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          Revolution Ministries takes up the calling to those Perishing! We preach the gospel any where the Lord leads us.

    Mon, Mar 31st - 11:05AM


    Shame--the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another.

    I’m not really sure when it began, as it has been a gradual thing, I’m sure. But like the slow removal of a grass stain from a teenager’s hack-around T-shirt, the impression has slowly been extracted from the conscience of America.

    Whatever happened to shame?

    I suppose some of it could be traced to Dr. Spock, as he is responsible for so much of what is wrong with child-rearing these days, or to Benjamin Bloom, and John Dewey, two acolytes-of-atheism, men who promoted the Humanistic ideals that have replaced Christianity as the bedrock of our educational system. “If it feels good, do it” has replaced “Thou shall not.”

    But the bare boned bottom line is that the goal of “building self-esteem” in our young children required the elimination of any type of negative reinforcement and led to the development of the value system we now see permeating the American culture.

    Let me ask you again, “Whatever happened to shame?”

    I’m sure I was a handful in elementary school. I was small in stature but big on the inside. Always striving to be the center of attention (big families teach you to fight to be noticed), I spent my early school daze with my nose stuck to a dot written on the chalkboard, standing face-first in the back corner of the classroom, or in isolation in the hallway where I couldn’t distract the rest of the class.

    In small town America in the fifties we still believed that shame was a good thing. My parents didn’t call the principal, we didn’t hire a lawyer, child psychologists were as common as cordless phones, and “mood altering medications” were something the hippies hadn’t even thought of. In the 1950’s they would have thrown you in jail for giving drugs to a young child.

    Yep, I would have been the poster child for Ritalin. But instead of medicated, I was disciplined. Despite what the child experts want to tell us, applied lovingly, shame is a great teacher. I know it is a matter of opinion but I think I turned out all right.

    It was 1989. I was over a decade into my “public-fool system” career when I first noticed it. I was teaching “special education” (in many cases this is nothing more than a made-up disability where schools warehouse students who won’t behave: read this on ADD) when a 15 year-old thug named John came waltzing in late to class, basking in the glory of having been in the principal’s office, and proudly strutting in to tell his fellow future-felons about “the discipline” he had just survived.

    “F-Him Man.” John announced to his captive audience as his chain-linked ear-ring dangled under his long, scraggly, pot-perfumed hair. “I ain’t serving no f-in detention. I told that m-f-er that he ain’t my old man so he could shove the detention up his a--. Who does that m-fer think he is telling me that sh-t? I should have kicked his f-in a--.”

    You may think I am making it up. Ask your child. This type of language is common-place in our “public” schools today. In 1989, John was a bit ahead of his time.

    With all of the class waiting on my reaction, I uttered a phrase that I used often with troubled kids.

    “You know the problem with most of you in here?” I declared to the room full of cultural-misfits. “You are ashamed of what you should be proud of and proud of what you should be ashamed of.” (By the way, it took 4 years but I eventually tamed John -- amazing what a little love and strong discipline will do for a malcontent.)

    I thought of John as I looked around America this week. The results of this false self-esteem are all over the television. It has even crept into the church.

    Hillary “misspoke” about her dodging of the sniper bullets. Where I come from we call that lying. But if anyone were to accuse her of “lying” the outrage over such blatant “judgmentalism” of her actions would raise a hue and cry that would turn her into a sympathetic figure. In my hometown elementary school, Hillary’s behavior would have earned her some time on a stool with a dunce-cap on. Today we laugh it off as “fatigue,” or “mixed-memory.” (Let’s see, can you remember confusing the specifics of the last time you had to dodge bullets?) Such blatant dishonesty should doom her career. She’s running for leader of the free world for heaven’s sake! But we’ll brush it off as “Clintonesque.” We’ve come to expect it from our leaders.

    Eliot Spitzer is caught with his hand in the “cookie jar” and he doesn’t have the decency to immediately exit “stage right.” His too-proud-to-be-ashamed wife stands beside him as Spitzer tries to figure out a way to keep his job. The “cookie” into whose jar his hand was caught is offered millions for her story. A “high-priced hooker” (as opposed to a low-priced hooker) becomes a hero. No shame.

