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          ...and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13... And Jesus saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19... hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1 Corinthians 1:20... I have set before thee an open door. Revelation 3:8

          A Biblical Point Of View In Light Of Todays Politics, Conditions And Crises.

    Tue, Aug 31st - 5:59PM

    Adversity leading to Apostasy (re. Glen Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally)

    Tuesday, August 31, 2010

    Adversity leading to Apostasy (re. Glen Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally)

    Finding America now at the crossroads of radical socialism and a return to its traditional roots, tens of thousands of Conservatives went to Washington D.C. to support Glen Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally. We will not get into the details of the rally since much of it is already known by our readers. We would rather focus at the spiritual apostasy taking place and the grand deception of the masses of conservatives appearing in Washington for this event.

    Why the Rally

    It is no secret that America has lost its way over the last 50 years seeking secular and socialistic solutions for our ills while abandoning our Founding Fathers’ vision of the principles of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. The Left’s ever growing aggression against these crucial moral absolutes and those who practice them has left our American family unit, society and culture a horrific wasteland on the verge of absolute social collapse.

    In these last two years under a dominating secular socialist media and a secular socialist majority in the House, Senate and Presidency, social decline and decadence in our country has rapidly accelerated. Like never before in our history, the American people are suddenly awakening to the socialistic and secular agenda that is being established right here in the U.S. of A.

    Much panic has arisen among conservative and moderate Americans about the current fiscal crisis, high unemployment, the decline of the U.S. Dollar, our nation’s ever growing national debt, socialistic and secular policies engulfing our republican form of government, immigration, the war on terror, its anti-capitalistic mentality, the well-being of our military and the rampant constitutional apostasy transpiring here in America.
    "As a matter of fact, many are looking to God today because of these crises but are leaving out sound Biblical authority and doctrine in their sincere quest"

    These current crises are causing multitudes of thinking Americans to search for solutions and apply themselves as never before. They are scared to death and are desperately seeking leadership and solutions for problems that they thought would never exist. These current crises and adversity brought on by Washington has coincided a spiritual apostasy taking hold in the Conservative movement which is NOT of Almighty God. As a matter of fact, many are looking to God today because of these crises but are leaving out sound Biblical authority and doctrine in their sincere quest. These are genuinely seeking God on their OWN terms and conditions, which in the end will NEVER fix any situation either here in time or in eternity (Matt. 7:13-20, 15:8,9, Rom. 10:2-4)

    Restoring Honor Rally

    Present at this event were tens of thousands of individuals from many different “Christian” denominations (or various ideologies), and along with them they brought as many different “Christs” created or fashioned by their own family traditions or personal philosophies (Gal 1:6-9, Col 2:8, 1 Tim. 6:3-5, Titus 1:15-16).

    The problem is that a majority of conservatives today adhere to a relativistic form of Christianity and reject outright Almighty God’s biblical plan of salvation by grace and full accountability to His eternal Person, righteous laws and absolutes (Romans 6:23, Eph. 2:8-9, Titus 1:16 ).

    When push comes to shove or when “boxed in” by the absolute truth of Almighty God’s Word and authority, these "conservatives" will usually dismiss the authority of the Bible as a mere relativist religious philosophy and slander those who hold this view.
    "These "conservatives" will usually dismiss the authority of the Bible as a mere relativist religious philosophy and slander those who hold this view"
    Instead of recognizing the Bible as the Divine and absolute authority of Almighty God (which is absolutely crucial and pertinent for ultimate success in both time and eternity), these “pseudo-conservatives” have gathered by the thousands in an ecumenical apostasy unified under the umbrella of Christendom while rejecting the fundamental absolutes of the Creator and His RIGHTEOUS demands.

    Such compromisers hold to the “social commandments” of God here in time, but sadly reject the absolute spiritual requirements of absolute righteousness for their eternal well-being. By observing and practicing the golden rule, or participating in certain charitable work and showing human kindness (all of which are noble), they are seeking to gain heavenly merit by these actions which can NEVER compensate or overcome their violation of God’s eternal righteous standards (Romans 3:19-23, 10:2-4; Eph. 2:8-9).

