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    You are here: Blogs Directory / Devotionals / A Pragmatic Christian's Personal Devotional Blog Welcome Guest
    A Pragmatic Christian's Personal Devotional Blog
          Wayfarerjon's Journey of Discovery Sharing the Struggles and Treasures Found Along the Way.
          Devotional, Biblical and Inspirational.

    Tue, Jun 24th - 6:23AM

    Pioneering Unknown Territory

    Like many boys, I loved to explore and read adventure stories, but in my early teens I decided to have my own adventure. One day in the depths of winter, I packed a small rucksack with map, compass and food and set out on my own to explore the wild Kinder Scout plateau in our High Peak National Park. Excitement mounted as I wound my way up the Grindsbrook valley and searched for a route up the sheer craggy escarpment. Once on the top I carefully picked my way over the featureless wilderness with just a frisson of fear and marvelled at the strange beauty of the place. All too soon I had to turn back, but felt elated on the descent, having achieved my goal. Today, you'll find a well-worn eroded path there, where many thousands have trod since. My pioneering spirit remains, but for years it was half buried and covered over and jaded by life's events. It was only after I became a Christian that I eventually realised that the deep longing and desire was for intimacy with God Himself. He had put it there! I have found that if we refuse to be squeezed into some respectable Christian mould, but seek to follow the desire God has put within us and find out who we really are and what we are made for, we could be in for a bumpy ride. At times it may feel like we are in unknown territory, going where no one has been before and have to deal with loneliness and the misunderstandings of others. As for God, He has already mapped out our journey, but we may think He has made a mistake when things don't go according to our plan and the going gets tough. Instead we may opt for a seemingly safe way of subduing the desire, such as church activity or position, voluntary work, a project or hobby or anything that may gratify. These may be good things in themselves, but in reality they are only a mere shadow of the real thing. The desire will still be there deep down and we will be restless and not true to our own heart or God's. We have been given freedom of choice, but if we want to be pioneers and 'go for gold' why not ask God to heat up our spirit and increase the desire, for it is that which keeps us going. All God waits for is our Yes! "Jesus said ..... You--follow me." John 21:22 The Message Bible /span>

    * Read about my journey through CFS

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    Tue, May 27th - 1:10PM

    Throw Them Overboard

    Although I am no sailor, I have a love of boats and anything to do with the water. My wife and I often refer to one of our favourite paintings. It’s depicts an open sailing boat with an large orange mainsail, creaming along in a turquoise frothy sea. A couple - that’s us - are seated in the stern, relaxed and confident, looking into the sun, as they sail into the wide blue yonder.

    It’s a beautiful picture and speaks to me of effortless adventure. The adventurers are fully yielded to God in complete trust. They are secure in the knowledge that He is in absolute control of their lives and will get them to their destination.

    This idyllic scene can change when the weather turns stormy, the waves become threatening and fear knocks at the door of our hearts. If you are anything like me you may be tempted to make your own plans, just in case things don’t work out. This could be analogous to towing a lifeboat behind us and filling the boat with unnecessary cargo for comfort and life preservation. The problem with that is, it just serves to slow the boat down or at worst even sink it.

    We can carry cargoes like old habits, old ways, giving importance to material possessions, anything that can take our eyes of the Master Mariner and water down our trust in Him. Let’s throw them overboard and cut free.

    “The violent storm continued, so on the next day they began to throw some of the ship's cargo overboard ..” Acts 27:18 Good News Bible

    * Read about my journey through CFS

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    Tue, May 13th - 3:01AM

    Onward Christian What?

    I remember standing in church as a small boy, waist-high to the adults and singing my little heart out, when the man next to me hissed “shut up!” I’ve never had much of a singing voice, but I thought it a joyful noise! The hymn?

    “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war ..!”

    Was it possible, even at that tender age, I’d caught something of the spirit of the hymn? Did the man really understand the significance of the words, and how many do today?

    As Christians, like it or not, we’re in the front line of battle. A spiritual war, that’s not fought in our strength or with guns and tanks. The Devil is out to destroy our relationship with God. So to deny the Devil's existence or be unaware of the battle, is like giving in to the enemy. On the other hand if we are aware what’s going one, the battle's as good as won. Our part is to dwell under the protection and absolute safety of the Most High.

    I’ve found that the enemy fights dirty. He attacks when I’m at my weakest and least expecting it. I’m learning to recognise when it’s happening and cling to Jesus and take my stand. There have been times when I’ve felt I would never get through, but even though it often meant blood, sweat and tears, He never let me down.

    There’s a life to be lived and fought for, dragons to slay, beauty to be discovered, ... so I refuse to lie down, refuse to be silent. Second verse:

    "At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;

    On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!"

    “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 ESV

    * Read about my journey through CFS

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    Wed, May 7th - 3:32AM

    Bring It Into The Light

    Is there anything in your life that you're hiding away? Some feeling or memory from the past, a problem that looms large? Are you putting off looking at it, perhaps because of fear, afraid of what you might find?

    We don’t often go into the back of our cellar, it’s dark and cramped.

    However, when our plumbing needed attention, our son crawled in to check. He was in for a surprise! He found mushrooms growing on the wall below our bathroom. Removing the side panel of the bath and peeking inside, I realised it was in danger of sinking through the floor. I quickly replaced the panel, thinking that, what’s hidden will be forgotten. To be honest, I was a bit scared of what else I might find and what might be entailed putting it right.

    Somehow, I found the courage to face the mountain. I disconnected the heavy cast iron bath and heaved it outside - I should have sought help for that bit! This revealed rotten wood, which I cut out, treated what remained, and replaced with new flooring. Despite two days of inconvenience for the family, everything was re-plumbed and the job complete. I felt stimulated and satisfied, grateful for the gifts and help God had given me.

    I’ve been guilty of being in denial in the past. Sweeping fears under the carpet, hoping they would go away. They didn’t of course! They festered and affected my life, stopping me living to the full. With some help at first, I faced the fears and pain with Jesus. Once in the Light, the fears melted away as Jesus gently washed and cleansed the wound, making me new again.

    “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 English Standard Version

    * Read about my journey through CFS

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    About Me

    Name: John Pitt
    ChristiansUnite ID: wayfarerjon
    Member Since: 2008-05-06
    Location: Torpoint, United Kingdom
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I am a happily married man with two children and five grandchildren and live on the Cornish coast in England. I retired early from a career in civil engineering, which gave me more time with my wife and to follow the things I really believed God want... more

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