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    Sun, Sep 30th - 11:27PM


    Sex.  Most people do not know that 'to and fro' is symbolic of sex.  Most people do not know that sex is not just something that is beautiful but temporary.  Or simply allowed.  Or corrupted.  Or below God, as if it isn't in His eternal plan.  To and fro, is how to 'know' someone.  Song of Songs is not just some kind of earthly allotment.  Adam and Eve were created, and given sex, and to be one flesh.  And it is not that they fell because of the limitations there are in the intimacy those who are joined together have.  Sex, also, is not just a way to procreate.  Sex is not something that should be looked down upon.  And it is not something that should be bringing up gasps, if mentioned before a group of people.  As if discretion means not talking about it.  Marriage is the word of God being fulfilled. 

    Some people think that individuals who are saved, are not Christ's bride, except with the whole of the church.  That is wrong.  Some people also believe that being Christ's bride is only symbolic.  It is not.  The physical is a representation of the spiritual, but is still true and real, when it is in God.  For the physical to be true, the spiritual has to be true.  Not the other way around.  And along with that it is not that the spiritual is what God does, and the physical is what we do.  And along with that, it is not that the spiritual is only the metaphors of life. 

    Everything that a husband and wife have together that is love and in the Spirit, His beloved have with Him spiritually.  And everything that a husband and wife have together that is love and in the Spirit, God is in it with them.  All of the physical represents the spiritual.  Therefore any good thing in creation, is a type of Christ, and filled by the Spirit. 

    All of the doctrines that say that there is no marriage in heaven, only look to limitations, and they don't look to God.  They dwell on what is impossible with man. 

    The words "as" and "like" are very specific, in how they must be read.  We are 'as' His bride, concerning brotherly love.  And we are His bride concerning being married to Him.  The trinity of marriage is being 'like' Him.  The same body, and having the voice of the bride and bridegroom.  Just as Jesus is the vessel of the Father by the Spirit.  In the same way, in brotherly love, all of His beloved are 'as' brides to each other.  What this means, is that there is the testimonies of being in covenant, as in marriage with Jesus; but that the virginic inward part is not known commonly.  Just as it is a promise of God, to have a name that no one else knows.  This is just like a son or daughter, having the likeness of their parents.  This is also how God is going to create what would have been pleasing to Him, from the talent, of the vessel of honor, while the vessel of dishonor goes to perdition.  That is why God prepares with longsuffering the vessels of His wrath.  Because He is preserving the talent. 

    Having the testimonies of being in covenant, without sharing the virginic inward part, is also how people can be married on earth, but then also not be married in heaven.  Because in being 'as' a bride and bridegroom, they are presenting each other to Christ, in the spirit, but knowing each other sexually in the flesh.  Think about putting marriage in heaven, on top of this.  Instead of just stopping at it.  God said He could create from the rocks. 

    What about people fighting over who gets who?  Why not say here that our nature will be in the right 'perspective.'  Instead of just saying that according to not having marriage in heaven. 

    Knowing Christ, being His bride, there are sexual testimonies going on.  Because it is being in a spiritual marital relationship with Him.  Here is what happened: some people in a Jezebellic nature made out being married to Jesus to be beyond the scope.  And so now the whole crowd goes into the opposite direction.  The things that were symbolic in God, were fulfilled by Jesus, and the Spirit.  People did the same thing with simplicity and being complicated.  Simplicity is the doctrine of Baal.  Baal meaning 'lord.'  And Jezebel means "Baal exalts."  God is neither complicated nor simple, He is wise. 

    Virginity of an unmarried woman means that she has not known any man.  The virginity of a married woman is that she knows no other man then her husband.  Being the virginic bride of Christ means that we have no other Supreme Creator.

    There are different ways to be one flesh.  There is the one flesh that a husband and wife have, of which no one else should know.  And there is the one flesh that brothers and sisters have, but still not sharing marital love, and the name, which no one else should know. 

    When we collectively worship God, being His bride, and are 'as' brides of each other in brotherly love, what is going on, is that there is fellowship in brotherly love, just as when a husband and wife together share love with friends and family.

    The four Greek words for love, are not the definitions given by God, about love.  First of all, it is Greek.  Second of all, people use them, and organize things by them, because they are puffed up.  Just as the Greeks sought wisdom.  This is having knowledge that puffs up.  The substance of faith, is the knowledge of God, by which we have His Promises.  The makeup of that substance is love.  Third of all, the Bible says that men agapeo'd darkness.  How can man love darkness with God's love?  One context could be taking what was supposed to be God's love, and using it for darkness.  But a closer understanding is seeing agapeo as 'what one treasures most.'  Isn't that supposed to be God?  Yes, but can we not also treasure, and fully, everything that we have that is from Him?  Because we worship Him that way.  Otherwise, we are not worshiping God, unless we are eternally on our knees physically.  What is going on in Revelation 4, with the elders and living creatures, is what is going on in the heart, and spiritually.  How can the elders pick up their crowns to cast them again, before the living creatures start again?  And this is not an example of how there are things that are ONLY sybmolic.  Because it will come true in the physical.  And in everything that will be done in God, though not in this physical act, it is 'as' and 'like' that is physically happening.  Just as I am worshiping God, as I also do things, such as play a guitar, and so on.  

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    Sat, Sep 29th - 6:31PM

    Marriage in heaven 4

    In Luke 20:34-36 it must be understood that the tenses in the Greek regarding marriage, are specifically shown to be only at the present time of the resurrection. Just as at the resurrection there is going to be judgment, and then after the resurrection is the new heavens and new earth. At the resurrection the wicked are going to be judged and know their state, and the righteous are going to be judged and know theirs. And the wicked will be punished, and the righteous rewarded. And then the righteous are going to go into the new heavens and new earth. And then there will be marriage in heaven. The exact words used also, in Luke 20:34-36 must also be translated correctly. It has been true that many Scriptures were translated, with the presumption of what people thought in their understanding, to be the point of the Scriptures, rather than letting the Scriptures be known in Spirit and truth.

    There is also the point in the verses, which speak about not being able to die anymore. And the tense used there shows how we aren't going to remeber the things of sin anymore.

    Is marriage sin? According to how most people read 1 Corinthians 7, marriage is 'simply' allowed. Something is either for God, or against it. There is no grey area. People are either one flesh, or they aren't. God doesn't save anything, that isn't eternal. And with the cherubim encompassing Him on His mercy seat, the eternality of marriage should be known. Why did Paul say what he did in 1 Corinthians 7? Because not everyone knows who the right person is. And because Jesus said that people would be eating and drinking and giving in marriage, when He came as a thief in the night. Is it therefore that these things are evil? Is it therefore that none of these things are in heaven? No! Paul didn't want people to stop trying to be spiritual. That is why he spoke in the admonishing way that he did. If people run into things, and marriage is a battle for those who truly love each other, than what is for the sinner if the righteous are scarcely saved?

    The Jews weren't looking for the Christ to be the Son of God, and equal to Him. And Christ was equal to God. What it says in Philippians about the mind of Christ, is that He was equal to God, but did not cling to those rights, as He submitted, to serve us, and God. One Scripture identifies Christ as the Son of God, and equal to God, and being God. It is when David said "The LORD said to my Lord...." The Scriptures in Jeremiah about the branch of righteousness also say that Jerusalem will be called 'the LORD our righteousness.' Is Jerusalem God? How did the Jews not get that? Because they were reading the letter, and not the Spirit. They were searching the Scriptures, but not dependant upon God.

    In the same way, God's creating of the new thing- a woman encompassing a man, promises marriage in heaven. Lucifer was the one cherub of God. Now there are two. And this doesn't just mean that 'one person' isn't in charge anymore. It means that a wife encompasses her husband. And they together encompass Christ. What does it mean that we will have a name that no one else knows in heaven? And we will all get every promise. The people who don't get the promises, are the people who don't go to heaven. There are promises, for specific people. But everyone will come into having every promise. Things like sitting with Him on His throne, the way Jesus answered, was an admonishment. It means that we can't just go up, and sit down on His throne. What that mother asked was presumptuous. But what Jesus said, also included covering her. As the gift and promise is still offered. And everyone is a type of Christ. And everyone is unique, and has a gift to give. Though some peoples fruit isn't known right away. God knows the intents and thoughts of the heart and mind. The four living creatures had eyes around and within. Eyes represent spirits, as the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, and the lamp of the body is the eye. The eyes, represent, the spirits of the saints. And the four living creatures show coming together in brotherly love, and having unity. Everyone may start at different places, and be unique, and have different gifts to give, and different testimonies, and types of Him; but everyone will come into having every promise.

    It is not that marriage is immature, and that Christ married us, and so our marriages are replaced. And now real maturity is not being married, and having only brotherly love. And real maturity also being not wanting to be married to anyone. If marriage is immature, why are we married to Jesus? And if we are to be like Jesus, why can't we be married?

    Why did God command Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, if He subjected creation to futility anyways? It was not vain. They didn't eat of it, until Satan tempted them, deceived them, and came in stealing, killing, and destroying. Without the knowledge of good and evil, they didn't know what to do. They only had the knowledge of good. And they could not eat yet of the tree of incorruptible life, because that takes the knowledge of good and evil, to do it. Because to choose freely, from the tree of life, takes knowing what someone is doing. Being able to esteem what is going on in that. And it says to not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases. None of the angels are incorruptible yet. That is why they learn from us, who have incorruption, and they had it upon them in the OT. Though we also are overcoming through sin. And no fallen angel will be saved. Though the vessel of honor is, and is in God, just as with the talents. But the vessel of dishonor will go into perdition. Angels had the knowledge of good, and good and evil. Adam and Eve only had the knowledge of good. What God has done, in having subjected creation to futility, is the impossibe: He is creating creatures like Him. He did not sin, in Lucifer falling, or tempting Adam and Eve either. Adam and Eve, and the fallen angels, went as far as they could, with what they had. And this isn't deism, God was with them every step of the way, until they fell. To have the knowledge of good and evil, and not eventually receive the incorruptible life, means that someone is going to for sure fall at some point. Because all of the power to perform what is good, comes from God. This is also how they didn't just mess up one day. Because of the reconciliation of freewill and predestination. Either God gave the ability to obey, or He didn't. And the ability to obey is freedom. To not have that ability, means that there is not freedom. Just as Jesus said that all who sin are slaves of sin. And they were free, and in and with Him, until they fell.

    Marriage did not fall away, unable to be renewed unto repentance. It is not that husband and wife only present each other to God, and that He allows marriage. That may be all that some couples have together. Just as Paul also said to be content with such things that 'we' have. But that is not the extent of marriage. What is the extent of spirituality? Or God's power? Or love? Reading the Scriptures, as an end, leads to religion. Away from God.

    Angels will have families too. Right now they are His servants, and still are not incorruptible. But they are learning through watching us, and the Spirit, seeing the spoken word of Christ, and His incorruption. What are the nephalim? They are spoken of in the Bible. And they are not just vain imaginations.

    It is not like God just set up the world, and then it messed up because wanting anything in worshiping God is wrong. And that this is all a big example of how we shouldn't want anything. That is false humility. The desires of our heart, are how we enter in! If we are the bride of Christ, and He is the Bridegroom, how is it that He encompasses us? The desires of our heart, are what enters in. God didn't create everything, to just show us that it doesn't really make it to Him, and now through Jesus, we find our what is /really/ important. That is not what happened. First of all Genesis 1:1-2 was God's imagination. Second of all the words for formless and void do speak about creation being desolate. But what does this mean? Was there a former creation? No! Also read in Peter about how there was one world, one creation, before the flood. The Bible says that destructions are finished forever. God did not create darkness. And darkness doesn't even always symbolize sin, though it does topographically. Darkness symbolizes something not yet revealed, as shown in Psalm 19. There is no darkness in Him. God already knew what would take place, creation being subjected to futility by Him, when He was creating it. And Genesis 1:1-2 is in eternity. He was always, is always, and will always being doing that, up unto the new heavens, and new earth, when everything regarding darkness will be finished. The darkness as something not yet revealed, is how God gets us through the knowledge of good and evil. Because if we have knowledge, but do not yet have the ability to perform what is good, through the knowledge of incorruptible life, then we will have the condemnation of Satan. Which is willfully sinning. Because he as the other angels, had the knowledge of good and good and evil when they fell. Adam and Eve did not willfully sin. Otherwise, all of creation would be unable to come to repentance.

    Us being known as we are known means that everything we do is going to be completely empowered by God. It doesn't mean that there can't be marriage. If there can't be marriage in heaven, then why are we married to Jesus? So that we will always remember that we can't have husbands and wives? What is that? That is loving inquity, and having the sorrow that leads to death. Why are we not just 'friends' of Jesus? Or children? Or siblings? It is not that we are the bride of Jesus, just to show us that we are good because we don't want anything. That is false humility. Real humility is knowing that it is the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom. If we can't be married in heaven, how we can have friends? Why isn't Jesus just our only friend? What is going on in not wanting marriage in heaven, is the depths of Satan. Which is thinking we are sinners and that is the way it is. Because apart from that then we would be accountable to having to love! And that is why Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 7.

    The nephalim did really exist. They are shown in Jude, and Genesis 6, and other places. They were half angel, half human. Jesus is the Angel of the LORD. God's angels who aren't Jesus, don't let people worship them. Man and woman are in the image of God. So procreation between angel and man still worked, but was unlawful. 'Neph' comes from nephesh which means soul or life. And 'im' is in Hebrew, a suffix for being plural. God's angels didn't procreate with men and women, and that is why it says that the angels in heaven do not marry nor give in marriage. They still have genitalia, is it in vain?

    If we can't be married in heaven, we can't be in the image of God! Because the IMAGE of God, is in marriage. As there is being of the same body, one flesh, and having the voice of the bride and bridegroom. That is the image of God, the trinity, the body, the voice of the bride, and the voice of the bridegroom. And we are neither male nor female, being complete in Christ, until marriage. And then in marriage, two are joined together as one flesh, they are as one person, just as God is also One. And then Christ is still their completion, as they are together completed by Him.

    Comment (1)

    Sat, Sep 29th - 3:53PM

    In His image

    The Father is spiritual, I say spiritual because He also has a soul. Jesus, His Son, the King, is God in the flesh. And we are the flesh for the Spirit.  Jesus is in everything that we do that is love, and in the Spirit.  Therefore, being the bride of Christ is fulfilled.  In marriage, and all who are in Him, are complete in Him, until marriage. 

    What happens to babies who go to heaven, or little children? 

    Can we still learn after we go to heaven?  Doesn't it say that now we prophesy in part?  Or that we shall be known as we are known? 

    It is false divinity which is against marriage in heaven.  Because false divinity is in Buddhism and Hinduism.  It is zen.  Just like the end of "The Lord of the Rings." 

    In marriage, God is worshiped through marriage!  Otherwise, the only way to worship God is through being on my knees for the rest of my life.  In every godly thing, there are testimonies of Jesus Christ, as to how He is being worshiped, even though there is a physical act consummating, and even though He may not be personally in the flesh present at the time.  But all things are before Him.   

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    Sat, Sep 29th - 3:36PM

    Infallible word

    Luke 20:34-36 (Interpreted from the Greek)
    And answering them this, Jehovah is salvation, this son this period of time of this one to give in marriage presently and to be given in marriage: this moreover to account worthy pertaining to this period of time, he that attains and that rises from the dead, that from death neither is to give in marriage presently neither be given in marriage presently. Neither to die and be able to die now, like the angels are, and are to be a son of God, this being a son of the resurrection.

    It is possible to see here, that Jesus was not saying that there wasn't going to be marriage in heaven. First of all, it shows that it is 'at the resurrection' that none are married. And second of all, the emphasis in the last part of the last sentence shows that there is no marriage, because it is 'the time of the resurrection.'

    Also going on, in verses 37-38, Jesus more specifically focus' on proving that there is going to be a resurrection, after having shown that it is not limited by marriage, as well. His point in verses 37-38 talks about how God isn't in charge of those who are dead, as if sharing life with them. And this also confirmed that people who had died, were in Paradise, for God was called the God of Abraham, who had died. And then the last part of verse 38 specifies again how 'at the resurrection,' the ones who share life with Him, are going to only share it with Him.

    People took these passages, and interpreted them to their own understanding. And now it is to them, as if anyone who says differently is interpreting things to their own understanding.

    It is not that heavenly bodies can't be married. It is that not everything is ready until the marriage of the Lamb. Remember that our hearts right now, though spiritual, are still flesh. And that there are also different kinds of flesh, just as our heavenly bodies will differ from the angels, as Jesus' body right now does also. I believe that just as angels are going to be married and have families after the marriage of the Lamb, that when John spoke about not knowing what kind of body we will have, that we are going to have something inbetween an earthly body, and an angelic one. And that that is what Jesus has right now. And I believe that just as Jesus is the Angel of the LORD, and an Angel, that it is going to be ready for those who were under the law, to have bodies that abide on earth, though also resurrected. And those who are the church, to have bodies that will abide in heaven. And just as, if Adam and Eve would have inhabited the earth before falling, that upon maturity, those under the law, will receive new bodies, like the church's, and abide in heaven. But I can not say exactly what Jesus' body looks like right now. But I have to say that in my vision of being before His throne, that it was like His clothing was a part of His body. And I have studied this some also before, because stars, are made up of dense light. And so I believe that just as Jesus' body could walk through walls and things like that, that the resurrected bodies are going to be able to be completely based on knowledge, which is the substance of faith. I have described the second heaven before as knowledge. Like an orange, and it's peel. It is possible, with the peel, to tear a piece off, but then also get very intricate, and still be a part of the same peel that was there to begin with.

    There is also the emphasis when Jesus said "this one" that pertains to people who have been married to more than one person on earth. Though none are married at the resurrection. Along with this, is the emphasis 'from death' showing that no one rising from dead, is married. These things solve the problem of being married to more than one person on earth, and still being able to be married in heaven, there being one person for everyone who completes them, and is their spouse eternally. Remember also again that the Bible says that we will have a name that no one else knows, and husband and wife are one flesh. Everyone WILL get every promise.

    Comment (0)

    Sat, Sep 29th - 3:30PM

    Marriage in heaven 4

    In Luke 20:34-36 it must be understood that the tenses in the Greek regarding marriage, are specifically shown to be only at the present time of the resurrection.  Just as at the resurrection there is going to be judgment, and then after the resurrection is the new heavens and new earth.  At the resurrection the wicked are going to be judged and know their state, and the righteous are going to be judged and know theirs.  And the wicked will be punished, and the righteous rewarded.  And then the righteous are going to go into the new heavens and new earth.  And then there will be marriage in heaven.  The exact words used also, in Luke 20:34-36 must also be translated correctly.  It has been true that many Scriptures were translated, with the presumption of what people thought in their understanding, to be the point of the Scriptures, rather than letting the Scriptures be known in Spirit and truth. 

    There is also the point in the verses, which speak about not being able to die anymore.  And the tense used there shows how we aren't going to remeber the things of sin anymore. 

    Is marriage sin?  According to how most people read 1 Corinthians 7, marriage is 'simply' allowed.  Something is either for God, or against it.  There is no grey area.  People are either one flesh, or they aren't.  God doesn't save anything, that isn't eternal.  And with the cherubim encompassing Him on His mercy seat, the eternality of marriage should be known.  Why did Paul say what he did in 1 Corinthians 7?  Because not everyone knows who the right person is.  And because Jesus said that people would be eating and drinking and giving in marriage, when He came as a thief in the night.  Is it therefore that these things are evil?  Is it therefore that none of these things are in heaven?  No!  Paul didn't want people to stop trying to be spiritual.  That is why he spoke in the admonishing way that he did.  If people run into things, and marriage is a battle for those who truly love each other, than what is for the sinner if the righteous are scarcely saved?

    The Jews weren't looking for the Christ to be the Son of God, and equal to Him.  And Christ was equal to God.  What it says in Philippians about the mind of Christ, is that He was equal to God, but did not cling to those rights, as He submitted, to serve us, and God.  One Scripture identifies Christ as the Son of God, and equal to God, and being God.  It is when David said "The LORD said to my Lord...."  The Scriptures in Jeremiah about the branch of righteousness also say that Jerusalem will be called 'the LORD our righteousness.'  Is Jerusalem God?  How did the Jews not get that?  Because they were reading the letter, and not the Spirit.  They were searching the Scriptures, but not dependant upon God. 

    In the same way, God's creating of the new thing- a woman encompassing a man, promises marriage in heaven.  Lucifer was the one cherub of God.  Now there are two.  And this doesn't just mean that 'one person' isn't in charge anymore.  It means that a wife encompasses her husband.  And they together encompass Christ.  What does it mean that we will have a name that no one else knows in heaven?  And we will all get every promise.  The people who don't get the promises, are the people who don't go to heaven.  There are promises, for specific people.  But everyone will come into having every promise.  Things like sitting with Him on His throne, the way Jesus answered, was an admonishment.  It means that we can't just go up, and sit down on His throne.  What that mother asked was presumptuous.  But what Jesus said, also included covering her.  As the gift and promise is still offered.  And everyone is a type of Christ.  And everyone is unique, and has a gift to give.  Though some peoples fruit isn't known right away.  God knows the intents and thoughts of the heart and mind.  The four living creatures had eyes around and within.  Eyes represent spirits, as the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, and the lamp of the body is the eye.  The eyes, represent, the spirits of the saints.  And the four living creatures show coming together in brotherly love, and having unity.  Everyone may start at different places, and be unique, and have different gifts to give, and different testimonies, and types of Him; but everyone will come into having every promise.   

    It is not that marriage is immature, and that Christ married us, and so our marriages are replaced.  And now real maturity is not being married, and having only brotherly love.  And real maturity also being not wanting to be married to anyone.  If marriage is immature, why are we married to Jesus?  And if we are to be like Jesus, why can't we be married? 

    Why did God command Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, if He subjected creation to futility anyways?  It was not vain.  They didn't eat of it, until Satan tempted them, deceived them, and came in stealing, killing, and destroying.  Without the knowledge of good and evil, they didn't know what to do.  They only had the knowledge of good.  And they could not eat yet of the tree of incorruptible life, because that takes the knowledge of good and evil, to do it.  Because to choose freely, from the tree of life, takes knowing what someone is doing.  Being able to esteem what is going on in that.  And it says to not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases.  None of the angels are incorruptible yet.  That is why they learn from us, who have incorruption, and they had it upon them in the OT.  Though we also are overcoming through sin.  And no fallen angel will be saved.  Though the vessel of honor is, and is in God, just as with the talents.  But the vessel of dishonor will go into perdition.  Angels had the knowledge of good, and good and evil.  Adam and Eve only had the knowledge of good.  What God has done, in having subjected creation to futility, is the impossibe: He is creating creatures like Him.  He did not sin, in Lucifer falling, or tempting Adam and Eve either.  Adam and Eve, and the fallen angels, went as far as they could, with what they had.  And this isn't deism, God was with them every step of the way, until they fell.  To have the knowledge of good and evil, and not eventually receive the incorruptible life, means that someone is going to for sure fall at some point.  Because all of the power to perform what is good, comes from God.  This is also how they didn't just mess up one day.  Because of the reconciliation of freewill and predestination.  Either God gave the ability to obey, or He didn't.  And the ability to obey is freedom.  To not have that ability, means that there is not freedom.  Just as Jesus said that all who sin are slaves of sin.  And they were free, and in and with Him, until they fell.   

    Marriage did not fall away, unable to be renewed unto repentance.  It is not that husband and wife only present each other to God, and that He allows marriage.  That may be all that some couples have together.  Just as Paul also said to be content with such things that 'we' have.  But that is not the extent of marriage.  What is the extent of spirituality?  Or God's power?  Or love?  Reading the Scriptures, as an end, leads to religion.  Away from God. 

    Angels will have families too.  Right now they are His servants, and still are not incorruptible.  But they are learning through watching us, and the Spirit, seeing the spoken word of Christ, and His incorruption.  What are the nephalim?  They are spoken of in the Bible.  And they are not just vain imaginations. 

    It is not like God just set up the world, and then it messed up because wanting anything in worshiping God is wrong.  And that this is all a big example of how we shouldn't want anything.  That is false humility.  The desires of our heart, are how we enter in!  If we are the bride of Christ, and He is the Bridegroom, how is it that He encompasses us?  The desires of our heart, are what enters in.  God didn't create everything, to just show us that it doesn't really make it to Him, and now through Jesus, we find our what is /really/ important.  That is not what happened.  First of all Genesis 1:1-2 was God's imagination.  Second of all the words for formless and void do speak about creation being desolate.  But what does this mean?  Was there a former creation?  No!  Also read in Peter about how there was one world, one creation, before the flood.  The Bible says that destructions are finished forever.  God did not create darkness.  And darkness doesn't even always symbolize sin, though it does topographically.  Darkness symbolizes something not yet revealed, as shown in Psalm 19.  There is no darkness in Him.  God already knew what would take place, creation being subjected to futility by Him, when He was creating it.  And Genesis 1:1-2 is in eternity.  He was always, is always, and will always being doing that, up unto the new heavens, and new earth, when everything regarding darkness will be finished.  The darkness as something not yet revealed, is how God gets us through the knowledge of good and evil.  Because if we have knowledge, but do not yet have the ability to perform what is good, through the knowledge of incorruptible life, then we will have the condemnation of Satan.  Which is willfully sinning.  Because he as the other angels, had the knowledge of good and good and evil when they fell.  Adam and Eve did not willfully sin.  Otherwise, all of creation would be unable to come to repentance. 

    Us being known as we are known means that everything we do is going to be completely empowered by God.  It doesn't mean that there can't be marriage.  If there can't be marriage in heaven, then why are we married to Jesus?  So that we will always remember that we can't have husbands and wives?  What is that?  That is loving inquity, and having the sorrow that leads to death.  Why are we not just 'friends' of Jesus?  Or children?  Or siblings?  It is not that we are the bride of Jesus, just to show us that we are good because we don't want anything.  That is false humility.  Real humility is knowing that it is the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom.  If we can't be married in heaven, how we can have friends?  Why isn't Jesus just our only friend?  What is going on in not wanting marriage in heaven, is the depths of Satan.  Which is thinking we are sinners and that is the way it is.  Because apart from that then we would be accountable to having to love!  And that is why Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 7.

    The nephalim did really exist.  They are shown in Jude, and Genesis 6, and other places.  They were half angel, half human.  Jesus is the Angel of the LORD.  God's angels who aren't Jesus, don't let people worship them.  Man and woman are in the image of God.  So procreation between angel and man still worked, but was unlawful.  'Neph' comes from nephesh which means soul or life.  And 'im' is in Hebrew, a suffix for being plural.  God's angels didn't procreate with men and women, and that is why it says that the angels in heaven do not marry nor give in marriage.  They still have genitalia, is it in vain? 

    If we can't be married in heaven, we can't be in the image of God!  Because the IMAGE of God, is in marriage.  As there is being of the same body, one flesh, and having the voice of the bride and bridegroom.  That is the image of God, the trinity, the body, the voice of the bride, and the voice of the bridegroom.  And we are neither male nor female, being complete in Christ, until marriage.  And then in marriage, two are joined together as one flesh, they are as one person, just as God is also One.  And then Christ is still their completion, as they are together completed by Him.  

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    Sat, Sep 29th - 1:01AM

    Peace and safety and lukewarmness

    Enrapturement.  It is the wine of the Holy Spirit.  Remember that David said to Solomon to ALWAYS be enraptured in the love of the wife of his youth.  And also, do you know what pertains to youth?  Dew.  And dew saturates.  It replenishes.  And it is given by the LORD more than regurarly.  One meaning of rapture, is to be caught away.  Another meaning of it, is to ride on eagle's wings.  Another meaning of it, is to be still, together.  Another meaning of it, is to transcend.  And this isn't transcendentalism.  Transcendentalism, is basically Christian science.  How it differs from God, is that it does not have His substance.  Most people accuse things to be Christians Science because they involve specific things.  But remember that in the Bible, specific things are everywhere.  A real example of Christian Science, is in looking to the cross, and not Jesus.  For example saying that the piece of wood that Moses threw into the water at Marah, resembles the cross.  When it resembles Jesus, having been cut off (outside the gates), and something that was living, but is now dead.  People are teaching Christian Science whenever they look to trying to give the 'keys' or the 'steps' or the 'how to' when they are really only giving laws and methods.  Laws don't have to be exactly like the Law of Moses, where it says plainly that the consequence is death.  The kind of knowledge that puffs up, is the rules that people follow, the do's and don'ts of 'Christianity.'  "Christian" was a name that people called those who were saved.  It isn't even the 'official' religion of God.  The Spirit is where there is life.  What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, is to try and follow God, without understanding that He is not about rules, and that it is impossible to know Him, without worshiping in Spirit and truth.  That means that the only way to receive the Word of God, is through the Spirit.  Being enraptured, is also as going through a heavenly door.  Which is a Promise to the church of Philidelphia.  What did Philadelphia do, that was so right?  Faithfulness.  But how, and in what?  Not compromising being spiritual, and knowing God in the Spirit.  Not compromising being one with Him.  That is the first thing to go, when religion sets in.  Because then there is not the true foundation, the Rock, and the divine nature becomes something that is set in rules, and the good showings of the flesh.  The high things, and high praises of God become things that are feared, which is the work of the demonic.  The spoken word of Christ, becomes feared, and only regarded in simplicity, which is Jezebellic.  The power of God begins to leave, and men depend on their own understanding, though claim it is God's, because they honor Him with their lips, and say corban.  Meaning that they say that they are imperfect, and God wouldn't want anything from them anyways.  And this is when the love of God turns into: "what I don't do for you, is what I do for you."  When surety only gets regarded in an evil way.  When evil surety is the same word as good surety, but only is given in contrast.  The evil surety that is spoken against in the Bible, is about being complacent.  What about the good Samaritan?  Hebrews shows that Christ was surety for us.  And we are supposed to walk just as He did.  That is the point that Jesus made, and also that John made in His letters.  That we lay down our lives for each other.  When Paul talked about checking ourselves before carrying burdens, he did not mean that we shouldn't still do it.  What does Proverbs 24 show also?  Paul admonished.  Just as counting the cost is important, but is not the whole end in itself.  Because any who count the cost and come up short, still are accountable.  That means that we are to find a way.  Just as what it means to pick up and lay down the cross.  Also as the cross is His death, as is laying our lives down, and repentance is preparing the way.  God is full of testimonies.  And they are what enlightens our faith.  They are what shows us God working in the physical, just as Psalm 107 preaches.  They are what enlightens us to God's names.  Understand, that if we are surety for nothing, that is surety, for nothingness.  It is the Spirit who has fulfilled all things, and Jesus Christ whom was His vessel, and has sent Him.  We do not follow the Law of Moses, nor take oaths.  But is it not an oath, to stay away from immorality?  We can do all things through the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  We don't have to follow the Law, not because grace and freedom say that we don't 'make' things happen.  We don't follow the Law, because it never brought life, it condemned it.  And through it's testimonies, people awakened to God.  Jesus has now condemned sin in the flesh, through His sacrifice, and resurrection.  Therefore, now all things are lawful.  But not all things edify.  We should not be brought under the power of any.  But surety, for love, is one thing: the Promises of God.  Which in Him are "Yes" and "Amen."  What is our cross, if it is only about ourselves not sinning?  It is the law, in pieces of wood!  We should be dying to the coarse of the world.  Not saying that we are 'living in it, but are not of it.'  We should be laying our lives down continually, that the glory of the Lord might be revealed in us.  We should be choosing rather to suffer physically, then to prosper in the flesh.  What is happening in the church of Laodicea?  Are they that stupid, that they don't notice walking around in ragged clothes?  No, it is their spirituality, which is poor, blind, naked, and miserable.  And since the Spirit is where truth is, the physical then, is not really right.  And what did He say to them?  To buy from Him.  Isn't grace free?  Yes.  But we are to sell our lives to Him.  Does this mean that we can't do anything any longer?  No, it means that we should rather choose the Promises of God, and to be spiritual, then to prosper in the flesh, and say "Grace."  It means that in our in-between times that we should rather be seeking God, and not digressing into the apostacies which will lead into death.  Being simplicity, false humility, false grace, and false freedom.  The things that look good by sight.  How do these lies seem sound?  Because it is attesting to God, and not having the oneness, which is in the perfection of the Spirit, and walking in that.  As Paul said, if we have new life in the Spirit, let us walk that way.  What is attesting to God?  It is asking Him 'if' questions.  Which actually is the root of the Law, while the Promises to Abraham, and the Promises and blessings, and testimonies of Christ, are sure and steadfast.  For He is the beginning and the end, and knows that every Promise is faithful and true, and that if we bel'ieve' and continue in Him, that we will receive them.  What is the severity of God against?  Complacency.  God is already seeking us, as He loves us first, and through nature and wisdom also.  We will find Him when we seek Him with our whole heart.  What about being scared?  Or not wanting to tell Gentiles, and or Jews about the severity of God?  They are already accountable.  The gospel and kingdom of Christ is not in word, but in power.  Which means "You can't give what you don't have."  And what is to be given?  Love.  That is the power of God.  When Paul told Timothy to stay away from profane and idle babblings, do you know what those were?  When people begin honoring with their lips, and not in the perfection of the Spirit.  When fellowship no longer has the knowledge of God, and when the knowledge of God is attempted, it is condemned.  As people only become simple.  Unable to rightly divide the word of truth.  Though they have a type of godliness.  But they deny His power.  They increase to more ungodliness, though people think they have 'peace and safety.'  The cross became how to not have to follow God completely.  And the offense of the cross became that people want things, but the cross tells them no.  When the offense of the cross is that we want things, but that by sight it seems as if we have to do evil that good may come.  We are supposed to want things.  God will reveal even what we do not yet know, to us.  As far as discernment, and purity.  Not wanting things is the religion of false divinity.  And the very end of that, is that everyone covets, and that anyone can do whatever they want.  And that having a name which no one else knows is wrong.  Remind you of something?  Sodom and Gomorrah.  That is the end of ignoring and having unbelief towards spirituality.  Even as the Holy City is called Sodom and Egypt.  That means 'burning' and 'entrenchment.'  That means raping others through sightly uprightness, and traditions; and thinking that everyone has their own way to God, as Egypt thought that shepherds were an abomination.  What does Gomorrah mean?  "Submersion."  Which basically is someone allowing themselves to be raped, but through the deception of it being willful.  Though things by sight may seem to have 'peace and safety.'  As the traditions and ways of man rise up, and even unto heaven.  The cross is that we want things, and that we suffer, and rot, and die outwardly.  Just as the word for 'die' in John 12 means to rot, and to die.  That means that when we have God's Promises, no matter what sin is in the flesh, when we have the word of faith, we are carrying our cross.  And what do we do, when we have a lack of knowledge/faith?  We prepare the way.  We are not to sacrifice His Promises, as in the clefts.  That is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  Because Jesus, and His body, is what the sacrifice was, while the Holy Spirit, is Himself the Promise.      

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    Fri, Sep 28th - 5:15PM

    The lines have fallen in pleasant places

    It is possible for man to be infinite.  In God.  With boundaries.  How high is the sky? 

    Eternity is conceptual, and time is specific.  Eternity is feminine, and time is masculine.  Jesus is as the bride of the Father, by the Holy Spirit. 

    When eternity comes into time, then it is the chosen seed.  That is the definitive infinity, and infinite definitive. 

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    Fri, Sep 28th - 4:58PM


    Love, faith, hope. Love is having been created. Faith is having been created, haivng rest, and then coming together. Coming together is an action. And just as also the works of God are that we believe in Him. Hope is having come together. This relationship is present in every trinity. In praise, strength, joy. In the past, present, and future. In the subconscious, conscious mind, and conscience. In thoughts, emotions, and feelings. In the way, the truth, and the life. In repentance, His death, and His life. In love, truth, and peace. In love, joy, peace. In patience, kindness, goodness. In faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Spirit, soul, body. First heaven, second heaven, third heaven. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.

    There are five knowledges of God. First picture a penduldum that swings. On one end there is echad. Which is the Hebrew word for being singularly one. On the other end is yachid, which is the Hebrew word for being one in the plural. Ascending and descending, is the to and fro inbetween. At whatever speed, the pendulum will be in the center prudently according to whatever timing is being used. This prudence is conception, and is rest. Beyond this, the pendulum is also in all points prudently according to whatever timing is being used. This is all things. (Echad, yachid, to and fro, rest, all things)

    Men and women may be everything that God is except God without God. That means that we may be infinite. How is that possible? By the Spirit. And the way we are infinite is this: we are the vessel, He is the substance. We are to have no substance outside of Him. And concerning our flesh: He became sin. There are three heavens, earth where our body is, as the first heaven; the second heaven where our soul is; and the third heaven where God is, and our spirits and hearts are. Picture concentrated juice. That is us in the third heaven. Now, there is also a trinity in Genesis. Genesis 1:1-2 is God's imagination. The formless is wisdom, the void understanding, and darkness knowlwedge. Wisdom is formless because it has not been acted out yet. And wisdom is how to be righteous. Understanding is void, because the wisdom has not been acted out yet still. And understanding is having what wisdom is offering. Just as we are to be doers, and not only hearers. Understanding is also how Jesus fits in. The darkness is knowledge that is not yet revealed. Just as night unto night reveals knowledge. Genesis 1:3-'in the garden' is symbolic of the soul, and second heaven. And that is when the spoken Word came, which is Christ. And so the second heaven is like the juice being mixed with water (living water). And then the first heaven is the cup filled with the juice.

    There are seven pillars of wisdom: love, wisdom, discernment, the fear of the LORD, discretion, understanding, and knowledge. In our walk, we have to meditate in the Spirit. Which is also what John was doing in Revelation. Yes John was a prophet and apostle, but we may all receive every gift, but only have some gifts to give. Understanding faith as coming together with God, meditation is very precious. It is being spiritual, and is the works of God. Picture a plate with some water on it. And then take a flashlight, and shine it on the water, and blow on it. That is meditation. Because we shouldn't be emptying our minds only, or filling them only. That is what idolatry is. We should be balancing between the stillness, and the ripples. And once meditation has 'conceived' then just as God stretches the scroll, and His Spirit births through, there is newness, just as in circumcision. Paul said that if first there is a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what one doesn't have. If someone has a willing mind to love, then how do they know how to perform what is good? Is it wise? This is where most people say instead "Is it simple?" Simplicity is the doctrine of Baal. Baal meaning 'lord.' And Jezebel means "Baal exalts." Simplicity was not wrong in the OT, and then okay in the NT. Where simplicity is translated in the English language, it should be pure, genuine, single, or sincere. What after wisdom? Discernment. And what is discernment for? The spirit of things. Now remember that Jesus spoke about worshiping in Spirit and truth. Once we have discernment, what do we do with it? We must fear the LORD, because if we don't, we won't endure forever. Because no matter how good we may think something to be, without God, it is nothing. And God is no respecter of persons. In our enduring, how do we continue? Discretion. It preserves us away from simplicity. Into what wisdom offers. What is discretion? It is being able to understand what the spirit of something is, and balance that with whether or not something is true. The point of discretion is not to stay away from things. It is how to keep continuing in cleanness. As is the fear of the LORD. Thus through discretion we gain what wisdom offers, which is understanding. And is the spoken word of Christ, just as also the Greek word for 'word' pertaining to the words that Christ speaks now and today is 'rhema.' The written word of God is 'logos.' And the substance of understanding, is knowledge. What knowledge are we to have? Knowledge of the Holy One. Knowledge of the Holy One is the divine nature, true divinity.

    God sits above the circle of the earth, or the circle of the first heaven. The circle is humility, judgment, mercy, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and love. These may also be aligned to the seven churches of Revelation. As to what was lost. And then also the consequences are in the consecutive 7 pillars of wisdom. And also each 'phase' of the circle triumphs over the prededing one. One way to look at the triumphing, is to see that to get to the next part of the circle, the first needs to be perfected. Another way to look at it, is to see how those who are already perfected in a further part of the circle, are above any who are in the preceding parts of the circle, in God's authority, which does not 'lord authority.' And having God's authority, which does not lord authority, is balanced through these means. Not as a form of rules, but as a form of outworking.

    God's throne is beyond the circle. Inbetween the circle there is every trinity. Including also goodness, righteousness, and truth; rest, comfort, adoption; and awake, abide, remain.

    The second heaven, is also the soul of Jesus.

    A poem on the four living creatures:

    "In Him are hidden all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge"
    When we worship
    We are the temple for the Spirit of God
    Jesus is our temple
    and as the four living creatures
    unity is shod

    The living creatures are as the first pillars

    Love the first
    as a lion
    also don't forget the wheels
    which represent the two witnesses

    God's love prevails over all
    it never fails
    nor backs down
    but is patient and endures
    and He unto us comes to save
    and to the enemy- He mauls

    Wisdom the second
    as a calf
    resembling providence
    as with the trinity we eternally have

    No one has seen the Father completely
    not even Adam and Eve
    for He appeared to them
    they only having the knowledge of good
    His Immortal nature they could not conceive

    But God is an Angel also
    the Angel of the LORD
    (just as Angels shall also become sons and daughters
    after the marriage of the Lamb
    remember that there is a talent which was Lucifer
    as God makes a vessel of honor and dishonor from the samp lump; I have talked about this somewhere before)
    as appearing to Joshua
    and John
    because other angels don't let those they serve worship them
    but against that do implore

    Calves provide much
    nearly all that one could need
    This as to Abraham
    resembles the Promise there is in the 'paraklete'

    Discernment the third
    had a face like a man
    remember that Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh
    but was perfect, and human
    and what all should have been looking for

    The Fear of the LORD the fourth
    like a flying eagle
    only those who wait on the LORD may renew their strength and mount up with wings like these

    To remain in His Presence
    the fear of the LORD is what we need

    The living creatures had eyes
    around and within
    this resembles the relationships we have together
    just as we continue
    though not always in each other's presence

    This isn't summoning or witchcraft
    because it is foolish to say
    that we can't think of each other
    and prepare ourselves
    though some might be away

    There are seven Spirits of God
    which also were with Him
    The Spirit of the LORD rested upon Him
    just as with us
    because as we call Him LORD and submit
    He is over us
    the Spirit of God is within
    and contextually
    all things

    Wisdom leads us to love
    which is God in all of His forms
    understanding keeps us
    counsel prepares us
    might fares us
    knowledge is our inheritance
    and the fear of the LORD is our delight
    just as was David's
    as these are in His order
    not ours
    concerning how man's unity in the living creatures is alight

    The circle of heaven is the Way unto His bosom
    His Spirit in heaven being our delight
    with us together in Him
    completely enjoying and resting in our inheritance
    with every good and every perfect gift
    from the Father of lights

    Wisdom is understanding
    and counsel unto discernment guides
    mighty we may be as through the fear of the LORD we can wait on Him
    and with eagle's wings so then ride
    running and not being weary
    and walking and not becoming faint

    From unity we shall all have knowledge together
    and so also be delighted
    though brothers and sisters may be in or out of our sight

    The six wings resemble how we shall stay in this light
    we should not fear any man
    but the LORD inside
    just as what we love we worship
    and become one with
    God is the giver of all life

    Our body is made up of three platforms, just as the OT temple. There is our spirit, soul, and body. Our spirit and heart are on the same platform, just as the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place. The Holy of Holies is the spirit, and the Holy Place is the heart. The inner court is the soul, and the outer court is the body. Our body is made up of ten parts, and our soul of five. Five is the number for the Holy Spirit, and ten the body of Christ. Pharoah hardened his heart five times, before the LORD hardened it the rest of the way. Showing the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Just as Israel also did, after leaving. At Marah, at Meribah, at Sinai, when they asked for meat, and when they gave the bad report. The body is counted up with each individual part, plus each platform. So there is the spirit, one, heart, two, together three. The five parts of the soul are the nephesh (Hebrew for soul and life), which is symbolic of our personality. Which is also growing. Then the breath, the ruwach (Hebrew). Then the will, mind and imagination. The imagination is only in God, with the new spirits and hearts. So it is nephesh four, ruwach, five, will, six, mind, seven, imagination and everything together, eight. Then the body is nine. Paul said that anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ, is not His. And so the tenth part only gets added in with the Spirit of Chirst: body, Spirit of Christ, everything together, ten.

    The tenth fruit of the Holy Spirit is everlasting life. Which we may have in Him, as the kingdom of God is inside of us. Just as the woman lost one coin, and one sheep went astray.

    30, 60, 90, 100 is called, chosen, elected, glorified/profitable.

    1 is symbolic of being one. 2 is the number of witnesses. 3 is the number of the trinity, and being one in the plural. 4 is the number for unity. 5 creativity. 6 creation. 7 perfection and completion (evil is perfect too, just not holy). 8 is new beginnings. 9 is something not yet revealed. 11 is fornication, and taking away from God's word. 12 is the number for the bride. Which is two witnesses upon the body. 13 is the number for pompous words, and adding to the word of God. 14 is the number for the right hand of fellowship. 15 is the number for restoration (Hezekiah). 16 is the number of minas, as profitableness is complete only with the new body, thus 6 being added to the body, not multiplied. 17 is the number for returning from captivity (field of Anathoth). 18 is the number for freedom (Isaiah 18-America). 24 is the number for the church. Which is two witnesses upon the body (10 plus 2), multiplied by the two witnesses, as the Spirit infills the body.

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    Fri, Sep 28th - 3:25PM

    The Promised Land

    Everyone who came to Jesus to be healed was healed. 

    Hebrews 10:36
    after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise

    1 Corinthians 7:7
    each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.

    Ephesians 4:7-8
    to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore He says:
    “ When He ascended on high,
          He led captivity captive,
          And gave gifts to men.”

    What is the will of God?

    Hebrews 10:5-7
    “ Sacrifice and offering You did not desire,
          But a body You have prepared for Me.
           6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin
          You had no pleasure.
           7 Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come—
          In the volume of the book it is written of Me—
          To do Your will, O God.’”

    Romans 12:1
    I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

    1 John 1:8-10
    If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

    Romans 7:15-17
    what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.

    The flesh has sin.  But who we are on the insides, is perfect.

    John 3:5
    “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."

    1 John 3:9
    Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

    What is the water?  It is the living water, which is the word of God.  Jesus is the word of God.

    John 1:1
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    1 John 1:1-4
    1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.

    Romans 8:9
    if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His

    What is entering in?  Entering in, is having victory over the battle that is against the soul.  Because before entering in, someone can still fall away.  But after entering in, no matter what happens, they can not fall away.

    1 Peter 2:11
    Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul

    How can someone know if they have entered in or not?  Entering in is not about having the flesh prosper.  When someone has entered in, then they have run their race, and finished it.  They have fought the good fight, and kept the faith.  And they have established on earth, their earthly gift, the Promises of it.  But even after having entered in, the Israelites still had to fight and have victory over all of the enemies in the Promised land.  Which was something that Israel did not do.  They had beaten the countries in Canaan, as far as having their lot issued and divided out to them.  But they did not rid the Promised land of all of the enemy, from dwelling in it.  Beginning first with Manasseh, and then Ephraim.  Manasseh symbolizes a man, or husband, and Ephraim a woman or wife, as I have spoken about before.  If there was a time, to bring up, Adam having authority, and having supposed to not let Eve eat of the fruit, here it is.  But even in this, Adam and Eve were one flesh.  And it was not marriage's fault that they fell.  As if this all is a lesson about how we need to want nothing, in worshiping God.  What Satan did, in tempting Eve, was seduce according to Adam and Eve's weakness' and strengths.  He came to Eve, and played on her weakness, and then Adam sinned and his strength was taken away.  As being one flesh, man and woman, are the same person.  And without each other, one falls.  Why couldn't Adam bear up Eve?  Because they did not have the knowledge of incorruptible life.  In depriving one another in marriage, it is not that man and woman separate, because marriage is not God's complete will.  It is that they come together, and consent.  And then they work on coming together again, through fasting and praying, unto meeting each other.

    [repentance, His death, His life]

    After entering in, the battle is only against the flesh.  And the person can not fall away, nor can their promises.  And their promises were established on earth, as they are in heaven.  What promises did Paul have, coming 'out of Egypt?'  What did God speak to him about?  About preaching the gospel, and suffering for it.  Paul entered in, as shown in 2 Timothy.  And had not yet, as shown in Philippians, in speaking about attaining to perfection. 

    How do we enter in?

    Hebrews 6:1
    let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God

    [His death, His life]


    Romans 12:1
    I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

    Mark 12:28-30
    Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”
    29 Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. 30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind (dianoia in the Greek meaning volition), and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.

    This is the cross of Christ.  And how do we carry the cross?

    John 15:13
    Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

    1 John 2:5-6
    whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

    1 John 3:16
    By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

    1 John 4:7-8
    Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

    Romans 13:9-10
    “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

    And what about after entering in, and needing to defeat the enemy out of the land of Canaan, and continue to do so, until none of them dwell in the land?  

    [His life]

    Romans 12:2
    do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    1 John 2:15-17
    Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

    1 John 3:13-14
    Do not marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you. 14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren.

    1 John 5:9-13
    If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son. 10 He who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son. 11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

    Why should anyone try to enter in, if they can fall away, if they leave Egypt?  Because purposeful ignorance, is still willful sin.

    Hebrews 10:26-39
    if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.  And again, “The LORD will judge His people.”  31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
    32 But recall the former days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle with sufferings: 33 partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so treated; 34 for you had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven.  35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:
           37 “ For yet a little while,
          And He who is coming will come and will not tarry.
           38 Now the just shall live by faith;
          But if anyone draws back,
          My soul has no pleasure in him.”

     39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.

    What should entering in feel like?

    1 John 2:12-13b
    12 I write to you, little children,
    Because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.
           13 I write to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
          I write to you, young men,
    Because you have overcome the wicked one.

    This is where we all are, at the beginning of salvation.

    Romans 10:9
    if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

    And a person is saved whether or not they enter in before they die, if they have sincere faith.  But drawing back is not in sinning, and or having consequences, and or dying 'a sinner.'  It is in unbelief.

    Hebrews 3:19
    they could not enter in because of unbelief

    Unbelief isn't 'having a hard time believing.'  It is undoing belief. 

    1 John 3:20
    if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

    If a person falls away, they are a double vessel.  Having the talent buried, which is the vessel of honor, and being a son of perdition, the vessel of dishonor.  The double vessel undoes belief, and does not enter in, nor have the soul sealed, having left Egypt.  How can someone know if they have left Egypt or not?  Hebrews says that Moses was faithful in all of His house.  But Moses did not hallow God before the Israelites at Meribah, and could not enter into the Promised land, and wandered in the desert, with those who will never enter His rest, though Moses shall after the New heavens, and earth.  People who act like they are faithful in all of His house are people who have left Egypt.  Can someone stay behind in Egypt, and choose not to leave, having not died before the LORD leads out?  Sincere faith is the bar here.  And this is how to know if there is sincere faith or not:

    1 John 4:1-6
    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
    4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. 6 We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

    However, if we lack knowledge, not knowing, then that shows OUR weakness.  People are not supposed to make other people accountable, people make themselves accountable.  In the same way, people should not provoke other people, and call it 'testing the spirits.'  People should test themselves.

    2 Corinthians 13:5
    Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves.

    1 Corinthians 9:27
    I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

    The word for discipline in the Greek is 'hupopiazo.'  Which means to beat black and blue.

    The joy of the LORD is our strength.  And there is praise, strength, joy. 

    Psalm 8:2
    Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
             You have ordained strength

    Matthew 21:16
    ‘ Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
          You have perfected praise’?

    Nehemiah 8:10
    the joy of the LORD is your strength.

    There is also love, faith, hope; and spirit, soul, body.  And it is the soul that is sealed in entering in.   

    1 John 5:4
    whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

    1 John 2:13c-14
    I write to you, little children,
    Because you have known the Father.
           14 I have written to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
          I have written to you, young men,
    Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,
    And you have overcome the wicked one.

    How can we do these things, without just getting caught up in method?

    John 15:4-5
    Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
    5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

    1 John 2:27
    the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.

    1 John 3:24
    by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us

    1 John 4:12-19
    If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world. 15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.  17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 19 We love Him because He first loved us.

    1 John 5:18-21
    We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.
    19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.
    20 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.
    21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

    Therefore what hope do we have?

    Titus 3:4-7
    when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

    John 1:1-4
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

    1 John 1:1-7
    1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.  5 This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

    1 John 3:21-23
    Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. 22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 23 And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment.

    1 John 5:14-15
    this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

    John 15:7-17
    7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.  9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
    11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. 14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. 17 These things I command you, that you love one another.

    John 6:29
    “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”

    Hebrews 10:36
    after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise

    Hebrews 13:13
    let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach

    We have no ongoing city here on earth, because everything is still corrupted.  But according to the kingdom of God inside of us, which is also incorrutible, it abides forever.

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    Fri, Sep 28th - 1:41PM

    The Power of Love

    There are some beliefs regarding faith. Some people say that we can confess His Promises, and no matter what it looks like, they are true. And some people say, that those who do that are 'name it and claim it.' And then it could be said that the people who accuse people of 'name it and claim it' are lukewarm. Some people say that it is God's will to not be healed. Some people say that they have faith in their infirmities, but aren't healed.

    In the Bible, several women were barren. But many of them received God's promises, having Him open up their womb. Sarah was well past the age of child bearing when she bore Isaac. Hannah displayed humility, diligence, and devotion. Some people waited nearly their whole lifetime for the Promises of God. And then there is Solomon, who had everything, but ended up falling. Though this was also in the same manner of Peter, David, and Adam and Eve. As Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil, and David and Peter did not have incorruption inside of them, and they all went as far as they could.

    Very much of the Old Testament is filled with events that were very binary and ironic. And the testimony of Jesus Christ can be seen, in the interpretations from the Spirit. In my own life, I see these things. And desire to know the relationship of the OT and NT, apart from simplicity. It being not just the Law of Moses, and cross separating them. Though those are some of the biggest factors. Because they still had grace and faith in the OT, and that was still the only way for salvation. The law was a tutor, for the people to awake to God, through it's testimonies. And just because we now have Jesus, doesn't mean that there are no curses, or that God doesn't get angry anymore. Because the only way to abide in the Spirit, and His Promises, is to go beyond being brought near to Him, through the death and life of Christ. Into walking as He did, and being perfect in Him, though corruption is still in the flesh. But that corruption fades away, and blows away, and He gives life into the mortal flesh by His Spirit.

    But the Promised land remains unblemished in Christ. It being through the power of God, and the power of God not changing from what it was, as if it is not as present modernly. If anything, there is more power, as sin abounds, and grace abounds all the more. And what is grace? The free gift of the power of God, by which we receive Him. His forgiveness, His mercy, His love, His gifts, everything that is from Him. The power of God, is much more than just Him showing Himself as being over everything. The power of God is actually where the Word comes from, rather than His power coming from His Word, as shown in Hebrews. And the Word, the Bible says, is magnified above all His name. Therefore the power of God encompasses everything that has to do with Him. Whether that power manifests through weakness, as His glory is shown in humility. Or whether His power is manifested through strength, where His glory is shown in His might. Both of these enlighten unto the abilities of God. From His lowness, to His higness. And the equity in these, is that He endures forever, and that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore:

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8
    Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
    8 Love never fails.

    This is the substance of faith. This is the spiritual knowledge of God, which is the makeup of the things we hope for. And this is also the evidence of the things that we do not see in the physical. Therefore, when these things are present, then whether we see what we hope for, or not; whether we possess it presently fully or not, we are convinced that what He has Promised, He is also able to perform.

    Romans 4:5
    hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

    1 Corinthians 14:1
    Pursue love

    Galatians 5:6
    faith working through love

    Ephesians 3:17
    being rooted and grounded in love

    Ephesians 4:15
    speaking the truth in love

    Philippians 4:8
    whatever things are lovely...meditate on these things

    Colossians 3:14
    put on love, which is the bond of perfection

    1 Thessalonians 1:2-4
    We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, 3 remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father, 4 knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God.

    1 Thessalonians 5:8
    putting on the breastplate of faith and love

    Hebrews 10:36
    after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise

    Many people think that when men and women go towards the power of God, that they leave relationship. But the only way into relationship, is the power of God. What the power of God brings, is communion, and it is how to know Him.

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    Thu, Sep 27th - 3:44AM

    Perfect sense

    His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Meaning that because He is love, there is no contest.

    Nowhere in the Bible does it say to have common sense. In the Greek, the same word which Peter used to call the animals unclean or common in his vision, is the same word used showing that all of the believers were sharing their things. There is a different word used, when it talks about all of the believers being of one heart and one soul. The thing here, is that all of the physical material things are just as what Peter thought of concerning foods which were not acceptable to eat, according to the Law of Moses. All things are made clean now, but the point is that even though they are clean, that their worth isn't found in either a hierarchy, or nothingness. God wants us to have perfect sense. Just as also, the only real sound mind that there is, is in Jesus Christ. No matter what, without being in Christ, there is no sound mind.

    How can we be spiritual, even though we have a physical body? Because Paul does talk about us walking, in a physical body still. And Jesus has made it so that we can have pleasure and prosperity. How can we still enjoy things, without going against the Spirit? When Jesus spoke about marriage in heaven, apart from it being true after the marriage of the Lamb, there is also the distinction about not overworking, so as to put something earthly like that, in front of Jesus. But wouldn't that mean getting married to the one person that is for us? Or cultivating that marriage?

    Strife means to have a lot of work, with only a little fruit. But the word that Jesus used, concerning striving to enter the narrow gate, actually was in regards to entering a contest. And this also agrees with what Paul said about running our race, so as to win.

    The way my life went, I lost everything before I had the chance to have to deal with choosing to keep it or not. And then even while in the world, I chose to try to be faithful in the little. And this led me into having absolutely nothing in the world, that mattered, compared to the love and knowledge of God. And then after that, I carried my cross, and everything was a way to suffer and die to the temporal, and confess the eternal. John 12 agrees with this last part, about the cross. Showing how there can be no life, or harvest, without the death first. But isn't that crazy? God wants us all to commit suicide? Jesus isn't a cult??!!

    I have heard of Jesus taking people out of the world, kicking and screaming. And there is also a verse from Paul that says that he could do nothing apart from Christ, only for Him. There is an understanding, that God isn't going to let us 'actually' do anything that will not be the desires of our heart, and His. But does this mean that we just go and do whatever we want? That was one temptation that Satan tempted Jesus with, to cast Himself down, thinking that God's angels would bear Him up. But Jesus answered, telling Satan, that God's Word says to not put Him to the test.

