rachel asked for some, and then gave Leah to sleep with Jacob, for some. And Reuben also slept with Rachel's maid. In this it is easy to see how Reuben was caught in-between Leah and Rachel, sharing Jacob. Reuben led Rachel away from sleeping with Jacob. Sleeping with Rachel's maid, showed Reuben usurping Rachel, so that his mother Leah may be with Jacob. By the blessing of Jacob, it is possible to see how 'behold a son' coming forth, though through division, doesn't in the end lead to goodness, by usurping. But the blessing of Gad shows the intents and thoughts that come forth, bearing the way things should be. Not just stopping at not having evil, but going forward in having good. And what good thing is it, to not be able to be married forever? A part of the sorrow that leads to death, is just not wanting evil.

    I have talked before about how Manasseh and Ephraim represent marriage between humans, and also unto marriage after the marriage of the Lamb, for everyone. And also how Manasseh and Ephraim represent how to cultivate eternal love and marriage. Just as Ephraim was born after Manasseh, as woman came after man, but Ephraim reigned over Manasseh. And what was Jacob's blessing to them? That everyone would want what they have. Manasseh therefore is a type of man, and Ephraim, woman. There is Scripture that gives the promises of a man and woman maturing together into completion, both as man and woman, and together as the image of God. Ephraim means 'double ash heap: I shall be doubly fruitful.' And Manasseh means 'causing to forget.' When a husband and wife submit to each other in love, and love each other, and esteem each other better than themselves, then they are in exchange always. Just as there is the exchange of fluids between husband and wife. And in this, they can never be separated. Only through not coming to each other in the perfect infinitive, can they separate. Which is the only grounds for divorce given by Moses, though not even then, was it the way things were supposed to be. What is going on in marriage when there isn't harmony? One person is over another, and they lack oneness. Here is the Scripture that Promises the married to be one, and is the specific promise, that connects the man and wife throughout exchanging, throughout the marriage, as they submit to each other, and esteem each other more than themselves. And in this is the word fulfilled about how a husband loves himself when he loves his wife. Because they are one flesh, meaning that they are the same person. That is how it wasn't just Eve's fault, or Adam's fault. And it wasn't their marriage's fault, as if sin is the proof of how marriage doesn't amount to God. THAT, THAT, is interpreting God's word, into what it is not.

    Isaiah 49:5
    For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the LORD,
    And My God shall be My strength

    Both Manasseh and Ephraim shall be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and together. And they both shall have God as their strength, and have that, being together. Someone could still say that this is evidence of there not being marriage in heaven, because we will only be like Jesus, and this means that we will all be both the image of male and female, being in the image of God. But do you understand what that entails? That entails us having multiple personalities! Through marriage the image of God exists in His creations, as they are married. And are one flesh, as He is One and Triune. Otherwise there will be three of me, me my own father, and me my own son, and me my own spirit. That is what is apostasy, and antichrist. Because to not be married, is to be God Himself. When we are /like/ Him! Therefore after the marriage of the Lamb, there will be marriage. And His creations will be of the same body, being one flesh, and there will be the voice of the bridegroom and bride. So Ephraim will be doubly fruitful, and Manasseh will forget lacking.

    Only those who have godly sorrow, are going to go to heaven! Those who have the sorrow that leads to death, that is only of the consequences, are not. Judah being born to Leah, through knowing that Jacob loved Rachel more than her, is Jesus the Mediator, through the short comings that there are presently through sin. Therefore if false humility wants to say that we should not want marriage in heaven, because things can get messed up here on earth, then it is hypocritical, because that is what Leah bearing Judah means! Judah means praise! Also just as Jew came from Judah, and was what the Hebrews were called under the law. And the law was temporary. What is going to be known, as us being who we really are, in heaven, are the intentions, and inward person. And for that, there is only one person that completes and perfects, being a created spouse. And that is where virginity is. How do we overcome, and this is what false humility claims to be doing, the things that are present in corruption, that aren't the whole of what we would want, and what we really want, that we can't have yet, until heaven? Praise. False humility says it is doing this, but the praise is about vanity.

    This is also visible, as it was under the law, that a man should take his brother's wife, when he dies. And under the Spirit, the wife is free, when her husband dies. What is what is really wanted? What is the inward person? God can work through anything.

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    Thu, Oct 4th - 5:11PM

    Contexts of 'one'

    Luke 20:34-36 (Interpreted from the Greek)
    And answering them this, Jehovah is salvation, this son this period of time of this one to give in marriage presently and to be given in marriage: this moreover to account worthy pertaining to this period of time, he that attains and that rises from the dead, that from death neither is to give in marriage presently neither be given in marriage presently. Neither to die and be able to die now, like the angels are, and are to be a son of God, this being a son of the resurrection.

    First of all, the Bible does not show angels, as not being able to be male or female.  The nephalim were created, as fallen angels mingled with humans.  The nephalim are half angel, half human.  The sons of God who were with Satan in Job, and spoken of elsewhere in the Bible are angels who fell.  It is these that Jude is talking about.  He makes the comparison of honmosexuality, and angels mixing with humans.  Because it is not the way things were supposed to be.  The word nephalim comes from the Hebrew word 'nephesh' and the Hebrew suffix 'im.'  Nephesh means soul, or life, and 'im' is plural.  None of the fallen angels are going to be saved, their seed is forever without salvation also.  The nephalim can not be saved.  When the fall happened, it was not that there was a world before this world that was destroyed.  That comes from falsely interpreting Genesis.  Peter also shows that before the flood, there was only one world.  Genesis 1:1-2 is God's imagination.  The formless is wisdom, and the void is understanding, and the darkness is knowledge not yet revealed.  Wisdom is how to be righteous.  Right with God.  With creation not yet taking physical form, through the spoken word, which is also Christ, the wisdom was formless.  And also then, since the wisdom had not been followed, the understanding was void.  Just as also we must be doers, and not only hearers.  Psalm 19 shows darkness as knowledge not yet revealed.  The Bible says that destructions are finished forever.  God knew what was going to happen.  But there was not another world that existed and was destroyed before God made this one.  And it is not that Genesis is over millions of years.  Even science shows that as impossible.  Because the size of the sun would have been too great for there to be any earth.  People think that the dinosaurs prove evolution.  But they don't think about what the skins that Adam and Eve had were.  Just as also the Book of Jasher shows.  It wasn't as if, after Adam and Eve fell that every carnivore also came after them. 

    Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil.  They had the knowledge of good.  Like children.  The knowledge of good and evil is also not evil.  God has it.  And it was a tree in the Garden, and all that God created was good.  Eden also means 'the heart of God.'  All of the angels had the knowledge of good, and the knowledge of good and evil.  Lucifer was the one cherub of God.  The sun represents the bridegroom, and the moon the bride.  A cherub encompassed Him on His throne with it's wings.  Romans says that God subjected creation to futility.  Without the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve did not have a chance against Satan.  We also need the knowledge of good and evil to repent.  The knowledge of good and evil is to know WHY something is right or wrong.  Lucifer fell, having had the knowledge of good, and the knowledge of good and evil.  Therefore when he and the other angels fell, they willfully sinned.  They can not be brought unto repentance.  God commanded Adam and Eve to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and they did not, until they were tempted, and didn't know what they were doing, or what to do.  Adam and Eve were not wrong, for just being near the tree either.  The tree was in the garden where they were placed.  They could not eat of the tree of life because to eat from the tree of life takes being able to esteem eating it.  To know what one is doing, and choose.  And that takes the knowledge of good and evil.  Just as also it says in Song of Songs to not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.  But to have the knowledge of good and evil, without incorruptible life, eventually someone will fall, if they do not get incorruptible life.  Because it takes God to obey.  And those who disobey, were not given by God to obey.  This isn't deism, what I am explaining.  God was with Lucifer and the fallen angels, and Adam and Eve, as He gave them to exist, until they fell.  Lucifer and the fallen angels, and Adam and Eve went as far as they could, having the knowledge they had, without the knowledge of incorruptible life.  The hope of subjecting creation to futility, is so that everyone may be brought into glory.  And what is the glory?  Knowing God as Immortal, and Incorruptible, and as a Promiser.  This is God, as no man has seen Him fully before.  They saw Jesus, and He was God, is God.  Adam and Eve saw God.  It was possible for nephalim to exist, because Jesus is also the Angel of the LORD.  Man and woman are created in His image.  Thereby together, as male and female, being triune.  Because Jesus is as the bride of the Father, being a vessel for Him through the Holy Spirit.  In marriage, there is being of the same body, being one flesh; and then the voice of the bride, and the voice of the bridegroom.  The Angel of the LORD is Jesus, and this is shown in how He was worshiped.  When God's angels who weren't the Angel of the LORD appeared to people, they did not let humans worship them.  Therefore with Jesus also being an Angel, and the fallen angels mingling with humans, procreation still worked, but it was unlawful.  Angels are not in the image of God, they are as His seed, in that God lives in humans, and is one with them.  But the angels are not one with God.  They still have reproductive organs though.  It isn't that the nephalim were only created, because people were possessed, and had sex possessed.  If that were true, then almost everyone would be a nephalim.  There are different degrees of which someone can be possessed by an evil spirit.  First of all, the physical is a representation of the spiritual.  Just as Hebrews 11:3 shows.  What is the prince of the power of the air?  There are three heavens.  Just as Paul also spoke about the third heaven.  The third heaven is where God is, and where the spirits and hearts of born again believers are, being seated in heavenly places, and being in Him.  The second heaven is where the soul is, and is where most of the demons operate.  The first heaven is earth.  This can also be seen in Genesis.  As Genesis 1:1-2 was God's imagination.  And then Genesis 1:3-'in the garden' is His Word, and Soul.  And then in the garden, is as His body, as Adam and Eve were of Him.  This is kind of like God telling Abraham and Sarah about the time of life.  Just to give an example of how to understand this.  Genesis 1:1-2 was as 'the time of the Spirit' which was in eternity.  Though after the new heavens and new earth, there will be no more darkness or falling.  Eternity is conceptual, and time is specific.  Eternity is feminine, and time is masculine.  When eternity comes into time, it is the chosen seed, when also the time manifesting is from God, and His foreknowledge in eternity.  Everyone conducted themselves in the spirit of the world, the prince of the power of the air, after the fall.  Their hearts all worshiped Satan.  But God had a plan of salvation, which was even ready before the fall.  Just as also creation was subjected by Him to futility.  Bullinger's book on the stars shows how the stars and the signs that they are, in the heavens, were given by God, but perverted by evil men.  Whatever manifests in the physical, is because of what is in the spiritual.  So the power of the air, is the corruption that is in the physical, because of what is in the spiritual.  The second heaven, is as knowledge.  Like an orange and it's peel.  That knowledge can be broad (not bad, like how David says His commandment is broad), or it can be very intricate.  Satan can not be in more than one specific place at the same specific time.  Only God can, because God is love.  Pride is loving one's self and is the opposite of love, therefore it is never really one with anything else, it only overlaps for an amount of time.  All of the vessels of wrath, are fakes of what God is, and their works also.  But, think about the earth.  The sun can not light up all of the earth at the same time.  And the sun is a representation of Jesus.  Why can't it?  It is an example of what God is doing, bringing us to glory, and to know Him how He fully is: knowing why things are good and bad, but choosing and being what is good.  When we prophesy in part, it is not because of the reasons of false humility most people cling to.  It is because, as Peter spoke about a dog returning to his own vomit, that if we have knowledge and are sitting, then we will willfully sin.  In the same way though, if we lack knowledge, we will die, though maybe not in willfully sinning.  Knowledge being revealed to us, over time, preserves us.  But we still are to seek Him fully, and we have to seek Him wholly.  Once we have accepted God, we can not just lie down.  Accepting God is not the entering in Paul was talking about.  The letter to the Hebrews was talking to people who already knew Jesus.  This is why Paul spoke about being disqualified himself.  And entering in is also the 'attaining' he had not yet had in Philippians, but had in 2 Timothy.  The attaining, was not just not having an incorruptible body yet.  Accepting God is having the talent, just as the unprofitable servant, was His servant.  And Romans 1 shows that at some point everyone has a talent, because God is made known to them, whether only through nature, or wisdom, or hearing.  This means that people's consciences are aware of Him, but do not follow in seeking Him.  The entering in, is the soul being sealed on earth, as it is in heaven.  Just as the battle is against our soul, shown by Peter, and spoken of in other parts too.  For those who have sincere faith, they are sealed no matter what, though they even might physically die, before having a chance to leave Egypt.  Anyone who claims to be faithful in God's house, has left Egypt.  And Moses was faithful, just as God also has longsuffering with the unprofitable, who will never enter His rest, as He preserves the talent, as He is making the example.  The Bible saying that we will know, even as we are known, means that after perfection, everything we do is going to be God.  But this doesn't mean there can't be marriage in heaven, because God is in everything that is love, and in the Spirit.  With the sun not being able to light up the earth all at one time, then there is always going to be darkness somewhere.  This shows how our walk is, and how we are coming out of darkness.  But darkness doesn't always have to represent sin, though it does topographically.  It represents also something not yet revealed.  With Satan as the prince of the power of the air, it means that the 'atmosphere' of the things we do apart from God are in Satan.  Not only just corrupted by him, but even presently possessed by him.  This is like Jesus saying to Peter: "Get behind me Satan" and "You don't know what spirit you are of."  If the nephalim could be created, just by being 'possessed' then almost everyone would be a nephalim.  And this also goes to show what Genesis 6 is talking about, about the sons of God, the fallen angels, actually taking the human women for wives.  Angels are not in the image of God, they are themselves both male and female, singularly.  They can be either one also, just like Jesus.  And there are stories about witches also having sex with evil spirits.  There is a story also about a demon trying to have sex with a man, and it being able to manifest both genitalia, and even give that knowledge to the man.   

    Jeremiah 31:22

    the LORD has created a new thing in the earth—
          A woman shall encompass a man.

    What does this mean?  Because they already had marriage.  Does it mean that a woman won't submit to a man anymore in marriage?  Even after Pentecost, it was still preached for women to do so.  And the gift of Pentecost was to have the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the new birth.  Which means incorruptible, perfect, and sinless insides.  For those who enter in, their sinless soul is established on earth, as it is in heaven, along with their Promises, their gift here on earth.  Though everyone also will have every Promise in heaven.  It isn't that we only have some promises.  People who preach there is no marriage in heaven, say we all get the same thing.  But then they don't account for how John the Baptist is the highest.  First of all, it is testimony, of the Spirit of Repentance.  But also, it is still true.  And beyond that, it says that anyone less than him, is greater than him in heaven.  Everyone will get every promise, though because of sin presently, we start in different places.  This isn't communism, or capitalism, it is the correct equity.  Capitalism isn't completely good either. 

    There are two cherubs now, after Lucifer having fallen, and having been the one cherub of God.  This illustrates marriage in heaven, and having incorruptible marriage.  What does it mean that a woman shall encompass a man?  It is found in understanding Manasseh and Ephraim.  Manasseh was older, but Ephraim reigned over him.  Manasseh is symbolic of a man and husband, and Ephraim a woman and wife.  This isn't Jezebellic.  Jesus submitted and served His bride.  Therefore in marriage men and women submit to each other, and esteem each other better.  Ephraim means 'double ash heap: I shall be doubly fruitful.'  And Manasseh means "causing to forget."  There are people who try to go off on Adam and Eve's rebellion, and David's wickedness, and Peter's wrongness.  But they don't understand what really happened.  They went as far as they could, without perfection.  Just as Solomon also.  Israel was told later that they could conquer beyond the Promised Land.  And Peter, though Jesus was present, could not yet have the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and new birth.  It wasn't Adam's fault only, or only Eve's fault.  They were one flesh, the same person, just as the trinity is One.  And it was not marriage's fault either.  The Bible shows the blessing of Manasseh and Ephraim being that everyone would want to be as them.  A married couple together encompass Jesus, showing how man is also a bride.   

    Isaiah 49:5

    For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the LORD,
          And My God shall be My strength

    When husbands and wives submit to each other, and esteem each other better than themselves, they exchange, just as in exchanging fluids.  The art of war, is basically summed up in this: the smaller guy calls the taller guy slow.  And the smaller guy calls himself quick.  The art of love, is to give preference to one another.  And in this, the oneness that is in marriage is shown.  As husband and wife, are as the same person.  The Promise in Isaiah 49:5 shows the salvation of marriage.  Remember what Jesus said?  He said that all is saved, except those who were destined to go down into perdition.  Marriage isn't destined to go down into perdition.  What does Manasseh mean?  "Causing to forget?"  It shows how what was only temporary is going to be forgotten.  Just as some people are married to more than one person on earth, and also under the law had children for the widowed, and also how women were saved through childbearing.  And just as some don't know if they have eternal marital love, with who they are with.  And some marry for different reasons, some also not wanting to marry who they were married to.  Paul and Peter's words on marriage, gave the equity so that everyone could still worship God.  But in this, it does not mean that there won't be marriage in heaven.  Like we will forget even about having marriage.  Because God is saving it, not replacing it, or it being condemned. 

    The Bible shows how we will have names that no one else knows.  That right there, shows marriage in heaven.  There is a marital love that His beloved still have with Him.  And God doesn't also just give being the bride of Jesus as only symbolism.  God's symbols all come true.  Just as with the Shulamite about her pomeogranate, the symbol still comes true.  Just as in sex, the imagination and meditation is the first place where love begins to be made.  This also being the PROMISE, that has no lack, and the way there is no 'oral sex' in God.  The physical is a representation of the spiritual.  People have with God spiritually, through testimony, what they can have with husbands and wives.  And this isn't Jezebellic.  Just because people went on the left extreme doesn't mean that the right extreme, or that the false middle is right.  The doctrine of Baal is simplicity.  Simplicity wasn't wrong in the OT, and then okay in the NT.  Where the NT translates simple, it should be pure, single, genuine, or sincere.  Jezebel means "Baal exalts" and Baal means "lord."  God is wise, not simple.  And is sincere, not simple.  And God is in everything that is love, and in the Spirit.  Therefore God is in marital love.  The four Greek words for love do not define love.  The Greeks sought the wisdom of man, and the spiritual without the real God.  Agapeo doesn't mean "God's love" either.  Just as it is used in John 3 when people agapeod darkness.  That could be people taking what was supposed to be God's, and using it for evil.  But it more closely is 'what one's heart treasures most.'  But in this, it isn't that we can't treasure what is from God.  God treasures us.  And what He gives us, He is in.  Otherwise, anything we do besides be on our knees for eternity is sin.  Or we have to BE Jesus.  Jesus isn't marrying us to replace marital love for created beings.  And we don't have brotherly love to replace marital love either.  And it isn't that marital love for His created beings to have together with each other wasn't ever in His plan.  Marital love is covenant, and it is the symbol of relationship.  The covenant is something that is shared, that is sacred, and is only shared by those who are in it.  This may sound as if all of His creatures then are married as we are also His bride collectively, and all the love in that is good and okay, and that there is no marriage in heaven for His created beings to have together with each other.  But that is not right.  If there was no marriage in heaven, then we wouldn't be married to Jesus, which also shows that there is a spiritual marital love with God, between His created beings and Him, through His testimonies.  If there was no marriage in heaven, we would only be friends, and siblings of Jesus.  And if there was no marriage in heaven, then we wouldn't even be able to be friends of other created beings, because we are supposed to be for Jesus.  If people can't handle the differences there are, in what happens due to sin on earth, as some people are married to more than one person here, and they use this for excuse and reason as to why there is no marriage in heaven; then what is going to happen that people can stand to be friends, and brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers in heaven?  And the Bible even shows that Jesus has mothers and brothers, and sisters.  What about the jealousy there could be, in people being better friends to some people, and knowing them more, than others?  That is the same argument people use against there being marriage in heaven.  People don't understand that everything is going to be perfect in heaven.  Though they use this as far as saying we won't even want marriage in heaven.  And it isn't that marriage is too close for comfort, because only God is supposed to be that close to people, and that is why there are marital problems.  Or that God uses marriage, to show us about how we should only want Him.  He doesn't do that.  That is Satan's view of God, because Satan has no promises.  That is the depths of Satan: we are sinners, and that is the way it is.  If we are perfect in heaven, then there is marriage in heaven, all the more!  Virginity is in the inward person.  And that is where God also judges.  The intents and thoughts of the heart.  Modern marriage belief, is that people are one body, but not one heart and spirit.  That is wrong.  And that married couples only present each other to Christ, though they also have physical sex.  That is how it is for the people who are married to more than one person on earth, and also for those who don't know if they have eternal marital love, being with the one person they are supposed to be with.  Male and female complete each other.  Being complete in Christ, means that male and female are not incomplete anymore.  But that doesn't mean they can't be completed by another male or female still.  We are to be like Christ.  Christ has a bride.  The Father is spiritual, having Spirit and Soul.  And Jesus, His Son, the King, is God in the flesh.  And we are the flesh for the Spirit.  Therefore God is in marriage, and it in Him.  And if Christ, just as the angels, is both male and female, and still has a bride, then it is not impossible for those who are like Christ, and His angels to have marriage in heaven also.  Being triune, is being like God.  There is always relationship, in being triune.  And being married to the right person, and having marriage in heaven is hope, for those who are still complete in Christ, until then.  Brotherly love is AS marital love.  There is a difference with things that are 'like' and 'as.'  But brotherly love doesn't share that name that no one else knows.  Just as a married couples together have that name, or a type of that name if they do not know, or do not have the eternal marital love, being with that one person.  And a married couple doesn't share that name with others, of their friends and family, though they have brotherly love. 