    Noble but Not Righteous (Perfect)

    Beck’s rally should be praised as Americans seek the old ways, invoking our past history and our Founder’s vision which has made America great, but when tens of thousands are gathered together - including more than 240 clergy members of various denominations and differing ideologies respecting the person of Christ and various doctrines regarding personal salvation (i.e., how one “earns” heaven) - the demonic Kool-aid is being drunk (Rev. 17:2).
    "This union is nothing more than a Satanic deception disguised under a banner of virtue, nobility and goodness"
    In seeking a relativistic ecumenical unity in Almighty God’s name while contradicting sound biblical authority… beware! This union is nothing more than a Satanic deception disguised under a banner of virtue, nobility and goodness (Isa. 64:6, Rom. 3:19-23, 2 Cor. 4:3-4; 1 John 4:1). For these things existing APART from the absolute RIGHTEOUSNESS PERFECTION found only in Jesus Christ by faith are only a demonic deception bent on sending multitudes to their eternal doom (Matt 25: 41). My dear friend, please consider this statement from God’s word, the Bible:

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12).

    It is far much greater than us and having our small, temporal earthly agendas. We are smack dab in the middle of a horrific spiritual war between the intelligentsia of evil (fallen angels) and God’s eternal sovereignty. That is why God sent His Son to rescue us from this present evil age (Eph 2:1-22, Gal. 1:4).

    Beck the Voice of the inching Ears

    Beck of late has been speaking about God more than any conservative out there. Much of what he has to say sounds right, but when he speaks of a unity on a spiritual level with “conservative Christians” and rejects sound Biblical doctrine as laid out in Almighty God’s Word, thereby invoking spiritual ecumenicalism… stay away!

    Lucifer today is seeking to set the stage for his man of lawlessness (2 Thess. 2:3-12). In the eternal (spiritual) sense, unbelieving conservatives are no different than unbelieving secularist. Both political ideologies collectively reject outright the saving grace of Almighty God and seek to establish their own righteousness by their deeds (Rom. 10:2-4, Titus 1:15-15). Though one group is far more humanly virtuous and noble than the other, both groups have fallen completely short of the glory of God (Isa. 64:6, Rom. 3:19-23), and both groups have ALL transgressed Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS absolutes (found in the 10 Commandments).
    "Unbelieving conservatives are no different than unbelieving secularist. Both ideologies collectively reject outright the saving grace of Almighty God and seek to establish their own righteousness by their deeds"
    No sane individual either right or left can ever say that they have kept with their whole heart, soul and mind God’s Perfect Law (Matt. 22:37-38, Rom. 3:19-23, Gal. 2:16-21, James 2:10). No one can ever obtain eternal redemption and salvation by any amount or type of works - no matter how many or virtuous and noble. ALL are guilty and ALL are transgressors of the RIGHTEOUS standards of Almighty God (Isa. 64: 6, Romans 3:19-23; 6:23; 10:2-4; Eph. 2:8-9).

    The God of Truth and Righteousness

    In these last days DO NOT be deceived by the false gospel spoken by smooth voices and subtle cunning inspired by Lucifer’s “angels of lights” (Matt 7:13-20, 24:4-5, 1 Cor. 4:3-4, 2 Cor. 11:13-15, Jude 1:10). Much truth and virtue with a little “cyanide distortion” will bring absolute ruin in the end (Matt. 7:26,2-28, Rev. 20:10-15). It may look good but make sure it stands the biblical test of Almighty God’s Holy Word (Col 2:8, 1 Tim 4:16, 2 Tim.4:2-4, Titus 1:9 16).

    My friend, let me ask you the ultimate question. Do you know the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior, as taught in the Bible? I would challenge you to make yourself absolutely certain of this. In the future many will be utterly horrified when they find out they have trusted a false religious system and deceived themselves by having their own make-believe Jesus (or god) in contradiction to God’s Word and the Spirit of God’s ministry (Matt 7:21-23, 25:41, Rev 20:10-15).
    "Much truth and virtue with a little “cyanide distortion” will bring absolute ruin in the end"
    We all will be held fully accountable for our transgression against His eternal absolutes. Only Christ has perfectly kept the full Law of God with His whole heart, soul and mind. It is ONLY by His FINISHED WORK on the cross of Calvary and by His resurrection from the dead that we can have pardon and find forgiveness (John 19:30, Rom. 10:4, Gal 2:16-21, Heb 9:12).

