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    Shots and Thoughts ll
          Welcome to my personal blog. God and family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog.

          If you would like to view or purchase my Fine Art Images and/or read my photo blog, please go to www.shekinahphotography.com

    Thu, Nov 15th - 10:59AM


    "You Are My God"
    Because He is, I am.
    Because He died, I live.
    Because He loves, I am loved.
    Because He gives, I receive.

    For this, I exalt Him.
    For this, I am humbled.
    For this... I am thankful beyond measure!
    ~ by Kathleen~

    You Are My God

    I could go on and on with reasons to be thankful, but I decided to keep myself to few words this time, hoping to speak through only my image and poetry.
    BYW:The person in the photo with the outstretched arms is my oldest daughter.  Cheesy
    For more inspirational photos go to my website.

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    About Me

    Name: Kathleen B
    ChristiansUnite ID: shutterbugmom
    Member Since: 2007-05-10
    Location: , Idaho, United States
    Denomination: Southern Baptist
    About Me: I am the wife of a wonderful man for 19 years a homeschooling mother of two delightful daughters and a fine art photographer. I love scrapbooking, reading, rubber stamping, and photographing God's awesome creation and giving Him all the glory! Se... more

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