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    B Musings
          Day to day activities and musings.

    Wed, Aug 27th - 10:55PM

    Progress Report

    My fingers are sore from being stuck so many times, but I am making progress on my quilting project -- though not nearly enough. I have it pieced and set together except for 2 sides of border. It's supposed to have two rows of border, but its only getting one. I will be lucky to get that much done. It is a repeating star pattern and its far from perfect. It is puckered in places, and some of the points don't quite meet etc. In a few places, there is barely a seam allowance. (Thankfully, that won't show on the finished product.) I have pieced things before and done hand sewing, but the next part is totally new. I have NEVER quilted -- not even a pot holder.
    I'm trying to come up with ideas for making the quilting different - unique. Since part of the background around the stars is star-print and part is solid navy, I thought I'd try to put constellations in the solid navy sections. There are 8 sections of navy, so now I just need to come up with which 8 constellations (or combinations thereof) to use. I have decided not to use any zodiac ones. I plan to use french knots for the stars - but can't decide if I will stitch between the stars to connect them (like they do in drawings of the constellations) or not.
    Meanwhile, in my computer searches for constellations I found this really neat interactive site that teaches you how to find 3 constellations and 2 stars. I've always wished I knew more about the stars. They fascinate me.

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    Fri, Aug 15th - 3:38PM

    Challenge Time

    Last year, my older sister and I went to a local quilt show.  In a moment of weakness, I talked her into joining me in accepting the quilting challenge they have each year.  -- And now, our little projects are due next month.  My sister reminded me a few days ago and asked if I had started mine.  You guessed it.  The answer was no.  And I still haven't - unless you count finding the rules again and "thinking".  I got an e-mail from her yesterday and she was merrily working on hers. 

    No, I am not putting it off because I have confidence I can get it done in a day or two.  I'm putting it off because I have never done any quilting.  The operative word here is "challenge".  But now it is crunch time.  I have to get material and get busy -- actually get out the sissors and CUT into it.  Once I've made the first cut, I hope I will be less concerned.  There won't be any turning back.  Any "damage" will have been done and I will be able to go on and finish.  But that first step is a frightening one -- as with most things in life.  I think I'd better start with prayer.  Always a good idea.

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    Tue, Aug 12th - 10:54AM


    Well, Saturday, one of my writer's groups (Louisville Christian Writers) issued a challenge - write one poem a day until the next meeting (monthly meetings). This morning, I was knitting away on a sock for my oldest nephew Seth (a late birthday present because it is "to order") when I remembered I had a poem to write. I try to get that out of the way early, because otherwise, I'd be trying to write at midnight (having forgotten) and I can't do that. (I can wake up at 2 in the morning with something I HAVE to write down, but that isn't me, if you know what I mean.) Anyway, since I was working on socks, I decided to try an acrostic -- socks. Here it is.

    Kaleidoscopic keepers of
    Soles (souls)

    I think the lady who issued the challenge will like it because she's into kaleidoscopes. : ) When I was looking through the dictionary for a k word and found kaleidoscope it seemed to fit perfectly -- tubular, changing colors etc. Unfortunately, the socks I'm working on are solid black. The men in my family are very conservative when it comes to their socks!

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    Sat, Aug 9th - 10:53PM

    It has been a while

    Oh the joys of computers -- but when they don't work . . .

    It's getting late and tomorrow is another day, but I wanted to at least be able to say I did post something on my blog.  Tonight was writer's group night -- always a pleasure.  Get to see friends and talk about God and about writing.  What more could any writer ask? God is good.                     

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    About Me

    Name: Bonnie Abraham
    ChristiansUnite ID: auntb
    Member Since: 2008-06-10
    Location: Corydon, Indiana, United States
    Denomination: Baptist
    About Me: I am a writer. (Devotions, short stories, and working on a fantasy novel) I enjoy knitting, reading and being with family. I teach a Sunday school class and a Bible study and help with the church drama team.

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