    Good intentions pave the way to Eternal damnation. Remember what the Lord Jesus Christ stated:

    Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that work iniquity (Matt 7:21-23).
    As the day grows darker - nationally and globally – trust not the many sincere-sounding voices of unbelieving deceivers who are out there, but may you find your hope and eternal expectations ONLY in Almighty God’s dear Son in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    Edited by BEL I.F.

    Related posts on this topic.

    Servants of Christ First - Conservatives Second

    A Message To The Conservative In These Trying Days

    Conservatism Without the Righteousness of Almighty God is Bankrupt

    What is a Conservative Reprobate?

    Conservatism's General Rejection of Biblical Authority

    Take the Gospel of John Challenge

    What Is Sin? The Testimony of the Egg


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    Mon, Aug 30th - 8:52PM

    Exercising Our Privileges in Christ in Light of These Last Days

    Monday, August 30, 2010

    Exercising Our Privileges in Christ in Light of These Last Days

    This message - the third in the series on the "24 Elders of Revelation " - "Exercising Our Privileges" by GFP I.F. will greatly inspire you and help you comprehend your position and holy calling in Christ for God’s Glory (Eph. 1:3, 2:5-10, Col. 3:1)! God has a WONDERFUL plan for you as you exercise His will for your life for His glory on the battlefield of time (Eph. 6:12, 2 Tim 2:1-5)!
    "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name (Rev 3:8)"

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    "Exercising Our Privileges" - Audio link for message.

    The 24 Elders of Revelation


    MBC - Thousands of Pages of Bible Studies and Helpful Materials for Studying God's Word.

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    Thu, Aug 26th - 10:51PM

    Empty Cities

    Thursday, August 26, 2010

    Empty Cities

    This Moody Science video called “Empty Cities” is a power testimony to the world in which we live in today. Done in the 60’s, this video is still on the cutting edge. Does not history always repeat its self? It surely does!

    This 30 minute video is well worth your time. Watch for yourself this powerful history lesson and see why the cities and nations of the world have fallen and are now jungles. How pertinent for us Americans to take note in light of our day.

    When you are finished with this video you will have a greater understanding of how and why we will fall from being one of the greatest nations that have ever existed. Our corruption is within and our downfall will be horrific. Our eminent fall as a nation will create massive shock waves that will plunge the whole world into tribulation. This catalyse will set the events in motion that will lead to the total collapse of all cities through out the world.
    "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath Rev. 16:17-19"

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    Blinkvid - Moody Institute of Science 1 Empty Cities - link for video


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    Wed, Aug 25th - 11:16PM

    The Trojan Horse of Fiscal Conservatism and the Coming Day of the Lord

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    The Trojan Horse of Fiscal Conservatism and the Coming Day of the Lord

    One of the greatest deceptions taking place in this election season on the Right is the “fiscal conservative” movement headed up by the Tea Parties. This movement is a Trojan horse filled with liberal social policies that will put the final nail in the coffin of our once great nation. My friends, hear me out on this.

    First, let me state that I am a proud Tea Party supporter - lock, stock and barrel. I have attended several Tea Parties. I have called and written to my legislators and hold soundly to the principles of fiscal conservatism, the vision of our Founding Fathers and their admiration of Adam Smith’s famous book, The Wealth of Nations. That being said, I repeat that the “Tea Party brand” of fiscal conservatism is NOT enough to save America. I personally know that the core of individuals that participate in the Tea Party movement are SOLID conservatives (fiscal and social), but many also are NOT and many more are deceived in thinking that they are.

    "This movement is a Trojan horse filled with liberal social policies that will put the final nail in the coffin of our once great nation"

    While the big push is made for FISCALLY conservative principles in the name of America’s well being, all the while SOCIALLY conservative principles are being abandoned and thrown to the wayside. This is quite alarming as the keeping of SOCIALLY conservative principles is crucial and makes up the bedrock of any healthy society. These principles are derived from and based on Natural Law and Moral Absolutes, which were instilled at the dawn of creation by Almighty God (Gen 1:1-31; Psalm 19:1-10; Romans 1:18-22).

