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          Prayer Changes Things

    Tue, Feb 28th - 1:13PM


    Prayer To Come On Strong

     Father, use us and use us up.
    Spirit make us Holy, no matter what it takes.


    Comment (2)

    Sat, Feb 25th - 4:20PM

    Vain Thoughts



    I have vain thoughts, I truly hate,
    these thoughts that get through I do not create.
    Up hold me Lord according to your word,
    these thoughts that I have sometimes are absurd.
    Their wicked and mean, I know their not from you,
    but some how Lord, these thoughts get through.
    My flesh trembles in fear of thee,
    speak a word, my mind would be free.
    Judge me not on the thoughts that get through,
    for sometimes these thoughts, are divided in two.

    Comment (3)

    Thu, Feb 23rd - 10:21AM

    Counter Feits



    Beware of counter feits, that speak false things,
    this is what the counter feits bring.
    Their worship, their doctrines and miracles untrue,
    these are they, that will try to lead you.
    Test a man by the love of God,
    this is a love they can not hide.

    Comment (2)

    Tue, Feb 21st - 10:28AM

    Answer Me Lord


    Was there ever a thing you asked the Lord about,
    you knew He heard without a doubt.
    You say, answer me Lord, answer me please,
    then you got, down on your knees.
    You search the scriptures, you say give me a word,
    but there was nothing, to be heard.
    So you give up, and say, it's not His will,
    a year or two later your prayer was fulfilled.


    Comment (5)

    Mon, Feb 20th - 9:55AM

    I have a question!


    I have a question! Could someone please help me with this?
    What is the difference between being baptized in the Spirit
    and being filled with the Spirit?

    Comment (5)

    Sat, Feb 18th - 10:29AM

    Prayer For God's Shepherds


    Lord, appoint over us shepherds after
    your own heart, who will lead us wisely.
    In Jesus Name. AMEN.
    (Jer 3:15)

    Comment (5)

    Fri, Feb 17th - 9:32AM



     A blasphemer is a person that speaks evil of God,
    his evil works, arise out of pride.
    Even this sin, you'll be forgiven,
    but blasphem His Spirit, hell you shall live in.
    His Holy Spirit you must not insult,
    for anger and judgement will be the result.
    So if you are wondering, if you have blasphemed,
    that one concern, makes you clean.
    A blasphemer cares not, the things that He say,
    denying what's God's, is his way.
    So be very careful with God's Spirit,
    He will never allow, evil near it.

    Comment (3)

    Wed, Feb 15th - 11:40AM

    Garden Of Eden



    God planted a garden east of Eden, and put the man for him to breed in.
    He placed some trees pleasant to the sight, if you ate, there would be a delight.
    Also a tree of good and evil, if you ate, it would be an upheaveal.
    God said, of this tree you should not eat, for it would only bring deceit.
    God told the man, it's not good being alone, I will create you someone of your own.
    He made the beast and the fouls of the air, and brought them to man with oh, such care.
    The man then named all of them, but could not find a help mate for him.
    God then caused a deep sleep to fall, this would then, take care of it all.
    God took one rib and closed up the skin, took her to man and oh did he grin.
    He called her woman, because she's from man, she will be beautiful through out the land.
    The serpent was a charming beast, he tried to control the entire east.
    He tricked the woman to eat of the tree, and then she gave to man you see.
    Now that sin has entered this place, man and woman can't show their face.
    God called to man, "man what have you done?" For now sin had begun.
    Now they must leave out of the garden, this was a something God wouldn't pardon.
    I've told you a little how sin began, this is why Jesus made His stand.

    Comment (2)

    Tue, Feb 14th - 11:14AM

    Prayer For Wisdom


    Father,  give us wisdom, but first give us faith.
    We repent of any doubt that we have entertained.
    Jesus beyound doubt, You are the Son of God.
    Father, We pray this, in Jesus  Name. AMEN

    Comment (3)

    Mon, Feb 13th - 12:31PM

    His Anointed


     Touch not His anointed, and do them no harm,
    if you do it sounds an alarm.
    God's pastors, God's preachers, God's evangelist, Gods teachers,
    these are some of God's anointed creatures.
    This was just to name a few,
    for this calling, you must remain true.
    This I say, comes with a price,
    you must be bold, direct and precise.
    So when your in prayer, His anointing declare,
    He won't give anything you can't bare.

