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    tom brownlee's Blog
          find out how i am doing in m ylife in genral

    Thu, May 21st - 1:29PM

    our troops

    wanted to take this time to salute our troops for there great sacrfices to protecting and defending our freedoms that we have

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    Thu, May 21st - 1:25PM

    so busy

    sorry i havent been on in quite a while ben busy with things as well as a lot going on in mylife good to be back on now

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    Mon, Jan 26th - 12:18PM

    more snow

    today we gettig ore snow which the mountains need for this summer

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    Fri, Jan 23rd - 4:36PM

    historical week

    had a historical wek past by now its time for the new presidant to preson on now

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    Mon, Dec 22nd - 8:15PM


    wow hard to believe we are getting more snow a lot today its pretty but cold

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    About Me

    Name: tom brownlee
    ChristiansUnite ID: thomasb40
    Member Since: 2005-08-08
    Location: eaglemountain ut, Utah, United States
    Denomination: non
    About Me: love to travelas wellas email and collect thing as well. my relationship with god is real important to me.

    May 2009
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