    Trojan Horse Republicans of Connecticut

    Here in Connecticut we had three Republican candidates running in the Connecticut’s Republican primary: Linda McMahon, Rob Simmons, and Peter Shiff. Right at home in the “Constitutional" State, we had from these to choose for running against Dick Blumenthal for U.S. Senate (Chris Dodd’s old seat). It is both most interesting – and most alarming - that while ALL of these candidates came across as FISCAL conservatives (some more than others), their SOCIAL conservative positions were in line with those of reprobate, progressive liberals supporting the vilest of atrocities, e.g., abortion, homosexual marriage, etc. For these Republican candidates, these crucial MORAL ABSOLUTES are only peripheral and not pertinent for the health and well being of our American culture and society.

    "For these Republican candidates, these crucial MORAL ABSOLUTES are only peripheral and not pertinent for the health and well being of our American culture and society"

    These “want-to-be” representatives deceive themselves and the masses into thinking that such abominations are a constitutional “right” and a social privilege (Isa. 5:20, Matt. 24, Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Tim. 3:1-7, 13, Jude 1:10). Nothing could be further from the truth. Connecticut is just one of many states in which the moderately run RNC has produced socially progressive candidates masked as “Conservative” candidates. My fellow Americans... Be not deceived!

    These “Trojan Horse” conservatives are received as solid conservatives because of their fiscally conservative positions and label, but hidden in their belly are sources of decline and ruin of American society that will subtly and ultimately destroy us.

    The “Family Wasteland” of America

    The sole heart of the reasoning today that we are at a fiscal crossroads in America is due to the almost total disintegration and destruction of the American family unit. There are no dire social consequences today for violators of moral laws that will keep them in check and hold them accountable. In fact, they are applauded as trend setters of the new social order. With no meaningful deterrent or purposeful stop from a decadent existence, the America family unit is caught in an ever downward “tail spin.” By denying the masses accountability by passing immoral laws, our government has thus given approval for all forms of decadence and manner of vices that carry horrific consequences which are now ravishing America. It is also horrific that the majority of Americans are “numb and dumb” and live in a delusional world of moral relativism (Isa. 5:20). These accept these vices and licentious behavior as “moral” and “normal”.

    "The sole heart of the reasoning today that we are at a fiscal crossroads in America is due to the almost total disintegration and destruction of the American family unit"

    As this “decadent epidemic” spreads throughout ALL our land, we have found ourselves a nation at a critical fiscal crisis ready to implode. Once that implosion occurs, anarchy will engulf our nation and the ground will be rife for civil war, tyranny and lawlessness.

    Consider these timeless quotes from our Founding Fathers:

    "A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever." John Adams

    "The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If ‘Thou shalt not covet’ and ‘Thou shalt not steal’ were not commandments of heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free." John Adams

    "Democracies have been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death." James Madison

    "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion [i.e., Biblical Christianity]. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious [i.e., Christian] people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams

    “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” George Washington

    “Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.” George Washington

    "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." John Adams

    Just Look What We Have Become…

    In our Founding Father’s day, the practice of VIRTUE was a crown of honor, not a bigot’s badge of shame. My beloved, just look what we as a nation have become today! We are a nation of godless, narcissistic, self-gratifying, infanticidal murderers, pornographic, sexually deviant, perverse, callous, adulterous, drug addicts and drunks, using the First Amendment as a license to transgress natural laws and moral absolutes in the name of secular human rights. Our American families are decimated.
    "In our Founding Father’s day, the practice of VIRTUE was a crown of honor, not a bigot’s badge of shame"
    Our children are desensitized, brain-washed and dumbed-down by Hollywood, the music industry, the delusional make-believe worlds of video games, text messaging and electronic wizardry. They have become Face book addicts in publishing their private little lives. They have become desensitized to the violent world in which they live. They see all things through the prism of narcissism, pluralism and relativism, and they are oblivious to basic truths of absolutes and natural laws required for a healthy society. They are ever-growing in knowledge but are ignorant to the core regarding common sense and dumb as rock in simple social skills. The remnant of our children who do not possess these reprobate qualities of our secular American culture are labeled as “bigots,” “squares” and “haters” by the masses of America’s reprobate society (1 Peter 3:16, 4:4).
    "Even Sodom and Gomorra practiced somewhat sound fiscal policies and their land prospered but they were wicked, violent and godless to the core"
    My friend, can you not see that we are almost at the end? Even Sodom and Gomorra practiced somewhat sound fiscal policies and their land prospered (Gen 3:10-12, 21-23), but they were wicked, violent and godless to the core (Gen.13:13, Jude 1:7)! Almighty God set these as an example and warning to all who follow in their godless steps of blatant and willful violation of His divinely ordained Natural Laws and Moral Absolutes. Almighty God’s wrath is on all such immorality and the base cultures and societies who practice it (Rom. 1:18-32, Gal 6:7, Jude, 1:7).
    How can any nation survive when ALL sound judgment, morality, personal responsibility and the healthy fear of the coming judgment of Almighty God is scoffed at (1 Peter 4:4, 2 Peter 3:3-4)? My friends, all proclaimers of this message are labeled as evil and haters by those who are governed by their unbridled passions, i.e., Fallen man (Rom 5:12-19).
    "My friend, can you not see that FISCAL conservatism alone can NEVER save (deliver) America from its ever rotting and cankered foundation?"
    My friend, can you not see that FISCAL conservatism alone can NEVER save (deliver) America from its ever rotting and cankered foundation? My friends DO NOT be deceived by the subtle voices of the false prophets of optimism and their delusional remedies and hope orchestrated by Lucifer’s and his angels of light (2 Cor. 4:3-4)! Even conservative voices that are outside of God’s saving grace fit this category (Matt 7:15-23). Beloved, be sure to see things objectively - outside of the box - from Almighty God’s position and then you will comprehend the realities of the day and hour in which we live in.

    How Fiscal Conservatism will lead to the Mark of the Beast

    As we have addressed, fiscal policies are NOT enough to save this nation and, as a matter of fact, it will be the prioritizing of this issue (Fiscal Conservatism) and the neglecting of core moral absolutes in the 2010 elections that will lead to the ruin of our nation and set the global stage for the coming dreadful Day of the Lord (1 Thess. 5:23, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Matt 24, Rev. 13)! Our nation was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. This is what has made this country so great! Our American heritage has been the chief power and restraining influence to hold back all aggression from the unbridled passions of men, the world’s tyrants, fascists, anti-Semites and all “wanna-be” oppressors of humanity.
    "Our nation was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. This is what has made this country so great!"
    Once America is removed from the world stage by collapse under the weight of its own decadent culture and society, the world’s restraining influence will be removed. A flood of oppression, tyranny, lawlessness and global anti- Semitism will introduce the Mark of the Beast as well as devour the whole world during the coming time of the Day of the Lord (Isa. 24, Matt 24, Rev. 13, Rev 6-19)! See Chart 1 - See Chart 2

    Today as we see the light dwindling out of America’s torch of freedom, may our hope NOT be found in vain man-made “solutions of the hour” and hollow promises like Fiscal Conservatism that can NEVER provide a remedy for the desperate needs and dire ills of humanity (Isa. 53:6, 64:6, Jer. 17:5-7, 9-10, John 3:16-17, Acts 4:12, Rom. 7:24-25, Gal. 1:4).

    May your attention be focused - as a laser - on Almighty God, His Word and His saving remedies which are ONLY found in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:30).

    Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior according to God’s Holy Word? My friend, may you be sure to know Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24), for ALL your eternal destiny is staked upon it.

    The Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    Edited by BEL I.F.

    The Gospel of John Challenge
    What is Sin?


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    Mon, Aug 16th - 10:29PM

    Who Are The 24 Elders of Revelation?

    Monday, August 16, 2010

    Who Are The 24 Elders of Revelation?

    One of the most misinterpreted passages found in the Holy Scripture relates to the question: “Who are the 24 Elders of Revelation?

    ”There are many different answers and voices from many so-called "Biblical and Christian scholars" seeking to interpret the identity of these “24 Elders” standing before Almighty God in the very Throne Room of Heaven, as described in the Book of Revelation. Many seek to spiritualize or allegorize who these beings are by inserting outside spiritual philosophies or dogmas to make their teachings fit into the context. My friend, this is not how one interprets key truths of God’s Holy Word.