    These things engulf what Paul talked about in 1 Corinthians 7. How he spoke about wishing everyone was as he was, having no cares in the material, and physical world. Also calling this time, the present distress. Here is what the problem is: if we try to worship Jesus with our physical things, there is going to come a point, where we lack, because the physical is not yet perfected. And then if we try to only be spiritual, and esteem nothing that is physical, there is going to be a point, where we can go no further, because though we can carry our cross, Jesus was on a physical one. And we are too, as we were with Him, in His foreknowledge and power; but it is not like we can just go all out, and then we are going to die, and live again, in a matter of hours. It is almost funny, how in being a Christian, if we are threatened with death, we could almost say to death, to do us no favors. Though the death of His saints is precious in His sight. God cares about us prospering. He takes delight in it, and it is worth dying for. What is the balance between the physical and the spiritual? Because there is a false one. The false balance says that we neither try to be super spiritual, or super physical. But do you know what that amounts to? Picture nothing. And then picture the right wing being taking nothingness and calling it something, and the left wing taking something that does exist, and calling it nothing. That is basically what happens. When the Bible says that we are cleansed from our old sins, it is right, in Christ. But continuing in that, doesn't mean that we just 'let go.' Because without giving beauty for ashes, and commanding light out of darkness, and creating things which do not exist, as though they did, there is vanity. Without the godly sorrow, nothing is actually reconciled. Paul talks about being brought near. That is true in Christ, but His will isn't to stop there. Stopping there, gives place for religion. Without trying to sound condemning, there are three types of people. There are the right, the wrong, and the people who think they are right, but they are wrong. The people who think they are right, but are wrong, are the religious. Because the heart of their doctrine, is that nothing is perfect, but that they are imperfectly perfect. But in truth, do you know what that is? That is the depths of Satan, being perfectly imperfect. Once the whole lump has been leavened with that, there is only falling away without being able to be renewed unto repentance. God doesn't want us living in carpe diem. That is foolishness. That is a pretty way of saying eat and drink for tomorrow we die. Or tomorrow will be as today, and much more abundant. There is a place in God, where we either have Him, or we don't. Just as we are either for Him or against Him. To most people, this place is common sense. But that is not where God abides. God wants us to go beyond what is near, or made clean, into what is incorruptible, and lasts forever. Into what is undefiled, and that can not pass away. Without eternal love, this walk is a lot harder. Without eternal love, our eyes can be placed on what is corrupted, instead of on what can never corrupt. Hebrews tells us to focus on Christ. To set our eyes on Him. What that is talking about is hope. Setting our hope. If our destination point is even a small amount off, then the point that we reach will be exponentially off. And hope is the promises and prophecies of God. Therefore we must seek Him, for those.

    The Bible says to seek the LORD while He may be found, and to call upon Him while He is near. It also says to pray to Him, in a time when He may be found. This puts worship into the present, as He is already seeking us. We can know that through Psalm 119, Proverbs speaking of wisdom, and also 1 John 4, as John tells us that God has loved us first. So what is the answer to finding the equity of the physical and spiritual? All of the promises of God in Him are "Yes" and "Amen."

    In the movie "Bill and Ted's excellent Adventure" there was a scene where they needed something, and so they told themselves in the present, to remember later, in the future, to go into their time machine, and go into the past, and give it to themselves. And then they had what they needed in the present. That is exactly how it is in Christ. There is also a movie called "Paycheck" that was about a time machine, that didn't time travel, but time viewed. Which is a good example of repentance. The Spirit of Repentance is the Spirit of Elijah. And Elijah ran ahead of Ahab, who in sin, kind of represents pouting, and being led into sin through that. And Elijah, even in the physical ran ahead of Ahab, into Jezreel. And Nabath's vineyard was at the opening of the valley of Jezreel. Jezreel means "God sows." and Nabath means "fruit." These things are also examples of not just 'letting go' of the past, but redeeming it. And not 'simply,' by just coming to Christ, and then having the past turn into nothing. So that the present and future can be about prospering in the flesh. God wants to give us the desires of our hearts. He wants to gives us our good intentions, and inward persons. He wants to show us, how through repentance, that in His foreknowledge, we never had sin. That we always, in Him, were all things good, perfect, right, and acceptable. With God, there is also not really any place for mozing around. He hates lukewarmness. Jet engines gain horsepower the entire time they are accelerating. That is how it is like walking with God. Yes there are times, in which we have calmness. But God goes 'one up' no matter what we are doing. After we prepare the way, repenting, we get to go on into having even more rewards through being in His death. And then after that, we get even more rewards in His life. And then after that we can find out that we get to always have His Promises, for eternity! Praise God! We can do what Bill and Ted did, when we do the things, that we have been wanting to, but haven't yet, for whatever reason. And we can view the future, and create goodness, as we walk as He did.

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    Wed, Sep 26th - 7:30PM


    Just as if, Adam and Eve would have populated the earth, what would God have done?  Would He have stopped marriage for the last person?  No, starting with Adam and Eve, they would have received new bodies, and continued in heaven.  This is how it will be for those who inherit the earth. 

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    Wed, Sep 26th - 7:19PM

    The time of our life

    The Father is spiritual, I say spiritual because He also has a soul. Jesus, His Son, the King, is God in the flesh. And we are the flesh for the Spirit. The bride of Christ, collectively, is everyone after the marriage of the Lamb. In Psalm 2 when the talents go to Jesus, in "Ask of Me" that means that they are going to be born through His bride, which is specifically, those saved, who were under the law, and who will inherit the earth. Because man and woman together, are also His bride. And the church is His body, specifically, inheriting heaven. Just as also, the Jerusalem which shall come down out of heaven, is prepared AS His bride. And then once on earth, the Spirit takes John to see (no 'as') the bride. The body of Christ, is AS His bride. It is the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, that are bride and groom. And an unfaithful bride, does not get to be one with Him, hence the captivity and Tribulation. Which comes at the fullness, of those whom are after His name, being unfaithful to Him. With Jerusalem being on earth, it doesn't mean that there isn't going to be any heaven anymore. It is the fullness and extent of what is in heaven, being on earth. And it also isn't that the rest of the earth isn't going to be populated. God isn't wasteful. When there are the new heavens, and the new earth, then there is going to be no more night, nor ocean. The seas represent, just as the waters do, the barriers between the heavens. Just as in the circle of heaven there is humility, judgment, mercy, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and love. The third heaven is love. In-between the second and third heaven is forgiveness. In-between the second and first heaven is repentance. And the first heaven is earth, and righteousness. What is the Second heaven? Just as Genesis 1:1-2 is God's imagination, and Spirit (spirit, soul, body), Genesis 1:3-'in the Garden' is God's soul. And in the Garden is His body. It is kind of like God talking about 'the time of life.' Genesis 1:3-'in the garden' is the 'time of the soul.' The second heaven is the soul of Christ. That which was poured out for us. The new heavens will also be populated. The physical represents the spiritual. Just as Hebrews 11:3 shows. Those who were under the law, and those born from them are going to live ON THE EARTH.

    Just as the Bible says "For when we were enemies of God, we were reconciled to Him, through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." Think about if this is what God has done, with sin in the world, how much more, after everything is new?

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    Wed, Sep 26th - 6:24PM

    My God

    Who has talents?  Is it only people who know that God is God?  Or is it everyone because of nature (Psalm 119) and wisdom (Proverbs)?  The word for 'servant' in the parable of the talents in Matthew, does not distinguish between being a person who knows God is God, and a person who doesn't.   

    Romans 1:18-19

    For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.

    According to Romans here, everyone living is given a talent.  Therefore everyone does have a talent, through nature, and wisdom. 

    Simplicity is about making things out to be nothing.  Usually it comes in, because there is futility.  But what is God’s answer?  Wisdom!  Baal means ‘lord.’  And simplicity is the doctrine of Baal, which exalts Jezebel.  Simplicity is making nothing the word of God.  And there are two parts to that.  Taking His word, and making it vain.  Or taking nothing, and making it into God.  Taking nothing, and making it into being God, is how to create falsehood.  What was in the beginning?  God.  Taking God’s Word, even His spoken word, and making it nothing, is how to stop prophets!       

    There is a concept that is not directly spoken of in the Bible.  It is called 'the age of accountability.'  This can be seen, where Paul talks about marriage.  He mentions a husband being able to take his virgin, in sexual relations, after the flowering of her youth.  This flowering, is speaking about the body once it has changed from being in childhood, into beginning to be mature.  But this does not negate that someone may still be attracted to the opposite sex, before the body FLOWERS.  Because in the growth, there is still 'maturing' up until the full FLOWERING.  There are verses that speak about how people who walk with God, that their children are saved in Him.  This is showing salvation before the age of accountability.  And there are also verses that speak about the wickeds' children, not being saved.  And this is within the same concept regarding the age of accountability.  One verse is how God cursed into the third and fourth generation, of those who do not love Him. 

    God is a God of mercy.  He is a loving God.  All of His works are done in truth.  And He is fair, and just in everything He does.  Also balancing unto perfection, having perfect equity.  In regards to the circle of heaven, humility comes first.  And then judgment.  And then mercy.  Judgment triumphing over humility, and mercy over judgment.  One way to look at the triumphing, is to see that to get to the next part of the circle, the first needs to be perfected.  Another way to look at it, is to see how those who are already perfected in a further part of the circle, are above any who are in the preceding parts of the circle, in God's authority, which does not 'lord authority.'  And having God's authority, which does not lord authority, is balanced through these means.  Not as a form of rules, but as a form of outworking. 

    In noticing the talents going to him who has, and that being someone being born through a saved person after the marriage of the Lamb, whom God wanted to create, but never came to pass, through the example of the vessels of wrath, which He also prepared in longsuffering; it may be noticed that the remnant who comes out of Tribulation and captivity, is a type of this.  The distinction, is that when God is offering Himself before the Tribulation and captivity, if a person falls away, then the talent is the remnant, while the vessel of dishonor goes into perdition.  During the Tribulation, this is done in symbol.  As the vessels of honor and dishonor, are symbolized by the whole group of people as a whole.  And the symbol of the talent, as the remnant, are those who turned to God, and repented, as shown in Ezekiel:

    Ezekiel 18:21-24

    if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. 22 None of the offenses he has committed will be remembered against him. Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live. 23 Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?

    24 "But if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked man does, will he live? None of the righteous things he has done will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness he is guilty of and because of the sins he has committed, he will die.

    One way of looking at the story of Esau and Jacob, is to attribute Jacob and Esau being the one lump.  And then the vessels of honor and dishonor being them separately.  This is true, but God's word divides even deeper than that.  Just as Lucifer was a whole lump, and Satan was the vessel of dishonor.  Trying to turn the talent into gifts, looks into making Jacob's inheritance the talent, and there not being any soul that God wanted to create to love Him, of which Esau did fall away from.  But the talent can not be gifts, because then salvation is by works, and not faith.  Remember that no one is saved or not saved by works.  The works of God are believing in Him, and are the manifestations of our love, not the displays or proofs of our faith and righteousness.  To have works as the proof and displays of our faith and righteousness, is to fall away from grace.  The trap in this, is saying things like "Whatever you believe you do."  But this falls short, as the Bible also says that whatever we pray, if we believe, we will receive it.  And I know many people who believe, but don't get what they pray for, because the belief isn't the exact will of God, that He wants at the exact time.  Prudence is being in the right place at the right time.  And prudence dwells with wisdom.  James, John, and Paul were all coming against looking to works, to know the proof of faith.  But this isn't true.  Because all judgment is by the Spirit, and not by the flesh, or by sight.  And sight doesn't just mean "What /I/ think."  It means anything that is in the physical realm, and known by the physical senses. 

    Understand that in the story of Jacob and Esau, that Jacob supplanted Esau, while in the parables of the talents and minas, there was supplanting and judgment.  What supplanting means, is to let the harvest grow, even though there are tares, and then divide the tares and the wheat afterwards.  Jacob did supplant Esau, but, not in judgment.  And the threshing floor, where the wheat is threshed, symbolizes judgment.  And the tares are thrown into the fire before the threshing floor.  The threshing floor is where the grain is extracted.  What Esau did, was 'give away' his inheritance.  And it was also traded, and for something well less in worth.  The example of Esau and Jacob, verses the unprofitable servant, is that the story of Esau and Jacob is what happens in the spiritual realm, concerning why and how the unprofitable servant buries, and hides away his talent or mina.  While the parable of the unprofitable servant, shows the physical things happening, as when the master returns, and there being judgment then.  For even in the story of Esau and Jacob, Jacob went to his father Isaac, without Isaac knowing it was Jacob.  Because Isaac thought he was giving the inheritance to Esau. 

    The Bible is very specific about the tongue, the mouth, and words.  Words guide what takes place in our lives.  Studying these things, can be very enlightening.  Jesus also said that people will be judged for every idle word they speak.  This means that anything spoken that does not MANIFEST love, is going to be judged.  But the righteous pass out of death into life, through love, and are foreknown in God, being perfect.  And so when the righteous are judged it is rewards, and only goodness is brought up.  Because of the death and life of Jesus Christ.  There is not going to be a big TV screen in heaven, where even the people who are saved are going to have to go over every sin. 

    Esau was hasty and foolish in his words to Jacob, in giving him his inheritance.  And Esau was angry with Jacob, after Jacob took Esau's inheritance from Isaac.  Showing that Esau didn't really believe that Jacob was going to get his inheritance. 

    But what about Jacob's actions?  Were they righteous?  In looking at the story further, the truth may be known.  First of all, with Jacob pretending to be Esau, spiritually, there is testimony concerning the seed in John 12.  Just as Christ took upon Himself, our sinful selves.  But what about the new creation?  For Jacob to take Esau's 'gift' he had to 'become' Esau.  This shows how the talent is not about gifts, even beyond what I have already shown.  In looking again at the parable of the talents and minas, the talent is distributed to servants.  And those servants are not perfect.  This seen in how the master still distributed the money, to the one who fell away.  There is a distinction in the story of Jacob, and Esau, between knowing Jacob as a type of Christ, and knowing him as a man who had sin.  This is very important, and is the main reason that there are false prophecies.  The fables that Paul spoke against, is reading things wrongly, in this way.  The fables are looking into man as a sinner, being a type of the Messiah.  And this is evidenced in how Egypt thought that all shepherds were an abomination.  Meaning that everyone has their own way to 'divinity.'  The word of God must be rightly divided, for the testimony of Jesus Christ, to come forth, which is the spirit of prophecy.  And dividing the word of God is done as we are being grafted into Him. 

    Jacob was hated by Esau, and also afflicted, because he took Esau's inheritance, when he still himself had sin.  That is different than the master returning in the parable of the talents, and minas.  In this regard, it may be seen how Jacob, was not the vessel of honor that Esau was supposed to be.  Every living soul has a talent, even though those who go into perdition, and are prepared that way, as vessels of wrath by God.  Which is done for an example, that the saved, and God's angels might learn.  And the learning takes place through understanding His power.  And that leads to having incorruption, and the knowledge of life.  To be able to childlike.  And still grow, evidenced by puberty.  And do this without sinning.  Knowing what is good and evil, and being able to perform it perfectly, in Christ.  This is what it means to be known as we are known.  To have knowledge, and know ourselves, to know we are everything God is, except Him with Him, and yet still be completely encompassed by Him in everything we do.  This present distress, is God bringing forth that glory.  And once that glory is established in the new heavens and new earth, then the glory will continue, as procreation continues, through incorruptible beings, God's angels, and the men and women and children who were saved. 

    As I have already said, if this is not possible, how is it possible, to still learn things in heaven?  Or what happens to babies who are saved, and go to heaven?  The knowledge of good and evil, fulfilled by Christ, gives these great and precious promises. 

    In going from Esau and Jacob being one lump, Jacob and Esau were also one lump themselves separately. 

    According to the Book of Jasher, which is Scripture, and entirely accurate, and established in the Bible, Leah and Rachel were twins, as Jacob and Esau.  And Leah the oldest.  Remember that Rachel was the one whom Jacob wanted.  And according to the Book of Jasher, Laban gave Jacob Leah, saying it was not his custom to give the younger daughter away, before the first. 

    Consider the parables of the talents and minas again.  The profitable were given to be over cities.  Then the talent or mina from the unprofitable servant was given them.  In this, the 'inheritance' or 'gift' is much more than being in charge of more money.  That is the definition for lording authority, being in charge, but only as in the means of ruling.  That is the lie, that is present in seeing the talent or mina only as a 'gift' and not as salvation.  Also consider that the Proverb says that 'houses and riches are an inheritance from a father, but a prudent wife comes from the LORD.'  With the talent or mina from the unprofitable servant given to the profitable, and knowing that when God likens an inheritance to a wife, He isn't doing it just to 'rule,' then it can be seen how what God would have been pleased to create, and what would have been His good pleasure, comes forth through the one who has. 

    I believe that Leah, should have been married to who Esau would have been, in God's good pleasure.  Now, in dealing with should have's, it should be known, that the saying 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' isn't God's will.  Because the whole story of Jacob, is about restoration, not about calling things even and then 'moving on.'  The lie is that anyone who doesn't want to let go of things, has the sorrow that leads to death.  But in Spirit and truth, it is the sorrow that leads to death, that doesn't wrestle with God; but simply 'lets go.'  And what happened after God wrestled with Jacob?  He called him Israel.  Israel means God prevails.  God naming him that, shows how it was God's will to fully restore what should have been, could have been, and would have been.  It is impossible to enter in, without the past being given beauty for ashes, and having light commanded out of darkness, and the creation of things which did not exist, as though they did.  Here is the enigma: for this not to be done with the past, that makes creation being subjected to futility vanity.  Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil, to be able to refute Satan.  And Satan fell, as a vessel of dishonor, while the vessel of honor is in God.  It wasn't just that they messed up one day, and were rebellious.  That is impossible.  Because of the reconciliation of freewill and predestination.  If Adam and Eve fell, willingly sinning, then they and all of humanity could not be saved.  They had freewill as far as their childlikeness and knowledge of good went.  But God predestined the incorruptible with His great and precious promises, giving the freewill which includes us being encompassed by God in everything we do.  And He has been doing this, ‘THROUGH’ the knowledge of good and evil.  God’s angels who have not fallen get to learn from us, without having known sin.  And we, though being saved ‘through’ sin, get to have His incorruption, though it was only upon the body, after the fall. 

    But also we have and will have the joy of us encompassing Him, in the wonderful Promises of being like Him!  Being elohims.  Being like God.  Being everything He is except Him without Him.  And elohim is the name in which God creates, and is plural.  Who falls away?  Elohims who aren’t totally like God.    

    In the story of Rachel, Leah, and Jacob, Rachel did something very much like Esau.  When she gave Leah to sleep with Jacob, for some cakes.  Rachel also stole from Laban, as Jacob 'stole' from Esau.  And according to the Book of Jasher, Rachel stole the things from Laban, which were some of his idols, or what made them up, because they were a way for him to find out where they had gone.  But Laban still found out.  False humility, is the end of having the sorrow that leads to death.  And false humility even proclaims worshiping God, through corruption.  But real humility receives full restoration.  Just as real humility is knowing that it is God's good pleasure to give us the kingdom.

    Leah bore Judah, after feeling less loved than Rachel, though Rachel was at the time barren.  Leah first bore Reuben saying “The LORD has surely looked on my affliction. Now therefore, my husband will love me.”  Then she bore Simeon saying “Because the LORD has heard that I am unloved, He has therefore given me this son also.”  Then she bore Levi saying “Now this time my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.”  Reuben means 'behold a son,' Simeon means 'heard,' and Levi means 'joined to.'  When Judah was born she said “Now I will praise the LORD.”  Judah means 'praised.'  And it is also where the word Jew comes from.  Judah had the most people able to go to war, according to the first census of Israel.  Remember that when Simeon and Levi went to war over Dinah, that Jacob was troubled by it.  Testimonially, Judah was not with them.  When Joseph was put in the pit it was Reuben who tried to persuade everyone to not kill him.  Without the focus being on the 'offspring' with Reuben meaning 'behold a son' the sons of Jacob messed up.  And without fighting in praise, they messed up.  And how are we to praise?  With understanding.  That means it is for something, and never for nothing  (also as the meaning of understanding holds owning).  When Israel went into the Promised land, it was half of the tribe of Manasseh which went before the other tribes.  The Gadites and the Reubenites were the ones who were to be with half of the tribe of Manasseh.  Gad means 'a troop comes.'  And Jacob's blessing over Gad was "a troop shall tramp upon him, but he shall triumph at last.”  Jacob's blessing to Reuben was "Unstable as water, you shall not excel, because you went up to your father’s bed; then you defiled it— he went up to my couch.”  Reuben was the one who brought his mother Leah the cakes, when Rachel asked for some, and then gave Leah to sleep with Jacob, for some.  And Reuben also slept with Rachel's maid.  In this it is easy to see how Reuben was caught in-between Leah and Rachel, sharing Jacob.  Reuben led Rachel away from sleeping with Jacob.  Sleeping with Rachel's maid, showed Reuben usurping Rachel, so that his mother Leah may be with Jacob.  By the blessing of Jacob, it is possible to see how 'behold a son' coming forth, though through division, doesn't in the end lead to goodness, by usurping.  But the blessing of Gad shows the intents and thoughts that come forth, bearing the way things should be.  Not just stopping at not having evil, but going forward in having good.  And what good thing is it, to not be able to be married forever?  A part of the sorrow that leads to death, is just not wanting evil. 

    I have talked before about how Manasseh and Ephraim represent marriage between humans, and also unto marriage after the marriage of the Lamb, for everyone.  And also how Manasseh and Ephraim represent how to cultivate eternal love and marriage.  Just as Ephraim was born after Manasseh, as woman came after man, but Ephraim reigned over Manasseh.  And what was Jacob's blessing to them?  That everyone would want what they have.  Manasseh therefore is a type of man, and Ephraim, woman.  There is Scripture that gives the promises of a man and woman maturing together into completion, both as man and woman, and together as the image of God.  Ephraim means 'double ash heap: I shall be doubly fruitful.'  And Manasseh means 'causing to forget.'  When a husband and wife submit to each other in love, and love each other, and esteem each other better than themselves, then they are in exchange always.  Just as there is the exchange of fluids between husband and wife.  And in this, they can never be separated.  Only through not coming to each other in the perfect infinitive, can they separate.  Which is the only grounds for divorce given by Moses, though not even then, was it the way things were supposed to be.  What is going on in marriage when there isn't harmony?  One person is over another, and they lack oneness.  Here is the Scripture that Promises the married to be one, and is the specific promise, that connects the man and wife throughout exchanging, throughout the marriage, as they submit to each other, and esteem each other more than themselves.  And in this is the word fulfilled about how a husband loves himself when he loves his wife.  Because they are one flesh, meaning that they are the same person.  That is how it wasn't just Eve's fault, or Adam's fault.  And it wasn't their marriage's fault, as if sin is the proof of how marriage doesn't amount to God.  THAT, THAT, is interpreting God's word, into what it is not.  

    Isaiah 49:5

    For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the LORD,

          And My God shall be My strength

    Both Manasseh and Ephraim shall be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and together.  And they both shall have God as their strength, and have that, being together.  Someone could still say that this is evidence of there not being marriage in heaven, because we will only be like Jesus, and this means that we will all be both the image of male and female, being in the image of God.  But do you understand what that entails?  That entails us having multiple personalities!  Through marriage the image of God exists in His creations, as they are married.  And are one flesh, as He is One and Triune.  Otherwise there will be three of me, me my own father, and me my own son, and me my own spirit.  That is what is apostasy, and antichrist.  Because to not be married, is to be God Himself.  When we are /like/ Him!  Therefore after the marriage of the Lamb, there will be marriage.  And His creations will be of the same body, being one flesh, and there will be the voice of the bridegroom and bride.  So Ephraim will be doubly fruitful, and Manasseh will forget lacking.    

    Only those who have godly sorrow, are going to go to heaven!  Those who have the sorrow that leads to death, that is only of the consequences, are not.  Judah being born to Leah, through knowing that Jacob loved Rachel more than her, is Jesus the Mediator, through the short comings that there are presently through sin.  Therefore if false humility wants to say that we should not want marriage in heaven, because things can get messed up here on earth, then it is hypocritical, because that is what Leah bearing Judah means!  Judah means praise!  Also just as Jew came from Judah, and was what the Hebrews were called under the law.  And the law was temporary.  What is going to be known, as us being who we really are, in heaven, are the intentions, and inward person.  And for that, there is only one person that completes and perfects, being a created spouse.  And that is where virginity is.  How do we overcome, and this is what false humility claims to be doing, the things that are present in corruption, that aren't the whole of what we would want, and what we really want, that we can't have yet, until heaven?  Praise.  False humility says it is doing this, but the praise is about vanity.   

    This is also visible, as it was under the law, that a man should take his brother's wife, when he dies.  And under the Spirit, the wife is free, when her husband dies.  What is what is really wanted?  What is the inward person?  God can work through anything. 

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    Mon, Sep 24th - 8:28PM


    If anyone thinks that Lucifer being the one cherub of God, and now there being two means that there isn't going to be only one person in charge anymore, that is what it means when it says a woman shall encompass a man!  And a married couple together encompass Jesus! 

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    Mon, Sep 24th - 2:33PM

    The infallible word

    There is also the emphasis when Jesus said "this one" that pertains to people who have been married to more than one person on earth.  Though none are married at the resurrection.  Along with this, is the emphasis 'from death' showing that no one rising from dead, is married.  These things solve the problem of being married to more than one person on earth, and still being able to be married in heaven, there being one person for everyone who completes them, and is their spouse eternally.  Remember also again that the Bible says that we will have a name that no one else knows, and husband and wife are one flesh.  Everyone WILL get every promise.  

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    Mon, Sep 24th - 2:21PM

    Marriage in heaven 3

    Luke 20:34-36 (Interpreted from the Greek)
    And answering them this, Jehovah is salvation, this son this period of time of this one to give in marriage presently and to be given in marriage: this moreover to account worthy pertaining to this period of time, he that attains and that rises from the dead, that from death neither is to give in marriage presently neither be given in marriage presently. Neither to die and be able to die now, like the angels are, and are to be a son of God, this being a son of the resurrection.

    It is possible to see here, that Jesus was not saying that there wasn't going to be marriage in heaven. First of all, it shows that it is 'at the resurrection' that none are married. And second of all, the emphasis in the last part of the last sentence shows that there is no marriage, because it is 'the time of the resurrection.'

    Also going on, in verses 37-38, Jesus more specifically focus' on proving that there is going to be a resurrection, after having shown that it is not limited by marriage, as well. His point in verses 37-38 talks about how God isn't in charge of those who are dead, as if sharing life with them. And this also confirmed that people who had died, were in Paradise, for God was called the God of Abraham, who had died. And then the last part of verse 38 specifies again how 'at the resurrection,' the ones who share life with Him, are going to only share it with Him.

    People took these passages, and interpreted them to their own understanding. And now it is to them, as if anyone who says differently is interpreting things to their own understanding.

    It is not that heavenly bodies can't be married. It is that not everything is ready until the marriage of the Lamb. Remember that our hearts right now, though spiritual, are still flesh. And that there are also different kinds of flesh, just as our heavenly bodies will differ from the angels, as Jesus' body right now does also. I believe that just as angels are going to be married and have families after the marriage of the Lamb, that when John spoke about not knowing what kind of body we will have, that we are going to have something inbetween an earthly body, and an angelic one. And that that is what Jesus has right now. And I believe that just as Jesus is the Angel of the LORD, and an Angel, that it is going to be ready for those who were under the law, to have bodies that abide on earth, though also resurrected. And those who are the church, to have bodies that will abide in heaven. And just as, if Adam and Eve would have inhabited the earth before falling, that upon maturity, those under the law, will receive new bodies, like the church's, and abide in heaven. But I can not say exactly what Jesus' body looks like right now. But I have to say that in my vision of being before His throne, that it was like His clothing was a part of His body. And I have studied this some also before, because stars, are made up of dense light. And so I believe that just as Jesus' body could walk through walls and things like that, that the resurrected bodies are going to be able to be completely based on knowledge, which is the substance of faith. I have described the second heaven before as knowledge. Like an orange, and it's peel. It is possible, with the peel, to tear a piece off, but then also get very intricate, and still be a part of the same peel that was there to begin with.

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    Mon, Sep 24th - 2:16PM


    Some of my visions:

    I was before the Father, and was fearing Him, as that is how to stay in His presence. And at the time, I was cultivating the things that were going on in the Spirit. I stayed in His presence through the fear of the LORD, and by receiving wisdom through that. My vision included seeing a plane of glass before God, and it shone with a red shimmer in it. I tried to figure out how I could see God in a vision, if no one has ever seen God. I thought that since I was before the Father, that I had seen the Father. I know now, in more detail, that no one has ever seen God fully, as is the goal of creation being subjected to futility. To bring many sons and daughter to glory, and to knowing Him as Immortal, Incorruptible, and a Promiser; which takes having incorruptible life outwork through the knowledge of good, and good and evil. The vision ended, and I was released, and able to continue in the Spirit, when He said "Enjoy your length of days [son]." Later God told me that I had seen Jesus behind the plane of glass, and the Spirit revealed to me that He looked exactly like the Father, except that He was [a, His] Son.

    I also had a vision regarding patience. I was writing a study, and patience was a topic. My own first analogy of patience, was to be patient before sinning, [not after]. Because most people signify patience, as something to have, where there is stress, before receiving things. Or that God fills our plate, and we are supposed to want nothing and be patient. And I saw that patience could be named falsely, and lead away from zeal. And even lead into thinking that God shows us things, so that we learn to not have them. In my vision God showed me that patience was taking a step back, and asking "Is there anything else I want?" Patience is a fruit, and there is no pain in the fruit of the Spirit. In longsuffering, endurance, and perseverance there is pain present. The Holy Spirit gives the fruit of the Spirit, when we are overcoming sin, though there is pain by sight, and outwardly; as we have longsuffering, endure, and persevere.

    In 2003 I had a vision from God. I had been praying and seeking the Spirit, and I was standing, and physically bowed before Him. And my vision, was that I was before His throne. And I bowed like a messenger would. As I was bowing, I didn't see Jesus' face, but His countenance and the glory of it, were felt. I kept bowing lower and lower to stay in His presence, also as through the fear of the LORD, and wisdom, and udnerstanding. And just before I was released, there was the understanding that I was a servant. The throne's sides were gold, and the garments I saw pertaining to Jesus were technicolored.

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    Sun, Sep 23rd - 6:10PM


    Modern Christianity to most people has come to this: the Bible is a rule book, and the Spirit doesn't condemn.  And so whenever the Spirit moves, and requires full dependance on Him, people find Scriptures in the Bible, to not have to follow, or to follow without really following completely.  And whenever anyone speaks something that comes against the angel of the church, they say that it is not God because no church is perfect. 

    6 out of the 7 letters to the angels of the churches in Revelation addressed them as the whole entire foundation of the church being wrong. 

    The one Scripture that shows Jesus as the Son of God, and equal to Him in the OT, is when David said "The LORD said to my Lord...."  No other Scipture shows Jesus as God.  Jesus did fulfill every prophecy about the coming of the Christ, but even then, in reading the OT, the Hebrew doesn't have captial letters, so the Jews read the Christ being as a man who won over the kingdom of God. 

    It is not apart from God, to read in Jeremiah about a new thing coming from God, which is a woman encompassing a man, and it being the OT Scripture for marriage in heaven.   

    Paul also dealt with having to REVEAL the Scriptures.  And get this, if anyone wants to say that marriage in heaven takes away from Jesus being Head, and that the verse in Jeremiah doesn't prove anything, then they should consider how God did give what He did, prophesying about marriage in heaven, and it being as hidden in Him as it is.  Versus being a little less hidden, then Jesus being the Christ, and the Son of God, and equal to Him. 

    Even according to 1 Corinthians 7, if couples are married, and do not know that they have eternal love, through asking, seeking, and knocking, they may find out that they are with the one person who completes them. 

    Remember that no one brings down the word of God from heaven, nor brings it up from Hell.  Jacob's ladder, is not about the angels ministering to us, as it says that they do in the OT and NT.  They are ministers of God, and to those who will receive salvation, but their ministry to us is that they minister to us, until we find the resting place of God.  Just as the His Angel did with the Israelites until they had the tabernacle.  What the angels are in charge of, are the things that are by sight, that ARE God.  When Hebrews shows the angels, in the first chapter, being the ones administering the law, it doesn't mean that whenever God is seen, it is only a reflection of an angel.  That is a theology that is false.  No to mention Jesus being God.  Angels do reflect God however.  They are the voices that proceed from His throne.  And that does not mean that when we are in communion with the Holy Spirit that it is only through angels.  If you are looking for an angel of God, you will never see one.  You may only worship the Angel of the LORD, as He is also Jesus, as an Angel.  The angels learn from us when we love and are walking in the Spirit.  Jacob's ladder is prophecy.  It is the angels going to and fro.  And also the substance of them learning about what God is going to do, as they shall also marry and have families. 

    Comment (0)

    Sun, Sep 23rd - 5:08PM

    The Be-attitudes

    There was one Scripture that showed Jesus, as being the Son of God, and equal to God, in the OT. The Jews knew this Scripture, but even then, interpreted it outside of it’s fullness.

    Anyone who doesn’t believe in marriage in heaven, should look into proving that when Jesus called Himself the Son of God, and made Himself equal to God, that He wasn’t blaspheming. 

     What did Jesus mean when He said to “Know the power of God?”

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    Sun, Sep 23rd - 5:06PM

    At the resurrection

    At the resurrection none will be married, nor given in marriage. At the resurrection, there is going to be judgment. That means that the wicked are going to hear their state, and then be punished. And the righteous are going to hear theirs, and be rewarded.

    After the marriage of the Lamb, after the new heavens and new earth, then there will be marriage.

    Comment (0)

    Sun, Sep 23rd - 3:48PM

    Loving death

    Why do people fall away? Not seeking God in the Holy Spirit, and being totally dependant on Him, and glorying in His Promises. I don't see one verse that says that God doesn't give new things, or that the cannon is full. People made /that/ up.

    Think about it, if someone can't be married in heaven, how can they be single?

    The Holy Spirit bore Jesus. What evidence or verse, or understanding in the Holy Spirit, says that there can't be marriage after the marriage of the Lamb, and also new children born?

    People are offended at marriage in heaven because they are wise in their own conceits, and love limitations, because it affords them to not have to believe.

    Comment (2)

    Sun, Sep 23rd - 3:43PM

    The secret of works

    God does speak in secret. But there is a difference between the secrets of God, and the deceit of man. The Psalm says "The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him and He will show them His covenant."

    Prophetically, when the dead in Christ rise, it is by the testimony of Genesis 17, when Abram was given the covenant. And that is the incorruptible bodies, not yet glorified. Just as also God said "Be perfect." Perfection is inwardly possible, and possible outwardly through that. But before receiving new bodies, the flesh can not continue in perfection.

    Jesus also told the disciples things, which were as in secret. But then He also told them to declare them. But only those who truly fear Him, in Spirit and truth, may abide in His secret place.

    Some promises are only going to come after the new heaven and new earth, though their testimony may be partaken of before that. Just as the flesh isn't made perfect until receiving incorruption. And just as even in receiving the incorruption, not every gift comes until after the marriage of the Lamb. For example, Moses entering into the Promised land. And for example, the talents going to the ones who have. The Bible says that God does whatever He pleases. There are instances, in like cases as these; where God gives the Promise, but then because of falling away, the substance of the Promise remains established in heaven, but His judgment comes instead, on earth.

    Many people have thought that the talent and mina parables were only about gifts. Such as spiritual gifts, or earthly prosperity. But that is not true. Because people are not going to be cast into outer darkness just because they didn't have works. There can not be salvation or falling away, by works. It is all about being spiritual. Nothing is to be by sight. That way, when the physical does manifest, it is completely encompassed in the spiritual. Someone could even think that outer darkness is only for being here on earth, and having weeping and gnashing of teeth. But that is not true. It is possible to go through Hell and Death and Sheol on earth, and also have weeping and gnashing of teeth, and yet still come into Christ. The demons know how to persecute people, and also how to set up other people against them. They know how to have people set traps, and make it look like the right thing, and also how to persecute through complacency. The outer darkness is in the lake of fire. What happens with the double vessel, is that it is like two circles that are drawn that overlap. And God takes one, the talent, and what He wanted to create, and it goes to the person who has. And then He takes the vessel of dishonor, and casts into the lake of fire. People don't understand that if they try to make the talent be some kind of gift, that salvation then is based on works. Works only perfect faith, when the spiritual is perfect. And the works of God are believing in Him, which is being spiritual. And the way works manifest, is through love, such as having the actions that accompany love. People who try to make the talent be gifts, miss that people are saved, who didn't blaspheme the Holy Spirit, by trying to be perfected by works. That was Paul's stance in Galatians. Because only spirituality perfects, not any works. People try to take James' words on works perfecting faith, and use it to judge people. But what did James even say before that? Do not judge! People try to take what James said about works, and use it to say, that if there are no works, then it can be said that there isn't the real spiritual substance of God there. But that is not true! James didn't write about works, to set the law about being perfected, and entering in. No! He wrote what He did about works, because people were acting that way. That is why both John and James both wrote about the love which does not judge, or show partiality. The perfect law of liberty, is not knowing anything by the flesh, but only by the Spirit. That is why both James and Paul wrote about not judging. The only judgments we are supposed to have, are by the Spirit. And those judgments are made evident. Whether right away, or as Paul told Timothy, not being able to be hidden THROUGH being spiritual. James, in writing about works perfecting faith, just gave the examples of how works are involved. But once works are the focus, people fall away from grace! And that leads to the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and insulting the Spirit of grace. Also as people become religious. James wrote about religion speaking about the tongue. When religion comes, and works are the emphasis, what happens is that people begin to lord authority, and to also do what the Pharisees were doing, for which Jesus gave the woes. Such as binding burdens on people's backs, and not lifting a finger. Or judging someone by works, and forgetting what is more important: mercy, justice, and faith. And justice isn't always, the sword coming in. It is the appropriation of everything Jesus has done, and does for us, through the Spirit. From before His sacrifice, to in it, and after.

    What David was dealing with, with the Israel who were not the real Israel, was people who were doing, what James wrote about. Having religion that isn't in God, but is in works. Religion means 'to bind.' And Paul called himself a bond servant of Christ. A bond servant is someone who makes himself a servant, by choice. And so the only binding there should be, is in God; and not in works. Because the LORD is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth. And that is where liberty is, and profitableness, and prosperity. With the religion that comes in works, is having the tongue that is set on fire by Hell.

    When Paul spoke about encouraging works, it was always about loving. And never about works as being any kind of foundation.

    The works which enter in, and perfect, are the works, such as Jesus had on the cross. Which are loving others, and dying for love, having fervent love, and not sacrificing love in the clefts.

    David said that he would not be afraid though ten thousand of his enemies surround him. And Elijah was the only prophet of God left. The multitude agreeing, does not prove truth.

    Comment (0)

    Sun, Sep 23rd - 1:47PM


    In one of my studies I put in Alexander istead of Philetus, that was an accident.  I wasn't trying to be sneaky.  And in the next study I asked if they were both preaching that the resurrection had already passed.  If that Alexander is the same Alexander that was in Acts, the son of a Pharisee, then he might have believed in the resurrection, but I am not sure if he thought it already had passed.   

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    Sat, Sep 22nd - 11:59PM

    70 A.D.

    Here is what happened in 70 A.D.

    They set the temple on fire, and the gold melted, so they took apart the temple, to retrieve the gold. And the temple wasn't rebuilt in three days.

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    Sat, Sep 22nd - 9:18PM

    What marriage in heaven is all about!

    God is a trinity, that is what marriage in heaven is about!  And with Lucifer being as worshiping God, and wanting nothing else, His full story is shown, in making him a vessel of wrath.  Because with God as a trinity there is always relationship!  And there isn't relationship that is eternal, having the knowledge of good, and good and evil, and incorruptible life in just being one.  There are two words for one in the Hebrew, one is for being single, and the other is plural.  Until someone is married, they are plural in Christ.  And in marriage there is being of the same body, and the voice of the bridegroom and bride.  Just as Jesus is AS a bride, being a vessel for the Father, by the Holy Spirit! 

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    Thu, Sep 20th - 6:31PM


    If the four living creatures, do not rest day or night, and the 24 elders fall down, and worship whenever the four living creatures give thanks, and this is not the heart, in the Spirit, then there is a conundrum.  Plus, after casting the crowns, how can they pick them back up, before the four living creatures begin again? 

    When God created the fish and the birds, it was symbolic of man and the angels before the marriage of the Lamb.  Know the saying "There are more fish in the sea?"  People who don't want to believe in marriage in heaven, after the marriage of the Lamb, for angels, and the saved, don't understand, how God can work within the manifestations of sin.  Therefore if people look to Him, and ask, eternal love is not non existent. 

    You will notice how darkness reversed Christianity.  How worshiping God was made to be wanting nothing, and leading into 'physically being before Him' all of the time.  I used quotation marks because expansively we are before God, no matter where we go.  You will also notice how darkness made the seals, trumpets, and bowls, the wrath of God, be symbolic.  Not to mention antichrist spirits that say perfection hasn't come.  And religious spirits that are confining prophecy.  Religious spirits are evil spirits that command what God commands.  So if God says to study prophecy, so will a religious spirit.  The problem is that the unspiritual cleave to the religious spirit instead of God.  And wind up away from the truth.   

    Some people take Genesis and mix it with evolution.  Because of the dinosaurs.  They try to make each day, be years and years.  However, the world before the flood, was not completely inhabited, beyond the Holy Land, and Egypt.  Not to mention, that there were more animals back then, then there are now.  Just as the Bible also shows unicorns, as being real.  People don't want to have humans and dinosaurs at the same time, because they think that the dinosaurs would be at the top of the food chain. 

    The rephaim, and the anakin, were nephalim.  The anakin having giants, and the rephaim not, but still nephalim.  And nephalim still do exist.  I have seen one before.  And with the Lord, beat 'her.'  She was parading as a Christian who came out of witchcraft.  The giants, like in Biblical days, are nephalim.  They are not just tall humans.  The measurings, for how tall they were, pass any human height recorded. 

    Scientists are way off, in trying to prove evolution, and a universe that is billions of years old.  Their own facts are wrong.  They can date pencils back millions of years. 

    The Bible shows Leviathan also, as a real creature.  Many people think that there were just 'so many' dinosaurs roming the earth.  But there is even scientific proof of this impossibility.  Yes, there were dinosaurs, but not in the 'fantasy' which evolution provides.  By scientific calculation, the size of the sun, dating back beyond only 10,000 years, leads to having the sun too large, for earth's existence.  Scientific theology, of beginnings, is based on foolishness, and a lack of facts.  Scientists seek to use facts they 'score' and then provide thesis' to back up the explanations, that they believe in.  Just as they accuse Christians doing. 

    According to the Bible, the animals were subject to man.  And even after the fall, it wasn't as if Adam and Eve were attacked by every carnivore.  The skins that they were given, represent Jesus, as covering their nakedness.  The nakedness which was 'shameful' because of having the knowledge of good and evil without incorruption.  The skins though, as Nimrod, and Esau owned them, were no longer symbols of Christ, but of the strength of the flesh.  The skins protected Adam and Eve, and all who were in their bloodline, who did not forsake God, in idolatry and wickedness.  Paul wrote about how sin is not imputed where there is no law, and that there was no law, up until Moses.  But he also says that sin was in the world.  And Cain is an example of someone who was wicked. 

    People don't understand what is going on when they make Adam and Eve into cavemen.  Not to mention that the bones which have been found, in which the 'cro-magnum man' and the like have been displayed, are without proof, in proving that men came from apes.  They do not have any complete skeletons, for what they display as factual evidence and proof.  What was the first part of life?  Because having something come from nothing, is a miracle.  The very fact of there being a beginning of creation proves evolution wrong.  The bones which have been found, which 'support' men coming from apes, have been found to be from other animals.  Not to mention again the lack of accuracy in dating materials; and not counting in the errosion from the flood.  And on top of this, the existence of nephalim overcomes science's fantasies.  The very meaning of the word science, holds to only being able to gather information, and not be able to prove anything for sure. 

    According to the Bible, God created the stars, having their light already reaching the earth.  Just as He created the chicken, and not the egg. 

    There are also beliefs about aliens.  But every 'sighting' breaks physical possibilities.  Therefore proving what is science FICTION.  Beyond the physical there is the spiritual, which puts alien sightings in the realm of demons.  And it is also not too hard to believe that the demons are not working alone in things, as witchcraft promotes anything that is not real spiritual light, being in God.

    Mainly, witchcraft is about one's self, and Satanism is about hating other people.  Satanism, is mostly against morals, and that being the stronghold, against Jesus.  There needs to be a balance though, because being spiritual is more than being moral.  And people who think they are 'serving' God, aren't.  So loving one's self also needs to be understood in Spirit and truth. 

    In reading Genesis, more understanding would come from reading the Hebrew, and also in knowing that God does say things first, and then fill in what was already said.  Also in reading the Bible, and for instance the Book of Jasher, there should be meditation in the Holy Spirit.  Such as contemplating on why something is the way it is, and not jumping ahead to theologies.   

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    Thu, Sep 20th - 4:52PM

    Backwards Christianity

    The second commandment is very important, it is how people fall away, or don't fall away.  It is how to know who is really in God, and who isn't.  What does Jesus say?  No matter what is built, if it is on sand, it isn't going to make it.  Jesus fulfilled the law, and also has given His command, to love.

    Many people peddle the word of God, and think they are doing God's work, and are fulfilling the Great Commission.  They might have buildings.  They might have money.  They might have people.  But none of those things amount to love.  Look at Paul's words to Timothy:

    2 Timothy 3:1-9

    1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.

    The depths of Satan, are people thinking that 'we are sinners, and that is the way it is.'  What happens within this, is that people begin to not see the power of God.  And many theologies, lies, and deceptions, have come in, about why there isn't the power of God nowadays.  The power of God, says that redemption is possible.  But, the power of God, can not be had, without reconciliation.  And that reconciliation, is dependant upon the past, present, and the future (Working out salvation).  Yes Jesus is our reconciliation, but if we are never birthed through Him, we can not be with Him.  Therefore, there can not 'simply' be, the absence of sin, 'through the cross.'  There must be the full birth, which can only happen through reconciling the past, present, and future.  God shows no partiality.  Skipping ahead, beyond the past, is not profitable in God.  Only thinking 'the past is Jesus,' is not profitable in God.  That is why it says that disobedience may be punished after all obedience is fulfilled.  Without entering in, there is only either falling away, or physically dying.  There is no grey area.  The grey area may be said to glitter like gold, but it isn't holy.  It is the haven, and the place for lies, and falsehood- fakes.  The reason why Paul spoke of being disqualified, and why Romans speaks about severity, and Hebrews about 'the race,' isn't because the only thing we can lose is prospering here on earth.  No, that is not what the disqualification is.  Think about it.  People who die, before leaving Egypt, they aren't disqualified, they are subbed in for. 

    2 Chronicles 16:9

    the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

    Double talk is usually witchcraft, manipulation, and control. And it is the lying, forked tongue of the serpent.   Communication should be as direct as possible.  The English language is one of the most demonic languages, in that it is not specific.  Without specifics, what happens, is that miscommunication can happen, and that is a large door for darkness to work in. 

    There is something called cultic knowledge. What it is, is the rules, of how to speak doubly, in darkness. With God, everything leads to truth. With darkness, it is a play on how it is getting away with not speaking the truth. Witchcraft is all rules. That is why Paul asks in Galatians "Who has bewitched you?" An example of cultic knowledge, is: I mean the opposite of what I say.

    In the Hebrew written language, there are symbols along with the letters.  And the symbols mean specific, and conceptual things.  The Hebrew written language, is unlike most languages, as the shapes of the letters have meaning, as do the symbols.  Prophetically, and anyone speaking the spoken word of Christ prophesies, the Hebrew written language may be meditated on.  One of the symbols used, is a “T.”  And this does stand for the trinity.  Picture this “T” in the middle of the forked tongue of the serpent.  God can speak, in all things, in the truth.  Also, notice with the “T” that the top bar of the letter, also does stand for the two witnesses. 

    People don't understand what falling away is. It isn't not prospering here on earth. It isn't someone who just hears about Jesus, and then doesn't have works. It is despising birthright. According to the Book of Jasher, Esau had just come in from killing Nimrod, and running away, when he sold his birthright to Jacob. And according to the Book of Jasher, which I believe is Scripture, and established by the Bible, Nimrod had the skins that Adam and Eve were given when they left the Garden. And that is like how a lot of people treat God's walk. They 'have' Adam and Eve's skins.

    Revelation 22:18-19

    I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    Hell and Death are spirits, and they are going to be around, through the Tribulation.  Therefore this may be fulfilled in Spirit and truth.  A major part of adding and taking away from Revelation, is not believing, that God will judge.  Saying peace and safety, and insulting the Spirit of grace.    

    Most of David's Psalms are written against Israel, the Israel who wasn't the real Israel.  Esau represents the world, and the religious, who are with the world.  Esau was born physically first, and therefore was ahead of Jacob, just like it is, in trying to overcome sin, and walk as He did.  In Hebrews it says 'for the joy set before Him.'  The joy was set.  That means that it was there.  That is the anchor.  So that in the sufferings and death, there is still communion there.  That way anything by sight, shouldn't be of effect. 

    There is a term in essay writing called 'slaying the dragon.'  This by itself, is not in God.  What happens with this, is that any accusation that agrees with the air, gets taken seriously.  The Holy Spirit is the only One who should be leading. 

    Many people wrongly interpret going from the OT to the NT.  First off, they don't understand that they had grace and faith in the OT.  Just as Moses prayed for grace.  Second of all, they take away from obeying the Holy Spirit.  And so through false grace, and good showings of the flesh, and false freedom, there is no loyal heart.  God said that David had a loyal heart, all of his life.  His heart was loyal, even though he had sins of the flesh, even adultery and murder.  David prayed that the LORD would come against people.  And Jesus gives all authority in heaven, and on earth. 

    Church has turned into plays, and a business.  Practicality, and 'life as a process' back this up.  And the end is being lukewarm.  Only overcomers are going to make it.  Here is an example of what is going on, and of the unbelief, and moving away from spirituality: Money isn't evil->just don't let it get out of hand.  There are no Promises in that.  Promises right now, to most of the church, is not having a bad past anymore.  People read in Ephesians about having every spiritual blessing, and think that spiritual blessings don't need to be cultivated, and even that anyone who seems like they are trying to be spiritual, are mystics.  Christian Books are filled with the 'keys' and the 'methods.'  But nowhere in there is there any truth claimed apart from simplicity. 

    People want to 'save the thousands.'  And yet, what is being given out?  God does not need people to save people.  He does not need us to fix people.  He does not need us to try to change people.  If someone doesn't do what God wants them to do, He will do something else, or get someone else.  People try to use as motivation that God needs us.  But then when it comes to Promises, what do they believe?  The story of Jonah, is not in conflict with this.  Jonah did what the LORD wanted Him to do.  God didn't need him. 

    The problem with the essay style, slaying the dragon, is that people look to sin.  And some people even walk, as if learning from sin.  We aren't supposed to learn from sin, we are supposed to learn from God's power. 

    When people aren't in God, and do things like this, they aren't sent!  That is a part of what was going on in Ezekiel, with being meat for the caldron, and thinking the sword would slay them, and that God had forsaken them (how being one with Him is regarded). 

    God's first and best will, is always perfection.  It is always to heal, and to deliver, and to reconcile.  Because of sin, people lacked His power, and then through laziness and wickedness came up with how God's power is different nowadays.  And then started to come up with what God's will is, without His fullness. Like that sometimes it isn't His will to heal.  It isn't corruption that shows God.  Nor 'suffering' through it.  There is a difference between suffering for Christ, and for one's own sins.  And it is sin, which is the reason for all sickness, and corruption.  If a person claims to have faith, but that God's will is that they don't get healed, they are lying!  Faith means that His Promises are present.  And if any corruption is present, it is not faith, in that area.  Not to mention, the difference between belief, and conception.  There is no corruption in faith, it is perfect.  It is possible to still have corruption, after entering in.  But as I have said before, once something is repented of, it is forever gone.  The only reason sin can manifest in a 'like' work, is through having it happen another way.  Which is why we are supposed to run our race, even after entering in.  These things are why and how many worship in false experientialism.  Which is more or less saying that everything is God's will, and the corruption we see, is things that used to be His will, but got corrupted. 

    The cross, as how to not have to follow God completely, and also the cross as getting rid of the past, WITHOUT reconciling it with the present and future accommodates what is above in falsely following God.  How people cope with falsely following God, is instituting grace in place of accountability.  And then faith as what we don't see spiritually, but what is shown in our works.  That is the opposite of what faith is.  And that is not what James was saying.  James was talking to the people who say they have works.  He was showing them, the right way, though they falsely claimed to be right.  So after people have that false grace and false faith, they go on to thinking that we have works.  And like I said about money, they think they aren't wrong, in their doctrine, as long as they 'don't let it get out of hand.' 

    The works of God, are that we believe in Him! What does that mean? That means to be spiritual! Nowhere after Pentecost, when the infilling of the Holy Spirit came, does it show anyone saved, who did not have sinless insides. The only sin there is, for the saved, is in the flesh. And even then, His life comes into it. And the way our works perfect our faith, as faith works through love, is that our bodies receive the hope, which is feelings. Like being able to love people, in the Spirit, through what we say, and how we act, and what we build. What happens in entering in, is that, as David spoke before, about sin being a palm grease over him, there is less battle, and more power, in struggling to remain spiritual!

    Praise the LORD.

    People can not be saved, or lost through works, they are saved or lost through being spiritual. 

    Revelation 4:4-11

    Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads. 5 And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices.  Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

    6 Before the throne there was  a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. 8 The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying:

    “ Holy, holy, holy,

          Lord God Almighty,

          Who was and is and is to come!”

    9 Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:

           11 “ You are worthy, O Lord,

          To receive glory and honor and power;

          For You created all things,

          And by Your will they exist  and were created.”

    People get the idea, that we are going to be physically in front of Jesus forever.  That is not true.  Verses 8b-11 are the heart, in the Spirit.

    The word Jehovah, was a word that was put together from Yahweh, because early on, people would have to go through ceremonies to read Yahweh.  The lettering for Jehovah, came through the name Adonai.  Jehovah, in the Hebrew lettering, is Yahweh backwards.  Having things be backwards, is not always, or just Satanic.  If that were so, we would only be two dimensional.  The holy way, is in breathing.  Jehovah is breathing in, and Yahweh is breathing out.  Jehovah is the name for God, in which He is self-existing.  In this there is the interpretation of "I have the Promises of God." 

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    Wed, Sep 19th - 4:41PM


    Infatuation has brought true passion into being either a byword, or foolish.  False humility wants to take true passion and call it infatuation.  And then pride wants to add to that, and bring in venting one's feelings in place of passion, this is what is foolish.  That way no one has to be perfect. 

    When Jesus said that He could take up His cross, and put it down, that doesn't make passion infatuation.  People who think it is infatuation are usually the kind of people who have sacrificed love in the clefts, and put in false grace and new age faith.  What it really means, to take up one's cross, and to put it down, is to find a way.  Was Jesus passionate?  David and Elijah were eaten up with zeal.  Here is the thing with zeal: first of all, I see the Christian religion meeting at buildings called churches.  While the Greek word for church, actually means 'body of believers.'  So when people start to think that a building is the house of God, there is a problem.  Still churches find ways to say "That is not what we are really doing."  But at best they are worshiping the angel of the church.  I am not trying to be religious, but during th early church days, they met in homes, and then the synagogues were where they tried to convert Jews and Greeks.  And it says that David and Elijah were zealous for the house of the LORD.  But the OT temple is a type of the human body.  

    Many people also don't know that Solomon's name comes out to six, six, six.  If people are uninterested in being like God, in being able to be all that He is except Him without Him; then they are going to have to reconcile being able to prosper at all.

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    Tue, Sep 18th - 8:44PM

    Marriage in heaven 2

    There is one person for everybody, of who they are supposed to be with, forever. People have uneblief when they try to say that there is no marriage in heaven because someone else could have got our spouse, and the other way around. Or what happens if people die, and then the other wants to remarry. There being only one person we are supposed to be with, that means that only one human completely knows us, and completes us. If anyone had more than one spouse, though not at the same time, but through death; then there is still only one human who can know them, having a name together that no one else knows. And if anyone is married to someone and they don't know they have eternal love, they should ask! Paul's instructions in 1 Corinthians 7 was to keep people from thinking that they shouldn't get married, because the Bible says that people will be eating and drinking and marrying when Christ comes. And since Paul didn't want to be legalistic, he said everything he did by concession and commandment of the Spirit. Enlightening them to the spirit of things, and not the law of things. It is possible to know who we are supposed to be married to forever, while we are still here on earth. There is a difference between the remnant and the church also. The remnant, are those who found out that they had not accepted Jesus, and had missed the rapture, and then came to Him, having been made jealous as the fullness of the Gentiles came in. Though during the Tribulation it is still the times of the Gentiles. The remnant, and the remnant of the Gentiles, are those who live during the 1,000 years. That is how it is, from the start, (Marriage in heaven) for them: because we having this message about marriage in heaven, already know Him, and as the fulfillment of the Law of Moses. And the Law of Moses doesn't say there isn't, or can't be marriage in heaven either. First of all, people who take what Jesus told the Sadducees about the resurrection, and say there is no marriage in heaven, are the same people who could say that saying there is marriage in heaven, even by what I have shown, is just interpreting the Scriptures according to one's own understanding. That's hypocrisy! So since there is only one human who can know us completely, then not even through sex, or anything, did anyone else know us that way. Which means we are still virginic! And love would love to be married to the one who is the only one who can complete and know completely.

    After we get to heaven, we are going to be able to know everything that ever happened. We will be able to look upon those who did not make the LORD their true trust. And having the knowledge of good and evil, with the knowledge of incorruptible life, even in our bodies; everything that was old, will have passed away (though the lake of fire, and sea of forgetfulness, still will exist, but there won't be any corruption). There won't be any memory of it. And what is remembered will be what God brings forth. We are going to be able to look upon sin, though nothing is corrupted; I mean in the books; and be able to rightly distinguish what was going on in the intents and thoughts (For example, "See this testimony of God's power, character, and Jesus Christ?). That is where the virginity is. Just as Paul spoke in Romans 7. Someone could still be offended. Thinking that having sex (even in marriage) without the one person they are supposed to be with in heaven isn't sin. But things are either in God, or they aren't. There is no grey area. People who are married to only one person right now, who are saved, or have died that way, don't really have this problem. If marriage on earth right now, isn't for Christ, it is against Him. And everything that is not eternal, isn't for Him. And it isn't that the fruit of the marriage is eternal, but the marriage isn't. If something is saved, the whole thing is saved. The cherubs over the mercy seat don't represent God allowing marriage right now, and honoring it within that. And then marriage is only about presenting each other to Christ. It can't be that way, because anything He saves, is saved eternally. Thinking otherwise is trampling the blood of the Son of God underfoot. Though it may still look like partaking of it, through simplicity. But that is Jezebel as drunk on blood.