    Comment (2)

    Sat, Feb 11th - 11:04AM

    Praising God


    Praising God
    God is worthy of our praise,
    our full attention, our hands we raise.
    Hallelujah! Yes, is what we say,
    with honor and cheer, is what we display.
    We praise Him with music, we praise Him with voice,
    this is how, we rejoice.
    We praise Him for an answered prayer,
    we praise Him for His loving care.
    Young men, old men, women and child,
    praise with gladness, and you'll be beguiled.

    Comment (2)

    Fri, Feb 10th - 10:28AM

    Prayer To Forgive

     Prayer to forgive

    Father, sometimes I don't want to forgive.
    Change my will. Make me willing to forgive,
    and then give me the power to forgive. In Jesus Name.

    Comment (3)

    Thu, Feb 9th - 11:34AM

    Grand Baby Boy



    This is a small poem I wrote for my Grand Baby Boy. He will arrive around 6/3/06

    I watch you grow, I watch you sprout,
    not knowing at all what life's all about.
    Your a miracle of life, sent in a seed,
    God gave me a job, and a job in deed.
    I'll teach you all about God's Son,
    and teach how the battle was win.
    So I wait patiently, Grand Baby Boy,
    your wrapped with blessings, and plenty of joy.

    Comment (2)

    Wed, Feb 8th - 10:54AM

    War In Heaven


    War In Heaven

    God created Lucifer, the shinning star,
    but Lucifer took things a little too far.
    He wanted to rule over Father God,
    and built an angel rebellion squad.
    Michael and his angels, Lucifer and his,
    fighting over the thrown, and all that it is.
    They fight and fight, Lucifer's overthrown,
    he let out shout and an angry grown.
    Him and his angels, down they go,
    on earth they reside, roaming to, and fro.
    So the next time you look into the sky,
    think of the war, that took place on high.

    Comment (0)

    Tue, Feb 7th - 9:30AM

    Prayer From The Wife Of An Unsaved Husband



    Heavenly Father, I pray that my husband will be won
    over to Jesus through my conduct. Father show me what
    it means to be your daughter, a bride of Christ, a temple
    of the Spirit, and a Christian woman. I repent for my sins
    and trust you completely. I put my husband, marriage,
    family, and life into your hands in Jesus Name. AMEN.

    Comment (2)

    Mon, Feb 6th - 10:51AM

    Mustard Seed


    The Kingdom of Heaven, like a mustard seed,
    in this seed there's all you need.
    This seed so small, but oh so sure,
    when it's planted it will mature.
    This seed is the least of all other seeds,
    but when it's grown, it's seed of good deeds.
    Faith of a mustard seed, is all that we need,
    to enter the Kingdom, and all that we lead.

    Comment (0)

    Sun, Feb 5th - 11:57AM

    God's Rest

    God's Rest

    I found a resting place peaceful and still,
    in this place life is so real.
    God gave me His rest so I may endore,
    everything that makes me unsure.
    In this place, peace abide,
    and in this place, no one denie.
    For God's rest, so pure and sweet,
    you will share with people you meet.

    Comment (1)

    Sat, Feb 4th - 3:02PM



      Excuses people make, for not coming to the Lord.(Part 3)

    EXCUSE: I think I have committed the unpardonable sin.
    ANSWER: You will know if you commit this sin. The desire to be a Christian will be forever gone, a hardening process will have taken place.(Matt 12:31-32)
    QUESTION: Would suicide be the best way out for my problems.
    ANSWER: Self murder only quicken judgment.
    EXCUSE: I am ashamed to come to Christ
    ANSWER: Salvation is for the lost
    EXCUSE: I can't forgive my enemines
    ANSWER: Through God's help you can do what you can not do otherwise
    EXCUSE: I want to be saved but can not believe
    ANSWER: Use the faith that God gave you. Through faith you are saved by grace. Think it, Say it, and believe it, even if you don't feel it.
    QUESTION: How do I know there is a God
    ANSWER: There are three source of material
                     (1) The bible
                     (2) nature
                     (3) man
    none could have been produced by accident.
    QUESTION: Why should I accept the bible as the final authority?
    ANSWER: The bible has survived all unbelievers
    Question: What must I do to be saved
    ANSWER: Your part is to receive, God's part is to give you POWER to become.

