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    Faith Seeking Understanding
          "Faith seeks understanding passionately and relentlessly, or it languishes and eventually dies...Human life ceases to be human not when we do not have all the answers, but when we no longer have the courage to ask the really important questions." ~Daniel L. Migliore, Faith Seeking Undersanding

    Tue, Feb 28th - 4:07PM

    1 Corinthians 13:3 If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

    I am a associate member of Best Buddies. It is a nation wide program that matches high school and college students with a buddy of a similar age in a special education class. I spend a few hours a week hanging out with a couple of college-age students in a transition class near APU. It has been awkward for me because as an associate member, I do not have a buddy. There is no one there who is supposed to be talking to me. So I hang around and talk to whoever happens to be sitting nearby. As they get to know me, they have become more comfortable with me. Some of them now start conversations with me. Today especially was a great day. One of my favorites, Chris, asked me to play memory cards with him. It was really fun. It made me realize one reason why I have been feeling so awkward. I wasn't matched up with a specific person, so I hadn't felt connected to any of them. I didn't really care about them. Part of the reason I had such a good time with Chris is because I know him well enough to care about him. Suddenly, it wasn't about me service to the students. It was about a reciprocal relationship. Chris is my friend now. As the verse ways, without love, I gain nothing.

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    Wed, Feb 22nd - 2:53PM

    Proverbs 19:11
    A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.

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    Thu, Feb 16th - 5:53PM

    Old Testament

    We've been discussing Frank Moore Cross's theory about the Deuteronomistic History in my 1&2 Samuel class today. Basicly the theory says that Deuteronomy through 1&2 Kings excluding Ruth was edited/written to promote King Josiah's reign. There is significant evidence for this theory. There are parts of Deuteronomy that are strikingly similar to the text of an Assyrian treaty. This suggests that Deuteronomy, at least parts of it, were written during Josiah's reign, much later than Moses' time. Also, Joshua, Judges and 1&2 Samuel all support a strong Judean King, which Josiah was. Josiah is the only king that has no negative things said about him. This theory disturbs me a little. It is possible that a major section of the Bible is essentially propaganda for some late Judean king. Josiah wanted to be seen as the Messianic king who saves Judah and returns the people to the Lord. This is rather scary. A text that I have been reading in order to learn about God was originally written to promote a false messiah. However, my teacher pointed out that 1&2 Kings no longer ends well for Josiah. History and the last chapters of 2 Kings reveal Josiah as a failure. Judah still joins Israel in exile. It is important to remember that God is in control of everything. He can use questionable human motives to shape his Word to us. While I will keep the original purpose of these books in mind, I must also remember that God allowed this to happen. And he later allowed these books to form part of his Word. Josiah's motives aside, the Bible is still the Bible. God is certainly capable of speaking to his people through flawed instruments.

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    Tue, Feb 14th - 4:01PM

    Update on Jen

    So my roomate has actually had a relapse of her eating disorder. She is at the well-known ranch in Arizona for people with eating disorders. She will be continuing two of her classes through independent study. She could be back in a month, but no one really thinks it will be that soon. So to summarize: The bad news is my roomate has an eating disorder, is depressed and has heart problems. She is miles away from everyone she knows, and is not likely to be back anytime soon. The good news is that I now have her address and can write her as soon as I buy some two cent stamps (we didn't think about that did we, daddy?). So thank you all for praying and keep it up!

    My other roomate had an eating disorder about four years ago. She is stuggling to understand how Jen would respond to this information. She doesn't know if it will help or hurt Jen if she tells her about it. Please pray for wisdom for her as well.

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    Sat, Feb 4th - 11:40PM

    Internet Troubles Part 2

    So my internet is not working well again. This is only the second time in a week that I've been able to get online. And I am not even on my computer. But I have a quick prayer request. My roommate left for a health care facility in Arizona on Friday. She has very complicated health problems involving genetic heart conditions, depression and very low weight. She is supposed to be in the facility for at least a month. She is a very driven person, and it is very difficult for her to have to leave school like this. She wasn't even in control enough to tell us she was leaving. We found out through her cousin. I just need you guys to pray for God's comfort and peace. She's had a very tough year and a half. She really needs friends right now and the only one close enough is God. We weren't even able to say goodbye or give her belated Christmas presents. At least we should be able to write. Anyway, gotta go before the internet stops working again.

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    About Me

    Name: C'Anne Johnson
    ChristiansUnite ID: cannejohnson
    Member Since: 2005-12-02
    Location: Sonora, California, United States
    Denomination: Evangelical Free
    About Me: Hi everyone, I am an Azusa Pacific University Student whose father likes to use blogs to check up on his kids. Like any college student, I'm just trying to figure it all out. Thought I might as well share my thought with other believers who actually ... more

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