    The prophecy of a woman encompassing a man is the prophecy for marriage in heaven, and it as hope even now.  Remember that there is only one verse that showed Jesus as being the Son of God, and equal to Him, and that not being blasphemy.  When David said "The LORD said to my Lord...."  In Jeremiah when it spoke about "The LORD our righteousness" it also called Jerusalem that.  And Jerusalem is not God.  The Jews were not looking for the Messaih to be the Son of God and equal to Him, and they missed Him.  The prophecy of a woman encompassing a man also is prophecy about how it is going to be in heaven.  Because the angels, like Jesus are both male and female themselves, singularly.  But they are not one flesh with God.  They do not have incorruption.  Man has incorruption, though the flesh isn't incorruptible yet.  Therefore a woman encompassing a man means that just as there are two cherubs encompassing God, and just as a bridegroom also encompasses a bride, those who are both male and female singularly, as Jesus is, are going to marry.  It is the fulfillment of having always been together, and is the fulfillment of being one flesh, the same person.  Just as Jesus spoke in John 17 about "I in you and you in Me," a married couple have that.  Adam and Eve were married, though they didn't have a wedding.  Weddings are symbolic of incorruption, and they had that upon them in the OT, though not in the body until the NT.  And it was in them upon them, in the OT, in relation to their bodies.  Love, faith, and hope show the trinity, as do praise, strength, and joy; the past, present, and future, and many other examples.  Love is having been created, faith is having been created, and being at rest, and then coming together.  Hope is being together.  John spoke about how the false followers were never really 'with us.'  And Jesus speaks to the unprofitable saying He never knew them.  Being known by God, means having always known Him, and been known by Him.  This is foreknowledge and predestination.  And we have that with God eternally.  And in marriage for those who are supposed to be together, that is present.  And that is also the point of having Hebrew weddings.  As in Song of Songs.  They hadn't slept together yet.  It was the style of weddings, where they were married in the beginning, and then had the wedding last over time, not sleeping together until the end.  And this is so they can wake up to having always been together.  Just as also it says to not stir up nor awaken love until is pleases.  With woman coming out of man, it shows how they were always together.  And with woman encompassing man, it shows how they are together presently.  And with man encompassing woman it shows how they are always going to be together.  The bridegroom does encompass the bride also, I don't have to spell that out, I don't think.  A woman encompassing a man shows how there is one right person for everybody.  What is the prophecy and substance concerning encompassing?  It means that even though we will be both male and female, as Jesus and the angels, that marriage, and there being one right person, isn't negated.  Spouses will still complete each other.  It is just that in the other spouse, the other person is one with that.  So they manifest it also, as if it was they themselves.  Think of the ying and yang.  And also know that testimonies and prophecies are like transparencies that can be placed on each other.  Just like the prophecies of Daniel.  How the ten horns, are AS the ten toes.  And how each prophecy is right, and also has it's own context.  But also is still connected with the others.  Like how the little horn and ten horn interpretation shows closely where the authority comes from.  Like how the three who are uprooted, are uprooted out of the Seleucid part of the Grecian Empire, as shown in the goat and ram interpretation.  Like how Titus wasn't the antichrist, and 70 A.D. wasn't the abomination of desolations.  The seventh and eighth kingdoms had not yet come.  70 A.D. was the sign spoken of in Matthew 24.  The church, His body, doesn't go through wrath.  There is a difference between the bride and body, in the context of them being faithful or not.  The Jews are as the body, until they come to know Jesus.  And an unfaithful bride doesn't get to be one with Him.  Therefore the church doesn't go through the Tribulation.  Jews who come to God, yes, are no longer Jews, as Gentiles are no longer Gentiles.  But that is "IN CHRIST."  There being the whole word, and the details in testimonies and prophecies.  If the ying and yang remains black and white, then there really isn't oneness in every context is there?  Through encompassing, all contexts are fulfilled in being one flesh.  The angels aren't one flesh with Jesus, like we His church and body are right now.  They don't have incorruption, and we have it inside of us.  And may have His life in our mortal flesh.  There is a different 'one flesh' also between brothers and sisters, then there is with those who are married.     

    Matthew 19, 1 Corinthians 7, Luke 20, and also Peter on marriage, are not about there not being marriage in heaven, or eternal marital love even now.  They are about what has happened because of sin.  Before the law, there was sin, but it was not imputed, and even then, divorce was not allowed, obviously before Adam and Eve fell, divorce was not an issue.  Under the law, it was granted to them to divorce.  But Jesus said it had to be adultery as the reason, and that in the perfect infinitive.  It means the other spouse won't come back.  That is the whole word.  Just as God dealt with them in Isaiah.  The remnant came back.  Granted some people probably divorced with the first adultery, but love is shown in Isaiah.  And what did He say about the certificate of divorce?  For those who came to Him, they didn't have one!  So He put those who were never really with Him through Tribulation.  But brought out those who were His, without divorce.  Because of sin, some spouses die, and then the other remarries.  But THIS is the testimony about married couples being one body, but not the same heart and spirit.  Though there is a one flesh that brotherly love has, that is one heart too.  Like they had in Acts.  And it is those who don't know, or are married to someone who is not the one person for them, or have been before, who present each other to Christ spiritually, though they have or had sex physically.  And this is what is shown in 1 Corinthians 7.  Marital covenant with His created beings in heaven, is not only going to be them having brotherly love, and being AS married, also being married to Christ.  There is going to be marital love and covenant between His created beings, the saved with the saved, and His angels with His angels, that is monogamous, as two are one flesh and married.  And we will still be flesh in heaven.  Just as our spiritual heart is still a flesh, and just as Paul wrote about the different kinds of flesh.                      

    Comment (0)

    Wed, Oct 3rd - 8:46PM

    Trampling the blood of Christ

    So 'you' are supposed to be married to Christ, but you are married to a human=adultery.  God made it okay for now?  That is what I am saying about those who are married more than once on earth, or don't know if they are married to the 'right' person. 

    Comment (1)

    Wed, Oct 3rd - 8:33PM

    The power of God

    If we can't be married in heaven, we can't be like God.  Because marriage is being like Him.  For Jesus is as the bride of the father, being a vessel for His Holy Spirit.  And God said He would do a new thing- a woman encompassing a man.  They already had marriage.  And Paul, after Pentecost still, told women to submit.  How can we be like God, if we aren't married?  God being a trinity, shows relationship, because He is always having relationship with Himself.  If we are not married we can't have that.  Thus being alone.  And those who aren't married yet, are complete in Christ, until they are married.  And a married couple are complete together in Him.  Marriage is being like Him: of the same body, one flesh; and then the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride.  Being known as we are known, and having Christ be the light and not the sun anymore, means that He is going to totally empower all that we do.  We get a name that no one else knows!  Everyone will get every Promise!  Otherwise, how do we all get the same thing?  And that is a stance many people take, against there being marriage in heaven.   

    Comment (0)

    Wed, Oct 3rd - 8:21PM

    Marriage in heaven 5

    I believe in marriage in heaven. And I also know the correct interpretation of Luke 20:34-36. And how that starts off, specifically speaking about when someone is married more than once.

    I know also about how what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7 about marriage, was given so that everybody, no matter where they were in life, could still worship God. And I also know that that was also included in Peter's letter when he wrote about marriage. That is what apostle's give: equity. I know that through the Holy Spirit couples can build treasures in heaven, according to being one flesh, and married in heaven.

    With the mercy seat, and the two cherubs encompassing Jesus, and that also symbolizing marriage in heaven, even for the angels; it is easily understood that to think there is no marriage in heaven, means to go towards trampling the blood of Jesus. Because something is either in Him, or not. God told Peter to not call what is cleansed by God, common. And so that even the more shows marriage in heaven. For the marriage's that are not in heaven, this is the importance of what Paul wrote about. And according to God, it specifically says how when someone dies, and the spouse remarries, that that marriage is to bring up children, for the one who died. It isn't ungodly, because of the intents of the heart. If there is no marriage in heaven, then all fruit in marriage is only temporal. And that is ungodly, and trampling the blood. God saves, He doesn't just give us temporal things.

