Wed, Oct 28th - 11:23AM
LAST DAYS LIVING Blessed be the name of God the father, and his Son Jesus the Christ, who is the head of the church. He is the Creator that has called us to be the children of God, kept by His power and taught by the Holy Spirit. All worship, honor, praise and trust is due to Him alone. If we boast, let it be in our dear Lord, who alone is worthy of it, for He has, is and always will be worthy alone of our adoration, exaltation and hope in Him. His word is to be trusted above all philosophies, all so-called doctrines and worldly beliefs of men-this includes women too. Saints the Lord expects us to learn through godly teachers, one another, and through study of His word on our own as well. Regardless of how respected, a teacher or preacher might be, we must, dear children, search the scriptures for ourselves too, just as the Berean saints did so long ago. See Acts 17. Dear saints, it is also important to check out what we believe, as well as what others believe against the scriptures. I thank our Lord for the saints that have and do help me to grow in my understanding and applying the word to my life, and allowing me to grow in the Lord. I recommend the palm size Franklin Electronic Holy Bible, some of them have room where you can insert various other books of the Holy Bible and Holy Bible helps. I have no financial interest whatsoever, but use it as an easily available resource to keep handy. I enjoy using it for Holy Bible study alone and in groups. I like to follow along with what sermon is being preached to enhance my understanding. God’s word correctly interpreted, is the final authority and only standard acceptable to God’s people. Through trust in Jesus, trusting in His word out of love for Him, and then acting on His word by putting it into practice in our lives, we will remain stable in this unstable world. I had attended a Holy Bible study where a brother had to confront the teacher for unbiblical teachings, which the teacher admitted could not be backed up by any scripture, but wanted it to be accepted based on his personal opinion. We do not have a pope, guru, theologian , teacher, preacher, as the final authority over God’s word. I thank our Lord for that brother for speaking up. Be cautious about those teachers that seem to want to be gurus etc. and only like a spectator audience. A non-participatory Holy Bible study is no study at all, no one person knows it all, and when there is participation all can share and all can grow much faster and on a more solid footing. At one Holy Bible study I attended, a sister insisted that “God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform”. I did a quick search on my E book and respectfully showed her this did not appear anywhere in the Holy Bible , which greatly surprised her. No matter what tool we use, we must be careful to study and rightly understand and apply God’s word out of love for Him, and His people. Children of God, we are living in the last days, the perilous times predicted by the scriptures is here. See 2 Ti. 3. Now there are a few who like to call Christians “sinners”, and continually accuse God’s people as the reason why there is so much evil in the world. They reject that God’s people are holy and take pleasure in saying that calling God’s people saints is just an old testament term not used much in the new testament. When we search God’s word we find saints/saint mentioned 36 times in the old testament and 62 times mentioned in the new testament. Through no merit of our own, our God has graciously appointed us who believe on His name to be saints, by His kindness and mercy. Here is one of the many verses in the Holy Bible regarding God’s people. 1Co 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? Holy children, brought out of darkness forever, into His marvelous light, take heart, and take God at His word, rightly divided and lived. He is Truth, He is the One to be trusted above all. I encourage you to go to Him and see what He calls you in His word, for there are some who do not love our Lord, and seek to take a few passages to pervert God’s word and turn the hearts of the gullible away from Him. Our Lord is the Living God who loves His children, He owns us and has told us who we are in Him. Even when He disciplines us, it is for our good, our growth, our continued walk in the right way. I very boldly say, dear saints, brothers and sisters in the Lord, His way is the only right way, and the only right way is His way. If you find anything here worthy of use feel free to use it, only not for charge, for freely it has been granted unto me by the Holy Spirit and freely I give. Until next time God willing, worship the king among the saints and fellowship with the only Omnipotent Potent in the secret times, in the watches of the night, He is ever ready to receive you and me. Love serola 2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2Ti 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. KJV 2Ti 3:16 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action), 2Ti 3:17 So that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. AMP
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Wed, Oct 21st - 8:11AM
