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    Shots and Thoughts ll
          Welcome to my personal blog. God and family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog.

          If you would like to view or purchase my Fine Art Images and/or read my photo blog, please go to www.shekinahphotography.com

    Wed, May 16th - 8:40PM

    Mother's Day Reflections

                             I'M IN THE MIDDLE :)

    As a child, I think I always knew that Mother’s Day was a special day but I never really knew just how special until I became a mother myself. Being a stay-at-home mother is the most awesome job to be had by anyone, anytime, anywhere! Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love photography! However, nothing else in God’s beautiful creation can ever even come close to holding your newborn baby in your arms. The warmth, the cuddles, the nursing, the smell of baby shampoo. All of those precious firsts that I can't imagine having missed: holding a rattle, cooing, crawling, walking, using a spoon, riding a bike, reading, writing, using scissors, etc...

    Okay, so it wasn't all glamorous. There were also the runny noses, dirty diapers, skinned knees, doctor visits, administering medicines, being thrown up on. Skinned knees, deaths of beloved pets and family members, new neighborhoods, new churches, failures, hurt feelings. There were many times when I had doubts about my mothering. Was I a good mother? Was I teaching them all that they need to know? Was a good enough role model? Would my girls someday grow up and become the mature, Godly young women that I was praying for? Oh yes, there were days that I felt like giving up, and that was just the first twelve years.

    Now, as a homeschooling mother of two teenage daughters, we've entered a new era. Hormones, attitudes, depression, struggles, decisions, indecisions, and learning that life is about so much more than what we want, fill many of our moments. And, as their mother/teacher/friend I (alongside their wonderful father, of course, but more on that next month) have the awesome responsibility of helping and guiding them to grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are still times when I feel overwhelmed with my role, but God has never failed to give me His strength to do all things and to endure.

    In the midst of daily life there are many times that I see that glimmer of hope, the moments of maturity starting to show through. I see the beginnings of a woman starting to emerge, and I am humbled by the fact that the God of the universe has allowed me to produce and raise such beautiful young ladies. This Mother's Day, as my girls made lunch for me and my own precious mother (and their dad, of course) and gave me flowers they had picked out and transplanted themselves, I thanked God! I thanked Him for letting me be the one He blessed and entrusted with these two gifts. I thanked Him for my mother and how she raised me up in the Lord and I realized that Mother's Day is surely about thanking and honoring our mothers and being a mother, but for me it's also about daughters! Thank you, my sweet girls, for another wonderful Mother's Day! Thank you to my mother for all you've done and continue to do for me!  I love you all very much!


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    Wed, May 16th - 12:05PM

    Praise and Vacation Summary

    Today I have a praise!  I went to the eye Dr. yesterday and my degenerative cornneal disease (Fuch's Dystrophy-pronounced Fukes) is not progressing at this point!  There's been no change since my last visit.  Praise the Lord!

    We are now home from our three week vacation to sunny Southern California, where my hubby and I both grew up.  (I think we had a bit of shock going from the end of winter in Idaho to everything in bloom in CA-at least when we returned it was spring at home, too.)  Anyway, more than two thousand miles and 3,000 digital images later...we find ourselves back at home, safe and sound.  It seems no matter how wonderful your vacation, it's always so nice to come home.

    We married off my hubby's older brother while we were there, my hubby being the best man.  It was a nice outdoor wedding and the park grounds were beautiful!  Our daughters danced their traditional Irish Step Dancing at the reception and my nieces and sister in law danced Polynesian style and we gave the bride and groom each a lei made of 100 $1 dollar bills that we tediously folded by all of us and then strung by another family member.  Classical guitar was played during the ceremony by the bride's son.  The bride and groom and others did a little ballroom and swing dancing.  It was quite a multicultural affair.  It was wonderful!

    We did some sight-seeing.  It was weird to go to CA as a tourist and have people on the beach ask "Where are you folks from?"  And then telling them "Actually, we're from here but moved away 11 years ago and were here on vacation."  Met a few people who know folks in Idaho or that are thinking of moving here themselves.  

    We rode the Coaster to Seaport Village and went to Horton Plaza, both places we went on our honeymoon 18 years ago, when we still lived there.  I think the kids got tired of us pointing out places we frequented when we were dating and first married and apartments we lived in when they were born and shortly before.  

    We had a blast at the Wild Animal Park!  There were so many baby animals, being spring.  I'm overwhelmed thinking about rating, editing, processing, etc...all those pictures I took, but excited, too!  I know I got some great shots!  We went to the beach for the girls' spring school pictures.  I also have some of my oldest daughter doing her Irish Dance leaps on the beach, some with flash and some in silhouette with the sunset or remains of it behind her.

    Time with family and friends was the best of all, of course!  I have plenty of pictures of all of our loved ones that still reside in San Diego county.  From nieces' softball games to the wedding and everywhere in between.  I praise the Lord for a wonderful trip free of accident or incident, unlike our last trip there.  He is so good to us!

    You all have a great day and I will try to get some images ready for viewing on the web.  Oh, this will be a new experience as I will be doing them on my new Dell Inspiron laptop, which I'm hoping will help the whole process go faster since we upgraded everything specifically for photography. Smiley

    I realize this has been lengthy.  Thanks for bearing with me, those of you who are still reading.


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    Thu, May 10th - 2:26PM

    To blog...or not to blog?

    I will let you know right now, that I will not be a consistant blogger.  I may post several days in a row or not for weeks.  I have things in my life that are far more important & keep me quite busy.  I will post as often as I have the time or feel the need.  My job is to blog...or not to blog and yours is to read my blog...or not to read my blog. (smile)  For those of you who do read my blog, I pray you will see the character of God in my images of His creation!

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    About Me

    Name: Kathleen B
    ChristiansUnite ID: shutterbugmom
    Member Since: 2007-05-10
    Location: , Idaho, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I am the wife of a wonderful man for 19 years a homeschooling mother of two delightful daughters and a fine art photographer. I love scrapbooking, reading, rubber stamping, and photographing God's awesome creation and giving Him all the glory! Se... more

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