    Obviously it can't be true that marriage only has temporal fruit. Or that the eternal fruit is only in presenting each other to God. That isn't even how it is being married to Jesus. And God doesn't give symbolism that doesn't come true. God doesn't save what is temporal. He moves through the intents of the heart. Why can't that be the case, but it still be that there is no marriage in heaven? Because that is what trampling the blood of Christ means. Also, why have there be two cherubs? That specifically represents marriage in heaven, even for the angels. It is Lucifer who represents being alone, and going as far as possible with that. Why don't the two cherubs represent brotherly love? Because first of all, why would He give names that no one else knows, if there is no marriage in heaven? And second of all, as the bride of Christ, there is a marital love towards Jesus. Just as what is physical is a representation of what is spiritual. And just as Christ is in everything that is of Him, He is in marital love. Why would we married to Jesus if we can't also be married in heaven, as far as having wives and husbands? Wouldn't Jesus just make us His friends and brothers and sisters? God doesn't give us things, to take away, or replace our own. And we are to be like Him. How can we be like Him, without also having spouses? And why do the angels have reproductive organs? God doesn't give things, to teach about how we shouldn't have them. That is Satan's interpretation of God. Because God's foreknowledge and Promises and salvation don't come for Satan, so he sees things like that. Thus the depths of Satan. If we can't be married to Jesus in heaven, why can we still have friends, with people who are also created?

    With those who are married more than once on earth, or do not know if they are married in heaven, there is covering, because of what is going on in the thoughts and intents of the heart. But that doesn't rule out there being marriage in heaven. There is only one person right for everyone, who completes them, and that is where virginity is. And real love, wants that. Real love isn't about not having things, it is about having things. And real love, is having things from God, and having Him be in them. Not in sacrificing things, so to not want things in worshiping Him. It is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom. Listen to what they say according to those who say there is no marriage in heaven: they say that right now, marriage is only temporal, and there is no eternal marital love between created people. Therefore, as they confess that, they say the same thing, as I have said in regards to people who are married more than once on earth. But my position has the Promise of being able to be with that one person, having this precious gift from God, in heaven, and forever. Those who do not believe in eternal marital love, look to sin, and not to God. Therefore they see, being that close to anybody causing tension, and therefore the impossibility of having marriage in heaven. But in heaven, all things will be perfect. And only the intents will be present for those who are saved- the things that are in the Spirit. Therefore it is not willingly sinning to be married, though it might be more than once on earth. Not because Christ allows it, but because He is saving there being the eternal marital love for everyone, through what is the Spirit, and the intents. If He were not saving, it would be as allowing Jezebel, sin, and the devil place. And if He were not saving it, there would be only being led to death. And temporary things. And if He were not saving it, then every marriage would trample on His blood because He isn't saving. And if He isn't saving, then why allow it? What /is/ He saving? The individual? Through what? The intents of the heart. People know when they are not REALLY in love. Some people didn't even want to be married to who they were married to. Or had multiple spouses at the same time. If God doesn't give eternal marital love, and in heaven, then the so called evils of thinking He does are still present- but not accounted for, not saved, only allowed, and walked upon, as trampling His blood. Yes we won't eat meat after the new heavens and new earth. And God said He had cleansed every animal. But that means that things are the way they are supposed to be-NO DEATH. Meaning that marriage won't die either.

    Luke 20:34-36 (Interpreted from the Greek)
    And answering them this, Jehovah is salvation, this son this period of time of this one to give in marriage presently and to be given in marriage: this moreover to account worthy pertaining to this period of time, he that attains and that rises from the dead, that from death neither is to give in marriage presently neither be given in marriage presently. Neither to die and be able to die now, like the angels are, and are to be a son of God, this being a son of the resurrection.

    The wicas believe there is no marital love.  Same with Hinduism, which is false experientialism- believing that everything is God, but that the corruption is only things that used to be God. 

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    Wed, Oct 3rd - 6:09PM


    The Queen of heaven is a term used, regarding Jezebel. Though it is also associated to Dianna. Dianna is white witchcraft, and false divinity, which differs from Jezebel. Jezebel doesn't entertain the latter end of things, thus not being white witchcraft. Because white witchcraft has hope, though it is false. And Jezebel will also not be 'black witchcraft' because she doesn't care about anything. That is where her power comes from. Because she works through offense (Though this sounds contradictory). And the only way to work through offense, is to act like she has always been in power. Therefore she doesn't entertain the latter end of having only been in power through someone else. And that is how she operates. She can't rule without Ahab and or Leviathan being there first. Satanic witchcraft, or what I called black witchcraft is mostly against morals. And against God by this. Satanism does care about loyalty to it's own cause. Whereas Jezebel fornicates that away. Dianna is like Jezebel's offspring. Like the prophets of Baal. Leviathan is Jezebel's lover, rather than Ahab, because she is using Ahab. Through her, Leviathan gets to MAINTAIN rule. And so with her having mutualy known Leviathan, and also having offspring, this is what it is talking about, regarding her becoming a widow, and losing her children in one day. Jezebel fornicates with everything, including her children. Babylon is the harlot, not the false prophet. The harlot is the one riding. The harlot is Dianna. The harlot gets paid, Jezebel, the whore, doesn't. And prostitutes do what they do, for a job, showing religion.

    The Bible says that we fight against principalities and powers, and not against flesh and blood. But with Jezebel being the Queen of heaven, she is being used by the principalities and powers, to also dwell where they do, and do what they do, through agreement together with them. In this context, where the witch and the evil spirit are one, they are dealt with as being a principality and power. Apart from the this, the witch still would have power, and the ability to again use the evil spirit. Witches can soul travel, and do things like that through demons. It comes to stopping the demon, in the person. But when the demon has given the person things, it takes fighting spiritually AS against a principality and power.

    Darkness can never be completely one with anything but itself. Because pride is the opposite of love, loving only itself. Therefore darkness can not be completely in two places, at the same exact time.

    Witches are ambassadors of demons. And so just trying to concentrate on what a demon is doing, is not doing to get rid of everything. Because the witches are still going to do everything they can. In the end, the witches can't do anything without the demons. And so they lose their ability to fight, as the demon loses it's ability to fight, and fight from them. The witches want to divert the attention away from being against the demonic, into being towards them. Because without that, the demon is easily stopped. It is the same, as in deliverances. It isn't going to do any good, to stop a demon, if the person is just going to go right back into the same sin. There are circumstances where both things have to be done at the same time. Because in having the attack not just be in the demonic, there are multiple fronts. And this is where I deal with the physical, AS I deal with the spiritual. If a witch wants to manifest trhough a demon, I attack it AS if it was a demon. Things happen like this when 'we' are not perfect at the time, and have sins that are being used against us. Through the coarse of the world, of through something as direct as a witch.

    Dealing with things in the physical and in the spiritual is what was happening with Elijah. He got to the point where he prayed for death. And himself ran from Jezebel. But the Spirit of Elijah is the Spirit of Repentance. In regards to things like the Queen of heaven, things need to be dealt with in this way, because the very fact of the principality or power using someone, like in the case with the Queen of heaven; that is the very thing that the demon has against God and His kingdom, and everything else. So I deal with the demon, in these circumstances, as to beating it, and exposing all it is doing through the person. And I deal with how the person is being used by the demon, AS it being a principality or power, because that is where the power is coming from. And all evil's power is grace manipulated. But God's grace isn't going out for vain. Because He will still accomplishes His will, and also this including making an example of the vessels of wrath.

    In false divinity, there are two false witnesses, Hades, and Death.  And Sheol is these together.  And they are still spirits to be delivered from, even before physically being deceased.  Hades is found in Hinduism, and Death in Buddhism.  Those are the ruling spirits, though the religions are in entreaties to stay away from them. 

    John Lennon spoke in demonic tongues at Shea Stadium.  And that was the Beatles last live performance.  Though they said it was because of not being able to grow musically, playing in front of crowds where they could barely hear themselves. 

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    Wed, Oct 3rd - 6:04PM


    In the 'circle of sin' witchcraft is fourth. It is pride, lust, fear, witchcraft, rebellion, false divinity, false humility. The Bible says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Rebellion is the desire or hope, of willfully sinning. Witchcraft is 'how to sin.' In looking at numbers, 4 is the number for unity, and five for creativity. The main aspect of witchcraft is agreement, hence giving unity. The circle of heaven is humility, judgment, mercy, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and love. And the 7 pillars of wisdom are love, wisdom, discernment, the fear of the LORD, discretion, understanding, and knowledge. The seven horns of Satan are Leviathan, Jezebel, murder, violence, false peace, false divinity/Dianna, and false humility/antichrist. The seven nations to take Israel captive are Assyria, Babylon, Medo-persia, Greece, Rome, the Muslim Empire, and the Antichrist kingdom (Not yet). And Egypt represents Satan. King Abdullah, as I have mentioned before, is who the Antichrist is going to be.

    Witchraft is in getting other people to agree with 'yourself,' even agreeing with them so they will agree in return. 

    The pentegram is about rebellion, after having unity. When the pentegram is drawn, there are five points. The five points symbolize being in agreement with other witches, or demons. If the five points are seen as mirrors, then in the pentegram, the curses are reflected, into infinity. The power of witchcraft, comes from asking judgment. Therefore they find things that are wrong, and then ask God's judgment. This spites God, and also works out for evil for those who do not love God, as things are really actually happening. Which is why believers have to walk as not being sinners. They must come to the light in everything. Witches don't even have to be in the same hemosphere to do anything. And they are already coming against everything in the whole earth. Along with the demons. Asking judgment is also seen, in what happened with Job, concerning Satan and the sons of God, the fallen angels who were with Satan. But what was the point of Job?

    First of all, it says in Job, "What I have feared has come upon me." Fear EMpowers witchcraft, it leads into it. When pride manifests there is emptiness, because someone claimed something they couldn't back up. Next after that, they lust for what they have lost, and for what they still claim. Fear happens, because what is of God, has been made known to them, as seen in Romans. What happens after fear? People try to control things.