                       END, GOD BLESS!


    Comment (2)

    Fri, Feb 3rd - 9:28AM

    Conversation (Part 2)


    EXCUSE: People will laugh
    ANSWER: Better let them laugh than to have God laugh (Matthew 10:32,33)
    EXCUSE: Not now
    ANSWER: Every time you say no, it's more difficult to say yes
    EXCUSE: My friends mean so much to me
    ANSWER: Are they friends or your enemies
    EXCUSE: I Think God is to good to damn anyone
    ANSWER: That is not what the bible say, "Therefore the unGodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous (Psalms 1:5-6)
    EXCUSE: I am religious
    ANSWER: Religion is often somthing that is on the outside. Many will say in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? Cast out devils! Done many wonderful works? And then I will profess to them, I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity. ( Matthew 7:22-23 )
    EXCUSE: I am trying to be a Christian
    ANSWER: It is not trying, it's trusting
    EXCUSE: I am afraid I can not hold out
    ANSWER: Jesus not only saves, He keeps. He is a good shepherd
    QUESTION: Why does God allow evil in this world?
    ANSWER: Freedom of choice is the Creator's great gift to the human race
    EXCUSE: There is so much suffering
    ANSWER: This is not the world as God planned it, the world He said was very good. It's the world which man has spread his sin.
    QUESTION: Does this have to be done publicly?
    ANSWER: God makes the rules, who so ever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in Heaven (Matthew 10:32-33)  
    EXCUSE: I have tried before and failed
    ANSWER: One failure does not mean defeat

    Comment (1)

    Wed, Feb 1st - 10:41AM

    Conversation (Part 1)


    These are some answers to excuses people give, for not coming to the Lord,
    I will post them in three parts. I know you have heard some of them.

    EXCUSE: I want to get established in business first. After that I will be a Christian.
    ANSWER: No business should be allowed to cheat anyone out of heaven's blessings.
    Property should not kill the privilage of being a child of God's.
    EXCUSE: I am not a sinner.
    ANSWER: God says there is none righteous, no, not one (romans 3:10). The scripture have
    concluded all under sin.
    EXCUSE: I have no encouragement at home.
    ANSWER: Without familes we come, without familes we'll go.
    EXCUSE: I am good enough as I am.
    ASWER: God says you are bad enough by nature. Man in his natural state does wicked deeds, think evil thoughts, goes to bad places, rejects Jesus Christ, because he has an evil heart. 
    EXCUSE: I am good as others.
    ANSWER: Measure yourself by Jesus if you want to know how good you are or bad you are. You can not measure yourself by the church, they have confessed Jesus before man, as Jesus asked. You have not.
    EXCUSE: I am doing the best I can.
    ANSWER: How long have you been doing your best? Have you succeed? How long will it take you to make yourself fit for heaven? The best you can do is to acknowledge you cannot do anything to save yourself, except believe.
    EXCUSE: I am too big a sinner.
    ANSWER: Jesus came to save all sinners. Jesus will not cast out anyone who will come to him.
    (John 6:37)
    EXCUSE: There are too many hypocrites.
    ANSWER: Hypocrites are lost. If you let hypocrites keep you from being saved, you will spend eternity in hell with them.
    EXCUSE: A professing Christian wronged me.
    ANSWER: Granted, but is that a reason why you should wrong God and insult Christ, who loved you, and gave himself for you?
    EXCUSE: These is too much to give up.
    ANSWER: Better give up everything than lose the soul. (Psalm 84:11), (Proverbs 3:17), (Matthew 11:30), and many more.........
    EXCUSE: It is too much of a mystery.
    ANSWER: Why let the mystery cause you to refuse God? Do you not trust your telephone to transmit your voice? Lay aside the mystery, and trust God.

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    About Me

    Name: Latifa Brown
    ChristiansUnite ID: ivory
    Member Since: 2006-01-03
    Location: , Pennsylvania, United States
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I love to write Spiritual poetry, and write about different bible topics.

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