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    Tue, Sep 18th - 7:59PM

    Marriage in heaven

    There is no grey area with God. He is eternal. Whatever isn't eternal isn't in Him. Some people don't realize, if they argue against marriage in heaven, because of some people having more than one spouse here on earth; that when people did that, it wasn't God's will. In trying to look at marriage in heaven as not being true, then marriage on earth can not be godly either. Nothing is God, that isn't eternal. Here is what people did: just like thinking that the cross is in the sky between us and Jesus right now (the 'analogy'); people think that Jesus is inbetween godly marriages. That they are 'allowed.' And honored within that. And someone could even say that there is no marriage after we are in heaven (There is marriage after the marriage of the Lamb), because we are perfect by ourselves, and supposed to be only for God. But they don't know that that was what Lucifer was. When Paul speaks in Corinthians, about eye not seeing, nor ear hearing, not it entering into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love them; there is something said there, about limitless good possibilities, and new things. Not to mention what it means in Jeremiah when God says that He will do a new thing- a woman will encompass a man. Since there was already marriage, this verse speaks something. Therefore I believe that this verse is the verse spoken through an OT prophet, for marriage in heaven; and I have shown the things which accompany that.

    I am not saying that God made Lucifer fall, or that we are supposed to esteem things more than God. Lucifer went as far as he could, with what God had created him with. And then Lucifer fell, and God is showing His power through him. Some Christians are afraid of predestination because they think other people won't get saved, and will use the excuse of things not being predestined. But predestination is an awesome, generous thing. It means that if we love, then God gives us eternity (also, eternity in our hearts). And we have His love in true freedom. Adam and Eve went as far as they could with what God gave them. But God, if He had decided not to display His love like He did, in bringing people to be immortal and incorruptible like Him, could have made it so that Lucifer didn't fall. But then mans' and the angels' existence would have come to vanity, and robotic. This is how creation was subjected to futility. It is wrong, the saying that says "God first, family second, and job third." All of them are supposed to be 100 percent God.

    I believe that during the 1,000 year reign, that people are going to begin to be married to the spouse they are eternally supposed to be with, from the start. I believe that the verse on a woman encompassing a man means this. And I believe that is also the last being first, and the first being last, happening in the 1,000 year reign.

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    Mon, Sep 17th - 6:32PM


    When Paul was speaking about how 'we will by no means precede those who sleep' what he was referring to, was the church.  Because it is adding onto and taking away from Revelation to make the first and second resurrection the same thing.  The first resurrection couldn't be the saints who rose with Jesus, because the 1,000 year reign has to be physical, or else parts of Scripture are left out.  Like Zechariah 14. 

    Without having the church in heaven with resurrected bodies, having been raptured before the Tribulation, then there aren't enough saints with resurrected bodies, to come with Him, in the Second Coming, when He comes with His saints.  The first resurrection is going to be after the Second Coming, after the pre tribulation rapture.  And it is going to be the remnant who were beheaded during the Tribulation, who are resurrected.  The martyrs, whom Jesus raises from the dead, are going to rule with Him on earth, for the 1,000 years. 

    At the end of the 1,000 years, after fire comes down from heaven, and destroys the deceived who come against Jesus, King in Jerusalem (Psalm 2); after that, is the Day of God where all of creation melts.  And after this happens, then God will raise up the rest of the saved.  (The church by then will have already been risen.  And in the first resurrection the remnant who were martyrs will have already risen.).  And this is when the wicked are thrown into the lake of fire.  To say that Paul's words on "we shall by no means precede those who sleep" is directed to every person who is dead and saved, is false.  Because there is a physical 1,000 year reign with Christ on earth, and there is a difference between the first and second resurrections.  And to say that there is no pre tribulation rapture, is to say that the church has to go through the outpouring of God's wrath, which is impossible.  As we are saved from wrath, not just punishment, and judgment, but wrath, and we are not destined to it either.    

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    Mon, Sep 17th - 12:38AM


    The end of false grace, is that all of our sins are on Jesus, but who we inwardly are, is still a sinner.

    The end of works doctrine, is that the evidence of our right standing with God, is in our accomplishments.

    The end of false freedom, is that no one can should 'make' anything happen.

    All of these bind love. The Bible says that if we should be bound to anything, it should be to love others, and to keep one's self unspotted from the world. What is the world? The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. The lust of the flesh, is wanting to will or to do anything that God isn't completely in. The lust of the eyes, comes after this, having fulfilled the lust of the flesh: to 'possess' anything that God is not completely in. And the pride of life, comes from thinking that doing anything without God is good.

    By the blood of Jesus, anyone who has received God, is free to do whatever they want. Once it is realized, that a person can be carrying their cross, in anything that they do; and once they understand commanding light out of darkness, giving beauty for ashes, creating things which do not exist as though they did, and knowing that God works all things for good to those who love Him; then they will notice how no matter what happens, God can turn everything into His will. And this verse verifies this:

    1 Corinthians 6:12
    All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

    But the things that are not edifying, give place for Satan in our lives. That is why Paul wrote "I will not be brought under the power of any." If something is not edifying, it is not God's will (to be discerned by the Spirit; "Where God guides He provides," doesn't suffice. Look at David and Israel, they had enough, and and abundance to give, spiritually.), and whatever we obey, we are it's slave. There is no grey area with God. If there is a grey area, it has fallen.

    In looking at religion being keeping one's self unspotted from the world, I can see the first commandment; just as loving others is the second. Therefore if we are going to be bound to anything, it is to love others, and to love God. This is obeying the Holy Spirit. But, what is it for? Visiting orphans and widows, and not having fleshly sins, isn't salvation. To keep ourselves self unspotted from the world, we have to be spiritual. Remember the curse of the law: "Cursed is anyone who does not continue in all things, which are written in the book of the law, to do them." So why then do we have to obey the Holy Spirit? God's Promises are "Yes" and "Amen." Notice also, in Acts, when Paul was preaching no longer being under the law, that the people moved the leaders of Israel, and they moved the apostles, to come up with telling the churches to only follow some of the law. That is not what Paul was doing. He never gave them the law, because he knew that the law could not save. He was spiritual, and mature. People who are not spiritual, and are immature, hear things about not following laws, and have fear. Because they are not controlled by the Holy Spirit. Paul knew that no commandment could do anything against the indulgence of the flesh. This is why we have to obey the Holy Spirit. If we do not obey Him, we do not love Him, as it says in the gospel of John. But here is the grace: Paul spoke in Acts, about how we are now saved from the things we could not be saved from under the law. And he also wrote in Romans about how the law and the flesh were weak. Now, by the Holy Spirit, though we fall, no matter what in, He will save us, even our earthly inheritance. Every person who came to Jesus to be healed was healed. The kingdom of God is not only in saving people. But it is in power. The kingdom of God is to be as a lamp on a hill, and the light is power. Showing what heaven is like.

    With this kingdom inside of us, no matter what happens while in this world, we are more than conquerors.

    One thing that can happen is that other peoples' view of us, can become a stronghold. God knows the thoughts and the intentions of the heart and mind. He does not judge by what He hears or sees (Isaiah 11). It is impossible to judge truth by the flesh, because the intents and thoughts are not known, and so no work would be justly weighed.

    Galatians 6:14
    the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world

    This verse takes care of all of that. Sometimes in our race, we have to run, proving ourselves, even when people are evil in giving ultimatums, and accusations. There comes a time also though, where we have done all that we can for the moment.

    Luke 22:35-38
    And He said to them, “When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?”
    So they said, “Nothing.”
    36 Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. 37 For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.' For the things concerning Me have an end.”
    38 So they said, “Lord, look, here are two swords.”
    And He said to them, “It is enough.”

    One sword symbolizes the Holy Spirit, and the other the Spirit of Jesus Christ. If we are going to do anything, while in division with anyone, having already done everything we can carrying the cross; then we are to do all that we do in any kind of warfare, by the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. If we have done all that we can in carrying the cross, there is no 'free pass' for just treating people or things however we want. With the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, in the things that we do in warfare, we must be completely in love. Otherwise it is hypocrisy.

    Colossians 3:1-2
    If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

    When we are spiritual, this is what we are doing. And we can do this, as we walk on earth, as the kingdom of God is inside of us. Seeking the things of above, we will not esteem whatever hinderance there is. And we will not be weighed down, by not seeing, and or having our hope yet.

    It is possible to still be spotted by the world, even though there may not be openly visible sins. Many people, who think they have holiness, don't. They traded being spiritual, for false grace, works of the flesh, and or false freedom.

    Revelation 18:11-13
    “And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore: 12 merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; 13 and cinnamon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense, wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and bodies and souls of men. "

    Babylon is noted for it's trading, though being a part of Babylon, may not be very visible for everyone. The soul has a half-life. And procuring that half-life is Satan's ploy. People can go a certain amount of time, on their soul's 'half-life,' without being with God, at all or completely, without having too many visible consequences. When Satan tempted Jesus to turn the stone into bread, the temptation was like the Israelites asking for meat, wanting something sightly. The procured half-life, is what Satan gives the world, offers the occult, and seduces the called with.

    John 12:25
    He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

    Luke 14:26
    “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple."

    What does it mean to hate one's own life, and the people in their relationship? To hate what isn't going to last forever, and to hate that it is corrupted in it's nature. But, going on from this, Jesus gives eternal salvation.

    If we really are in God, then we should act like this:

    Isaiah 11:3-4
    He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,
    Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;
    4 But with righteousness He shall judge the poor,
    And decide with equity for the meek of the earth

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    Sun, Sep 16th - 9:15PM

    The substance

    John 12:24
    unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain

    What does it mean to have the seed germinate?

    1 John 5:7-8
    For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.

    For us to receive anything from God, after the talent, we have to be one with Him, not regarding inquity in our hearts. We have to be one with Him. When the new creation is born, the sinless insides, then someone is born in heaven. In the third heaven, where also the heavenly Jerusalem is. Then one may walk, being continually led by the Holy Spirit here on earth. It says that the battle is against our soul. That is why we need to enter in. Until the battle is won, a person could still blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and fall away, unable to be renewed. Though some people die before they enter in, but, not in undoing belief, which is blaspheming the Holy Spirit; these are sealed through sincere faith. Sincerity is what the unprofitable servant does not have. Remember what Paul said, about the sincerity of Christ, and how Eve was tempted. That temptation was the wicked discipline of the world and religion, and was white withcraft. Which is giving people what is negative, so that they can, in their own volition, be positive. Once a person enters in, they can no longer fall away. And their earthly gift is sealed, also being built in heaven.

    The rest that Hebrews talks about, in which God rested on the seventh day, means to no longer be alone. Which is also mentioned in John 12:24. Faith is a rest, and an action. It is a rest from doing things alone, and an action towards receiving hope. Works are not to be in any way, with our own power. To do anything in one's own power is sin, as it is without God, no matter how 'good' it looks. We are to be empowered to will and to do of His good pleasure. Doing anything in one's own power, and claiming it is through another, or a mixture, is being double. Works do not have to be 'displays.' They are as easy as giving a hug.

    How do we know what bears witness with the Father, the Word, the Spirit, the blood, and the water? The name of Jesus. What is the 'requirement' for something to be God's love? It must edify, in Christ Jesus. This denotes prophecy, which is also as loving one's neighbor as one's self. And prophecy is the specifics of a concept being given. Just as aposltes deal with what is eternal; and prophets, what is eternal, into time. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. The way people mess up, in falsely discerning love, is that they are afraid of having testimony be of Jesus, and the hope be a promise fulfilled to someone. The name Jesus means 'Salvation.' That salvation coming, is what the word Christ means.

    How are we supposed to test ourselves, to see if we are in the faith or not? First of all, we have to be sure that we are loving, as we want to be loved. But even in this, if someone is fond of things which truly aren't godly, whether religious, or openly sinful, how can anyone know what true love is? According to 1 Corinthians 13 we can see how love acts. But what is it's substance? What is it's makeup? Because people can look like they love, and according to 1 Corinthians 13, but the position they have, and the end they strive towards are not godly. What position does love have? We can read the Bible and read His Promises, but even then, without being positioned in true love, life won't be reaped. What is the Rock we are to build our house upon? What is the substance? The Bible tells us that the substance and the Rock are Christ. But who is Christ? Even in church, with there being different beliefs, people can begin serving, as if they are serving different Christs. Only agreeing on Him being the Son of God, and dying and rising, isn't enough to BUILD on. Without knowing who Jesus really is, people can get swept away into deception, whether things look right or not. And just because people agree, does not make something God.

    The Bible shows how the Holy Spirit is the One who gives us Jesus. But the Holy Spirit Himself is also a part of the Godhead, equal and complete with Jesus and the Father. The Word of God shows us that. Some people say that the Holy Spirit only talks about Jesus. But what they don't know is that God's word talks about the Holy Spirit.

    It is impossible to have the Rock as a foundation, and also build anything truly good on it, without knowing the Holy Spirit. Therefore we must be spiritual. And spirituality is not just having morals, and so no filthiness of the flesh and spirit. Being spiritual, means that we are built upon what is spiritual. Just as Hebrews 11:3 shows. That means that the spiritual person, is not swayed by sight. The meat that Israel asked for, resembles asking for sightly things.

    How can we be sure that we are in the truth, if we can't see it? Wouldn't this turn out, that people would be 'out of their minds?' Satan first gives the false foundation, which is the fleshly prosperity without totally being in God. And then he brought in people who seemed to be 'out of their mind.' So now, the majority looks as though they are in truth, because they have material providence, and are not like people who are 'out of their mind.'

    The only real truth there is, is knowledge. Think about it, everytime truth is mentioned, it being God, it is knowledge. False knowledge can not cover every aspect, without sacrificing love in the clefts. And many so called truths actually even proudly proclaim that they lack knowledge, as if this proved them to be right. Saying that no one can be perfect. The seed of God germinates as love prepares it's way, and truth and knowledge become complete. Once there is completion then the life and sprout comes.

    James 1:21
    receive with meekness the implanted word

    The Holy Spirit does not want to be quenched and grieved. Receiving with meekness, the implanted word, means to not sacrifice love in the clefts. But to cultivate, being spiritual, unto true love and life. The only 'letting go and letting God' we should be doing, is not quenching or grieving Him. And meekness is not just being quiet. It is obeying/loving His voice (The gospel of John shows that if we love Him, we will obey Him), as His voice/mouth speaks from the overflow of His heart. Just as Moses and Abraham spoke God's heart, though He said He was going to destroy Israel, and Sodom, and Gomorrah.

    The kind of knowledge that only puffs up, is religion. No matter what freedom or grace a person claims. Because anything that binds, is religion. And people can bind with grace and freedom, even to bind love. We may bind and loose, but just as repentance is not full until His death, so is binding and loosing not full until dying for love. And we die for love, by choosing not to just go and do something else. Though it may seem to prosper.

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    Sun, Sep 16th - 6:38PM


    Luke 9:23
    “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."

    What does denying one's self mean? The offense of the cross, is not that we want things, but the cross shows us not to, and we are offended. The offense of the cross, is when people see it as doing evil so that good may come, as Jesus' flesh became sin and His body was given over to death. Jesus' sufferings and death were for something. His sacrifice was not to not wanting things. He did what He did for His bride. Real love chooses to die for love. It chooses to die for it's relationships. What is denied, in carrying the cross, is walking away. Because instead of choosing to die, we all could just do something different, and prosper (But without dying for love it won't be real prosperity).

    God doesn't hear any prayer from anyone that isn't being one with Him. Ever heard of the sinners' prayer? Satan is the one who accuses, and condemns. God came to give life. His conviction is what we were. Accusations and condemnation are from Satan, as he tries to say what we are, that is sin. Once God gives the talent, and someone knows that He is God, then His conviction tells the person who they were. And they pray and accept Him, by confessing what they are in Him. And there is no darkness in Him. We can not merely confess we are sinners, and that God is Lord, and be saved. The way to believe is to agree. That is why confessing what the Holy Spirit says, as confession means to 'say the same as,' is believing. The prayer that saves, is the prayer that is spoken, in confessing being one with God. The double vessel is the one that stays regarding itself as sin, but expecting God to hear and save. David said "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear." This prayer that saves, in being one with Him, is the prayer that believes in His forgiveness. Repentance is not merely a 180, but is preparing the way; as shown in Isaiah 40, with the Spirit of repentance, the Spirit of Elijah, also as John the Baptist was Elijah 'who is to come.' Laying the foundation of repentance, as spoken of in Hebrews, means to prepare the way, and make the field fit, as to accepting God's forgiveness. The gospel shows a story concerning 'counting the cost.' But what some people don't understand, is that just because we might not have enough, as seen in the story, it doesn't mean that we are excused. After counting the cost, we are to prepare the way, to having enough, and so have victory. Counting the cost, is what is going on when a person is preparing the way, from conviction, God telling us we were in sin, into being one with Him, and perfect, and saved.

    Much of the church is dependant upon prayers, that are witchcraft. This usually being the prayer life that is after the 'sinners' prayer.' When people see the cross as not wanting things, then they judge the people they see who want things. And the 'witchcraft prayers' are the prayers that people do to procure having the cross be not wanting things. People who see the cross as not wanting things, also see the cross as 'not having to fully follow God.' Because they combine not being under the law anymore, to not having to obey the Holy Spirit. With these two things together, what happens is that people think they are 'commissioned' to procure life like this. And the enemy becomes people who want things. And also people who want to obey the Holy Spirit are called religious. The 'witchcraft prayers' are witchcraft, because when people feel they are 'so commissioned' they attempt to bind and loose things; but God's whole will isn't in it.

    Binding and loosing doesn't enter in. What it does is ensure that what we have already reaped, isn't lost. Entering in comes from being with Him on the cross. As when He was lifted up, all peoples were drawn to Him. And so as we walk as He did, then we take on every evil thing, our outward person perishing. And so evil loses all of it's power, as it goes on us. And then as we are risen with Him, our inward man is renewed (this also happening AS we die, as the new life is based on hope). That is going on from laying the foundation of repentance, and binding and loosing, into perfection and the kingdom of God.

    Witchcraft prayers are usually based on the flesh. Like humanism: people may only have what the physical grants them.

    This is why and how being spiritual is so important. Because being spiritual means being perfect, and one with Him. Romans 12:1-2 shows God's will. First His will is the cross, and then after that comes His good and perfect and acceptable will. Which is His life. Without being one with God, and inwardly perfect, what happens is that God's will becomes only what is presently physically granted. But if anyone truly carried the cross, in Spirit and truth, then they would die for love; and then be able to have the good and perfect and acceptable will of God, which is walking in the gift.

    Repentance prepares the way, and His death ensures that we fully die to anything that might try to 'slight' the love. And then His life, is walking in what the gift is and receiving it.

    But here is the thing: if we are not with Him, in His death and sufferings, then we can not be with Him in His life. And so, just excusing ourselves from His Promises, and from His inward perfection, just because there is outward imperfection, does not suffice. It is not an excuse to say that the good and perfect and acceptable will was not confessed, and sown unto, and believed because sin was present. Because that is why there is His death and sufferings. And we are supposed to be together in them, not isolated. Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire. And that desire is to not be present in the death and sufferings, because sin is present. How can we be in His death and sufferings, without sharing in sins, and leavening the lump with sin? Repentance. That is why the man in 1 Corinthians 5 was delivered unto Satan.

    What are the fruits of repentance? They are the new life. But people try to take the 'fruits of repentance' and make it mean that someone is not repenting, if they don't have the fruits yet. Which is wrong. His sufferings and death, and preparing the way, are unto the fruits. Sincere repentance, is present when someone is preparing the way. That is what the person in 1 Corinthians 5 was not doing.

    How is being delivered unto Satan, not the Law of Moses, which we are supposed to be delivered from? Because God used the condemnation under the law to move people to Him, which He doens't anymore. He now has the Spirit of life (Which we are also still supposed to seek, knowing He will give us no partiality). When Paul delivered that man over to Satan, what he did was stop him from thinking that there is fruit in not repenting. Who has the authority to deliver someone to Satan? What they did was cut him off from having fellowship in the church. What are the grounds for this? Someone in sin who is not preparing the way. But...people have to know, that the authority to do this, is also the same authority to raise people from the dead, and work signs, wonders, and miracles. Without being one with God, how can anyone have His authority? Without being one with God, someone might see God's truths. But they will never possess the whole truth. Because it is only present in being one with God, and living in Spirit and truth.

    When people suffer and die for love, and are one with Him, then they will know God's will, and what to specifically pray for.

    Should everyone be delivered unto Satan who does not prepare the way? What about ignorance? Can't they be reconciled without having to be delivered unto Satan? It is LIKE Matthew 18. If the person is committed to not preparing the way, that is why someone might get delivered to Satan.

    Comment (0)

    Sat, Sep 15th - 1:22AM

    Holy Spirit of fire

    God's promises are always being fulfilled, if they weren't, He wouldn't be saving anything.  Satan gets kicked out of heaven, even after having fallen, because His Promises are fulfilled.  The way this makes sense, since His Promises are always being fulfilled, is because he SNEAKS back in.  Just like he did in the Book of Jasher, and in Job. 

    The sign of Jonah, is for the church's rapture, which is before the Tribulation, as His church walks just as He did.  And for those who died before leaving Egypt, they had the sincere faith, of being His and saved, having believed in the name of "Jesus" and known His name as salvation, and Him as the Messiah; while those saved before Jesus came, only 'looked on' at that (as it says in one of Peter's letters).  The sea of glass, is like the remnant, but the remnant is saved, during His wrath, while the sea of glass, is saved before the Tribulation.

    After Revelation 12, Satan won't be able to sneak back into heaven again.

    The sea of glass, resembles those who died before leaving Egypt, who are the chruch; as sand is refined into glass.  The remnant who is saved during the Tribulation resembles being like the man who is saved, as through fire, having his clothes and works burnt, but still being saved.   

    Comment (0)

    Sat, Sep 15th - 12:50AM

    Overcoming evil with good

    I have to go over this, because some people try to interpret the Bible, in agreement with their own accord.  Because the high things of God are threatening to those who only want religion.  Whether they praise themselves for being 'under grace' or 'commissioned.'  The only way to truly have God's grace, and have victory, is to not be religious.  Those who merely desire to have grace as a way of not having the law anymore, have marveled at darkness.  Marveling at how we are not under the law anymore, because of Christ.  And it is marveling at darkness, because the high praises of Love are not sought, only middled freedom.  When people try to 'let go and let God' and then go on to having works, they have, as Jesus said, their reward already.  They find out their iniquity, of what they boast about, also not themselves dying for Love; and they try to thwart everything against their own proclaimed stance, whether by starving their professed 'arguers' in complacency, or by trying to go on conquest, 'in the name of Jesus.' 

    There is not only one resurrection.  Revelation shows two resurrections.  Who are the beheaded, the souls under the altar?  Anyone teaching that there is only one Resurrection has to deal with Revelation saying there are two.  And how do they deal with it?  They say that Revelation is not all chronological.  I have already shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that the church can not go through God's wrath.  What offends people who think that the chuch does, is having to seek God, for the truth, instead of only the Bible.  The Bible does not have eyes, or ears, and it can not speak, or walk.  Someone could take Revelation 12, to literally be Jesus, as the male child.  But that is impossible.  As I have shown, as Jesus did not ascend before Mary and Joseph went to Egypt.  Is Jerusalem the mother of the male child?  How?  What are the 1290 days?  Here is the thing with false prophets: they first take a stance, and then use the Bible to back it up.  Even if the idea from the stance, kind of agrees with the Bible.  The only truth there is, is in the Spirit.  That is where God's word is.  The written word, is only the past physical materials that we have left over, from what God has already done. 

    Are the 1290 days, the length of Jesus' ministry?  How did Jesus ascend then, still before the 1290 days?  Saying that Revelation is not in chronological order is just a cover up, to procure one's own beliefs.  Truth declares the order in Revelation.  The male child, is the 144,000 with the testimony of Jesus Christ. 

    Is the first resurrection, the saints that rose with Jesus?  And then the 1,000 years are going on right now?  Yes.  By testimony though and symbolism, just as the male child as Jesus, and Jerusalem as his mother is symbolism.  Because the fulfillment of the Prophecy still has to come to pass, in it's context.  False prophecy reverses testimonies, and their fulfillment.  They don't want to make the symbol be Jesus, and the fulfillment be His Promise to someone; because of false humility.   

    Again, God's wrath, in Revelation, is something that the body of Christ can not go through.  Because it is not as with His cross.  Where we are as in the cleft, and looking to Him, and being with Him on the cross.  No, the wrath in Revelation, is full and open. 

    Why does Satan get kicked out of heaven?  Obviously that happened when he fell.  But as the Bible shows also, he has snuck back in their before, as the Book of Jasher shows as well.  Satan gets kicked out heaven, after having already fallen, because he is there trying to accuse God's people.  And what kicks him out?  The fulfillment of a promise.  The Promise, for what he is accusing.  Whether or not he knows the full effect, of what his accusation would do, if God were not to be faithful and true. 

    Jezebel uses people, like sending in a cockroach, with poision, to infect the whole clan.  The cockroach with the poison, probably doesn't know he could kill the whole clan.  If the specific fulfillment of God's prophecies, do not come pass, in the context there are written in, even if the testimony and promise is claimed in a different circumstance; what happens is that Jezebel gets the seed.  That is a trick of darkness.  Letting people who think they are doing right, actually bring about what is wrong.  So Jezebel gets to humiliate, and fornicate.  When Jezebel gets the seed, for the specific Promise that is to come to pass in a certain time and context; what gets fulfilled is her prophecy that is false, though it can still look right, because everything else still ATTESTS to God's word.  She takes the seed, and gives her own seed, a carbon copy of truth, only lacking the specific fulfillment of truth.  Just as she usurps man's authority.  And then gives hers.  Procuring her reign.  Pride can beat humans, Jezebel rubs it in.

    Here is what happens, and why God told Isaiah to not say 'conspiracy:' because once evil is marvelled at, people don't want to marvel at God anymore.  God doesn't want people calling Him a coincidence, or not calling on Him at all.   

    How can it be, that the first resurrection was not specifically the dead who rose with Jesus, having already happened?  First of all, what about Zechariah 14?  That shows the physical 1,000 year reign with Christ on earth.  False prophecy may claim that that is only one Scripture.  See what false prophecy does?  It takes a few things of God's that agree, then changes them, so that they prove an ADDED point (Which is false), and then whatever doesn't prove the [false] stance wrong isn't true itself.  And then false prophecy, in that, starts to make it so that it is hard to prove what is false, to be false.  And so also in doing it, there are traps, to either fully trip up the person who is trying to expose the falsehood, or to make them look like they did evil, in trying to overcome the falsehood ("Is it peace Zimiri?  Murderer of your master.").    

    Here is a false timeline of end times:

    [---Jesus' ministry and death and resurrection as Revelation 12, and the first resurrection->

    [---the 1,000 years, and the church->

    [---Second Coming the same as the rapture, also the same as the White throne judgment---]

    To say that this is true, one has to make the 1,000 year reign as described in Revelation be only symbolic in happening after the Second Coming.  Meaning that the 1,000 years are physically true right now, but will only be spiritually true after the Second Coming.  People do this because they want to say that the church goes through the Tribulation.  Because the pre-tribulation rapture is an offense to them, because it takes seeking God, and not just the Scriptures.  People also do this, because they make Matthew 13's description of the angels throwing people into the lake of fire, be the 1,000 year reign.  When it is after heaven and earth are destroyed, but before the new ones are created, also connecting to the parable of the wedding supper.  If someone is going to say that the first resurrection shown in Revelation was the dead who rose with Jesus, then they have to come to terms with answering, if that is so, then why is it wrong to say that there can't be a resurrection of the people who have died, being the church, before the Tribulation? 

    In truth, the first resurrection is the first resurrection of the Jews.  Because before the Law of Moses, they were Hebrews.  After the Law, they were Jews.  And the ones whom Christ took captive, when He ascended, were those who were in Paradise, who lived during the law, and of which, none have received new bodies yet.  Being as Daniel, resting, until the very end of things.  The ones who did rise when Christ rose, did receive new bodies.  Of which, I believe to be the saints, who were in Salem, in Melchizedek's time. 

    Here is another false time line of end times:

    [---church...(no answer as to why we have to go through the Tribulation)...Second Coming, rapture...heaven and earth destroyed...the 1,000 years and the wicked judged---]

    The problem with this, is that there is not a wise, sound, and true explanation as to when Satan is bound in the pit.  And also when he is loosed out of it.  Not to mention, Zechariah 14's description of the 1,000 years being a physical reign with Christ on earth. 

    As I have said, the sign of Jonah is Jesus' answer, as to His coming for His church, and the pre tribulation rapture.  Christ died on Passover, and rose on firstfruits, along with other saints in Jerusalem, and then He revealed the Scriptures for forty days, and then ascended, and then ten days after that, fifty days after Passover, there was Pentecost; where the Promise of the Spirit came, which was the infilling of Him, no longer to just be upon someone, only infilling that way. 

    So in truth there is:

    [---First fruits when the dead in Christ will rise, with incorruptible bodies, those who are saved also receiving new bodies; this the banner of Isaiah 18; and also symbolized in Genesis 17->

    forty days later, then the dead who rose incorruptible, and the saved will meet the Lord in the air at the last trumpet, and have glorified bodies---]

    The fall feasts, represent those who did not accept Jesus.  And that does not mean, just still having sin in someone's walk.  The feast of Trumpets, is the first of the fall feasts, and represents Jesus' birth.  Introducing Jesus as the Messiah, in the circumstance, of Him being rejected.  I have already shown that His rejection of the Jews, in dying for us, was not this rejection.  The rejection that brings upon the Tribulation, is rejecting Him, after being able to receive Him, and be one with Him, after He died and rose again.  Do you know what not imputing men's transgressions against them means?  Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.  Jesus had to die.  Not imputing men's sins, means after His sacrifice, we don't come to Him, as if in the spirit of how we are guilty for killing Him.  We come to Him, as receiving what He has made available for us.  Not coming to Him, then, is why people go through the Tribulation. 

    So in going on, there is:

    [---The church in heaven during the ten days between the ascension/rapture and Pentecost as seen in Revelation 4-5---]


    [---Revelation 6 signifies the beginning of the Tribulation.  Instead of the Jews receiving the Promise, the Tribulation begins.---]


    [---The spirit of grecia possesses the peace maker.  He calls himself God in the Jews' temple.  The abomination of desolation begins.  Having not begun before this because the temple being destroyed in 70A.D. was the 'sign' mentioned in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, not the fulfillment.  Also, Titus not being the Antichrist, as according to Revelation 17, the seventh and eigth kingdom had not yet come.---]


    [---Second Coming, for the Jews---]

    [---first resurrection and 1,000 years, physicall taking place on earth---]

    [---heaven and earth destroyed and the White Throne Judgment---]

    *Here is the thing, Revelation shows two resurrections.  To say otherwise is to add to and take away from that book.  Now, who are the saints that come with Jesus at His Second Coming?  Remember that until the first resurrection, there are not many resurrected bodies in heaven, just as true right now.  So who are the saints that come with Him?  The resurrection would have to take place before the Second Coming, for the number of saints, that the Bible says will come with Him, to come with Him.  But according to Revelation, the resurrections happen after the Second Coming.   

    In truth, the saints who are going to come with Him, are the ones who already have resurrected bodies.  Which is the church and those who rose with Him, when He rose.  Why can't it be all of the dead who are saved?  Because the Bible says that the Second Coming is before both the first and second resurrection spoken of in Revelation.  To say that "well, Revelation is not in chronological order" is lying and adding to and taking away from that book.  Why can't the saints who come at His Second Coming be the dead who are saved, but who don't yet have resurrected bodies?  Because first of all, it says that Daniel, who was one under the law, and who was taken captive from Paradise into heaven, was told that he would not receive his new body and inheritance until the VERY end.  Why can't it be the dead who are saved, without new bodies yet, but appearing with Him, as Elijah was on the mountain during the 'transfiguration?'  Because what the transfiguration was, was Jesus ESTABLISHED BY TWO OR THREE WITNESSES, as to being the Christ, and the Messiah, spoken of by the Law and the Prophets.  Moses and Elijah were there, because God showed them, that even though they did not have new bodies yet, that "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON."  Therefore showing them that they would.  Moses and Elijah appeared, not in body, but in spirit, that is what 'Transfigured' means.  God made it possible, for Elijah, and Moses to see what He was going to do, giving them hope and comfort, until they arise, "communing" that in their spirit, though they were resting.  Just like how when we sleep, we can still be active.  And the church has to come away from believing that dreams and the imagination and visions are not 'real,' and only symbolic at best.  Peter, James, and John, had the word of Jesus being the Messiah established before them.  How can the saints who come with Jesus be all of the dead who are saved?  When the resurrections in Revelation are after the Second Coming of Jesus shown in Revelation 19; and only the ones who rose with Jesus have new bodies right now?  The truth is that, the saints coming with Jesus at His Second Coming are the church and those who rose with Him when He rose.  All of the dead who are saved can not come with Him at His Second Coming because the resurrections in Revelation are not until after the Second Coming; and they can't come without new bodies because they are resting.  

    Paul's words on "first the dead in Christ will rise, then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together" is talking about the rapture of the church, before the Tribulation.  The dead in Christ, are those who have died, having known the specfiic name of the Messiah, and been saved through It= the church.  The 'we who are alive and remaining' is the people who are alive, and who are saved, when the dead in Christ rise.  "We who are alive and remaining" is a way of distinguishing between the people who died in Christ, and the people who are still alive in Christ.  

    It is false prophecy to say that the first resurrection mentioned in Revelation has already taken place specifically in time.  And it is false prophecy to say that there is no rapture of the church before the Second Coming.  And it is false prophecy to try and make the 1,000 year reign not be physically on earth, and also be the same as the Great White Throne Judgment.  And it is false prophecy to try and say that Paul's words, 'first the dead in Christ will rise,' is speaking about everyone who is dead and saved.

    Not everytime a trumpet blows, is it the Feast of Trumpets.  And the trumpets in Revelation, are not the same thing, as the trumpet in 1 Corinthians 15, which speaks about the rapture.  And notice that in 1 Corinthians 15 Paul says 'last trumpet.'  I have already shown the church not going through the Tribulation.  The first resurrection mentioned in Revelation is not the church, as if, having gone through the Tribulation, and then the second resurrection is everyone else.  The 'last trumpet' is the last 'sounding' of His trumpet, the beginning soundings are when the dead in Christ rise, as I have shown, also being the banner from Isaiah 18.  When the dead in Christ rise, those who are saved also receive new bodies, then at the last trumpet, both are caught away and receive glorified bodies; just as Jesus didn't receive His glorified body until He ascended.  Paul saying 'in a moment' is talking about the incorruptible body, and then 'at the last trumpet' is him talking about the glorified body.  The church can go through none of the Tribulation.  The seven trumpets in Revelation are His wrath (just as the seals and bowls are), as He begins to take out every evil kingdom.  And the 1,000 year reign is a kingdom which can not be broken, it is Christ's kingdom, which is not prevailed against, even though there will still be sin; it being on earth, after the Second Coming.  The first seal (Revealtion 6), has not happened yet, even though we know who the Antichrist is going to be.  The first seal is the peace covenant the Jews will have with Abdullah, and that has not yet happened.  The church and the remnant have to be interpreted correctly.  The church gets every promise that the real Israel had, and the remnant will get every promise given to the church.  The church can not go through the Tribulation.  It is impossible.  The church are those who walked as He did, and were with Him on the cross, seeing the wrath God had on Jesus, as from the cleft, as seeing His back.  The Tribulation is full and open wrath, and is on all of the world, including the Jews; and is because of not accepting Jesus.  Not accepting Him, after He did what He did, in His death and resurrection.  Not accepting Him, as He was only evangelized to others, after Pentecost.  People no longer having their sins imputed to them, as if they go through Tribulation for Him having to die.  The Tribulation happening because in this gift giving, people again, and still, and never accepted Him.  Those who accepted Him after Pentecost, are of His body, being one with Him, and can not have any other wrath of His, as they have the wrath God had on Jesus, when He was on the cross; as they walk as He did, being on the cross with Him; as in the clefts, and seeing the back of God.  The 'sea of glass,' those who had sincere faith, but died before they could leave Egypt, are part of the dead in Christ who rise before the Tribulation.  Though they never entered in, as the 24 elders, into having their soul no longer being battled against, and so having their earthly gift sealed (see also 3 John 2).  But these are still in Him, and saved, and are raptured before the Tribulation.  The first and second resurrections in Revelation, are for those who go through the Tribulation, and were not of the church.  It isn't unfair that the Jews have to go through the Tribulation, and the church doesn't.  It is the extent  of moving them to jealousy.  But as I said, all of the saved, WILL get the same gifts.

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    Thu, Sep 13th - 2:14PM


    Ephesians 2:1-3

    And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, 3 among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh

    Ephesians 2:11-12

    you, once Gentiles in the flesh...that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.

    1 Corinthians 12:2

    you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led.

    People start to think that just because modern day society doesn't worship idols that are statues, that they are not in idolatry.  This stance, as in not worshiping God, also leads into humanism, which is the extent of false humility.  I say this about humanism, because, idolatry doesn't just mean that someone is infatuated with things.  Humanists will also hate those who aren't with them, but are being too fervent.  Because humanism is not based on anything inwardly, only on what a person should have, based on their flesh, and the strength of their hand.  

    How do we fight?

    John 12:32

    And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself

    With the word of faith, having always been with God, being with Him, continuing with Him, and having His Promises; then whenever we are battling sin, as we are outwardly perishing, and the outward corruption dies, but what is inward is being renewed, and given into the mortal flesh; then as we are on our cross, then in no matter what battle we are in, when the darkness manifests, it's power goes onto us, and it loses it's power.  And dies, as it is with us, as we were also with Him on the cross.  And we gain life, as we command light out of darkness, and create things which do not exist as though they did, and give beauty for ashes.  Confessing (saying the same as the Holy Spirit) all of His Promises, for our past, present, and future.  Having the Word of God, by the Spirit.  Which is (the Word) the good version of what evil is doing (even what they have is taken away, and given to him who has); and also is the good that the evil is intending to stop; and also is the abundantly above, as we continue to look to Him, knowing that He is not just giving us good for evil, but giving generously, bestowing every good and every perfect gift, because He always knew us, and We love each other.  It is hard and rare for the double vessel in the depths of Satan to go beyond the lukewarm and simplistic thinking, of how "God is good" and we get things; into being saved from darkness, and then even given a portion over that, knowing that God isn't just rewarding us, to compensate for the evil that is in our lives.   


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    Thu, Sep 13th - 1:22PM


    All false prophecy has one thing in common: it is not about the Promises of God. 

    All false doctrine has one thing in common: it teaches the depths of Satan, which is that 'we are sinners, and that is the way it is.' 

    Most false eschatology arose as these two falsehoods manifested. 

    What the Jehovah Witnesses did, was completely take the church out of the picture, elevating the 24 elders.  Therefore being one with God, not being possible for people nowadays. 

    Gnostics say that there has to be a secret knowledge, for salvation.  Agnostics teach, there doesn't need to be.  But the hook, line, and sinker, is that Agnostics, can be gnostic, in the way they deal with things. 

    So many people don't understand, that when they receive direction from darkness, even in ignorance; and then go on to try to 'defend' whatever it is they stand for; that they are actually furthering what they claim to try to be stopping.  Just as it is with Satan.  This is part of what it means, when it says in the Psalm "he finds out his iniquity and hates." 

    The basis of the Wican religion is that there is no present, eternal love.  What comes from this, is that no one can judge anyone else.  Whether accusing someone of not loving enough, or accusing someone of sinning against someone.  Further, from this, comes that evil is stronger than good, but that good wins out in the end, because of evil's weakness'.  Those weakness' being that no one can be perfect, not even the evil in contriving. 

    The Wicans believe what they are doing is good.  Therefore, good will always win out in the end, even though wickedness takes place also.  What good do they think they are doing?  Not trying to hold people accountable, as if there is anything eternal right now (also, to even judge by).  That way, whether good or evil takes place, there is no guilt, or so they follow. 

    Remind you of a story?  Anakin (the giant) winning out for good in the end. 

    Here is how to spot religion: everything is only cause and effect.  Because all that is going on, is that the 'understandings' a person has, are being 'illuminated,' giving them their volition and their confidence. 

    Here is why most people, even in the church, aren't spiritual: because it takes God GIVING intuitive knowledge.  That is why we are to seek Him.  For intuitive knowledge.  How can we have intuitive knowledge, when we don't start out without it?  Won't we at some point be unable to reconcile, having not had it to begin with?  And doesn't intuitive knowledge denote always having known?  This is why we are to seek Him.  And this is being a new creature, also foreknown. 

    Before Jesus suffered and died, He had no sins.  And during His sufferings, and unto His death, His insides had no sin.  Once a person has belief, it is like they have the 'golden ticket.'  They may have now, to be as Jesus was before His sufferings.  And then, through entering in, in walking as He did, they may receive intuitive knowledge.  Did Jesus forget things, when He became a human, and then have to re-learn them?  Think about it like this: just as eternity is everything occurring all at once, and time is that spread out over a certain period; so is how Jesus became a human.  Kind of like, just changing thoughts, or moving to a different city.  All of the stuff that happened before is still there, and can be remembered, but something else is going on.  Jesus learned, as a human.  Everything He did, He did it so that we could.  But that does not mean, that He was not God still.  And that does not mean, that He did not have 'access' to the things of God.  Was He still all knowing, all powerful, and omnipresent?  Jesus is the Word of God, and the fulfillment of it, by the Spirit, from the Father.  So while He was on earth, He was God in the flesh, fulfilling all of God's Promises.  When eternity and time conceive, they are together, and all encompassing, in the specific love that is occurring.  Prophecies, and Promises, our hope, are the specifics of the love we have.  Our faith is possessing it, past, present, and future.  And our love is knowing it.  Love, faith, hope; know that we know that we know.  The problem with pagans, is that they contribute the physical, as to being 'concrete.'  And the problem with false spirituality, is that the spirit and soul are not distinguished.  So the physical becomes secluded.  And the spiritual becomes indefinite.  In looking at the words for goodness in the Hebrew, there is a difference between the abstract and the tangible.  Only truth's seeds are both abstract and tangible, and last forever.  Just as also, the kingdom of God is inside of us.

    There is a saying that says: If you don't believe in God, and you are right; you don't lose anything.  If you do believe in God, and you are right; you don't lose anything.  And if you do believe in God, and you are wrong, then because there is nothing now presently eternal ('that being true'); you don't lose anything.  But if you don't believe in God, and there is one, you lose. 

    But Satan can still operate in that.  That was just a saying.  The Greek mythology of Titan, shows Satan.  There are different beliefs, in mythology, and new age, about life after death.  Jezebel doesn't entertain the latter end of things.  Diana is white witchcraft, also being called the Great Mother.  Different from Jezebel, in that she does entertain the latter end of things.  Jezebel is a whore, and Diana is a harlot; the whore not getting paid, and the harlot, getting paid; while religion is a prostitute, having immorality for a job.  One Satanic belief is that God is a god, but that He is also a sinner, and that this was shown true with Jesus, as He became sin.  This belief also leads into saying that no one is going to be fallen forever.  Another Satanic belief is that God will fall, and also with this, that just the fact that there is sin, proves Him not to be perfect, sinless, and the only One True God, as He even destroys what He created.

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    Thu, Sep 13th - 1:29AM

    Small or little

    Philippi means 'lover of horses.' 

    Philippians 3:12-16
    Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
    15 Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you. 16 Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.

    Euodia means 'fragrant.'  Syntche means 'with fate.' 

    Philippians 4:2
    I implore Euodia and I implore Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.

    Philippians 1:6
    He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ

    Philippians 4:8
    whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

    Timothy means 'honoring God.'

    Philippians 2:19-24
    I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state. 20 For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state. 21 For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus. 22 But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel. 23 Therefore I hope to send him at once, as soon as I see how it goes with me. 24 But I trust in the Lord that I myself shall also come shortly.

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    Wed, Sep 12th - 10:40PM

    69 Weeks

    478-479 B.C. was when Greece took over Persia.  The reason you are not going to find the 483 years match up with the end of the Babylonian Captivity, unto Christ's birth, is because the Jews did not come back from Babylon in complete freedom, as they did from Assryia.  Do you know what Cryus means?  It means "possess, thou the furnace."  When the Jews came back from Babylon, the land was still 'employed' by Persia.  483 years back from Christ's birth, comes unto the year that Greece came against Persia. 
    What this symbolizes is Christ's salvation from every evil thing.  As the spirit of Grecia, is the spirit that will possess the Antichrist.  And that salvation was offered, but was not accepted by the Jews. 
    The time between the 69th and the 70th week, is the church, the mystery of God.  Just as in the temple when Jesus began His ministry He read from Isaiah 61, but stopped before reading 'the day of vengeance.'  The 70th week begins after the church is raptured.  And God's wrath will begin, first with the first seal, which is the covenant of peace.  As God gives the Jews over to delusion. 
    As the ones who go through the Tribulation are those who didn't accept Him, even after He was offered, after He rose again.  The time inbetween the 69th and 70th week is the fullness of the Gentiles.  Just as He was offered to the Gentiles, to make the Jews jealous, fulfilling salvation for all, and according to the heart.  The jealousy is something they are going to come to terms with, in the Tribulation.  The 'times of the Gentiles' is different (Luke 21:24).  The times of the Gentiles, is up unto the 1,000 years.  The times of the Gentiles, signifies, the Gentiles being able to come against the Jews.   

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    Wed, Sep 12th - 9:44PM

    Eternity and time

    2 Corinthians 2:6
    This punishment which was inflicted by the majority is sufficient for such a man

    1 Corinthians 5:4-5
    when you are gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh

    Is this the same man? Here is the thing, trying to use this Scripture, to say that the rapture, and the Second Coming, and the 1,000 years, and the White Throne Judgment are the same thing; makes things out to be that this man's only hope, was to be resurrected 'in the day of the LORD.'

    Were Hymanaeus, Alexander, and Philetus all preaching that the resurrerction had already happened? Or was it just Philetus? What did Alexander do?

    When people said that Paul was bold in letter, but meek in person, what did that lead to? What did the Corinthians believe about the resurrection from the dead? One verse in 1 Corinthians shows a belief: 'eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.'

    John did not receive Revelation, until after Paul had already written all of the epistles we have, as well as Peter. How did they know what they did know, without Revelation? What does it mean to know the whole word of God? In the OT, the Pharisees though they knew what the coming of the Messiah was going to be like. But they didn't count on having the Son of God come, and be a Man equal to God. They made the Scriptures the end of God. The put together what the logos said, and it agreed with the Spirit, and they made the prophecy out to be something, but it didn't have God. It is like asking 'if' questions with God. "If this is true, is this true?" God might answer that.

    What did they know in the days of the early church? They knew what they knew, and sought God for more. The Bible says not to despise prophetic utterances. But to cling to what is good and abhor what is evil. People are supposed to judge, and discern. Sometimes prophets may say something, and then allow it to be filled in later. Sometimes they may not get the whole picture. Many people in the Bible prophesied in parables, and divinity, also exploiting sin.

    What was behind the man in 1 Corinthians 5, and his sin? You will notice it says that they were glorying. This is not just like complimenting him on such a nice sin. This is being glad that someone is messing up. A part of that is thinking that someone's mess up, makes 'me' look better.

    This is why the gospel of God is a ministry of reconciliation. Because we are supposed to bring everything into the light. And rejoice in truth- making all things true. One main problem is that people hate that they have to be accountable, that they Lord might do something they don't expect, or that they didn't know. Or that it will be new, and they will have to chance (John 3). So in this also, they want to make it so that people who try to prophesy, are left alone, so that if anything goes wrong; people can have the advantage over them. But that is not God. God's beloved, run into burning buildings. The biggest problem, is one of the reasons that the Jews did not receive Jesus- they wanted Him to make everything perfect first. But Jesus had another plan, He came and gave the inward perfection, and the ones who care about what is really important, walk after that, and find glory.

    The gospels had to be eye witness accounts. What is the gospel of Mark then? You will notice that Mark, in Acts, was a son of Mary. Then Mark goes with Paul and Barnabas on their mission. Then Acts shows how Mark did not go with them to do the Lord's work in Pamphylia. Pamphylia means 'mixed tribes.' And then there was divisiong between the people when Paul didn't want to continue to take Mark, but Barnabas did. Then we also read about Peter saying he had a son named Mark, and Paul saying that Mark was Barnabas' cousin. In reading the gospel of Mark, it is possible to see the similarities to Peter. Very short of speech, and also with a hint of lowliness. As if Peter told it, and Mark wrote it. Is Alexander, who is in Acts, the same Alexander that Paul delivered to Satan? And is this the same Alexander, named as the coppersmith? Bronze symbolizes judgment. And it is not too far out, that where Paul was, that some believers would be with him. Whether in a different city, or for only an amount of time. Paul also speaks about Mark being received by the Colossians, and he tells Timothy to bring him to Rome, Paul saying that Mark was useful for him.

    The problem with making the rapture, and the Second Coming, and the 1,000 years, and the Judgment all the same thing, is that the specifics don't work out. And they have to, for there to be truth. Even if things are only symbol, they still have to come pass; what is represented, still has to come to pass. Just as 'drinking the pomegranant,' to be fulfilled, must happen. Which is symbolic of sex.

    How can the rapture happen, where Paul says 'we who are alive and remain,' at the Second Coming, and also be the same specific physical thing, as the last day, where the earth and heaven are destroyed? And how would the 1,000 years then, also be the same? So God is going to kill everything, but then we don't get killed? Which means we would have to have new bodies. And then we are going to get raptured? But then, how does Satan being in the pit fit in? Is he cast in there, right before Jesus destroys everything, for like a physical second, and then loosed for like another physical second, and then God destroys everything? And then, how are the dead in Christ going to rise first? So are dead raised first, and then the heavens and earth are destroyed, and then the judgment happens, and then the 1,000 years where Satan is bound in the pit, and then the Second Coming, and then the rapture? And all of the things that are in physical time, only take place for a second? For the rapture and the Second Coming, and the 1,000 years, and the Judgment all to happen at the same physical time, this is what needs to happen. Isn't that backwards though? And Revelation shows the dead rising after the heavens and earth are destroyed, and not before. There is one verse which would agree with this, it is in Job: "Though my skin is destroyed, this I know; that in my flesh I shall see God." Is this what Paul means when he said it will be 'in a moment?' The only problem is, if these things all happen at the same time, then why does the church have to go through God's wrath? Right now, I don't mean when He destroys the heavens and the earth, I mean, why do the ones who have accepted Him, have to go through His seals, trumpets, and bowls?

    Here is the thing: people don't understand, that all of these things can happen at the same time in eternity, but not all at once in time. Why do people want to go through the Tribulation? It sounds very convenient to me actually, in making provision for the sinful flesh. Maybe not for sleeping with hookers, and doing crack. But for saying that we can't be perfect, and be one with God, and that the Tribulation is our 'destiny.' And it isn't shameful, because we get to be martyrs. The Tribulation is God's wrath! Just as it is the Day of God, when the earth and heavens are destroyed.

    Here is the extent of what Hymanaeus, Alexander, and Philetus were preaching, along with thinking that 'eat and drink, for tomorrow we die:' that we are in the depths of Satan. Meaning, that we are sinners, and there is nothing we can do about it. And that we are just 'lucky' to be ransomed by the Lord. The protection that false humility allows, is position.

    With Mark not going to Pamphylia, the symbol can be seen, of not going out to work, when there are multiple beliefs.

    When Revelation speaks of the mark of the beast, the word for number is also the word for multitude. As the multitude shall have the name "Besmilah" which is what it says in the early text. Not 666, 616, or 646.

    People mess up because they want to make Europe the 10 kingdoms, and then also have the whole world have one government. The Jews are going to have a peace covenant with Abdullah. And the world is going to marvel in the peace that is brought to the Middle East. Then after three and a half years, Abdullah will call himself God in the Jews temple; and the world will know him to be the Antichrist. And many will follow him, so that they might live and eat still. Understand what I am about to say about the church: the people don't want to rock the boat. The sour grape goes right into the Tribulation.

    According to the testimony of Jesus Christ, there are a number of raptures: Enoch; Elijah; the church; the 144,000; and those at the end of the 1,000 years. According to the testimony of Jesus Christ, Abraham is as the church, in Genesis 17, being told to be perfect, and receiving the cirucmcision, a symbol of the incorruptible body and rapture. And then Abraham sees the LORD a little ways away, and goes to him, at the terebinth tree. Signifying, meeting the Lord, as in the rapture. And then Abraham is not in Sodom and Gomorrah, but intercedes, and only Lot is saved; as Abraham is with the LORD, a distance from the city. This being symbolic of the Tribulation, and the church not going through it, but the remnant being saved.

    The problem is, how can those whom Paul said were not destined to go through wrath go through it? Because the Tribulation is His wrath. What does 'alive and remain mean?' Does it mean that our bodies are destroyed when He destroys the heaven and earth, but because our insides are in Him, we remain, and receive new bodies, and then are caught away to the Lord?

    Besides Paul saying the church can not go through the Tribulation, the wrath of God, not the wrath of men, and the world, but the wrath of God. And besides the 1,000 years as in Zechariah 14 showing that people are going to be physically coming up to the Lord to offer Him gifts, even on physical horses-besides all of these things, I don't see a problem. Because- everything happens all at once in eternity, that is what eternity means. But it DOESN'T happen all at once in physical time. Time is what it means, to not have all of eternity happen all at once. God is eternity, and creation is taking what is eternity, and having it manifest over a period of time, which is the definition of pleasure. And God does all that He does in His praise, strength, and joy. Even warfare. Being joyful that one's name is written in the Book of Life, means not loving that the wicked are wicked, and even then also, that because they are wicked we get to beat them, that is lording authority. Why is it too hard to believe that the church gets raptured before the Tribulation, when the 144,000 get raptured some time in the middle of it? Is anyone going to say they don't? Is anyone going to say that the entire seven years is only symbolic of being 'one moment' of physical time? The whole seven years, the Tribulation, is the Day of the LORD. Just as the Day of the LORD also then extends into the last day, after the 1,000 years. Why not say that all of everything is happening at the same time, and so even go on to say, that life is just a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves? That is Egypt, and witchcraft. As everyone having their own way to God. Don't think that this is the argument we are talking about here? What if 'everyone's' way to God, is to agree with each other, and say that 'we only worship God?' That leads to the sour grape. And marvelling at the peace that the Antichrist is going to bring to the Middle East. Think that is what I am doing? Having vain imaginations? Here is Jezebel: she is going to give you who the enemy is, and then give you what the truth is. And let you enforce everything. But the truth is going not going to be motivated by God, so it is going to be false. And so what is enforced is going to be backwards. She will use you to kill the real truth. And to establish the fake one. Want to know why Jezebel has the word? How she knows what is going on? Because God gives her time to repent. But she doesn't. So the simple pass on, and are punished.

    God's words has to be interpreted in Spirit and truth, with the testimony of Jesus Christ, and not with man's own understanding, also trying to make the Scriptures the end of God. That way we can see His light, and marvel at that. Like how the ten toed kingdom is the eigth kingdom, and the Antichrist kingdom, coming from the feet, which is the Muslim Empire, out of the legs, which is the Roman Empire. And then also put that together with the ram and goat vision, and know that the Antichrist isn't going to be physically ruling in the Western part of the Roman and Muslim Empire, but where the little horn, came up, in place of one of the four horns, which replaced the first horn of the goat. The little horn being the Antichrist. The first horn being Alexander, and the four horns being the four generals who received the Grecian kingdom, after he died. And then the little horn to rise up in General Secluecid's Empire, which was the Middle East, also his empire having ten kingdoms fit exactly, which are the ten toes. Which also are the ten horns coming out of the Fourth beast, Rome, of which three are uprooted, showing the Antichrist's spiritual authority, and it's background. There are four stages of demonic possession and power: pride, false humility, rising up to leave, and spilling it's instestines. And in discerning spirits, the judgment isn't to what is sightly going on in the flesh. But to where the spiritual authority is. And people have to distinguish the bride and the body rightly. The spirit of grecia which shall possess Abdullah is in the pit right now, hence it's mortal wound. Mark 13 is the 'sign.' Not the fulfillment.

    Here is how when the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., that it wasn't the Antichrist, but the 'sign:'

    Revelation 17:8-11
    The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
    9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time. 11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.

    Including Egypt, there are a total of 8 kingdoms which must rule over the Jews. The Antichrist kingdom is the eigth. And is a false new beginnings. As 8 stands for new beginnings. Without Egypt, as Egypt represents Satan, there are 7 kingdoms, which also are the 7 parts of his character, and seven ruling spirits under him, which rule over Israel, from Assyria, to the Antichrist kingdom. In verses 9-10, the five which have fallen start with Egypt, and go unto Greece. Then the one that still is, as when John was writing this, was Rome. And the other one, after that, was the Muslim Empire, which had not yet come. Those are the seven, starting with Egypt, up until the Muslim Empire. The Antichrist, is the eigth, being after the Muslim Empire. Abdullah is uprooting three kingdoms, out of the ten, in the area of the Seluecid Empire, right now. By the time that the peace covenant comes, for the Middle East, including the Jews, there will be ten kings which give their power to him, in the Seluecid Empire; three being uprooted before this, as he builds his kingdom in cunning, deceit prospering under his rule. America is not one of the ten kingdoms. America received a woe in Isaiah 18, for calling other's messengers unto ourselves, and we were used, in uprooting the three kingdoms: Iraq, Libya, and Syria. But a woe, doesn't make us unsaved. Those who do not overcome, shall be the sour grape.

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    Wed, Sep 12th - 4:11AM

    The Day of God

    2 Peter 3:10-13
    But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.  11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

    When Paul spoke in 1 Corinthians 6 about becoming joined together with a harlot, he said that the two become one flesh.  First of all, God can save from anything, anything.  And so any kind of immorality, can be fully restored.  Remember, that the church gets what Jesus told Peter, which is to not have the gates of Hell prevail over us.  Just as we may be one with God, and have within ourselves, in being one with Him, perfection, hence Peter being the rock that the church is built upon.  Peter means 'little rock.'  But just as physical intercourse leads to being one flesh, so does spiritual intercourse.  And so, all filtiness of the spirit, joins together with the source of darkness.  The problem with many people, is that they are 'wise in their own conceits.'  What this means is that they pride themselves, in thinking that whatever sin there is, that it won't be beyond their abilities to be seen.  When that is not true.  It is possible to be deceived, and even unto the fullness of someone's own understanding.  People made up rules, like "God wouldn't allow that."  Okay.  What does that mean?  It means that they are making up rules, to cover their own lack.  And they don't come to the light.  In false humility they will say, "Sure, people can be deceived."  But in their pride, they won't admit, that this could be them, and presently.  