    Job was not in perfect love with the sacrifices he was performing. And that gave place for the devil, though his heart was righteous. The Bible says that what is not from faith is sin. And it also says that if we do what we know is not right, that it is sin. Or that if we don't do what we know is right, that is sin. Faith is assured of God's promises. It is the substance, the knowledge of God. And so in faith, any wavering comes through sin. And also, in James when it speaks about the double minded, in the Greek, it actually says double souled. And this is the PLACE of the double vessel. But all who are God's are not disqualified, but may continue in Him.

    First of all, God let happen to Job, what happened to him, to show him that nothing can happen without God. But what is the point of this? First of all, it means accountability. Because man, whether he thinks he is right or not, if he is not wholly in God in the present, he is not good, no matter what. This is why the Bible talks about not having our good works be wasted, by not entering into heaven still. According to God, it is not His judgment that someone has bad sins of the flesh, and so is evil, and another has good showings of the flesh, and is good. According to God, those who do what is right in their own eyes, are evil. Therefore the religious are exposed before Him. Job had a perfect heart towards God, but without his heart wholly residing in God in the present, there was place for the enemy.

    James also wrote about the intentions of the LORD, that were good for Job. God also showed Job, that in seeking Him there is reward. Just as in Hebrews it says that we must seek God knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Therefore all are without excuse, and all things are open before Him.

    Smith Wigglesworth spoke about letting the sword of God pierce us. For us to position ourselves so that it does. In speaking about the verses in Hebrews that speak about the word of God dividing the soul and spirit, and joints ad marrow, and discerning the thoughts of the heart and mind. This means that we are to love conviction. That we are to come to the light, and not be terrified by darkness. This also including the motivation to quit, or lie down, or shrink or draw back, no matter what the opposition. The Laodicean church thinks they are profitable, but they are not, because their spirituality lacks. It is not good enough to 'sit down' in being spiritual. The race must be ran, we must enter in, and keep the faith, not undoing it. As Hebrews says, if under the Law of Moses people were punished, how much more those who do not enter in, now that we have the fullness of the Spirit? And in this, we must know that coming boldly to the throne of grace, does not merely mean that we understand our sins are taken away. It more fully means that we come knowing that we can be perfect, and that beginning in being spiritual. Nowadays in the church, it has become, that we can have perfect works, because that is good fruit, and the Spirit works; but that we can't be inwardly perfect. That is hypocrisy. That is apostacy. That is exchanging being spiritual, so to have good showings of the flesh. We must be in the conviction of the Spirit, to remain perfect inwardly, and then walk so to have that come outwardly. That is walking in the Spirit. And then it will be fulfilled, about what Paul said, about 'if anyone thinks he knows anything, he does not know as he ought.' For those who think they know God, having physical fruit, but are not perfect inwardly, they do not know as they ought. Because he isn't saying to not have knowledge. The knolwedge that puffs up, is religion. Whether it be in graceful condemnation or harshness. But if we are perfect in Him, then we may have the wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of God. That is the Christian walk, to remain perfect inwardly, and to remain one with Him. And then work out salvation, so as to have that perfection come outwardly. In working out one's salvation, we must remain true, to knowing that our insides never sinned. That is working out salvation, dividing between our perfect insides, and our imperfect outsides. Just as shown in Romans 7. According to 1 John 1, it is our flesh that we must not say did not sin. Then once we have completed this, in repenting, we may go on to still regarding what God wanted to come forth through us, but did not because of sin. If we regard iniquity in our heart, the LORD will not hear. God hears only the prayers of those who confess His Promises, and unto being one with Him, and perfect in Him.

    Apart from this, there are no fruits of repentance. Because the fruits of repentance does not just mean that now we have phsyical fruit. It means we must walk as He did. Not shrinking back though our outward person is perishing, and then we must give the beauty for ashes, we must command the light out of darkness, and create what does not exist as though it did. Then we will have the fruits of repentance, and not the sorrow that leads to death; being only interested in not having consequences, gracefully condemning ourselves. Then it will be fulfilled that we have punished all disobedience after all obedience was fulfilled. Repenting is not just confessing that we are sinners, and that Christ took on our sins, and that He is the Son of God, who died and rose again. Because He took on all of the sins of all of creation, even those who do not, and can not be saved. We must have His Promises, and His Promises never fade away. We can't just say, that God was going to do something, and then now He is not. Or that things are lessons to show us what He would have done, but isn't going to do. Or that He gives us things to teach us not to want them, because we should worship Him, as in not wanting anything. His Promises, are that we may be born again in Him, and are sinless and perfect, and that we have that inwardly. And that though the outward person perishes, it is as we are also carrying our own cross. And so the outward person perishes, and fades away, and is blown away. But then He also gives His life into our mortal flesh. This being the word of faith.

    And according to our perfect insides, we always obeyed! We always had the good intention, and motivation. We were always with Him. But through the corrupted flesh there was sin. And the willful sin, was not us, it was sin. So we must work out our salvation, bringing forth our perfect insides, and being justified in Him. And we repent and confess our sins, as to what sin, and it in the flesh manifested. Therefore when we repent, we also confess that inwardly we are righteous. And that is God's Promise.

    Therefore Job is an example of continually being led by the Spirit. As it says in the Greek in Romans 8, and those who do are those who worship the Lord, and in Spirit and truth. Therefore we must draw unto Him while He is near, and seek Him while He may be found, and pray to Him in a time when He is near. We must understand that He is always seeking, and so we may always seek Him. Then we will abide in Him, which is the truth of being in Him, and bearing fruit, and remaining in Him. And fruit is not in material things. It is in coming to Him, and knowing Him. Works are the manifestations of love, the works that are in God; not in having displays of our righteousness. Love is having been created in Him. Faith is having been created in Him, having rest, no longer being alone. And then coming together. And so in our faith, and abiding in God, it is always about coming together unto Him. When works are mentioned, it means that we are to love! If I move my arm, that is a work. Therefore works, are the manfiestations of our love, such as caring for people, and onward. What our hope is, is to be one with Him forever. And we may do that by abiding in Him, continually being led by Him, and seeking Him.

    Therefore we may break the yoke of wickedness, and come alive in Him, and stay alive in Him.

    The band "Tool" is in witchcraft. One of their videos "Parabola" is all about witchcraft. Starting out by showing creation in boundaries. And then Adam and Eve and Satan as 'buttheads.' And then blaspheming God, as to Him being the one who subjected everyone to sin. Though the video shows Him being the one who made it happen. What does it say in the Bible? How can the creation question the Creator? This is a hard topic for those who really believe in freewill. But the truth of God is that without Him, there is no freewill. Without Him Adam and Eve could not have obeyed. Withtout Him, Lucifer could not have stayed. To God, all who sin are slaves. Therefore He predestines those whom He made for His praise and glory, through His mercy, to have true freewill. He saves, those He foreknew, from the futility He subjected creation to. The Laodicean church is all about freewill. As in people saying that anyone can get saved. Which is true, if it happens. But people aren't saved, of their own volition. It is only through the Holy Spirit. Man can't even repent right, without God. The Calvinists teach predestination, but they do no better than freewill religion. Because both of these religions do not understand that without God, we can do nothing. God does not give the vessels of wrath the ability to obey, though He honors the talent. He with longsuffering prepares the vessel of dishonor for wrath, and preserves the talent, the vessel of honor. And the Bible says that this is marvelous. This is Him showing His power. And for all who want to disagree, to the fairness of this, they must answer one thing: what can they do about it?" Therefore let all come to salvation, but not all do, showing in themselves their destiny for perdition. And thus God remains true, and every man a liar. The attitude of free will religionists, and Calvinists, is that we don't have to obey God, we 'get' to. And that is not the fruit of the Spirit, nor goodness, righteousness and truth. That is the will of man. And the will of man, no matter how good it looks by sight, or in the flesh, or in their own eyes, is utterly sinful, and evil. Therefore all of our righteousness' are as menstrual rags. What is our hope then? To seek God, so that we may be one with Him, and perfect in Him, and remain that way! That we may have His power, to will and to do of His good pleasure. Then we will walk and learn and know by His power. Because it is not godly to learn from sin, though some people try to and call it discipline.

    The video of Parabola is showing how all of creation is without hope, being caught in the pit of a parabola. And the lyrics also lead into spiting God. Along with there being three spirits that are at work in it. A false prophet, an antichrist, and a Philistine spirit. The band leader himself, walks as Ahab, in pouting. Just as Ahab pouted, and was led into sin by Jezebel the false prophet. But the Ahab in the Bible repented. Unto those who don't repent, "Ahab" spirits are powers and principalities. Of coarse, Satan is the ruling spirit, in any evil work.

    The band leader is also in another band called "A Perfect Circle." One of their songs is "3 Libras." Which also speaks about what is going on in Parabola, and these things. 12 is the number for the bride, and it is also the number for government, just as also there are twelve months, and the stars were as signs, and for government. The album "Mer do noms" has twelve songs, and "mer de noms" means "Book of names."

    At the end of the video for Parabola, there is an amphitheatre of eyes. These are demons. And the video also shows having oneness through this, and through allowing demons to work in one's self. This is as the four living creatures. As the four living creatures represent Christ's beloved worshiping in Him, and having unity in brotherly love. As eyes also represent spirits. Because the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, and the lamp of the body is the eye. As in the four living creatures, everyone may start at where they are in their own life, and who they are, also having a name that no one else knows. But there is unity, through the unity of the Spirit, in brotherly love, that is shared still. The Spirit showed me that in the spirit, that what was going on in the video, with the amphitheatre, was actually going on in the spirit. And He led me to destroy it. And in this God showed me how Tool was coming against the church, trying to reign over it. And in this He also showed me that "A Perfect Circle" was coming against the Jews (having not received Christ, His bride in this symbolically, as those who are in Him, are presently one with Him, being His body).

    The song "Aenema" is spiting God, It is calling what He is doing in destroying His own creation, foolishness.