PART TEN 15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. Mark 7:15 (KJV) Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:4-5 (KJV) Dearly beloveds, God’s word is the final and absolute authority forever. He is The Truth, He is The Way, and He alone is The Life. I took my sister home from the hospital, rejoicing that our Lord had saved and delivered her. She told me that I had only helped her so that I could demand a lot of money out of her for doing so. She also let me know that she did not have to pay me back for the financial help I had given her while she was ill and unable to get to the bank, because she had not asked me for it. I paid her no mind, but wished her a blessed day and departed to my home. A few days later she contacted me very distressed. She had begun to examine herself, and was greatly upset that she did not find herself to be much of a Christian. She wanted me to teach her God’s word. I agreed to do so, not as a guru, but as a sister. I gave her much assurances that she would and could learn the basics of the gospel, but it would be also important to study the scriptures on her own, and let the Lord speak to her through the Holy Bible. I let her know that the Holy Spirit would help her to continue to grow and share what she learned with me and others. A good while later she asked me: “Why did you help me?” I told her simply: “ Because I love you, and did not want you to perish.” Upon hearing this she remained speechless for a long time. I offered my sister much comfort as she then shared how often she heard the voices from the past that had denigrated her, and never told her anything good about herself. I encouraged her to continue to go to God’s word as He would continue to speak to her and heal her heart. I suggested that she get a tiny hand held Frankin E Holy Bible that would help facilitate her studies, which she did. After an even longer time past, she contacted me shouting and screaming that she had found out something truly mind blowing in the scriptures. These passages had affected her profoundly: Col 1:21 And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled Col 1:22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight. Ro 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. Ro 5:11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
Dear saints, my sister and I rejoiced together for a great while, for through the grace of God, she got it, she finally understood the kind of love that our God had bestowed upon us, even you and me. Then she smiled from ear to ear, never again to take me to task for smiling. Believe me I find it mind blowing every day that Jesus loves me and you, and has granted us unmerited, un-earnable, and un-repayable grace and love. No one has to smile to please me, each saint has their own way of expressing the joy they have in the love of God, but whenever me and my sister meet we greet one another with a knowing smile. Our lord is so good, and looking back, I am greatly thankful for all the times He kept my trap shut, and allowed me to have the reward of knowing that I had not wounded with hurtful words- words that could not be recalled once uttered. Indeed, would have turned my sister away from me and made me useless to aid her in her Christian walk. Jesus alone had convicted her conscience, and made her reach higher in her walk with Him, and desire to reflect His image in this world. Dear friends of Jesus it is important how we relate to others. May our Lord always be with your mouths and mind to please Him in all that we say and do. Love serola
Ps 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Tue, Oct 13th - 5:55AM
PART NINE Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus, for He alone is Truth, He is Love, He is Faithful, He is all powerful, He is the victory of His people, and without Him we can do NOTHING. When the Lord allows tests and trials to come into our lives, dear children, it is to build us up and not destroy us. He enables us to count it all joy, because we are fellow partakers of his sufferings in this life, even as He suffered. Amazingly He graciously teaches us as much as we go through our trials as well as afterwards. As we obediently seek His way and apply His word He rewards us with healings, insights and growth that we can never achieve on our own. I came to a point, brothers and sisters, as I mentioned earlier, without any condemnation, that I felt a deep sense of compassion for my sister understanding that she was quite blind to her own faults, although she was quick to look for flaws and faults in myself and all others as well., real or imagined. Yet being able to face/ see, through out our lives, and accept and understand our faults as well as strengths allows us to learn, grow and continue to mature as we bring our lives to God for help and to be built up in Him through His word rightly divided and applied. Seeing our faults is not necessarily pleasant at first, but over time we come to accept this as common to human beings. Yes our Lord had allowed me to see that the more fragile a person is , the more threatened they feel and greatly need to hide/defend, any faults they have not only from others, but from themselves too. Resting securely in His love we learn through His word that we do not have to fear self examination for He does not condemn us but is always looking for ways to restore and help us, His children, to grow in love and service to Him and others through out our lives. It so happened, saints, one day that I received an urgent message from my sister, and quickly going to see what was the matter, I found her violently ill. I quickly managed to get her to the hospital. Her problem was diagnosed as needing surgery to save her life, she would have to be stabilized over three days due to being so weak, and to ensure a successful surgery. I remained with her offering consolation, and encouraging her that Jesus still loved her, and had not abandoned her. I offered to leave the room as they came to take her medical history, but she would have