    The Bible has to be read in understanding.  And all of God's word has to be included.  The problem with the church is that they concluded that there are no more prophets and apostles.  But that prophets merely illuminate the word, and apostles cast out spirits, and do things like raise the dead.  Here is the hypocrisy: the church was lacking knowledge.  And so to make up for that, they decided that there wasn't any more knowledge to get.  And to supplant that, they said that they were still getting knowledge.  But without understanding that God still gives new words today and now, the church made a bubble, and put God 'in a box.' 

    What did Paul even say about divisions?  That they were carnal.  All denominations are divisions.  Just as he said that any who say "I am of Paul" aren't doing the right thing.  People run to other people, to run away from God.  And when they do try to come to God, they aren't coming for newness.  They are coming so that they aren't accountable for the old anymore.  And how do they supplant this?  They take away the accountability through graceful condemnation.  That way they weren't even supposed to be accountable, because no one can be perfect right?  So God handles the spiritual stuff, and they go do the works with the 'prosperity' they get from believing that.  And then the relationship with God, is only 'what is possible, along the way.'  All divisions are demonic.  And it is angel worship.  All sin leads to being demonic, after not entering in.  The only things that the church believes are new today and now, are the 'practical' applications of what is already written in the Bible.  And that is not God!  First off, practical means 'not quite.'  Second of all, this is through man, and not God, and isn't even in the Bible.  The Bible is about divine things.  The present day church didn't even want God's perfection, His divine nature, and has tried to take the Bible and make it have a type of divinity.  And say that other people can't have, what they have themselves, in their own conceits, concluded isn't God.  Just as Paul said it was evil to have a form of godliness, but that lacked His power.  Is God's power about limitations?  Even beyond that, the present day church has made eternity into the extent of their own limitations.  Worshiping God and the cross, as 'nothing but God.'  That is what Lucifer did.  He was God's only cherub before he fell.  The 'container of God's glory.'  And when he was through, he fell.  Not having anything of his own, which was God like.  And is overcome, with the black hole that has become him.  Think of what would be a great plan of Satan, tell people that lusting after God's power is wrong.  And then moved them into false humility.  The ploy is, that lusting after God's power is wrong.  But wanting it isn't!  Here is what most of the church think the gospel is: Jesus took away your sins, and now you can have works.  Go 'love on people.'  What did the Jews know, or think they knew, about the Messiah?  Do you know what happened?  They attempted to follow the Scriptures, as an end of God. 

    The last day, when the heavens are dissolved, and the earth melts, it is the day of the Godhead.  The Day of the Lord, AS Jesus' wrath, is towards His bride, Jerusalem, and Israel.  And He also destroys the Antichrist, at the end of that, as the Antichrist tried to capitalize on His bride, during His wrath.  He does the same thing in the OT.  The ones who fall away in the Tribulation, are not the real Israel, their false humility and pride come together as one, and they are perfected in evil.  But the remnant is saved.  Just as Paul was in ignorance and was saved.  So is the remnant, being under their fathers, who disobeyed, and now according to God's Words, turn to Him, and are received.  When Paul said that he was born out of due time, did that mean he was the last apostle?  No!  People aren't supposed to read the Bible to draw their own conclusions, even though they think they are being humble.  He was born out of due time, because of what he was doing, when the the Lord came to him.  Unlike, Peter, who wasn't persecuting God's people.  He was seen lastly by Paul.  Being seen lastly, doesn't mean there are no longer any apostles.  It means, he was the last one reported to see Jesus.  People want to make God out to be what they say they aren't supposed to receive.  Because they are not willing to come to Him, and receive.  The end of that is falling away, and then it is true, that they aren't supposed to receive.  People don't understand the foundation of God.  And it is not the logos we have!  It is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of my Father, and not man's interpretations, no matter how humble they may seem.  Remember what God told the people who were exclaiming the Day of the LORD?  He told them it was going to be a dark day, and not a good one.  The people who know the LORD, are the ones who are already with Him, when the day of the LORD comes!  They aren't the ones waiting for it!  The remnant is hiding when Jesus comes in the Second Coming.  When He comes for the church, we meet Him in the air.  During the 1,000 year reign, He still gets mad!  On the last day, which is the Day of the Godhead, then there is the judgment.  The Father was glorified, when He rested on the seventh day.  Jesus was glorified when He ascended into heaven, and met unto the Father.  The Spirit will be glorified, when all of creation is melted away, and then created anew. 

    If people don't understand what testimony is, and seeing when God brings something eternal, and then brings it into time, they aren't going to be able to grasp anything that is of God, that has to do with how He does things, and then when. 

    In 2 Corinthians, Paul talks about someone being forgiven.  That is not the man from 1 Corinthians 5.  In 2 Corinthians, he was talking to them about how people were saying he was bold in letter, but meek in person.  And that is what he was forgiving. 

    Saul was chosen as king.  And then he didn't wait for Samuel the prophet one day, but sacrificed on his own.  The Jews could not be both priest and king.  That is something that only His body can do-those who are presently one with Him.  In the OT they had Him upon them.  And were one with Him according to that.  And also remember that David asked Him to not take His Holy Spirit from him.  That can't happen with people who are one with Him.  Priests represent men to God, and kings God to men.  Prophets (and spiritual gifts) are the inbetween in that.  Jews could not be both priest and king, they were weak under the weakness of the law and the flesh.  Just as we have no continuing city, where outwardly we do not corrupt, even being able to be one with God, and have His kingdom inside of us, they were one step below that.  Not able to have that continuing communion even inwardly.  David was chosen by God as king, and was after His own heart.  Priests could be prophets, and kings could be too, but no one could be both a priest and a king.  The church may.  Those who are one with Him may.  The present church has even taken away, what Saul did, as being wrong, by saying that prophets can't have new words from the LORD.  So there are a bunch of Saul's, at least only according to the flesh, who think they walk in the light, and are true to His commission.  Leviathan's strength is pride.  But his protection is false humility, and he commissions the false prophet.  And so with those two together, no one actually does anything wrong, legally.  But spiritually, their fornication reaches unto the sky, and they are drunk on the blood of the saints. 

    If there is no rapture, or resurrection before the Tribulation, and Hymanaeus and Alexander were teaching about the resurrection already happening, and the only resurrection there is, is at the Second Coming; which is the same as the rapture (showing the lie) and the same day as the 1,000 years, and Greath White Throne Judgment; don't you think that what they were saying is stupid?  I mean really stupid.

    Do you know what the secrets were, that Azazel was teaching?  Yes spiritual things without God.  But also, (remember that the Bible mentions Jasher, and Enoch) the Book of Jasher shows people doing things like mixing seeds of animals.  Which is done today.  Like making tions, and ligers.  It is the teaching of things, no matter how 'hard' or 'easy,' of how the physical is built on the spiritual.  Like someone finding out what certain chemicals do when they mix, and then there is a new weapon.  People learn these things, because they are finding out the 'way' things work, but without God.  Science is nothing but study.  Theories, and then facts.  It can only prove the substance of their facts.  They can not prove anything absolute.  It is like finding ways to prove a wall is green.  Without God, and His all encompassing love, truth, and wisdom, it is all just circular reasoning.  The wall is green, and these are the facts present to prove it.  Scientists then go on to presume regarding their facts, but they aren't all encompassing.  They have a form of truth, but without it's power.  Only one God is everywhere, and all knowing, and all powerful.  Without Him, no one can know or prove anything absolute. 

    False prophets need other people to call them prophets.  False prophets call themselves prophets.  False prophecy can not balance God.  They are middled in falsehood.  Either depending on their own inabilities, also saying it is the way things are, or claiming what is God, when it really isn't.  Pride claims to be love, and false humility claims to be humble and so then to back pride up.  And pride lords authority, to back up false humility as humility, but it is not true humility.   

    There is the Day of the LORD, and God's wrath, and the wrath of the Lamb against Jerusalem and the Antichrist and false prophet.  And then the 1,000 years where Christ is physically on earth reigning, as in Zechariah 14, and then there is the last day.  During the 1,000 years, as in Psalm 2, Jesus still gets angry.  And the Day of the LORD, is still present as in eternity.  The wrath of the Lamb already having been avenged on Jerusalem, and the Antichrist and false prophet.  And then there is the last day, which is still the Day of the Lord, just as destructions have been finished forever, even in Genesis 1:1-2; which is also the Day of God, where all of creation is melted.  And then comes all of the Godhead and creation's glory, and together, in the new heaven and new earth, where the Spirit is also glorified, after all of the wicked are cast into the lake of fire. 

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    Tue, Sep 11th - 11:22PM

    About drinking Jezebel's pomegranate (Which does breed)

    If people don't want to get specific, then they shouldn't question specific things.  And if they don't want to know about specifics, then they shouldn't mind if specifics are 'going on around them.' 

    The man in 1 Corinthians 5 did have his spirit preserved.  There is a difference between the cross, and being delivered over to Satan, as Hymanaeus and Alexander, and this man were.  Alexander is someone whom Paul said wouldn't be saved.  Here is the problem with wrong eschatology: people read the Scriptures and 'limit' God's word, instead of seeking it's fulfillment, and it's coming to pass.  The difference is in when people are cross referencing.  Because in cross referencing people who are limiting, and have wrong eschatology, are only looking for how they can undo the opposition of what they are trying to prove.  Instead of finding out the WHOLE truth and word and prophecy. 

    Paul spoke about the outward man perishing and the inward man being renewed.  In looking at the man in 1 Corinthians 5, and Hymanaeus and Alexander, where is the inward man being renewed?  Even in this, it is possible to see the cross, and His life, which are the cornerstones of salvation.  Carrying the cross as He did, not only having it as an end in itself, and so being His disciple, and also receiving His life and hope.  People who think their sins are not even sins, are the ones who aren't really with us.  The end of the gospel, is that our sins aren't from who we are in Christ, where we are to have perfect insides.  But are of the sinful flesh, though His life may come into our mortal body.  The ones who aren't with us, make their sins out to be not really be sin, or they 'just simply say grace.'  And these also then, with this false spiritaulity, go on to being puffed up through accomplishments.   

    If the Second Coming and the rapture are the same thing, then what about 1 Thessalonians 4?  What does it mean when Paul says "we who are alive and remain?"  If everyone also dies at His Second Coming, what does this mean?  So everyone dies, but we don't, THEN we get raptured?  Why don't we die when they do, if we are not raptured yet?  And why does the bride flee if they have incorruuptible bodies?  As I have shown what the dead in Christ rising means.  The Bible is very specific about the 1,000 year reign, and it being after the Second Coming.  And it not being the Judgment day, just because 1,000 years is as one day to God.  And it is not that the 1,000 years are happening right now.

    Here is the difference between testimony and it coming to pass: we can have every testimony, even right now, but the specifics for the testimonies to come to pass, as they CORROBORATE to a certain time, are reserved for that time.  So, we can have the Promises of living in the 1,000 years right now, which is restoration.  But the specific time period that corroborates for that testimony in it's mentioned context must also come to pass, and specifically. 

    How can we know the difference between what is symbol and what is literal?Symbols, have to come to pass specifically, in their context.  How does that happen?  Because the testimony they hold, comes to pass.  Just as 'drinking the pomegranant.'  It comes to pass specifically also, because what is represented, happens.  Making the 1,000 years and judgment day the same thing, and the rapture and the Second Coming the same thing, takes that away.  It makes God's word, even what He did give in symbols, be only, merely, unfulfilled ideas.  

    It is like in knowing if when we take communion, if we are really eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking His blood.  Symbolism is conceptual, and testimonial.  And specifics are those testimonies coming to pass.  Symbols cover eternity, and specifics time.  People think that the spiritual and the physical are separated.  And they are not.  Whatever is spiritually God, is physically God. Here is the problem: VAIN imaginations, not godly ones, try to simply think that the bread and blood can't really be Jesus', and are only symbol, because then how does it work? And how does it taste? Yes communion is the blood and flesh of Jesus, but not in the way people think. Instead of trying to find out how the physical and spiritual are different, we should be seeking their union. The physical and the spiritual should both be life. God says His secret is with those who fear Him, and continually. That way, like in sex, for example, 'drinking the pomegranante' is still exactly what the symbol is and says. It's just without stopping. Because trying to think about whether I am drinking the actually blood of Jesus leads to stopping and wondering when it changes and so forth. But true spirituality and life in the flesh has continuance. What we lack in drinking the blood of Jesus 'for reals' is having to find out how the spiritual and physical meet. Obviously if we are the body of Christ, then we are His blood and flesh. And anytime we dwell on that, we are 'eating.'

    Also, on that:
    In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John 1:4

    The life is in the blood...Leviticus 17:11

    You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life. John 5:39-40

    It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63

    this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. John 17:3

    he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. John 5:24
    -as the first commandment, sincerity of faith

    we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. John 3:14
    -as the second commandment, walking as He did

    The Bible does not say that the person who doesn't get baptized isn't saved. It says that the people who get baptized are saved. There is a difference. Not getting baptized, doesn't mean someone can't be saved, just as getting baptized doesn't mean that someone is saved. No matter what, if the spiritual isn't there (Hebrews 11:3) then what is physical won't be in Christ. But when the spiritual is there, then the physical is in Christ, NO MATTER WHAT. If there is the spiritual there, then is there always going to be the physical? Didn't James say our faith is dead without works? Yes, but not in the way sightly people think. Because in having Christ spiritually, we also have Him physically. Right now, my body has Jesus. For example, just because my mom and I are in different cities right now, doesn't mean that we don't know each other. Therefore:

    if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11

    It takes choosing against love, even in complacency for there to be dead faith.  Because:

    WHEN that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but WHEN I BECAME A MAN, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:10-11

    I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. Philippians 4:10

    The difference between lacking opportunity for works, and having dead faith? Partiality: not being sober minded; corban: what I don't do is what I do for God.  Falling away is having opportunity and CHOOSING against it.  People who die before leaving Egypt, didn't have opportunity, and they didn't choose against it.  They fulfilled what is says in Paul's letter to the Corinthians, about 'if there is first the willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not what he doesn't have.'  Is Samson saved?
    Judgment and wrath are different. Just as punishment is. Just as the rapture, and the Second Coming are different.  Just as those who are no longer Jews and Gentiles, being in Christ are different than those who are Jews and Gentiles, not being in Christ.  And the chuch, who does not go through wrath, is different, than the remnant who is saved, when His wrath comes.  AS THINGS ARE SPECIFIC, and come to pass.  This is having promises, that are eternal, and tht can be held by those who hear it, but corroborate to a specific time of coming to pass, in it's primary context.  In Jesus, the bride and the bridegroom are the same, and one, but because of coming together, and having conception, and fulfillment come to pass.  

    What happens without understanding eternity, and time, and their union and their offspring (those who hear the eternal promise and have it, though the contextual happening has not occurred yet-"before she was in labor she brought forth") is falsehood.  False light has a false to and fro.  Because the truth is only attested of, and not encompassed.  The end of these things is like saying that a=b, and b=c, and a=c, and so d=a.  When d was never solved first. 

    The only equity there is, is in God.  Simplicity has a false one, making everything everything, without the full encompassing of love, truth, and wisdom; and the coming to pass of all things.  Which is the now and forevermore (all things: all things NOW AND forevermore). 

    Specifically in time, are the unbelievers in the lake of fire right now? Then why would they be judged at the Second Coming also? Zechariah 14 clearly shows the 1,000 year reign, as does Revelation, as being on earth. Notice how no rain shall come upon the people who don't bring Him gifts. That is on earth. That is the iron scepter. And it isn't that the judgment day is going on in heaven, while the 1,000 years are on earth, and that is it. 

    The Bible also clearly shows that only the Antichrist, and His army who fight against the Lord at His Second Coming are destroyed at His Second Coming. Satan being loosed out of the pit at the end of the 1,000 years is completely different, when the nations are also deceived and come against the Lord again, and this time are consumed with fire down out of heaven. How can the 1,000 year reign not be physically on earth, if fire comes down out of heaven, and consumes their bodies? And how can that be the same day of the Second Coming?

    The man who was delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, did not have sincere faith.  First of all, there was no inward renewal.  And this does not mean that all who have sin and die, are merely double vessels.  What is the difference between suffering for Christ, and for one's own sins?  What is the difference between going to the lake of fire, and living and dying like Samson?  There is God's judgment, wrath, Tribulation, and punishment, and then there is man's.  

    What happens in making the Second Coming, and judgment day, and 1,000 years the same thing, is that people say that God's wrath is going to happen over all of those.  And they don't.  There is a difference also between His Wrath and Tribulation, and Him getting angry.  And He will not get angry ever after the New heavens and the New earth.  The preservation of the talent that the man had in 1 Corinthians 5 wasn't 'for' the day of the LORD, but 'in' it.  And besides that, the "Day of the LORD" and the 'last day' also have to be interpreted correctly.  Along with the rest of the Scriptures.  

    Let me tell you something about the lot of the wicked: just because God's anger and wrath aren't raging like a fire in Him, as an oven, after He unleashes it, doesn't mean that after He unleashes His wrath, that the wicked receive it, and then they go on their way. That kind of thinking also agrees with Hell being this big party of drinking and naked women, and only lacking His 'real' life.  And there are different levels in Hell, as the Bible shows, according to one's searing of conscience.  And it is not that everyone is saved, but goes to Hell, and then makes it to heaven.  When Paul said that Jesus was the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe, he meant, that He came to save everyone, and the ones who believed, get saved.  And it is also possible, to notice the talent here, of the double vessel, as every man has a talent, even the people on some island, as He is in nature, and is the Spirit of Wisdom; and even as men of God didn't know God intuitively, sought Him, though also surrounded with corruption.  The wicked are going to bear His wrath forever, but God is not having it burn within Him, after He gives it. It is like this: God's wrath which He has burning in Him, and Him unleashing it; and then Him judging the SPIRITUAL body, which lasts forever, unlike the physical body; and it bears it's punishment. Take for an example an argument between a child and a parent. The parent may get angry, and stop whatever rebellion is manifesting and being fulfilled. And then they are going to give their judgment, and then the child is going to have to bear it. But that still dooesn't make wrath, judgment, and punishment happen at the same specific time, and the Bible gives the time periods in between. And in the lake of fire, the wicked have these as their lot, forever.

    Notice again the parable of the wedding supper, and the one without garments cast out. He was bound. That shows the END of the preservation of the talent. But the Second Coming and the 1,000 year reign are not the same. Or even that the 1,000 year reign lasts forever.  The testimony and spirit of His kingdom lasts forever, and is present, even on earth, even when there is still sin, in the 1,000 years.  The great white throne judgment doesn't last forever, and it is does happen specifically, and in time as well. The things that are written in the books for all of the wicked, of their evil deeds, which are gone over, happens unto them in judgment in an instant, and they get all of eternity in weeping and gnashing of teeth, never getting what they could have had, if they loved God, and also having what they do have taken away from them- finding out that there is nothing they can do about it. The preservation happens because first of all, being given over to Satan means that Satan is going to manifest against what is dishonor, and so 'use it's opportunity' for that, while the talent is preserved. Second of all, that goes on until the unprofitable is cast into the lake of fire. So being preserved 'in the day of the Lord' means that as the vessel of dishonor of the double vessel is choosing rather to have consequences for the rest of it's life, and not come to repentance; during this, even while it is in Hell, and even from when the person lived, to when he died, and was in Hell, to the Second Coming, and after, that in all of those things, unto the Judgment Day, and up to the lake of fire, the talent is being preserved. How is that still 'in the day of the Lord' when he died a long time ago, and isn't alive at the Second Coming? Because the wicked have their punishment to look forward to. Which means that even after God's wrath on earth against the Antichrist, that the vessel of dishonor, even in Hell right now, is going to be punished having in itself the administration of God's displeasure.  If you wanted to, you could conntect every testimony and promise and concept of Jesus Christ into everything, but the specific happening corroborating to the event coming to pass in it's context, still must take place, for there to be truth.  And it must take place, being fulfilled, and not merely just being some kind of pocket.  The Bible says that destructions are finished forever.  In their conscience, the wicked have their lot from the LORD, even now, AND it only gets worse.  Just as Jesus also said, "They have their reward."  He wasn't merely saying that the richs' prosperity was their only reward.   

    With God, all of His talents are saved, and the ones who seek Him wholly are justified, not just called right, but made right, and brought forth, in His perfectly encompassing truth, having always been one with Him, being one with Him, and always to be.

    Notice also Isaiah 18 and Revelation 19's differences.  Birds usually represent angels, and beasts represent possessing spirits.  Some spirits only teach others to be like them, hence 'riding' a beast (the harlot, false divinity, different than the false prophet [also dying separately]).  Though the spirit of Jezebel will be possessing the false prophet.  She rides on the Antichrist, and the harlot, Babylon, rides on her.  The Antichrist gets the false prophet to help him (she turns people to him), the false prophet gets the harlot (hence Jezebel having a husband and children- 'widow, and the loss of children'), and Babylon gets to live according to their own conceits.  Also Isaiah 18:7 shows the 144,000's rapture.  Think also of when Paul spoke about 'wild beasts.'  He wasn't speaking just about arguing with mean people, or meeting some animal on the road.  Ephesus was a center for witchcraft in Asia.  And God's people have all authority in heaven, and earth; and may have all authority over the principalities, and powers, and Hell, and Death. 

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    Tue, Sep 11th - 12:17AM

    The offense of life

    We were subjected to futility so that we could choose God freely, and also know how to perform what is good, so that with the enlightenment to what is incorruptible through the knowledge of good and evil, we don't fall away, having willfully sinned.  God didn't create us incorruptible at first, because then we would have a type of existence, that wouldn't need to be a created being, just like God, how He isn't a created being.  After we fully have incorruptible life, then we as His people, can then also have children who start off with the incorruptible life.  That couldn't happen before, because there were no humans with yet, and with it.  And as I said, if we were to 'just be created' we would have the kind of existence, that shouldn't need to be created.  If our children in heaven can't start with incorruptible life, then neither can we, after going to heaven.  God let us go through this futility, and then all after the New heavens and New earth won't have to.  Because they will be born of us, born of God.  Again, why couldn't God just create us without this present distress, and futility in the first place?  Because then everyone would have incorruption without the knowledge of good, and good and evil.  Which only God can have, being uncreated.  Why can't we start out with all three?  Same reason.  Part of being created is us being children, and not God.  And then through our puberty of the knowledge of good and evil, and success in it through the knowledge of life, we are like God.  Everything He is, except Him without Him.  Why couldn't we be that from the start?  Because only God is.  And then after the New heavens and the New earth, all after us will be.  From us, from God.  Able to have incorruptible life, just as we will, fully, with Christ as our light, fully.  Being able to grow, even still.  Because we are still going to learn, when we get to heaven.  The supposed impossibilities of marriage in heaven, have their root, in no one being able create anything good anymore.  Nothingness is the necklace of pride of darkness.  They are as a non existent thing to the LORD, but they even want to use that, to try to take advantage of creation and Him, as if he and everything is and is always going to be like that.  Just as witchraft is how to sin, so is furthering nothingness.  That is how Ethiopia was the center for witchcraft in Egypt.  As shepherds were an abomination to Egyptians, hence, everyone having their own way.  What that worships, is nothing.  It is similar to what the philosophy of science calls a universal negative.  Which means "If we can't be everywhere at once, we can't prove there is no God."  And so if there is nothing absolute, there is absolutely nothing.  Sorry to come off philosophical.  We may refine and clease the spoil.  What is against marriage in heaven is offense.  What is the offense?  Why do we have to go through this present distress then?  And that comes from Satan.  He is called Lucifer still (O Lucifer, son of the morning...) because he is trying to get the glory back.  Having envy and self-seeking, and every evil thing.  So what's the answer?  Don't want anything?  No!  But to want things with God!  People try to say that the fall happened so that there would be freewill, but that is a very general answer.  How is it that Satan falls, and isn't just God's example of us having a lesson to not want things?  Because we are in God's foreknowledge, as even all of the talents of the vessel of honor of the double vessel are.  The cross as not wanting things, is worshiping nothing!  Which is not wisdom!  Nor her proceeds!  Wisdom is calling, and even unto the simple.  How do we want things in God, without having envy and self-seeking?  Not by might, nor by strength, but by His Spirit.  And wisdom is the way.  If you don't want it, and even think that not wanting it is 'godly' than what is it to you, if He gives it to someone else?  That thinking so leads people away from the truth?  How about losing 'your' minsitry for the sake of God?  Jesus did that too.  Did you know that the word passion is no where in the Bible as a good thing?  So is it that passion is evil?  Some of the Hebrew words mean being passionate.  What about the NT?         

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    Mon, Sep 10th - 11:43PM

    Christ our light

    Many people have never had the chance YET to come out of Egypt.  What leads out of Egypt?  Promises.  No longer having the mountain which can not be touched, means that we can be perfect!  That is what touching it means!  That is how to come to the throne of grace! 

    People who never yet, had the chance to fully awaken, and come out of Egypt, are preserved, in their sincerity.  Just as Romans shows that before the law sin was not imputed, and that Jesus came after the law also, at just the right time.  He is perfectly profitable.  Perfect in weaning.  The parable of the tares and the wheat, show why He weans: so that we don't have too much, wihtout knowing how to perform what is good.  But that doesn't mean that when the how comes, we should stay in a lack of knowledge!  And according to God, it isn't as if things are unfair.  Religion tries to organize what they can't do in the Spirit.  In God's eyes, everything is going along perfect, in perfect order and prudence, and fairness.  Just as if anyone had lived in Paul's day, and continaully sought the LORD, and lived until today.  Or all the way back to Adam.  And who has?  God! 

    Paul also goes into showing how there are different kinds of flesh.  We will still be flesh, with our heavenly bodies.  Religion wants to make anything that is for the body, be evil.  When we are God's hope, as is our body.  The Bible doesn't say that there is no marriage in heaven.  People took 1 Corinthians 7, and what Jesus told the Sadducees and mixed it with their own understanding.  Because if we really believed that we have no continuing city, and were committed to the LORD, we wouldn't do anything for our bodies, even now.  This is how grace and humility became messed up.  And how the cross became the law of not wanting things.  Through the kingdom of God, we may CONTINUALLY sow to the Spirit.  Otherwise we are sowing to the corrupted flesh everytime we eat, or drink, or marry.  False grace and humility SIMPLY says that we can do these things now, because God has cleansed them, and ALLOWS us to.  Wouldn't that be allowing Jezebel?  Is it that God just makes these temporary things work out for good because we love Him?  Then how is it, that when perfection does come, that He won't give us these things? 

    After the New heavens and the New earth, everyone is going to be able to not even just continue in the LORD, but be known as they are known.  How is it possible to have marriage in heaven, hence children, who can be incorruptible and immortal, when we ourselves have to go through this present distress?  Being known as we are known, means that we are going to not have to come out of darkness anymore.  Darkness being things not yet revealed.  We are going to start where we are WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF INCORRUPTIBLE LIFE, and keep going from there.  We will still be able to learn things about Jesus.  How can we learn things still if there is no more revealing?  Lets just think about that.  When we get to heaven are we no longer going to learn anything?  No!  Prophesying in part, and knowing in part means we will always be completely guided by Jesus!  But this doesn't mean that we are going to have a humility that doesn't give us our own gifts.  Or that, since the sun and moon resemble the bridegroom and bride, and Christ is going to be our light, that there can't be marriage and children in heaven.  Christ being our light means that everything we are going to do is going to be completely through God, and continual, and is going to be what we want!  And this doesn't mean, as I have already said, that we can't have marriage, but God makes it so that everything is still is what we want.  Like God makes it so that we don't want marriage.  It is not that Adam and Eve and marriage fell unable to be renewed.  And it is not that everything is a lesson to learn how we can't have these things with God.  And it is not that 'flesh' is evil.  Sinful flesh is evil.  We prophesy in part and know in part because we do not have yet the physical continuing city.  And we are not bound by this today and now.  Because we have the kingdom of God inside of us.

    Jesus didn't cast the pearl, but did just as He praised the Father, that He reserved His knowledge for those who truly were humble.  Humility being knowing Him as love.  God did just as His word says, that His truth is reserved for those who seek Him, and with their whole heart.  

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    Mon, Sep 10th - 10:41PM

    Saving grace

    What does it mean when Paul says that idolaters, the sexually immoral...have no inheritance in the kingdom of God?  Understand what I am about to say.  I am not saying that sin is okay.  James and Paul both show how anyone who breaks any part of the law, breaks the whole thing.  We are not under the law anymore.  It is impossible to be, it is not given anymore, by God to follow.  People can try, but just like trying to live by any law, they will only find death.  Because the law condemns, it doesn't, and never has saved.  The law comes in, when there is sin, and condemns it.  It is impossible, to do a don't.  The law is don'ts.  People were to follow the law, to awaken to God, out of sin, by it's testimonies.  Those are the do's of the law.  When Paul tells peole to not do things, like be sexually immoral, he shows them why.  After now having the infilling of the Holy Spirit available, the Spirit of life awakens to life.  Understanding that anyone who breaks any part of the law, is guilty of the whole thing, shows what the law led to: that it is about the heart.  All sin agrees with all sin, at it's root.  All sin is every sin.  This is why Jesus said to take the plank out of our own eyes, and what Paul was talking about, in Romans about judging.  Remember what Jesus said about adultery?  TO LOOK at a woman TO LUST for her is adultery.  Also showing how everything is about the heart.  Those who sincerely accept Jesus, can still have sin, and still be saved.  The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is in the perfect infinitive, which means always and forever.  What is the heart of insulting His Spirit of grace?  Using grace to say that sin is okay.  What does the cross mean to most of the church?  What are the depths of Satan?  That we are sinners, and that is the way it is.  That Christ has taken away our sins, but we can't be perfect.  The ones who fell in the wilderness and the unprofitable servant, played Jesus.  They knew who He is, and what He could do, and they FULLY rejected Him.  But this does not mean that someone can not be renewed to repentance, say if they start sinning, after having known.

    Not everyone who is left one earth during the Great Tribulation is killed by Jesus at His Second Coming.  And not only Jewish people are going to be saved. 

    Also consider what I said about the parable of the wedding supper, and the judgment, and the wicked being thrown into the lake of fire, after the 1,000 year reign.  And this resembling the wicked being even taken out of His presence, though the marriage of the Lamb, has not yet occurred in time.  As I also said that when Hades and Death give up their dead, and 'anyone not found in the Book of Life is cast into the lake of fire' and this pertaining to the talent being taken from them by Christ (why would Hades and Death have anyone who would be in the Book of Life?), so was the man in the wedding supper without wedding garments on, stripped.

    Nowadays people think that the fear of the LORD is only awe and reverance.  But that is wrong.  They also take Hebrews and say that since we don't have a mountain as Mount Sinai, which no one could touch, and since we may boldly come to the throne of grace, that we shouldn't be afraid of God.  The whole counsel of God, means that even after we have belief, that if we undo belief, and do not enter in, we will fall away.  Love out ranks grace and faith.  Without love, grace and faith are nothing.  If there is no love, in Spirit and truth, in coming to the throne of grace, and God isn't feared, that is insulting the Spirit of grace.  The fear of the LORD means that He won't spare us, and will show no partiality or favoristism.  If we have love, than we may boldly come to the throne of grace.  Here is the difference between not having the Mount Sinai anymore that no one could touch: under the law, God used the condemnation which was through the law coming down on sin to motivate people to obey Him.  Under grace, we can obey Him or not, and there is no condemnation that He uses as a motivation to have us continue in Him.  But this doesn't mean that 'all is well' if we don't have love.  It means that through the Spirit of life, we should awaken to choosing to fear Him.  Because if we do, then we will awaken in our inner man and woman and gain the knowledge of life, to overcome the complacency and lack of knowledge (how to perform what is good, also having known what is good and evil) of sin.  Being able to see, through freely choosing in love to fear Him, the consequences of not having perfect love.  It says that He makes His power known on His vessels of wrath.  This is true even today, as through the fear of the LORD we can see how even in His grace, without love, we are not going to have hope or peace.  We get to see His Power, IN THIS WAY, even in our own lives, and have our consciences commended unto Him in perfect love.  Perfect love casts out even the fear of thinking that we can't be perfect.  What does it mean to have sin condemned in the flesh (Romans 8)?  Exactly what I am saying here.  First, that we may have perfect insides.  Second, that even in His grace, that without love, we can not have hope or peace.  Though the sin also claims to offer hope and peace.  But it is a lie. 

    Having sin, no matter what it is, does not mean that someone isn't saved.  Is Judah saved?  Samson?  Sin leavens the whole lump.  But think about this, if anyone thinks they are righteous, and do not believe they are inwardly perfect, and also walk that way, and continue to walk that way, they could allow themselves to sinfully leaven their whole lump; though their flesh may look 'holy' by sight.  Sins of ignorance, and falling away, are different.  Being ignorant about being able to be inwardly perfect, is different, than having the truth PROVEN, and undoing it, and falling away.  And if there is ignorance about being inwardly perfect, how can someone walk in Him, to leave Egypt? 

    Thirdly, sin being condemned in the flesh, shows the cross.  Walking with it, as He did, having the flesh being given over to death, and becoming sin.  How is that not willfully sinning, and doing evil that good may come?  I have already explained the cross.  But in addition, the life comes from the seed within, and replenishes after the corruption fades and blows away.  How can we carry the cross, and not just start doing every sin we see?  That is the word of faith.  Between Jesus being our sacrifice for us, and also doing what He did so that we can.  Between our sins being taken away in Him, and also not being able to have promises without us ourselves walking just as He did.  This is how having only Jesus and Him crucified, shows how much love, faith, and hope we really have.  As I said.  And this is the way to everlasting life.  To building treasures in heaven now.  To sowing to the Spirit.  He says to awaken and Christ will give us light.  Fear says to stay in the dark, so that we don't have to overcome things.  And the bad report is in that, which led to the Israelites NEVER entering into the Promised land. 

    This is the break up between religion and truth: has the truth come to pass, or is their ignorance?  This is how Paul can talk about not being saved without sowing to the Spirit, and not sowing to the flesh, and yet people can be saved, even though they have sins.  To willfully, completely, with knowledge, choose to remain ignorant, leads to falling away.  Many people never had the chance to awaken.        

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    Mon, Sep 10th - 9:32PM

    Receiving the beginning

    *Email me if anyone has any questions, my first blogs have expired, making room for present ones.  My email address is mercyseatrestingplace@yahoo.com

    Here is an overview of prophecy:

    From Genesis 12-17 there were 24 years.  Abram was 75 when the LORD called him, and 99 when the LORD came to him in Genesis 17.  And 24 is the number for the church.  In Genesis 17 God told Abram to be perfect, not blameless, but perfect, as it is in the Hebrew.  This signifies the rapture of the church, and the incorruptible bodies.  As those who accept Him have perfect insides, and the perfect outsides come after the rapture. 

    After this comes Abraham pleading for Sodom and Gomorrah.  This signifies the Tribulation.  And also, in Revelation 11, Jerusalem is called Sodom and Egypt.  Egypt is close in meaning to Gomorrah, as Egypt means 'siege,' or 'entrenchment,' and Gomorrah means 'submersion.'  Notice how Abraham is not in Sodom and Gomorrah, and how Lot represents the remnant. 

    Then comes Abraham and Sarah dwelling in Northern Egypt.  This signifies something as well.  Just as Egypt signifies Satan.  Gerar means "lodging place" and is at the very north of Egypt.  During the 1,000 year reign, Satan is bound in the bottomless pit.  But there is still corruption and sin in the world.  During this 1,000 year reign, Christ is physically ruling on earth, in Jerusalem, on His throne, and ruling with an iron scepter.  This may also be seen in Zechariah 14, as the 1,000 years is after the Second Coming.  Daniel 11 also shows the Antichrist dwelling between the coast and Jerusalem, ready to make war, as Revelation 19 also shows this war.  It says that Christ destroys the Antichrist with the brightness of His appearance and the breath of the His mouth.  And Revelation 19 also shows that with the sword of His mouth He kills all who come against Him and Jerusalem.  He rides the white horse from heaven to earth, and it is when He is on earth that He stands on Mount Olivet.  The day of the LORD, His Second Coming is described in Zechariah 14 as being neither day nor night.  And so this war may take more than just a few seconds, and it may involve Jesus 'having words' with the Antichrist.  It is at the end of the 1,000 years that Satan is loosed from the pit, and deceives some people again, and they come up against Christ and Jerusalem, and fire comes down from heaven and destroys them.  While Abraham and Sarah were in Gerar, it is possible to see the symbolization of Christ ruling with an iron scepter, which is also in more detail in the Book of Jasher. 

    When God visits Sarah according to the time of life, this signifies being in the New heavens and the New earth, and the wedding of the Lamb.  Hence marriage in heaven as well. 

    Some people may think that it is too hard to have marriage in heaven, because some people don't 'have' eternal love in marriage, and also have been conditioned by reading and interpreting the Bible with their own understanding concluding there is no marriage in heaven.  Some people also may think it is too hard, because some people have been married to more than one person here on earth.  The only things that are going to live again, are the things that are in the Spirit.  Think this proves that there is no marriage in heaven?  It doesn't.  Just as Christ brings what was in His foreknowledge, in us being perfect, so He will bring marriage in heaven. 

    The world has attempted to replace being spiritual with psychology.  And the word 'psych' means soul. 

    Some people think that having a resurrected and heavenly body means that we are forever 'delivered from the evil flesh.'  But the flesh is only evil without God.  Other people don't understand what being one flesh means.  It means of the same spirit, heart, soul, and body.  Just as our new hearts, are hearts of flesh.  In watching Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" we can see his own view on God, and marriage.  Because of thinking that there is no marriage in heaven, and that everything that is of a physical body is evil, and can only be temporarily cleansed, brotherly love has come to be more important than spousal love to some people.  Because of pride and false humility.  Like thinking we are more holy, for not wanting spouses.  It is ‘zen’ which says that we have things to learn to not want them.  The things that are in the Spirit are eternal.  And the kingdom of God is in the Spirit.  Therefore it is possible, even now, to build treasures in heaven, regarding marriage in heaven.  Hebrews says that we have no continuing city right now.  That is speaking about the physical earth.  Because only the kingdom of God is COMPLETELY eternal, as the physical is corrupted, AND  we may redeem the time.  And the kingdom of God is inside of us.  What was said about not having a continuing city, means to not sow to corruption, but to the Spirit, building treasures in heaven.  Which includes eternal love and marriage even now.  The only Promises we lack, as we may have every Promise, is the physical continuing.  But it WILL continue, it is hope, the future.   

    Do you know what happened when Abraham said that Sarah was his sister?  He supplanted marriage in everyone’s eyes.  Because to religion, and the world, spouses are only brothers and sisters with wine.

    In looking at the LORD coming to Abraham by the terebinth tree, we may see how not being married before the marriage of the Lamb, doesn’t mean that there is no marriage in heaven, and it doesn’t mean that to have marriage in heaven is too hard, after the marriage of the Lamb.  Marriage in heaven, before the marriage of the Lamb, is hope, which is of the future.

    Wrong eschatology may try to say that the 1,000 year reign of Christ, is only symbolic, and or is happening right now.  Or that it is the same day as Christ’s Second Coming.  Judgment and wrath are different, as is the wickeds’ lot and punishment: the lake of fire.  And some people may try to add in the rapture, and the Second Coming, and the 1,000 years all into one day.  When Peter comments on 1,000 years being as one day to the LORD, he is telling the people not to sow to corruption.  Because He is going to melt everything that isn’t in the Spirit.  After the 1,000 years, then the wicked are going to be judged.  Judgment for the righteous means rewards.  When the wicked are judged, then God’s angels are going to throw them into the lake of fire.  Just as the parable of the wedding supper shows someone inside of His wedding, without wedding garments on.  The marriage of the Lamb occurs in time, after the judgment, but the parable shows and explains how the wicked are going to be judged and thrown into the lake of fire, out of His presence even.  It is important in learning about Jesus to be able to understand eternity, and time, and when those two also come together.  It is important to understand what is symbolic and what is literal.  Some people try to say that we have to go through the Tribulation which is God’s wrath.  But the church does not.  Because those who receive Him, are one with Him, and are His body, being also perfect on the insides.  And His body can not go through wrath twice.  His wrath comes because people do not accept Him in this.  Jews and Gentiles, who are IN CHRIST, are no longer called Jews or Gentiles.  But it takes being in Christ.  Some people try to say that there is no difference in the Bible between the Jews and the church.  But it is the Jews who don’t accept Him, and therefore are not in Him, who go through the Tribulation, and the remnant is saved.  The church does not go through the Tribulation.  In carrying our cross, we are with Him on the cross, as Moses saw the LORD’s back from the clefts.  But if the church has to go through the Tribulation, His wrath, then His wrath would never have stopped since His sufferings and death.  And everything from His sufferings and death on, would be the Tribulation.  But this is not true.  Just as Peter said about people who falsely interpreted Paul’s letters, to their own destruction, so do people regarding eschatology.  Should this discourage people from finding the real truth?  That is Satan’s plan.  When Paul is talking about glorying at the Second Coming, he is talking about glorying that just as the remnant gets saved, and none who are His are lost, so was his work fruitful.  After His Second Coming, people are still going to fall, during the 1,000 years.  But His bride, the one who rejected Him, is with Him.  It’s rulers, it’s city, it’s leaders, it’s people.  When the deceived come to fight against Jerusalem and Jesus at the end of the 1,000 years, and are consumed by fire from heaven, it isn’t as if Jesus is saving what was lost, and is zealous about doing so.  Just as with David and Elijah, zeal having eaten them up.  That is how Jesus is with His bride, and at the Second Coming.  Notice Psalm 2.  It correlates to the 1,000 year reign of Christ.  Do you know what it means to “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for Your inheritance?”  It is asking for the talent of the vessel of honor, though the vessel of dishonor is going to perdition.  Just as it goes on to say that He will dash the nations like a potter’s vessel.  Notice the difference between being enthroned in Jerusalem during the 1,000 year reign, and being eaten up with zeal, for the bride, coming unto the Second Coming.  During the 1,000 years, it is not as if Christ is ‘saving that which was lost’ and of His bride.  He is restoring unto them prosperity.  100 fold, times 10 (the number for His body).  So also, when Paul talks about glorying, at the Second Coming, when all of the saints come with Jesus, including the church, it is like the apex, of saving what was lost, and also glorying, in that his own work succeeded, as Jesus did in saving His bride.  The relationship between someone who is in authority and giving, and someone who is receiving, is a relationship like marriage.  But during the 1,000 year reign, when people fall, they aren’t the ones who were lost, but are going to be saved still.  That is where the zeal comes from, the ‘going to be saved still.’  Once Jesus has His bride, there isn’t going to be that zeal eating Him up, as if He is rescuing the ones who are going to be saved, from being lost.  That is also, another meaning of ruling with an iron scepter. 

    With the 30, 60, 90, and 100 fold- 30 represents being called.  60 being chosen.  90 being elected. And 100 being profitable and then glorified.               

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    Mon, Sep 10th - 4:11AM

    Knowing the power of God

    Hebrews 1:3
    upholding all things by the word of His power

    In reading this verse, kind of like reading Genesis 1:1-2, there could arise a question: Shouldn't it say power of His word?

    Psalm 21:13
    We will sing and praise Your power

    If we are not included in our praises unto God, it is not praise.  Hence also,

    Psalm 47:7
    Sing praises with understanding

    The reason why people don't get to the place of God's power and divinity, is because they stop, in thinking that 'it's all about God.'  If it were all about God, He wouldn't be love.  It is it not that love is that we get included in it all being about God.  When pride and false humility come together into being one, evil is perfected.  Not holy, but perfect. 

    The tongue of the serpent is a forked tongue.  Do you know what that means?  That only through God is there oneness.  Because only God can be in more than one place fully, at the same time.  That is how for believers, the kingdom of God is inside of them, though they are on earth. 

    Read the Psalms, and notice the praises.  It is all about the person.  Idle means: 'It doesn't work for 'you.'  'You.'  Hence, God is all about us. 

    When Jesus rose, it says that He went to Galilee.  Galilee was one of the places that was reserved for those who had accidentally killed someone.  Really, whatever that we do, that isn't in God, is killing.  The wicked steal, destroy, and kill themselves, away from God.  With Jesus going to Galilee after having resurrected, it shows how He first went to the place, having fully redeemed, which we had ignorantly killed.  Once we have His talent, and know He is God, we have to enter in, otherwise, our sins go on Him, but we don't get the salvation from death, and the restoration.  And we enter in through carrying our cross. 

    In 1 John 2, there is a trinity regarding the children, young men, and old men.  Which symbolizes our walk in Him, and how to enter in. 

    1 John 2:12-14
    I write to you, little children,
    Because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.
           13 I write to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
          I write to you, young men,
    Because you have overcome the wicked one.
          I write to you, little children,
    Because you have known the Father.
           14 I have written to you, fathers,
    Because you have known Him who is from the beginning.
          I have written to you, young men,
    Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you,
    And you have overcome the wicked one.

    Notice the difference between what he writes about the young men, in verse 13, and then in 14.  The young men resemble faith, as love, faith, and hope.  And also as our faith is what overcomes, and has overcome, if we have received Him in sincerity.  The joy of the LORD is our strength.  And abiding denotes continuing in Him, and 'action.'  Between verse 13 and 14, regarding the young men, is entering in.  The works of our faith, walking as He did. 

    When the flesh is given over to death, as in carrying the cross, the insides prosper by the Spirit, unto eternal resurrected life.  And the corruption is as Psalm 92, where the grass springs up, and is cut down forever; entering in. 

    Paul said that not many were called by God, which were noble in the world, and rich.  This doesn't mean that anyone who has money isn't saved.  But everyone in Christ Jesus, including those who are poor, may be rich in faith.

    2 Kings 4:1-7
    1 A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.”
    2 So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”
    3 Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. 4 And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones.”
    5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. 6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”
    And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. 7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.”

    The ministry of Christ began with His followers who chose to follow Him, over anything in the world.  (No one should be discouraged, this gets grown into, and we can refine and cleanse the spoil along the way).  

    Luke 14:33
    whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.

    This theme also is true in almost every passage where the word disciple is used.

    The testimony of the widow, who was given the oil by God, to sell, is a testimony which shows service, and also how it is not about luxury, and being on the forefront. What begins to happen in 'rich churches' is that people begin to believe that they aren’t truly being served by God, because they didn’t ask someone for anything. Or they see that someone is trying to minister, when the person ministering has sin. And these things do not negate ministry, in any way. When I minister I try to make sure that I do have the sin that the other person has. What I mean, is that I have sin, maybe not the exact same way it manifests.  But the sin, for instance, like pride.  And so I first seek God concerning myself, but then also am with Him, in gaining anything that could help another.  That way unity never has to stop, and it isn't sharing in each other's sins.  Also, in the OT, they were recognized as a country, sinful or good.  In the NT, Paul said that we should rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep, and that we should suffer with those who suffer.

    The verses that talk about being perfect show how perfection is possible, and is what God wants. First of all it involves relationships with other people, as Jesus spoke about the Father being perfect. We may be perfect by not just hating evil, and even doing good, or trying to, but by overcoming evil with good. And that is how the heart is justified, and the person, without things being too good to be true, and sin being a reason to draw back.  Also, Paul talks about perfection about something that is possible. First he says that we are to be without fault, which is speaking about being blameless, which means that we are completely justified, and in the exact place God wants us in to overcome. Perfection then goes above that, and comes into being in the exact position we are supposed to be in, to have glory and prosperity.  We can be blameless by being in Him, but we should be perfect. The difference is whether or not our feet are dirty. After we come to God, we are clean, but our feet can become dirty. We are blameless though our feet are dirty, but we must be fully clean, as we continue following Him.

    By the Spirit, we are to sharpen each other. It is not doing evil so that good may come. Or provoking each other.  Or speaking evil.  Even things which are true, we have to speak through love.  David chose five stones from the river.  And those stones became smooth through falling on each other, as the water moved.  And five is the number for the Holy Spirit.  And water symbolizes the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  And then David threw one stone at the enemy, which is symbolic of all of God's people being in one accord. 

    How do we know what the Spirit is?  Meekness.  Meekness isn't just like being soft spoken.  It is obeying/loving the voice of God.  His voice, the Spirit, speaks the overflow of His heart.  As Moses stood before God for Israel, and Abraham for Sodom and Gomorrah.  And so just trying to agree is not the answer.  We have to actually be in one accord about everything, and be on the way to getting there, with the things we aren't in agreement about. 

    In Genesis 17, God told Abram to be perfect.  And the word isn't blameless, it is perfect.  Want to know how the church is a mystery?  And how there is a rapture, before the Tribulation?  And how God does new things, even today?  How He stretches out the scroll, and the Spirit births, in new things?  Abram was 75 years old when God called Him out of his country.  And then he was 99 when God came to him in Genesis 17.  The difference there is 24 years, the number for the church.  And the testimony of how we need to walk unto His Promises.  And also how we all may have the blessings of Abraham, which is having our own gift and inheritance.  And God shows no partiality.  We all, at some point, will get the 'same things.'  But we start at different points in our walk.  We get all of the Promises, blessings, and testimonies of Christ.  Nothing is too hard for Him. 

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    Mon, Sep 10th - 3:02AM


    God has created, so that every being that is spiritual lasts forever, whether evil or good.  And everything that is physical can be melted and destroyed forever. 

    With that, in Jesus' sacrifice His flesh was given over to death, and became sin.  While His spirit, heart, and soul never sinned, but were poured out, and committed to God. 

    Whatever we judge, we become one with.  And that goes along for eveildoers.  If we judge rightly, in Christ (Which we are supposed to do, by the Spirit), then we bind evil, and loose good.  And reap the Spirit, as we have sowed unto Him.  The sea of forgetfulness works out like this: everything that was sin, once we come to God, and are cleansed, goes on the evil.  And is with them in the lake of fire.  Because every evil doer has judged the Spirit, and themselves.  Therefore becoming one with what they have judged, and have claimed it. 

    Our prayers work for good, when they are in His name.  We can have whatever we believe.  Why can't we have Ferrari's then?  When the belief is taken down to it's root, there is found, that it did not really believe it was going to receive it.  Yes some people get what they want, even though it is not in God.  Really, everyone gets what they want.  But what do they want?  When belief is taken to it's root, there is found, that either it is in God, and so received, and for eternity; or it isn't, and corrupts.  So praying for the Ferrari with "Whatever you ask, you will receive" will not always work because deep down, that is not what someone is treauring most. 

    Deep down, all of the wicked treasure darkness, and are at enmity with God.  And take onto themselves every evil thing.  Just as Jesus did, but the wicked, without Promise and love.  Jesus' flesh which became sin, and died, didn't even deteriorate, after He was dead.  As He saw no corruption and was not left in Hell.  Those who come to Him and accept Him, may have that.  As having nothing to do with destruction.  Every evil thing goes on to the wicked.  And they are without excuse, as Jesus died for them also, but they didn't receive Him.  But they are the vessels of wrath.  In Isaiah also, God said that He would give men for us.  He would give Ethiopia and Seba in our place.  And what is the pride of Ethiopia and Seba?  Ethiopia was a center for witchcraft in Egypt, also believing that everyone had their own way.  While Seba was a center for the prosperity of the flesh, without God. 

    The sacrifice that goes to Azazel is our spiritual imperfection (Jesus was perfect inwardly, having no sin on the inside, even in His death and sufferings), which is cast into the sea of forgetfullness.  And what was sinful of our flesh, is with Him on the cross, and we rise with Him, just as a sacrifice was also made in the Temple.  And Jesus through His sacrifice went into the Temple for us.  And so we may have both physical and spiritual prosperity and life.  Having newness given to us, inwardly, then outwardly, through His death, suffering, and life. 

    The Bible says that when Jesus was in Hell, that He was preaching to the spirits.  Jesus suffered and died for us, then went to Hell, and claimed everything back from Hades and Death, then resurrected and ascended.  Filling all things and redeeming all things, as Paul said.  Hell and Death are spirits, as Revelation shows, and we must be delivered from them, even before we are deceased, as David shows.  And so in our cross walk, when we are in "Hell" then we may preach, just as Jesus also preached to the Devil when He was being tempted.  And we may regain everything that was lost, and have His life birthed in us, which He has made available. 

    Hell comes from sin, and Death is the penalty of un-atoned sin, as it is the sting of sin.  Jericho and Ai both also represent this.  Jericho with sin, and Ai with Death.  And both resemble how to overcome both, walking in the Spirit.  Sin had to be overcome first, because sin is death's stronghold.  And even then death still has things against us, just as Achan stole from Jericho- we used to be sinners.  We don't get to completely get away from being sinners until His life comes.  That is why we can't stop at the cross.  Though life is offered at the cross, but as hope.  The reason they had to battle Ai the way that they did, with ambush, was because Ai had something against them.  Having had some victory over them.  Whenever we come to fight against death, it always has something against us, as we used to be sinners.  And that is why it is there.  But we have to stand strong, and know that now, in Christ, it is just the accusation, and that the 'sting' and present place that death has in us, is by sight; as a non existent thing. 

    The Israelites did not lie to Ai, as if we decieve the wicked.  They let Ai come out against them, like saying "Okay, you say you are strong."  Then the ambushers attacked the heart of the problem.  And guess what?  Without the men and king in the city, without the remembrance of sin, they easily overcame it.  The men and the king resemble that boast of death's which says that we used to be sinners, and that death itself still has place; though it is only temporarily and by sight.  They didn't run away from Ai in cowardliness either.  They went as far as their faith was, and then turned around, and remembered that in carrying the cross, death loses it's position.  Why and how?  Because just as with Jesus, it took an innocent life.  Therefore Death comes out of it's stronghold, in it's pride, and is cut off, as it's boast is truly void, and it's heart (the city) and accusation is destroyed. 

    Joshua spent the night before the battle of Ai, in the valley between where the Israelites were, and the city of Ai.  This resembles repentance.  Preparing the way.  Fully.  That the Israelites might again gain back what they lost in falling to Ai, the first time; as they attacked them in confidence, but were driven away.  Which can be humiliating.  So being the valley, through repentance, gained back, being able to have that 'quiet confidence' or surety.  But Achor was the one who sinned, and the people were in ignorance. 

    In confessing God's Promises, and walking from sin to incorruption we may claim more than just 'one' piece of Scripture in our lives.  For example, as in the battle of Jehoshaphat, we can both the bad guys and the good guys, as in having sin.  So we can also fail in something, and even know that our flesh willfully sinned, though our insides didn't, as Paul explains in Romans 7.  And what is the end of willfully sinning?  Falling away and not entering into His rest ever.  But as we repent of what was our flesh, we can still have God's Promises, and what we were to have, through then confessing the Promise that the children of those who fell entered in. 

    Jericho represents sin, as I said.  And sin draws, as the moon does with the tides.  And so in beating Jericho, we can stop sin's prompting in our lives.

    What does it mean to give the flesh over to death?  It is the cross, and the seed dying.  Try walking by only Jesus and Him crucified.  As I did, if you tried, I am sure that you will find, that you find out how much faith, hope, and love you REALLY have, very quickly.  As opposed to what might just be 'off of the top of the mind' (Things which have not yet conceived.  Things of which have not been perfected).  And I also found how many things that could be believed, that are truly ridiculous, in light of God.  For example, like someone overcoming drugs, and thoughts coming in, and assignments, as to reasons, no matter how absurd or trivial, that they should go and do the drug.  Remember why Philadelphia was given the Key of David.  For doing what He wanted, no matter what.  With Jesus giving His flesh over to death, He freely chose, in love, to die for love.  And so as I described Death taking someone innocent, what happens in carrying the cross, WITHOUT provoking men or evil, is that evil rises up in it's pride, thinking it is going to capitalize, and then is cut down by the truth.  And what sustains us in His Death and faith?  Hope.  And hope does not disappoint, and not because we say 'it's all for God.'  But because of His love.  Because His Promises are for us.  And we are the apple of His eye.

    Do you know what wailing for Tammuz is?  Tammuz, is a fake Jesus.  And Mary worship has been going on long before the Roman Catholics.  With Isis.  Wailing for Tammuz, is stopping at the cross.  And having false humility, and thinking that 'everything is for God.'  Forgetting that we can be everything He is, except Him with Him.  Wailing for Tammuz is the extreme sinful empathy of the cross. 

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    Mon, Sep 10th - 1:45AM

    Getting through life

    There was one man who came to Jesus whom Jesus told to sell everything he had.  The man said that he had followed God since he was little.  Jesus told him, "If you want to be perfect...."  In following God, we can either settle with the temporary corruption, or we can be perfect.  With the kingdom of heaven inside of us, we can build treasures in heaven, even with the things that are around us now.  What Satan doesn't tell anyone, is that it is not an open invitation with Jesus regarding prosperity and divinity.  It is not like we can just 'choose' to hang out for a while.  Even to 'enjoy' the temporary things, we would need God's perfection.  Do you know what it means to not have divinity?  Essentially: "I can't be with God right now."   

    Yes there is rest in God, and Jesus was the fulfillment of the law, and Sabbath.  But, that is not the end of things, as if we can't be perfect.  Many people get offended at people whom they think are trying to 'make' things happen concerning the 'kingdom of God.'  And preach against this.  But what they don't understand is that in doing this, they are essentially 'making' God.  That is what happens with 'let go and let God.'   

    We are to be God's glory and praise.  What has happened is that through the false cross, we are to be God's love slaves.  But it isn't slavery, because we will like it.  In being God's glory and praise, and thus truly bringing glory to God, we will be like Him.  That is being everything He is, except Him without Him. 

    Ever notice the difference between Tuesday and Wednesday?  Ever notice the difference between how different cities feel?  That is the work of demons.  I know Paul said that everyone should enjoy each day the same, or one higher than the other, depending on their faith.  But that is not what I am talking about.  Ever had something going on at one time in your life, and then it wasn't at another?  One of the biggest 'churchy' sayings is how "When God closes one door, He opens another one."  But it is not understood, that any door that is God, never shuts.  He only shuts down what is evil.  And we shouldn't have been there in the first place.  God does not give us things, just to show us we aren't going to have them, and in heaven.  How can we know the difference between what is God's door and what isn't?  It is just like discerning if we have to do evil so that good may come.  We have to be carrying the cross in Spirit and truth.  And that can only be done with Promises.  That is what God gives!  That is why "it's not about us, it's about God" isn't the Spirit.  And what it means when it says that He loved us first.  People turn that into us being so sinful, that that is what it took.  He loved us first before we were even conscious.  In foreknowledge and predestination, of our perfect selves.  What begins to happen, is that we can't have God's promises because 'of the way things are.'  All of that knowledge is by sight, and is angelic. 

