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    Faith Seeking Understanding
          "Faith seeks understanding passionately and relentlessly, or it languishes and eventually dies...Human life ceases to be human not when we do not have all the answers, but when we no longer have the courage to ask the really important questions." ~Daniel L. Migliore, Faith Seeking Undersanding

    Tue, May 9th - 1:44PM


    Thanks, everyone, for your good wishes for my finals. They were rather easy this semester. My roommates were very jealous. Anyway, I checked my grades to day (although grades aren't even due yet, but I like to check just in case) and so far I have an 'A' in the one class I was worried about. So I will just have to wait to find out the other grades. Anyway, I'm home now. Looking for a job and adjusting to a new roommate. (I live with my parents, but I friend of ours is staying in my room this summer. She needs a place to stay until her wedding later this summer.) I have a job interview this Thursday. The job pays really well, but it will be a lot of work. I'll be happy if I get the job, and happy if I don't. So I would appreciate if you would pray about this but I am not exactly sure which outcome I want. So please pray that God would show me where he wants me work this summer. My brother is snoring next to me on the couch, so I should probably stop typing and let him sleep. Not that I think he'll notice, but it makes me feel guilty anyway. Oh well.

    Oh, I almost forgot. I think I will be teaching Sunday School at my church this summer. The college group teacher is going to be gone a few weeks and needs someone to fill in. This is a first for me, and I am kinda scared of the whole idea. But not at scared as I and my family would have thought I would be. I think that is a sign that God wants me to do this. I am not excited about the teaching material and I hate public speaking, so I could use all the prayer I can get. I am trying to stay positive so that I can enjoy teaching in the future. I think this is something I need to do. I feel strongly that the congregation of a church has a responsibility to get involved and play a role in their own church. It doesn't have to be teaching or deacon or committee member or whatever, but each person needs to help. Pastors do not single-handedly run churches. Nor do board members. This is something that does not get enough emphasis in my opinion. Christians talk a lot about living Christian lives in their everyday lives, but they forget to mention what it means to live a Christian life in the church. God's calling often involves a profession, but He also calls us to a place in our church, an active role contributing to the function of that church. I have discovered that I enjoy thinking about theology and studying the Bible more than the average Christian. I am a psychology major with a seconf major in Biblical Studies because I love the classes. I don't think that God gave me this desire to learn and think about him just so that I can keep these thoughts to myself. I think he gave me this desire so that I can share what I learn with other Christians. This is why I started this blog. And why I agreed to teach this class even though it scares me. And I didn't mean to turn this prayer request into a sermon, but I could help myself. And my brother is snoring louder than ever, so I'll stop now.

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    Wed, May 3rd - 11:56AM

    Sorry, everyone. It's finals week here. No deep thoughts this week.

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    Name: C'Anne Johnson
    ChristiansUnite ID: cannejohnson
    Member Since: 2005-12-02
    Location: Sonora, California, United States
    Denomination: Evangelical Free
    About Me: Hi everyone, I am an Azusa Pacific University Student whose father likes to use blogs to check up on his kids. Like any college student, I'm just trying to figure it all out. Thought I might as well share my thought with other believers who actually ... more

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