    Like Monica, she will ride (sorry) Spitzer all the way to the bank. You see, they are all proud of what they should be ashamed of. Once again, America glorifies degeneracy.

    Now the new governor of NY is self-identifying as a former drug-using adulterer. Former NJ governor James McGreevey is a “gay American.” The Mayor of Detroit is oblivious to shame.

    Britney, Paris, Lindsay, all have gotten rich off of despicable behavior. The glorification of sluts is featured even on mainstream news shows.

    Look at what our culture has become. We have lost the ability to blush. Even those in our pulpits make excuses for sin. Families watch together on TV what my parents didn’t speak of even in private.

    Have you turned on the TV lately? Have you spent any time watching what our children are watching? Are you familiar with the MTV show Jackass, (WARNING: Should cause one to blush) where people become stars by doing things for which most folks would be embarrassed? How about “The Real World” which features the promotion of debauchery and adulterous behavior?

    My Mom would have warned us to “Stop encouraging such behavior.” She could wield a mean yardstick. She wasn’t worried about her kids’ self-esteem. She was worried about our self-respect.

    “Everyone lies. We’re all sinners, Coach!” Well, I guess you’re right, but there was a time in America when you were taught to be ashamed of your sin. Sadly, those days have gone the way of sin-hating Christians.

    I don’t mean to pick on Hillary but has there ever been a more narcissistic couple than she and her husband? I mean, come on, has there ever been a pair that has been so natural at lying? Her recent “mis-statement” is merely the latest in a long line of serial-perjury, (I did not have sex with that woman, I don’t know how those records got in my office.) It is a way of life with them; sadly, it is a way of life with most politicians…with most Americans, actually. They are a reflection of us.

    But here is the tragic part. We know that they lie, yet we still consider them qualified for public service. Pastors endorse them, pundits justify their behavior, and Christians vote for the “lesser of the evils.” “It’s only politics” (Is that John Dewey I hear?) as they try to convince us that lying is no longer a big deal. Let me ask you something. In your personal life, do you trust liars?

    My wife came home from substitute teaching in our local elementary the other day and she was distraught. “The kids are out of control,” She lamented. “Discipline is non-existent. Everyone is afraid to do anything. The principals all look the other way. No-one will control the kids’ behavior.”

    What is that popular term we hear today….”the chickens have come home to roost”….we no longer honor character. We glorify the character-less.

    America needs more shame. We need to make it clear that some behaviors are not acceptable. We must teach our children that behaviors have consequences, that one’s actions affect others. That the world doesn’t revolve around them.

    The Clinton supporters said everyone lies about sex. I don’t. I don’t have to. There was a day when one was ashamed of both lies and sex.

    Shame on us, America. Shame on us for what we are not teaching our children. Shame on us for winking at sin. We reap what we sow. Look at our current crop of shameless leaders. Why should we expect anything different?

    Whatever happened to shame?

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    Mon, Mar 24th - 9:23PM




    For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3.

    Could somebody please explain to me what in the world a “black Christian” is? Or, for that matter, a “Methodist Christian,” or “Baptist Christian,” or “conservative Christian?”

    All of this talk about race; about white Christians and black Christians; white churches and black churches, must just break the Lord’s heart! How have we allowed the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross to be whittled down to nothing more than human skin pigmentation?

    Stop the foolishness, folks. God is a Spirit and man is a spirit. That’s right, man is a spirit. We live in a body, we possess a soul, but we are a spirit. And a spirit ain’t got no color nor denomination!

    Enough already of this stupid race baiting, we are allowing God’s children to be separated for political gain. We should know better than that. If you are born again of the Spirit of God you have been bleached. Yep, bleached in blood.

    I say shame on all of us. Shame on Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, on Jeremiah Wright and Bob Jones University. Shame on every pastor and politician who wants to identify himself as some type of specialized Christian. Shame on Baptist Christians and Methodist Christians, on AME Christians and Evangelical Christians, on Charismatic Christians and Fundamentalist Christians. Shame on conservative Christians and liberal Christians, on black Christians and white Christians.

    Stop it already. Stop taking your cue from the television. Stop allowing Jackson and Sharpton, Hannity and Rush, and all our preachers to classify us as if we were different types of cars! Don’t listen to Hillary or Obama, Dick Morris or Juan Williams, or any of the talking heads planted by the race-baiters whose job it is to keep blood-washed Christians separated. Divide and conquer…it is the oldest trick in the book.

