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    Talker's Chatter
    Author: TalkerCat
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/talkercat
    Taura Mobley's Blog
    Author: Taura Mobley
    Description: Today I have been Bless Jesus wake me up this moring with a mind to live for him. Jesus has loved me when I didn't love myself. He has been patience with me and it's time for me to his will. I believe God will give the strength to run this race. I know I will go through things that I may think is to heavy for me to handle but God know what is best for me.Thank you Jesus for my Joy, Peace and Happiness. Thank you
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/mobleytaura
    The Daily News And So Much More!
    Author: godsgurljeanie
    Description: My place to write: all the good, all the bad, and all the in between... Some devotionals, somethings out of the word, some stories and poems in which I have written. This could be called a Spirutual and Personal place ~smile~
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/godsgurljeanie44
    Author: Jhul
    Description: Romans 10:14-15
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/jhunnelle
    The Lion's Roar
    Author: Larry Thacker Jr.
    Description: Musings aboutGod, life, politics, and whatever else comes to mind.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/ariy
    The Lord's Treasure
    Author: Treasure
    Description: Sharing the love of the Lord with others! Through poetry,mini-devotionals,prayers,photography,recipes,ramblings of my thoughts on God.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/treasure
    The Tattoo Sanctuary
    Author: Tazpastor
    Description: A blog about all things spiritual...with a lot less religion and a whole lot more Jesus. It's time for the church to get off it's collective butt and get back to the things of God. Things like grace , mercy, peace, compassion, love and most of all reaching out to people with the Good News of Christ.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/tazpastor
    The UltraLife of Jomar Hilario
    Author: ultradust ultradust
    Description: Innocently using the internet in 2005 to succesfully promote enormous 5000+ people Christian concerts -in only 30 days -Jomar stumbled upon the formula that works to promote anything online. He has since used this knowledge to share to fellow pinoys in a live workshop in Manila, the Philippines and an online membership club. Fully endorsed by best selling authors Bo Sanchez and Larry Gamboa, Jomar has carved out a niche in dominating the internet for any business he consults with. This is an alternative look at Internet Marketing from the eyes of an Asian Concert Promoter. Completely giving no hype, the Filipino Internet Marketing Workshop Resource Speaker shares about how to use the dizzying number of Web 2.0 resources to your own benefit. Step by step with explanations. Jomar gives a three month free email course on how to use blogging for newbies or beginners then offers a membership club or membership site that teaches selling on the internet for events, real estate, ebooks and other businesses. Sometimes witty, full of stories and full of practical proven ways to earn money online. http://www.jomarhilario.com
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/ultradust
    The ups and downs of my christian walk
    Author: 9Silverpen
    Description: I come from a non christian background, and I found Jesus at the age of 30 as the True God through a long and painful process. But living in a non christian environment in a non christian country can sometimes cause much confusion, much uncertainities and much struggles. I have questioned God many times, doubted Him and sometimes even the motive of christians and their behaviours, I have missed God several times because I heard wrongly and I was disobedient. But I am determined to continue walking this journey to the end, to the destination until I will reach my goal of Heaven. I will not give up my faith in the Living God in spite of unanswered prayers, unanswered questions, uncertain future. Here in my blog, I will voice my thoughts openly, I will question some christian teachings. Any one can choose to read or ignore my writings. No one should take offend at what I write because it is only my thoughts and my questionings, my experiences.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/9silverpen
    Author: James Roberts
    Description: Try to walk the straight an narrow, with gods hand you will do fine.Some real neat mp3s and photos here.God Bless You All.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/theway

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