    A Philistine spirit is a warring spirit of witchcraft. Namely in witchcraft, people are serving themselves. And in Satanism, they are enjoying themselves. But when witchcraft turns toward other people it is in war. The word Philistine is where the word for Palestine comes from. And it is also near "pirate" as that is what the Philistines were. The god of the Philistines was Dagon. Who was half fish, half man. Showing man's dependance upon himself, and not God. And also, sinking down into the depth of Satan, which is that we are sinners, and that that is the way it is. God blessed Ishmael, also, though he isn't a son of promise. Therefore the descendants of Ishmael are blessed. Abraham sent his concubines away to the east, and gave them gifts. Abraham was knowledgable in the LORD, just as the knowledge of God is not evil. But the concubines who went out from Abraham to the east, perveted the knowledge of God that was from Abraham. Thus eastern religions are near Christianity, but lacking it's truth.

    A Philistine spirit makes a person, their own God. Namely, a god. And a philistine spirit may also change the shape of a human's features. Though this isn't something that can stay permanent for a while. This isn't exactly being a nephalim, but it is close to getting there, as far as a demon mingling with a human. According to God, being without Him, all living things are absolutely evil.

    This subjection to futility is so that we come to be like Him, and He is love, which is nearly what everyone wants. Though many don't come to the truth. All have freewill, though not all come to Him, and partake of it's fullness. It is not right to stand on any doctrine that says that people can't get saved, or walk with Him, because of predestination of freewill. The power should be love.

    The pirates used to use a flag that had a skull and cross bones on it. This is used in witchcraft. It has been called the sign of the watcher. Witches use this to assign demons unto places or people, that the demon can give the witch information. But all curses are broken through the life and death, blood and water of Christ, and the reception of Him through the Spirit.

    Jesus says that we have all authority in heaven and on earth. And we may establish His kingdom in which there is no corruption, here on earth. Though we have no continuing earthly city. But goes gives more grace, that if we continue in Him, and know Him, as it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom, we can have even His life come into what is mortal.

    Prayer is stronger, when it is specific. Because anything general, or vague, does not have the knowledge of God, which is the substance of faith. It is not witchcraft, to pray in specific ways, as if we are commanding things, with 'secret phrases' or something. Also, turning the LORD's prayer into a saying, is doing exactly what it says not to do. In our weakness' also, in prayer, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. And since Christ is love, we can know, that no matter what, He is seeking us, and that we can seek Him, and continue in Him, as He is also interceding for us, through the work that He did, also being our propitiation. The Bible does say that we can agree with other believers, and that God is present. But He is not in the religious things, though they seem rich, or simple, or are wailing for Him in Hell. He does not speak "Christianese." And so someone 'having the call' isn't always God. Praying for the children's ministry isn't always God. Extreme empathy isn't always God. "Saying grace" isn't always God. God wants us to be prudent, to be worshiping Him in the perfection of the Spirit. To seek Him, and want to grow in His grace and knowledge. To have His power, being in communion with Him, and so having love and relationship. Binding and loosing, aren't always God. Because we have to go beyond being brought near, into being one with Him, in all things, to really be His. It is not evil for prayer to have the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God is the substance of faith, and is how we have His great and precious promises. And "Amen" does not mean "so be it." It means that 'I' have heard a promise of God, and 'I' believe it. Agreement with man, doesn't always mean agreement with God. And it isn't that the Bible is a rule book for what is in His name. Otherwise, we don't need the Spirit. People who pray 'we' when there isn't a prior agrement, are in borderline witchcraft. And are in witchcraft, if the Spirit isn't in agreement, beyond praying 'things of the Bible.' These aren't rules, the rules are what I am exposing. I am not saying we can't pray saying we, but not everyone agrees all of the time. And agreement isn't where unity is. Unity is where the Spirit is. It isn't like anything that rocks the boat of the church isn't God, because we aren't supposed to be divisive. Or that 'there is no perfect church.' Most people worship the angel of the church, and gain euphoria through that, and fleshly prosperity. Though they are spiritually poor, blind, naked, and miserable. Praying in circles, is what the witches do. It is not found in the Bible, as if they gathered around in a circle, and held hands, and prayed. The very fact that praying in circles brings unity or power, shows witchcraft. When the believers prayed around Paul, they weren't in some kind of circle holding hands. And laying on of hands, isn't some super spiritual, or simple thing. Because in laying on hands, there can be the sharing of people's sins, without the cross of Christ. And walking as He did. Most people who pray in circles, feel simple, and feel 'together' and feel comraderie, and feel like they have more power and unity. But think about it, if that power and unity can not be there, without praying in a circle, then praying in a circle is without the Spirit. And people are offended to let go of these simplisms, because simplicity is the doctrine of Baal, which exalts Jezebel. Baal meaning 'lord' and Jezebel "Baal exalts." They feel 'good' and like they have the permission or 'okay' from their religion, to have conscience, and feel good. But that is all hocus pocus, new age, religious living. It is having a type of godliness but denying the power. People don't want to be complicated, so they become simple. But God desires wisdom. Witchcraft is a work of the flesh, and it doesn't require full knowledge to be doing it. Rules are what make witchcraft up. Just as Paul asked the Galatians "Who has bewitched you?" Witchcraft divides through anarchy, and gives it's own religion, apart from the truth there is in Christ. In His sincerity and perfection. Anarchy is a rule too, and a law. Satan's kingdom is divided, just as pride is only loving one's self. The very fact that people and demons seek destruction, and then to give their own order, shows division, and hypocrisy. Jezebel fornicates, taking away from God, and what is antichrist is pompous, and adds to what is God's. What is antichristian, is believing that perfection has not yet come, even being able to come into our flesh. Because Jesus has come, and the Spirit also, and we may be born again, incorruptible, having this incorruption in our insides.

    Tool's song "Jimmy" is also wtichcraft. As eleven, or 'one and one' represent snake eyes. Which is a parody of the eyes of the LORD going to and fro on the earth. And the song's title is also a parody of Pearl Jam's "Jeremy."

    Jezebel makes nothing the word of God. Meaning that she takes what is God, and makes it nothing. Being drunk on the blood of the saints. And then also, taking what is nothing, and making it out to be God, thus simplicity, and false prophecy.

    In Joshua, when he had captured the kings, he had the people come, and put their feet on the kings' necks.

    Remember that all things are lawful to us, but not all things edify. And if we undo faith, we can fallen away, not able to be renewed unto repentance. Even in Biblical days, they had worldly affairs, that seemed to be the norm. Stories, sports, and fables, and things like that. But they sought God in the perfection of the Spirit. Or were to. We are to die, to all that is the coarse of the world. Saying that we are in the world, but not of it, is not enough. We must go beyond being near to Him, into being one with Him. There isn't God's power, like it is in the Bible, for most people, because they are separated from Him by sin, though they think themselves righteous. Obedience to the Spirit is not legalistic. And we don't follow the Law. We are to love, that is His command, and it is not burdensome. In obeying the Spirit, we should get to the place, where everything we do is God. And where we don't do anything without Him, or that He doesn't lead us, tell us, or prompt us to do. And that is not impossible. It is impossible with man, but possible with God. And what can separate us? Because if we seek Him, and perfection in Him, then even while we are carrying our cross, and our outward person is perishing, we are still carrying our cross. That is what the offense of the cross is, and why people accused Paul of doing evil that good may come. Because we aren't supposed to sacrifice in the clefts. But are to lay down our bodies, for love. Jesus did not sacrifice Himself, not wanting anything. And He did it for us. He did the Father's will, and not His own, through not just going and doing something else. Jesus was the sacrifice of God, while the Spirit is His Promise. Blaspheming the Spirit is believing that we can have Jesus without Him, or trying to have Him or anything through anything else but the Spirit. Salvation is not in the written word, but the spoken word of Christ, through the Spirit. And blaspheming the Spirit is also in sacrificing the Spirit, who is called the Promise, when Jesus was the sacrifice, and we are to lay down our bodies, just as He did. Just as He also did it for His Promises. God loves us. Saying 'it's all about God' and 'it's not about us' is not the Spirit. We are the apple of His eye. And we are created for His praise and glory. He takes pleasure in our prosperity, when it is in Him. And the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, is us being like Him, and also us having inheritances.

    Comment (0)

    Wed, Oct 3rd - 2:46AM


    Hosea 6:1-2
    1 Come, and let us return to the LORD;
    For He has torn, but He will heal us;
    He has stricken, but He will bind us up.
    2 After two days He will revive us;
    On the third day He will raise us up,
    That we may live in His sight.

    Psalm 125:3 NASB
    the scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land of the righteous,
    So that the righteous will not put forth their hands to do wrong.

    Pride fights against love, fear against faith, and unbelief against hope.

    1 Corinthians 2:13 NKJV
    comparing spiritual things with spiritual

    2 Corinthians 10:4-6
    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

    Meditation is going to and fro with something on the mind. The mind is not only deciding what to do and not to do. Though that is it's purpose. The mind is the glory and vessel of the heart. The mind chooses what is going to manifest. But the mind is contingent upon the heart. The life that is in the mind, should be what is in the heart. And meditation should be bringing what is in the heart and spirit, into the soul, and then into the body.

    After pride manifests there is emptiness. And fear is what sets in. Because pride took a liberty it could not sustain. Fear drives people away from worshiping in the present. Fear drives people to fill themselves with pride, and undoes hope. What happens in sinning? We get separated from the LORD. We are distanced from Him. There is a gap. This gap is explained in Romans 7. And this gap is also eluded to in Isaiah 61, Jesus also reading this. And furthermore, stopping before reading 'the day of vengeance.'

    What does it mean to work out one's salvation? It means to be transformed into the image of Christ.

    2 Corinthians 3:18
    we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

    What is the mirror? In the OT, they had the golden laver, and gold symbolizes holiness. Now we have the living water, which is Christ, being one with the Holy Spirit, in every promise and blessing of Christ.