    Here is the Truth. “There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

    Look, I am sorry about racism. I know it exists. I know white human beings have done terrible things to black human beings. But white humans have also done terrible things to other white humans, and black on black crime is an epidemic. I know some black Americans have had it tougher than some white Americans but some black Americans have it better than other white Americans. Struggle is part of the human experience.

    I have to just be gut honest here. I’m sure some will call me names but I won’t be the first to be accused of something I’m not. Read what they did in Jeremiah’s day. Sometimes the only way they can win a debate is to “smite with words.” Well, I’m bigger than that. What you call me won’t change the Truth. Listen to what I say….not how I say it.

    Recent statistics tell us that 90% of black Americans are voting Democratic. It is a “cultural thing” they tell us. Black Christians are voting for candidates who won’t stop the killing of unborn black babies. So evidently somewhere, someone is convincing blacks that the Democratic Party is their Savior. That somebody is standing in the pupit.

    I thought Jesus was our Savior!

    Because they have turned to Jehovah-Jesse rather than Jehovah-Jireh, many “black Christians” and "black churches" have made government their provider and they dutifully follow a political party that their adulterous-leadership has convinced them will lead them to the “promised land.” For forty years they have followed the Democratic-god and have been led not to freedom in Christ, but deeper into Egypt and the land of bondage.

    But pale-faced America is no better. The "white churches," for the most part have been oblivious to the needs of their black brothers and sisters in Christ. As the needs in the inner-city grew, white America fled to the suburbs, leaving the god-of-government to meet the needs of the poor and the wretched. Whitey has not done his Christian duty to the poor of all pigmentations. We have turned the duties of the Church over to the god- of-government and we wonder why our black brothers look to elected officials for salvation.

    Jesus is not a Democrat. Jesus is not a Republican. In fact, He is not even an American! Jesus is Lord!

    “White Christians” pray to their “white God” for more stuff, while “black Christians” pray to their “black God” for justice and equality. The racial divide is deep because “black Christians” and “white Christians,” for the most part, don’t serve the same God.

    A wise man said that the most segregated hour in America is 11:00 a.m. on Sunday.

    You see, Christian values don’t have a color and they are not indigenous to any race Abortion is wrong, whether it kills a black baby or a white baby. Homosexuality is sin, whether you are a black man or a white woman. Poverty is crippling and it has no color. Murder is wrong no matter who pulls the trigger. All children deserve a mom and a dad regardless of their race. Stealing from one to give to another is covetousness even if you call it welfare.

    Isn’t it time the Church started being the salt and stopped being a color?

    I’m a proud white man. I am not ashamed of my German heritage nor my Catholic up-bringing. But today I don’t identify myself as a German-American nor a former Catholic. I am neither. I am an American, a follower of Jesus, and if you have trusted in the Name that is Above Every Name, you are my brother. I say it is time we started acting like it.

    In 2006 I voted for Ken Blackwell, a Christian, for governor of Ohio. In the 2008 Primary I wrote in the name of Alan Keyes, a Christian, for president of the United States. I would proudly vote for Bobby Jindall, Jesse Lee Peterson, Ken Hutcherson, J.C. Watts, Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele, or Tony Dungy. Character has no color.

    How about you my black Christian brother? Would you vote for such men of character? Statistics show that black Americans won’t vote for black Republicans! Tragically, most blacks have been taught to be more loyal to the Democrats than they are to their Lord.

    But how about you, my white Christian brother, are you voting for a Republican rather than a Christian? Did Jeremiah Wright’s comments make you angry or sad? Are you voting Republican so you can beat the Democrats when you should be voting for Jesus so he can destroy the works of the Satan? We have become convinced that Party allegiance trumps allegiance to Christ. The Devil runs both Parties. A vote for either is a vote for Slew-foot’s agenda.

    What kind of nation would this be if 90% of the CHRISTIANS voted for the same values?

    There is a crisis of character in America. This “deficit of decency” is not a characteristic of any particular ethnic group. It is common to the human race. Blacks have the deficit and whites have the deficit. Only a life redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb can cure it.

