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    Description: GOD is my hope and shield, he is the joy of my salvation. Thou times get rough so my soul longs after the shepherd of the sheep.Good news good news Jesus is coming back again. He takes care of the weak and lowly in heart.Come come come to the wedding feast of the Lamb. Bring no money, bring no wine for I have made all things ready. My sons and daughters come into the parlor and let go of your heavy load. My love is divine and sweet as a rose. Sit beside me and my love will fill your hearts with cheer. I AM your GOD and KING the Almighty Savior who blesses everything. I love you with an everlasting love more than you'll ever know. My LORD my Savior and King,we come for refreshing,in you, our healer and Jehovah Jirah our Provider. Fill us LORD fill us,with renewed strength in you and help us LORD to love each other too.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/butterfly98
    rosygals Blog
    Author: rosygal
    Description: My blog is about finding my God once again. I thought he walked away from me, but it was I who walked away from him.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/rosygal
    Santhosam Ch.'s Blog
    Author: Santhosam Ch.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/heisimmanuel
    Scott Stewart's Blog
    Author: Scott Stewart
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/beamer123
    serloren's sometimes winsome wordiness v.2
    Author: serloren
    Description: For the time being this will remain blank - I've set up this account and am investigating using it as a back-up site for my regular blog at: http://serloren.blogspot.com, due to some posts having mysteriously "disappeared" that I think may b e politically correct censorship.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/serloren
    Servant Anew Blog
    Author: DottiAnn Blakemore
    Description: Doing the Work of Righteousness(see Isaiah 32:17)
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/servant48
    Sharon Maxwell's Mind?!
    Author: Sharon Maxwell
    Description: Humorous happenings from life's moments...My earthly father suggested that I learn to laugh. My Heavenly Father showed me how! "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance" (Proverbs 15:13, KJV).
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/sharon41
    Shots and Thoughts ll
    Author: shutterbugmom
    Description: Welcome to my personal blog. God and family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog. If you would like to view or purchase my Fine Art Images and/or read my photo blog, please go to www.shekinahphotography.com
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/shutterbugmom
    Smokey the Dog's Blog
    Author: Smokey the Dog
    Description: A collection of thoughts, images, and items of interst to Smokey the Dog
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/smokeythedog77
    Study To Show Yourself Approved
    Author: Linda Marie
    Description: These are my thoughts as I read through the Bible. In my search for Truth throughout my life, I have recieved one distinctive message from our Father and that is, "Follow ME." I'm not satisfied with just second-hand information concerning my Father...I want to know the Truth from HIM. That's why we have His Word, the Bible, so we can learn the truth from Him, one on one.
    URL: http://members.christiansunite.com/members/blog/lindz1751

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