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    Brother Bob's Blog
          My blog will contain poetry God has inspired me to write plus some personal reflections!

    Tue, Jul 31st - 2:19PM


    Ah, marriage such wedded bliss.
    Sacred vows taken,
    Are sealed with a kiss.
    Soul joins soul,
    And heart joins heart.
    God has joined together,
    Let not man put apart.
    Each past is forgotten.
    Forsake all others.
    This even includes,
    Father and mother.

    Yes, young man,
    Cling to your wife.
    Love, honor, and cherish her,
    The rest of your life.
    Try not to speak and unkind word.
    Even though you're the "Head,"
    She needs to be heard.
    If at times discussions,
    Get sorta' heated,
    An "I'm sorry and I love you,"
    Are all that's needed.

    My dear young lady,
    Stand by your man.
    Love, honor, and obey.
    'Tis our God's plan.
    Neither partner should let foolish pride,
    Cause a schism,
    Sever, or divide.
    Consider one another,
    When making plans.
    Spend time together,
    As often as you can.
    Serve God together.
    It's the only way to live.
    Remember that marriage,
    Is take and give.

    Pray for each other right from the start
    . God instituted marriage. It's a matter of heart.
    Send her flowers on special days.
    Her face will light up at the sight of a bouquet.
    Give him a card with special lines,
    Of well written verses. His face will shine.

    Compliment each other. It's easy to do.
    She will love it and so will you.
    When children come and life gets busy.
    Sometime things get “in a tizzy.”
    Then, stand together and love will grow stronger.
    Pray harder and hold on a little longer.

    Tell your children that you love them so
    . Train up a child in the way he should go.
    Show them how to give Jesus their heart.
    When they get older, they will not depart.
    Soon the children will be “leavin' the nest."
    When they marry, wish them God's best.
    Grandchildren are great! Ask one who knows.
    Love for them just grows and grows.

    Never be too busy to hold his hand,
    And whisper "sweet nothing"' to your "special" man.
    Make her feel important, this woman called wife.
    Show her she's the only love in your life.
    Grow older together. Remember your duty.
    In sickness and health in frailty and beauty.

    Love is tender, considerate, and kind.
    It just grows stronger as each hill you climb.
    When it comes time for one of you to leave.
    To cross over "Jordan" the other will grieve.
    But, on fairer shores that loved one will wait,
    For the other to come and enter Heaven's gate.
    Then, hand in hand they will sweet Heaven view,
    And never, never, have to say adieu!

    Robert F. Dotson © 2007

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    Mon, Jul 9th - 12:31PM


    At the start of my day,

    I kneel and pray,

    Attempting God's favor to gain!

    For "I wouldn't have a prayer,"

    If I went out there,

    Without His protection in "the fast lane!"

    There aren't enough hours in a day to get my work done!

    Then, time flies "like a weaver's shuttle" when I'm havin' fun!

    But, it doesn't do any good to complain,

    Such is life in "the fast lane!'

    As soon as I pay my bills they're back again.

    It seems like they just keep rollin' in.

    Ah, but I'm not one to "raise Cain!"

    I just pay 'em and keep goin' in "the fast lane"

    They say when I was born I began to die!

    Life sure is short from "one's first cry."

    It's just like ridin' a runaway train.

    I guess that's why they call it "the fast lane!"

    There's a world full of folks runnin' to and fro!

    Sometimes I wonder where they all go.

    They're busy night and day, come sunshine or rain!

    Life's like a merry-go-round in "the fast Lane!"

    I guess it would be nice to move from town,

    And find a little place in the country and settle down!

    From hurryin' and scurryin' I would refrain!

    Ah, but I've become so accustomed to "the fast lane."

    Dear Lord, when it comes my time to go,

    I'll probably be in the fast lane movin' slow!

    I'll be grimacing from every ache and pain.

    So, I'll be glad to see You coming for me in "the fast lane!

    Robert F. Dotson © 2007

    Comment (3)

    Tue, Jul 3rd - 9:33AM


    The newspaper headlines read,


    They were people I never knew.

    Adequate words were hard to find.

    So, with a troubled mind,

    I whispered,

    “Lord, when will all the killing be through?”

    Oh God, please bring our soldiers back,

    From Afghanistan and Iraq,

    And other places,

    Where they are in harms way.

    Let brotherly love increase.

    Give us a lasting peace,

    And thus a brighter day

    Lord, I believe if we love our land,

    We must together bravely stand,

    Then, fall humbly upon our knees.

    And in Heaven You will hear,

    And lovingly draw near,

    To grant our humble pleas

    Robert F. Dobson © 2007

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    About Me

    Name: Bob Dotson
    ChristiansUnite ID: brobob1
    Member Since: 2007-04-12
    Location: Moraine, Ohio, United States
    Denomination: Holiness
    About Me: I am a born again Christian who loves God! I also love to write poetry and read! I am 68 years old. I am happily married for 47 years! I have 5 grandchildren!

    July 2007
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