    Jesus was led to death by the Spirit, the Eternal Spirit.  What that means is that every single desire and Promise, is ours and present eternally, and is given to us as we rise with Him.  The Bible speaks about 'deep sleep.'  This is what it is.  It is committing things to the Eternal Spirit, and awakening into life.  In doing this, we gain the rest we need to be able to finish our walk with Him, and so rise with Him, with life and Promises.  AND NOT LOSING ANYTHING.  Sleep is not lazy.  If that were so, Jesus wouldn't have slept.  What is lazy, is sleeping without His 'deep sleep.'  Just as the unprofitable are even lazy about being lazy. 

    In the OT, one of the sacrifices was a sacrifice which 'went to Azazel.'  Azazel, according to the Book of Enoch, was a demon that taught men spiritual things.  But, what he was teaching was not how to be spiritual in God, it was how to have spiritual prosperity without God.  The sacrifice that was to go to Azazel, was loosed outside of the camp.  Remember that Jesus suffered outside of the camp.  Do not think that living spiritually, and having spiritual knowledge is demonic.  Here is what happened: in harvesting, the flock has those who are right in the flesh, but have spiritual lack, and those who are right spiritually, but have fleshly lack.  Just as with this ceremony, one sacrifice was in the temple, and one was loosed outside of the camp.  What this symbolizes is having one sacrifice for those who are right according to the flesh, but lack spiritually.  And so need atonement.  And then the sacrifice which is loosed outside of the camp, is for the ones who are right spiritually, but lack physically.  The reason it says that the sacrifice 'goes to Azazel' is because, just as introducing a new thing, and or growing, there are going to be old things to have to leave behind.  And what happens in the middle of old and new things?  There are differences, and without God, these differences clash.  So the old thinks what is new is against everything it stood for.  And the new seems to be beyond the scope.  That is what the sacrifice is for.  Without knowing this, then the sacrifice that went to Azazel was sacrificed to demons.        

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    Mon, Sep 10th - 12:24AM

    Everyone says Glory

    Giving glory to God.  What does it mean?  To most of the church it means that people are nothing, and that everything is God.  I may come off as a pessimist, but then again, that is what they hated Jesus for.  The problem with accusing things to be pessimistic, is that the light is missed.  The light exposes, but has the plan to bring life. 

    In Isaiah 8 God told Isaiah to not be like the Israelites who were saying "Conspiracy."  What is the difference between the anti-religious, and those accused of religion then?  The fact that Jesus wants to give the perfection, and even now, while corruption is around us. 

    The Samaritans were half Israelites.  They were the Israelites who had intermarried with the Babylonians, when God told them not to.  And they were looked down upon by the Israelites.  But think of it.  If we say that we are inwardly imperfect, we ourselves are Samaritans.  To not be inwardly perfect, leads to the double vessel, where the talent will be saved, but the vessel of dishonor will be thrown into the lake of fire.  When the disciples who were with Jesus came and saw him talking to the woman at the well, in the gospel of John, they marvelled that he would speak to a woman.  Social ettiquete.  Jesus asked the woman for a drink.  And then He told her that if she knew who He was, she would have asked Him for a drink.  That is the dividing line between the religious and the anti-religious, in seeing who is really wrong.  The good Samaritan was the one who helped the beaten and robbed man.  Here was Jesus' point, which was also spoken of in John 3, the chapter before this: the wind blows wherever it wishes.  And the wind is symbolic of the Spirit.  And so, what happens with those who are wrong, is that they don't notice Jesus.  They don't notice life.  And then when it is made clear to them, and they see it's works, they either have to change, or end up trying to put it off.  When there is accountability and ingerity, then people are able to know that they didn't notice Jesus when He came, at first.  But watch out, the lukewarm will make this a law.  So that not noticing Jesus at first, is the mark of those who are really with us.   

    Many people are fine living like this.  Because God is in heaven, and we are on earth right, and we are supposed to keep our words few?  It is possible to be religiously legalistic about grace and freedom.  And this is how.  Religion has it's root, in binding.  So when the answer is that we are without knowledge, man's zeal gets bound.  And what sets in, is not having anymore accountability, except for the things, where there is already acceptance.  People do this, so that they don't look like the people they themselves hate.  Because people don't want to say something is God, and then either have it not be, or have to suffer for it.  And suffering doesn't have to be being killed by when the answer starts to be that knowledge is bad, ask yourself something: do you know that?  That is what Paul was talking about, about how anyone who thinks they know anything, doesn't know as they ought to.   

    Is anyone familiar with Jesus?  Think about what I just asked. 

    The Bible speaks against familiar spirits.  Familiar spirits are not just manifestations of people trying to be things they are not.  Angelic worship doesn't have to be like the Kabbalah where it is all in depth.  Angelic worship is depending on the prosperity that is by sight.  In Exodus, when God told Moses He was going to give His angel to guide the Israelites, Moses told Him no.  And asked for Him to come. 

    I have seen before, people, as if trying to praise God for being sick.  This is nowhere in the Bible.  At one point people try to act as if Jesus' sacrifice means that the cross is about not wanting things, and His sacrifice being the ends of everything.  And then they want to act later as if their own failures are all a part of God's plan, to show that God is the only one to get glory.  Remember what David prayed: "I will be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness."  And what does the infilling of the Spirit give?  That newness.  The glory of God. 

    There is a passage in which someone was sick, so that God's glory would be revealed in him.  And David did say that without God's affliction he would not have learned.  But what is the focus of these things?  Never that the corruption is where He wants us.  People are too afraid to say that sin is the reason why 'God's power' isn't present like it was in the Bible.  Because nowadays the cross has become how to not have to fully follow God, in Spirit and truth.  What is the 'good news of Jesus Christ?'  That we may have His glory.  Derek Prince goes into study about some of the exchanges that were made, and can be applied for us, through Jesus' sacrifice.  Because He was rejected, we may be accepted.  Because He was humiliated and shamed, we may have honor and glory. 

    In the OT two altars were built.  One which was made of earth, and another that was made of stones which no tool had touched.  The one that was made of earth symbolizes the cross.  And the one that was made of stone, which no tool had touched, symbolized His resurrection.  Everyone with me so far?  Okay.  According to how most people define what brings God glory, the church is doing fine with this.  We come to the cross, and our sins go away, and then we don't try to do anything spiritual, but let God do it, so that our 'tools' don't touch the altar.  But this is not the point!  The point is, that the only way to worship on the altar of stone, is to actually do the first one right.  Then we can have God's power, and all that we do, will be God.  Is the present day church doing a good job with evangelizing the cross?  Here is what the cross means, and how to be led by the Spirit, in truth, to know the difference between His death and life: do we say that we can not be perfect, and do we put down others we think aren't perfect, and put words into God's mouth concerning what is and what isn't His will?  If the hope is wrong, then the destination point is wrong, and the road traveled will be very far off of the goal.  What is our hope?  Christ.  But what else does that verse say?  Within us.  And surely no one in the church is going to say that Christ is imperfect.  When we know Jesus and have Him inside of us, being one with Him, and inwardly perfect, then we know the difference between trying to say we are prosperous, when it is lukewarm, and actually prospering in Him.  The only way to prosper in God is in being spiritual.  And being spiritual, in this age has turned into having morals.  And a person is spiritual, because they have certain morals, and don't have certain fleshly sins.  That is what religion is.  I am not saying to be immoral.  But the only morals that are in Christ, are in being spiritually perfect.  That is the spiritual man who judges all things, and can not be judged.  The spiritual man is able to know when corruption is only by sight.  And the spiritual man is able to know God's promises, and walk by the Spirit and in faith.  Also, the ark of the LORD was made out of gold and wood.  SYMBOLIZING the mixture of a corruptible material, and one that isn't.  The ark contained the UNBROKEN law.  As Moses broke the first one.  The unbroken law is the spirit and heart, unto entering in, and even conquering still. 

    When Moses first went up to Sinai, the people worshiped a calf.  A calf symbolizes prosperity.  Food, and clothing come from it.  And milk comes from cows.  Which even symbolizes future prosperity.  Gold symbolizes holiness.  Just as Nebuchadnezzar's idol.  In idolatry, gold symbolizes false holiness.  Let me give you an example: someone isn't acceptable, because they don't bow down to WORDLY and religious expectations. 

    The Israelites were supposed to wait for Moses to come down, and not make a golden calf.  There is so much falsehood in the church concerning people trying to be spiritual.  So religions says to 'let go and let God,' and then to go have works.  That is faith NEW AGE.  What does new age mean?  It is an answer, whether low or high, to coming out of darkness, that doesn't COMPLETELY save. 

    When children are growing up, they go through a time of wanting to do things themselves.  Perhaps around the age of four.  That is what the Israelites were supposed to do while Moses was on Sinai the first time.  They were supposed to exclusively worship God.  What happens usually after children go through this time in their life?  They start losing their baby teeth.  The first time Moses went up to Sinai, it represented the spirit.  The second time, was the heart.  Spirituality doesn't mean that again we say 'everything is God.'  No, it means that we are supposed to cultivate spiritually.  Remember what Moses told Joshua?  "O that all of Israel would prophesy." 

    The demons know how to bring blindness, deafness, and paralyzation.  Did you know that autism, is being only able to dwell on the specifics without understanding the concept?  And dyslexia is only being able to dwell on concepts, and confusing specifics.  God told the unfaithful, that they were blind, and deaf, and had a dull heart.  The dull heart is the lukewarmness, and the end of blindness and deafness.  It is like the age old story of a frog boiling slowly.  The demons know that without divinity, that people will be afraid of spirituality.  And what people don't know is that without His death and life, in Spirit and truth, there are no tools against anything spiritual.  But that doesn't matter much, if people are lukewarm, because they only walk according to sight and the flesh.  Which doesn't just mean not believing in God, because He isn't physically visible right now, and having ludicrous sins. 

    Aposltes give the Word in eternity, and prophets in time.  The apostle here represents feminimity, and the prophet masculinity.  Think it is wrong that the woman come first?  Apart from legalistic beliefs, and also going into 'opening doors for women' it should be understood, that the only love there is, is when 'lower in authority' is loved first.  As God loved us first.  Together the apostle and the prophet conceive the eternal, into time.  Without this, there is no way, truth, or life.  That is why it says to earnestly desire to prophesy, even though the apostle is higher than the prophet.  Because prophecy is the present manifestation of love.  While the apostle is waiting (-waiter-).  

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    Sun, Sep 9th - 4:07AM

    Heights and bridges

    In reading the Bible there can come a problem, in how to connect going from sin to life.  Modern day Christianity has taken the cross, and put it as bridge.  But has stopped there.  With the ploys of Jezebel, Christianity has come to offer nothing of which are God's delights, for humans to be able to have themselves. 

    First off, in Isaiah, the Spirit speaks about there returning from captivity, riches, and people.  Here is something to have as Promise: everywhere that something has been left behind, and claimed by sin, we may have back through the Spirit of life, and Christ's sacrifice. 

    The Bible shows how believing in Jesus is how to be saved.  Believing in Him, and His name.  The Bible also says that whoever believes that He died and rose again will be saved.  It also says that whoever calls on Him will be saved.  Anyone who doesn't believe that Jesus is God can not and does not call on Him.  There are some religions, or beliefs, that say that Jesus was just a prophet who had 'good ideas.'  And some religions go beyond this, into saying that everything is Jesus.  These religions are false divinity. 

    But there is a difference between false divinity and something that is antichrist.  False divinity takes divinity and waters it down.  What is antichrist goes on from this, seeking to use the now 'open field' to say that Jesus is not the Christ.  And there is a middle ground in between these too.  This is the scary place for anyone who is lukewarm.  Because they do not want to be either cold or hot.  The end of anyone who is in presumption is death.  Just as those who do not overcome out of Sardis and Laodicea.  What happens with those who do not overcome is that they persecute others, while saying that they themselves, while persecuting, are not doing anything.  This is the evil surety.  This is complacency in action.  And this 'complacent persecution' leads to humanism, which is antichrist.  The middle ground between false divinity and what is antichrist, is that Jesus is neither worshiped, or said to not be the Christ.  In Spirit and truth, while it may seem as if lukewarmness would welcome this, it doesn't...when it comes from another source other than it's own.  Nothingness agrees with everything.  And what lukewarmness does not want, is something that doesn't agree with how it itself is being lukewarm, and also won't share together in it's lukewarmness.  God said that He would rather we be cold or hot.  What this means, is that if we are cold, then we can know we are cold, and be made hot.  And if we are hot, we can depend on Him, to stay with Him completely, in everything, including self-control.  This is going to and fro between the flesh and the Spirit.  Which is what we have to do.  That is the cross and the resurrection.  Jesus, and Him crucified.  The to and fro is that we are absent from corruption, and hot; and then we find out where we are cold, and are to repent, and make our way to Him.  And thus we always have the word of faith, and He guides us, bringing the mountains low and valleys up, as we fully reap and rewarded, unto the point that we die, or receive our new bodies. 

    In trying to understand whether or not something is in Christ, or isn't, we must know if something confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.  Here is the way and point of this: in being in limbo between false divinity and what is antichrist, we must decide whether something is going to work out for good, or not.  All things work out for good to those who love God.  But for us to act in Him, we must know what is of His purpose and what isn't, so that we may have our faith work through love, to will and to do of His good pleasure, to bring His purpose.  Technically, what we are doing in testing the spirits in this way, is preparing, so that we may love.  So in reading what John wrote about testing the spirits, we must find out if the motivation behind something confesses that salvation which had come in the flesh, which is the anointed and formerly prophesied deliverance by and from God.  That is what is of God. 

    With us being able to refine and cleanse spoil, and cleanse ourselves and keep it before coming into the Promised land; and also understand what it means to confess Christ, and yet not be able to come out of Egypt before dying; there arises a circumstance in which beliefs may seem to be in conflict.  Overall, if it is impossible for anyone to die before coming out of Egypt, and hence be saved, though not yet entering into the Promised land, and not have it be accounted to them for undoing belief; then anyone who has not believed that having perfection inwardly is the way of salvation and now also available to have and walk by is not saved. 

    After the early church, the church left it's first love (Letter to Ephesus).  Catholicism began to spring up in the church.  Springing up even unto the Gentiles accepting it's beliefs.  And the church also mixing with pagan beliefs. 

    And Roman Catholicism still exists today.

    As an example, did Jimi Hendrix really believe in Jesus?  Or was Jesus to him, not the salvation which had come in the flesh, which was the anointed and prophesied deliverance by and of God (My interpretation of 1 John 4)?  Did he believe in Jesus, but then also die before leaving Egypt?  Also having spoil which was before the Promised land?  Did he know that Jesus was the only God, and therefore the real, concerning the fake religions around?  Or did he just 'coin' Jesus as simply an 'ineterconnected idea'?

    As I have been coming close to showing, part of me [or my soul] can be in Egypt, while other parts are still going through other things, this is why we have to know what is of God, and what isn't, and according to Spirit and truth, and not religion.  The thing is, that God can use the time where someone is going through other things, and save them, though they might, according to their earthly gift, never make it out of Egypt.  There is a difference between someone who is in bondage to the world, and dies in Egypt, and someone who claims to be godly, and really isn't.  This is what is going on when Hebrews says that Moses was faithful in all His house, and Jesus too.  Because Moses never entered the Promised land.    Was he then not saved?  And in being saved still, how is anyone accountable to entering the Promised land, if he didn't?  Is it only that 'God's workers' who go to church, and 'work for God' can mess up, and not enter the Promised land, and still be saved? 

    Being faithful in all of His house, means that someone isn't claiming to be 'holy' when they themselves have not entered in.  And it was not that this is why Moses wasn't allowed to enter in.  He was rebuked by God, and stroven with (Him striving with us, is a good thing, circumstancially, because He is giving us the gift anyways), God giving Him what was necessary, so that he didn't fall away.  The reason why God is weaning us through this present distress and subjection into futility, is because sometimes we need more knowledge to be able to FULLY do what the incorruptible life is for.  And without knowing more, we would 'blow our top' and be like how Peter described 'worse off, than having not known known what we did.'  The people MOVED Moses to not hallow God, as Psalm 106 shows.  And as Jesus says all are saved, except those who go down into perdition, and as John shows that the ones who aren't with us, never were with us, those Israelites who God swore would never into His rest were never the real Israel, and were never going to be saved.  But Moses got to learn and gain something, wandering, and not being able to enter into the Promised land.  He got to understand, that God still puts up with wickedness, to preserve the talent of the double vessel.  And in that, Moses 'fulfilled his ministry.'  Just as Paul might go straight up to Spain after the dead in Christ rise.)

    Here is the spirit of false prophecy: stopping God's prophets.  That is the work of Jezebel.  That is what her fornication does.  And this is what simplicity and lukewarmness do, even 'under their breath.'  Jesus spoke in divinity, as did Joseph, and kings do also.  Speaking in divinity, is not evil.  It is speaking with God.  And here is what the simple, the prophets of Baal, and fools think they have on divinity: that when there is sin, it can't be done, and said to be of God.  Would someone rather be lukewarm?  Because that is the only alternative.  That is humanism.  To say that something is of man, and not of God, and that it is the only way.  Here is divinity, even when there is sin, and coming through it: make everything true.  Now, the world, and the phallic symbol, says that this is how to lie.  But did you hear what I just said?  Make EVERYTHING true.  There is also a saying that the best lies, are closest to the truth.  Here is the truth: lukewarmness falls away.  Though it also believes itself to be hot.  That is humanism.  That is deism.  Saying something is hot, knowing that it is only of man.  That is false experientialism.  In coming through sin, and still having divinity, things are BROUGHT into the obedience of Christ.  There are two reasons why the lukewarm are afraid, one is because the spirit behind it knows it will be exposed more by the light.  In this the world, and air, under the spirit fears it's 'prosperity' is going to dwindle away after that.  The demons don't care all that much though, if things already have fallen all the way out of their hands.  They would count the destruction they were able to make, and go on to something else.  The second reason that lukewarmness is afraid goes along with the first-it doesn't want to give up it's 'prosperity' [in order to] and be accountable to actually having to have real divinity.  However, the qualms of the lukewarm, are obsolete in God's eyes.  Because they don't want the whole truth, and divinity anyways.  This is why complaining is so wrong.  And why God's ministry is about reconciliation.  The verse about gathering and scattering overcomes all religion, when ministry is understood as reconciliation and giving gifts.  Because any kind of work that is only about laws can not distribute goodness.  They can only court.  As Paul said that the ones who were bewitching the Galatians were zealously courting. 

    Prayers that aren't heard by God, can still work too.  Because spirits are being given permission to do things.  How then can anyone be safe in the LORD? 

    Because, whether or not there is suffering, affliction, and tribulation, every person is accountable to God for the things that happen to them.  But this is not to be in false humility.  False humility actually renounces true divinity, and accountability.  It is hypocritical, through graceful condemnation.  Taking away what really matters,  Just like Jesus said the Pharisees did.  What did the profitable servants do?  They were faithful in little.  Being accountable to the LORD in this way does not discourage away from His Promises and true and real prosperity.  It actually is the bridge for them.    

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    Sun, Sep 9th - 2:08AM

    The god of his fathers

    How, with the mark of the beast being "Besmilah" is the Antichrist not going to worship the god of his fathers? 

    First of all, the Antichrist is only going to care about ruling and munitions.  Both the Koran and the Kabbalah are in depth spiritually mystic books which claim to offer peace.   

    Second of all, the Muslim religion is the religion that directly says that Jesus is not the Christ.  Just as the Jews believe, the Muslims do not believe that it is possible for man to be eqaul with God.  Essentially "Besmilah" means that there is no God of man.  When it's latter ends are entertained.  The Muslim religion gives glory to a god, who does not have a PERSONAL relationship with man.  The Kabbalah, which is the Jewish mysticism, states that there are ten heavens, starting with God beholding man from his throne.  And ending with him as a tyrant.  The Kabbalah also shows that the only way, that man can see god, is through reflections.  As mirrors on god's hands.  They believe that angelic beings are the only way for man to be ministered to, by god.  And that when god is beholding man, that it is not on a personal level.  And so man's only hope to see glory, is to have it refelcted to him. 

    These lies are not complete lies.  For one reason: This is god without love.  And God's love came to us through Jesus Christ.  It is the same with Babylon and Jezebel and simplicity, conceptually, as simplicity is God without God.  Knowing God outside of love, leads to seeing Him impersonally.  And a personal God is one with His people.  And the end of this, is for man to not have love.  The Hebrew word 'alah' is a covenant.  It is actually what Jesus did, conceptually, on the cross.  Except that the Jews, and all the Islamic religion do not believe that man can be equal with God.  The essence to the word 'alah' is that someone would die for what they believe. 

    God's angels do refelct to us God's light.  But without believing that man can be eqaul with God, and one with Him, and have Him living inside of someone, then this light, in entertaining the latter end of things, is vain.  Here is where the Jews' and Islamic religion goes into humanitarian beliefs.  In full scope, without Jesus, Islam's and the Jews' god is a deist.  And this is strongly opposed in the OT.  The Kabbalah began with Jews who went away even from the OT's truths.  Having a spirituality which pertains to God, but is without Him.  This is very similar to modern day Christianity, in concept.  As man, through doctrines of demons, came up with a theology to suits it's inabilities. 

    In Revelation 4, angels are the voices which proceed from His throne.  Jesus is the temple for those who are one with Him.  Significantly, right now, God is a deist, concerning the angels.  And this is what Islam is based on.  Also making Him a deist concerning men.  The angels, right now, are His servants.  Hence, deism.  Deism's basic belief is that God created everything, and then stepped back, and that He lets it run on it's own.

    The Koran is like Jesus backwards.  The word 'allah' is Arabic for God.  The Koran and the Kabblah both lack love.  The love that the Kabbalah and the Koran show, really is someone receiving in their pride.  The Kabbalah and the Koran are both spiritual books for the Muslim religion, though the Kabbalah may seem more 'out there.'  Concerning the Kabbalah and the Koran, the ones who are evildoers, are the ones who are not humanitarians.  A basic difference between the Kabbalah and the Koran, is that the Koran claims that Mohammed was the Christ.      

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    Sun, Sep 9th - 12:26AM

    Born of God

    The Bible says that we may have everlasting life even now.  Just as Jesus said we may have rivers of living water flow out from us.  And there are other Scriptures also. 

    The Bible also says that the kingdom of God is inside of us.  That encompasses everything.  That is how we can be in the third heaven, and the second heaven, and all of those things here as well.  And the life comes from the Spirit, and so everything that has conceived in us, is present spiritually in heaven.  And also everything that will conceive. 

    When it says in Ephesians that everything that makes manifest is light, it is also all encompassing.  Darkness is exposed by the light.  That is why it is manifesting.  Darkness would much rather stay in the darkness.  That is it's stronghold.  The Bible says that there is no wisdom, counsel, or might against the LORD.  All of darkness is as a non existent thing.  According to it's own thoughts, it is strongest where it begins.  And it wishes to become stronger.  But evil is always losing it's power.  Not gaining it.  And also with that, once we repent of something, we are forever saved from that sin.  We can never do it again.  Darkness likes to discourage though, and so it tries to find ways to make the same TRANSGRESSION happen another way.  As we enter in, and have conception, then no matter what, we can have nothing to do with any kind or type of the sin we have repented of.  Repentance is begun by agreeing with conviction.  That is the substance of belief.  We believe by agreeing.  And then we are perfected in entering in. 

    These are some reasons why it is important to have spiritual understanding, and be able to distinguish between spirit, soul, and body.  When darkness thinks it is gaining power, it is manifesting as false light.  But with the real light exposing it, it means that even that is also dissapating.  After this verse in Ephesians it goes on to say "Awake and Christ will give you light."  The problem is, that many people see sin and run.  That is not what we are supposed to do.  We have to give a good report, and the only way we can do that is through Promises.  And Joshua also said "They are bread for us."  This means something.  It isn't just an empty phrase.  We have to give beauty for ashes.  This means that we have to create the good, for what the evil is.  According to the Promises of God.  Everytime they had victory in the Promised land, they were establishing that good was going to be there.  We can't just not want the evil, we have to want and pursue the good.  Just not wanting the evil is the sorrow that leads to death. 

    The technicolored robe that Joseph was given means something.  It wasn't just a pretty robe with no meaning.  Remember that Joseph was given Promises, in his dream.  The technicolored robe symbolizes how Jesus connects things.  For example, speaking about Jacob as a type of Christ at one minute, and then David at another.  And this also agrees with what Jesus said about being born of the Spirit.  The wind blows wherever it wishes.  This means that we can't just start making up rules and putting words in God's mouth.  We have to breath with Him.   

    With the kingdom of God inside of us, it means that we all have Promises as God's children.  And God told Joshua that everywhere his feet touched, was given to him.  And we nowadays may even go beyond the Promised land.  The only perfection that we can not have, is to take an oath, saying that our sinful flesh is not going to sin again.  Our Promised land is our sphere.  And since everything that makes manifest is exposed by the light, then it is that everythying which affects us is where our feet touch.  What does it mean to awake, as everything which makes manifest is made manifest by the light?  It is God's good version of "What are you going to do?" 

    The everlasting life in heaven is for everyone's bodies.  But even then, even now, we have the Spirit of the LORD upon us, and also living inside of our 'tents.'  For the LORD also dwelt with Israel in the tabernacle.  Sin is surrounded.  Their talent was in coming up out of Egypt, having His Promises. 

    And God can give incorruptible life into our mortal bodies.  The part of our body which fades away, is what is corruptible, and it prudently fades and blows away, that more life may come.  Just as being washed, as it is written in Titus.  Jesus said that we must be born of Spirit and water.  Both the Holy Spirit, and the Word are symbolized with water.  Both the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Jesus Christ are symbolized by water.  The only way we can receive the Word is by the Spirit.

    And even before the Promised land, as God told Moses in Numbers, we may refine and cleanse the spoil, and then cleanse ourselves and keep it.  This is before coming into the Promised land.      

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    Sat, Sep 8th - 10:04PM

    God's will

    John 3:13
    No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.

    With what I have said about Revelation 12, and the male child being the 144,000, as He did not ascend into heaven before Mary and Joseph fled into Egypt, this verse may bring question.  But listen to what Jesus said in the verse before this:

    John 3:12
    If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?

    Essentially this is like saying: “I gave you the answer, and you did not believe, or know it; so if I give you the answer to the answer, or the explanation, how are you going to believe it?”  It is hard for simplicity to comprehend eternity, where also eternity, in God, provides creation gifts and inheritances of their own, from God, to enjoy, with rest.  Because the ploy of Jezebel was to have the church, and God humiliated.  By showing how nothing from Him is actually good and satisfying.  And furthermore, that He gave things before incorruption, just so we could learn to not have them.  Which is a lie. 

    This is why there must be real wisdom.  Simplicity is not wisdom.  It is a false equity.  Like in reading 2 Thessalonians 2.  The coming of the LORD signifies both His coming for the church in the rapture, and His Second Coming for His bride.  And the gathering together speaks of the rapture of the church.  Simplicity just wants to make everything be the same.  Which is laziness.  Then also going on to wickedness through falsehood.  The prophecies must be understood in Spirit and truth.  Like when the NASB translates Philippians 2 with the “Day of Christ.”  What is Paul talking about?  Look in the Greek. 

    Also consider 2 Timothy 3:16.  The written word of God, the logos, is not the whole word of God.  The Bible is going to melt with everything else, when He melts creation.  The Scriptures are the accounts we do have of what God had already done.  But they are not the laws, as if all encompassing, of what God can, and will do.  Also consider the Psalm that says, “Our God is in heaven, He does whatever He pleases.”  I am not saying to add or take away from the Scriptures.  But the Scriptures need to rightly interpreted.

    1 Timothy 4:16
    16 Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you.

    Epecho (The word for ‘Take heed’ which also translates to ‘give’)
    to have or hold upon, apply, to observe, attend to
    to give attention to
    to hold towards, hold forth, present
    to check
    delay, stop, stay

    Imperative (The mood of the word 'epecho')

    The imperative mood corresponds to the English imperative, and expresses a command to the hearer to perform a certain action by the order and authority of the one commanding. Thus, Jesus' phrase, "Repent ye, and believe the gospel" (Mk.1:15) is not at all an "invitation," but an absolute command requiring full obedience on the part of all hearers.

    Didaskalia (doctrine)

    Predominantly precepts (which are what leads us to the truth, this is the ‘wisdom of the Way,’ and this isn’t confusing because He also says to rejoice rejoicingly, and in the Hebrew too.  Precepts are also how to prepare. Repentance, His death, His life. Precepts, statutes, testimonies?)

    Epimeno (continue)
    to stay at or with, to tarry still, still to abide, to continue, remain
    of tarrying in a place
    to persevere, continue
    of the thing continued in
    in the work of teaching
    of the blessing for which one keeps himself fit
    denoting the action persisted in

    The word ‘epimeno’ also is in the imperative form.  Both the words for continue and give are also in the present tense.  Which personifies really doing it.

    The word for yourself is 'seautou,’ which is from ‘autos.’  And ‘autos’ is said to be akin to the base of ‘aer.’  ‘Aer’ is defined as:

    the air, particularly the lower and denser air as distinguished from the higher and rarer air
    the atmospheric region

    The base of ‘aer’ is aemi (to breathe unconsciously, i.e. respire by analogy, to blow)

    Respire is defined as:
    Breathe: transitive and intransitive verb to breathe air in and out

    Breathe normally after anxiety or exertion: intransitive verb to breathe again in a normal way after anxiety or exertion

    Transitive means that a word is in relation to a direct object, and intransitive, means to not be.  Intransitive is like a pronoun.  

    And so in breathing unconsciously, there is the meaning which leads to understanding that in revelation and analogies that the power is not of us, but of God.  But know that in pagan religions, such as Buddhism, that the idols have holes in the back of them, for the spirit to enter into.  And so emptying the mind does not ‘always’ lead to God.  Therefore the more that we commit to Him, the more that we are in His will.  Committing to Him, does not mean that we let Him do everything.  It means that we make ourselves accountable to Him.  We don’t ask other people to prove themselves, they prove themselves.  We can help them.  Accountability doesn’t mean that we do everything.  There has to be divinity, which is doing everything with God. 

    There are two understandings to the will of God.  The first is found in the beginning of Romans 12:1, and the second is in Romans 12:2.  Jesus said that it was God’s will for Him to die for love.  That is the first part of His will.  The second part is the fruit of that, like His resurrection.  Which is His good and acceptable and perfect will.  This is His covenant.  Unconditional love is conditional upon love. 

    Jesus said the first two commandments were the greatest.  The second commandments is to love other as ourselves.  If we do not lay down our lives for our relationships, then we can not enter in.  Just as also, the second commandment is the fulfillment of the law.  The whole counsel of God, is that if we undo belief, we can fall away.  After entering in, and having the earthly gift and inheritance sealed, then a person can not fall away, no matter what.  The hope is that we can do nothing that will separate us from God.  And that may be present, as a person continually walks with Him, even from the beginning.  And for those who die before leaving Egypt, they are still in Him. 

    The word ‘aemi’ as meaning to blow, shows the present fulfillment of His word, but also our place in it.  What I mean here, corresponds to Acts.  When it says that in Him we live, breath, move, exist, and have our being.  Just having things prepared, is not enough.  And the unprofitable also fake this, just the unprofitable servant tried to get away with his laziness and wickedness.  Essentially he told Jesus, that Jesus had not perfected the flesh yet, and so since he had not perfected the heart yet, they were equal.  So we must truly esteem the talent, which is about the heart.  Just as Jesus rode in on the donkey.  And we must prepare with that.  That will bring us to the valley of the bones.  And we may prosper in the LORD then, as the Breath comes, and we continually live in Him.  Some say that ‘original sin’ was not taken care of, and isn’t going to be yet.  This is the mentality of what is antichrist, with perfection having not yet come.  ‘Original sin’ is like saying Jesus is in our hearts, but we don’t have perfect hearts.  And or, that we have a new heart, but it is not perfect.  And or that there is a cross in the sky between us and Jesus, so we are saved from our sins.  This is what ‘free love Christianity’ is.  ‘Original sin’ was taken care of.  As it also is explained in Romans 5, and other Scriptures.  Simplicity doesn’t want to have to go to and fro, have love, and worship in Spirit and truth.  Simplicity is corruption’s ‘truth.’  Ever heard anyone say that something is ‘true’ but not true?  That is simplicity.  How can we be new, if our hearts aren’t perfect?  Did God gives us again something that could corrupt, as Adam and Eve were not corrupted before the fall, but were corruptible?  No.  Without entering in, what happens is that when someone falls away, they are the double vessel.  They achieve the ‘truth’ which isn’t true.  What was perfect will go to Him who has in heaven, and what God wanted will be created.  The cross is the answer to how we still sin, though we may be inwardly perfect.  Because through the cross, if we are walking in Him, and have His Promises, then anything and everything that happens is still the cross being carried. 

    To breathe in and out by analogy is to live through revelation.  Just as we are absent from the corrupted flesh when we are enraptured in the Lord.  There should be no excuse as to why we cast off His covenant, His promises, and His word.  His love, faith, and hope.  And sacrifice in the clefts.  The difference between the law and grace here, is His Promises.  Without Promises, there is only condemnation and laws.  Which is why we must worship in Him as the “Yes” and “Amen.”  It is in sacrificing His Promises, that someone casts off restraint.  And with the transitive and intransitive cases, that covers everything. Things we know, and things we don’t know.  Directions we know, and directions we don’t know.  What should we do when we don’t know something?  Seek Him.  Without Promises, there is vanity, which gives circular reasoning, that is vain.  And so traditions, philosophies, and commandments of men reign, instead of God’s true highness.  Though as Paul wrote, earthly things have a type of humility, but is false.   

    And also respire does mean to breath in Him, even after having been anxious or exerting one’s self.  And this is important, because when we really do push it, and enter in, even partially, and commit things to Him; and even when we do things through pain, and suffering, and carry our cross no matter what- then after we have exerted ourselves, and been anxious; being anxious because we want it now, and are willing, but our flesh is weak, and there is pain in carrying the cross, and there is fear in giving the flesh over to death, as we see our sins- when we do enter in, completely and or partially, then we gain the strength and the power to be able to go on.  And to keep going.  In shrinking back and drawing back there is only temporal worship.  

    The word aer shows the atmosphere, but is the lower region of the air.  Which is not the higher heavens.  I have a diagram, but it probably won’t paste onto anything but Microsoft Word.  Picture a person.  And then above them are sins of ignorance.  And below him is the fulfilling of the lusts of the flesh.  Once the talent is received, these things are going to come down, as if to stop someone from continuing in Him.  As a person is to walk with the LORD, falsehood is now above them.  Religion seeks to fake God.  Below him then would be the searing of the conscience.  Some people pray concerning being in miry clay.  But do not understand what this wholly means.  Miry clay does not mix, just like the nephalim have no hope for salvation, just as the fallen angels.  God delivered David out of the miry clay around him.  If we are the miry clay ourselves, then we are fallen away, as a double vessel.  Having a sinful flesh does not make us the miry clay, because of the perfect insides.  A person should get rid of all of the filthiness that is in their sphere, while also not worshiping the fallen angels, whether above as powers and principalities, or below as Hell, and Death.  The lower region of the air, the ‘aer’ is a person’s sphere.  The sphere, is like someone’s area of influence.  The sins of ignorance I believe is filthiness of the spirit, as grease that is over someone.  Fulfilling the lusts of the flesh, I believe, is the filthiness of the flesh, and the fat, if the sins of ignorance are not brought into the obedience of Christ, but fulfilled as the sinful flesh leads.  The only way to be cleanse of the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, is through spiritually cultivating, otherwise we would be as the Galatians.  And remember that Paul asked the Galatians “Who has bewitched you?”  Witchcraft is in following rules.  It is hypocritical.  The law of anarchy to destroy, and the law of religion to create falsehood. 

    The law of Moses was given to prosper Israel’s flesh.  Without the law, sin would have had nothing keeping it down.  The law was given at just the right time too.  Sin would have taken over Israel.  But the law allowed them to prosper. By containing sin.  The offense did increase because through the containment of sin, sin took advantage of the law, as Paul describes.  As when the law came down, sin sprung up.  The only salvation in the law, is the Spirit, by grace and faith.  But by awakening through the law, and following the Holy Spirit, their lives were allowed to prosper as much as possible.  God is weaning us through the futility we were subjected to.  

    In looking at anarchy and religion, as destroying and then setting up falsehood, consider the law of grace and freedom.  It is Christianity’s falsehood.  Without the fullness of the Spirit of life, there is no real grace and freedom.  The reconciliation between freewill, and predestination, is that God gives true free will to those He foreknew.  Anyone who is a slave to sin, does not have true freewill.  And being a slave to sin, does not just mean being under the law.  Having grace now, and it’s difference from being under the law, is as Paul says in Acts, how through Christ we are saved from what could not be done through the law. 

    Those under the law of Moses who prospered in the LORD had the best lives possible.

    In the legalisms shown here, there is prospering of the flesh also, but it is outside of Christ.

    The word ‘seautou,’ is the genitive case from ‘autos.’  ‘Autos’ is a pronoun.  And the genitive case makes the word ‘yourself’ personal, unto Timothy.  And in allegory the genitive case of the pronoun ‘yourself’ adds meaning.  It entails, taking authority.  Which is girding up one’s loins. Which includes one’s personal gift from God and their ministry.

    When Elijah ran ahead of Ahab to Jezreel it says that he girded up his loins.

    Girding up one’s loins means to take up all that God has given us, His gift, and all that we do need; and His abundance, which we also have to love others.

    So through 1 Timothy 4:16, and the things shown here, and things we already know, and are coming to know; we may never fall.  We may do greater things than Jesus, and Paul.  Why is it a thing to be able to be like Jesus, and then also do things greater than Paul?  In searching out His testimonies, we come to His character.  His character is His testimonies. 

    2 Peter 1:17-21 KJV
    17For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
    18And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
    19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
    20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
    21For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

    As we walk in the Spirit, we have the more sure word of prophecy, hearing His rhema, than if we just bide our time in life, and our worship paper and ink.  We should be running to hearing His rhema.  To His deepness, and intimacy.  The more of His spoken word that we hear, the more we are assured, and grounded in Him.  Being grounded in the word is not about the rules and regulations of the Christian religion.  The authority is in the Spirit, not the paper and ink!  And blasphemy of the Spirit is also in not having this. 

    As we wake, abide, and remain in Him we walk in the Spirit, and receive our gift, and may enjoy and rest in His Promised land.  And do greater works than Jesus did.  And not be limited by sin. 

    We may surely than have both His sufferings and the promised land here on earth, as we may do greater works than Jesus, and know Him, and have the more sure word, in seeking Him, and His ‘epignosis,’ and all of Him as we know Him while here.  The word ‘epignosis’ is the Greek word for knowledge when Peter writes about having His great and precious promises by His knowledge.  ‘Epi’ means ‘upon.’  And so after being enlightened to God, we should seek Him, and with our whole heart, that we may enter in. 

    Jesus died, not having His earthly gift, as Nabath is a type of Christ.  But through Christ, we are not limited by that.  Because only the vessels of wrath fully reject Him.  And He receives His earthly gift with the 1,000 years with His bride.  And what do we get in the meantime?  To carry out great exploits.  Exploiting this present distress.  In the knowledge of God, we are the last, as the early church was the firstfruits of the fullness of Christ.  And the last shall be first.  So what can be withheld from us?  What would He deny us?  He answered the persistent widow.  He gave gifts to men, and He gives even now.  And now there is more grace, as sin has abounded, and abounds, and grace abounds all the more. Even in the time period of our own lives.  For if when we were enemies of Christ and were reconciled to Him, how much more shall we be saved, being in Him?

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    Sat, Sep 8th - 7:53PM

    Reigning with Christ

    *The service has deleted my first blogs to make room for the present ones, so if anyone has any question, email me at mercyseatrestingplace@yahoo.com

    In the Hebrew, ‘chattaah,’ is the first word for sin in the Bible, at Genesis 4:7.  It said that sin was out to get him, Cain, but that he should not let it.  ‘Chet’ was upon Christ, which is where ‘chattah’ comes from.  The difference between ‘chattaah’ and ‘chattah’  is before and after the committing of the sin.  The ‘chattaah’ then, is the enmity that happens once we know the sinful condition is trying to manifest, and are to do good.  Also, according to the flesh everyone under Adam was a Gentile.  Look at Paul's description of ‘Gentile’ in Ephesians.  And Israel means, "God prevails."  Reading on in Ephesians, it says, that both the law (Having the knowledge to do good or bad); and the condition (Gentile), is taken away, through Jesus' death.  Every sinful thing, He was made.  Even under the law, when they had incorruptible life upon them, the Spirit did wonderful things.  This is a part of what James was saying when he said that Elijah had a body like we do, and he was able to pray for rain to start and stop.  Now, in being able to have the Spirit inside of us, we may do more, not less. 

    Jezebel, through simplicity (Jezebel means ‘Baal exalts,’ and Baal means ‘lord.’  And the doctrine of Baal is the doctrine of simplicity, and so simplicity exalts Jezebel) makes it so that understanding is beyond man.  When it shouldn’t be.  As Jezebel desires to usurp men, and move women to, she wants to be in place of understanding, as false understanding.  This is how she operates for this: she gives them simplicity.  And then when people go to do something with what they have, they see that they either have to have the strength of their own hand, or simply say something like “God does it.”  So that whether someone is in their own power, or think they are in God’s, it is through her.  Jesus’ sacrifice, as shown above, from Ephesians, takes away the lie, and deception, that if things are confusing, then simplicity is the answer.  Because through Christ, we may have incorruptible life illuminate the knowledge of good and evil, knowing both what is good and bad, and be able to give glory to God, and love Him, which is obeying Him (Gospel of John).   

    There are references in the Bible which call the Holy Spirit an 'It,’ in the Hebrew, as in some places He is named in the neuter tense.  The Holy Spirit as “He’ is a symbol of authority, and as an ‘It,’ it is the Holy Spirit serving.  In serving, the one serving, and the one being served are equal, through submitting to each other, and accepting each other.  

    The neuter sense does not mean that there is no more creating, or male and female.  It is like Paul saying that in Christ we are neither male nor female.  In that, he was taking care of the problem, of anyone who isn’t married, feeling incomplete.  Because through Christ, anyone can be in the image of God, and not only partial and lacking.  The neuter sense, is the male and female together, as the image of God. 

    Men can serve, and submit, to their wives.  Just as Jesus served, and submitted to His bride. 

    And if anyone thinks they can't submit in this they should consider that all submission is to be to God.  And that anyone submitting to anyone else, is AS their bride.  In this way also, Elijah represents the bridegroom, and Elisha the bride.  And as the Spirit of Elijah is the Spirit of repentance, and a bridegroom has authority over his bride, the way to authority is repentance, preparing the way.

    We do not command the Spirit.  But when a person is one with the Spirit, and actually commanding or doing anything, then they are doing things of which God is acting, and they together with Him are commanding.   Remember also that Ezekiel prophesied to the breath.  

    God is in marriage, in every bit of it.  And it is loved and revered and wonderful.  And there is that dualism where God is in everything, and sometimes things are done where He has given us gifts and we are in them and enjoying them.  And He is in them too, and not selfish.  People who love pride and false humility and condemnation really want to make it out to be infatuation.  Notice those who don't make it: everything is about how condemned His creatures are.  And with the false followers, it is all about how we can't be like God.   

    When we command things that are godly, we command with Him.   

    God showed me that men are zeal, and women are openness.  And together they are intimate.  The noun.  And as they go to and fro they have intimacy.

    Satan tries to stop oneness through stubbornness.  Which is being like the mule.  Stubbornness is backsliding, as an ox, who will not tread.  

    Jezebel tries to discourage guys from zeal.  She tries to get people who she already rules over to run when God has not sent them.  Which is running ahead like the horse.  Men have authority, and so discouragement hurts authority, to take it away, that when there is authority, it is Jezebel’s.   

    Most of Jezebel’s ways are how she is going to rule over someone.  Simplicity is the bait, and ambiguity keeps someone with her. 

    With women, stubbornness is what is used to stop openness, and then comes the assignment to try to have them run ahead to usurp.  And the stubbornness is through un-forgiveness.

    With men running ahead it is the phallic symbol.  And with women it is Aphrodite.  The curse of man having the strength of his own hand, and how it is still humiliation, and Jezebellic, is that the strength isn’t really that strong.  What happen is that men come to be like Tammuz, and women Ishtar (Where the word Easter comes from, and why Easter is about bunnies).  Women as Ishtar is being like the stone which the builders refused.  BUT still staying with the husband if the husband ‘provides.’  When men are as Tammuz, then they don’t have God’s authority and zeal, as they are discouraged from it, however deceitfully, and they have Jezebel’s.  And this authority and zeal is only to ‘work.’

    The end of the phallic symbol, and Aphrodite, is that men and women can not completely know each other, like a false ‘echad.’      

    While there is still conscience, the struggle present is how men end up not understanding why they can’t be zealous, and women not wanting to trust and open up, in fear of being taken advantage of.  The end of these things, is that men and women decide to be zealous about nothingness, and so sacrifice in the clefts. 

    And so what needs to happen in marriage and even for the unmarried, but being complete in Christ; is that men need to be open to their wives, and or Christ.  And women need to be zealous for their husbands, and or Christ. 

    When Paul talks about how the married have problems that he would spare them, he is talking about the problems that come through this present distress: sin.  But he doesn’t speak against marriage, or oneness.  He doesn’t speak against couples really going for it, and finding completion in each other.   That is God’s gift.   Because as a man and women leave their father and mother, and the completeness that they had with Christ even being single; they can look to each other, in Christ, for completion.  That is the gift of marriage.  And then together look to Christ.

    Much of Paul’s discourse in 1 Corinthians 7 is enlightening people to the struggles which are in marriage. But he doesn’t discourage marriage.  In Hebrews it says that marriage is revered.  And honored.  And that includes going beyond the earthly, ‘marriage is good.’  Into real reverence.

    The problems in marriage come from not looking to each other with eternal love.  And if anyone doesn’t know if they have eternal love, ask!  

    It is not right for couples to find ways and doctrines which say to not love each other, and look to each other, and find completion in each other.  That is lukewarmness, and sacrificing in the clefts.

    In Christian marriages, if one person falls, the other one can hold them up.  And if two fall, then Christ holds them up.

    Individualism says that even in marriage, that we have to learn how to live alone.  That is not in the Bible anywhere, even outside of marriage.  Being individuals in God, and also working out one’s own salvation, is for unity, not individualism.  No one can be loving, if they are not either preparing to, or coming together with someone else.  

    Remember that in every sphere of godly love, that coming together to be one is the hope.

    Evil is finding doctrines which show individualism.  These are the doctrine of demons: individualism.

    The offense of the cross of Christ, is not that people want things in their lives, and so the cross is an offense to them.  The offense of the cross of Christ, is that people wrongfully think that they have to do evil so that good may come.  Like what happened with Jesus suffering and dying.  Which is another reason the Jews don’t want to believe in Him.  Jesus did what He did for Promises, and for His bride.  In Philippians, when it talks about the mind of Christ, it says that Christ did not consider it robbery to be equal with God.  It doesn’t say the opposite.  And then it goes on to say that even with that, He chose to die for love.  Being one with God, is being equal with Him.  Like I have said, being everything He is, except Him without Him.  So those to whom the cross is as offense, are those who don’t want to pour themselves out, even to the point of death, for love.   

    In Genesis 24 Abraham represents the Father, Isaac Jesus, and the servant the Holy Spirit.  The left represents the Holy Spirit, and the right Jesus.  The left represents serving, and the right honor.  In this also, wisdom is the left, and understanding the right.  People serve when they are hearing Him, which is wisdom, and receive honor and understanding through following Him, and it is understanding to gain wisdom. 

    The right hand is honor and life, and the left hand is riches, by acting (Taken from Proverbs regarding wisdom).  What are works?  They are the manifestations of our faith acting through love.  If I move my arm, that is a work, for example.  When the Bible talks about having works, it is always in the context of loving someone.  Hugs are works, and so on.

    In looking at the two ‘trinitys’ of the mind, the right and left may be seen.  The first is our thoughts, emotions, and feelings.  The second is our subconscious, conscious mind, and conscience.  We act through our thoughts, emotions, and feelings.  Which then also ‘fuels’ our subconscious, and so on. 

    How does a person know whether or not something is in Spirit and truth?  The Bible shows through Psalm 19, and also in 1 John 4, as God loves us first, that He is already seeking us.  The answer is to seek Him with our whole heart, because then we will find Him surely, as the Bible also says. 

    So in these things, we act by the Holy Spirit, and have the mind of the Christ.  And so are whole hearted in all that we do.  The mind of Christ is better understood, when we know that God is love, and Jesus died for love.  The Holy Spirit fills our thoughts, emotions, and feelings, with His fruits.  And the Spirit of Jesus Christ fills our subconscious, conscious mind, and conscience with His spoken Word.  And when these two things conceive, just as to and fro brings conception, then there is the fruit- everlasting life.  Us, the Spirit, Jesus, and the Father together, and bringing much glory.  In the OT, the priests had bells and pomegranates on their robes.  The bells represent His spoken word, and the pomegranates, the fruit of the Spirit. 

    Conception does not outweigh pleasure, as if procreation is the only end of to and fro.  Because there is procreation in the relationship, and oneness between two who are coming together.  That is how one seed enters in, but many seeds are dispersed.  The one seed, is the chosen seed, which represents everything being together, from the top on down.  Like God, Jesus, the Spirit, and then us.  Like a married couple, their children, and brotherly love.  The other seeds which do not enter in, as into the egg, are not vain.  They still carry everything that the chosen seed did.  And the two receive being one with each other in everything  The seeds which are dispersed resemble the broadness of God.  And broadness is not always bad.  Just because Jesus said that broad was the road to destruction.  David said that he has seen the consummation of all perfection, but that His commandment was exceedingly broad.  The other seeds and, and the broadness that David was talking about, was fullness. 

    Amos (NLT illuminates this too)describes the extent of falsehood, and the doctrine of demons.  The sin that leads to death is presumption.  And John said to not pray for those who are committing sin leading to death.  In Psalm 19, when David prayed regarding presumptuous sins, he wasn’t committing them.  After presumption has set in, then comes propagating falsehood.  Which ends in persecuting God’s chosen.  Here is Jezebel’s witchcraft: offense.  For example: “I don’t rule?”  With everything that happened with Christ, it said that He was not offended.  This is very important to being able to be ‘continually’ led by the Spirit.  As the word is in the Greek in Romans 8, pertaining to being children of God.  And was that not also the essence of 1 John?  When offense is overcome, then it is possible for love to be what motivates, moves, and prompts.

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    Sat, Sep 8th - 12:07AM

    The temple destroyed

    In 2 Thessalonians Paul did not know who the Antichrist was going to be.  That is why when he was talking about the revealing, the person of the Antichrist, was not known to him yet, though the revealing he is speaking about, was to the world.  And means that it is proven to them that he is the Antichrist. 

    Some theology says that Nero was the Antichrist, because his name can work out to be 666.  Because in the Greek, and Hebrew too, letters are used for numbers.  But John didn’t write 666, he wrote ‘Besmilah.’  And that the Tribulation started with Nero killing all of the Christians, and then the abomination of desolations started when the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.  In Matthew 24 and Mark 13, the disciples asked what the sign was going to be of the end, and of His coming.  That is what happened when the temple was destroyed. 

    The Bible shows in Daniel, that the Tribulation, and Great Tribulation can not come to pass until the prophecies in Daniel are unsealed.  And they were not unsealed in Paul's time, or in 70 A.D.  They saw the 'sign.' 

    Daniel shows how there are things that need to come to pass, until the Antichrist comes on the stage.  And the prophecies in Daniel are also linked to the prophecies in Revelation.  In Daniel the head of gold in Nebuchadnezzar's dream is Babylon .  And the shoulders are Medo-Persia, which was a split empire.  The mid section is Greece .  And the legs are Rome , just as Rome also was 'split' over the West, where Italy now is, and the Middle East .  Then from the Roman Empire , came the feet, which was the Muslim Empire.  And the toes come out of the Muslim Empire, and are the ten kings.  The Muslim Empire also dwelt in the West, just as Rome did, COMING out of the legs. 

    The four beasts in Daniel's visions explain where the Antichrist comes from.  The lion represented Babylon , just as it did in their day.  The leopard representing Greece , which conquered Medo-Persia very quickly.  And the fourth beast, Rome , which was very strong.  People say that the first beast can't be Babylon because it already was reigning, and the interpretation of the vision says 'will arise.'  But the word in the Hebrew for 'arise' means to get up in order to leave.  If you lay this vision as a transparency on top of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, you will see how they are not contradicting.  The ten horns out of the Roman Empire , are as the ten toes of the Muslim Empire.  This vision of Daniel’s shows the authority of the beasts.     

    Without Daniel's prophecies, then anything can be the Antichrist.  And without Daniel's prophecies then Revelation can just all be only symbolic.  And we can be in the Tribulation now, and even the 1,000 years.  Which is impossible, because that doesn’t agree with the prophecies in Daniel, nor Revelation and the rest of the Bible.  Thinking we are in the Tribulation and or 1,000 years are now, comes from only looking at signs.

    And again, people think that there can be no rapture, because of 2 Thessalonians 2.  If someone reads 2 Thessalonians 2 thinking that the “Day of Christ” is the only time He comes, then they use the next verse which says ‘that day’ as pertaining to Christ’s only coming.  When “Day of Christ” is actually “Day of the LORD” in the Greek, and is the ‘that day’ which is in verse 3 (though it doesn’t say “Day of the LORD” in the Greek when it says ‘that day,’ it just says ‘it’).  What happens in reading things like this, is that the only return of Christ, is after the Tribulation.  What I did with the NKJV, is show how the “Day of Christ” is the “Day of the LORD” and is the ‘that day’ mentioned.  Not the day of the rapture for the church.  But the day of the Second Coming for the Jews.  And why would they think that the “Day of the LORD” had already come, if there was no Second Coming yet?  Because the “Day of the LORD,” His wrath, encompasses from when His wrath begins, until it ends.  That is why the Second Coming could have been a hope for the Thessalonians, because Jesus would destroy their enemies. 

    It is not that the church has to go through the Tribulation, and then gets saved from His wrath, as if His wrath is only when He destroys the Antichrist.  His wrath begins when the Lamb opens the scroll.  And being in the lake of fire is not His wrath, like that is what we are saved from.  That is His judgment, and the wickeds’ punishment.  The lake of fire is where there is outer darkness.  Because the wicked have no hope.  Both the humans, and the angels.  Their souls are going to be eternally destroyed, over all of eternity.  They are never going to get what they want, and always have everything that they do have taken away from them.  That is having no hope, or peace, and having outer darkness.  They never get to receive anything good, thus it is ‘outer’ darkness.  And what could be the hope for their insides, is taken away, thus it is torture (And their insides don’t prosper either, they are forever in their own insufficiencies.)  That is the worm that never dies, and the fire that is never quenched.  Outer darkness is like a black hole.     

    Paul was not saying that there is no rapture, and Christ’s only coming is after the Tribulation.  What do you tell people who think they are in the Tribulation?  He told them what had to happen for the Tribulation to be happening.

    How could we be in the Tribulation, even now, even if someone says that when the temple was destroyed it was the abomination of desolations?  Where is His wrath that is in Revelation, even if it is only symbolic?  Who are the 144,000?  Which are supposed to be anointed before the abomination of desolation.  Where are the two witnesses?  70 A.D. was the ‘sign.’  Not the fulfillment of the abomination of desolation.

    Someone could say that the church is no different from the Jews and the rest of the world, as Jesus was killed, and that the church destined for the Tribulation.  Even though Paul said that the church was not.  Jesus came once, and was not accepted.  And then He ascended.  And then He was also even offered to the Gentiles.  Now, anyone may accept Him.  The Tribulation comes on the Jews and the Gentiles, because even after Jesus died, He is still offered with no wrath, and they don’t accept Him.  And the Tribulation comes because that comes to an end.  And God’s wrath comes, and He saves His remnant.    

    The Bible says that it is impossible for there to be the remission of sins without the shedding of blood.  It was impossible for Jesus to not die.  Why then is anyone accountable for rejecting Him, and Him having to die?  The fact that His own disciples left Him, shows how, even in receiving Him, without His death which is the sacrifice, so that our insides can be perfect, that no one could really be with Him.  Because without the perfect insides, they couldn’t really be, and stay in Him.  This is where the Jews, and also the occult come to hate Jesus.  Because He said He had to die, but then that we are accountable for Him dying, even us living nowadays, because our sins are why He had to die.  Jesus speaking about Israel ’s unfaithfulness to Him, was not vain, and it was not false humility, and it was not false discipline.  It was the EXTENT and FULFILLMENT of why He had to die.  Therefore the church, the ones who accept Him after His sacrifice, and those who won’t, whether Jews or Gentiles, are not the same.  As if we should all go through the Tribulation because it was our sins for which He had to die.  By accepting Him, we are saved from having to go through the Tribulation which is His wrath.  God never said that we have to go through His wrath to be saved, or brought to Him.  That is what people believe who think that now is the Tribulation, and or, the church goes through the Tribulation.  God says we have to accept Jesus to come to Him.  And it is the ones who don’t, when He is freely offered, and without wrath, even after His death, who go through His wrath, and the Tribulation.

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    Fri, Sep 7th - 1:09AM

    Fine Print

    Satan gives problems, and then solutions. 

    I have heard of the world and it's hardships being like a legal contract, that also has fine print.  But also my boast is that God and grace have fine print too.

    In knowing that the stars are signs, and looking at Bullinger's book on the stars, it be seen that God has the solution before there is a problem.  Our God is great!  Do you know what else that means?  It means that any kind of mess up, can’t mess us up!  Praise God! 

    Psalm 50:23
    23 Whoever offers praise glorifies Me;
    And to him who orders his conduct aright
    I will show the salvation of God.”

    He would love to hear this from people:
    Song of Songs 4:9
    You have ravished my heart
    With one look of your eyes,
    With one link of your necklace.

    Ordering conduct aright:
    Song of Songs 2:14
    "in the clefts of the rock,
    In the secret places of the cliff,
    Let me see your face,
    Let me hear your voice;
    For your voice is sweet,
    And your face is lovely.”