     Republicans aren’t the antidote and Democrats don’t have an elixir. Only Jesus can meet the needs of sin-sick America.

    I came across this video of comedian Steve Harvey. It brought tears to my eyes. It convinced me of what I already knew. Blacks and whites serve the same Jesus. We just don’t know that we do. Please take 3 minutes to watch this video.

    We’re better than we are acting, Church. The Devil has divided us.

     Over 140 years ago the Great Emancipator said, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

    There are only two races….those racing for Heaven and those racing for hell, or, those on the narrow road to salvation or, those on the wide road to destruction.

    What color is your Christianity?

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    Mon, Mar 24th - 7:35PM

    Rev. Wright Is Wrong – Conservative Media Are Wimps 

    To see the video clip of this click on this link http://revolutionstreetpreach.blogspot.com/ 

    Barack Obama has pulled the race card (which effectively brings to an end all meaningful conversation) while FOX News and conservative talk radio have proved once again that “conservatism” is pretend salt. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, et. al., cannot see, nor do they dare to portray, the cataclysmic “change” that Barack Obama is espousing. It is a shift from one God and standard of Law to another. It is a shift from the God of the Bible and our Founding Fathers to the false god of Rev. Wright. Rev. Wright serves the god of his own hate-filled, bigoted imagination and calls it “Jesus.” Yet our conservative friends dare not call this blasphemy treason. They have yet to call Wright for the apostate he is.

    Wright is preaching “a different gospel” (2 Corinthians 11: 3-4). The Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 1:6-7, “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to “a different gospel” which is really no gospel at all…” Rev. Wright is wrong about the Jesus of the Bible!  
    Pastor Jeremiah Wright’s church is apostate as are all the United Churches of Christ (UCC) in America. Long ago this institution abandoned its rich Christian heritage and responsibility to stand upon the Word of God. It now follows the god of, “…everyone does that which is right in his own eyes.” Abortion, Homosexuality, Islam, and every false religion are welcome in Trinity United Church of Christ. It’s one Commandment is, “Don’t judge me!” Biblical Christianity is, however, not allowed.

    We should not therefore be surprised that Barak Obama will defend his pastor when he (his pastor) is exposed to the light of the true Gospel of Christ. We should furthermore not be surprised when FOX News can’t seem to get it right about Rev Wright. Rev. Wright is no more a Christian than he is a poached egg.

    We are indeed heading for change with Barak Obama. Oprah is helping us to get there. For the first time in its history, the United States of America may elect a President who does not acknowledge the Jesus of Scripture as the Savior of the world. Barak Obama and black liberation theology (a mixture of Islam, false Christianity, and any other religion that opposes true biblical Christianity) is not Christianity, and those of us who know better (real salt) need to say so.

    We could not give our Lord Jesus a better gift on this Good Friday than to just say so!

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    Thu, Mar 13th - 4:15PM


    Hey Everyone My New Site is Up and Running!  Come check it out and visit the Message Board and sign in and join us! it Free to join! http://www.revolutionministry.net/

    Hope to see you there!


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    Fri, Mar 7th - 4:41PM

    The Pulpits Are Silent...

    The Pulpits Are Silent...


    For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit: therefore they are become great, and waxen rich. They are waxen fat, they shine: yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this? Jeremiah 5:26-31 

    Despite what the political parties would like you to believe, the problem in America is not the politicians, it is the pulpits. I hate to break the news to you, but most of America’s pulpits are filled with cowardly men. They are a shame to the Christ they claim to serve.

    Harsh words, aren’t they? Not the type of thing that will make any friends in this “cheap-Grace” culture in which we live. But that’s okay. I’m not looking to make friends.

    I am about fed-up with what I see. How did we ever get such man-pleasing leaders? All that our fore-fathers held dear is being destroyed before our very eyes and hardly a peep from the pulpit. They don’t want to hear it. It's the pulpiteers that I am talking about. They are concerned with being too harsh, they tell me that “Jesus is in control,” that they are not “called” to fight evil and that "we should pray for our enemies.”

    Where have these guys come from? What we need is a return of the Voice of God thundering through the prophets standing in America’s pulpits. Not the prissy Purpose Driven drivel passing as the Gospel today. The feminized-preachers of today cannot hold a candle to those who ushered in The Great Awakening which led to the American Revolution, and the abolition of slavery -- two world-changing events spearheaded by the pulpit.