none of it, not wishing me to leave her. Dear children of light, I remained with her and discovered that she had never received any divine healings, but had a history of serious illness in her life requiring extensive medical intervention. I took no notice of what I had heard, but gladly remained with her many hours day by day, and she was glad to have it so. I encouraged her as we offered adoration, thanks and praises, prayers and petitions to Jesus. No matter what the outcome, we declared and agreed that we found no fault in Him. I read to her many Holy Bible passages of His love and faithfulness. On the third day, she was too weak to continue to pray with me, but urged me to continue to pray. As I was reading the scriptures to her and also offering up blessings and praises to that Great Shepherd of the flock, she suddenly shouted out “ I am healed, I am healed!” As she leapt out of bed quickly dressing, the doctor walked in announcing the operating room was now ready, and she would be taken for surgery. He was amazed at her statement that she was healed and no longer needed surgery. He urged her to be taken for tests to see if this was so. Upon thorough examination, the condition had vanished without a trace or any sign that she had even been ill! After this, my sister never again criticized me for helping people or smiling. My sister later revealed to me the shocking story of her life, of abuse, rejection, abandonment and cruelty. It made me understand, and empathize ( but not condon) her seemingly contempt, hostility, rudeness, callousness, suspiciousness and mistrust towards others. I thank our Lord that He had kept me back from swiftly dealing with her hostility and criticism harshly, and then avoiding her. He had kept me back from joining that long line of persons who had rejected her through out her life, even though now by her behaviors she was making being rejected a self fulfilling prophecy. Yet my beloveds Jesus alone is worthy of all honor, glory and praise, I am an unprofitable servant, I only did what I was supposed to do, and I loved doing so for my King and my sister. We will continue. Until next time continue to trust in the King, for He is always faithful, and His word correctly interpreted is the final and only standard by which we can live. Love Serola
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Mon, Oct 5th - 3:40AM
PART EIGHT Thanks, be to Jesus the True Vine, which bares us branches, without whom we can do nothing. He alone deserves all the worship, glory honor and praise. Let us, dear friends, not cease to bring all of our burdens and cares to Him, whose doors never close, neither does His eyes close in sleep. I pray not one of us His people will deprive ourselves of this blessedness, through His name, to bring every care to Him in prayer for He is ever ready to gladly receive each and every one of us His people. Dear friends of Jesus, I continued to hold my peace, and my tongue, despite my sister’s continual and thoughtless comments. She continued to preach how I should be even as she, unconcerned, refusing to help or even bother to listen to another person’s problem. She was adept at avoiding people, so much so, that despite her having lived in the neighborhood many years, I was the only person in the neighborhood she actually knew by name and had allowed into her life, although she seemed neither to like or trust me. She did not cease to let me know how displeased she was with me for being so foolish to help others, and even smiling at others. Yet, I felt very grateful to the Lord for entrusting her into my life, challenging me to love her as much as those more mature saints that God had allowed into my life, and therefore causing me to continue to grow as a Christian, as only He can do. My beloveds, through much prayer and seeking God’s guidance to determine how I should honor and show my love for Him in this matter, I could clearly see the path that I must follow for His sake. Oh, I know that we can choose or allow ourselves to feel hostile towards those who are hostile and unkind to us, and then act out against them in hurtful ways, perhaps even trying to use the Holy Bible to justify it. But through much prayer seeking God’s wisdom and will to ensure that I was led by His promptings and not my emotions, I continued to give thanks, that for His glory and out of love for Him, and my sister, that our Lord would make, allow me to be an instrument of His love in this person’s life. She was my test, that by our Lord’s indwelling spirit, He would enable me to pass. I suspected that I was her test as well. Jas. 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. Now I could, dear saints, and did feel confident of approaching this sister in love, in God‘s timing. I felt I could open my mouth and speak righteously to give forth the encouragement of the scriptures to her without any condemnation, and hoped that our Lord could help me to be an instrument in her growth and development as a Christian. Col. 4:6 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Little did she or I know, the sudden, terrible turn of events that would later take place, in which God would shockingly teach and reveal His love, correction, and faithfulness, for His glory and our good. Let us, God willing continue next time. Until then, my precious ones, treasures in earthen vessels, trust the King, rest only in His word rightly divided, show favor to the weak, poor and hungry, pray for the little one’s, and what ever we do in word or deed, let it be for the glory of God. Love serola
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