    Psalm 66:18
    If I regard iniquity in my heart,
    The Lord will not hear.

    Let me talk about that verse Psalm 66:18:

    Proverbs 2:1-5 (5 the number for creativity)
    1 My son, if you receive my words,
    And treasure my commands within you,
    2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom,
    And apply your heart to understanding;
    Hope (don't cast it off->don't stop, go->faith)      
    3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment,
    And lift up your voice for understanding,
    Hidden chambers (Worship Him with memories, and His quiet waters)      
    4 If you seek her as silver,
    And search for her as for hidden treasures;
    5 Then you will understand the fear of the LORD ("What I want is no one to judge, I want the heart"),
    And find the knowledge of God.

    From Matthew 6:33
    But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these (Provisions) things shall be added to you.

    This sounds like this:

    Psalm 27:4
    One thing I have desired of the LORD,
    That will I seek:
    That I may dwell in the house of the LORD
    All the days of my life,
    To behold the beauty of the LORD,
    And to inquire in His temple.

    Does this mean that I find out how low I am, and also how God just wants me to learn how everything is not about me?

    I have heard love described as having a crush.  Like always thinking about him, or her, or God. 

    Where does love come from, and what is love?  God!  We also are the apple of His eye.  It works out so that because of, through, in, and with God, that it is always about us.  Humility is not how it is not about me, no.  I remember that it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom.


    From Romans 14:17
    kingdom of God...(is) righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

    If the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, why in Matthew 6 did Jesus say to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness?  Well, first of all God is love.  That means from what I have shown here that it is about me.  So this righteousness and peace and joy is mine.  I am with Him.  This is the Sabbath, at rest and feasting.  This is all things.  So this is what I seek.  Not rules, not laws, not to be the best in front of people.  And now, I also seek His righteousness.  Which is returning His love.    

    Back to Proverbs 2:

    My son (Or daughter) (He calls us His children.  This is after us having His love, righteousness, peace, and joy; as shown in the next verse when He says "If you receive my words," and the fact that He is naming us as His children),

    if you receive my words, (We love Him because He first loved us.  That is love.  If we really receive Him, this is what it is.  Even between spouses.  It's not that I deface myself, and then we both do that, and then we come together and try to find out how we can do things with having the least amount of love for ourselves because of what we think the logos says.  No, this means that I have been so loved, my every fiber has been touched, and I have been given things, great and precious promises; and also I have been given my heart's desires, because He loves me, not because I worked or I made sure I brought myself low enough to where it was not about me.  I have been given everything that I have ever wanted in Him.  And now I want to love Him.  He loved me.  There is no guilt, or shame, or condemnation like I should have done this or that first.  No, He loved me; and since I have been touched, and have everything I have ever wanted in Him; I love Him.)

    And treasure my commands within you, (His word is not always His command, and the other way around.  He commands us to save us from thinking that we aren't going to prosper.  In the Navy, when they call "Parade rest" no one moves until 'rest.'  His commands then are also connected to Him coming to pass.  Just as when He commanded Joshua saying "Have I not commanded you?"  It meant that it was going to happen no matter what, as He doesn’t command anything impossible.  And what about Him commanding Adam and Eve?  They ate the fruit after they were subjected, and not before, which was the purpose of His command.  Because knowing what is right and wrong, without the incorruption to be able to succeed, leads to willfully sinning and falling away.  And that is what God saved them from, and did for them.  God commanded Joshua to do something, and Adam and Eve not to.  This is the difference between having incorruptible life, and not having it.  And under the law, they had it upon them, though still not inside of them, but followed the law, and were awakened to God, just as the law is spiritual.  But Adam and Eve didn't even have the knowledge of good and evil to do this.  They were subjected to futilityu.  This isn't Sadistic, or false humility, but in real love, there is actually the desire to want to know what the other person wants, and do it.  In John 3, in the Greek, it says that men agapeo'd darkness.  And so if agapeo is God's love, how is that possible?  Even if they took what was supposed to be God's love, how did they love darkness with God's love specifically.  Technically, everything belongs to God, but it is impossible to love darkness with God.  A better interpretation of agapeo is 'what my heart treasures most.'  People quote the four greek words for love, as if it is real wisdom.  It isn't.  And they love it because they see a difference, in the words, between spousal love, and God's love.  And they think there isn't going to be marriage in heaven.  God's commands give the opportunity for 'the love song.'  And for us to love Him no matter what, as His command also means that His Promises are going to come to pass no matter what.  Just because the unprofitable fell away, does not mean that God's Promises aren't sure.  He knows, as He is the beginning and the end, that there is nothing that can not keep us from His Promises.  The unprofitable pass up on that.)  

    2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom (I am fulfilling my love of Him, and accepting Him for who He is.  The wisdom is that good and perfect gift.  It is what will lead me to fulfillment.  The wisdom, is that this is real, and this is God.)

    And apply your heart to understanding; (This is like David telling Solomon that in all your getting [wisdom], get understanding!  That is the abundantly above all that we could ask or think!  And understanding is easy: it is that thing that I want-> it's also with Jesus, and nothing is compromised.  And the application is: I apply myself, and I can do that because God has loved me, and now I also really can love myself.)

    3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment, (Here is what I love, it is the complete and total pouring out.  I have already received abundantly above all that I could ask or think.  Now is the Spirit of Joash [Do what he should have done.  He was crushed when he saw he messed up.  He did beat the ground three times.  To me, really, that was abundantly above all that he could ask or think.  He had the will to do what was good, but did not know how to perform it, as Paul says in Romans 7.]  I believe there is a lesson here.  It is that word for cry in Romans 8 when Paul talks about our spirit crying “Abba Father.”  Which means that I am being filled, and I cry out for more.  So in concept this is us getting to now stand with God.  We were at the ‘low’ place.  Though it might not seem low because we were still receiving things.  It was low because He is greater than us, and serves us, and gives to us.  Now we get to come to the high place.  It’s the high place because we are asking for more.  Which David had with God.  High places are evil when God isn't in them.  So God gave the abundantly above all that we could ask or think, by loving us first, and giving us to return that love.  Which is also wonderful, as giving is greater than receiving.  How is that for love?  It is love and godly, to share ourselves?  Now we stand with Him, and ask for even more.)

    And lift up your voice for understanding, (This is how to cry: ask.)      

    4 If you seek her as silver, (Silver is the material which symbolizes redemption.  Silver gleams, and when it does it has a sharpness.  This symbolizes being able to do what I want, and it being in God!) 

    And search for her as for hidden treasures; (Like the woman in Luke 15; spare no expense; without shame.  It is not shameful to have fervent desire of which nothing will keep me from achieving.)

    5 Then you will understand the fear of the LORD,
    And find the knowledge of God.

    Going on…

    2 Timothy 2:15
    present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 

    (Because it is about love!  Not some law!)

    The word of truth divides into three parts: the Father, the Spirit, and the Son.  The past, the present, and the future.  Love, faith, and hope.  Love, joy, and peace.  Patience, kindness, and goodness.  Faithfulness, Gentleness, and self-control.  Love, truth, and peace.  Immortality, incorruption; and everlasting life.  Also it is wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  Married couples are wisdom and understanding, and together with God they are knowledge.  There is His death, sufferings, and blood; for John 15:13, Hebrews 12:1-2, and Colossians 1:20.  There is belief, believing, and promise.  There is praise, strength, and joy.  (Out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants He has ordained strength and perfected praise; and the joy of the LORD is my strength).  There is spirit, soul, and body.  Our mind is made up of three parts: there is the thoughts ('nous' a Greek word for mind: makeup, thoughts), emotions, and feelings.  In the Hebrew there are also three words for the mind: the kilyah which divides into two parts: the reins, and the kidneys.  Which is symbolic of the subconscious, and the conscious mind.  And there is also the ruwach, which is symbolic of the spirit of the mind.  And the lebab which is the conscience, and the inner man of which Paul speaks about.  And I think the most important part of this word is 'seat.'  And that also goes with the mercy (being allowed to receive no matter what) seat.  The high and lofty place is where we get to sit and enjoy and rest and have courage, which can be seen in the ‘lebab.’

    In talking about the mind; with the reins, the kidneys, and the spirit; past, present, and future can also be seen here.  Reins comes from like a horse.  And when a person is riding, they are going from where they were, to where they are, and where they are going.  (Notice that even the past contains all three.  I was going to point that out.  DNA is godly.  It is okay to be a doctor, but not divide the word of truth?  [If this is Christian Science, and evil, then no one should send their kids to school.]  This goes for the entire trinity.)  Kidneys in the body represent the organ of all of our wellness.  This means that no matter what we are worshiping God in the present.  And that is possible through the cross, with God's Promises.  Because even when we have sin, we are carrying our cross.  The offense of the cross that Paul spoke of, was seeing outward sin, and thinking that there is nothing good then internally, for what is happening.  And Paul also spoke about how people gloried in their shame.  Which was glorying, in being a sinner.  Which is what is happening when someone thinks they can't be one with God.  The spirit is like our hope.  And also it is where our depths come from. 

    Also these three things apply to our body a different way.  (Healing too).  The blood, our body, our water.  The blood is moving like a horse is moving (acting), and the body is like an organ.  And the water sustains us, and is what we thirst for.   

    What we divide the word of truth with is the sword of the Spirit.

    Hebrews 4:12
    the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    What is the sword of the Spirit?  The Word of God.  The word of truth is what we are to be grafted into.  And the sword of the Spirit, is doing it with, by, through, of, and in God.  The Word of God is Jesus.  And He is God.  And what is God?  Love! 

    The love of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, giving even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart

    And I receive every good and perfect gift.

    This means that I can get through anything; and without law- with love!  And in Him, always have victory.   

    God is the past, present, and future, and all of those at the same time.  Eternity doesn't mean that there is something about Him we can't know.  Or that He is somewhere we will never be able to be.  What the past, present, and future all being at the same time means, is that what I am doing right now: is what I want, and it is God (Obviously what God does is godly).  Just as He was creating eternally, and is, and always will be.  And also just as Jesus coming in the flesh, which was what He wanted to do, and how much He loves us.

    Proverbs 3:9-10
    9 Honor the LORD with your possessions,
    And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
    10 So your barns will be filled with plenty,
    And your vats will overflow with new wine.

    Honoring the LORD with our possessions is what we are doing when we are loving.  The firstfruits is love, the barns filled with plenty is faith, just as faith is possessing His Promises, and the new wine and overflowing is hope, which does not disappoint.  

    Honoring Him with my possessions also means that I start with what He gives me.  And He doesn't give nothing.  And it isn't that He has given me stuff, and I am lucky to be alive.  That is not love, nor discipline.  To worship Him, it has to be in Spirit and truth.  Discipline means changing.  His rod is His Word, and His staff His Spirit.  The only way we can receive His Word is by His Spirit, because He wants relationshiop.  And not just talking back and forth, but real communion.  He is personal, just as the Holy Spirit is a person, and the unforgiveable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit, not being willing to be one with God, and have that be by the Holy Spirit, and Him as a Person.  Honoring God is that I don't walk around thinking I am a sinner!  "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear."  I honor God through love, and not vain and empty love.  What we have when He gives us His talent, when we accept Him, is being like Him, perfect.  God doesn't hear the prayers of anyone who isn't being one with Him.  

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    Thu, Sep 6th - 11:26PM


    The virginity that a woman has before marriage is 'having never known a man.'  And the virginity after being married, is in knowing no one else but her husband.  And the same is for men.  But that also doesn't mean that after someone isn't a virgin anymore, that they can't have marriage or monogamy, and in Christ.  And it also doesn't mean that there is no marriage in heaven, because we are Christ's virgin bride.  There are only four living creatures and not seven, because there is no spousal relationship between brothers and sisters.  Brothers and sisters can be AS a bride, since everyone in the body of Christ is one.  And married couples are still brothers and sisters.  But not all brothers and sisters are married, and have the same name, and a name which no one else knows.  And married couples have the same name, and a name which no one else knows, as they are one flesh.

    We are promised many generations.  Someone might say that marriage in heaven, and on the new earth would denote infinite generations, but this is not exactly right.  Look at how Boaz married Ruth, and David also came from them, and Ruth was a Moabite.  My point is that because a married couples children intermarry, and in the New heaven and New earth, we can't have infinite generations. 

    Oral sex is not a part of godly relationship, but 'french kissing' is not wrong.  Though someone could use Song of Solomon to say that oral sex is okay.  Someone could also say that it isn't, but Song of Solomon is symbolic, when she is speaking about her pomegranate, and then also, that 'french kissing' is wrong because it is symbolic.  But in looking at the specifics and concepts, the roof of the mouth is literal, and the drinking is symbolic.  While the pomegranate is symbolic itself.  Oral sex comes from the sinful flesh's desires to fill something that can't be filled without God.  And the godly thing is not evil.  Which is to know one's spouse completely.  This actually is reconciled in God, and without false humility.  As it means that the couple seek each other in the Spirit, and so may know each other completely.  As who they are, and not just with things being based on the body.  And it isn't that sex is like this, as some kind of lesson.  It is like this, because to seek, takes the imagination.  And the imagination is not things which aren't real.  Sex without God, isn't eternal.  The feelings, emotions, and thoughts.  And with these things, it is impossible, in any kind of sexual relations without God to know anyone completely.    

    The body represents what is spiritual.  The physical is the representation of the spiritual.  Just as in Hebrews 11:3.  The flesh is the manifestation of the spiritual.  When God created in Genesis 1:1-2, it was the imagination.  Everything from Genesis 1:3 unto Adam and Eve in the Garden after the seventh day is the soul.  God does have a soul, and it is in the Bible.  After Adam and Eve were in the Garden, after the seventh day, that is the body.  Just like love, faith, hope; and spirit, soul, body.  And the way that Adam and Eve were created even physically, before being in the Garden after the seventh day, and way that the eigth day represents the body still; is that God created the spiritual first, just like how He imagined it first, and then it took physical form.  And so Adam and Eve being created before the eigth day is this physical testimony, representation, and symbol.  Which is the ongoing glory of the spiritual.  

    Like I said, symbolic things and literal things have to interpreted correctly.  

    Here is a poem I wrote regarding some of what I have written here (I wrote it a while ago):

    The seed of a kiss
    as drinking of the pomegranate
    spiritually all remains true
    never forsaking "I love you"
    physically representations
    pass through
    as covenant seals
    and is forever renewed

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    Thu, Sep 6th - 10:37PM


    There is a point, when evil falls into it’s own pit, no matter how strong. What happens is that their own lip gets pulled over their own head. That is like the wicked, never being able to enter God's sphere. Every time they try to come near to Him, they have no idea where they are. Because darkness can not comprehend the light. What happens with Jezebel, is that if Leviathan is taken away, with the hook in his jaw, then Jezebel can't do anything. This is why submitting to God is so good. And this is why endurance is so good. Just like the early church, just like Israel and Judah, and David. Jezebel submitted to Rahab, and onec he is gone, she is left out cold. Just like how she died. Leviathan is who protects Jezebel. He protects her, she gets Babylon, and she moves people to worship him. So by submitting, Leviathan gets taken out of the way, before Jezebel can do something on her own. Just like how Elijah did it, and just like how it happens with the Antichrist and the false prophet. They fall into their own pit. Their own pride kills them. Jezebel's pride is that she doesn't entertain the latter end of things. And so with Jezebel things may take 'longer,' as opposed to something else, who actually believes in something. But it really doesn’t take longer, because that is by sight, which is as a non-existent thing, and we have to gain back what was lost. And even then, it isn't that much longer. Submitting to God is how to let the roots keep growing. And submitting is also how to let His anchor be sure and steadfast. Praise God!

    Jezebel is in cahoots with Leviathan, and though she was married to Ahab, she was only using him. And thus she was in adultery. And Leviathan moves people to worship darkness, having pride, and so with Jezebel leading people that way, she really isn’t being unfaithful to Leviathan.

    In reading about Jehovah, consider what Jehovah means: “Self-existing one.” And also consider it’s interpretation: “I have the promises of God.”

    2 Kings 9:1-13
    1 And Elisha (God is salvation) the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets, and said to him, “Get yourself ready, take this flask of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth Gilead (Ramoth is ‘Heights’, and Gilead ‘rocky region’). 2 Now when you arrive at that place, look there for Jehu (Jehovah is He) the son of Jehoshaphat (Jehovah has judged), the son of Nimshi (rescued), and go in and make him rise up from among his associates, and take him to an inner room. 3 Then take the flask of oil, and pour it on his head, and say, ‘Thus says the LORD: “I have anointed you king over Israel (God prevails).”’ Then open the door and flee, and do not delay.”
    4 So the young man, the servant of the prophet, went to Ramoth Gilead. 5 And when he arrived, there were the captains of the army sitting; and he said, “I have a message for you, Commander.”
    Jehu said, “For which one of us?”
    And he said, “For you, Commander.” 6 Then he arose and went into the house. And he poured the oil on his head, and said to him, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘I have anointed you king over the people of the LORD, over Israel. 7 You shall strike down the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel. 8 For the whole house of Ahab shall perish; and I will cut off from Ahab all the males in Israel, both bond and free. 9 So I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah. 10 The dogs shall eat Jezebel on the plot of ground at Jezreel (God sows), and there shall be none to bury her.’” And he opened the door and fled.
    11 Then Jehu came out to the servants of his master, and one said to him, “Is all well? Why did this madman come to you?”
    And he said to them, “You know the man and his babble.”
    12 And they said, “A lie! Tell us now.”
    So he said, “Thus and thus he spoke to me, saying, ‘Thus says the LORD: “I have anointed you king over Israel.”’”
    13 Then each man hastened to take his garment and put it under him on the top of the steps; and they blew trumpets, saying, “Jehu is king!”

    At this point, the authority in Israel was established over Leviathan. And Israel and Judah were not split. Pride is the sin which starts it all. And pride is not to be seen through false humility, as if ‘everyone has it.’ Like there is no perfect church. That is not what Paul was preaching.

    2 Kings 9:14-29
    14 So Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat, the son of Nimshi, conspired against Joram (Jehovah is exalted). (Joram had been defending Ramoth Gilead, he and all Israel, against Hazael (one who sees God) king of Syria (‘Edomite,’ ‘exalted’; also Edom represents the world). 15 But King Joram had returned to Jezreel to recover from the wounds which the Syrians had inflicted on him when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.) And Jehu said, “If you are so minded, let no one leave or escape from the city to go and tell it in Jezreel.” 16 So Jehu rode in a chariot and went to Jezreel, for Joram was laid up there; and Ahaziah (Jehovah holds, possesses) king of Judah had come down to see Joram.
    17 Now a watchman stood on the tower in Jezreel, and he saw the company of Jehu as he came, and said, “I see a company of men.”
    And Joram said, “Get a horseman and send him to meet them, and let him say, ‘Is it peace?’”
    18 So the horseman went to meet him, and said, “Thus says the king: ‘Is it peace?’”
    And Jehu said, “What have you to do with peace? Turn around and follow me.”
    So the watchman reported, saying, “The messenger went to them, but is not coming back.”
    19 Then he sent out a second horseman who came to them, and said, “Thus says the king: ‘Is it peace?’”
    And Jehu answered, “What have you to do with peace? Turn around and follow me.”
    20 So the watchman reported, saying, “He went up to them and is not coming back; and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously!”
    21 Then Joram said, “Make ready.” And his chariot was made ready. Then Joram king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah went out, each in his chariot; and they went out to meet Jehu, and met him on the property of Naboth the Jezreelite. 22 Now it happened, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, “Is it peace, Jehu?”
    So he answered, “What peace, as long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so many?”
    23 Then Joram turned around and fled, and said to Ahaziah, “Treachery, Ahaziah!” 24 Now Jehu drew his bow with full strength and shot Jehoram (Jehovah is exalted, past tense) between his arms; and the arrow came out at his heart, and he sank down in his chariot. 25 Then Jehu said to Bidkar (with a stab) his captain, “Pick him up, and throw him into the tract of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite; for remember, when you and I were riding together behind Ahab his father, that the LORD laid this burden upon him: 26 ‘Surely I saw yesterday the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons,’ says the LORD, ‘and I will repay you in this plot,’ says the LORD. Now therefore, take and throw him on the plot of ground, according to the word of the LORD.”
    27 But when Ahaziah king of Judah saw this, he fled by the road to Beth Haggan. So Jehu pursued him, and said, “Shoot him also in the chariot.” And they shot him at the Ascent of Gur (Sojourning), which is by Ibleam (devouring the people). Then he fled to Megiddo (Place of crowds), and died there. 28 And his servants carried him in the chariot to Jerusalem, and buried him in his tomb with his fathers in the City of David. 29 In the eleventh year of Joram the son of Ahab, Ahaziah had become king over Judah.

    Here are the strongholds that Jezebel had, because of Leviathan. Remember that Jezebel only reigned because of Ahab. Showing how Satan’s character can only reign when it is allowed. And when Satan tempted Adam and Eve, they were subjected to futility. And remember that Ahab sinned in ignorance, and repented, he is not the unprofitable servant. He was saved, as through fire. Therefore Jezebel's strength was in not entertaining the latter end of things. As she calls herself powerful, but needed someone else to give her the power. But her not entertaining the latter end of things, allows her to not feel powerless. When Hazael was anointed according to God's word to Elijah, then God took all of the authority from the world, and also took back what the world had against God, as His people had sinned. What they had against God and His people is like: "Why are you judging us then?"

    2 Kings 9:30-37
    30 Now when Jehu had come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she put paint on her eyes and adorned her head, and looked through a window. 31 Then, as Jehu entered at the gate, she said, “Is it peace, Zimri (my music), murderer of your master?” (Zimri was the king who reigned in Judah by killing the present king when he was drunk. And Jehu was the prophet who told the king of Israel he would die for his wickedness, and is the same Jehu as seen above.)
    32 And he looked up at the window, and said, “Who is on my side? Who?” So two or three eunuchs looked out at him. 33 Then he said, “Throw her down.” So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses; and he trampled her underfoot. 34 And when he had gone in, he ate and drank. Then he said, “Go now, see to this accursed woman, and bury her, for she was a king’s daughter.” 35 So they went to bury her, but they found no more of her than the skull and the feet and the palms of her hands. 36 Therefore they came back and told him. And he said, “This is the word of the LORD, which He spoke by His servant Elijah (My God is Jehovah) the Tishbite (captivity), saying, ‘On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel; 37 and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as refuse on the surface of the field, in the plot at Jezreel, so that they shall not say, “Here lies Jezebel.”’”

    Jezebel often is like what she said to Jehu, when she said "Is it peace?" Because she tried to puff him up with pride, and then pull the carpet out from under him. By calling him the murderer of the king of Israel. Because the king of Israel had died, and the king of Judah, Zimri, had killed the former king of Judah, by murdering him; and Jehu had been the one to tell the king of Israel he would die. She also humiliated him by calling Zimri his master, like he was a dog. Zimri was selfish with what he did to be king, hence his name. Once all of Jezebel's strongholds were gone, then she died. And she died by being cast down, never again to be seated at the high and lofty place. And then only her hands and feet and skull remained. Just as she usurped regarding how men walked, worked, and humiliating their authority, or position. Just like what was done to Jesus.

    Jezreel then was back under the LORD's command, under Jehu: Jehovah is He. Showing that God's authority was again in man, just as Adam means man and Adam and Eve were to represent God. Nabath was vindicated, as also Able's blood cried out to God. Nabath means fruit. And so the fruit in Jezreel was restored. Jezreel meaning: God sows.

    Leviathan gave Jezebel to be a fake god. That is what Joram means. And through Jezebel the knowledge of God was taken away. As it is with simplicity. And without His knowledge we can't praise Him, as we have to praise Him with understanding. And we are praising Him for His Promises, and His prophecies, and His love. Hence, the fake then also in Ahaziah, which means: Jehovah holds, possesses. And Judah means praise. In the Psalms also it talks some about how God gives us to praise Him. Like how David asked God to ‘let’ him, and give him to praise Him.

    This is the bride having victory, because there was a problem, which got in the way of being one with God. The body’s victory is in accepting Him. And that victory is continue through knowing we have always been with Him, and then being with Him continually.

    Hades is against men, and Death women. Hades humiliates men, and Death takes away the glory of the woman. Victory overcomes Hades, and life Death. If people do not accept Jesus, and continue with Him, they allow falsehood, and also near falling away. Falsehood is a false peace. It is like how the white horse in Revelation 6 comes before Jesus on the white horse, how there is the counterfeit before the real, though the real always existed, just not physically. This happens, because in the time when He is supposed to be accepted, the unfaithful choose what is false, so that they don’t have to give up the corruption they have, and have their darkness exposed. And this evil is supplanted by coming up with how the falsehood is still acceptable, hence: false humility. And so what is the answer when men are humiliated, and women’s glory is taken away? Is it to settle? In 1 Peter 5:10 settling was the last things that happened. After being perfected, established, and strengthened, which is available even now, and not ‘just’ ‘laid’ up in heaven. In marriage and love, when the man, is humiliated, so is the woman. And when the woman’s glory is taken away, so is the man’s.

    The art of war can be summed up in one theme: the enemy's strength is his weakness, and our weakness' are our strengths. So the enemy isn't tall, and strong, we are small and agile. And we aren't small and powerless, the enemy is tall and slow.

    Submission and sacrifice is not about not wanting things, it is about wanting things. False submission and sacrifice lets go of hope. Which is what happened to those who fell in the wilderness and shall never enter into His rest. They cast His Words, His love, faith, and hope behind them.

    Letting go of hope is like saying: "If you let something go and it comes back to you, it was meant to be."

    Abraham had concubines, and he sent them away to the east. Which is where I believe, and have been told Eastern religion comes from. Which is the closest to Christianity, but without the truth. Having a type of the depth, but not it's fullness. They had Abraham's teachings, but they became slighted. The spirituality of the great people of God was not that they sacrificed hope. And it isn't that knowledge only puffs up. Knowledge without sincerity puffs up. And the genuinity of love is what builds up. Which says that "Without ‘you,’ I don't want it." And so thinking that Abraham, and Job, and other great men of God, didn't have and teach and give knowledge is not right.

    And so even as Jesus died on the cross, it isn't that we should give ourselves over to losing hope. And even try to say that we are committing things to the LORD, and that is us doing what He did as He committed His Spirit to the Father. Many people ask in regards to things which are gifts: "Did God give that?" But they fail to recognize that when they let go of gifts, that they don't ask if God asked them to do that. So sacrifice isn't about letting go. Though it can look like that.

    And patience isn't the answer here. Patience is a fruit, that has no pain. Just as the fruits of the Spirit. There is pain in longsuffering, and perseverance. But the motivation to quit is of the sinful flesh. And the pain is conscience towards the good.

    But pain isn't sinful, and it isn't our perfected selves either. It is just as Christ died also for those who were with Him, but scattered, just as He also died for those who weren't with Him at first, in the flesh, as the disciples. Pain is the fruit of unbelief. Which is present because of sin’s yearning. But pain in itself is not sinful, as it is only present because of conscience towards God.

    So the pain comes from seeing that we can even sacrifice ourselves for those who have been with us, and fell. Which is going beyond the good of dying for what never fully came, into the best of dying, even though He could have just said He didn't want to. Like, not wanting to because even those who were close left Him. That is like the paper cut of sacrifice. The pain is taking on even what never was completely there yet, and still completing things. Which is the beginning of then laying down one’s life for those who weren’t there in the beginning. So it wasn't complete yet, though the disciples had accepted Jesus as the Messiah. They still left Him when He was persecuted at the end. And in that distance there is pain. Which is the good being abandoned, but being overcome by the incorruptible and the better. Which in Spirit and heart was always present.

    And the better chooses to still build the good, even though it wasn't good enough to have stayed during the hard times. And not being discouraged or shrinking and drawing back, because of what lacked.

    Endurance is getting through it. But endurance isn't taking the pain. It is making sure that the pain doesn’t compromise the sensitivity. That is the cross of Christ. Not being hard, but making sure that the sufferings don't make us jaded. Even as jade represents life, being green. Jaded means taking life and saying "Whatever." Does that please God? Is that what He wants to hear? "Whatever happens in not receiving Your gift, I am open for. But whatever happens in receiving it, I am not?"

    If someone is going to have their flesh be given over death in losing hope, and their flesh become the sin of nothingness, then they better be sure that they are at the end of the 'cross walk.' Or the tail is going to come around on them.

    The cat in Egyptian idolatry was the guardian of the underworld, or Hell. And cats are feline.

    Should the impurity of a woman reign over the underworld?

    When male represents victory, and female life? As Hell humiliates men, and death women.

    No, we should have the art of love. Which is finding out how to unite still.

    The seed of woman means that without the woman, there would be no seed, or conception. And that is how much God loves us, as we are His Spirit's hope. (Love, faith, hope; spirit, soul, body).

    But there is a point in oneness also where the bridegroom is for the bride. Though Paul confirms that woman was made for man. The man's body is also for the woman. I as a man, don't want to not be able to love, but only expect love. It is the necklace of the groom and the crown of the bride to do as they would have done unto them. The woman encompasses the man. Just as a married couple will encompass Jesus on His throne, as two cherubs. But also as the bride of Christ, is it that I never shall be encompassed by Him? That is the laziness and wickedness of trying to just like to be His bride (echad), and have the benefits of being His body (Yachid), so that we don't have to do anything.

    Also, the desires of the heart are what enter in. And so as a groom to a human bride, I am also for her. And in that, then she is as the groom. Male and female isn't blue and red, and it isn't only pink either. There is the echads, and there is the yachid, but there is also the time in-between. And it is in this time that many sacrifice in the clefts. Not wanting to be as their spouse, as their gender. But Christ is the completeness of the Godhead, though He is like the bride of the Father, and the Spirit also, though He is like the members of male and female, and equal. And so I as the bride of my wife may conceive her acceptance of my love. Which is like having love returned. Which it should be, as David spoke. And in this also, as the woman must accept the husband's love, and return it, in returning it, she is as giving the seed. And this is the in-between, where we should be looking to each other. This is the exchange of fluids. Like in kissing. And 'French kissing' isn't wrong. As in Song of Solomon the roof of her mouth was for her lover.

    It is not complicated, but is wise to be complete. And the simple, and foolish don't want completion. So they never come to wisdom, and have understanding and knowledge.

    Paul speaks about things in His letters, and repeats himself, and in different ways. That is like God being single, even when He is doing something new before what He started with is finished.

    Like how the seven churches still repeat themselves within the position of demonic possession, as I have talked about, and it having four stages (pride, false humility, getting up to leave, and spilling it’s intestines). And again, denominations are evil spirits. That is one example.

    But it is not unsound to make a point, and then explain it again. Like how the art of war did. Like how at once I can say "I am not small," and then again I can say that "'You are slow."

    What this is, is loving, when it is in the art of love. Because it is not only allowing myself to be loved, but loving my spouse. Letting her love me, and loving her.

    Simplicity wants to get rid of this. Just like how complication came in, and as the counterfeit, and then people run to simplicity, missing wisdom. If simplicity reigns, than in the in-between place between echad, and yachid, love is sacrificed. And it may sound holy to sacrifice love, but it is not.

    There are altars in heaven, but there isn't going to be any more killing after the New heaven and new earth. And so sacrifice doesn't just mean that I don't get what I want, but let someone else, or God have what they want. No, it means that things get stretched. Just like the scroll, and just like circumcision, and the egg of a woman accepting the seed of a man. So patience is not about sacrificing wants and love. And sacrifice isn't about not wanting anything, or just giving preference because "I am supposed to be nothing."

    (And pain isn't the doorway to life. Like there can't be any creating without pain. Glorified creations may create with pain. So after glorification, dividing the word (dividing the word is ‘me’ being grafted in), and being grafted in, doesn't have to be through pain. And we can also plead that, according to having His foreknowledge in us.)

    No, I allow myself, and not by Jezebel, but by love, to be grafted in, through accepting God, and my spouse. And then this is abundantly above all that could be asked or thought, as I also then return the love I received.

    Children are content. God goes abundantly above this and gives them things. In puberty, the knowledge of good and evil, there is pain, but God goes abundantly above it all not patronizing, and also assuring of hope. In life, God goes abundantly above as I can still marvel and have child likeness, and know what I am doing. And not only receive love, but return it.

    Repentance, and penitence is about this. Not about condemnation. And not about confessing that we are sinners. It is about uniting. Being grafted into, and also grafting into the other.

    Should we worship the phallic symbol and have it rule over us on the earth? The phallic symbol is the god of gaining the strength of one’s own hand. And the ‘cat’ and the phallic symbol do offer deliverance from the perils and corruption of Hell and earth, just not for good.

    Egypt's worship of the cat as the guardian of the underworld first makes the mistake of blaming Eve for the fall. And then also when that fails, it says that all humans are condemned because they rebelled, whether it was Eve or Adam's fault. This kind of condemnation is in the church too. Like when people start trying to go off on Adam and Eve, and their rebellion and pride, and David's mistakes. Really, people are running into that condemnation because they aren't really going to God. Because they don't really want to come to the light. So the answer is to condemn, so that the risk of conviction can be outweighed. Falsely balancing everything. Conviction says to come and receive. And some people don't really want to receive the good, they just don't want the bad consequences. And so condemnation suffices. 'And who can say that anyone is wrong for 'holding' anyone accountable, if there was sin?'

    Love gets missed though, and all that happens, is a clanging judgment (Brass symbolizes judgment). So we can have grace to not have accountability, and then works so that we can not be like the 'others?' And how do we compel good works? Condemnation? Because if we don't, we will have bad consequences?

    God's plan offers something totally different. He comes to us in our filthiness, and then offers the goodness, but by the heart the whole time. And then, through esteeming the heart, we can have the goodness in the flesh. Adam and Eve only had the knowledge of good, and failed through Satan. David had the knowledge of good and evil, under the law, and failed through Satan. Ever read how Satan moved David to take the census? I have commented before on how David's sin with Urriah and Bathsheba was the counterpart of what happened to him. Peter failed with the knowledge of life. Really confirming the doctrine of condemnation. First that suffering and dying is not in Christ, as Christ had to rebuke him for not believing in His future sacrifice. Which is the heart of the spirit of the world. Saying that bleeding for love is foolishness, and doesn't offer the proposed gift. Accountability lessens in graceful condemnation, because we can't be disappointed if we don't believe in something. And then it is like when God does move, it is "Glory to God!" When really someone still hasn't fully come to the truth. Like the parable of the two sons, and also the horse and the mule. Man fails when God says to "Stop." And he fails when God says to "Go." So the reality of the sinful condition must then be true right? There is even proof! This is the depths of Satan, which is with Thyatira. Leading to Laodicea also. The walk with God is being one with Him, not running ahead as the horse, or being stubborn like the mule, along with not turning away from Him, either to the right or to the left. It is not being one with Him which leads to turning to the right or to the left, away from Him.

    Adam and Eve sinned because without the knowledge of good and evil, they didn’t know what to do. David sinned with Bathsheba because there was nothing else left to do, without the knowledge of life, as he was not given to conquer beyond the Promised land yet. Peter sinned in not wanting Jesus to be crucified, because even with Jesus, without the perfection and oneness of God inside of the body, sin reigns.

    The Spirit of Prophecy
    To have the high praises of God in our mouths and a two edged sword in our hand we have to understand love and praise going together. And also that the substance is knowledge. And the knowledge is God's and not unclean, if it is the testimony of Jesus Christ. Which also is the Spirit of Prophecy. Which is Him, and Him coming to pass, and remaining. That is how to have victory. And to have the focus be on God.

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    Thu, Sep 6th - 8:52PM

    The Day of the LORD

    The Day of the LORD begins as soon as God's wrath does, just as when He brought Babylon upon Israel.  But Babylon didn't conquer all of Israel in one day.  And the Bible shows how the Day of the LORD is for the whole, entire land.  And the day of the LORD was 'at hand' as soon as He pronounced that He was 'going' to bring His wrath. 

    The people in Thessalonica wanted deliverance from their tribulation.  And they thought perhaps that they were in the Tribulation, or Great Tribulation.  And so they were trying to look forward to the day that God would destroy their enemies.  That is the 'that day' or 'day of the LORD.'  In reading 2 Thessalonians 2, someone could get the idea that the people thought that the coming of the LORD had already happened, but Paul said that it hadn't, because the Tribulation hadn't happened.  And that the only coming of the LORD was after the falling away, and the 'taken out of the way,' and the abomination of desolation, hence there not being a rapture.  But in reading the verse in the Greek, it may seen how the "Day of the LORD" is mentioned.  And so the 'coming of the LORD,' and 'gathering unto Him' are not solely connected to the day mentioned, as the NKJV translates the "Day of the LORD" which is in the Greek as 'that day.' While the KJV and the NASB both say what the Greek says: "Day of the LORD."  Therefore proving that the 'gathering unto Him' is not proven to be the day that God kills the Antichrist.  One has to reconcile all of God's Word. 

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    Thu, Sep 6th - 8:08PM

    The post trib. rapture trap 2

    When Paul said "Bring with Him those who sleep" it means that after Jesus comes to meet us in the clouds, and we and the dead in Christ, are caught up TOGETHER, and meet the LORD in the clouds, then when we all go to heaven, the ones who are right now sleeping, are also going to be with us in heaven. 

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    Thu, Sep 6th - 7:34PM

    The Post trib. rapture trap

    In 1 Thessalonians Paul said that "God will bring with Him (Jesus) those who sleep in Jesus."  People who don't believe in the rapture, or who do believe in a mid-trib. or post-trib. rapture don't explain what it means, when Paul talks about the dead in Christ rising.  First of all, the only dead who rise after the Tribulation, are the souls who are under the altar, which the Bible specifically says are those who were beheaded for their testimony.  Someone could make this out to mean that all of the people who had fallen asleep in Jesus are those people.  And their head being cut off is analogy.  But this makes vague the specifics of Revelation.  Just as the Roman Catholics made what was analogy to be literal, and the way other way around.  Second of all, how is the church going to meet the LORD in the air, and then reign with Him in the 1,000 years?  That is very redundant.  And what is missed is how when the Bible says that in Jesus' Second Coming, that He comes with His saints, that those saints are not the dead in Christ, apart from there being a pre-trib rapture.  It is the church (which does include the dead in Christ) which has already been raptured, and is in heaven, with incorruptible bodies.  Someone could say this 'idea' is 1 Thessalonians 4:14.  But how can that be?  How can the dead be caught away with us in the air, to meet the LORD, if they are coming with Him already?  

    Furthermore, Paul explains in 1 Thessalonians 5 that the church is not destined for the wrath of God.  The church, the ones who are one with Jesus, are the ones who walk in the daytime, and in the light.  

    The "Day of the LORD" is the time of His wrath.  And as I explained the "Day of the LORD" being the day that 'you' die, God can kill me one day, and then the next day 'you,' and it is still the "Day of the LORD."  Just as it happened in the OT.  In 2 Thessalonians Paul was telling them that it could not yet be the day of the LORD because the falling away had not yet taken place.  The people in Thessalonia were in tribulation.  But not God's wrath, it was the world's, and from the religious Jews.  Paul even admonished them to not believe the coming of the Lord had already happened, even if by a letter from him.  False teachers were trying infiltrate the church.  And what do you think would happen if the coming of the LORD was believed to be only symbolic?  Might as well then say that Jesus, in every way, was only symbolic, and the vain imagination of somebody. 

    According to the Old Testament, there isn't a whole picture about God destroying the Antichrist.  As Revelation shows.  Paul told them that the Antichrist would be destroyed by God.  They thought they that were already in the Tribulation.  And that the rapture had passed.  And Paul told them that the Tribulation could not yet be happening.  And he told them what had to happen for the Tribulation to be happening, and how it would end, with the Antichrist being destroyed.  After Jesus destroys the Antichrist, then He comes to where the Jews are hiding.  And this is where He comes in the clouds for the Jews, and THEY MOURN.  And then comes the Scripture in Isaiah which says "Who is this who comes from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah?"  That is after He came to them, and they are going back to Jerusalem. 

    Without Paul's teachings, the Thessalonians could have thought that where they were in prophecy, was the time in which they were waiting for when the Tribulation would be over.  Without Paul's teachings, they would not have a clear idea about this.  Paul made sure that they weren't led astray, either in their hearts, by thinking they were left in the Tribulation, or even into trying to flee, as if it was the time of the abomination of desolation.  

    The term "Second Coming" is the term which is Christ again coming for the Jews.  As a nation, as a people, as the rulers and people in authority.  The first time He came, He was rejected by His own and then crucified.  And then He opened up salvation to the Gentiles.  And any Jews who turned to Him could also be saved and a part of the church.  And then He raptures the church.  But the Second Coming is the time when He comes again for the Jews, and this time they accept Him.  The Second Coming is also when Jesus comes with His saints, and destroys the Antichrist, and then comes for the Jews, where they are in their hiding place.  

    It is important in reading prophecy, to be able to understand and distinguish when Jesus is talking about the Jews.  And remember that the twelve apostles were the apostles to the Jews, as a nation, and people.  Even though Paul did also teach Jews.  The twelve apostles were sent to give the Jews the good news of Jesus Christ, so that they might still be a part of His chuch and body.  While Paul's mission was solely the church, whether Gentile, or Jew.  Peter's letters speak to the Jews, as do John's and James'.  Giving them the hopes of what the Jews are promised, and how it is through Christ.  Which includes the prosperity of Jerusalem.  Paul spoke, whether to Jews, or Greeks, directly about being the church.  Using the Jewish hopes, to point to Christ, while the twelve apostles filled them.  That is what is going on when Christ also spoke to the disciples in Matthew 24.  It's like saying, "Don't worry, your history is going to be ransomed."  While Paul essentially got them to go beyond that, into having the heavenly Jerusalem now.  Peter did that too.  One way to look at it, is to see the twelve apostles comforting the Jews as children, or as a bride.  While Paul showed them the thigns they were ambient about, leading them to become mature.  There are two ways of saving people with affections.  One is to give them the comfort of what they are affectionate about.  And the second is to give them the whole picture of what they CAN be ambient about.  But in either of these, what there needs to be, for this to be in the Spirit, is truth.  That way the worldly false disciplines, sorrow, and lack of hope do not exist.  Paul gave the Jews how to have faith.  Peter gave them hope.  Peter gave the Jews the hope of their national salvation.  Paul helped them to not go back to just thinking that the Jews' Messiah hadn't come, because the New Jerusalem on earth hadn't come.  False faith says something like "we just have what we have."  And false hope says "No crying."  Both of these give nothing that is love, and they are antichrist, not having perfection.  And lead into having the flesh and works as life.   

    Nowadays we can have the testimonies of being in tribulation.  As did Peter also when he died.  But the exactness of being in the Tribulation and Great Tribulation has not yet happened.  Just like how Revelation 12, as I explained, is about the 144,000.  And so things might happen, like Matthew 24 has already begun, but it is the testimony of Jesus Christ, and not yet the fulfillment of the specifics of what He was addressing: the Tribulation and Great Tribulation.     

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    Thu, Sep 6th - 12:40AM

    Let us go to Him

    I can be saved from my sins, even presently, and they can go on Jesus, because with God's eternal eye, even right now they are going on Him back them. 

    And the same thing can happen with the demons.  Even right now, they can go to the pit, and the lake of fire, which will happen. 

    We must carry our cross.  Or else what will happen, is we will curse ourselves.  And Jesus will take on Himself our sins, but we won't be with Him, to have the deliverance, salvation, and healing. 

    Just as the Bible says, through Jesus, God isn't cursing anyone, people are cursing themselves.

    Either right now, I can make it so that I don't sin, and so 'save' Jesus from having more sin on Him.  Or I can understand that being with Him, on the cross, means that there are going to be times when God's wrath is being place on Him, and then God turns away from Him; and if I am not with Him in those times then He will still take them on, but I won't be with Him for the life.  

    In Isaiah God said "Look to Me and all is saved."  Which correlates to Solomon asking the Shulamite to look to him from the clefts.  And Moses was in the cleft when he saw God's back.  And Bethpeor means "house of clefts" which was where the Israelites were after Moses died, before they entered the Promised land.  

    How can we still see God's wrath, as it is still being placed on Jesus, though He died once and for all?  How can we be with Him in that, if He did what He did because we couldn't?  Because we must be like Moses in the cleft, and "Look to Him."  Otherwise we are saying that Christ took all of the sin, but there is no perfection yet.  Which only leaves lukewarmness.  Repentance begins before the cross, and is preparing the way.  But isn't finished until after the cross.  Going on to what is perfect, and not laying the foundation of repentance, means no longer just planning, but doing.  No longer just listening, but doing.  And so Christ did His work first, and it was complete, so that we can.  But we must also after having heard, and prepared, go out ourselves, with Him.  Because the other part of Him doing everything He did so that we can, is Him doing it so that we can do it with Him. 

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    Wed, Sep 5th - 11:40PM

    Praise, strength, and joy

    Praise, strength, and joy.  Jesus, quoted Psalms, confessing strength, where it said praise.  It also says that the joy of the LORD will be our strength. 

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    Wed, Sep 5th - 11:28PM

    Has anyone ever seen fun (Post 4)

