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  • You are here: Blogs Directory / Poetry Welcome Guest
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    Total blogs found in this Category: 18
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    Grammyluv's Quiet Place
    Author: Grammyluv
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/grammyluv
    Latifa's Poetry
    Author: Latifa Brown
    Description: Prayer Changes Things
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/ivory
    Melford's Poetry
    Author: Mel
    Description: Well, I've decided to put my poetry here as well. It is for a very broad audience, so hopefully you will understand. The book of Job is often quite dark and Solomon's Song of Songs is at times quite racey for those who understand what is being said. Hopefully, I will not exceed the Bible in either context, but I am willing to accept that some of my work may be taken down as inappropriate for this forum. For those of you who wish to have non-Christians read my stuff and maybe pique their curiousity, just be sure to tell them that this is a Christian Community, and they shouldn't consider your gesture to be misleading.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/melford
    Neal Carl's Poetry
    Author: Neal Carl
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/nacpoems
    opal mckinney's Blog
    Author: opal mckinney
    Description: A collection of Christian poems Ive written. They are mainly testimonial poems,my testimony written as a poem, some are letters to Jesus and some are personal. They are ryhming poems that I believe people will be able to identify with and be blessed by. I thank you Father God for the Words and for the Victory, I can do nothing without you but anything is possible with you. I LOVE YOU. All Glory belongs to You, God Almighty
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/opal612
    Poems of a Stranger
    Author: W. Michael Clark
    Description: Poems by others and myself that I have found to be a blessing to me in my journey.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/michael
    Poetry Plus
    Author: Thea Alberda
    Description: Poetry - a gift from the Holy Spirit, only put to pen and paper by human fingers. To God Alone Be The Glory!
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/theajane
    Author: mike bullock
    Description: Christian poetry written by me to share and encourage.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/versical

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