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    Pilgrim's Journal
          The On-Going Saga of a Pilgrim on His Journey to the Celestial City

    Sat, Apr 3rd - 4:20PM

    A Missionary for Jesus

    My Mission

    As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.  And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid [their] hands on them, they sent [them] away.  Acts 13:2,3

    Somewhere along the way I heard it said that “We are either a missionary or a mission field.”  This statement has stuck in my mind and rung true in my heart as I have moved on the way in my Pilgrimage to God’s Kingdom.  The disciple of Jesus is a missionary wherever he is.  His efforts at attaining personal holiness, his devotion to his God and all of the implications of it that result in change to his own life and the lives of those he encounters amount to a mission in this world.  His goal may not be to convert persons directly, per se, but the living witness of Christ in him, “the hope of glory” is in itself an advance of the Gospel into the darkened corners of this present world.  When that great missionary Paul, the Apostle tells the Philippians of his desire for Christ to be magnified in his body, “whether by life or by death,” he is affirming this very principle. (Phil. 1:20)  Indeed, much of Paul’s writing in the New Testament is of this same tenor.  In the second chapter of this letter he exhorts them to be blameless and harmless so that they might shine as lights in the world.  Phil. 2:14-16  So, we see a dual purpose in the ongoing salvation of which we partake: firstly, that we might be changed inwardly as individuals into the moral likeness of our Saviour, and secondly that this inward change would shine forth in the world around us, giving glory to God.  How manifold and marvelous are His purposes!


    Therefore, I acknowledge my calling to the mission field around me, as does every other true disciple of Christ.  In my case, my field is in the city where I live, Colorado Springs, and to the people thereof.  But, more specifically, there lies a burden on my heart for God’s people in the churches in this community and throughout our country.  Yes, I have a great concern for the lost, the non-professing unbeliever as well.  However, in the day in which we presently live there seems to be a mix of the two, particularly as the churches rapidly become more worldly in their message and ministry in general.  To my perception, and as is obvious to some others, a spirit has infected the body of Christ causing a radical compromise of Gospel truth and its attending grace today.  It is apparent that we are very near, if not already in those difficult times that our Lord spoke of in the 24th of Matthew and elsewhere, describing them as “the beginning of sorrows.”  I suppose that this could be debated, and that a case could be made for the entire church age being one of tumult, uncertainty, apostasy and deception. 

    It matters not on the technicality as to what to label our generation.  The fact is that many are fallen from the true faith, and that much of a diluted Gospel message has captivated the professing churches.  My deepest concern is for the confused and often deluded souls in these “Evangelical” assemblies, and their great need for a true and full understanding of the historic message of the cross.  Yes, Bible truth in varying degrees and shades is being disseminated, and for this I rejoice, as did the apostle.  (Phil. 1:18)  But, as Paul could not rest contented in this, and as he spoke boldly against the various heresies of the church in his day, so must I do, likewise today.  The pervasive complacency I see everywhere in the churches is rooted in a false assurance of salvation for scores of professing believers, who are taught only half the Gospel.  Salvation, in this partial gospel is simplified as a justification from sin, without a corresponding reformed life of true holiness.  The convert is, supposedly gotten in the door to the Kingdom and then given license to essentially, live out his life as he pleases, even to the gratification of the flesh.  Now, this is not expressly taught, but rather, is strongly implied both in the teaching and by the practical example set by leaders and sheep in many of the churches.  Concepts such as practical obedience, total surrender and radical separation from the world are greatly diminished in favor of a “let’s win them by emulating their lifestyle” model. 

    The urgent need of the hour is, therefore to counter this false and distorted gospel, and to proclaim the true Gospel message in its fullness and proper balance of emphasis.  I certainly don’t claim to be the only one alarmed at this trend in our day, nor do I profess to have some exclusive commission from Jesus Christ to straighten out the contemporary church.  But, I see the need and have been providentially positioned in a place here in Colorado Springs, a city of great religious influence throughout our country and the world.  I believe that I possess some gifting in communication ability, and humbly assert that I also possess a fair degree of understanding in Biblical truth, so that I can, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit call my brethren back in repentance to “the (true) faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 3)   My lack of human qualifications and credentials are not a hindrance, but rather a confirmation of this ministry given me.  Some see me as being argumentative for the sake of contention and strife, asserting that I should mind my place in a fellowship with which I mostly agree and support, allowing God to correct His people. 

    What I know is that a hot fire burns within me that I cannot quench or pacify by some outward conformity to man’s compromised and misguided standards.  I have a call and an anointing which I cannot suppress for the sake of personal happiness and safety in this world.  I must speak to my brothers and sisters as God has directed me, in every situation and on every occasion that presents itself.  It certainly is not the favor of men that I seek, but rather it is the approval of God that I desire on the day that I stand before Him.  This is my ministry.  May I be found faithful in it for as long a time as I am yet allotted on this earth! 

    Michael Clark,

    Colorado Springs, Colorado   November 23, 2008

    edited and posted April 3, 2010






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    About Me

    Name: W. Michael Clark
    ChristiansUnite ID: pioneer
    Member Since: 2006-02-18
    Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
    Denomination: Attend a Mennonite Church
    About Me: I am a man who has been corrected by the rod of his chastening. Though I've walked in this pilgrim way for many years now, I've only begun to learn the fuller measure of God's grace in obedience and holiness.

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