    When sin separates someone from God, fear has more of a place. Therefore the motivation to undo belief is more near. The problem of being in the gap, and separated from God, is that we don't know, or remember where we came from. And that is vital to seeking Him. It is the foundation. And our foundation is supposed to be on the Rock. And according to Jesus, if it isn't, we are going to fall.

    Having Jesus as the end, and also this concerning the cross, leads us into being able to confess, claim, plead, declare, proclaim and on, the sinful nature having always been in Him; in the context of Him being on the cross. In this also though, we must remember that we are supposed to be with Him on the cross. Working out one's salvation, means knowing that we are forgiven of our old sins. But then also to come to the truth about what really happened, so that the past isn't just swept under the carpet, but turned into beauty, that life may come forth. This is an example of meditation, and IS repentance. In doing this, a person is repenting, They are coming to the light. Once they have conceived the Promise, then they have repented and died with Him. And then His life may come, along with what His Promises are. This also sustaining unto receiving what is not yet seen. The Bible says it is better to give than to receive. There comes a point also where a person can't give anymore, unless they themselves receive. In this, when we are receiving from the LORD, if it is the LORD, we are returning His love, Him having loved us first. Therefore we are giving ourselves, and loving Him.

    What is the substance? Conviction. Just as also conviction is translated in Hebrews 11:1 in the NASB. But the NASB falls short to the NKJV in showing faith as being tangible, as it is spiritual knowledge, and not physically seen. Conviction is the substance of meditation. Conviction tells us who we were, that was sin. And it also, through the kindness and goodness of the LORD leads to His good, perfect, and acceptable will, through repentance. Conviction is accountability to perfection, otherwise, what are we doing? What is the point? The perfection that we no longer are accountable to, is in regards to the Law of Moses. Now we are called to be perfect to the Spirit. And this is not burdensome, as His command is to love. Therefore all may come to the truth, and enter in. Those that love Him and believe in Him, and His name. Conviction shows us, that if we were perfect, that separation, destruction, and consequences wouldn't have got us.

    Comment (0)

    Tue, Oct 2nd - 8:34PM

    The cross

    The extent of the cross is known in knowing Jesus as the beginning and the end, and the firstborn of all creation. I have talked about how we can't just stop at the cross, at our sins going on Jesus. Because if we undo faith, then we will fall away, having our sins on Him, but without the deliverance and life.

    Therefore concerning the cross, Jesus is our beginning. Because of Him, we are given the talent, which is the new creation, made possible through His death and life. But then we must also walk as He did. This is us knowing Him, as being the Firstborn. This is as Jesus saying "Not my will be done, but yours." But this does not mean that we don't get anything, or have to worship Him, as not wanting anything. Because Jesus laid His life down for His bride. The will we don't have, or aren't supposed to have, is to sacrifice in the clefts. When we should be doing all that we can for love, and confessing His Promises, and seeking Him. Also, even though we are weak. Because He can still work, though we are weak. When we are weak, then we may know that all the more, His power is working for us. Getting us to be strong. Him being the Firstborn of creation, ends in us entering in. Having the desires of our heart, and having them be in Him. With Jesus as the end, concerning the cross, we can know that after we have entered in, that any kind of corruption we still have, though we have spent our strength, that it also goes onto Jesus. Because God calls us to go all out. And there isn't always the backdrop. But don't those who have faith always inherit and receive His Promises? For though people died without the continuing earthly city, they still received His Promise in the flesh. Jacob dwelt in Canaan, and bore the twelve tribes. And Abraham and Sarah were given Isaac. Paul had his Promises coming out of Egypt be to preach Jesus, and suffer for Him. There can be the thought, after having entered in, that there is no more substance to cultivate with. That His Promises have been conceived inwardly, but as far as having them, it is in heaven, and not for here on earth. The Bible does talk about counting the cost, so that this KIND of thing doesn't happen. But how did Jesus count the cost in what He did? Counting the cost, means to find a way, not to find the equity between still following God but not to be one with Him, and continue in this. It could seem, as if, in all that it takes to follow God, and carry one's cross, and not give up, even though it is through the outward person rotting and dying; that at the end of the race, there isn't anything left. And so we all die like Paul. But that is not true. With Jesus being the end, and this concerning the cross, it is like the cream on top. After entering in, now we can let Jesus take on the lack there is, due to having just ran, and being exhausted, and not having the 'store' to now do what it takes to receive what the Promises are. It is an endurance race, but endurance doesn't mean that we pace ourselves, to not run out of energy. Anyone who works out knows that the more that we give, the more we get. Endurance is about finding a way to win. After having endured, then there is exhaustion. With Jesus being the end, and this concerning the cross, He can take that on. So that we only have rest and joy, though we have corruption, and CAN NOT fall away. And thus He perfects and completes us, unto His return, including us receiving His Promises, though not the CONTINUING CITY on earth, though it is continuing, what is inside of us, the kingdom of heaven also being inside of us.

    Hebrews 11:11-12
    By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. 12 Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude—innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.

    Comment (0)

    Tue, Oct 2nd - 8:34PM

    The Promised Land

    Everyone who came to Jesus to be healed was healed.

    Hebrews 10:36
    after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise

    1 Corinthians 7:7
    each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.

    Ephesians 4:7-8
    to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore He says:
    “ When He ascended on high,
    He led captivity captive,
    And gave gifts to men.”

    What is the will of God?

    Hebrews 10:5-7
    “ Sacrifice and offering You did not desire,
    But a body You have prepared for Me.
    6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin
    You had no pleasure.
    7 Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come—
    In the volume of the book it is written of Me—
    To do Your will, O God.’”

    Romans 12:1
    I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

    1 John 1:8-10
    If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

    Romans 7:15-17
    what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.

    The flesh has sin. But who we are on the insides, is perfect.

    John 3:5
    “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."

    1 John 3:9
    Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

    What is the water? It is the living water, which is the word of God. Jesus is the word of God.

    John 1:1
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    1 John 1:1-4
    1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.

    Romans 8:9
    if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His

    What is entering in? Entering in, is having victory over the battle that is against the soul. Because before entering in, someone can still fall away. But after entering in, no matter what happens, they can not fall away.

    1 Peter 2:11
    Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul

    How can someone know if they have entered in or not? Entering in is not about having the flesh prosper. When someone has entered in, then they have run their race, and finished it. They have fought the good fight, and kept the faith. And they have established on earth, their earthly gift, the Promises of it. But even after having entered in, the Israelites still had to fight and have victory over all of the enemies in the Promised land. Which was something that Israel did not do. They had beaten the countries in Canaan, as far as having their lot issued and divided out to them. But they did not rid the Promised land of all of the enemy, from dwelling in it. Beginning first with Manasseh, and then Ephraim. Manasseh symbolizes a man, or husband, and Ephraim a woman or wife, as I have spoken about before. If there was a time, to bring up, Adam having authority, and having supposed to not let Eve eat of the fruit, here it is. But even in this, Adam and Eve were one flesh. And it was not marriage's fault that they fell. As if this all is a lesson about how we need to want nothing, in worshiping God. What Satan did, in tempting Eve, was seduce according to Adam and Eve's weakness' and strengths. He came to Eve, and played on her weakness, and then Adam sinned and his strength was taken away. As being one flesh, man and woman, are the same person. And without each other, one falls. Why couldn't Adam bear up Eve? Because they did not have the knowledge of incorruptible life. In depriving one another in marriage, it is not that man and woman separate, because marriage is not God's complete will. It is that they come together, and consent. And then they work on coming together again, through fasting and praying, unto meeting each other.

    [repentance, His death, His life]

    After entering in, the battle is only against the flesh. And the person can not fall away, nor can their promises. And their promises were established on earth, as they are in heaven. What promises did Paul have, coming 'out of Egypt?' What did God speak to him about? About preaching the gospel, and suffering for it. Paul entered in, as shown in 2 Timothy. And had not yet, as shown in Philippians, in speaking about attaining to perfection.

    How do we enter in?

    Hebrews 6:1
    let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God

    [His death, His life]


    Romans 12:1
    I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

    Mark 12:28-30
    Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”
    29 Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. 30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind (dianoia in the Greek meaning volition), and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.

    This is the cross of Christ. And how do we carry the cross?

    John 15:13
    Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

    1 John 2:5-6
    whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

    1 John 3:16
    By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

    1 John 4:7-8
    Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

    Romans 13:9-10
    “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

    And what about after entering in, and needing to defeat the enemy out of the land of Canaan, and continue to do so, until none of them dwell in the land?

    [His life]

    Romans 12:2
    do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    1 John 2:15-17
    Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

    1 John 3:13-14
    Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren.

    1 John 5:9-13
    If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son. 10 He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son. 11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

    Why should anyone try to enter in, if they can fall away, if they leave Egypt? Because purposeful ignorance, is still willful sin.

    Hebrews 10:26-39
    if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The LORD will judge His people.” 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
    32 But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: 33 partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated; 34 for you had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven. 35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:
    37 “ For yet a little while,
    And He who is coming will come and will not tarry.
    38 Now the just shall live by faith;
    But if anyone draws back,
    My soul has no pleasure in him.”

    39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.

    What should entering in feel like?

    1 John 2:12-13b
    12 I write to you, little children,
    Because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.
    13 I write to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
    I write to you, young men,
    Because you have overcome the wicked one.

    This is where we all are, at the beginning of salvation.

    Romans 10:9
    if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    And a person is saved whether or not they enter in before they die, if they have sincere faith. But drawing back is not in sinning, and or having consequences, and or dying 'a sinner.' It is in unbelief.

    Hebrews 3:19
    they could not enter in because of unbelief

    Unbelief isn't 'having a hard time believing.' It is undoing belief.

