Mon, Sep 14th - 8:31AM
My “Mosaic” Gift & The 120 Years
Hello All, I was blessed with a gift from God. Well I call it a gift; others have a hard time understanding it. I can see the “Mosaic” in things. It is the ability to see “The Bigger Picture” when looking at lots of smaller ideas, issues, or thoughts. Have you ever seen a picture mosaic? The one that comes to my mind first is "Darth Vader". When you get up close to the poster, all you see are individual little pictures. They are different scenes from throughout the whole Star Wars movie. When you move away from poster and get some distance what you find is that all the individual frames are arranged so the colors and shades form a picture of Darth Vader. 
As a gymnastics coach, this ability to think and see in the mosaic was a strong asset to have. It allowed for the combining of many ideas from many sources to create a unique system of training that was safer and more efficient, while still paying attention to the little details of every skill, which is needed in such a regimented sport. This made for faster learning of skills, but at the same time keeping the sport fun for the students and boy did we have fun! The whole was greater then the sum of it’s parts! As I have researched health science and the Bible, I have read from many different people. Each and every one has been a great teacher and has provided countless great ideas, thoughts, and lessons. However, in each and every case I always felt there was something missing to complete the “Mosaic”. This BlogBook and the ideas presented in it will be my attempt to complete that “Mosaic”. Think of each post like just one picture of the many that make up the "120 Year" mosaic. My hope is to get you to see what God showed me, the “Darth Vader” of the 120 years, by showing you all the little pictures, thoughts, and ideas prevented to me over the many years. Know that I will always show you where I got my information either through links or references. I encourage you to click the links, read the books, and talk to those people yourself. The Lord will show you what you need, as He showed me what I needed. As always please feel free to contact me at anytime through email at my "profile" page. Stay Tuned..... "Biblical Health & How to Live 120 Years"
As Always May The Lord Bless you and your Family with Long Life, Shane
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Mon, Sep 14th - 8:19AM
Why Does God Want us to Live 120 Years!
Hello All, If your goal is to live 120 years just to live that long then you will be missing God's point. Even though you would have accomplished a great task and would have received many blessings along the way, do not expect to receive a "Well done and faithful servant" from God just for living that long. There is a very biblical, and exact purpose for living that long. Although God’s main reason for creating us was because of His great love, He does have a purpose for each and every one of us. A large part of that purpose is to serve Him to help bring about salvation to all of the earth. The bible says that he knew us before we were even in the womb. Knowing this and understanding that God designed the human body to live 120 years (Genesis 6:3), it is easy to see that He would wanted us to serve him for all of those 120 years, not just the 60 to 80 we do now. Just imagine what Christians could do in this world for God if we not only lived that long but earnestly served Him all those days. Most Christians don’t even mature in their faith until age 40 to 50. Those same Christians on average die between ages 60 to 80. Thus they only get to serve God for 20 to 30 years in that maturity. But if they lived 120 years their life of service to God would have been extended to as much as 80 years, plus they would have an even greater maturity level due to living past the age of 80 years. The witness level of Christians living 120 years should also be taken into consideration. For 2000 years Christian, and even Jesus Christ himself, have been performing great miracles though the power of the Holy Spirit. Secular man has always reasoned in his own mind excuses or explanations of these miracles thus removing God and the power of the Holy Spirit from them. If all Christians were living 120 years not even the most secular scientists couldn’t turn a blind eye. They may not equate it to God directly, but they could not argue that we lived that long by following God’s principles found only in His word. No man made diet, healthy life style, or science technique has ever succeeded in allowing man to live even close to 120 years. Stay Tuned..... "Biblical Health & How to Live 120 Years" As Always Many Blessings to you and your Family, Shane
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Mon, Sep 14th - 7:33AM
God's 120 Year Human Body Design
Hello All, Most people I talk to think that the bible says the human body should live only 70 years, plus 10 years if they were physically healthy. This is so far from God's truth. If this were true then why is it that people live well past 80 years. If fact it has been recorded on many occasions of people living past 110 years, not to mention all those 100 year old birthdays that Willard Scott shows us everyday, plus Billy Graham just turned 90. The passage of scripture the 70 years comes from is "Psalms 90" "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away". This Psalm of Moses was not talking about the age of all mankind. The entire Psalm was a crying out to God by Moses, asking God to lift the iniquities He had placed only on the Israelites after "The Golden Cafe" as part of their wondering in the desert for 40 years. God said that no one of that generation would enter the promise land. Since they were still living 120 years, the only way to kill off that generation in 40 years was to shorten that generation’s life to 70 years. "Genesis 6" says; Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." At this time God saw that man was corrupt and He needed to shorten his life, in a since giving him less time to get himself in trouble. From then on man's life got shorter and shorter until it leveled off at 120 years. We see this in Moses, when he at 120 years old and healthy, climbed the mountain and died. Arron lived 130 years. Joshua lived 110 years. God designed us to love and serve him. We today can love and serve God for 120 years by following His plan for our life. Just imagine what we as Christians could do serving God for 120 years instead of just 60- 80 years, and unhealthy years at that! Stay Tuned..... "Biblical Health & How to Live 120 Years" As Always May The Lord Bless you and your Family with Long Life, Shane
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