    This audio study by GFP I.F. digs deep into the depths of Holy Scripture to mine - not undermine - golden nuggets of truth and precious promises found only in God’s Word. In seeking to put these wonderful truths together and into practice, it is helpful to remember that:"

    Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (1 Peter 1:20-21).

    God's Word provides the true interpretation, and as we let the Holy Spirit lead us, He will reveal to us wonderful truths and give us correct understanding.

    Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come (John 16:13).

    May your heart be blessed and encouraged by this insightful message of things that will soon come to pass in due course of prophetic events. Stay tuned to the heavenly frequency!

    The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    Edited by BEL I.F.

    Link to audio study - What of the 24?


    MBC - Thousands of Pages of Bible Studies and Helpful Materials for Studying God's Word.

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    Sat, Aug 14th - 4:31PM

    'Green' Islam?

    Friday, August 13, 2010

    'Green' Islam?

    On June 9, Prince Charles delivered a stunning speech at Oxford wherein he called for a Western pantheistic religious synthesis with Islam to help save the world from the impending environmental catastrophe looming on the apocalyptic horizon.

    Shockingly, Charles believes that Islam can play a critical role in bringing back ancient religious traditions that will promote a much-needed check on Western man's unbridled enthusiasm for capitalism, power and money, where science has been inappropriately exploited by commerce since the Industrial Revolution.

    Prince Charles presumes that such a course of action will return the Western world to a more reverent attitude toward nature. He thus concluded his speech by quoting an old saying from Islamic nomads -- "The best of all Mosques is Nature herself."

    "Shockingly, Charles believes that Islam can play a critical role in bringing back ancient religious traditions that will promote a much-needed check on Western man's unbridled enthusiasm for capitalism"

    Although the U.K.'s would-be king did briefly acknowledge the Bible and a few Christian authors, his lecture was far from a Christian one. Built on pagan foundations, pantheism stands in sharp contrast to Judeo-Christian theism precisely because the Bible unabashedly asserts that God is the transcendent creator of the universe. This means that God stands outside the universe. Pantheism, however, is the belief that God is everything. In pantheism, God is the universe, or nature itself. Pantheism is thus a form of nature worship where nature is worshiped as god, usually in the name of Mother Earth or "Gaia.".

    When Prince Charles referenced Genesis 1, he conveniently ignored the most salient point made in the chapter, i.e., that Adam was made in God's image. This made Adam and Eve the king and queen of the Earth.

    To add insult to injury, God then commands them to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the Earth. Such commands are an absolute anathema to the modern green movement as it constantly obsesses over human population growth and sustainable development. Even more troublesome is that after Adam and Eve fell into sin, they were subsequently banished from Eden. Harmony between man and nature is henceforth forbidden -- and this by the edict of God.

    "In other words, in the brave new world of sin, nature is sacrificed for man, not man for nature"

    In fact, the Lord purposefully cursed nature to frustrate and discipline man. Animal sacrifice is then introduced to cover their shameful nakedness in sin. This was a shocking lesson but one that also looked forward to the ultimate sacrifice of the Messiah on the cross, where an innocent substitute dies in the place of the worshiper.
    "The great problem here is that the last time the green movement became involved with a group as anti-Semitic as Islam was in Nazi Germany"

    In other words, in the brave new world of sin, nature is sacrificed for man, not man for nature. As a deep ecologist, it is not likely that Prince Charles is unaware of this biblical albatross, which is precisely why he went elsewhere -- to Islam, of all things. The great problem here is that the last time the green movement became involved with a group as anti-Semitic as Islam was in Nazi Germany.

    Nazism was, in fact, a green movement in some important, fundamental ways. By 1935, it was the greenest regime on the planet. Its god was a Western, pantheistic god of nature whose totalitarian will cannot be overcome, as many Jews, Christians, liberals, capitalists and communists falsely presume.
    "Nazism was, in fact, a green movement in some important, fundamental ways. By 1935, it was the greenest regime on the planet"

    Its anti-Semitic racism and love for biology were rooted in the Social Darwinian ecology of Ernst Haeckel. Its holistic nationalism and geopolitics were grounded in the environmental indigenous ideas of Goethe, Humboldt and Arndt. Its Germanic green socialism was derived from Riehl, the father of sustainable development and public forest lands. Its romantic SS "blood and soil" agrarian pipe dream was borrowed from the pantheistic nature-loving Monist League.

