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    Sun, Dec 31st - 7:41AM

    The weather is so miserable outside I have been posting pictures of my Summer garden last year to cheer myself up!




    The dawning of another year

    Its months they stretch ahead

    Into their weeks we cannot peer

    Just for us one day instead


    We stand here in its newborn hours

    With our hopes and dreams and fears

    Who can say what days are ours

    And whether filled with joy or tears


    But there is One who knows

    The measure of our lifetime span

    For time is fleeting and quickly goes

    And all a sudden our race is ran


    This year has dawned and by God’s grace

    Its passing days we will see

    Trusting Him whatever we face

    He will walk each day with you and me


    The Spring it speaks to us of birth

    And Summer of our youthful days

    When we are young and full of mirth

    And the sun it shines with golden rays


    The Autumn sees the shortened day

    When our lives like they are fading fast

    And who can bid Winter and death away

    When we are caught in their icy blast


    We welcome in this coming year

    Its length for us we do not know

    But if we have Jesus there is naught to fear

    Each day His blessing He will bestow


    Come to Him if you know Him not

    Call on Him for He is near

    Repent of sin and be blood bought

    And this will be for you a Happy New Year


    Colin Moffett



    Comment (8)

    Sat, Dec 30th - 11:10AM






    My Saviour died; He gave His all

    When I was young I heard His call

    His blood was spilled; I turned aside

    And plunged beneath the crimson tide


    And oh what wondrous uplifting joy

    He answered prayer; when just a boy

    His arms held open; welcoming wide

    And His love flowed over me like the ocean tide


    I sank below it oh so deep

    When joy and happiness over me did sweep

    When on the crest of a wave I did ride

    And my heart was as light as the foam topped tide


    But the winds came later and stirred the waves

    And I seemed to loose grip on the One who saves

    Drifting away from the Saviour’s side

    Tossed on the billows of the angry tide


    I called for help but none would hear

    They turned to me the deafened ear

    They walked away from the ocean wide

    And cared not I was sinking beneath the rolling tide


    I cried in my misery and despair

    Thinking not that my Saviour was always there

    And He reached His hand and did gently chide

    Did you think I would let you drown in the churning tide?


    I heard your cries but I had plans for you

    I know for me your heart is true

    I know your thoughts; nothing can you hide

    And I will calm for you now the restless tide


    And He rolled away the heartaches of the years

    And He dried my eyes and wiped away the tears

    And I know with assurance from deep inside

    He has answered prayer and set me on a turning tide


    Colin Moffett

    Comment (5)

    Fri, Dec 29th - 12:08PM

    A butterfly in my garden




    I have walked in memory’s lane

    Back to childhood days

    To the green grass of the meadow

    Where the water of a stream it plays

    And sings as it passes over

    The gravel bed of smoothened stone

    And on its grassy bank

    A young boy sits alone


    He hears the curlew calling

    And the cricket in the grass

    Views the colours of delicate wings

    As dancing butterflies pass

    The heat of the summer sun

    Would lull him off to dream

    But he has under stones to explore

    In the waters of the peaceful stream


    Then he dips his feet in its flowing

    And explores with his hands its bed

    To find the stickleback that hide there

    Are the thoughts that go through his head

    Armed with string tied jam pot

    The smile on his face is wide

    When he lowers it in the water

    And a little fish is coaxed inside


    The sheer delight in his laughter

    And the heart that is leaping with joy

    The pride of his great achievement

    Flows over the small fisher boy

    And his face seems to glow brighter

    Than the sun with its golden beam

    As the boy wades out in triumph

    From the waters of the peaceful stream


    A thought occurs as I reminisce

    On memories that are dear to me

    Of the voice of Jesus calling

    As He walked the shore of Galilee

    Come follow me; and His words were obeyed

    And still they echo to me as then

    If I obeyed their bidding

    He would make me a fisher of men


    I should wade life’s flowing water

    Leave none of its stones unturned

    To catch the soul of a sinner

    In the way a young boy once yearned

    As he give his heart to the task

    In the fulfilment of his dream

    To go home with the prize of his fishing

    From the waters of the peaceful stream


    Colin Moffett


    Thank you once again Lois for the title of this poem!


    Comment (9)

    Thu, Dec 28th - 3:55PM

    A view of the countryside a little distance from my home




    He is fairer than the lilies

    Of the green and pleasant field

    He is my Rock to lean on

    My defence and my shield

    He is the Rose of Sharon

    And His perfume fills the air

    He is my friend and Saviour

    And I am in His care


    He is the note of sweet music

    That is pleasant to the ear

    For He gives me a new song to sing

    That the angels in Heaven hear

    He is the One who refreshes

    Like the sparkling morning dew

    He is the lovely Jesus

    The One who is always true


    He is the Light that shines brighter

    That the sun of breaking dawn

    He is the wind that blows softly

    And bids the clouds be gone

    He reminds me of His promises

    When a rainbow arcs the sky

    And He bears me up on wings

    Like the eagle that flies on high


    Can an artist paint His beauty?

    Or a poet phrase it with word

    Can a singer really sing of His majesty?

    And the wonder of the Lord

    The breathtaking scenery of this world

    Is only a reflection I see

    Of the beauty of my Jesus

    Who is everything to me


    Colin Moffett

    Comment (8)

    Wed, Dec 27th - 11:31AM





    It sparkles at the breaking day

    The sun kissed dew of early morn

    Like countless jewels on display

    The grassy fields with beads adorn


    When darkness cloaks the closing day

    A myriad of stars shining bright

    Like sparkling diamonds in array

    Adorn the blackened sky of night


    People seek the wealth of earth

    In gold and silver and precious gem

    But death comes calling after birth

    What good will riches do for them?


    When in life they did not grasp

    The pearl of salvation bought at cost

    And offered free; but in a gasp

    Life is gone and souls are lost


    The King of Heaven will arise

    From throne of glory coming down

    Seeking His jewels bought at a price

    To set them in His golden crown


    Each one is a precious gem

    A redeemed soul by His spirit born

    The royal brow will wear a glorious diadem

    When once it wore a crown of thorn


    They will sparkle because of that day

    God’s Son paid for sin; when in scorn

    Cruel men led Him Calvary way

    His blood like dew sprinkled the grass in morn


    When darkness cloaked three hours of day

    A myriad of angels shining bright

    Gazed from Heaven in silent array

    At Jesus suffering under sky as night


    We will shine brighter than stars of sky

    Dewdrops of His blood washed sins away

    The royal Prince is coming in a twinkling of eye

    To gather His jewels some glorious day


    Colin Moffett


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    About Me

    Name: Colin Moffett
    ChristiansUnite ID: colin
    Member Since: 2006-09-27
    Location: Portglenone, United Kingdom
    Denomination: Christian
    About Me: I live in the beautiful country of N.Ireland near the little village of Portglenone. I have been married to my lovely wife Marlene for thirty years (she deserves a medal!) and I have two sons; Steven and Gregory. My main hobby is gardening and I like... more

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