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    Pam Saved's Blog
          My Thougts and Questions

    Mon, Mar 12th - 9:45AM

    As I listen to, watch and read the various media outlets, I stand in amazement of all the cults that are being formed almost on a daily basis

    I am further amazed that Gods children are acting out in fear because of this. We should not be afraid but rather should be endeavoring to share the truth with those God brings into our lives. If we take a stand for God, He thought the Holy Spirit will give us the testimony we need to share with each person.

    Sunday morning my husband and I saw a news clip on a organization called journey. I know where they got the idea of what they are doing, but they took only what they wanted to from the passage.

    At the wedding feast when the lord of the houses’ invited guest did not appear to sit at the table and eat, he sent runners (servants) out to invite others in. He told his servants to go out and into the highways and byways to invite them all in to eat with him. He DID NOT tell his servants to remain in the highways and byways but to bring the people in to him. So I therefore think the organization calling themselves ‘journey” needs to reevaluate their teaching and preaching and stop saying come on in and share a glass of beer or ale with us. Let’s play a game of pool or darts as Gods’ word is being taught. This is most definitely not of God, they will lead many to their doom with this type of teachings.

    We as Gods children need to began to be as out spoken as those who are following and teaching false doctrines.

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    About Me

    Name: Pam Saved
    ChristiansUnite ID: pam
    Member Since: 2005-09-30
    Location: Myrtle, Mississippi, United States
    Denomination: Baptist
    About Me: I am the wife of a Baptist minister. I enjoy talking long walks, reading my Bible. Helping the elderly around us.I enjoy sweet fellowship with fellow Christians. visit my churchs' web page at:/http://www.geocities.com/brokenandpam

    March 2007
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