    .The Nazi love for animals was acquired from Arthur Schopenhauer, the anti-Semitic guru of environmental ethics and animal rights who blamed Genesis 1 and Judaism for what he calls the "odor of the Jews," i.e., animal cruelty.
    In fact, Hitler tried to bring to fruition Schopenhauer's assertion that the "Jewish view of the animals world must, on account of its immorality, be expelled from Europe."

    Nazism's wild, artistic romanticism was elicited from Richard Wagner, the famous opera composer who hated the Jews for commercializing art. Wagner was also a pupil of both Schopenhauer and Haeckel's anti-Semitic environmentalism. Hitler even attributed his vegetarianism to Wagner.

    Thus, eco-fascism is no metaphor. However, it is one thing to call someone an eco-Nazi using metaphors but quite another to discover that the Nazis had incorporated a green agenda into their political policy making as well.

    For obvious reasons, putting these two things together is exactly what modern environmentalists do not want. When such a label begins to match its history at some important junctures, it becomes much more explosive.

    And the bringing together of environmentalism with Islam only injects much more octane into an already highly volatile atmosphere.
    RMM I.F.
    The Gospel of John Challenge

    What is Sin?

    Green Social Pollution
    Mark Musser was a missionary to the former Soviet Union for 7 years. He is now a pastor. Mark is the author of two books – “Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrificial Offering of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust” and “Wrath or Rest: Saints in the Hands of Angry God.”
    This piece appeared in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on 7/18/10


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    Fri, Aug 6th - 6:04PM

    Lawlessness, Fascist Sodomy and the Shredding of the U.S. Constitution

    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Lawlessness, Fascist Sodomy and the Shredding of the U.S. Constitution

    Judge Vaughn Walker’s verdict on Proposition 8 this week - overturning the California referendum which upheld the traditional view of marriage between one man and one woman - was nothing more than an act of activist judicial tyranny amounting to a fascist takeover by the federal bench. Walker’s single act of base totalitarianism was a spit in the face to the 7 million voters in California, 300+ million Americans, our Founding Fathers and most of all Almighty God, the Creator and Designer of Heaven and earth. The Left are waging war on Almighty God and His nature and moral absolutes for man in time. Woe unto them!! Isaiah 5:20-24. This defiant act of insanity has left multitudes wondering how long till the end of the great American experiment and our Republic of America. .

    "Walker’s single act of base totalitarianism was a spit in the face to the 7 million voters in California, 300+ million Americans, our Founding Fathers and most of all Almighty God, the Creator and Designer of Heaven and earth."

    Individuals who think like Justice Walker live in a godless delusion and are fully given over to their base, unbridled passions and the full-bore promotion of them (Romans 1:32; Jude 1:7, 10). This includes the base heterosexual world also in America that is dominating our American culture today. These “judicial reprobates” are seeking to legalize and promote lawlessness in light of their own sexual deviance, base desires and unbridled passions. It is quite insane how these are trying to pass licentiousness off as lovely, normal and acceptable. With the help of the godless media and Hollywood, these have successfully marketed perversity and slandered the opposition to transform the landscape of America into a “red light district” and sexually deviant culture. Fifteen years ago who would have believed that the preservation of marriage would be the greatest fight for the heart and soul of our nation. No nation in history who has gone down this road has ever survived the espousal of such deviancy. What makes these lawless lefties and progressives think they are any different from their base predecessors?

    A Lawless View of the Constitution

    Today’s apostate American Left holds the position that our Founding Fathers’ original intent for the Constitution was to be an “evolving” or “living” document to be fitted and conformed to the hour and day in which Americans are living. America has devolved into a lawless, narcissistic, decadent, and immoral nation because of the ABANDONMENT of our Founding Fathers’ ideals. Therefore, the Left believes that the Constitution must also change due to the lawless and godless practices of many (including themselves), and the immoral decadence which prevails must be accommodated by calling it "normal" and "constitutional." It doesn't matter how many people you can get to agree that 2 + 2 = 5, it is still wrong no matter how many math scholars and college professors nod their assent. Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are always relevant and absolute, like it or not.