    1 John 3:20
    if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

    If a person falls away, they are a double vessel. Having the talent buried, which is the vessel of honor, and being a son of perdition, the vessel of dishonor. The double vessel undoes belief, and does not enter in, nor have the soul sealed, having left Egypt. How can someone know if they have left Egypt or not? Hebrews says that Moses was faithful in all of His house. But Moses did not hallow God before the Israelites at Meribah, and could not enter into the Promised land, and wandered in the desert, with those who will never enter His rest, though Moses shall after the New heavens, and earth. People who act like they are faithful in all of His house are people who have left Egypt. Can someone stay behind in Egypt, and choose not to leave, having not died before the LORD leads out? Sincere faith is the bar here. And this is how to know if there is sincere faith or not:

    1 John 4:1-6
    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
    4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. 6 We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

    However, if we lack knowledge, not knowing, then that shows OUR weakness. People are not supposed to make other people accountable, people make themselves accountable. In the same way, people should not provoke other people, and call it 'testing the spirits.' People should test themselves.

    2 Corinthians 13:5
    Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.

    1 Corinthians 9:27
    I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

    The word for discipline in the Greek is 'hupopiazo.' Which means to beat black and blue.

    The joy of the LORD is our strength. And there is praise, strength, joy.

    Psalm 8:2
    Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
    You have ordained strength

    Matthew 21:16
    ‘ Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
    You have perfected praise’?

    Nehemiah 8:10
    the joy of the LORD is your strength.

    There is also love, faith, hope; and spirit, soul, body. And it is the soul that is sealed in entering in.

    1 John 5:4
    whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

    1 John 2:13c-14
    I write to you, little children,
    Because you have known the Father.
    14 I have written to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
    I have written to you, young men,
    Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,
    And you have overcome the wicked one.

    How can we do these things, without just getting caught up in method?

    John 15:4-5
    Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
    5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

    1 John 2:27
    the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

    1 John 3:24
    by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us

    1 John 4:12-19
    If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. 15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 19 We love Him because He first loved us.

    1 John 5:18-21
    We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.
    19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.
    20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.
    21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

    Therefore what hope do we have?

    Titus 3:4-7
    when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    John 1:1-4
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

    1 John 1:1-7
    1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you that your joy may be full. 5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

    1 John 3:21-23
    Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. 22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 23 And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.

    1 John 5:14-15
    this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

    John 15:7-17
    7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. 9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
    11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. 14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. 17 These things I command you, that you love one another.

    John 6:29
    “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”

    Hebrews 10:36
    after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise

    Hebrews 13:13
    let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach

    We have no ongoing city here on earth, because everything is still corrupted. But according to the kingdom of God inside of us, which is also incorrutible, it abides forever.

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    Tue, Oct 2nd - 8:33PM

    The Power of Love

    There are some beliefs regarding faith. Some people say that we can confess His Promises, and no matter what it looks like, they are true. And some people say, that those who do that are 'name it and claim it.' And then it could be said that the people who accuse people of 'name it and claim it' are lukewarm. Some people say that it is God's will to not be healed. Some people say that they have faith in their infirmities, but aren't healed.

    In the Bible, several women were barren. But many of them received God's promises, having Him open up their womb. Sarah was well past the age of child bearing when she bore Isaac. Hannah displayed humility, diligence, and devotion. Some people waited nearly their whole lifetime for the Promises of God. And then there is Solomon, who had everything, but ended up falling. Though this was also in the same manner of Peter, David, and Adam and Eve. As Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil, and David and Peter did not have incorruption inside of them, and they all went as far as they could.

    Very much of the Old Testament is filled with events that were very binary and ironic. And the testimony of Jesus Christ can be seen, in the interpretations from the Spirit. In my own life, I see these things. And desire to know the relationship of the OT and NT, apart from simplicity. It being not just the Law of Moses, and cross separating them. Though those are some of the biggest factors. Because they still had grace and faith in the OT, and that was still the only way for salvation. The law was a tutor, for the people to awake to God, through it's testimonies. And just because we now have Jesus, doesn't mean that there are no curses, or that God doesn't get angry anymore. Because the only way to abide in the Spirit, and His Promises, is to go beyond being brought near to Him, through the death and life of Christ. Into walking as He did, and being perfect in Him, though corruption is still in the flesh. But that corruption fades away, and blows away, and He gives life into the mortal flesh by His Spirit.

    But the Promised land remains unblemished in Christ. It being through the power of God, and the power of God not changing from what it was, as if it is not as present modernly. If anything, there is more power, as sin abounds, and grace abounds all the more. And what is grace? The free gift of the power of God, by which we receive Him. His forgiveness, His mercy, His love, His gifts, everything that is from Him. The power of God, is much more than just Him showing Himself as being over everything. The power of God is actually where the Word comes from, rather than His power coming from His Word, as shown in Hebrews. And the Word, the Bible says, is magnified above all His name. Therefore the power of God encompasses everything that has to do with Him. Whether that power manifests through weakness, as His glory is shown in humility. Or whether His power is manifested through strength, where His glory is shown in His might. Both of these enlighten unto the abilities of God. From His lowness, to His higness. And the equity in these, is that He endures forever, and that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore:

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8
    Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
    8 Love never fails.

    This is the substance of faith. This is the spiritual knowledge of God, which is the makeup of the things we hope for. And this is also the evidence of the things that we do not see in the physical. Therefore, when these things are present, then whether we see what we hope for, or not; whether we possess it presently fully or not, we are convinced that what He has Promised, He is also able to perform.

    Romans 4:5
    hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

    1 Corinthians 14:1
    Pursue love

    Galatians 5:6
    faith working through love

    Ephesians 3:17
    being rooted and grounded in love

    Ephesians 4:15
    speaking the truth in love

    Philippians 4:8
    whatever things are lovely...meditate on these things

    Colossians 3:14
    put on love, which is the bond of perfection

    1 Thessalonians 1:2-4
    We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, 3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, 4 knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God.

    1 Thessalonians 5:8
    putting on the breastplate of faith and love

    Hebrews 10:36
    after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise

    Many people think that when men and women go towards the power of God, that they leave relationship. But the only way into relationship, is the power of God. What the power of God brings, is communion, and it is how to know Him.

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    Mon, Oct 1st - 1:52AM

    Ask, seek, knock

    Following what Paul said about only having marriage because of sexual immorality, through the letter, and not the perfection and oneness of the Spirit; and making the Scriptures the end of God, as the Jews did concerning the Messiah, comes to mean that husband and wife only have love, and are only one, and only have sex, as they are with each other covering over having lusts.  And in this, if marriage in heaven is not believed, then it is fulfilling the lust of the flesh to have sex.  And the only thing that is in Christ, is Him spilling His blood so that we can do what we know is sin, without being imputed as having it.  Remember that the Jews did not believe the Messiah to be the Son of God, or equal to Him.  And that there is only one OT verse that refers to Jesus being the Son of God, and equal to Him, and the Christ and Messiah, without blaspheming.  It is when David said "The LORD said to my Lord...."  In Jeremiah, it also says that Jerusalem will be called "The LORD our righteousness."  Is Jerusalem God?  The Jews made the Scriptures the end of God.  They made a religion out of it.  Which is what has come, regarding the Bible.  Being saved has become reading the Bible as God's rule book, and limitations, and having the Spirit, so there is no condemnation.  But the Bible is a compilation of what God has already done.  The Word of God is Jesus.  And He still speaks.  The Bible is the written word of God, and it is going to melt with everything else.  It does not have eyes, or ears, and it can not walk or speak.  The knowledge that puffs up, is religion.  The knowledge of God is how we have His great and precious promises.  "Epignosis" is the word.  And "Epi" means 'upon.'  Showing how to know God, we have to seek Him.  And after we seek Him, and have Him inside of us, then we know Him intuitively.  Many places in the Bible, it shows how God must be sought, and with the whole heart, for someone to be worshiping Him, and be right. 

    When Paul mentioned everyone being 'as' if they weren't married, or joyful, what he was talking about, was how people should still understand what length they still have to go, before they are perfect, in the flesh also.  Which is a Promise, for His coming.  Paul showed the examples, of what married couples would have to go through.  And most of what Jesus said in Luke 20, as it is also in the Greek, was concerning people who have been married to more than one person. 

    Jesus isn't saving anything that is not eternal.  If marriage is only about doing what is sin, but through Christ not imputed, then nothing eternal is being wrought.  Is that why Paul said what he did?  No, he said what he did, because not everyone who marries, knows they are marrying the right person, especially in his day.  Many people married, because it was a part of life.  Today people marry in this same way, and also look for people who are compatible to them, and their desires.  Paul gave the bottom line.  And through it, people, no matter at what stage or phase or part of life, they can still worship God in what they are doing.  Having marriage only be doing what is sin, but having it not be imputed through Christ, is willfully sinning.  That is what it means to trample upon the blood of Christ.  God gave something better, the abudantly above, which is rooted in the intents and thoughts of the heart and mind.  Where virginity is.  Because there is one created person, for everyone.  Though it doesn't work out that way on earth.  So God is powerful enough to have marriage still on earth, but not in heaven, when there won't be sin?  So the power of God, is that we want nothing in worshiping Him?  Is that the power of grace?  Or is grace us not having sin imputed to us, though we still do what we know is sinful? 

    We can't do anything in God, without Him.  Not even repent.  That is why repentance is not about just confessing we are sinners.  That is condemnation.  Conviction tells us who we WERE.  While Satan and condemnation tells us that who we ARE is sin.  The talent is what says who we are in Him.  And that is what is confessed in salvation, along with PAST sin.  Not having perfect insides, means being a double vessel.  The unprofitable servant.  Which means that the talent is saved, but not the person.  The type of lump we are, is having perfect insides, and imperfect outsides.  But having the outward person perish, rotting and dying, and having the inward renewal replenish, and be given into the mortal flesh.  That is the profitable servant.  

    What if people do not believe that they are married to who they are supposed to be married to in heaven?  Ask, seek, knock.  And what shall become of them, if they are unsure?  And their gift of faith?  It is the thoughts and intents of the heart and mind, where virginity is.  And that is also where the virginity is, according to what Paul was talking about in Romans 7.  And the thoughts and intents of the heart and mind, are also how God judges.   

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    Name: Brandon Davis
    ChristiansUnite ID: perfectlove
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    Location: San Diego, California, United States
    Denomination: Jesus
    About Me: Praise God

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