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    All About josprel

    Username: josprel
    Date Joined: Thurs, Apr 20th - 11:05AM
    About Me: A prolific writer, Josprel is an ordained minister who resides in Western New York – just across the Niagara River from Canada. Though brought up in a Christian family, he rebelled against the Lord at an early age, finally enlisting in the U.S. Air Force. He served three years in the Air Force, two and one half of them in the Far East, as an operating engineer. Josprel was among the first Air Force troops to enter Japan, after World War Two. Upon returning home, he accepted Christ as his Savior and studied for the ministry. Josprel pastored a church for some ten years in Attica, New York, the scene of America's worst prison rebellion, in which many lives were lost. Soon after the rebillion was quelled, the warden asked him to conduct Bible studies for the inmates. Josprel complied; holding three-hour prison Bible studies each Friday night for some four years. He is authoring two novels: "Beloved Apostate" and "Kanfal." © Josprel (Joseph Perrello)
    Denomination: An Evangelical Christian
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    City: Western
    State: New York
    Country: United States

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