    King Abdullah of Jordan, is who is the Antichrist is going to be. The revealing that Paul is talking about in 2 Thessalonians, means when he calls himself God in the temple, after Revelation 13. King Abdullah fits every prophecy about the Antichrist. As three kingdoms have been uprooted from the kingdom which is 'supposed to be his.' And the Bible says that the Antichrist had his kingdom taken away from him, and wants to get it back, which is going on right now. America was the one who was used to do this. As this country also received a "Woe" in Isaiah 18, for how we have dealt with other countries. Kind of like how many foreign nations hate Capitalism. That doesn't make Osama good, but American still isn't good right now. Because in claiming to be under God, and yet not following Him, it is hypocrisy, and as the Pharisees. God does give rights to everyone, to have freedom, but God is still seeking in that. And that is what America is not doing right now. As far as how it operates. King Abdullah has already been hailed the 'Prince of peace.' And is the figure that is behind all of the Middle East 'PEACE' efforts. Paul never did say that Daniel was unsealed when he was living. And Daniel says that it will be unsealed before the end, and the end doesn't mean just when the Antichrist call himself God. But when the Tribulation is going to come about. Because it is the end of when God is dealing with His people for good. And when He unleashes His wrath. And His wrath primarily is manifested through taking away the protection that He provides, after He is not sought. After the end has began, then the fulfillment of the things which were spoken of in Daniel shall come with the Anitchrist calling himself God (Daniel 12:6). The end of 'these' things, the Antichrist calling himself God, comes when the Antichrist is warring, and Jesus comes. And so there is the knowledge increasing, and many going to and fro, which is before the end, the Tribulation begins. And with the knowledge increasing, and the book being unsealed at that time, this time right now, it is possible to know who the Antichrist is going to be. Then the Antichrist is known to the world when he calls himself God. And the world is not too happy about that. The Jews, and everyone else. The Jews didn't even want to admit Jesus was God. They were looking for a man who was strong, not someone equal with God, also being His Son. And the end of the abomination of desolation, which begins when the Antichrist calls himself God, comes after he is warring, first with the South, and then the East. 1290 days is not a whole three and half years, but then again, it 'isn't said for sure' that he is going to call himself God right at the start of the middle of the seven years. It says 'in the middle of the week (middle of the seven years). So with that ,the end of the 1290 days spoken of in Daniel 12:11-12 would be when the Jews flee. The abomination could be said to be going on until Jesus comes back, but the Jews get out of it when they flee. And so it is not wrong that it be known who the Antichrist is before he calls himself God. Plus many people are going to die before he does that. And so whether people heard about who the Antichrist was going to be, but didn't believe it, or never hear, it doesn't bear at all on knowing right now, or until then. The revealing in 2 Thessalonians, when he calls himself God, means that it comes to pass.
    The Bible says that signs follow believers, but believers do not follow signs. Though Gideon and David asked for one. God told me that signs are kisses. They didn't ask God for signs as if to prove Himself to them, but to help their unbelief.
    Wickedness tests people falsely. What many do not understand, is that they do not know something, it is on them, and not on another. Accountability does not mean that other people make someone accountable, but that they make themselves accountable. And independence is not in God's will. God wants us in-dependence, on Him. Independence is all about the phallic symbol.
    When Gideon tested with the wool, the wool represented the conscience. And Paul wrote about how we have to worship with a clean, clear, and pure conscience. This is where burying, or trading, and or doing business with the talent comes in. The wool having dew on it, represents Gideon asking God if 'this was Him.' The threshing floor having wool on it represents him asking God if 'this is evil.' Like the question as to whether not following Him was wrong.
    Paul said for us to test ourselves. And testing the spirits shouldn't be in provoking whoever we think may or may not be acting in His Spirit. Paul also said he disciplined himself. And the Greek word 'hupopiazo' for discipline, means to beat black and blue. If we really carried our cross we would give our physical bodies over to death, and to become sin. We would be naked and destitute and suffering outside of the camp. And if we followed Hebrews, we would all do that together. And so not be isolated. The accusation can do a lot of harm, and so can presumption. Presumption is the beginning of sin. And is the sin leading to death. Not someone not taking care of themselves. Just as Psalm 22 shows how Jesus and David were cast upon the LORD from birth, and that He will save the one who can't keep Himself alive. God hates feet that are swift to running to evil, which is what presumption is.
    God does give signs, and wonder, and miracles. And even more. He gives us to marvel. He will do things, just so that we can marvel. And we can things in Him, so that others will marvel. Psalm 32:8 is the verse which says "I will guide you with My eye." Numbers are throughout the Bible, and are important, and marvelous. In what I wrote about spiritual gifts, 32:8 is a sign. As Jesus started His ministry at 30, and did it for three years, before He died. And with 8 as the number for new beginnings, "I will guide you with My eye" is a sign for becoming perfect in Christ. Numbers in verses are not just coincidence, or wickedly esoteric. If God says something in a number of verses, that means something. Just like how love, faith, and hope are three words, and His trinity.
    The Scriptures need to be read with understanding, just as the Bible says to praise Him with understanding. Praise should never be about nothing. Or that "I am sick, and I thank you for this."
    In the Greek, the word for 'know' which is the verse which speaks about not knowing the day or hour, is the Greek word for intuitively knowing. Jesus, did not intuitively know the day or the hour. Just as also, He had to grow in the grace and knowledge of God. And everything He did, and does, is so that we can. The verse about the day and hour is not about the rapture, but about the Second Coming, for the Jews. When Jesus received His glorified body, it meant that He can not have sorrow anymore. He can not cry over sin. There is crying in heaven presently, and will be until Revelation 21:4. God gave Jesus "Revelation." (John's book). He did not have that before. Now Jesus knows both the day and the hour for the church and the Jews. What He did, in not intuitively knowing, is make it so that, as He suffered, and died, for us, and can now be with us in everything; is make it so that though the Jews didn't receive Him, and so go through the Tribulation, they can still have Him upon them, even as they don't know the day or hour, and are going through His wrath. But those who walk as He did, and enter in, may also seek out that knowledge. The difference between the unglorified body and the glorified one, along with having and not having sorrow anymore, is that the resurrected body has risen, and isn't seated in heaven (as shown in how Christ did not fill all things, until He ascended). But for those who have entered in, their spirits, and hearts are seated in heaven. Once the talent has been received in sincere faith the spirit and heart have entered in. Then comes the soul with the sealing of the earthly gift, and then the body with the rapture. Until the rapture, we have to conquer sin, but may conquer past the Promised land, and be absent from corruption as we are enraptured in Him. When we follow the Spirit of Jesus Christ, then can walk on water. The Bible says that we have birth pangs. But these birth pangs are only by sight, as they are outwardly. For the inside of the seed doesn't die, the outside does. But by walking on water, through walking by faith, and by sight, then the birth pangs may be AS non existent things, and even not present at all. Wisdom is how to be righteous, that is God speaking and us hearing. Revelation comes through doing, and so gaining understanding, and knowledge. And Paul prayed in Ephesians that we would have wisdom and revelation in Him.
    David said that sin is as fat and grease. The 'air' is corrupted. And is as grease over the soul, in the second heaven. And when this grease is fulfilled, it can become fat. The second heaven is corrupted. Only the third heaven isn't. Though Satan can still sneak back in there. And so the filthiness of the spirit is the grease, corrupted air, over the soul, in the second heaven. And the filthiness of the flesh is the body's corruption. We have to go to and fro between knowing that the intent to sin isn't us, and that we aren't who our corrupted flesh is; and repenting of what our body agrees with, that is sin. Jesus' flesh became sin, but that is not who His insides were. He began to be given over to death in Gethsemane. Before that, He had commented on not asking the hour of death to pass Him. And then in the Garden He did. His insides, who He was, was always righteous. And saying "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me" was a righteous cry, from a righteous heart. And then He died of rejection, as seen in Psalm 69, as God turned away from Him, and His insides were poured out completely.
    I have an example of what is going on in the chuch right now. For how Jezebel is at the high and lofty place which is supposed to be ours and Gods, and how false divinity is happening, and yet people think they are worshiping God. In "Back to the Future II" when Marty came back to the wrong 1985, and was talking to Bif, Bif said "He also told me that a crazy eyed scientist or a kid would come around asking about this book, I just never thought it would be you..."
    Christian Science is wrong. Science is wrong, in itself. As it excludes God, and can not be absolute in every way, which the whole counsel of God and truth is. But just as the physical is truth, when the spiritual is, and the spiritual comes first, so is creation. If we seek God, and He teaches us, then both the physical and the spiritual will be true. An example of these things is saying that the cross, in it's shape is a meeting point, and that Jesus' arms stretched out means that He wants to give us a hug.
    Proverbs 25:20
    Like one who takes away a garment in cold weather,
    And like vinegar on soda,
    Is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.
    Everything they did to Jesus in His death and sufferings were to humiliate Him. Also, the wood which Moses threw on the bitter water, does not symbolize the cross. It symbolizes Jesus. It was alive, and was now dead, and not on the tree, just as He suffered outside of the gates. The cross is not the day season. It is the night season, and if there was ever one. Not walking was He did, attempts to make the cross the day season. Repentance is light, and high time, and the day. Then the cross is as the night. "You have answered Me" from Psalm 22 is the day dawning and the morning star rising, as well as the clear heat in sunshine, and cloud of dew in harvest. And the perfect day is the resurrection. If we have sincere faith, then we are with Him in the night season, and walk as He did, and from the insides, our path is always shinning brighter unto the new day. The Bible says to awake, and Christ will give us light. We should not be afraid of the truth, but open our mouths wide. Just as He said in Psalm 81:10-16:
    10 I am the LORD your God,
    Who brought you out of the land of Egypt;
    Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.
    11 “But My people would not heed My voice,
    And Israel would have none of Me.
    12 So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart,
    To walk in their own counsels.
    13 “Oh, that My people would listen to Me,
    That Israel would walk in My ways!
    14 I would soon subdue their enemies,
    And turn My hand against their adversaries.
    15 The haters of the LORD would pretend submission to Him,
    But their fate would endure forever.
    16 He would have fed them also with the finest of wheat;
    And with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you.”
    What did Jesus do before He ascended, for forty days? Before He was glorified? He shared, interpreting, and revealing the Scriptures. Benny Hinn talks about how he praises and preaches about Jesus, and then the Holy Spirit shows up, and people start to get healed. It is better to give than to receive He said.
    The genealogies that Paul spoke against, was arguing over things that are empty. The fables were testimonies which were like Egyptians thinking that shepherds were an abomination: everyone has their own way to God. Hebrews deals with genealogies, and speaks about Melchizedek. It is arguing over things like that, that is disputing over words. It isn't wrong to correctly translate the Bible.
    Jesus tells us to redeem the time. It means that we should circumcise everthing, as with the circumcision of the heart. Binding and loosing.
    Satan is the prince of the power of the air, but Christians may be it's kings and priests. Kings represent God to man, and priests, man to God. And ALL Christians are kings and priests. Deborah was a prophet. Women who are elders is not wrong. Paul didn't want people just asking questions, or 'venting' feelings. God's anointing is victorious no matter what. Under that, when people submit to each other, then they have authority over each other. Under that, women are not to 'take' authority.
    David rebuked the high priest, who was older than him. Ezekiel was told not to rebuke the elders, who were most likely older than him, because God wasn't going to save them. Just as He rebuked those He loves. What Paul told Timothy about not rebuking older people, was as in the way of training. But when people are wrong, it is not that someone younger can not rebuke. Otherwise there are ties, and people have to follow people who are wrong. And "There is no perfect church" or "Serve somewhere else" is nor the right answer. But also, as in anything, everyone is accountable, at least to the Holy Spirit. To exhort takes time. It takes preparation. Admonishing is covering someone by speaking the truth, without rebuking them. But a younger person is not, not allowed to rebuke someone because they are younger, when the older is attempting to take authority over them. Exhorting is doing what is right, and preparing everything for the other person. And then giving it to them. That is how younger people are to TRAIN older people.
    When Paul rebuked the high priest, and apologized for not knowing it, he was practicing his 'make myself like all people.' That is done through giving the flesh over to death, and cleansing and refining the spoil, and cleansing one's self. Like giving people the good for what they are doing. What is Jesus, for what is not, for what they are worshiping.
    Songs like "Grace like rain" and lyrics like "Open the flood gates" are not the Spirit. God said that He would not flood the whole earth again to take away sin. Ezekiel's vision gives the correct understanding. Amber symbolizes the self-consuming fire. This means that no matter what, someone is alright. The stomach symbolizes the firts platorm of the spirit and heart together. As it digests all food to be sent out to the whole body. The man, who has a lower half, with the appearance of a rainbow, symbolizes that we are to walk, and seek and confess, and receive His Promises everywhere we go. His spiritual Promises. Where lukewarmness does not quench love.
    Books like "The wild heart" seek individualism and independence, and are not the Spirit. If we are to no longer be male and female, then why is it that masculinity and feminimity are sought, and as being alone??!! Being Christ's bride is not limited to only when everyone is together. Jezebel brought in the left wing, and people took the right wing.
    Every Promise, blessing, and testimony that Jesus has, is also for us. It is having anything without Him that is wrong. They are right in Him. Every one of them.
    Some demons are under other ones. And some of the lower demons are door openers. The subconscious is where Jezebel first strikes. And what happens is that the lower demons start to manifest, and a person can give up through fear or awkwardness, and then both the ruling spirits and the lower ones gain more place.
    With the mind there are trinity's. There is the subconscious, conscious mind, and conscience. There are thoughts, emotions, and then feelings. And the word for conscience in the Hebrew all shows how it is the seat of courage in the high and lofty place, and is also atoned for through the mercy seat.
    Zechariah 8 shows love, truth, and peace. There is no hope, or peace for the wicked. The unpfrofitable and unsaved are the ones who end up bowing to God, at the end, but without Promises.
    Wisdom and understanding are both feminine. And Jesus is wisdom. Married couples together are the bride of Christ, they both are, whether male or female individually also. But wisdom represents the bride, and understanding the bridegroom. Adam needed a helper. And as wisdom is 'how to be righteous' God gave him Eve. Understanding is having that righteousness, and Adam and His bride also before Eve was created. Understanding is also 'how Jesus fits in.' Which is what Adam needed help with. How can he do that alone? How can anyone? Because love can not exist individually only. God is a trinity, and He is always communing and having relationship with Himself. Hate is not the opposite of love, pride is, and at the root is all about loving one's self apart from relationship. Hate is pride's outworking. Fear fights faith, to have people not possess His Promises. And unbelief fights hope, as it is undoing God's Promises. Hope is His prophecies and Promises. That is 1/3 of the gospel. 1/3 of the angels fell away. And as said in the OT 2/3'rds of man will fall away. Love is the greatest, but being incomplete anywhere is evil, and the whole lump can be leavened with sin.
    The church should not be trying to graft Jesus into the world, but those who are coming out of the world into Jesus.
    What desired in a man is not the strength of his own hand. In Isaiah 57 that is spoken against. What is desired in a man is kindness. And in a woman, humility. Humility submits and serves first. When Proverbs 31 says that the husband sits at the gates, it means that he is judging. Judging is not evil. It is judging by the flesh which is wrong.
    In Hosea God said that He wasn't going to punish the daughters of Jerusalem for their adultery because their husbands were out committing harlotry. Divorce was only allowed by God when adultery was in the perfect infinitive. Which means that the spouse won't come back. If it were otherwise, we all would fall away, from God first.
    People can only receive as much as they are submitted. And so if anyone desires more, and is not getting it, they can't complain. And all complaining is not evil, because David poured out His complaints. Psalm 89 shows how to complain. Praise God, praise His works, esteem Him, tell Him the problem, and pour out the complaint. In evil complaining the person has given up.
    Real humility is as Jesus said "It is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." In that Romans 7 is as humility, in knowing that willfull sin, if we are saved, is sin, and not us. And then 1 John 1 is judgment. And then the end of Hebrews 5, and Hebrews six is mercy: God's ability to love. Those are the first three pillars. The circle of heaven is the Holy Spirit, and the 7 pillars are the Word.
    Many people say either that they read the Word, and if it agrees with the Spirit it is God. And some people say that they follow the Spirit, and if it agrees with the Word it is God. But those two always agree. The only way to walk is to be under His blood. And that is how to be bear witness on earth, and in heaven, and to be, walk, and bear fruit as a new creation.
    Isaiah also has three parts in it that say to 'awake.' That is love. Faith is abiding. And hope remaining. And then the verse of the loveliness of the feet of the one who preaches good things comes, which is a sign numerically also.
    2 Peter 3:10-13
    But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
    It may seem as if this passage backs up there not being a rapture, and combines the Second Coming with the church. But it doesn't. Peter is tell them to not sow to the flesh.
    In Ezekiel, when the elders were worshiping the creeping things in the hidden chambers, something was shown. The hidden chambers represent the subconscious, and the memories. Which are supposed to be filled with the LORD. The subconscious isn't really all that scary. It is what positions. For example, sitting down at the computer, but thinking about what to write. The creeping things also represent simplicity. Isaiah 47 spoke about Jezebel having delicacies. The creeping things are the delicacies. And also Romans 1 touches on worshiping the sings of the stars instead of the Creator, which was also included in the tower of Babel. As it also holds "a tower containing the heavens." The stars map everything out. But without God, it is just a method. The spirit of the mind is how the imagination is connected the soul. In being born again, the insides can't sin. Just as it is written in Hebrews about having His law written on the heart, and mind.
    What happens in following God, and being spiritual, is that sin desires the meat. Which is to have His Promises come to pass. And asking for meat is how many died. There is always something that we can do to make supplication to God, without ending up just going after the flesh, and walking by sight. There is a saying that says "Where God guides, He provides." And that is not the Spirit. Look at David and Israel. And spiritually David was not content to call the wilderness of Ziph the City of David. He remained broken in the LORD, and poor in spirit. And that poorness of spirit isn't to being spiritual in God. It is to the spirit of the LORD. Having a broken spirit because of suffering. The Bible does ask, "a broken spirit, who can bear up?" But what is the answer? If you said you couldn't do it with Jesus you are wrong. Jesus was surety. And David asked God to be surety. In walking as Christ did, we can be surety also. Do you think Paul wasn't surety? Is that why he was proving himself? Telling people that he had the Holy Spirit, and that his conscience bore witness? If we are not surety in Christ, in what we do, then we are surety for nothing. Think about that. Not making a decision, or deciding to do nothing is still a decision. Pilate was not aquitted just because he said he washed his hands of Jesus' death. Faith is surety. WE can be faithful to the LORD, and thus return His love and surety, THROUGH Him.
    The Bible says that "The LORD awoke as if from a sleep, like a mighty man who shouts because of wine." The Bible also says that "If you fall in adversity, your strength is small." I was watching a boxing match one time, and the announcers were commenting on how a person doesn't know how they are going to react until they are roused. In thix context, like in a fight. It is the same thing here. The underlying point the announcers didn't make, is that we need to be prepared. And as repentance is preparing the way, and strength is as faith, after praise, and love, then we need to be ready. Isaiah 40 also talks about how the ones who wait on the LORD will mount up with wings like eagles. And renew their strength. And that is the chapter which begins with the Spirit of repentance. That is how to be ready, and to be in a position to walk as He did, and be surety. Just as Peter also wrote to be ready to give to everyone a defense for the hope that we have. The good Samaritan was surety. Proverbs does touch on evil surety. But this does not mean to not have, give, and be good surety. The word for surety in the Hebrew is the same word, for the good and the bad. But is used contrastingly for the evil surety. Evil surety is shaking hands to be complacent. And with that comes lying in wait. Because that is what people do when they enforce not doing anything. And when they try to enforce the Bible as laws.
    The color of the pearl is for protection. It can't be entered by sight. To be protected, we have to remain as His bride. Serving, and esteeming others betters than ourselves. And not leaving Him. The parable of the pearl and the treasure in the field, do show how Jesus gave up everything. And that is necessary, for real life. The flesh is bad because it doesn't esteem things correctly. And the common sense of the flesh is evil. The parable of the pearl also shows how He loves His bride. And the parable of the treasure in the field, Him loving men, as bridegrooms, and wives loving their husbands. As the parables also show how He would have done all that He did, if He were only saving one of us; and how He bought the whole world, for His the treasure of His chosen inside.
    The cross is not about being 'hard.' Or working out, as if to 'be a man.' It is about remaining penitent. And David's tender and sure mercies, are that he was broken, right up until the day He took Jerusalem.
    In reading 1 Thessalonians 5 notice how Paul uses the word "they." He is speaking about the the Jews.
    Also, the "Day of the LORD" encompasses all of His wrath. Not just the day He returns and destroys the false prophet, and the Antichrist. The "Day of the LORD" basically is the day that 'you' die. 'You' being His enemy. That is how to read, when it says "The day of the LORD" in the Bible.
    Paul's words in 2 Thessalonians 2 must be read correctly. First of all he is telling them that the "Day of the LORD" can not happen, unless the falling away, and the 'restrainer' is taken out of the way, and the Antichrist claims to be God. With that, the "Day of the LORD" is against those who are supposed to be His. His wrath, is Him coming against those who are supposed to be His, but have turned away. And then comes destroying the enemies that tried to capitalize, while He was pouring out His wrath, on those who were unfaithful to Him. And it is the same in the OT.
    Revelation 12 must be read correctly also. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy. But that testimony must be correct too. Jesus said that true worshipers worship in Spirit and truth. And to do that, takes being one with Him. How can Jesus be the male child if He ascends before the woman is persecuted?
    Specifics are masculine, and concepts are feminine. Everything that has to do with the enemy is a fake. Everything. All of wickedness' power is grace manipulated. Even pride is a fake, of having God's love.
    Jesus can not be the male child, if the woman is persecuted after He ascends. Someone could read Revelation 12, and think that Mary is the woman, and that her going down to Egypt is the persecution. But that can't work, if the male child ascends before that happens.
    The male child is the 144,000. And they are raptured, in-between Revelation 14 and 15. The word rapture is in the Bible, though some people say it is made up. Phillip was raptured. As was Enoch, and Elijah. And it says that Enoch was raptured because the LORD was pleased with Him. Hence, the faithful are raptured. And why? Is it only to save them out of tribulation? They are raptured because they did what was right. And they are being rewarded.
    In reading prophetically, the bride and the body of Christ have to interpreted correctly. A bride, who is not the body, suffers punishment for going away from Him. And even in that, in the OT, and right now, God offered, and is offering for her to return, and to be with Him. And for those who are in ignorance, He asks them to come to Him. Without it being about how they are unfaithful to Him for not being with Him. And when Jesus first came, He only offered coming to Him. There was no talk about unfaithfulness, only to those ones who knew about Him, but weren't walking with Him. His body, are those who are one with Him. And in being one with Him, it is impossible to go away from Him. And so then also, suffer punishment for not coming back to Him. Why does anyone have to enter in then, if all who are His body are one with Him? Because just as Paul explains being married to Him in Romans 7, in the long run, love is a betrothal. Then faith is continuing in Him, and hope is reaching the goal. God, as love is also, doesn't want anyone to just be with Him, and then everything is 'whatever' after that.
    In looking at the body and the bride, they both have the same makeup. Just as with male and females, the bodies are similar. But if they never come together, and CONTINUALLY be of the same body, then there shouldn't be the claim, as if there is still togetherness.
    The falling away of the Jews, the bride prophetically, who have yet to be one with Him, is Revelation 6, having the false peace covenant, with the one who will go into perdition. And the 'taken out of the way' the rapture (read it in the Greek) of the Jews, is when the 144,000 are raptured. And the Antichrist being revealed, and calling himself God, to the Jews, is when the spirit of grecia possesses him, and the abomination of desolations begins.
    When Paul was writting to the Thessalonians, and telling them about the "Day of the LORD," he was explaining to them, that there were not living in the Tribulation, or Great Tribulation (Great Tribulation usually speaks about the second three and a half years), and so were not to only be looking for when He also returns and destroys the Antichrist. He was essentially telling them, that it could not be that time yet, because the falling away had not yet happened, and the 'taken out of the way,' the rapture had not yet happened.
    Here is the catch: people who say there is no rapture, say that the church has to go through the Tribulation. And, if the church has to go through the Tribulation, first of all, then we are not saved from His wrath, as the Bible says we are.
    If there is only His Second Coming, and not a rapture, and they thought that the COMING of the LORD had already happened, then why would they be in the Tribulation at all? If there is only the Second Coming, and they thought that it was past, then in what time of prophecy could they have been living in? The 1,000 years? Paul told them what had to happen, for the Tribulation to be happening, and what had to happen before His Second Coming.
    The male child is Christ, if the mother is Israel, the Jews, the bride. But when then, are the determined days for the woman that are spoken of? The male child is specifically the 144,000 with the testimony of Jesus Christ. And remember also, that the church also has the promise to rule with iron. Iron symbolizes strength. And not getting away with anything. Just like how the Romans tried to 'keep the peace' also, and were the iron in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.
    What are the 1,000 years for? It is time for the Jews to be able to come under Christ, and know Him as the fulfillment of the law, and at the same time, still be able to prosper according to the flesh. When Christ came the first time, it was either accept Him, or not. It always is. But the remnant symbolizes the real Israel, who were in bondage under the Israel who is not saved, and therefore were only following their ways, which were not godly and Jesus, because they were under them. Like in Ezekiel, when the fathers ate sour grapes, and the children's teeth were set on edge. What did God say? He said that if the children came to Him, then they would be saved. The remnant symbolizes being unfaithful, but in ignorance.
    Everytime that Israel came back from captivity, they had a 'time' of rebuilding. And also their children were brought back to them, along with riches and spoil. That is the 1,000 years. God said that with Him 1,000 years are as one day, and one day as a 1,000 years. To us, evil though lasting a long time, may be as one day. And good, though only a short while, may be as 1,000 years. The 1,000 year reign lets the people 'come down' from the intensity that had been.
    The falling away of the church is the seven letters of Revelation. The seven churches are not just seven letters that Jesus SIMPLY decided to give to John to send. Seven is the number for completion. And the seven letters symbolize how sin can still attack, even when someone is one with Christ, and trying to walk with Him. Also, in looking at the seven letters, consider the 7 pillars, and the circle of heaven. What each church forsook, was the pillar, coinciding with the numerical order of the church, and what they need to obey Jesus' exhortations, commands, and rebukes, is the circle of heaven. For instance, Ephesus left love, and needs humility. The seven churches in Revelation, are the falling away of the church from the firstfruits which were present with the early church. Also, consider a rainbow, and how it 'bows.' A full rainbow touches down on both sides. The touching down on the first side is the early church. The 'bowing' is the falling away, and the seven churches. And the end of the rainbow is coming unto the rapture, including the increasing in knowledge and going to and fro. The firstfruits are as love, and the harvest as faith, and then the end of the harvest the hope. The firstfruits of the harvest are very plentiful, but also, in that, the end is exceedingly abundant.
    When the pilgrims left the Anglican church, the church of Laodicea was rising. Just as the Pharisees persecuted the guiltless, and were lukewarm themselves.
    The puritans were those who tried to stay in England, and purify the Anglican church. God does not call us to purify the world. What happens when people begin to try to do that is that they try to graft Jesus into the world. By giving the world what was nice for them, and telling them that it will make things all better. But God tells us to graft into Jesus those who are coming out of the world. And to make disciples. Bad evangelism, just passes on the gospel, and perhaps spends some time cultivating, so that people follow the laws, that the person sets in order. Without the spoken word of Christ, following God is only about laws. Even if the law is 'grace.' Once the puritans came over to America, then the things that the pilgrims stood for began to diminish. Also, as the Quakers took office. The Quakers are bad disiplers. They tried to isolate themselves away from evil, and then followed laws, as if to God, after that. The law of being 'free.' And keeping things that way. The witchcraft that was going on in Salem led to what happened with the Constitution. As did man's pride and insolence. Thomas Jefferson's Bible had all of the miracles cut out of them.
    Also, in reading Revelation 4, which is right after the letters to the seven churches, notice what Jesus tells John: "Come up here." Jesus comes to His bride, but His body gathers together to Him.
    In reading Isaiah 18, and Jesus taking His rest, someone could say that His rest is the 144,000, and the sour grape are those who are left for the birds, after Jesus comes on His white horse. But the very word 'rest' denotes those who have entered in, His body, the church. Testimonially, that promise may also be for the 144,000.
    Thyatira symbolizes the Roman Catholic church. The 'latter times' spoken of by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4 concerns the Roman Catholic church, just as they also forbid marrying, for priests and nuns. The 'perilous times' which Paul talked about in 2 Timothy 3 refers to the Laodicean church, which rose up as the pilgrims left the Anglican church, and is present even now. The pilgrims started the overcoming, out of the Laodicean church. As the spirit was rising up, and they came to America. Philadelphia was told to hold on to what they have. And Laodicea was told to 'buy' from Him. How can we buy from Him if grace is free? We sell our lives to Him. Jesus didn't tell Philadephia that they were doing anything wrong.
    We need the Spirit, whether we are going to decide something is God, or isn't. And I don't know, doesn't really prosper in God. I believe that Philadephia was the pilgrims, and those who were persecuted by the Anglicans before the pilgrims left for America. And even though America turned out not to completely obey the LORD, coming here was not wrong. Because Laodicea was rising up.
    I believe that Sardis was the Anglican church, specifically, after the Renaissance. And I also believe that we can see the seven chuches modernly. And I also believe that we could have seen them earlier, during and after the early church. But with more power after the early church. What happens when those who think they are right with God, but aren't, begin to enforce themselves? Persecution and manipulation. The Anglican church thought that they were 'holy.' The Laodicean church thinks it is properous.
    God said that He would never forsake His bride. He is going to save the remnant. And He says that we may overcome, out of the sins which are present in the letters to the churches. Remember that Jesus can not be crucified twice. For those who, according to God's judgment, fall away, they go through wrath, and can not be renewed unto repentance and salvation. And for those who are His remnant, who were unfaithful, but in ignorance, He will save, but after His wrath. It is impossible for His body [and those who are His body] to go through wrath again.
    I believe that Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamos all were before the Moslem Empire had conquered. And I believe that Thyatira was divided over both the Roman and Moslem Empire. There is a difference between Roman Catholic and Catholic. Catholic means 'universal.' And I believe that after Paul's death, and unto John being exiled, that the church began to be swayed away from it's first love, the Holy Spirit, into traditions. And the first thing that I see, even with religious zealots who say they esteem Jesus, is that being one with God, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, becomes as heresy.
    Many people say that the gospel is only "Jesus and Him crucified." But they don't think about the specifics that Paul shared. And they also don't consider how "Jesus" denotes His life, and not 'only' His death.
    I can be saved from my sins, even presently, and they can go on Jesus, because with God's eternal eye, even right now they are going on Him back them.
    And the same thing can happen with the demons. Even right now, they can go to the pit, and the lake of fire, which will happen.
    We must carry our cross. Or else what will happen, is we will curse ourselves. And Jesus will take on Himself our sins, but we won't be with Him, to have the deliverance, salvation, and healing.
    Just as the Bible says, through Jesus, God isn't cursing anyone, people are cursing themselves.
    Either right now, I can make it so that I don't sin, and so 'save' Jesus from having more sin on Him. Or I can understand that being with Him, on the cross, means that there are going to be times when God's wrath is being place on Him, and then God turns away from Him; and if I am not with Him in those times then He will still take them on, but I won't be with Him for the life.
    In Isaiah God said "Look to Me and all is saved." Which correlates to Solomon asking the Shulamite to look to him from the clefts. And Moses was in the cleft when he saw God's back. And Bethpeor means "house of clefts" which was where the Israelites were after Moses died, before they entered the Promised land.
    How can we still see God's wrath, as it is still being placed on Jesus, though He died once and for all? How can we be with Him in that, if He did what He did because we couldn't? Because we must be like Moses in the cleft, and "Look to Him." Otherwise we are saying that Christ took all of the sin, but there is no perfection yet. Which only leaves lukewarmness. Repentance begins before the cross, and is preparing the way. But isn't finished until after the cross. Going on to what is perfect, and not laying the foundation of repentance, means no longer just planning, but doing. No longer just listening, but doing. And so Christ did His work first, and it was complete, so that we can. But we must also after having heard, and prepared, go out ourselves, with Him. Because the other part of Him doing everything He did so that we can, is Him doing it so that we can do it with Him.
    Some theology says that the Coming of the LORD is only symbolic. Even to the point of the 1,000 years being only symbolic, where Christ is ruling on earth.
    With the coming of the LORD being only symbolic, then what happens is that we are only waiting for Him to destroy everything. Like also, the OT says that He will melt all of creation, though when Paul wrote Thessalonians, Revelation wasn't written, where there is the prophecy about the 1,000 years, the time between the end of the Tribulation and the melting of all of creation.
    What this does, is lead right into the fables and geneaolgies of the Jews, where everyone has their own way to God.

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    Wed, Sep 5th - 11:23PM

    Has anyone ever seen fun (Post 3)

    Weddings denote incorruption. Adam and Eve did not have a wedding. But they were married. Another thing weddings do, is allow everyone else to know that a couple are married. And with Adam and Eve being married, it was still that they were monogamous.
    In Song of Solomon, Solomon and the Shulamite were married already, but had not slept together. The song was a part of their wedding. As Hebrew weddings can be over an amount of time. Weddings in this fashion allow the couple to gain, having always been together in foreknowledge. And it also works out for good, so that sleeping together doesn't come out of nowhere. Though with Isaac and Rebekah, they slept together at the beginning. This isn't wrong, as it still is within marriage.
    In looking at this, it is possible to notice love, faith, and hope. There are two Hebrew words for 'one.' One is echad, which is being one singularly. And one is yachid, which is being one, plural. Echad is being an individual. And Yachid is being united. In love, it is as gaining the wisdom of how two were always together as one. Just as with Adam and Eve. Eve came from Adam, and was made by God. And Adam came also from God. The faith part contains two things: rest, and action. The rest is what is present after knowing that a couple have always been 'one.' And then the action is the coming together of the individuals. That is where the song is. The hope, is to come back together and be one. And have all of the newly found love which is wrought in the song.
    When Paul spoke of married couples depriving each other, first of all he said it wasn't a commandment. In depriving one another, it isn't that the couples are going away from each other. First, the consent, which is coming together. And then the time spent in fasting and praying is for coming back together. Also think about Isaiah 58.
    When Paul spoke about the married being as though they weren't married, in mind; just as the joyful as though they aren't joyful; it means that a couple is sober minded about where they are in their relationship. So they can work through everything.
    Many people think that meditation is about emptying the mind. And even some people meditate, in filling their minds. But neither of these things are the whole of what meditation is.
    If you take a plate, and put some water on it, and then take a flashlight, and then blow on the water, that is meditation. What happens in relationships, is that when things don't come together, that people either try to just empty things out, or fill them in with other things. But without love, these will never bear good and eternal fruit. Meditation is being able to balance between stillness, and ripples. And not sacrifice love in the clefts.
    The name of the Holy Spirit, which is the gift in knowing God, is "the Promise." What has happened in the church is that Promises are given up, for physical, and material prosperity. The unforgiveable sin, is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. But also in this, it is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, in the perfect infinite. The perfect infinitive is the tense of the word which means 'forever.' When Promise is sacrificed, then there is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. But know this, that every sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. All sin is willful. It is willful sin that is in the perfect infinitive which is not forgiven by God. Jesus was the sacrifice of the Promise, the Holy Spirit. Nowadays it is as though the cross has become, the way to not have to follow God completely. That is what is going on spiritually, when the cross only means being rid of sin. But we are to walk just as Christ did, which means carrying our own cross. And the word for 'die' in John 12, when Jesus is talking about the seed dying and then growing, means 'to rot' also. And so the cross means that we are not only dying to sin, as our shortcomings; but that we are pouring out our insides, and our flesh is rotting. And so in carrying the cross, we still may have sin. Unbelief and religion says that this is evidence that we are not in the will of God, but are only greedy for our own gain, and that is why we have sin. But in carrying our cross, our flesh becomes sin, just as Jesus' was, and is given over to death. But being with Him in His death and sufferings means that we don't give up on His Promises when that is going on. When Paul said that God will destroy the one who destroys his temple, that did not mean that suicide and having fleshly sins is the unforgiveable sin. Remember that Samson committed suicide. And I am not pushing, saying that anyone should commit suicide. But even in these things, remember that the mind of Christ, led Him, Himself, to die. And what was His death for? It was not just to ensure that He didn't have spiritual and fleshly filthiness. It was for Promises! His bride! Every part of the Godhead led Jesus to die. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Sacrificing Promises in the clefts leads to falling away! The truth is not that we live for God, by 'putting Him first' and then He gives us the physical things 'we need.' And so whatever we end up not having, is 'really just not in His will.' No! We are the apple of His eye! And so building treasures in heaven, and seeking first His kingdom means sowing His Promises! Know that everyone who came to Jesus to be healed, was healed! This may be offensive to some people, especially if they think that we are worshiping God by being willing to not have any of His Promises here on earth, but all sickness comes from sin. 3 John 2 says that our physical body, will prosper when we prosper spiritually. The spiritual is before the physical. Just as it is shown in Hebrews 11:3.
    Zechariah means "Jehovah remembers." The OT temple is a type of our body. There were three platforms, just like our bodies are spirit, soul, and body. But there were four [main] rooms, just like the Holy of Holies represents our spirit, the Holy Place our heart (these two are on the same platform), the inner court our soul, and the outer court our body. Zechariah died between the altar and the temple. That area signifies the porch of the temple. Which does represent the 'will.' On the porch there were two pillars, Jachin, and Boaz. Jachin means "in His counsel" and Boaz means "by His strength." What was going on with the religious leaders, was something that goes on today. They were essentially telling him to leave or to follow them. To leave what he said God was telling Him to do, and to follow them (or even follow God according to their courting). This same thing happened with Jesus. Just as they told Him to come down off of the cross. Destroying the temple, and so to be destroyed by God, means that someone would not do what Zechariah and Jesus did, but would leave, and or follow the religious leaders.
    Many people do not know that Kurt Cobain accepted Jesus into his heart before he was famous. Many people might think that he was not saved because of the things he did, and how he committed suicide, and never came into having good works. But that is not true. Kurt also wrote a song called "In His hands." (Most of the websites with Nirvana's lyrics have wrong lyrics posted). Kurt died before coming out of Egypt. His salvation can be read in the biography "Heavier than heaven." Brad Nowell also was saved. And Jimi Hendrix. Jimi also wrote a poem about Jesus, soon before he died. Remember that Jesus said that tax collectors and harlots would enter the kingdom of God before the religious. And also remember how the woman caught in adultery was forgiven. And what does it mean to go and sin no more?
    God Promised new spirits and new hearts. That is the internal incorruption. Once a person has received His talent, they have that. Their insides do not sin. Paul in Romans 7 explained the struggle between the flesh and the spirit. He showed how the willful sin was not us, because of our insides, but was sin. And 1 John 1 then goes on to explain, how then we must repent still of what was of our flesh. Remember also that Paul said that we are not to know anyone according to the flesh anymore. And that Jesus had been known that way, and was always perfect. We are to only know others now, by the seed of God. If a person receives His talent in sincere faith, they are sealed forever, as Paul says in Ephesians. Those who fall away, are those who never received His talent in sincerity, but were as the Pharisees who came out to John the Baptist. John said "Who told you to flee from the wrath that is coming?" They were only trying to run away from being condemned for being sinners. Just as Jesus explains in John 3, how the wicked only do not want to have their deeds exposed. And so what happens with those who never were sincere, is that they end up promoting religion. In Hebrews it is shown how important it is to 'enter in.' Peter says that the battle is against the soul. Paul said that he disciplined himself so that he would not be disqualified. In Philippians he said that he had not attained perfection. And in 2 Timothy he spoke about how he had finished his race, and kept the faith, and fought the good fight. What was Paul Promised coming out of Egypt? Jesus had told him all that he was to suffer for Him, and that He would preach His name. Paul had attained to entering in before He died, and had received the Promises that God had Promised Him coming up out of Egypt- His earthly gift. As Paul says that we all have gifts here on earth (1 Corinthians 7). The entering in, means that someone has built treasures in heaven, and has cultivated everything, and so are then going to reap what they had sown, even here on earth, their earthly gift. And when this happens, then the battle against the soul is won. The soul is sealed, and the battle is only with the flesh. Just as after having entered into the Promised land, the Israelites had to conquer the land still. But God was with them, and told them that everywhere they foot touched was theirs. God even said that "I am giving" the land and "I have given" the land, when they were still before the Jordan. And so once someone has entered in, their earthly gift and Promises are sealed, and are going to happen no matter what. When God says that He is the beginning and the end, it means that He knows all things. And so His Promises are going to happen no matter what, no matter what happens in between. And that is the bel'iev'ing. Having belief, and still following God, though it also may not be physically present, and there by sight. Those who are born of God, do not, can not sin anymore. Their insides are perfect, and their outsides are being perfected, even unto the rapture.
    God's conviction is not condemnation. God's conviction says 'who I was.' Because His talent is also there telling me who I 'am to be' in Him. And so salvation must be more than just confessing that someone is a sinner. And then also then to go and have good works. Confession also does not need to only be sin. To confess means to 'say the same as.' And so everything that we are to confess is to be the Holy Spirit. We are to confess His Promises also. In Christ, after having confessed sin, then there is to be a confession of His Promises. And in these confessions, it is the confession of being perfect, and sinless. As the life comes from God, and is also the new creation.
    When the cross comes to only be the removal of sins, what happens is that people gracefully condemn themselves. Insulting the Spirit of Grace means that someone takes it for granted. Which is present when grace doesn't go on to mean being perfect in Christ.
    Just as the white horse comes in Revelation 6, and then Jesus on the white horse comes later, so does the counterfeit come before the real. All of the enemy's power is grace manipulated. That is how religion comes. First the enemy destroys God's creation, and then builds it's own. But the kingdom of darkness is divided. When Christ spoke about the kingdom that is divided falling, He didn't mean that Satan's kingdom is not divided. The first division of Satan's kingdom was getting Adam and Eve to sin, and so have creation be given over to corruption. In anarchy, darkness steals, kills, and destroys. And then in religion, sets up it's own kingdom. When Jesus was accused of casting a demon out by Satan, what happened is that Jesus told them that He did not cast it out by Satan, and that the spirit was really gone. Because any demon not cast out by God is cast out by a bigger demon. And He was accused of casting the spirit out by Beelzebub (Which means 'lord of the flies,' and flies usually represent lies) they were saying that He did not have the authority to do what He did, and so their accusation. But what simple people do not understand, is that once the counterfeit has been exposed as a counterfeit, that the answer is not to just believe in the opposite thing. Satan sends confusion, and so then what do the simple believe? Simplicity. When God and wisdom are forgotten.
    The Sadducees came to test Jesus, and He didn't cast the pearl before them. Remember that God's wisdom, is for those who seek Him.
    Many people have a saying that 'the cannon is full.' Meaning that there are no new prophecies. But this is not in the Bible either. And first of all, people who say this, themselves add and take away from the Word of God, because it is their own interpretation. And so there is a lie which says that nowadays the gift of prophecy is only to illuminate the Scriptures we already have. People who say this also forget that it wasn't until years after John wrote Revelation that the Bible was put together. And so people say that at the end of Revelation, when it says to not add to, or take away from the 'prophecies of this book' that the cannon is full. But this is only a way for people to try and control 'churches.' Paul also spoke in Corinthians "Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for those who love Him.' And that the Spirit reveals to us His deep things. If anyone tries to say that prophets only illuminate the Scriptures, then how is it that Pastors, seek God, for the direction of the church? That is the gift of prophecy. David spoke about how God knows what is in every day. If there are no new prophecies, and only illuminations, then there is going to be nothing new for the rest of our lives. Only the illumination of things. Which may sound like only having illumination is really all there is now. But think about living like that. We could not expect anything new in our lives, only an illumination of things. And also remember what God said in Isaiah, about how He does new things, which the unfaithful did not know about, so that they could not, in the end, say that they did know. People also say, that as it says in Amos 3, about God not doing anything which He doesn't speak first in by His prophets, means that nothing new can happen, which isn't in the OT already. But think about this: "Where is the prophecy for not living under the law anymore?" Also, when the Bible was put 'together,' what happened is that people believed that the Bible was the whole word of God. When it isn't. First off, we have only some letters. Secondly, there are books, even mentioned in the Bible, which are Scripture. Like the Book of Jasher. And second Ezra is completely accurate, depicting also the kings of England, in prophecy. The idea with saying that there are new prophecies, is that God wouldn't leave us without everything we need. But if anyone believes this, then they must also believe that if all there is, is illumination, then the illuminations are also new things. Some people say that there aren't apostles anymore, because the early church planted the church, and the prophets, such as John received new words, and nowadays we only go off of that. First of all, there are not verses which corroborate with this. And second of all, this would mean that no one can seek God anymore, and that no one can be sent anymore. And do you see what the underlying belief is? That the Pastors do this, and the evangelists do this. What has happened, is that the gifts of the Spirit, have been taken away, just as the Roman Catholics did. And so the priests are the only ones which can receive new things, illumination, if you will. In looking at the existence of the church, notice this, in Isaiah 61, which Jesus read when He began His ministry, He read "The acceptable year of the LORD." And then stopped before reading "the day of vengeance." The church was hidden in God. And to say that either there are no new things, or that Nero was the Antichrist, takes away from the church. The Roman Catholics took much of Revelation, and made it out to be literal, where it was analogy, and analogy, where is was literal. So that they didn't offend the Romans. Because Revelation is about God's wrath. And contains the kingdom 'that is now' which John wrote about, about being one of Satan's kingdoms.
    The seven heads of Satan are the seven countries which have ruled over Israel. And the Antichrist kingdom is the eighth. First off, Nero couldn't be the Antichrist, because the prophecies in Daniel do not support it. And in this, where was the peace treaty with the Jews? The dead in Christ have not yet risen, and it isn't that this will happen right after He destroys the Antichrist, and false prophet. And it isn't after the end of the 1000 years, because when then do we meet Him in the clouds. He comes to Bozrah, and gives the Jews what the church is going to get, coming in the clouds, except when He does this for them, after having killed the Antichrist, and the false prophet, they are mourning, because they know that as a nation, they killed Him. While the church accepted Him. How can the church meet Him in the clouds, and then go through the 1,000 years with Him? First of all, this would mean that the early church was not the people who were taken out of the way, and that the 1,000 years are symbolical because Jerusalem has had none of the Promises which are to come to them in the 1,000 years.
    The kingdoms over Israel were Egypt, Assryria, Babylon, Medo-persia, Greece, Rome, and the Moslem Empire. And the Antichrist kingdom has yet to be.
    But there is also something else that does together with this. Just as Satan has seven heads, there are seven parts of his character, and seven ruling spirits which rule under him. This may be visible in seeing how Egypt represents Satan. And how Satan fell, when Adam and Eve were still not corrupted. And also how Israel was first sent into bondage into Egypt to show this, for what sin did Israel have, after Joseph had died, and Egypt afflicted them? The seven ruling spirits are Leviathan, Jezebel, Murder, Violence, False Peace, False Divinity, and antichrist. Notice also how Haman tried to murder the Jews, and that lines up withy Medo-Persia. Just also as Rahab was against Israel, as Assyria was. And what did Israel have to conquer coming out of Egypt? Rahab. Which God divided when He divided the Red Sea. Also in this, it is possible to see how Jezebel was allowed into Israel because of Ahab, but Ahab repented, and Elijah succeeded, and so Israel's end did not come upon them. And their end did not come upon them completely in many instances. Jezebel is the virgin daughter of Babylon. Though she lived even before the Assyrian captivity. There is also a virgin daughter of Egypt. Egypt signifies Satan being present outside of the Promised land. And Babylon, him being present inside of it. But remember also, that God Promises, even the Jews, to conquer beyond the Promised land. With the Promised land being conquered, and also by David, the first one to conquer it completely; it may be seen also, what entering in means. As Eden, and the Promised land were much bigger than a household garden. And David was a man after God's own heart. Adam and Eve still dwelt within Eden's extents, just not in what would be the inside of the temple, as the flaming sword was as the curtain of the temple, into the Holy of Holies. With Adam and Eve being near the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it is wrong to just say, that they shouldn't have even been close to it. As if trying to say, they were wrong before they ate of the fruit. The inner part of the garden, or grove, may not have been extensively large, so that they would have to tempt themselves to be near the tree. There are also seven sins which I see, along with the circle of heaven, 7 pillars, and the character, and ruling spirits of Satan: pride, lust, fear, witchcraft, rebellion, false divinity, and false humility. The Bible also says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Really rebellion is the volition in witchcraft. Witchcraft is not just sacrificing chickens, and the like. It is 'how to sin.' With the ruling of Spirit of False Divinity, I see with it, two false witnesses: Hell, and Death. And also, as right now is the time in between the Muslim Empire and the Antichrist Kingdom, I see three religions which have these over them: the Muslim religion, the Buddhists, and Hinduism. Notice how Buddhists try to never kill anything, and how the Hindus try to feel good. The spirits are deceiving them, even though they are under Hell, and Death.
    Reading Isaiah 18, it is possible to see how it is about America.
    Isaiah 18
    1 Woe to the land shadowed (stretching out) with buzzing wings (Locusts, armies),
    Which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia,
    2 Which sends ambassadors by sea,
    Even in vessels of reed (lightweight) on the waters (also the word for the waters which are the atmosphere, denoting jets), saying,
    “ Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and smooth of skin (obstinate),
    To a people terrible from their beginning onward,
    A nation powerful and treading down,
    Whose land the rivers divide.” (calling other countries' messengers to ourselves)
    3 All inhabitants of the world and dwellers on the earth:
    When he lifts up a banner on the mountains, you see it;
    And when he blows a trumpet, you hear it.
    4 For so the LORD said to me,
    “ I will take My rest,
    And I will look from My dwelling place
    Like clear heat in sunshine,
    Like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.”
    5 For before the harvest, when the bud is perfect
    And the sour grape is ripening in the flower,
    He will both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks
    And take away and cut down the branches.
    6 They will be left (Tribulation) together for the mountain birds of prey
    And for the beasts of the earth;
    The birds of prey will summer on them,
    And all the beasts of the earth will winter on them.
    7 In that time a present will be brought to the LORD of hosts
    From a people tall and smooth of skin,
    And from a people terrible from their beginning onward,
    A nation powerful and treading down,
    Whose land the rivers divide—
    To the place of the name of the LORD of hosts,
    To Mount Zion.
    America was great from it's beginning onward, defeating Britain, and France, and everyone else. Our flag even was "Don't tread on me." And as the song says this land is the land that the rivers divide. Isaiah 18 is talking about America, and not West Africa.
    When the last trumpet sounds, and the church meets Him in the clouds, that is when the dead who were raised, and those who are alive and receive incorruption receive the glorified body. As we meet our Father. Jesus is also our Father.
    The word 'avon' in the Hebrew means 'consequences.' And these were also placed on Jesus, on the cross. There is nothing too hard for Him! He saves! And a part of salvation is healing, and deliverance. Just as the words for salvation are translated into healing, and delivered, from the Greek, into the English. There are three Greek words for salvation: soterion, soteria, and sozo. Soteria is the salvation from our past sins, and nature. Soterion is the salvation from the sins we have after having received His talent. And sozo, is salvation unto perfection: healing, deliverance, and Promises!
    When Paul said that he tried to do good, but evil came, and that the intent to willfully sin was sin, and not him; there is something important to know: our intentions to not sin, are not to be just be said to be 'not enough.' Because it is these intentions that are the bar between sin and death, and falling away. God gives beauty for ashes, commands light out of darkness, and creates things which do not exist as though they did. Anyone who thinks the cannon is fully should also think about those Promises. And so good intentions can still be saved!
    With Jesus as our Bridegroom, and the church as His bride, and as a woman encompasses a man, how is that He may encompass us? What enters in, is the desires of our heart.
    How can there be fullness in marriage, and relationships? By esteeming others better than ourselves. That is what will bring equity, real and true equity. And not false equity, found in simplicity, and nothignness, vanity, and ambiguity. The Word of faith is nigh, in our mouth and heart. Know that practicality seeks to water down God's word, as if to take it down from heaven, and also to gracefully puff up, while actually condemning, as the cross is also a way to have our sins taken away, and Promises are sacrificed in the clefts. In repentance it says that the mountains will be brought down, and the valleys up, the crooked places made straight, and the rough places made smooth. This does not mean that there is not the word of faith! By confessing His Promises, and looking to Him in the clefts, we may be in the right position to confess the Word of faith. And so by esteeming others better than ourselves, we serve them, which is also what it means to 'wait.' Waiting on the LORD, is being His waiter. The greatest serves. This is also right in marriages. Paul said for wives to submit to their husbands. But do you not also know that Jesus served His bride? Therefore submitting to her? Did you not also know that He submitted to John the Baptist? Just as anyone might say this is Jezebellic, they should also consider how submitting to Pastors then would be the same thing. As they are the greatest, and should be the ones serving and submitting. The truth is that whether to a spouse, or any leader, people are only supposed to submit to someone, as the other one is submitting to God. And if the circumstance is that the one being served is in sin, consider also then, what Jesus did for us on the cross. Just as all other things should be done in discernment, so that people aren't merely joining in other people's sins. But the discernment is supposed to be in love, and God, and in wisdom, and not in simplicity. Ephraim and Manasseh represent marriage. Just as they were two tribes which were apart from the twelve tribes and sons of Jacob. The older served the younger. The older, Manasseh, is a type of a human husband. And as he submits and serves his wife, then she rules over him. And it is this way because everyone has sin. And so the husband can not just tell his wife to do whatever he tells her to do, and then the two only have whatever unity that their sin doesn't eat up. The aftermath of corban is: "whatever we have, we have, and whatever we don't have, we don't have." Contentment is marriage means that a couple don't forget what they have to work on, so that what they have is on the Rock. And so being content would mean to not have that aftermath of corban, because God wants fullness, and salvation, and not for sin to sway love. Remember what Israel told Samson, asking him why he was fighting the Philistines? "Don't you know they rule over us?" That was not God's will. When God cursed Adam and Eve, after they sinned, He said that the woman's desire would be for her husband, and that the husband would rule over her. What this means is that without unity, the wife is not going to get anything from the husband. And if a husband really loves his wife, then this curse is over him also. What should be understood in not condemning genders, is that Adam and Eve were one flesh. So it wasn't one person fault above the other. If the husband really esteems the wife better than himself, than in being like Manasseh this curse is removed. Just as in Christ, man may have all curses taken away. And so Ephraim then would encompass Manasseh, and Manasseh would serve Ephraim. Is meeting each other's desires not good in marriage? Serving Ephraim may even be seen as 'catering.' As in pleasing. And pleasing is not all evil. We may have pleasure in Christ. Including relations in marriage. Wrongful pleasing, is when people are immature, and don't want to be whole hearted towards God. And so what happens is that the wife would turn the husband away from the LORD, and the husband the wife. But the answer to this is not separation, but to work things out.
    With husbands and wives, they may have everything that anyone may have with the LORD. And the LORD also may have everything that anyone has in their human relationships. The difference is that we are the flesh for the Spirit, and Jesus is in us, in all that we do that is love. Notice how in Proverbs 31 the husband 'praises' his wife. Whatever God is in, is holy. And whatever anyone does that is love, is worshiping God. And I fear the LORD, according to Him being in other people.
    Jacob said of the other twelve tribes, that it would come to be, that they would want to be as Ephraim and Manasseh. When husbands and wives serve each other, they give each other, what they have, and who they are. In being one with the Father, Jesus, and the Spirit, we are equal with Him. The Bible calls us elohims (There are no capital letters in the Hebrew). Which also is God's name in creating. As 'im' is plural, and all of God was in creation, Spirit, Son, and Father. We can be everything God is, except Him without Him. Husbands and wives, may have together, what Jesus spoke about in John 17: "I in you, and you in me." And together they have that with Jesus, and together, with the Father, and the Spirit.
    Amen does not merely mean 'so be it.' It means that a Promise of God has been witnessed, and someone believes it.
    With what I have shown so far about marriage in heaven, there still could be disputes. For instance, someone could say that Paul's words about married couples presenting each other to Christ, is what it means that two cherubs encompass Him on His throne. But this is not right. Because marriage is not just about trying to clean each other off. Love is about having eternal relationship. And besides, for this to be true, then the cherubs wouldn't be encompassing Him on His throne, but would be before it. Also someone could say that one of the cherubs could symbolize humans with incorruptible bodies, and the other angels. But that is not true. Because the Bible says that we will be 'like' the angels, not exactly the same. There are different glories to the different types of bodies. Even though they both will be heavenly.
    In 1 Thessalonians 4 Paul was speaking about the rapture, and said "We who are alive and remain." And the 'we' denotes, him not being one of the dead in Christ, but one of the ones who are alive. And that did not happen. First of all, in Daniel, it says that the timing of the end, before the Tribulation was sealed, until the time it would come about. Also, in James, James wrote that we are to say "Yes" or "No." What that does, is allow us to speak according to our own understanding. Like how the Spirit intercedes for us. And so in saying "Yes" or "No," a person is speaking almost in 'if's'. 'If's' themselves are not good, when it comes to receiving God. That is why Paul said that the promises of God are "Yes" and "Amen." The law was 'if's'. But there is a difference between 'if's' and saying "Yes" or "No." They are 'like' each other, but not exactly the same. Because in saying "Yes" or "No" a person is still agreeing, and not leaving things ambiguous. Because they are admitting what they do and do not know for sure still. What is happening, is someone is speaking according to their own understanding. Proverbs says to not lean on our own understanding. With this, a person is still to remain open to the Holy Spirit, so that they can receive the truth, and the whole truth. So that things may be brought into the obedience of Christ.
    Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 is answering questions about marriage. The questions that were asked him, are not sure. Someone could say, in not believing in marriage in heaven, that Paul was giving them how to then walk, while in this world. Whether or not Paul believed in marriage in heaven or not, I am not fully sure. But in reading 1 Corinthians 7, it is obvious that he is giving commands based on what they did know at the time. And that agrees with what he said, and how he said it.
    God is not using marriage, as a type of how we are married to Jesus. Looking at things like that, is like looking at marriage like how Paul described what happened in 1 Corinthians 5: "immorality that is not even named among the Gentiles." Think about it. Spouses only are practices, to give to Jesus? And then there is no more procreation too? No more of the intimate spousal love? And remember that it is one of His Promises to have a name that no one else knows too.
    For instance, had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have populated the earth. But what would have happened after that? They would have had new bodies, according to their maturity, which is what takes place now, it is just that we are in the fall now also. God would not have just closed down marriage, leaving the youngest without being able to grow up and get married, and have families of their own.
    The Bible shows that those under the law were promised the earth. And those after Jesus came were promised heaven, as their homes. Though those who were under the law, are in heaven right now, but are sleeping, and at rest. Those under the law, never had the opportunity to full have the prosperity of the Spirit with them, in their earthly gift. Which is also how David, and Solomon stumbled. Also remembering how God Promised those under the law, after David and Solomon that the Jews would conquer even beyond the Promised land. What happend with David and Solomon stumbling, is that they ran out of room. And that happened because they could not yet have the Holy Spirit inside of them. They had Him, in them-upon them. But now, the church, may have the Holy Spirit inside of them. And this is what it means what Jesus told Peter that the gates of Hell would not prevail over the church. Remember that Peter denied the Lord three times, and then at the end of the gospel of John, Jesus restored him, three times even. First of all, in walking just as He did, and with Hell and Death being spirits, that (as David shows) must be overcome, even before being deceased from this earth; we have to, and are able, to do exactly what Jesus did. He went to Hell, and took back everything that was lost to Death, in the past, present, and for the future. Those are the keys. And He did that, through His race, and cross. And so the gates of Hell can not prevail over the church because, as Peter was restored, no matter what anyone does, they can be fully restored, even while here on earth, and receive every good and perfect gift, even their earthly inheritance and gift. The church is going to have their homes in heaven, while those under the law, on earth. But once they reach maturity, and this time also, without having to overcome sin, they will have new bodies, and have a heavenly home. Heaven is infinite. To procreate in heaven is not going to be a problem, as far as running out of room. And when those under the law, mature, and receive heavenly bodies, then there will be room left on earth, for those who haven't yet, and for them to still contine to grow. Also, consider the amount of time that were between bearing children, in Adam and Eve's time. So it is not as if earth would get too populated, too quickly. And also, they are going to have the whole earth, and not just Eden.
    There is a heavenly Jerusalem, and an earthly one. Paul said that the church was born through the heavenly one. That is how the church's spirits and hearts are in heaven. Seated with Him.
    The Spring feasts are for the church, those who accept Christ, while the fall feasts are for those who do not accept Him. Therefore the Feast of Trumpets, is not alligned to meeting Him in the air. With this, Jesus was born six months after John the Baptist, who was born in the Spring. The Feast of Trumpets, as beginning, and then including Rosh Hashanah, more deals with the birth of Jesus. December 25 is the sun god's birthday. The Roman Catholic church brought a lot of pagan religion into mixture with Biblical things. First off, the Pope's robe has the symbol of Jupiter and Saturn on it. Which are Roman gods. One of fertility, and one of fathering. Second of all, Peter was not the first Pope. He was a type of Christ, also having His testimony. Thirdly, Catholic 'Mass' comes from the word 'massa.' And Christ-mas also comes from this. Massa is the word for the cakes that were baked for the Queen of heaven (Jezebel). Massa means 'tribute' or 'burden.' And also was a son of Ishmael. And Ishmael is a type of Israel being in bondage to the law. There are two things with Israel being in bondage to the law. First, the real Israel, is saved, as they are justified by faith, and have salvation by grace. No flesh was ever, and can not be saved by works. Not even under the law. Those in the OT were still saved through Jesus' sacrifice, which gave salvation, which they were supposed to be looking for still, and was through grace. Moses also prayed for grace. The law was a tutor. What happened, is that when someone sinned, there was death in them, and they also lacked knowledge, as not being able to have the Holy Spirit inside of them. And so God has them perform the duties of the law. And through the meanings that are in the law, they would be able to turn to the Spirit, and so be saved. And God gave the law, to preserve men then. Because sin without it would have had no 'check.' And man was not ready for Christ yet. Just as also, God had not perpared everything yet. And so those who were the real Israel were in bondage to the law, but saved still. Now that men may have the Holy Spirit in them, the law is no longer needed, as to 'wake' to God. Ishmael also though, symbolizes those who, under the law, attempted to live by the works of the flesh, and also persecuted God's real children. And the real Israel, is saved from that also. Some people believe that the Roman Catholic church is the harlot riding on the beast. And they may be involved in that, but that is not the whole picture. Jezebel is immoral. She fornicates, but without pay. Which is whoredom. Because she doesn't entertain the latter end of things. She is neither white, nor black witchcraft. Not entertaining the latter end of things, is worshiping nothingness. Which is shown in Isaiah 47: "I am, and there is no one else besides me." False divinity, is harlotry. This is being immoral for pay. As seen with Dianna. This is white witchcraft. The pay is having 'false hope.' Religion is immorality, for pay, for employment. In Revelation, the harlot is called Babylon. And the harlot is destroyed before the false prophet is. And the false prophet is Jezebel. And so the harlot and the false prophet are not the same. The harlot is false divinity, Dianna, and is the false prophet's 'fruit.' Just as Jezebel had the prophets of Baal. When the false prophet is destroyed, then it is as it says in Isaiah: "These two things shall come upon you at once, the loss of children, and widowhood." The false prophet is commissioned by the Anitchrist, Leviathan. They have not have physical sexual relations together, but that is the relationship. The false prophet receives position by the Antichrist, and then turns others to worship him also. There are many Roman Catholic beliefs which go right along with false divinity, and the harlot. Firstly thinking and saying things like how they and the Moslems worship the same god. Being a friend to the world. And being religious. Taking God, and trying to mix Him with pagan things. And Babel means 'confusion by mixing.'
    For angels to encompass Jesus equally with humans, then they would have to also be His bride. Which would mean being in His image. Which is male and female. Therefore trying to say that one cherub represents heavenly humans, and the other angels, actually supplants marriage in heaven. And what about Lucifer encompassing God, when there was no angelic marriage yet? It was yet to be. And still is.
    'Rhema' is the Greek word for spoken word of Christ. 'Logos' is the Greek word for the written word of God. The rhema is what contains His life. And is to be everlasting. Which is how to know if it is the rhema, or just some VAIN imagination. When the gifts of the Spirit are given, edifying others, the substance is the 'rhema.' And that is how for instance, when Pastor shepherds (pastures) and gives his gift, that 'I' can receive it, and then also have what I need to be able to give mine, and be able to pastor my own family at home. And so what the angels are witnessing, is the spoken word of Christ, and His everlasting life. And therefore receiving that hope (future) in themselves, and so learning. And that is how angels had the knowledge of good and evil, but not INCORRUPTIBLE life yet.
    In Romans 8 it says that those who are led by the Spirit of God, are sons of God. But the tense of the word 'led' means 'to be continaully led.' And that is what INCORRUPTIBLE life offers. Versus the innocence of the knowledge of good and child likeness. And the temporal foundation of the knowledge of good and evil. Incorruptible life is what leads into life EVERLASTING. Just as child likeness may continue, butthe continuance of it, is the very defintion of it being 'mature.' And knowing what is right and wrong is temporal, just as only in doing it, is there a future. Adam and Eve, and the fallen angels, went as far as they could with what they had, before the fell. God did make them fall. He subjected it, into happening. He was not the one in them, doing the falling.
    Paul did not attempt to say that Daniel's prophecies were unsealed. In fact, his words in 2 Thessalonians about the Antichrist being revealed show this.
    Second of all, think about what the Bible says about the Bereans. It says that they searched the Scriptures, to check to see if what was said agreed with them. If faith is in man alone, then faith isn't worth anything, whether that person is right or wrong.
    Paul did get the truth more right, concerning the rapture, though he may have been convinced it was going to happen in his time. As in Philippians, he spoke about being a part of the resurrection of the dead. And he wrote this close to when he died, as he was in prison, after leaving Jerusalem to go to Rome.
    Speaking in "Yes" or "No" may sound like lying, but it is not. It it like President Bush saying something like "When we win the war." When we may not win until after his office time is up, and there is a new President. "Yes" and "No" is speaking according to one's faith. Because God is not just pleased to hear about what we don't know. That is not godly. Though religion loves it. The only way to come to the truth is to begin to walk towards it, and seek it. And that can not be done, just by trying to make lacking knowledge into being humble.
    The religious are quitters, when it comes to staying with God. Paul's thorn in the flesh, was that he used his revelations to win people over, or try to. But the fact that he was given the thorn, was so that he could keep and mature the gift, not so that he wouldn't. Trying to win people over this way, is like having a Pep Rally, and getting people to agree, and then slipping in Jesus. Which is what happend from Acts 14 to 18. First off, a woman possessed by a spirit of false divinity (She was shrieking, which is what Dianna worshipers did), followed him around. Then people tried to worship him. That is why when he came to Corinth he was in much fear and trembling. As it says in 1 Corinthians. And 2 Corinthians is where he speaks about his thorn in the flesh. It is not just having 'high' revelations, that involves this kind of thorn. Because people can do it too, by trying to make things sound practical. And what does practical mean? Not quite. It takes equity to be able to balance good and evil, and to give the whole word of God. And not add to it, or take away from it. And the whole word of God is very important. And Paul speaks about the whole counsel of God in Acts. Just as Ezekiel was responsible for knowing what he knew, and being known by God. But this isn't supposed to be some kind of motivation to go and get people to 'evangelize.' The Bible says that the spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD. And Jesus says that the lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, eyes represent spirits. But Jesus also said that when the eye is perfect, then the whole body will be also. This is a type of having His life in the mortal flesh. Which is through being enraptured in Him. When we are present with the LORD, we are absent from the corrupted flesh. And when we are present with the LORD, then His life can come into the mortal flesh. Beinb born again means having perfect spirits and hearts. Being a double vessel means being like the unprofitable servant. And so if anyone thinks they are half and half, that is being double. And simplicity has cultivated this. The eye being perfect doesn't mean either, just that people should take the plank out of their own eye. It means more, to be enraptured in the LORD, and then be able to be the lamp on a hill. And so dogging spirituality is not right. As if people who try to be spiritual miss things. And aren't practical, or 'down to earth.' This is how the mountains are brought low and the valleys up, and His Word isn't brought down from heaven, or up from Hell, as the word of faith is in the heart and mouth, because the person is enraptured, and we are to be continually.
    With John the Baptist, being as the Spirit of Repentance, his birth had to come bfore Passover. As Passover is symbolic of Jesus' death, and those who are His must be with Him in His death, thus already having begun to prepare the way. And that puts Jesus' birth way before December 25.
    In the passage where Jesus is tested by the Sadducees about the resurrection, there is also something else to gain insight from. That just as God is the God of Abraham, and the God of living, marriage has to have always been dead, for it not exist eternally. And is anyone going to say, that every marriage, even Adam and Eve's before the fell, and spiritually, and then physically died, that their marriage was dead?
    In 1 Thessalonians when Paul is talking about those who 'fell asleep' it may be that he is talking about people who died without yet entering in. And that is why he did not want them to sorrow as 'those who have no hope.'
    When Samuel was summoned by the witch, he said that he was woken up. The spirits and hearts that are in heaven are alive and communing with God. And this is how Elijah was seen by Peter on the mountain. He saw Elijah's spirit, as being empowered by the LORD.
    In Daniel, God told Daniel that he would rest until he awoke unto his inheritance. That is the sleeping. Which even is taking place for those who were taken captive, from Paradise, when Jesus took captivity captive. Daniel is one of those in Revelation, who is one of the 'small and great' before the LORD, who are given resurrected bodies. Just also, as it says in Daniel, that that wouldn't happen until everything was done.
    The sleeping happens because the soul, while in Paradise, is still in the second heaven. And without the body being active, it is sleeping. In the parable with Lazarus and the rich man, Lazarus is still conscious, because sleep doesn't mean that someone is unconconsious. It means that their body is not active. Just as when God created everything, and then had rest on the seventh day, that rest does not mean not creating anything anymore. Just as Jesus said that the Father has been working from the beginning. It means not doing anything alone anymore. And so with creation being created, God was no longer doing anything alone, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, were working in creation. The Sabbath rest is like that. As men through salvation do not have their wicked, dead works anymore, which are idle to the creation of goodness in God. And with Adam and Eve living then God's 'body' was no longer 'sleeping.' In contrast. As also God's creation is His hope. Just as spirit, soul, body; and love, faith, hope. That is how much He loves us, and that is us being His inheritance.
    The 24 elders who are before the throne of God in Revelation, are people who have entered in. While the sea of glass, and glass is sand which is refined, are those who didn't.
    The soul is at rest as the body sleeps. And it is a sleep symbolically, for the body, and not termed something as being forsaken forever, because of hope.
    Ten is the number for the body of Christ. And five is the number for the Holy Spirit. Five is the number for the Holy Spirit because that was how many times Pharaoh hardened his heart against God, and is the number of how many times Israel rebelled against Him, and so fell away, blaspheming His Spirit. There was Marah, Meribah, Mount Sinai, when they asked for meat, and when they gave a bad report. God hardened Pharaoh's heart the last five times, coming unto falling away, and being unable to be renewed unto repentance to Jesus Christ, just as also after the bad report, God gave Israel into wandering in the wilderness. And so because of their unbelief, they got tried anyways, but didn't get any rewards.
    The body is made up of ten parts, and the soul five. The spirit and heart are the first two, and the first two witnesses. Being alike, and yet still different somewhat. The spirit empowers, and contains our source of life, as in empowering. And the heart is where we dine/commune with Him, and where our desires are, which also contains our source of life, but more along the lines of storing. Four is the number for unity, and three the number for the trinity. Four is unity, because when three are together as one, they are as having four specific groups, being individual, and together. And so in there being ten parts of the body, the spirit and heart are the first two, but count as three of then ten, as in being all together. The soul is where our personality is. And is the container of our life. The word for personality, for the soul, is nephesh (Hebrew), which both comprises our personality as it manifests as we go through our day, and the whole things which is the whole of who we are. The ruwach (Hebrew), the word for breath, is what connects our whole being together, in being alive. Just as God breathed into Adam, and Ezekiel prophesied to the Breath. Then there is the mind, the will, and the imagination. But the imagination is vain unless the spirit and heart are born again. And so when these are all added together the imagination is only present when the first platform of the spirit and heart are, thus it being: spirit (1), heart (2), together (3), nepesh (4), ruwach (5), mind (6), will (7), and imagination with everything together (8). And then the body is nine, and everything all together is ten. Five is the number for creativity. Which is why witches use it in their pentegrams. Because they are cursing God's creation, and then building their own. They are destroying His, and then manipulating, and giving their own.
    And so as 12 is the number for the bride, it is that the two witnesses are added onto 10, as the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ are upon the body of a man and or woman. The Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ are one, but they are also individuals too. And there has to be one for their to be the other. But here is why the authority is not in the Word, as the saying is. Because the only way to receive the Word, is by the Spirit, and that is His rhema, even when it is the logos which is already written. 24 then, is when those who are enlightened unto God, become one with Him, thus the two witnesses multiplied completely inside of them, to make them one with Him. And that is the number for the church.
    8 is the number for new beginnings, just as circumcision was on the eigth day. And just as on the eigth day, after God rested, things were new. 9 is the number for incompletion. As the woman lost one coin from her ten, and as the shepherd lost one sheep of his hundred, making ninety-nine in that case. There are 9 fruits of the Spirit, and the fruit of the fruit of the Spirit, the lost coin, the tenth fruit, is everlasting life, which we may have right now inside of us, and given into our mortal bodies, but also eat of it in heaven. Knowing even more intimately His spoken word. 6 is the number for creation, and man, as man was created on the sixth day. Seven is for completion, and perfection. But not necessarily holiness, as Satan has seven heads. Evil is perfect, and complete, just not holy. 14 is the number for the right hand of fellowship, being succeeding in preparing the way, also as being 7 times 2. 15 is the number for restoration, as 15 years were added onto Hezekiah's life. 16 is the number for God's talent which gives. 17 for coming back from captivity, as Jeremiah bought Ananthoth for 17 shekels of silver. And I can go on, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. I have a lot of written down in my book, but I am still working on compiling it the best way.
    In Ephesians, when Paul talks about the eyes being enlightened, the word for understanding is actually the Greek word for volition. And really when Jesus says 'to love the LORD your God with all of your...' the word for mind is this same word. And as we have two eyes, we have the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The left symbolizes serving, and the right honor.
    To and fro is symbolic of how to know. And also is represented in the angels ascending and descending. Within going to and fro, there is the understanding of walking in power. As we are to have His power, and walk in it. We are vessels containing His power, and may do all things with Him. And are to, as being His family. There are five distinct tenses of the knowledge of God: echad, yachid, ascending and descending, rest, and all things. All things is like being definitively infinite, and infinitely definitive. We by ourselves, can have no infinity. But through God we may. Just as His understanding is unsearchable, and we aren't to have any without Him. To and fro, is like a pendulum swinging back and forth between echad and yachid, which is also where these tenses of the knowledge of God are. When oneness has been achieved, according to whatever amount is has been achieved, then it is as though the pendulum is at echad, and yachid at the same time. Think of a pendulum swinging quickly and looking just like one ojbect, or flesh between two points. And also think about time as a factor, in knowing what amount of oneness is achieved. As a pendulum moves quickly, this is easy to see, but when it is more slow, the pendulum still was at all points, for example, in the same hour, or minute. The equity, and conception, is when the pendulum seems to be still at the middle, during it's swinging. Contentment, as in meditation knows that there is only point in which the pendulum is always prudent (at the right place in the right time); and that is the point from which the pendulum hands, which is love, and God.
    The Spirit of Jesus Christ is what is added onto the body, onto the soul, and spirit, to make ten, just as the imagination only comes in with the born again spirit and heart. As Paul said that anyone who does not have the Spirit of Jesus Christ is not His.