    Listen to the message of America’s premiere preachers today. Rick Warren and his Purpose Driven Life have infiltrated the Church. Over 400,000 pastors have attended his conferences and over 40 million of his books have been sold. Wikipedia tells us “Since September 2002, over 30,000 congregations, corporations, and sports teams across the United States have participated in a "40 Days of Purpose" emphasis. A May 2005 survey of American pastors and ministers conducted by George Barna asked Christian leaders to identify what books were the most influential on their lives and ministries." The Purpose Driven Life was the most frequent response. Today’s Christians are more familiar with the words of Warren than the Words of Jesus. Thousands of America’s churches have used it in their Bible Studies and thousands of preachers preach Warren’s message.

    Joel Osteen was voted Most Influential Christian in 2006. His preaching style focuses on “the goodness of God rather than sin.” He is a self-described “Life-coach” and “thinks that there are probably others better qualified, or more gifted for explaining Bible verses. Osteen explains that he tries to teach Biblical principles in a simple way, emphasizing the power of love and a positive attitude.” Wikipedia. “Presently, Osteen and several Lakewood Church team members travel across the nation, presenting programs in large stadiums to a paying public.” He has sold millions of books to millions of feel-good Christians. Watch this.

    While our nation is killing babies, our schools are indoctrinating Christian-kids in Secular Humanism, and “Truth has fallen in the streets,” our preachers are attending church-growth seminars, using ‘self-help” books to supplement the Bible, and chasing after the butts and bucks. They are fiddling while the nation burns, building their church rather than Christ’s Kingdom.

    Public schools are destroying the faith of Christian children and the pulpits are silent.

    Legislation is introduced to remove the rights of parents and the pulpits are silent.

    Children are taught they came from apes and the pulpits are silent.

    Millions of children are “medicated” to control their behavior and the pulpits are silent.

    Gambling is promoted to pay for schools and the pulpit is silent.

    Precious babies are being murdered in the womb and the pulpits are silent.

    Planned Parenthood kills babies with our tax dollars and the pulpits are silent.

    Judges make laws and the pulpits are silent.

    Tolerance trumps Truth and the pulpits are silent.

    Sodomy is granted legal protection and the pulpits are silent.

    The institution of marriage is crumbling and the pulpits are silent.

    Obama says the Sermon on the Mount justifies gay marriage and the pulpits are silent.

    Government has replaced God as defender and provider and the pulpits are silent.

    Faith-based initiatives invite the government into the Church and the pulpits are silent.

    The IRS muzzles the voice of the Church and the pulpits are silent.

    Taxes are levied to do the work of the Church and the pulpits are silent.

    The Church locks arms with compassionate-conservativism and the pulpits are silent.

    Children’s service agencies separate family members and the pulpits are silent.

    Self-help books replace the Bible and the pulpits are silent.

    A Purpose Driven Life is elevated above dying to self and the pulpits are silent.

    G.W. Bush says Christians and Muslims worship the same God and the pulpits are silent.

    The Constitution is ignored and the pulpits are silent.

    Pagans pray to open a session of Congress and the pulpits are silent.

    Our elected officials lie and steal and the pulpits are silent.

    Private property is stolen by government and the pulpits are silent.

    Mother Earth is protected more than Father God is defended and the pulpits are silent.

    Illegal aliens over-run our borders and the pulpits are silent.

    The entertainment industry celebrates debauchery and the pulpits are silent.

    From a bygone era, the sound from the pulpit rumbles throughout the ages.

    Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry? Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die? Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand? Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you DAMNED? - Leonard Ravenhill

    Churches don't need new members half so much as they need the old bunch made over. There wouldn't be so many non-church goers if there were not so many non-going churches. Too many churches are little more than four walls and a roof.- Billy Sunday

    The voice from the pulpit today sings a different song.

    “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” Jeremiah 5:31.


    Truth, justice and the American way are a thing of the past.

    “None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.” Isaiah 59:4.

    Tragically, the pulpits are silent.

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    Thu, Mar 6th - 9:25PM

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    Name: Brian Cranford
    ChristiansUnite ID: revolutionmin
    Member Since: 2007-10-16
    Location: , North Carolina, United States
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