    "The Left believes that the Constitution must also change due to the lawless and godless practices of many (including themselves), and the immoral decadence which exists must be accommodated by calling it 'normal' and 'constitutional.' "

    My friends, nothing could be more damaging to a healthy society than holding this pluralistic and relative position. It is a damnable lie, and those who adhere to it will only reap the consequences of its poisonous fruit. Are we not as a nation beginning to reap a whirlwind (tornado) of calamities for abandoning our Founding Fathers’ timeless wisdom and accurate insights? The rhetorical answer is YES, we absolutely are.
    "Absolutes are absolutes. Truth is truth. Morality transcends the vain imaginations of godless man, and natural laws must always prevail as they are always relevant and absolute, like it or not."
    These Constitutional apostates interpret the Constitution from a subjective and secular worldview. They are driven by their unbridled passions and emotionally dominant reasoning which are contrary to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. These subjective practitioners of lawlessness – to which they are completely enslaved – are for the most part easily offended when their anti-natural law positions are called into question. Have you ever noticed how quickly liberals and progressives get "hot under the collar" when challenged on their anti-Constitutional perspectives and lawless positions? They become enraged, spiteful and vindictive toward any who point out to them the error of their way.

    "The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviance and the promotion of licentious behavior as ‘normal and natural.’ Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishing of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior?"

    At the root of their liberal, progressive ideology and fanatical adherence to the anti-natural law position is their stark rejection of Almighty God and His moral absolutes instilled at the dawn of creation (Gen. 1:1-31). The height of this abandonment is founded in their practice of sexual deviance and the promotion of licentious behavior as “normal and natural” (Jude 1:10). Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishing of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior? These seek to make such vices legal and socially acceptable by the marketing of them, and they demonize any who voice a sound, moral stance against them. From sodomy to pedophilia, from infidelity to abortion, from the redefining of marriage and family to the war against abstinence and sound moral teachings, to the removal of personal accountability and responsibilities of the father (and even seeking the elimination of fathers!), these are the advocates of deviancy and the destroyers of historic American culture and society.

    Judge Vaughn Walker fits this lawless, secular mold to a tee. Walker’s lawless perception and outright rejection of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, the Constitution and moral absolutes are aptly described in God’s Holy Word in Romans 1:18-32. These REFUSE to retain Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of everything, in their thoughts and thus are given over to a reprobate mind. Like Supreme Court Judges Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, Vaughn Walker is the perfect constitutional apostate to help achieve the total secularization of America. This goal involves spreading a base and lewd vision for society, eroding our traditional moral values and removing the necessary mechanisms for continuing American prosperity, freedoms and liberties. My friend, we are truly seeing the last days!.

    "Notice how the majority of their secular progressive positions are for the promotion and establishing of sexual deviance and the legalization of licentious behavior?"
    When a nation that was founded on the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God have given themselves over to the basest of all immoral ideals and then call it “normal,” we are truly done (Prov. 14:34). The writing is on the wall, folks and the fat lady is singing. This latest aggression by these Constitutional apostates is just the beginning of our nation’s acceptance of sodomy and a redefinition of marriage, and our tacit approval of a lawless agenda. Well does this godless agenda fit into the scheme of the god of this world (i.e., Lucifer), as he seeks to dumb down the world and our nation to prepare for his master lawless global fascist - the Anti- Christ (Eph 6:12, 2 Thess. 2:3, 10-12).

    May you find your hope and stability in these last days in Almighty God and His saving grace. For indeed… The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

    DJP I.F.

    Edited by BEL I.F.

    The Gospel of John Challenge
    What is Sin?

    Setting In The West and Rising In The East - The Glorious Gospel Message
    The Left - Lucifer’s Wrecking Ball

    The War on Christianity by the Militant Gay Movement - video


    Steven Bennet Ministries -

    I was Once Gay - By Steven Bennet - A POWERFUL testimony of God's saving grace and love!

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    Name: The Ignorant Fishermen
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    About Me: I've been saved for 17 years. I am excited about Almighty God and His great plan for all found in Jesus Christ. I currently have a blog..The Ignorant Fishermen which looks at current events and other topics from the position and eyes of God's Holy Wo... more

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