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    Wed, Sep 5th - 11:20PM

    Has anyone ever seen fun (Post 2)

    Genesis 1:1-2
    1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
    These verses contain the beginning of creation. The Hebrew words for formless, and void denote destruction in their interpretations. But, that is not all that they mean. The interpretations here in the English are correct also. And along with that, in the way of destruction, there is David’s words in Psalm 9:6: “Destructions are finished forever.” Creation as spoken of here, was the imagination of God. Formless is wisdom. And wisdom is how to be righteous. And as this is God’s imagination, since the creation has not taken physical form yet, hence ‘without form’ the wisdom has yet to be done. Kind of like the testimony given by James about not only being hearers of the Word, but doers. It is not that God needed that admonishment, but the testimony is there, about hearing, and then doing. Wisdom, is a part of the trinity. There is wisdom, understanding, and knowledge; and there is spirit, soul, and body. When creation took form physically, then it existed in time. Before that, it existed in eternity. Which still contains time, but not physically. And so the imagination still is doing, and isn’t being idle, or only hearing, because the tense of the word in verse one in ‘creating’ denotes that it was occurring, and not something that was stayed. Understanding is having the righteousness, that wisdom speaks about. And righteousness doesn’t mean that something is religious. No, it means that it is in agreement with God. Like in the idea of being just, and in right standing. The word void in verse resembles understanding. Since creation had not taken physical form yet, by the spoken Word of God, the understanding was not present yet. And so it was void, yet to come to pass physically, though it was being created spiritually. And like I already said, the creation taking place in imagining was eternal, and so God was always doing that. And we may find that out all of our lives, even in heaven. In 1 John, John speaks about the people ‘who were never with us.’ In Christ, we get to always find out how we were always with Him. That is predestination, and foreknowledge. The darkness represents knowledge. In Psalm 19, David spoke about night unto night revealing knowledge. Well, darkness is knowledge that has not been revealed yet, in this context with things being before the fall and sin. And darkness still represents this even after someone is saved, in the context of going from glory to glory. There is still an aspect, even after being saved, where the veil is taken off of us through revelation. And it isn’t that we were in sin, just because something was in the night. Otherwise, whenever we are being stretched it is because we sinned. The deep represents the depths of God, symbolically. And the word for hovering, also is the word for brooding. And so the Spirit was brooding over God’s depths, and still is, as eternity also encompasses our present and our future. The imagination brings forth the desires, and intents of God.
    Genesis 1:3-4
    3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
    Notice that God did not create the darkness. He created the light, and brought if forth. The darkness resembles how we were not made by ourselves (Psalm 100:3), but needed Him to create us. We were always with Him, in His foreknowledge, even our physical bodies. When God promised new hearts and spirits, He still called the heart a heart of flesh. What is spiritual and created is a flesh also. Just as Paul speaks about there being different types of bodies. And so all of what God has created, and is creating, and that we are to receive was always in God.
    Genesis 1:5-8
    5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.
    6 Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” 7 Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.
    The firmament is heaven. There are three heavens, just as Paul also speaks about someone being caught up into the third heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2). There is a heaven for each part of our bodies: spirit, soul, and body; third heaven, second heaven, first heaven. The third heaven is where God and His throne is. The second heaven is where the demons mainly operate. And the first heaven is earth. The waters are between the heavens. For example, The Bible says that the circle of heaven is before God’s throne (Isaiah 40:22). And the circle of heaven is: humility, judgment, mercy, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and love. Job 28 speaks about the pillars and the womb of the earth. The pillars are as humility, and the womb is as judgment. And this also coincides with Adam’s words “Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.” Mercy is as the earth’s thighs. Mercy is more than just as undeserved gift. It is God’s ability that He gives for His children and servants to love and obey Him. And this doesn’t make Him into being like someone who is bitter. It means that He has to give His mercy for His children and servants to be able to love and obey Him. It doesn’t even mean that we did anything wrong. It means that He is higher than us, and that He doesn’t have to do it, but that He does it, and in love, and because He wants to. Righteousness is what is, and what is supposed to be on the surface of the earth. Repentance and forgiveness are the waters in between earth the first heaven, and the second, and between the second heaven, and the third. And love is the third heaven. The word baptize means to immerse. In coming to God we are baptized, immersed into Him. And no longer are of the world, and no longer have to be. This is also true physically, on earth, where there is water, and where we may be physically baptized with our bodies. The waters of repentance, and forgiveness, are what we are immersed in as we continually walk with God.
    Genesis 1:9-13
    9 Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. 10 And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good.
    11 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 13 So the evening and the morning were the third day.
    You will notice that every seed bears fruit according to it’s kind. In Job, beings called the ‘sons of God’ ascended into heaven. These are fallen angels. And also spoken of, as having ual with women in Genesis 6. This brought forth giants, and other half humans. It may seem as if this is impossible, but it is not. Remember that Jesus is also the Angel of the LORD. There is a theory that says that no one has ever seen God before, but that the sightings of the Angel of the LORD is speaking about Angels that are representing Him. But one must consider that people saw God, because they saw Jesus. Jesus was God, completely. It was not that He became God. No, He always was, and always will be God. What He did in becoming human, was save us, so that because of all that He did, we can too, and so have life. It is the Father, that no one has ever completely seen. Stephen even saw Jesus’ face in heaven. Adam and Eve knew God, but they only knew Him, as from a child’s viewpoint. They still knew Him, but not completely. Just as children aren’t keen to everything. Also, remember that Joshua bowed down and worshiped the Angel of the LORD. And every instance in which a man of God has bowed down to an angel sent by God, the angel told the man not to. And the Angel of the LORD didn’t. But even furthered Joshua’s worship of Him. And so with Jesus also as the Angel of the LORD, and with Him also as a man, and man being in His image, between angels and humans was not impossible. And also remember that God saved Noah and his family because they were the only ones who were righteous in all of their ways. Fallen angels can not and are not going to be saved. And so half human, half angels, can not be saved either, having that anatomy. When Jesus spoke about the resurrection from the dead, and being like the angels in heaven, it must be known exactly what He said. He said “The angels in heaven.” God’s angels aren’t having with humans. The fallen angels did. The fallen angels have no home. God’s angels do. That is the distinction here in being able to differentiate between God’s angels, who don’t mentioned by Jesus who don’t have with humans, and the fallen angels which did.
    Genesis 1:14-19
    14 Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
    First off, I would like to point out that the stars were for signs. E.W. Bullinger has written a book on the stars. In it he talks about how the signs of the stars were from God first, and made pagan after that. The sun is the greater light, and represents the bridegroom (Psalm 19), while the moon is the lesser light, and represents the bride. But also, in this, with the lights in the heavens also representing stars, is that the moon was representative of Lucifer. Lucifer means “Container of the glory of God.” Before he fell, he was God’s cherub. He would fold his wings over and around God’s throne and cover Him. Just as a woman encompasses a man. Notice also, how now, after the fall, that God is covered by two cherub’s, or cherubim (‘im’ is plural in the Hebrew). Jesus is the One who sits on the mercy seat, and that is where the cherubim cover Him. In looking at Jesus’ answer to the Sadducees it may be seen how there is marriage in heaven. Jesus said “At the resurrection.” Know that there is much after the resurrection. The wisdom behind this, is that no one is married in heaven, until the wedding of the Lamb. Also know that after that, the angels will also marry and have families. And no longer only be ‘servants and messengers to those who will receive salvation’ but sons and daughters. When Paul speaks about there no longer being male or female, he is speaking about being incomplete before being married. That is because man and woman together are the image of God, male and female as one. And so in Jesus no one is incomplete, lacking male or female. They are one in Jesus Christ. And again, the incorruptible heavenly bodies, are going to still be type of flesh, just as the spiritual heart is a flesh, and there are different types of bodies. Now about the resurrection. There are different resurrections also. The church is Christ’s body and bride. While those who were under the law and before it also are. But, no one before the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost, after Jesus’ ascension had the Holy Spirit inside of them. Marriage is a type of trinity. There is being the same body, being one, of the same flesh, and having the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. Elijah was raptured, which is symbolic of the church. While Elisha and the rest of Israel were not and are symbolic of the Jews. Paul spoke about the rapture. When he spoke about the dead in Christ rising, that is one resurrection. Which is preceding the rapture. And fulfilling the sign of Jonah, just as those who are His, walk just as He did. Isaiah 18 also speaks about a banner, or sign, and that is the dead in Christ rising. Those who died after He ascended. As He took all who were in Paradise before that, into heaven. Some also rose with Him, when He rose, and those were the ones who were saved before the law (Melchizedek was King of Salem/Jerusalem, and there were saints there), and without the law. Remember that He also said that Nineveh and the Queen of the South would rise. They turned to God. And are saved. There are different depths to Hell also, depending on how seared a person’s conscience is. Hades is a spirit, and Death also. Being in Hell, a name that denotes being seared. While Hades speaks of the authority and name of the spirit. Sheol is Hades and Death together. These two spirits, as shown by David, are not only reserved for the physically deceased. And they must be overcome just as the other spirits. Paul said that those who are alive are going to receive new incorruptible bodies, just as Jesus and those who rose with Him did. And Paul also says that forty days later, at the last trumpet, we shall all meet Him in the air. That is the rapture of the church. Which also coincides with the feasts. As Jesus was resurrection Firstfruits, and ascended ten days before Pentecost. The resurrection is Daniel, is the resurrection of those who were taken captive from Paradise into heaven, by Jesus. All angels had jobs. Just like how Jesus rebuked the wind from the boat. He rebuked the angel that was in charge of that wind. Just as he rebuked Satan when Peter spoke by him. Those who die who are saved, sleep. Their souls and spirits sleep. As their physical bodies are dead. But the fallen angels still occupy space in the second heaven. And so Paradise is where those who are saved died, and are kept, free from being mixed together with anything evil that rules in the second heaven. Notice then also, that after Revelation 12, when the Devil and his angels are cast out of the third heaven, for remember that even in Job that they were allowed to still come back; that the dead go straight to heaven. Because He never again, takes captivity captive. The authority for the fallen angels to do anything to those who are saved, comes from their meddling in the third heaven. Many people say that Revelation 12 happened when Jesus made His sacrifice, but it did not. Notice still in Daniel and Revelation, that angels falls. The moon and the stars, the physical don’t fall, like according to what happens spiritually, exactly. If a real star fell to the earth, it would absolutely destroy it. Notice how much damage a comet would do. It could be that the last angel fell and so physically something happened too, because just because the physical and spiritual are representations does not mean that there is no truth. God’s spirituality, and imagination, are truth. So it might be that a part of a physical star falls to the earth. With the analogy of the dragon’s tail drawing the stars, notice also, that the very analogy denotes it taking time, hence the ‘drawing.’ Those who are saved, don’t go to Hell when they die. But why then, one may ask, does it say in Revelation that Hell and Death delivered up the dead in them “And anyone not found in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire?” Because the talent of the unprofitable servant is their salvation. And God’s Word performs that which He sent it for. In Romans 9 Paul speaks about how God makes a vessel of honor and dishonor from the same lump. What happens with the unprofitable servant is that instead of believing in God, they undo His belief, and thus willfully sin, and fall away, and can not be renewed. That is the unprofitable servant. But also in this, it must be understood that just because someone has sin in their lives, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t saved. Some people died in Egypt before being able to enter into the Promised land. The bar is sincere faith. As Paul told Timothy. Everyone cast into the lake of fire is a unprofitable servant. Even Satan. And so what is happening in Revelation 20:15, is that the talent which was buried is going to him who has, and the person who God wanted to be, is going to be born through someone else. God is not taking away the salvation of people because they do some sin. And it is not that someone is kind of saved if they have belief, but then is really saved, when they have works. That is not grace and faith. What happens with belief, and enlightenment is that a person knows who God is, and doesn’t wholly and sincerely want to love Him. And so they are double. A double vessel, out of the same lump. And so the vessel of honor is the talent, and all of the things that God was going to make that person into, goes to another person, who will be born through someone else after the marriage of the Lamb. And the vessel of wrath and dishonor goes into the lake of fire.
    Genesis 1:20-23
    20 Then God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” 23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
    All animals point to God. They are not in His image, like man and woman, but they are symbols and examples of how He operates. Like with the lamb and the lion. Birds represent angels. And fish humans.
    Genesis 1:24-3:24
    24 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. 25 And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
    26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
    29 And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. 30 Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so. 31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
    1 Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. 2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
    4 This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5 before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground; 6 but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.
    7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.
    8 The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden , and there He put the man whom He had formed. 9 And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
    10 Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. 11 The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah , where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush . 14 The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria . The fourth river is the Euphrates .
    15 Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
    18 And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” 19 Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.
    21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.
    23 And Adam said:
    “This is now bone of my bones
    And flesh of my flesh;
    She shall be called Woman,
    Because she was taken out of Man. ”
    24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
    25 And they were both , the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
    1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”
    2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’”
    4 Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
    6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were ; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.
    8 And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
    9 Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?”
    10 So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was ; and I hid myself.”
    11 And He said, “Who told you that you were ? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?”
    12 Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.”
    13 And the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
    The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
    14 So the LORD God said to the serpent:
    “ Because you have done this,
    You are cursed more than all cattle,
    And more than every beast of the field;
    On your belly you shall go,
    And you shall eat dust
    All the days of your life.
    15 And I will put enmity
    Between you and the woman,
    And between your seed and her Seed;
    He shall bruise your head,
    And you shall bruise His heel.”
    16 To the woman He said:
    “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception;
    In pain you shall bring forth children;
    Your desire shall be for your husband,
    And he shall rule over you.”
    17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’:
    “ Cursed is the ground for your sake;
    In toil you shall eat of it
    All the days of your life.
    18 Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you,
    And you shall eat the herb of the field.
    19 In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread
    Till you return to the ground,
    For out of it you were taken;
    For dust you are,
    And to dust you shall return.”
    20 And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.
    21 Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.
    22 Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”— 23 therefore the LORD God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. 24 So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.
    Most people don't understand why and how the fall happened. Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil before they fell. They had the knowledge of good. The angels that fell, had both the knowledge of good and evil before they fell, and the knowledge of good. What God did with the angels falling, is give an example. Paul said that God subjected creation to futility (Romans 8). Now, that was not willingly, on the part of creation, including Adam and Eve. Satan gave Eve a white lie. It is like how the world tests people. He tried to get her to think that God telling her not to eat of the fruit, was a test, so that she would have the initiative to do it by herself. And being like Him, Adam and Eve were in His image. And so with her child likeness, she heard about being like God, and was deceived. But there was no sin until she ate of the fruit. Because that was God's command. The death did not occur until she ate of the fruit. And the authority was not fully given to Satan until Adam ate of the fruit. The Bible says that Adam was not deceived. What is the transgression of Adam that Paul speaks about in Romans? Well, in having the knowledge of good and evil, without incorruptible life, what happens is that someone knows what is right and wrong, and yet can not do the right thing. And so they, with knowledge, willfully sin. Which is what happened with the fallen angels. Eve had a good intention. That intention was not enough to save her from death, but it was the dividing line between not being able to be renewed to repentance. Adam had a lack of knowledge. First with Eve having eaten of the fruit. And second with not having the knowledge of good and evil. The knowledge of good and evil, is not evil. Eden means "heart of God." And that tree was in the Garden. God has the knowledge of good and evil. When we repent, we have the knowledge of good and evil, but we can only bear the fruits of repentance because of incorruptible life. Notice also that Elijah ran ahead of Ahab into Jezreel. Nabath's vineyard was at the mouth of the valley of Jezreel . And Nabath means fruit. The Spirit of Elijah is the Spirit of Repentance. And so once a person has received God's talent, it is as if they know He is God. And the unprofitable servant still 'received' God's talent, and was His 'servant.' But the running ahead of Ahab produces the fruits of repentance. Many people say that repentance is a 180. That is not completely correct. The word for repent, in the Greek, came from a military command to about face. According to Isaiah 40, in which the Spirit of Repentance is spoken of, repentance is preparing the way. Making the field fit, if you will, before building the house. Ahab usually represents pouting. And many people say that pity and pouting are not good. But the thing is, that the LORD pities those who fear Him. Those who fear Him still esteem Him. Those who give up, are the real quitters. Though there also is a way to just try to move on. The discernment and truth is in the Spirit. Pouting is unfruitful is nothing is brought unto the obedience of Christ. And so Elijah ran ahead of the pouting which the sinful nature does. But Ahab also did repent, and is saved. The pouting of the sinful nature usually leads one into sinning, just as Jezebel coerced Ahab to allow her to kill Nabath. What I said about merely moving on: God is not just about forgetting our problems. We get to fix them in Him. When Paul said that once we have obeyed we may punish all disobedience, he means that we not only have to go away from the evil, we have to go to the good. We have to fill the room with the riches of God (Proverbs 24) or else we will be worse off, as shown in the parable of the unclean spirit departing. How was Adam supposed to know how to handle the situation, without having the knowledge of good and evil? Here is how the fall happened: it takes the knowledge of good and evil to eat from the tree of life. Because we have to freely choose life. And to choose freely, we have to know what we are doing. Remember in Song of Solomon how it says, "Do not stir up, nor awaken love until it pleases." We can't really choose life if we can't esteem it, and we can't esteem it, if we don't know what we are doing. Children don’t fully know what they are doing, the whole picture. But God is saving us, our child likeness, time in puberty, which is this time in which we are overcoming sin, and bringing us to glory, to be mature children. Now here is the thing with this, it is not as if God manipulated things. No, what He did was give humans to be in the example of who God is. Notice how the vessels of wrath are what He shows His power in. God's angels who have not fallen yet, still do not have incorruption. They are not corrupted, but they do not yet have incorruption. Just as Adam and Eve were not corrupted before the fall. But God's angels have the knowledge of good and evil. What they don't have is the knowledge of life. Which is why in Ephesians and Hebrews it speaks about how the angels learn the things we do, that are through the Spirit, the Spirit of life. Could God had just created incorruptible beings at the start? Well for that to possible, He would have to have created beings that shouldn't need to be ‘created’ beings. Giving the example of the fall allowed every example of what pleases God and what doesn't, to take place. And we are in the example. Humans are in the example, and the angels learn, but we may already have the incorruptible. The sin that is in our lives is by sight, and as a non existent thing, because of the incorruptible life inside of us. And God gives that life into our mortal body also. As the outside dies away, and is blown away, as a flower fades, but the life from within replenishes us. And so mature believers get to the know the God, which Adam and Eve were not keen with yet, being only as children. We get to know the God who is immortal, and incorruptible. Many people say that knowledge only puffs up. But that is not true. Notice how Peter says that by the knowledge of God we have Promises. The knowledge that Paul says that puffs up, is the word for knowledge which basically means leaving out the high praises of God, and His Promises. For example, "God is good, all the time, all the time, God is good." It denotes religion. Religion, it’s root, means to bind. And so having the knowledge that puffs up, is like only merely speaking about do’s and don’ts. Love which surpasses knowledge, is the love which is still knowledge, but goes beyond our mere human understanding. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. That substance is the knowledge of God. Hope is the future, as no one sees what the hope for, and doesn’t have it yet. Just as spirit, soul, body; there is love, faith, hope. Faith is having the spiritual knowledge of God inside of us, which is possessing His Promises, even though we have not seen them in the physical, yet to take place. The spiritual knowledge, is the evidence, for what we do not yet see in the physical.
    In 2 Thessalonians, when Paul is talking about the rapture and the Second coming, one must be sure to distinguish those two. Because when he speaks about Christ returning for the Jews, which is different from the rapture, as He touches Mount Olivet , he is saying to not be stirred up, as if the rapture already happened. And that is why and how he mentions ‘our gathering’ together in that verse. In the Greek, when it says “He is taken out of the way” it describes the rapture. And that “He” is the body of Christ. If you look in the OT, and look into Jehu, and Elisha, you will find an example of the two witnesses. But where is Jezebel? Let me tell you. One interpretation of the name of Jezebel means “Baal exalts.” Baal means ‘lord.’ In the OT simplicity was not godly. In the Greek, which is much more specific than English, but not as much as Hebrew, Paul uses a word that gets translated into ‘simple’ in the English. But, the word means genuine, single, and pure. Single means whole, like whole hearted. The doctrine of Baal is the doctrine of simplicity.
    In Revelation, when it speaks about the mark of the beast, the English translates it as 666. And earlier transcripts translate it as 616, or 646. But neither of those are true. John actually wrote what he saw, which was the Arabic language, which looks very much like the Greek, to be translated as numbers. And so he stopped writing in Greek, and wrote what he saw in Arabic. Which is ‘Besmilah,’ which means ‘praise Allah.’ The Bible says that Antichrist is not going to worship the gods of his fathers. But that is where he comes from. And the mark, is the seals which the followers are going to where. The little horn in Daniel shows a little horn character which uproots three kings. Right now, in the Middle East there are three countries which are being uprooted out of the Middle East , for the peace treaty. In Revelation 6, the white horse, is not Jesus. It is a counterfeit. And the bow symbolizes a covenant, the false peace covenant, spoken of in Daniel. Just as the rainbow was a covenant. In looking at Daniel, there were four horns which grew up out the spirit of grecia’s empire. And that is also found in history, with the four generals which replaced Alexander the Great. There is not going to be a one world order. The one world government is what the Antichrist tries to do, and what the spirit of grecia, which shall come out of the pit and possess, wants. The spiritual authority is there, as this spirit has more authority than the other demons. But the one world government doesn’t happen, that is why the south and east kings come after him. And also, there isn’t much left to the world by the time the spirit of grecia will possess the Antichrist, as it is after the first three and a half years that he claims to be God in the temple, according to Daniel. 2/3’rds of the world gets destroyed. The European marketplace is not the confederacy of ten kings. Remember that in dealing with the Jews, it is all about their land, and who is reigning over them there. Seleucid was one of the generals which took over after Alexander the Great, and he is the one ruled over the Middle East . And that is where the ten kings come from. Some people might say that Babylon is not a part of the kingdoms, in Daniel’s interpretations and dreams, because Babylon is spoken of as ‘rising up’ when it already was ruling. But in the Hebrew, the word for rising up, means ‘rise up in order to leave.’ The ten kings are the ten toes which come out of the feet, which is the kingdom which rules over the Middle East after the legs. The legs represent Rome . And the kingdom which ruled over the Middle East after Rome was the Muslim Empire. The Antichrist's revealing to the WORLD, is the white horse. It doesn't mean we can not know who he is going to be. Also notice in Daniel, when it says that knowledge will increase and many will go to and fro. And the gospel being preached to the ends of the world, is going to happen after the dead in Christ rise.
    The false prophet is the spirit of Jezebel. Which was with the Jezebel from the OT. It comes out of Hell, and not the pit, like the spirit of grecia. Here is the difference. Some evil spirits are in Hell, as the NT speaks about. When spirits possess someone and the person dies, that spirit goes into the abyss. But when someone is only riding upon the spirit, and the spirit is teaching the person how to be like the evil spirit, that spirit goes to Hell. Just like how the evil spirits in Hell right now are the ones which left their abode in heaven, and mingled with women, and produced nephalim: half angels, half men. ‘Neph’ comes from nephesh, which is the Hebrew word for soul, and life. And ‘im’ in Hebrew is a suffix for plural. The spirit of Jezebel taught Jezebel to be like it, in witchcraft. Just like how the demons that mingle with women, are making their offspring, ‘like’ them.
    The seven pillars of wisdom are: love, wisdom, discernment, the fear of the LORD, discretion, understanding, and knowledge. Just like the wheels in Ezekiel, which represent the Spirit and the Word, this goes along with the circle of heaven. And this is before the throne of God. In-between these and the throne of God there is rest, comfort, and adoption. And every other trinity (Praise, strength, joy). And remember the Promises to the seven churches, like how I can have a name that no one else knows, which supplants marriage in heaven. And be with Him on His throne. Hence, adoption also being before the throne.
    Grace is not the ability to be a sinner and still be okay with God. Confessing we are sinners does also not produce the fruits of repentance, and enter in. Grace is more the free gift of the power of God by which we receive Him. Love is higher than grace and faith. If we do not love, if doesn't matter what grace or faith we can claim. And it is not that grace make us spiritually okay with God, and then we have works which make us phsyically okay with Him. No, Paul says that He empowers us to will and to do of His good pleasure. And what are the works of God? To believe in Him. Not to keep laws. If we do a 'good' work, but not totally in Him, it is as it says in Isaiah: 'menstrual rags.' And God says to not let our good works not make it into heaven. That means that for there to be anything eternal, we have to be completely in God. The depths of Satan is not his schemes, and that we know them. It is saying that we are sinners, and that is how it is. That is what happened with Thyatira. Love is how marriage works in God. That way we do not have to stop what we are doing, and not love our spouse because we are supposed to love God first. Because He is supposed to be in us loving our spouses. One flesh, means one. Do you know what corban is? It means traditions come first. And corban means: "What I don't do, is what I do for God, because I am imperfect, and He wouldn't want it." The cross is His death. And are to walk as He did, to enter in. That makes repentance, as the first in salvation's trinity. And then there being His death, and His resurrection.
    Prophetically the bride of Christ usually is the Jews, and the body of Christ, the church. 12 is the number for the bride. And 24 the number for the church. Peter and the twelve apostles are the twelve for the bride. Speaking to those who are already enlightened, about the Christ. The church, which is the Jews also, after they accept Christ, is one with Jesus. That goes from just having the Spirit upon someone, into it being inside of them. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God's two witnesses. When 12 is mulitplied throughout by two, it is 24, hence, being one with Him. Jesus, the King and Bridegroom is the Spirit, in the flesh. And He is that, within us. And so everything that we do, that is good, He is with us in. Including everything in marriage. Now, we are the flesh, for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit and Jesus are one, but they are also individuals, just like we are. And so Jesus as our bridegroom, is in us, and with us, in all that we do. Even physical things. And we are the flesh for the Holy Spirit. Therefore marriage in heaven is not discounted just because we don't have physical with Jesus. No, He is with us, in all that we do, as being His inheritance. Just as Jesus is 'as' the bride of the Father, being a vessel for His Holy Spirit. The same judgment that would say that there can't be marriage in heaven, and that argues that we are His bride, and that we don't have physical with Him, may be seen and outweighed in that we still may have a relationship with Jesus, under the Father. Because we are Jesus' bride, does that mean that we can't be the 'as' the Father's? It is like an outworking, starting at the Father, and then going into created beings. And also remember when Paul made the distinction that when He was saying that all things are under Jesus, that he didn't mean the Father. It is the same thing to be able to say that I love my wife, without there being the complaint that I am leaving Jesus. The Israelites got in trouble for sacrificing in the clefts. And the clefts, like in Song of Solomon, are the places we are still to continue to love. This is what simplicity and Jezebel has done to marriage. It is being sacrificed in the clefts. Also, whatever we love, we worship. And notice how in Isaiah and Revelation that God talks about humans worshiping other humans. Understand what I am saying. Can we live for God now? Why not in heaven? The things Paul spoke about in 1 Corinthians 7 were the things that married couples would have to work on. There is a saying that we are to put God first, family second, and jobs third. But that is not in the Bible. And someone could point to the length of the ring finger being smaller than the middle finger. But are we going to only have one finger in heaven? Do you know what it means to give someone the middle finger?
    We can be perfect in Christ Jesus. And He will bring out that perfection into our mortal bodies. Though incorruption will not fully come until the rapture. And even then, not every gift is given until the New heavens, and New Earth.

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    Wed, Sep 5th - 11:18PM

    Has anyone ever seen fun? (Post 1)

    When prophets who are sent by God arrive, they evangelize. They do not only give the good and bad of the now (they can be called false because it can seem like they are only idly saying what is bad, and giving commands), they say to turn to Him. (Also in the good).
    Apostles do it with them. Which is discipleship.
    Evangelists give how to turn to God. And not in practicality. The problem with practicality is that everything turns into a process, and methods, and 'keys.' A better estimation of the walk with Christ is not in practicality, but in dispensation. Dispensation is continual. That way we can do more, and in Him. And 1 Corinthians 10's "always having a way of escape" is first spiritually, and then physically. And that way the cross goes behind and before us. And is present in our rotting and dying. And isn't made out to be the way to not have to follow God. And the balance in this, so to not do evil so that good may come, is in doing what Joash should have done. And so then we won't stay in our impurity. And can be delivered from having the will to do good, but not knowing how to perform it, in Spirit and truth. Apart from doing this in simplicity. And we can still be single, pure, and genuine. Otherwise, His yoke being easy, and His burden being light gets taken advantage of in a bad way. And also as our anchor, and hope, Job's words regarding "after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God" can work for us, and we won't be idle. As that has worked for me, when without these things, I would have settled for less than His best. And without having the euphoria of nothingness, not having His best is very vital. And so Job's words there in Job 19, to me, remind of me Top Gun when Maverick said "I am not going to leave my wingman." (It may seem like with how the movie went, that with wingmen, that the wingman doesn't do anything. But he is there for a reason. If someone comes up from behind, they can communicate to each other, and then start to criss cross. And they can pick off each other's enemies.)
    An example of prophetic evangelism is Jeremiah. And the 'how to turn to God' is contextual based on what is going on.
    Teachers explain and research the Meditator, Christ.
    Pastors give their gift with the people, which is discipleship, with the prophet's giving of the Word.
    And so I see a breakup with the first five gifts, in accordance to how they relate to discipleship and evangelism:
    Apostle, evangelist, pastor: discipleship (Doing it together with the people)
    prophet, teacher: evangelizing (Doing it for them)
    (Contrast) Paul told Timothy to fulfill his ministry by doing the work of an evanglist, and Timothy was over a church, thus showing discipling. And all of the NT letters are prophetic teachings, which are discipleship by fact of them being given.
    When Paul said to earnestly desire the best gifts, I believe it is the apostolic and the prophetic. Just as the first two commandments are the greatest. And Paul said 'especially that you may prophesy" which also coincides to 'love your neighbor as yourself.'
    The apostle births the first commandment. God loving us, and then us loving God, as He loved first, and then receiving His love, and being able then to give it to others. And the only way to give God's love is in relationship, which goes both ways. So it isn't just passing love off, it is doing it together, which is discipleship.
    Prophets obey the second commandment by evangelizing. Which is why it is so bad to kill prophets. Because they /are/ doers. It is also bad to kill apostles, as they are killed before they arrive (apostle again means 'sent one,' and prophet 'one who sees.'), which is usurping. Also seen in how Paul never reached Spain. Paul also prophesied. He named himself as an apostle, teacher, and a pastor. Preaching is prophetic, as all who speak the 'rhema' prophesy. But the gift itself is a little different. In being the gift which is given to others, that they might do it as well, and also give it to others, and also showing them how to do it. Because we are meant to have all of the gifts to receive, and have for ourselves; but only have some of the gifts to give to others. And so spiritualy gifts which we give when we meet together are the gifts we give. If we don't receive all of the gifts, then we won't have what we need to give ours. For example, we need what the Pastor has to give, so we can also then receive that, and then be able to pastor in our homes. There is the lie which says that some gifts went out with the early church. But also to that, I say that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And some people might say that He was the same too, in the OT, and they didn't have things like tongues back then. But to that, I say, by that judgment, then the early church would never have had the gift of tongues, because wouldn't it had gone out when Jesus Ascended?
    Paul's letters are all about balance. I see only John as having the gift of prophet. The difference I see, is that John's letters contain the high praises of God, in his prophetic, and new words. Like the fifth chapter of 1 John. And really the whole book, but that chapter in light of the three that bear witness in heaven, and the three that bear witness on earth. Paul did have new things, but they were mainly dark sayings, which is more apostolic, and in regards to equity. As the high praises of God, in prophetic words, is more divinity. Which illuminates the prophetic gift. As prophets give that, and show how to do that. I have said before that divinity is speaking as God is speaking, and prophesying is speaking afterwards. The gift of prophecy takes training in divinity to mature.
    Apostles perfect their faith and gift by arriving, and bear their fruit in continuing in Him. And prophets perfect their faith and gift by giving the Word where they are, and so they have their own fruit, as the apostle's fruit depends on whether anyone listens or not.
    Now also, with where I stand with Rick Warren is that having the spoil before the Promised land, isn't, shouldn't, and can't in God, be the only and final destination. Just as with stopping at the cross, and not really having His life. It is condemnation. And like setting up camp in Marah, and staying there. And maybe occasionally taking some water bottles to go farther sometimes. It is lukewarmness which stays falsely. As false experentialism sets in. And everything is God's will, like people not getting healed, except what we agree isn't, when really the motivation for that type of thinking is to worship the angel of the church.
    The root of the problem with what is called 'the wisdom of simplicity' in things like this, and things like "40 days of purpose," is the focus being put on practicality, and not spirituality. And so having a type of His holiness, but lacking the power. And the thing is, that God isn't about condemnation. And so people can still prosper, though they are wrong, because of His grace. But in the end, just like what I said about euphoria and nothingness, God's best is vital, but blinded by that simplicity, and lack of maturity (maturity is being spiritual). As shown by Paul in Corinthians. The religious don't fall until the end. And it is not right to say that there is no perfect church, or to go serve somewhere else, or that all churches are doing what they are supposed to be doing, and one is the foot, and another the eye. Every body of believers should have every gift of the Spirit, and also grow into full maturity. Having things otherwise leads into giving place to the devil, and for antichrist, Jezebel spirits, and more. And while I am on this, when churches in these set ups are approached, or if they were to be, and or when they are prompted by the Holy Spirit; maybe not to be radical, but to be more in line with Him; they are offended, defensive, have self-seeking, and envy. But attribute these things to only being placed on them with the accusation or prompting that they are not in the right. The Bible says that where self-seeking and envy are, confusion, and every evil thing exists. Now I am not saying that every church is without hope, or like I am the only righteous person alive. But, this is happening (Globally). Most churches can get rid of confusion pretty quickly, because it is easy to identify, and who wants to be confused? It hurts. But the other things offer euphoria. Which is what Diana, the harlot, gets, and thus Babylon rides on false prophecy, protected by anitchrist spirits. And antichrist does not need to be someone calling themselves God. It is firstly, that Christ's perfection hasn't come, and isn't going to come yet. Which is false humility. The seventh sin of the circle of evil which I have shown, which corresponds to the seventh ruling spirit, the seventh head of Satan, and the seventh part of his character.
    Apostles: the 1st commandment
    Prophets: prophets grow whether or not the people obey, if they (the prophets) obey. Which is also seen in the second commandment, as by prophets giving the Word, they evangelize, love others, and so love themselves, and God.
    Evangelists: The ideal evanglism in the church should be both ways. The prophet giving the Word, and the people going with God, and there being fellowship, and prosperity.
    Pastors: This is why there is the Pastoral gift. They do show what is the best way to provide. And work out one's life.
    Teachers: Teachers have a stricter judgment. Now, if the evil things continue in the church, then the teaching which is going on, is going to be false. Which is exemplified in carousing, as spoken of as having 'spots and blemishes.' This isn't reserved for the legalistic people, or the poeple who really have no position in the church. This is the lukewarmness, and the staying in it. Which can end in falling away. The carousing, is turning church into a hang out. It can be that. But without the spirituality, it is /just/ that.
    God's discipline, chastening, correction, and teaching is for divinity: doing things together with Him, at the same time. Which is having the divine nature. Divinity has a bad name nowadays, though many people practice false divinity, and think it just to be normal communication. I am not trying to be haughty, but before I came to Christ, that is what really bound me in the world. And even after coming to Christ, I messed up with it once, and that was it, I mean I was on a mission to never have anything to do with it ever again. I messed up with it after having come to Christ, when I was reading in a KJV Bible, in the Psalms. And the verse said "For the mercy of the LORD endureth forever." I was prompted to run ahead with this by my flesh, and darkness, and I was prompted not to too. And after I saw my error I hadn't gone that far off, but I did feel the severity. And I had been walking pretty good up to then. The false divinity is reading that verse to mean, and as if from God, that "to have His mercy, I should endure forever," but that is not the context.
    False divinity is hated pretty much in the church, and grounds for rejection from the church. Because it is the lukewarm church's excuse to again drop spirituality.
    Notice this:
    Galatians 3:1-5 AMP
    1 O YOU poor and silly and thoughtless and unreflecting and senseless Galatians! Who has fascinated or bewitched or cast a spell over you, unto whom--right before your very eyes--Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was openly and graphically set forth and portrayed as crucified?
    2Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the [Holy] Spirit as the result of obeying the Law and doing its works, or was it by hearing [the message of the Gospel] and believing [it]? [Was it from observing a law of rituals or from a message of faith?]
    3Are you so foolish and so senseless and so silly? Having begun [your new life spiritually] with the [Holy] Spirit, are you now reaching perfection [by dependence] on the flesh?
    4Have you suffered so many things and experienced so much all for nothing (to no purpose)--if it really is to no purpose and in vain?
    5Then does He Who supplies you with His marvelous [Holy] Spirit and works powerfully and miraculously among you do so on [the grounds of your doing] what the Law demands, or because of your believing in and adhering to and trusting in and relying on the message that you heard?
    Joyce Meyer made a point about this passage, as to how we are not any better off right now, then when we first got saved, to try to perfect ourselves by works. Even though James speaks about works perfecting faith. Without spirituality, what happens is that fruit turns into the physical things. And that is never true! The reality is never what is of the flesh and sight! And people judge God's Word, and prophecy by this! Saying that the physical has to be there for the spiritual to be true. But it is the other way around. Imperfectly spiritual people can't have perfect faith perfected through physical works. And I have spoken about how faith is the spiritual knowledge and substance of God, and of what we hope (future) for, but have and now possess spiritually presently. And that is the evidence for what is not in the physical. Not the other way around. Choosing the physical over the spiritual is like fast food. And it grieves the Holy Spirit. This sightly way of walking is the euphoria of Diana, the harlot who rides the false prophet, protected by the Antichrist.
    Job talked about rousing Leviathan. And that is connected to cursing the day. Leviathan, the type of spirit which is Antichrist, choosing to prosper the flesh without God, works as Rahab, the sea serpent. Which lies. That is Satan's first play. The lie. But the lie isn't always just something that is easily seen. And the schemes of the devil we all know, isn't just turning people against people and causing disorder, but turning people against God, and then getting other people to follow that, even if the other people don't have full knowledge; and it all looks okay, even to the leaders, and or people we look up to. Leviathan, as spoken of at the end of Job, is well protected. The lie is strong, according to earthly estimations. Because it not only concerns transgressing against God, but makes it look like it is what He wants, which is religion, and a religious spirit. Just as how Satan tempted Eve.
    What gets cursed about the day, isn't just carousing in it. But that God isn't fully sought, when it is the day. And those who don't seek Him fully in the day, won't be with Him /really/ through the night. And we will find Him in the day, and so really be with Him in the night, when we seek Him with our whole heart. So Leviathan, the antichrist spirit also, does this (the deception). And then Jezebel is able to come and mingle with Leviathan, exchange with him, and be commissioned. And so then people begin to prophesy falsely. And come up with false ideas about God. Which look like what was going on in Ezekiel. This false prophesy is the back up, to Leviathan's lie. Just as in Ezekiel they thought God had forsaken their flesh. Which is rampant in lukewarm churches, in the way of thinking that we can't know God spiritually, because we have a flesh. And this gets backed up with being 'in the world, and not of it.' And so people continue in this way. And God isn't fully sought. As He should be. It isn't that things in the world are things which we are forbidden to do, like going to the movies and such. And in truth, it isn't just that these things are a grey area, but are really only bad when we do them too much. Yes things like debauchery and fornication are wrong, as can be easily seen. But with this kind of doctrine, what happens is that the Promised land isn't sought after, and zealously, and the heart isn't fully unto God. Though by the flesh things can look fine. And the rope keeps on twisting. And also, like in Ezekiel, people begin to think that if they try to escape the lukewarmness, the sword will get them. Because they presume that trying to actually put God first, in Spirit and truth, as it is in Him; is trying to be perfect, which they say is impossible. And so they think that if they do that, it will come back on them, or they will be left up the creek without a paddle. Most lies are totally sound on the surface. Which is >how< simplicity is so bad. And the end of simplicity can have the heart totally being given, while the flesh could look fine for a while, but God's Spirit, and His gifts, and depths aren't known. Thinking we are meat for the caldron, usually gets put on those who seem like they are deceived, saying they are following God, but living in either spiritual or fleshly filthiness. But this happens also when things look fine by sight. And really this is also everywhere in the church. As people think putting God first means sacrificing everything else in the clefts. Like saying that God is first, and family second, and jobs third. When they should all be God. This keeps away the fullness of God. What happens with these lies is that there is no divine power and nature, as told by Peter. And also again as Paul spoke about having a type of holiness but lacking His power.
    2 Peter 1:2-4
    Grace and peace be multiplied to you in >the knowledge of God< and of Jesus our Lord, 3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through >the knowledge of Him< who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature
    (I made bold the words about the knowledge of God to again show it's absolute necessity. When Paul says that we can have His love which is beyond knowledge, it means that we can have His love still, which /is/ also still knowledge, though we might on our own be unable to achieve it through reasoning. That is the abundantly above. Also as Paul said that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with the things that we can not express.)
    The last part of verse 4 also is important:
    2 Peter 1:4
    having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
    Lust doesn't have to be off of the grid, or visible to everyone, or only the person who is very given over to it. The demons are crafty. And they will outwit the unspiritual. And again the schemes which we should know of the devil (and we can't just say we know well of his schemes because that verse says 'we' and we are the church; and also we shouldn't just elevate the demons) are tricky. Evil spirits can be intricate, and also broad. But they are futile either way, towards God. The demons have pride, and pride is a downfall, not just because someone says or does something openly stupid, or it becomes open, and they are exposed. They want to put their lies right in front of our face, seduce us, deceive us, and then destroy us. Pride is a downfall because it never lasts!
    And also, evil has no equity. They are as nothing. Just as the Proverb says that there is no counsel, wisdom, or might against the LORD. And so they seek to steal, kill, and destroy, and then provide their own false equity. But they have to steal, kill, and destroy first, because that is the only way they can gain what they need for the false equity- manipulating grace. But this doesn't mean that God is just careless, becuase He lets His grace get manipulated. His Word performs that for which He sent it. We get to have His fear watching the vessels of wrath fall, and the demons get conquered even though they thought they had it made.
    Stealing, killing, and destroying happens because evil beings are trying to fill a void.
    God is already calling us, and if we seek Him wholly, we will find Him. Therefore, many are called, but few are chosen, and the chosen may have fulfillment.
    Dead faith only battles consequences, just as the sorrow that leads to death. As it is with lukewarmness, and carousing. People want to be lazy spiritually, and say their fleshly gain is enough.
    We can't only resist evil, we have to pursue good.
    Psalm 34 NKJV
    1 I will bless the LORD at all times;
    His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
    2 My soul shall make its boast in the LORD;
    The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
    3 Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
    And let us exalt His name together.
    4 I sought the LORD, and He heard me,
    And delivered me from all my fears.
    5 They looked to Him and were radiant,
    And their faces were not ashamed.
    6 This poor man cried out, and the LORD heard him,
    And saved him out of all his troubles.
    7 The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him,
    And delivers them.
    8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
    Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
    9 Oh, fear the LORD, you His saints!
    There is no want to those who fear Him.
    10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
    But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.
    11 Come, you children, listen to me;
    I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
    12 Who is the man who desires life,
    And loves many days, that he may see good?
    13 Keep your tongue from evil,
    And your lips from speaking deceit.
    14 Depart from evil and do good;
    Seek peace and pursue it.
    15 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,
    And His ears are open to their cry.
    16 The face of the LORD is against those who do evil,
    To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
    17 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears,
    And delivers them out of all their troubles.
    18 The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart,
    And saves such as have a contrite spirit.
    19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
    But the LORD delivers him out of them all.
    20 He guards all his bones;
    Not one of them is broken.
    21 Evil shall slay the wicked,
    And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.
    22 The LORD redeems the soul of His servants,
    And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.
    Also now, the apostle plants the seed. And the teacher gives the direction.
    Planting is gathering and not scattering (With God), as we scatter evil and not good (and we either scatter, or gather); and as the planting of the seed is hope. Directing assures the harvest (love assures that hope won't disappoint). And evangelism is working to gather the fruit (faith- firstfruits, harvest, really ripened grapes; love, faith, hope).
    The apostle loves in hearing, the prophet loves in doing, the evangelist is faithful, the pastor prepares for hope, and the teacher gives to cleave unto hope (Hebrews 6, regarding hope).
    There are twelve other spiritual gifts listed: mercy, faith, encouraging, healing, tongues, interpretation of tongues, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, giving, miracles, discernment of spirits, administrations (ministering/serving; ex. deacon). Twelve is the number for the bride, and that plus five is seventeen. Which is the number for retunring back from captivity (Jeremiah buying the field in Anathoth). All of the gifts together at seventeen edifies us away from sin, into the fullness of Christ, that He may be fully formed in us, and that we may be presented perfectly in Christ.
    1 Corinthians 12:28
    God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers
    This differs from Ephesians 4:11 because of the breakup I showed at the beginning which was according to discipleship and evangelism. Evangelists and pastors are added with apostles possibly. And teachers still mentioned because of the stricter judgment, because of being over someone in the position of telling them what to do, as if they did everything already to know what to do. And with prophets, all other may sit by and judge.
    There is one gift which was not listed here, which would make thirteen and eighteeen in the two groups- leading. Exhortation and encouragement can vary with interpretation, but leading is pastoral, which was left out here, as the pastoral gift is mentioned already in Ephesians 4.
    But since apostles are first, really leading can also be attributed to them. And the gift of apostle is the only one in which the person is doing everything with and for someone. As the gift of evangelism as named in Ephesians 4 can also be defined as doing anything for them.
    The difference with discipleship and evangelism, as I have shown is doing things for someone- evangelism. Or with them- discipleship. The problem is that this is a division in the church. People either /only/ disciple, or /only/ evangelize.
    Evangelizing is as being a city on a hill. It is still evangelism to do something with someone. But the specifics of evangelism is doing it for them, otherwise there is lack. Because we can't give what we don't have. And what we give, we already have. And if we already have it, then we have already done everything we personally needed to receive it.
    The apostle leads in primarily loving God, receiving His love, and then having it to give, and so there be discipleship in giving it. Which includes both doing it for and with someone, as is the only gift, as shown here, that does that- which is leading. As the prophet leads in giving the word, and does seek God for it first, but there is no fellowship, unless the people obey God. Whereas the apostle isn't going to build anything that isn't for anyone. The prophet only has fellowship when the people he speaks to, obey. And the teacher has more strict judgment, because the people have to either stop his mouth if they think he is wrong, or follow him. While with prophets people get to judge. Because teachers could just say that they know better, or that someone isn't hearing the whole of what they have to say. Every prophetic word has to be established. Whereas, with the teacher, it doesn't. The teacher is supposed to already only teach what is established. And it isn't that teachers are above prophets because of the stricter judgment, having a stricter judgment is like showing it being the last line [of defense].
    A huge part of the teacher's job is to train. It is instilling. Giving the mediation. And the verses which were from Paul's letters which spoke about being fully formed in Christ, and presented perfect in Him, both were about the church being taught, as also Paul was a teacher.
    When I train, I don't practice, as if for a future drought. I train in my present lack, and discipline there. And what I gain, is providence, and if it is in Christ, what I gain, then it will last forever. Egypt's famine in Joseph's time was only by sight, because of the store they had, as they had enough. Enough for following God. And an abundance to be together with others. It still was a drought. But there is that covering.
    That is how to be continually led. I am not saying that we shouldn't look to the future. But, just as Christ said, we can't focus only on tomorrow, we have to focus on today, and through doing that, then I will have enough and an abundance for tomorrow. And the enough is for being spiritual.
    Most people just throw away spirituality because they don't have enough supplies to continue on with it, along with God (divinity). And they attribute things to having to prepare for the future, and other lies. When really they aren't taking care of the today and now.
    And so also, in focussing on today, it should be noted, that if we already are lukewarm, we already lack spirituality, and may be sightly fine, and so think ourselves fine to continue on as is. This is why spirituality has to remain first and foremost, because it can be easy to get swept up in carousing, if we let it go. That is what happened to the man who thought he would build storehouses and the LORD called him a fool. If we really have hope, and for today, with Christ as our anchor and focus; and faith; then we will be able to see through any sightly thing, or affliction, or tribulation, and abide in God, to receive His Promises, and best- the spiritually divine. (Most people just quote having every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ, to not have to spiritually cultivate).
    There are languages in heaven. Heavenly languages. And the heavenly languages include within them, how to understand them. Like being able to hear it for the first time and understand it. For example: music is the same way. Tongues speaks what the Spirit is saying. Paul did say that there are heavenly languages which can't be uttered here on earth, but tongues is >/like/< those. And we may continue in the Spirit in speaking in tongues by holding our voice and whole selves accountable to Him. And the fruit of tongues is great, as we may be able to still receive in Him, when we would have otherwise been overwhelmed. Just as it is a direct line of communication between us and God. Tongues' interpretation is our own language's understanding. The gift of tongues actually bridges the physical, as our spirits' groanings may be understood by us, hence speaking mysteries; not leaving this gift only for spiritual 'pirates.' But also having physical edification. When tongues is interpreted, the understanding, the Word, the Promise, is established on earth, as it is in heaven. When we pray to interpret, then we prepare the way for this. And the interpretation may be 'efficient' (short, hence preparation). But also, as the gift of tongues helps us to receive when we would have otherwise been overwhelmed, there is a sense of a number of things coming together all at once. And that is why interpretation may not always happen, or may happen very efficiently, or to the best of one's ability. Because honestly, it is not very easy to ramble in the interpretation. Though some people may fear the tongue to ramble. The person speaking in tongues is enraptured, and so has that draw. But their spirit should be subjected to God, and in Spirit and truth. But with interpreting, it is more like trying to gather what we kind of already conjur that the Spirit is saying, and sometimes being able to nail it. Either way, whether or not the interpretation and establishment comes on earth right away or not, there is edification for the one who is speaking in tongues. As just with the Spirit interceding for us, for what we can not express, it is established in heaven no matter what. The lie says that anything we can't see yet, isn't even in heaven, or may be something God wants or wanted to do, but doesn't come to pass.
    Paul said to pray to interpret, so that it can be established here on earth, which is the whole point of speaking in tongues, to give the place for that to happen, more. Remember that he also said to not forbid speaking in tongues.
    The Spirit doesn't like being quenched and grieved. We can't /just/ 'kick back,' and say He is going to intercede. Plus, who wouldn't want to speak a heavenly language? Offense and pride is against doing so, and is sought to be backed up throgh false humility. Just as offense is Jezebel, and pouting Ahab, if the pouting doesn't get brought into the captivity of Christ, then the Antichrist may come in- the false humility. And pouting is not bad, as God pities those who fear Him. But without things being brought into the obedience of Christ, there isn't going to be salvation.
    The more we give, the more we get. The more we continue, the more we can. Read Psalm 119, notice how David essentially says: "I'll do this, and you'll do this; and You do this, and I can do this." It is pleading, being persistent, and diligent with God; just as Daniel's prayer.
    The Bible says that God will repay us what we lose. This isn't a deal where we just lose out, and we should just be thankful we get God. Joel says we will be repayed back what we lost, as does Isaiah, and maybe more Scriptures. God yearns for us, and He plans good things and wants good things for us, things to give us a future and a hope.
    In being more than conquerors, we may receive now, /and/ forevermore. That is being /more/ than conquerors. The rich person who walked away from God didn't have this. And Christ asked him if he wanted to be perfect, in that passage. Some people think that heaven is enough, and that they will 'get through life.' But they don't understand that it is perfection we need to do even that. Otherwise we aren't getting through life, we are withering away from it. And it is up to God's judgment as to whether we blasphemed the Holy Spirit or not, in not coming into the kingdom of heaven. Whether we tried and failed, and shall reap in heaven, or whether we un-believed, and shall fall away.
    When the Psalm says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem it is that we may have the peace (City of peace) in our heart, the peace of God. And that it may continue with us, as we not only have our life in the Spirit, but walk in Him. Zion is the mountain, Jerusalem the city. The mountain, and parched place, is where we may receive the abundantly above, the great and precious promises, and truly be glad, having joy and myrrh, and also rest in the Promised land. And when the Psalm prays for prosperity in her palaces, that is talking about our body's members having prosperity. Which can only happen in the abundantly above, and the high things, and the spiritual. And so we should offer our bodies unto that.
    If leading is added onto the twelve to make thirteen and then eighteen (with the other five), then that means that leadership is required to go from (13) the Antichrist, and false humility (Saying we can't be perfect, and perfection hasn't come), into having the right (honor) hand of fellowship and freedom (18). And the gift of Pastor then isn't just directing like the teacher, but caretaking. That then is the equity between discipleship and evangelism- caretaking. Making evangelism not just 'recruiting,' and God being about numbers (He left the ninety nine and the woman with the lost coin did all that she could), and passing off love; into both giving what we already have from God (Doing something for someone), and doing it with them. And this isn't going against working out our salvation with fear and trembling, because if that were true, then we couldn't ever share our walk with anyone else.
    And so we can have brotherly love then that isn't just carousing. Also as our marital lives would give us the discernment, and really the hope to have brotherly love. Not mixing or sacrificing the two. What a great God, huh? Spouses, and brothers and sisters. Though I would say that brotherly love doesn't come before spouses. And kids don't even think about those things. But we are to be mature kids. People with that innocent knowledge of good, and who have the knowledge of life. And those in puberty want spouses. And maybe Paul needed those fourteen years to be able to teach. Maybe He wasn't mature as a teacher then, yet. As then no one is be able to teach maturally until they have the right hand of fellowship maturally. It could be varying too, according to how much we have attained.
    So the evangelist would be like the apostle. And the teacher able to lead more rightly. And the apostle able to know more fully how to do things together with others even more, as the temptation might be to do everything by one's own self. And the pastoral gift then would be more rightly caretaking, and not get steered into money.
    Then leadership would also be defined more closely as not being present apart from doing things both completely for someone, and with them. Completely having equity. Covering. Esteeming others better. Serving. The greatest serves (kind of also like how he is the one who has something to give, and the other is receiving, so really the one receiving is higher). And administrations is: having both accuracy and precision: being close to the target, and having the 'attempts' close together. Which would coincide with Paul's demands for deacons.
    When there is equity all of these things come together as one. And all look the same. And about leading: there is a book by Nancy Missler called "Why should I be the first to change?"
    *If anyone doesn't understand what I did regarding 11 and 13:
    12 is the number for the bride. And it is the number for giving. Just as Jesus is /as/ the bride of the Father, being the vessel for His Holy Spirit. And so 12 is also like the object of affection. Which also leads into doctrine. Which Christians should give themselves to. And is /like/ the offspring of God too. Eve was like Adam's offspring. 11 is blasphemy, taking away from God. And 13 is adding onto it, which is heresy. The false prophet blasphemes and fornicates, and the antichrist is heretical and speaks pompously.

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    Name: Brandon Davis
    ChristiansUnite ID: perfectlove
    Member Since: 2007-09-05
    Location: San Diego, California, United States
    Denomination: Jesus
    About Me: Praise God

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